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Posted to by Nate Woody <> on 2009/03/05 20:16:02 UTC

Hadoop on Demand

Apologies in advance if there is a more specific dev list for HOD.  I've
written interfaces so that HOD can be used on Moab (w/Torque or any
other resource manager) as well as SGE and would like to contribute
them, but writing those raised a larger problem.  At some point, daemons
must be started on all of the nodes assigned to the job, this task is
performed currently by pbsdsh, which is part of the Scheduler/torque
module.  However, this isn't generally the job of the resource manager
(parallel starting), and so it makes things a bit ugly.  The choice of
what method to use for parallel starting (could be anything from
mpiexec, pbsdsh, other dsh, ssh, sge scripts) should really be a
separate configurable option instead of dependant on the resource
manager choice.


However, before I started refactoring to move that functionality outside
of the Scheduler module, I wanted to check in to see if this is
something the HOD folks would be interested in and whether there is any
current work on this already going on that I don't know about.


