You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2014/02/14 18:24:35 UTC

svn commit: r1568367 [6/13] - in /jspwiki/trunk: ./ jspwiki-war/ jspwiki-war/src/main/config/wro/ jspwiki-war/src/main/java/org/apache/wiki/ jspwiki-war/src/main/scripts/dynamic-styles/ jspwiki-war/src/main/scripts/lib/ jspwiki-war/src/main/scripts/moo...

Added: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/scripts/wiki-edit/Wiki.Edit.js
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/scripts/wiki-edit/Wiki.Edit.js (added)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/scripts/wiki-edit/Wiki.Edit.js Fri Feb 14 17:24:32 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,2955 @@
+    JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+    distributed with this work for additional information
+    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+    specific language governing permissions and limitations
+    under the License.
+/*jslint forin: true, onevar: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, immed: true */
+Function: toISOString
+    Return the current date in ISO8601 format 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
+    (ref. EcmaScript 5)
+> alert( new Date().toISOString() ); // alerts 2009-05-21
+> alert( new Date().toISOString() ); // alerts 2009-05-21T16:06:05.000TZ
+    toISOString: function(){
+        var d = this,
+            dd = d.getDate(),
+            mm = d.getMonth()+1;
+        return d.getFullYear() + '-' + (mm<10 ?'0':'') + mm + '-' + (dd<10 ?'0':'') + dd;
+    }
+Class: WikiEdit
+    The WikiEdit class implements the JSPWiki's specific editor, with support
+    for JSPWIki's markup, suggestion popups, ajax based page preview, etc...
+    It uses an enhanced textarea based on the [SnipEditor] class.
+//Wiki.Edit = { ... }
+var WikiEdit = {
+    initialize: function(){
+        //ensure the main Wiki class is initialized. Seems not to be guaranteed on ie.
+        Wiki.initialize();
+        var txta = $('wikiText'),
+            self = this,
+            snipe,
+            config,
+            livepreviewFn = self.livepreview.bind(self),
+            orientationFn = self.orientation.bind(self),
+            configFn = self.config.bind(self),
+            //URL?section=0..n
+            section =[&?]section=(\d+)/),
+            prefs = Wiki.prefs;
+        if( txta ){
+            self.onbeforeunload( txta );
+            snipe = self.snipEditor = new SnipEditor(txta, {
+                container: txta.getParent('form'),
+                snippets: self.tabSnippets,
+                directsnips: self.directSnippets,
+                //buttons: ' .toolbar .cmd',
+                // section = 'all' or 0..n (section# - first section is 0)
+                sectionCursor: section ? section[1].toInt() : 'all',
+                sectionParser: (Wiki.Context =='edit') ? self.sectionParser : null,
+                // snippet events
+                onChange: livepreviewFn, //or periodical ??
+                onConfig: configFn,
+                onOrientation: orientationFn
+            });
+            //initconfig also triggers the change event, and run the first livepreview ?
+            self.initconfig( prefs );
+            //livepreviewFn('livepreview');  //periodical(3000);
+            orientationFn(); //initialization of the preview orientation
+            self.makeResizable( $('resize-handle'), $(snipe), $('previewarea'), prefs );
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: initconfig
+        Initialize the configuration checkboxes from the toolbar.
+        Set the checkbox according to the wiki-prefs (cookie)
+        and configure the snipEditor.
+    */
+    initconfig: function( prefs ){
+        var config = this.config, el;
+        ['tabcompletion','smartpairs','autosuggest','livepreview'].each( function(cmd){
+            if( el = $(cmd) ){
+                el.checked = !!prefs.get(cmd);
+                config( cmd );
+            }
+        })
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: config
+        Change the configuration of the snip-editor, and store it
+        in the wiki-prefs. (cookie)
+        The configuration is read from a DOM Checkbox element.
+        The name of the DOM checkboxes correponds with the cookie names,
+        and the cookienames corresponds with the snip-editor state attribute.
+        - invoked by initconfig, to initialize checkboxes with cookie values.
+        - invoked when the config cmd checkboxes are clicked (ref. snippet commands)
+    Argument:
+        cmd - which configuration command has been triggered / needs to be initialized.
+    */
+    config: function( cmd ){
+        //console.log("config "+cmd);
+        var el = $(cmd), snipEditor = this.snipEditor;
+        if( el ){
+            el = el.checked;
+            Wiki.prefs.set(cmd, el);
+            snipEditor.set(cmd, el);
+        }
+        snipEditor.fireEvent('change');
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: orientation
+        Change the orientation of the wiki editor textarea and preview area.
+        Uses oocss classes 'size1of1' or 'size1of2' to generate a vertical
+        or horizontal orientation.
+        Driven throught the cmd "tile-vertical" or "tile-horizontal".
+    Argument:
+        cmd : (optional) string 'tile-horizontal' or 'tile-vertical'
+    */
+    orientation: function( cmd ){
+        var cookie = 'orientation', //used to be 'previewlayout'
+            horizontal = 'tile-horizontal',
+            css = ['size1of2', 'size1of1'];
+        if( !cmd ){ cmd = Wiki.prefs.get(cookie) || horizontal; }
+        Wiki.prefs.set(cookie, cmd);
+        //console.log('config orientation '+cmd);
+        //orientation buttons have the .orientation css class
+        $$('.'+cookie).each( function(el){
+            el.ifClass( el.get('text') == cmd, 'disabled' );
+        });
+        //change actual orientation : swap oocss classes 'size1of1' or 'size1of2'
+        if( cmd == horizontal ){ css = css.reverse(); }
+        $(this.snipEditor).getElements("! ."+css[0]).swapClass(css[0],css[1]);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: onbeforeunload
+        Install an onbeforeunload handler, which is called ''before'' the page unloads.
+        The user gets a warning in case the textarea was changed, without saving.
+        The onbeforeunload handler is automatically removed on regular exit of the page.
+    */
+    onbeforeunload: function(txta){
+        window.onbeforeunload = function(){
+            if( txta.value != txta.defaultValue ){ return "edit.areyousure".localize(); }
+        };
+        txta.getParent('form').addEvent('submit', function(){
+            window.onbeforeunload = null;
+        });
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: makeResizable
+        Activate the resize handle.
+        While dragging the textarea, also update the size of the
+        preview area. Store the new height in the 'EditorSize' prefs cookie.
+    Arguments:
+        resizeHandle - draggable resize handle (DOM element)
+        txta - resizable textarea (DOM element)
+        preview - preview (DOM element)
+        prefs - wiki user preferences (Hash.Cookie)
+    */
+    makeResizable: function(resizeHandle, txta, preview, prefs){
+        var cookie = 'Editorcookie',
+            height = 'height',
+            size = prefs.get(cookie),
+            y;
+        if( resizeHandle ){
+            if( size ){    $$(txta, preview).setStyle(height, size); }
+            txta.makeResizable({
+                handle: resizeHandle,
+                modifiers: { x:null },
+                onDrag: function(){
+                    y =;
+                    preview.setStyle(height, y);
+                    prefs.set(cookie, y);
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: directSnippets
+        DirectSnippet definitions for JSPWiki, aka ''smartpairs''.
+        These snippets are directly expanded on keypress.
+    */
+    directSnippets: {
+        '"' : '"',
+        '(' : ')',
+        '[' : ']',
+        '{' : '}',
+        '%%' : ' /%',
+        "'" : {
+            snippet:"'",
+            scope:{
+                "[{":"}]"  //plugin parameters
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    FIXME
+    Function: autoCorrect
+        These snippets are directly expanded on keypress.
+        - single chars, are extended with the auto-correct snippet
+        - multi chars, are replaced by the auto-correct snippet
+    */
+    autoCorrect: {
+        "(" : ")",
+        '[' : ']',
+        '{' : '}',
+        '%%' : '%% /%',
+        "teh":"the",
+        "Teh":"The",
+        "(c)":"&copy;",
+        "(tm)":"&trademark;"
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: tabSnippets
+        Definitions for the JSPWiki editor commands.
+        Some commands are predefined by the snipe editor:
+        - find : toggles the find and replace dialog
+        - sections : toggle sections dropdown dialog, which allows to switch
+            between certain sections of the document or the whole document
+        - undo : undo last command, set the editor to the previous stable state
+        - redo : revert last undo command
+        A command consists of triggers, attributes, snippets, events and dialogs.
+        Triggers : click events, suggestion dialogs, TAB-completion and Ctrl-keys.
+        Click events are attached to DOM elements with a .cmd css-class.
+        If the DOM elements also contains a .pop css-class, a dialog will be opened.
+        TAB-completion can be turned on/off via the 'tabcompletion' flag.
+        The 'keyup' event can trigger a suggestion dialog:
+        - the suggest(txta,caret) function validates the suggestion context
+          It returns true/false and can modify the snippet with
+             - snip.start : begin offset of the matched prefix
+             - snip.match : matched prefix (string)
+             - snip.tail: (optional) replaceable tail
+        Attributes:
+        - initialize: function(cmd, snip) called once at initialization of snipe
+        - key: shortcut key  (ctrl-key)
+        - scope: set to TRUE when the cmd is valid
+        - nscope: set to TRUE when the cmd is not valid
+        - cmdId: wysiwyg mode only (commandIdentifier)
+        Snippet:
+        The snippet contains the inserted or replaced text.
+        - static snippet: "some string"
+        - snippet with parameters in {} brackets: "some {dialog1} string"
+          A {.} will be replaced by the selected text.
+          A {dialog1} opens a dialog, and inserts the caputered info.
+        - dynamic snippet: javascript function.
+          Example:
+              snippet: function(){
+                  this.dialogs.exec( dialog-name, ...
+                      onChange: function(value){  }
+                  )
+              }
+        Event:
+        Fires an event back to the invoking Object (WikiEdit in this case)
+          Example:
+            smartpairs: { event: 'config' }
+        Dialogs:
+        Note: use unique names across all snippets
+        - <dialog-name>: [ AnyDialogClass, {dialog-parameters, event-handlers} ]
+        - <dialog-name>: "dialog initialization string"
+          This is a short-cut for [Selection, "dialog initialization string"]
+        The Dialog Classes are subclass of Dialog. (eg. Dialog.Selection)
+    Examples:
+     acl: {
+         nscope: { "[{" : "}]" },
+         snippet: "[\\{ ALLOW {permission} {principal(s)}  }]"
+        permission: "view|edit|delete",
+         "principals(s)": [Dialog.Selection, {
+                 onOpen: function(){ this.setBody( AJAX-retrieval of suggestions )   }
+         ]
+     }
+     link: {
+         suggest: function(){
+             //match [, but not [[ or [{
+             //defines .start, .selection, .trail ??
+         }
+         snippet: "{wikiLink}",
+         //or snippet: function(){ this.dialogs.exec('wikiLink'); },
+         wikiLink: [Dialog.Link, {
+            onOpen: function(){
+                AJAX-retrieval of suggestions
+            }
+         }]
+     }
+     color: {
+        nscope: {"%%(":")"},
+        action: "%%(color:#000000; background:#ffffff;) {.} \%",
+     }
+     colorsuggestion: {
+        scope: {"%%(":")"},
+        suggest: function(){
+            //match #cccccc
+        }
+        snippet: "{color}",
+        color: [ dialog.Color, {
+            //parms
+        }]
+     }
+    */
+    tabSnippets: {
+        find: {
+            key: "f"
+            //predefined find dialog triggered via Ctrl-f or a toolbar 'find' button
+        },
+        //sections:
+        //predefined section dialog triggered via a toolbar 'sections' button
+        //add shortcut key ??
+        //TODO: embed it into the LINK dialog
+        undo: {
+            //event: "undo", //predefined snipe event
+            action: function(){ this.undoredo.onUndo(); },
+            key: "z"
+        },
+        redo: {
+            //event: "redo", //predefined snipe event
+            action: function(){ this.undoredo.onRedo(); },
+            key: "y"
+        },
+        smartpairs: { event: 'config' },
+        livepreview: { event: 'config' },
+        autosuggest: { event: 'config' },
+        tabcompletion: { event: 'config' },
+        'tile-vertical': { event: 'orientation' },
+        'tile-horizontal': { event: 'orientation' },
+        br: {
+            key: "shift+Enter",
+            snippet: "\\\\\n"
+        },
+        hr: "\n----\n",
+        h1: "\n!!!{Heading 1 title}\n",
+        h2: "\n!!{Heading 2 title}\n",
+        h3: "\n!{Heading 3 title}\n",
+        h: {
+            suggest: function(txta,caret){
+                var c,result=txta.slice(0,caret.start).match( /(?:^|[\n\r])(!{1,3}[^\n\r]*)$/ );
+                if( result ){
+                    c = result[1];
+                    result = {
+                        start: caret.start - c.length,
+                        match: c + txta.slice(caret.start).match( /[^\n\r]*/ )||''  //entire line
+                    };
+                }
+                return result;
+            },
+            h: [Dialog.Selection, {
+                onOpen: function(){
+                    var value = (this.getValue().replace(/^!+\s?/,'')||'Title'), //remove !markup
+                        val = value.trim().trunc(20),
+                        k = ['!!! '+value,'!! '+value,'! '+value],
+                        v = ['<h2>'+val+'</h2>','<h3>'+val+'</h3>','<h4>'+val+'</h4>'];
+                    this.setBody( v.associate( k ) );
+                }
+            }]
+        },
+        font: {
+            nScope: {
+                "%%(":")",
+                "font-family:":";"
+            },
+            /*
+            suggest: function(txta,caret){
+                //match /%%(:?.*)font-family:([^;\)]+)/
+            },*/
+            snippet: "%%(font-family:{font};) {.}/% ",
+            font: [Dialog.Font, {}]
+        },
+        color: {
+            nscope: { '%%(': ')' },
+            snippet: "%%(color:{#000000}; background:{#ffffff};) {.} ",
+            suggest: function(txta, caret){
+                //match "#cccccc;" pattern
+                var c,d, result = txta.slice(0,caret.end).match( /#[0-9a-f]{0,6}$/i );
+                if( result ){
+                    c = result[0];
+                    d = txta.slice( caret.end ).match( /^[0-9a-f]+/i )||'';
+                    result = {
+                        start: caret.end - c.length, //position of # char
+                        match: (c+d).slice(0,7)
+                    };
+                }
+                return result;
+            },
+            color: [ Dialog.Color, {
+                colorImage:'./test-dialog-assets/circle-256.png'
+            }]
+         },
+        symbol: { synonym:"chars" },
+        chars: {
+            nScope: { "%%(":")" },
+            snippet: "{&entity;}",
+            suggest: function(txta, caret){
+                //match &xxx;
+                var c,result = txta.slice(0,caret.end).match( /&[\da-zA-Z]*;?$/ );
+                if( result ){
+                    c = result[0];
+                    result = {
+                        start: caret.end - c.length,
+                        match: c,
+                        tail: txta.slice( caret.end ).match( /^[\da-zA-Z]*;?/ )||''
+                    }
+                }
+                return result;
+            },
+            chars: [Dialog.Chars, {caption:"Special Chars".localize()}]
+        },
+        style: { synonym:"css"},
+        css: {
+            nScope: { "%%(":")" },
+            snippet: "%%{css} {.} /% ",
+            suggest: function(txta, caret){
+                //match %%(.w+)
+                var c, result = txta.slice(0,caret.end).match(/%%[\da-zA-Z(:#;)]*$/);
+                if(result){
+                    c = result[0].slice(2); //drop the %% prefix
+                    result = {
+                        start: caret.end - c.length,
+                        match: c + txta.slice( caret.end ).match( /^[\da-zA-Z(:#;)]*/ )||''
+                    };
+                }
+                return result;
+            },
+            css: {
+                "(css:value;)":"any css definitions",
+                information:"information",
+                warning:"warning",
+                error:"error",
+                commentbox:"commentbox",
+                quote:"quoted paragraph",
+                sub:"sub-script<span class='sub'>2</span>",
+                sup:"super-script<span class='sup'>2</span>",
+                strike:"<span class='strike'>strikethrough</span>",
+                xflow:"wide content with scroll bars"
+            }
+        },
+        //simple tab completion commands
+        sub: "%%sub {subscript text}/% ",
+        sup: "%%sup {superscript text}/% ",
+        strike: "%%strike {strikethrough text}/% ",
+        xflow: "\n%%xflow\n{wide content}\n/%\n ",
+        quote: "\n%%quote \n{quoted text}\n/%\n",
+        dl: "\n;{term}:{definition-text} ",
+        pre: "\n\\{\\{\\{\n{some preformatted block}\n}}}\n",
+        code: "\n%%prettify \n\\{\\{\\{\n{/* some code block */}\n}}}\n/%\n",
+        mono: "\\{\\{{monospaced text}}} ",
+        link: {
+            key:'l',
+            commandIdentifier:'createlink',
+            suggest: function(txta, caret){
+                //match [link] or [link,  do not match [{, [[
+                //match '[' + 'any char except \n, [, { or ]' at end of the string
+                var result = txta.getFromStart().match( /\[([^\[\{\]\n\r]*)$/ ),
+                    link;
+                if( result ){
+                    link = result[1].split('|').getLast(); //exclude "text|" prefix
+                    result = {
+                        start: caret.start - link.length ,
+                        //if no input yet, then get list attachments of this wikipage
+                        match: link,
+                        tail: txta.slice( caret.start ).search( /[\n\r\]]/ )
+                    };
+                }
+                return result;
+            },
+            //snippet: "[{display text}|{pagename or url}|{attributes}] ",
+            snippet: "[{link}] ",
+            //attributes: "accesskey='X'|title='description'|target='_blank'
+            //    'accesskey', 'charset', 'class', 'hreflang', 'id', 'lang', 'dir',
+            //  'rel', 'rev', 'style', 'tabindex', 'target', 'title', 'type'
+            //    display-text
+            //    wiki-page or url -- allow to validate the url ; preview the page/url
+            //    title: descriptive text
+            //- target: _blank --new-- window yes or no
+            //link: [ Dialog.Link, { ...
+            link: [ Dialog.Selection, {
+                onOpen: function(dialog){
+                    var dialog = this, key = dialog.getValue();
+                    if(key=='') key = Wiki.PageName + '/';
+                    console.log('json lookup for '+key);
+                    //Wiki.jsonrpc('search.getSuggestions', [key,30], function(result,exception){
+                    //offline testing:
+                    var exception, result = {list:['AJAX1', 'AJAX1111', 'AJAWZZZ', 'result very longerlongerlongerlonger 3', 'results moremore']};
+                    if( result.list && result.list.length /*length!=0*/ ){
+                        dialog.setBody( result.list );
+                    } else {
+                        dialog.hide(); //ie. fireEvent onClose on the dialog
+                    }
+                    //}); //end of json callback
+                }
+            }]
+        },
+        bold: {
+            key:'b',
+            snippet:"__{bold text}__ "
+        },
+        italic: {
+            key:'i',
+            snippet: "''{italic text}'' "
+        },
+        allow: { synonym: "acl" },
+        acl: {
+            snippet: "\n[\\{ALLOW {permission} {principal(,principal)} \\}]\n",
+            permission: "view|edit|modify|comment|rename|upload|delete",
+            //permission:[Dialog.Selection, {body:"view|edit|modify|comment|rename|upload|delete"}]
+            "principal(,principal)": function(){
+                return "Anonymous|Asserted|Authenticated|All";
+                //FIXME: retrieve list of available wiki user groups through ajax call
+            }
+        },
+        img: {
+            snippet:"\n[\\{Image src='{img.jpg}' width='{400px}' height='{300px}' align='{text-align}' style='{css-style}' class='{css-class}' }]\n ",
+            'text-align':'left|center|right'
+        },
+        plugin: {
+            snippet: "\n[\\{{plugin}}]\n",
+            suggest: function(txta, xcaret){
+                //match [{
+            },
+            plugin: {
+                "Set a page variable":"SET name='value'",
+                "Get a page variable":"$varname",
+                "Test a page variable":"If name='value' page='pagename' exists='true' contains='regexp'\n\nbody\n",
+                "Insert Page":"InsertPage page='pagename'",
+                "Table Of Contents [toc]":"TableOfContents",
+                "Make a Page Alias":"SET alias='{pagename}'",
+                "Current Time":"CurrentTimePlugin format='yyyy mmm-dd'",
+                "Incoming Links":"ReferredPagesPlugin page='pagename' type='local|external|attachment' depth='1..8' include='regexp' exclude='regexp'",
+                "Outgoing Links":"ReferringPagesPlugin page='pagename' separator=',' include='regexp' exclude='regexp'",
+                "Search":"Search query='Janne' max='10'",
+                "Display weblog posts":"WeblogPlugin page='pagename' startDate='300604' days='30' maxEntries='30' allowComments='false'",
+                "New weblog entry":"WeblogEntryPlugin"
+            }
+        },
+        tab: {
+            nScope: {
+                "%%(":")",
+                "%%tabbedSection":"/%"
+            },
+            snippet:"%%tabbedSection \n%%tab-{tabTitle1}\n{tab content 1}\n/%\n%%tab-{tabTitle2}\n{tab content 2}\n/%\n/%\n "
+        },
+        alias: {
+            nScope: { "[{":"}]" },
+            snippet:"\n[\\{SET alias='{pagename}' }]\n"
+        },
+        toc: {
+            nScope: { "[{":"}]" },
+            snippet:"\n[\\{TableOfContents }]\n"
+        },
+        table: "\n||heading-1||heading-2\n| cell11   | cell12\n| cell21   | cell22\n",
+        me: { alias: 'sign'},
+        sign: function(){
+            var name = Wiki.UserName || 'UserName';
+            return "\\\\--" + name + ", "+ new Date().toISOString() + "\n";
+        },
+        date: function(k) {
+            return new Date().toISOString()+' ';
+            //return "[{Date value='" + d.toISOString() + "' }]"
+            //return "[{Date " + d.toISOString() + " }]"
+        },
+        abra: {
+            suggest:"abra",
+            snippet:"cadabra"
+        },
+        abrar: {
+            suggest:"abrar",
+            snippet:"acurix"
+        },
+        lorem: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n",
+        Lorem: { synonym: "lorem" }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: sectionParser
+        Convert a jspwiki-markup page to an array of page sections.
+        Sections are marked with a JSPWiki header line. ( !, !! !!! )
+        This function is a callback function for the [SnipEditor].
+        It is called by [snipeditor.buildToc] every time the textarea of the
+        snipeditor is being changed.
+    Returns:
+        This function returns a array of objects [{title, start, depth}]
+        title - (string) plain title of the section (no wiki markup)
+        start - (number) offset within the text string where this section starts
+        depth - (number) nesting level of the section 0,1...n
+    */
+    sectionParser: function( text ){
+        var result = [],
+            DELIM = '\u00a4',
+            tt = text
+                // mask any header markup inside a {{{ ... }}} but keep length of the text unchanged!
+                .replace(/\{\{\{([\s\S]*?)\}\}\}/g, function(match){
+                    return match.replace( /^!/mg, ' ' );
+                })
+                // break string up into array of headers and section-bodies :
+                // [0] : text prior to the first header
+                // [1,odd] : header markup !, !! or !!!
+                // [2,even] : remainder of the section, starting with header title
+                .replace( /^([!]{1,3})/mg, DELIM+"$1"+DELIM )
+                .split(DELIM),
+            pos = tt.shift().length,  //get length of the first element, prior to first section
+            count = tt.length,
+            i, hlen, title;
+        for( i=0; i<count; i=i+2 ){
+            hlen = tt[i].length;
+            //take first line
+            title = tt[i+1].split(/[\r\n]/)[0]
+                //remove unescaped(~) inline wiki markup __,'',{{,}}, %%(*), /%
+                .replace(/(^|[^~])(__|''|\{\{|\}\}|%%\([^\)]+\)|%%\S+\s|%%\([^\)]+\)|\/%)/g,'$1')
+                //and remove wiki-markup escape chars ~
+                .replace(/~([^~])/g, '$1');
+            //depth: convert length of header markup (!!!,!!,!) into #depth-level:  3,2,1 => 0,1,2
+            result.push({ title:title, start:pos, depth:3-hlen });
+            pos += hlen + tt[i+1].length;
+        }
+        return result;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: livepreview
+        Linked as onChange handler to the SnipEditor.
+        Make AJAX call to the backend to convert the contents of the textarea
+        (wiki markup) to HTML.
+        FIXME: should work bothways. wysiwyg <-> wikimarkup
+    */
+    livepreview: function(){
+        var self = this,
+            page = Wiki.PageName,
+            text = $(self.snipEditor).value,
+            preview = $('previewarea'),
+            loading = preview.getPrevious(); //loading... block
+        if( !$('livepreview').checked ){
+            //clean preview area
+            if( self.previewcache ){
+                preview.empty();
+                self.previewcache = null;
+            }
+        } else if( self.previewcache != text.length ){
+            self.previewcache = text.length;
+            return preview.set('html',preview.get('html')+' Lorem ipsum'); //test code
+            new Request.HTML({
+                url: Wiki.BaseUrl + "Edit.action?ajaxPreview&page=" + page,
+                data: 'wikiText=' + encodeURIComponent( text ),
+                update: preview,
+                onRequest: function(){; },
+                onComplete: function(){ loading.hide(); Wiki.renderPage(preview, page); }
+            }).send();
+        }
+    }
+Global: load/domready
+    Initialize the WikiEdit class on page load.
+window.addEvent('domready', function(){ WikiEdit.initialize(); } );
+Class: SnipEditor
+    The SnipEditor class enriches a TEXTAREA object with capabilities such as
+    section editing, tab-autocompletion, auto-indentation,
+    smart typing pairs, suggestion popups, toolbars, undo and redo functionality,
+    find & replace etc.
+    The snip-editor can be configured with a set of snippet commands.
+    See [getSnippet] for more info on how to define snippets.
+    The SnipEditor was inspired by postEditor (by Daniel Mota aka IceBeat,
+ ) and ''textMate'' (
+    It has been written to fit as wiki markup editor for the JSPWIKI project.
+    Dirk Frederickx, Oct-Dec 2008 - Dec 2010
+    el - textarea element
+    options - optional, see below
+    tab - (string) number of spaces used to insert/remove a tab in the textarea;
+        default is 4
+    snippets - (snippet-object) set of snippets, which will be expanded when
+        clicking a button or pressing the TAB key. See [getSnippet], [tabSnippet]
+    tabcompletion - (boolean, default false) when set to true,
+        the tabSnippet keywords will be expanded
+        when pressing the TAB key.  See also [tabSnippet]
+    directsnips - (snippet-object) set of snippets which are directly expanded
+        on key-down. See [getSnippet], [directSnippet]
+    smartpairs - (boolean, default false) when set to true,
+        the direct snip (aka smart pairs) will be expanded on keypress.
+        See also [directSnippet]
+    suggestsnips - (snippet-object) set of snippets which are triggered at
+        key-up or mouse click events. Typically suggestsnips are used to generate
+        help dialog popups.
+    buttons - (array of Elements), each button elemnet will bind its click-event
+        with [onButtonClick}. When the click event fires, the {{rel}} attribute
+        or the text of the element will be used as snippet keyword.
+        See also [tabSnippet].
+    dialogs - set of dialogs, consisting of either a Dialog object,
+        or a set of {dialog-options} for the predefined
+        dialogs suchs as Font, Color and Special.
+        See property [initializeDialogs] and [openDialog]
+    findForm - (object) list of form-controls. See [onFindAndReplace] handler.
+    next - (Element), when pressing Shift-Enter, the textarea will ''blur'' and
+        this ''next'' element will ge the focus.
+        This compensates the overwritting default TAB handling of the browser.
+    onresize - (function, optional), when present, a textarea resize bar
+        with css class {{resize-bar}} is added after the textarea,
+        allowing to resize the heigth of the textarea.
+        This onresize callback function is called whenever
+        the height of the textarea is changed.
+    [Textarea]
+    [UndoRedo]
+    [SnipEditor.Tools]
+    (start code)
+    <script>
+    new SnipEditor( "mainTextarea", {
+        snippets: { bold:"**{bold text}**", italic:"''{italic text}''" },
+        tabcompletion:true,
+        directsnips: { '(':')', '[' : ']' },
+        buttons: $$('a.tool'),
+        next:'nextInputField'
+    });
+    </script>
+    (end)
+var SnipEditor = new Class({
+    Implements: [Options, Events],
+    Binds: ['sync','parseSections','updateSection','shortcut','keystroke','suggest'],
+    options: {
+        tab: "    ", //default tab = 4 spaces
+        //autosuggest:false, //todo
+        //tabcompletion:false,
+        //autocompletion:false,  => smartpairs
+        //autocorrect:false  => todo
+        snippets: {},
+        directsnips: {}, //smartpairs
+        //container: null,   //DOM element, container for .cmd elements (eg toolbar buttons)
+        sectionCursor: 'all',
+        sectionParser: function(){ return {}; }
+    },
+    initialize: function(el, options){
+        options = this.setOptions(options).options;
+        var self = this,
+            /*
+            The textarea is cloned into a main and work area.
+            The workarea is visible and used for the actual editing.
+            It contains the full document or a particular section.
+            The mainarea is hidden and always contains the full document.
+            On submit, the mainarea is send back to the server.
+            */
+            main = self.mainarea = $(el),
+            work = main.clone().erase('name') //.clone(true,false), dont copy ID and name
+                .inject( main.hide(), 'before' ),
+            // Augment the textarea element with some extra capabilities
+            // Make sure the content of Main is always in sync with work
+            textarea = self.textarea = new Textarea( work );
+        self.undoredo = new UndoRedo( self, {undo:'.tUNDO', redo:'.tREDO'} );
+        //The Commands class processes all commands
+        //   entered via tab-completion, button clicks, dialog or suggestion dialog
+        //   Valid commands are given back to the SnipEditor via the onAction event.
+        self.commands = new SnipEditor.Commands({
+            container: options.container,
+            //textarea: textarea,
+            onOpen: function(/*cmd, eventHdl*/){ work.focus(); },
+            onClose: function(){ work.focus(); },
+            onAction: function(cmd){ self.action(cmd, Array.slice(arguments,1) ); },
+            //add predefined dialogs, which are closely linked with the internals of the snipeditor
+            dialogs: {
+                find: [Dialog.Find,{
+                    dialog: options.container.getElement('.find'),
+                    data: {
+                        //feed the find dialog with searchable content: selection or all
+                        get: function(){
+                            var s = textarea.getSelection();
+                            return (s=='') ? work.value : s;
+                        },
+                        set: function(v){
+                            var s = textarea.getSelectionRange();
+                            self.undoredo.onChange();
+                            s.thin ? work.value = v : textarea.setSelection(v);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }],
+                sections : new SnipEditor.Sections({
+                    main: main,
+                    work: work,
+                    selected: options.sectionCursor,
+                    parser: options.sectionParser
+                })
+            }
+        });
+        self.initSnippets( options.snippets );
+        self.clearContext();
+        work.addEvents({
+            keydown: self.keystroke,
+            keypress: self.keystroke,
+            //fixme: any click outside the suggestion block should clear the active snip -- blur ?
+            //blur: self.clearContext.bind(self), //(and hide any open dialogs)
+            keyup: self.suggest,
+            click: self.suggest
+        });
+        //catch shortcut keys when focus on toolbar or textarea
+        options.container.addEvent( 'keypress', self.shortcut);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: initSnippets
+        Initialize the snippets and collect all shortcut keys and suggestion snips
+    */
+    initSnippets: function( snips ){
+        var self = this, cmd, snip, key,
+            dialogs={};
+        self.keys = {};
+        self.suggestions = {};
+        for( cmd in snips ){
+            snip = snips[cmd];
+            if( typeOf(snip)=='string' ){ snip = {snippet:snip}; }
+            //snip.cmd = cmd;  NOK -- snip.cmd is the default suggestion dialog definition !!
+            Function.from( snip.initialize )(cmd, snip);
+            key = snip.key;
+            if( key ){ self.keys[key] = cmd; }
+            if( typeOf(snip.suggest)=='function' ){ self.suggestions[cmd] = snip; }
+            //check for default snip dialogs --EG:  find:{find:[Dialog.Find,{options}] }
+            if( snip[cmd] ){ dialogs[cmd] = snip[cmd]; }
+        }
+        self.commands.addDialogs(dialogs, self.textarea);
+        //console.log(self.commands.dlgs);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: toElement
+        Retrieve textarea DOM element;
+    Example:
+    >    var snipe = new SnipEditor('textarea-element');
+    >    $('textarea-element') == snipe.toElement();
+    >    $('textarea-element') == $(snipe);
+    */
+    toElement: function(){
+        return $(this.textarea);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: get
+        Retrieve some of the public properties of the snip-editor.
+    Arguments:
+        item - textarea|snippets|tabcompletion|directsnips|smartpairs|suggestsnips
+    */
+    get: function(item){
+        return( /textarea|snippets|tabcompletion|directsnips|smartpairs/.test(item) ? this[item] : null );
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: set
+        Set/Reset some of the public options of the snip-editor.
+    Arguments:
+        item - snippets|tabcompletion|directsnips|smartpairs|suggestsnips
+        value - new value
+    Returns
+        this SnipEditor object
+    */
+    set: function(item, value){
+        if( /tabsnip|tabcompletion|directsnips|smartpairs/.test(item) ){
+            this.options[item] = value;
+        }
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: shortcut.
+        Handle shortcut keys: Ctrl+shortcut key.
+        This is a "Keypress" event handler connected to the container element
+        of the snip editor.
+    Note:
+        Safari seems to choke on Cmd+b and Cmd+i. All other Cmd+keys are fine. !?
+        It seems in those cases, the event is fired on document level only.
+    */
+    shortcut: function(e){
+        var keycmd = this.keys[e.key];
+        if ( (Browser.Platform.mac ? e.meta : e.control) && keycmd){
+            e.stop();
+            this.commands.action( keycmd );
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: keystroke
+        This is a cross-browser keystroke handler for keyPress and keyDown
+        events on the textarea.
+    Note:
+        The KeyPress is used to accept regular character keys.
+        The KeyDown event captures all special keys, such as Enter, Del, Backspace, Esc, ...
+        To work around some browser incompatibilities, a hack with the {{event.which}}
+        attribute is used to grab the actual special chars.
+        Ref. keyboard event paper by Jan Wolter,
+        Todo: check on Opera
+    Arguments:
+        e - (event) keypress or keydown event.
+    */
+    keystroke: function(e){
+        //console.log(e.code + " keystroke "+e.shift+" "+e.type+"+meta="+e.meta+" +ctrl="+e.control );
+        if( e.type=='keydown' ){
+            //Exit if this is a normal key; only process special chars with the keydown event
+            if( !Event.Keys[e.key] ){ return; }
+        } else { // e.type=='keypress'
+            //Only process regular character keys via keypress event
+            //Note: cross-browser hack with 'which' attribute for special chars
+            if( !e.event.which /*which==0*/ ){ return; }
+            //Reset faulty 'special char' treatment by mootools
+            e.key = String.fromCharCode(e.code).toLowerCase();
+        }
+        var self = this,
+            txta = self.textarea,
+            el = $(txta),
+            key = e.key,
+            caret = txta.getSelectionRange(),
+            scroll = el.getScroll();
+        el.focus();
+        if( /up|down|esc/.test(key) ){
+            self.clearContext();
+        } else if( /tab|enter|delete|backspace/.test(key) ){
+            self[key](e, txta, caret);
+        } else {
+            self.directSnippet(e, txta, caret);
+        }
+        el.scrollTo(scroll);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: enter
+        When the Enter key is pressed, the next line will be ''auto-indented''
+        or space-aligned with the previous line.
+        Except if the Enter was pressed on an empty line.
+    Arguments:
+        e - event
+        txta - Textarea object
+        caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+    */
+    enter: function(e, txta, caret) {
+        //if( this.hasContext() ){
+            //fixme
+            //how to 'continue previous snippet ??
+            //eg '\n* {unordered list item}' followed by TAB or ENTER
+            //snippet should always start with \n;
+            //snippet should have a 'continue on enter' flag ?
+        //}
+        this.clearContext();
+        if( caret.thin ){
+            var prevline = txta.getFromStart().split(/\r?\n/).pop(),
+                indent = prevline.match( /^\s+/ );
+            if( indent && (indent != prevline) ){
+                e.stop();
+                txta.insertAfter( '\n' + indent[0] );
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: backspace
+        Remove single-character directsnips such as {{ (), [], {} }}
+    Arguments:
+        e - event
+        txta - Textarea object
+        caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+    */
+    backspace: function(e, txta, caret) {
+        if( caret.thin  && (caret.start > 0) ){
+            var key = txta.getValue().charAt(caret.start-1),
+                snip = this.getSnippet( this.options.directsnips, key );
+            if( snip && (snip.snippet == txta.getValue().charAt(caret.start)) ){
+                /* remove the closing pair character */
+                txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start, caret.start+1 )
+                    .setSelection('');
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: delete
+        Removes the next TAB (4spaces) if matched
+    Arguments:
+        e - event
+        txta - Textarea object
+        caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+    */
+    "delete": function(e, txta, caret) {
+        var tab =;
+        if( caret.thin && !txta.getTillEnd().indexOf(tab) /*index==0*/ ){
+            e.stop();
+            txta.setSelectionRange(caret.start, caret.start + tab.length)
+                .setSelection('');
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: tab
+        Perform tab-completion function.
+        Pressing a tab can lead to :
+        - expansion of a snippet command cmd and selection of the first parameter
+        - selection of the next snippet parameter (if active snippet)
+        - otherwise, expansion to set of spaces (4)
+    Arguments:
+        e - event
+        txta - Textarea object
+        caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+    */
+    tab: function(e, txta, caret){
+        var self = this,
+            snips = self.options.snippets,
+            fromStart = txta.getFromStart(),
+            len = fromStart.length,
+            cmd, cmdlen; // ok = false;
+        e.stop();
+        if( self.options.tabcompletion ){
+            if( self.hasContext() ){
+                return self.nextAction(txta, caret);
+            }
+            if( caret.thin ){
+                //lookup the command backwards from the text preceeding the caret
+                for( cmd in snips ){
+                    cmdlen = cmd.length;
+                    if( (len >= cmdlen) && (cmd == fromStart.slice( - cmdlen )) ){
+                        //first remove the command
+                        txta.setSelectionRange(caret.start - cmdlen, caret.start)
+                            .setSelection('');
+                        return self.commands.action( cmd );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //if you are still here, convert the tab into spaces
+        self.convertTabToSpaces(e, txta, caret);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: convertTabToSpaces
+        Convert tabs to spaces. When no snippets are detected, the default
+        treatment of the TAB key is to insert a number of spaces.
+        Indentation is also applied in case of multi-line selections.
+    Arguments:
+        e - event
+        txta - Textarea object
+        caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+    */
+    convertTabToSpaces: function(e, txta, caret){
+        var tab =,
+            selection = txta.getSelection(),
+            fromStart = txta.getFromStart();
+            isCaretAtStart = txta.isCaretAtStartOfLine();
+        //handle multi-line selection
+        if( selection.indexOf('\n') > -1 ){
+            if( isCaretAtStart ){ selection = '\n' + selection; }
+            if( e.shift ){
+                //shift-tab: remove leading tab space-block
+                selection = selection.replace(RegExp('\n'+tab,'g'),'\n');
+            } else {
+                //tab: auto-indent by inserting a tab space-block
+                selection = selection.replace(/\n/g,'\n'+tab);
+            }
+            txta.setSelection( isCaretAtStart ? selection.slice(1) : selection );
+        } else {
+            if( e.shift ){
+                //shift-tab: remove 'backward' tab space-block
+                if( fromStart.test( tab + '$' ) ){
+                    txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start - tab.length, caret.start )
+                        .setSelection('');
+                }
+            } else {
+                //tab: insert a tab space-block
+                txta.setSelection( tab )
+                    .setSelectionRange( caret.start + tab.length );
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: setContext
+        Store the active snip. (state)
+        EG, subsequent handling of dialogs.
+        As long as a snippet is active, the textarea gets the css class {{.activeSnip}}.
+    Arguments:
+        snip - snippet object to make active
+    */
+    hasContext: function(){
+        return !!this.context.snip;
+    },
+    setContext: function( snip, suggest ){
+        this.context = {snip:snip, suggest:suggest};
+        $(this).addClass('activeSnip');
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: clearContext
+        Clear the context object, and remove the css class from the textarea.
+        Also make sure that no dialogs are left open.
+    */
+    clearContext: function(){
+        this.context = {};
+        this.commands.close();
+        $(this).removeClass('activeSnip').focus();
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: getSnippet
+        Retrieve and validate the snippet. Returns false when the snippet is not
+        found or not in scope.
+    About snippets:
+    In the simplest case, you can use snippets to insert plain text that you do not
+    want to type again and again. The snippet is expanded when hitting
+    the Tab key: the ''snippet'' is replaced by ''snippet expansion text''.
+    (start code)
+    var tabSnippets = {
+        <snippet1> : <snippet expansion text>,
+        <snippet2> : <snippet expansion text>
+    }
+    (end)
+    See also [DirectSnippets].
+    For example, following snippet will expand the ''toc'' text into the
+    TableOfContents wiki plugin call. Don't forget to escape '{' and '}'
+    with a backslash, because they have a special meaning. (see below)
+    Use the '\n' charater to define multi-line snippets. Start the snippet
+    with '\n' to make sure the snippet starts on a new line.
+    (start code)
+    "toc": "\n[\{TableOfContents \}]\n"
+    (end)
+    After tab-completion, the caret is placed just after the expanded snippet.
+    Snippet parameters:
+    If you want, you can put ''{parameters}'' inside the snippet. Pressing the tab
+    will jump to the next parameter. If you are ok with the default value,
+    just tab over it. If not, start typing to overwrite it.
+    (start code)
+    "bold": "__{some bold text}__"
+    (end)
+    You can have multiple ''{parameters}'' too. Pressing more tabs will get you there.
+    (start code)
+    "link": "[{link text}|{pagename}]"
+    (end)
+    Extended snippet syntax:
+    So far we discussed the simple snippet syntax. In order to unlock more advanced
+    snippet features, you'll need to use the extended snippet syntax.
+    (start code)
+    "toc": {
+        snippet : "\n[\{TableOfContents \}]\n"
+    }
+    (end)
+    which is actually the same as
+    (start code)
+    "toc": "\n[\{TableOfContents \}]\n"
+    (end)
+    Snippet synonyms:
+    Instead of defining the snippet text, you can also refer to another snippet.
+    This allows you to create synonyms.
+    (start code)
+    "allow": {
+        synonym: "acl"
+    }
+    (end)
+    Dynamic snippets:
+    Next to static snippet texts, you can also dynamically generate
+    the snippet text through a javascript function. For example, you could
+    use ajax calls to populate the snippet on the fly. The function should return
+    either the string (simple snippet syntax) or a snippet object.
+    (eg return {{ { snippet:"..." } }} )
+    (start code)
+    "date": function(e, textarea){
+        return new Date().toLocaleString();
+    }
+    (end)
+    or
+    (start code)
+    "date": function(e, textarea){
+        var d = new Date().toLocaleString();
+        return { 'snippet': d };
+    }
+    (end)
+    Snippet scope:
+    See [inScope] to see how to restrict the scope of a snippet.
+    Parameter dialog boxes:
+    To help the entry of parameters, you can specify a predefined set of choices
+    for a ''{parameter}'', as a string (with | separator), js array or js object.
+    A parameter dialog box will be displayed to provide easy selection of
+    one of the choices.  See [Dialog.Selection].
+    Example of parameter suggestion-list:
+    (start code)
+    "acl": {
+        snippet: "[\{ALLOW {permission} {principal(,principal)} \}]",
+        permission: "view|edit|modify|comment|rename|upload|delete",
+        "principal(,principal)": "Anonymous|Asserted|Authenticated|All"
+        }
+    }
+    "acl": {
+        snippet: "[\{ALLOW {permission} {principal(,principal)} \}]",
+        permission: [view,edit,modify]
+        }
+    }
+    "acl": {
+        snippet: "[\{ALLOW {permission} {principal(,principal)} \}]",
+        permission: {'Only read access':'view','Read and write access':'edit','R/W, rename, delete access':'modify' }
+        }
+    }
+    (end)
+    Arguments:
+        snips - snippet collection object for lookup of the key
+        key - snippet key. If not present, retreive the key from
+            the textarea just to the left of the caret. (i.e. tab-completion)
+    Returns:
+        Return a snippet object or false.
+        (start code)
+        returned_object = false || {
+                key: "snippet-key",
+                snippet: " snippet-string ",
+                text: " converted snippet-string, no-parameter braces, auto-indented ",
+                parms: [parm1, parm2, "last-snippet-string" ]
+            }
+        (end)
+    */
+    getSnippet: function( snips, cmd ){
+        var self = this,
+            txta = self.textarea,
+            fromStart = txta.getFromStart(),
+            snip = snips[cmd],
+            tab =,
+            parms = [],
+            s,last;
+        if( snip && snip.synonym ){ snip = snips[snip.synonym]; }
+        snip = Function.from(snip)(self, [cmd]);
+        if( typeOf(snip) == 'string' ){ snip = { snippet:snip }; }
+        if( !snip || !self.inScope(snip, fromStart) ){ return false; }
+        s = snip.snippet || '';
+        //parse snippet and build the parms[] array with all {parameters}
+        s = s.replace( /\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g, function(match, name){
+            if( match.charAt(0) == '\\' ){ return match.slice(1); }
+            parms.push(name);
+            return name;
+        }).replace( /\\\{/g, '{' );
+        //and finally, replace the escaped '\{' by real '{' chars
+        //also push the last piece of the snippet onto the parms[] array
+        last = parms.getLast();
+        if(last){ parms.push( s.slice(s.lastIndexOf(last) + last.length) ); }
+        //collapse \n of previous line if the snippet starts with \n
+        if( s.test(/^\n/) && ( fromStart.test( /(^|[\n\r]\s*)$/ ) ) ) {
+            s = s.slice(1);
+            //console.log("remove leading \\n");
+        }
+        //collapse \n of subsequent line when the snippet ends with a \n
+        if( s.test(/\n$/) && ( txta.getTillEnd().test( /^\s*[\n\r]/ ) ) ) {
+            s = s.slice(0,-1);
+            //console.log("remove trailing \\n");
+        }
+        //auto-indent the snippet's internal newlines \n
+        var prevline = fromStart.split(/\r?\n/).pop(),
+            indent = prevline.match(/^\s+/);
+        if( indent ){ s = s.replace( /\n/g, '\n' + indent[0] ); }
+        //complete the snip object
+        snip.text = s;
+        snip.parms = parms;
+        return snip;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: inScope
+        Sometimes it is useful to restrict the scope of a snippet, and only allow
+        the snippet expansion in specific parts of the text. The scope parameter allows
+        you to do that by defining start and end delimiting strings.
+        For example, the following "fn" snippet will only expands when it appears
+        inside the scope of a script tag.
+        (start code)
+        "fn": {
+            snippet: "function( {args} )\{ \n    {body}\n\}\n",
+            scope: {"<script":"</script"} //should be inside this bracket
+        }
+        (end)
+        The opposite is possible too. Use the 'nScope' or not-in-scope parameter
+        to make sure the snippet is only inserted when not in scope.
+        (start code)
+        "special": {
+            snippet: "{special}",
+            nScope: { "%%(":")" } //should not be inside this bracket
+        },
+        (end)
+    Arguments:
+        snip - Snippet Object
+        text - (string) used to check for open scope items
+    Returns:
+        True when the snippet is in scope, false otherwise.
+    */
+    inScope: function(snip, text){
+        var pattern, pos, scope=snip.scope, nscope=snip.nscope;
+        if( scope ){
+            if( typeOf(scope)=='function' ){
+                return scope( this.textarea );
+            } else {
+                for( pattern in scope ){
+                    pos = text.lastIndexOf(pattern);
+                    if( (pos > -1) && (text.indexOf( scope[pattern], pos ) == -1) ){ return 1 /*true*/; }
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        if( nscope ){
+            for( pattern in nscope ){
+                pos = text.lastIndexOf(pattern);
+                if( (pos > -1) && (text.indexOf( nscope[pattern], pos ) == -1) ){ return !1 /*false*/; }
+            }
+        }
+        return 1 /*true*/;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: directSnippet
+        Direct snippet are invoked immediately when the key is pressed
+        as opposed to a [tabSnippet] which are expanded after pressing the Tab key.
+        Direct snippets are typically used for smart typing pairs,
+        such as {{ (), [] or {}. }}
+        Direct snippets can also be defined through javascript functions
+        or restricted to a certain scope. (ref. [getSnippet], [inScope] )
+        First, the snippet is retrieved based on the entered character.
+        Then, the opening- and closing- chars are inserted around the selection.
+    Arguments:
+        e - event
+        txta - Textarea object
+        caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+    Example:
+    (start code)
+    directSnippets: {
+        '"' : '"',
+        '(' : ')',
+        '{' : '}',
+        "<" : ">",
+        "'" : {
+            snippet:"'",
+            scope:{
+                "<javascript":"</javascript",
+                "<code":"</code",
+                "<html":"</html"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    (end)
+    */
+    directSnippet: function(e, txta, caret){
+        var self = this,
+            options = self.options,
+            snip = self.getSnippet( options.directsnips, e.key );
+        if( snip && options.smartpairs ){
+            e.stop();
+            txta.setSelection( e.key, txta.getSelection(), snip.snippet )
+                .setSelectionRange( caret.start+1, caret.end+1 );
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: action
+        This function executes the proper action.
+        The command can be given throug TAB-completion or by pressing a button.
+        It looks up the snippet and inserts its value in the textarea.
+        When text was selected prior to the click event, the selection will
+        be injected in one of the snippet {parameter}.
+        Additionally, when the snippet only contains one {parameter},
+        the snippet will toggle: i.e. remove the snippet when already present,
+        otherwise insert the snippet.
+        TODO:
+        Prior to the insertion of the snippet, the caret will be moved to the beginning of the line.
+        Prior to the insertion of the snippet, the caret will be moved to the beginning of the next line.
+    Arguments:
+        e - (event) keypress or keydown event.
+    */
+    action: function( cmd, args ){
+        var self = this,
+            txta = self.textarea,
+            caret = txta.getSelectionRange(),
+            snip = self.context.snip || self.getSnippet(self.options.snippets, cmd),
+            s;
+        //console.log("Action: "+cmd+" ("+args+") text=["+snip.text+"] parms=["+snip.parms+"] "+!!snip);
+        if( snip ){
+            s = snip.text;
+            if( snip.action ){    //eg undo, redo
+                return, cmd, snip, args );
+            }
+            self.undoredo.onChange();
+            if( snip.event ){
+                return self.fireEvent(snip.event, [cmd, args]);
+            }
+            $(txta).focus();
+            if( self.context.suggest ){
+                return self.suggestAction( cmd, args );
+            }
+            if( !caret.thin && (snip.parms.length==2) ){
+                s = self.toggleSnip(txta, snip, caret);
+                //console.log("toggle snippet: "+s+" parms:"+snip.parms);
+            }
+            //inject args into the snippet parms
+            if( args ){
+                args.each( function(arg){
+                    if(snip.parms.length > 1){
+                        s = s.replace( snip.parms.shift(), arg );
+                    }
+                });
+                //console.log("inject args: "+s+" "+snip.parms);
+            }
+            //inject selected text into first snippet parm
+            if( !caret.thin && (snip.parms[1] /*length>1*/) ){
+                s = s.replace( snip.parms.shift(), txta.getSelection() );
+                //console.log("inject selection: "+s+" "+snip.parms);
+            }
+            //now insert the snippet text
+            txta.setSelection( s );
+            if( !snip.parms.length/*length==0*/ ){
+                //when no selection, move caret after the inserted snippet,
+                //otherwise leave the selection unchanged
+                if( caret.thin ){ txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start + s.length ); }
+                //console.log("action:: should we clear this ? " + self.hasContext() );
+                self.clearContext();
+            } else {
+                //this snippet has one or more parameters
+                //store the active snip and process the next {parameter}
+                //checkme !!
+                if( !self.hasContext() ){ self.setContext( snip ); }
+                caret = txta.getSelectionRange(); //update new caret
+                self.nextAction(txta, caret);
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: toggleSnip
+        Toggle the prefix and suffix of a snippet.
+        Eg. toggle between {{__text__}} and {{text}}.
+        The selection will be matched against the snippet.
+    Precondition:
+        - the selection is not empty (caret.thin = false)
+        - the snippet has exatly one {parameter}
+    Arguments:
+        txta - Textarea object
+        snip - Snippet object
+        caret - Caret object {start, end, thin}
+    Returns:
+        - (string) replacement string for the selection.
+            By default, returns snip.text
+        - the snip.parms will be set to [] is toggle was executed successfully
+        Eventually the selection will be extended if the
+        prefix and suffix were just outside the selection.
+    */
+    toggleSnip: function(txta, snip, caret){
+        var s = snip.text,
+            //get the first and last textual parts of the snippet
+            arr = s.trim().split( snip.parms[0] ),
+            fst = arr[0],
+            lst = arr[1],
+            re = new RegExp( '^\\s*' + fst.trim().escapeRegExp() + '\\s*(.*)\\s*' + lst.trim().escapeRegExp() + '\\s*$' );
+        if( (fst+lst)!='' ){
+            s = txta.getSelection();
+            snip.parms = [];
+            // if pfx & sfx (with optional whitespace) are matched: remove them
+            if( s.test(re) ){
+                s = s.replace( re, '$1' );
+            // if pfx/sfx are matched just outside the selection: extend selection
+            } else if( txta.getFromStart().test(fst+'$') && txta.getTillEnd().test('^'+lst) ){
+                txta.setSelectionRange(caret.start-fst.length, caret.end+lst.length);
+            // otherwise, insert snippet and set caret between pfx and sfx
+            } else {
+                txta.setSelection( fst+lst ).setSelectionRange( caret.start + fst.length );
+            }
+        }
+        return s;
+    },
+    /*
+    Method: suggest
+        Suggestion snippets are dialog-boxes appearing as you type.
+        When clicking items in the suggest dialogs, content is inserted
+        in the textarea.
+    */
+    suggest: function(){
+        var self = this,
+            txta = self.textarea,
+            caret = txta.getSelectionRange(),
+            fromStart = txta.getFromStart(),
+            suggestions = self.suggestions,
+            cmd, suggest, snip;
+        for( cmd in suggestions ){
+            snip = suggestions[cmd];
+            suggest = snip.suggest(txta, caret);
+            if( suggest /*&& self.inScope(snip, fromStart)*/ ){
+                if(!suggest.tail) suggest.tail = 0; //ensure default value
+                //console.log( "Suggest: "+ cmd + " [" + JSON.encode(suggest)+"]" );
+                self.setContext( snip, suggest );
+                return self.commands.action(cmd, suggest.match);
+            }
+        }
+        //if you got here, no suggestions
+        this.clearContext();
+    },
+    /*
+    Method: suggestAction
+        <todo>
+        suggest = { start: start-position , match:'string', tail: length }
+    */
+    suggestAction: function( cmd, value ){
+        var self = this,
+            txta = self.textarea,
+            suggest = self.context.suggest,
+            end = suggest.start + suggest.match.length + suggest.tail;
+        //console.log('SuggestAction: '+ cmd+' (' +value + ') [' + JSON.encode(suggest) + ']');
+        //set the selection to the replaceable text, and inject the new value
+        txta.setSelectionRange( suggest.start, end ).setSelection( value );
+        //if tail, set the selection on the tail --why ??
+        if( suggest.tail>0 ){
+            txta.setSelectionRange( end - suggest.tail, txta.getSelectionRange().end );
+        }
+        self.clearContext();
+        return self.suggest();
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: nextAction
+        Process the next ''{parameter}'' of the active snippet as you tab along
+        or after you clicked a button or closed a dialog.
+    Arguments:
+        txta - Textarea object
+        caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+    */
+    nextAction: function(txta, caret){
+        var self = this,
+            snip = self.context.snip,
+            parms = snip.parms,
+            dialog,
+            pos;
+        while( parms[0] /*.length > 0*/ ){
+            dialog = parms.shift();
+            pos = txta.getValue().indexOf(dialog, caret.start);
+            //console.log("next action: "+dialog+ " pos:" + pos + " parms: "+parms+" caret:"+caret.start);
+            //found the next {dialog} or possibly the end of the snippet
+            if( (dialog !='') && (pos > -1) ){
+                if( parms[0] /*.length > 0*/ ){
+                    // select the next {dialog}
+                    txta.setSelectionRange( pos, pos + dialog.length );
+                    //invoke the new dialog
+                    //console.log('next action: invoke '+dialog+" "+snip[dialog])
+                    self.commands.action( dialog, snip[dialog] );
+                    //remember every selected snippet dialog
+                    self.undoredo.onChange();
+                    return; // and retain the context snip for subsequent {dialogs}
+                } else {
+                    // no more {dialogs}, move the caret after the end of the snippet
+                    txta.setSelectionRange( pos + dialog.length );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.clearContext();
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: getState
+        Get the current state of the SnipEditor which consist of
+        the content and selection of the textarea.
+        It implements the ''Undoable'' interface called from the
+        [UndoRedo] class.
+    */
+    getState: function(){
+        var txta = this.textarea,
+            el = $(txta);
+        return {
+            main: this.mainarea.value,
+            value: el.get('value'),
+            cursor: txta.getSelectionRange(),
+            scrollTop: el.scrollTop,
+            scrollLeft: el.scrollLeft
+        };
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: putState
+        Set a state of the SnipEditor.
+        This works in conjunction with the [UndoRedo] class.
+    Argument:
+        o - object originally created by the getState funcion
+    */
+    putState: function(o){
+        var self = this,
+            txta = self.textarea,
+            el = $(txta);
+        self.clearContext();
+        self.mainarea.value = o.main;
+        el.value = o.value;
+        el.scrollTop = o.scrollTop;
+        el.scrollLeft = o.scrollLeft;
+        txta.setSelectionRange( o.cursor.start, o.cursor.end )
+            .fireEvent('change');
+    }
+Class: SnipEditor.Commands
+    This class preprocesses all command triggers, such as
+    suggestion commands, button clicks or tab-completion commands.
+    It will make sure that only one dialog is open at the same time.
+    It intializes and caches the dialogs, handles the show/hide/toggle
+    of dialogs, and passes action events back to the SnipEditor.
+    Dialogs can be opened by means of
+    - external command triggers: exec
+    - click events on command buttons (.cmd.pop)
+    - suggestion trigger (exec ???)
+    FYI - all DIALOGs are created as descendants of the Dialog class.
+    - Dialog : floating dialog panel
+        - FormDialog : predef content with open/close handlers ???
+        - Dialog.Selection : selectable list of items
+            - Dialog.Font : selection list of font items
+            - Dialog.Section : selection list of textarea sections
+        - Dialog.Chars : selection matrix of special character entities
+        - Dialog.Color : color-wheel
+        - Dialog.Find : find and replace dialog
+    container: DOM element  => contains commands(.cmd) and dialogs(.pop)
+    dialogs - predefined set of dialog initialisators
+    // **event handlers**
+    onOpen - invoked after opening a DIALOG
+    onClose - invoked after closing a DIALOG
+    onAction - action call-back action(cmd,arguments)
+    - buttons : collection of DOM-elements with click handlers to either
+        action() or toggle()
+    - dialogs : collection of dialog definitions [Dialog-class, {dialog parameters}]
+DOM structure:
+    <div class="cmd tICON"><i>action command</i></div>
+    <div class="cmd pop tICON"><i>dialog</i></div>
+    <div class="dialog fixed"> ... dialog content </div>
+SnipEditor.Commands = new Class({
+    Implements: [Events, Options],
+    options: {
+        //onAction:function()...s
+        //container: container DOM element, contains .cmd and .pop dialogs
+        btns:'.cmd', //toolbar buttons
+        dlgs:'.pop',
+        dialogs:{}
+    },
+    btns: {},
+    dlgs: {},
+    allDlgs: {},
+    initialize: function( options ){
+        var self = this;
+        options = self.setOptions(options).options;
+        options.container.getElements(options.btns).each( function(el){
+            var cmd = self.getCmd(el), dlg=$(cmd);
+            self.btns[cmd] = el;
+            //match the element against the dlgs css selector and check if a dialog DOM element exists
+            if( el.match(options.dlgs) && dlg ){
+                //console.log("Predefined DOM dialog "+cmd);
+                //self.addDialogs({cmd:dlg});
+                self.addDialogs( [dlg].associate([cmd]) );
+                //options.dialogs[cmd]=dlg;
+            }
+            el.addEvent('click', function(){; } );
+        });
+        self.addDialogs(options.dialogs);
+    },
+    getCmd: function( el ){
+        //console.log( el.get('id') || el.get('name') || el.get('text') );
+        return el.get('id') || el.get('name') || el.get('text');
+    },
+    /*
+    Funciton: addDialog
+        Add a new dialog.
+        The dialog is only created when invoking the command.
+        This happens through a button click or through the action() method.
+    Arguments:
+        dialogs: {cmd1:dialog, cmd2:dialog-def...}
+        (dialog-def : array[Dialog-Class, {dialog parameters}]
+    */
+    addDialogs: function(dialogs, relativeTo){
+        Object.each(dialogs, function( dialog, cmd ){
+            //additional dialogs will overwrite any existing
+            if(this.allDlgs && this.allDlgs[cmd]) console.log("AddDialogs - warning: double registration of => " + cmd);
+            this.allDlgs[cmd] = dialog;  //repo of all dialogs
+            if( instanceOf(dialog, Dialog) ){ this.attachDialog(cmd,dialog); }
+            if( relativeTo ){ this.btns[cmd] = relativeTo; }
+        },this);
+        //console.log('allDialogs: '+Object.keys(this.allDlgs) );
+    },
+    attachDialog: function(cmd,dialog){
+        var    self = this,
+            actionHdl = function(v){ self.fireEvent('action', [cmd,v]); };
+        //console.log('attachDialog: '+cmd);
+        return self.dlgs[cmd] = dialog.addEvents({
+            onOpen: self.openDialog.bind(self, cmd),
+            onClose: self.closeDialog.bind(self, cmd),
+            onAction: actionHdl,
+            onDrag: actionHdl
+        });
+    },
+    click: function( cmd ){
+        var d = this.dlgs[cmd];
+        d ? d.toggle() : this.action( cmd );
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: action
+        Action handler for a simple command. Pass the 'action' event
+        up to the SnipEditor.
+    Arguments:
+        cmd : command name
+        value : (optional) initial value of the dialog
+    */
+    action: function( cmd, value ){
+        var self = this, btn = self.btns[cmd], dlg = self.dlgs[cmd];
+        //console.log("Commands.action "+cmd+" value:"+value+" btn="+btn+ " dlg="+dlg);
+        if( btn && $(btn).hasClass('disabled') ){
+            //nothing to do here
+        //} else if( dlg ){
+        } else if( self.allDlgs[cmd] ){
+            if( !dlg ){ dlg = self.createDialog(cmd) }
+            if( value ){ dlg.setValue( value ); }
+  ;
+        } else {
+            if( btn ){ $(btn).addClass('active'); }
+            self.fireEvent('action', [cmd, value] );
+            if( btn ){ $(btn).removeClass('active'); }
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: createDialog
+        Create a new dialog.
+        The name of the cmd determines the type (or class) of Dialog to be created
+        - cmd: Dialog[cmd] (eg cmd='font' : Dialog.Font)
+        - the name of the dialog equals the DOM ID of a predefined HTML dialog
+        - DOM Element: predefined DOM dialog
+        - [ Dialog-class, { dialog parameters } ]
+        - { dialog parameters } : the cmd determines the type of Dialog to create
+        - "string" : create a selection dialog Dialog.Selection
+    Arguments
+        cmd - xx
+        The open/close handlers will make sure only one dialog is open at the
+        same time. The open dialog is stored in {{this.activeCmd}}.
+        The key events 'action', 'drag', 'open' and 'close' are propagated upwards.
+    Returns:
+        The created dialog, which is also stored in this.dlgs[] repository.
+    */
+    createDialog: function( cmd ){
+        var self = this,
+            dlg,
+            btn = self.btns[cmd],
+            factory = Function.from( self.allDlgs[cmd] )(),
+            factoryType = typeOf(factory);
+        //console.log('Commands.createDialog() '+cmd+' '+ ' btn='+btn +" "+factoryType);
+        //expect factory to be [Dialog class,  {dialog options object}]
+        if( factoryType != 'array' || factory.length != 2 ){
+            factory = ( factoryType == 'element' ) ?
+                [Dialog, {dialog:factory}] : [Dialog.Selection, {body:factory}];
+        }
+        dlg = new factory[0]( Object.append( factory[1],{
+            cssClass: 'dialog float',
+            autoClose: false, //suggestion dialog should not be autoclosed
+            relativeTo: btn //button or textareaa
+            //draggable: true
+        }) );
+        //Make sure that this.dlgs[cmd] gets initialized prior to calling show()
+        return self.attachDialog(cmd,dlg);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: openDialog
+        Opens a dialog. If already another dialog was open, that one will first be closed.
+        When a toolbar button exists, it will get the css class '.active'.
+        Note: make sure that this.dlgs[cmd] is initialized prior to calling show() !
+    Argument:
+        cmd - dialog to be opened
+        preOpen - ...
+    */
+    openDialog: function(cmd, dialog){
+        var self = this, activeCmd = self.activeCmd, tmp;
+        //console.log('Commands.openDialog() ' + cmd + ' ' + self.activeCmd );
+        if( activeCmd && (activeCmd != cmd) ){
+            tmp = self.dlgs[activeCmd]; if(tmp){ tmp.hide(); }
+            //toobar button will be deactivated by closeDialog()
+        }
+        self.activeCmd = cmd;
+        tmp = self.btns[cmd]; if(tmp){ $(tmp).addClass('active'); }
+        self.fireEvent('open', cmd, dialog);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: closeDialog
+    Arguments:
+        cmd - (mandatory) dialog to be closed
+    */
+    closeDialog: function(cmd, dialog){
+        var self = this, btn = self.btns[cmd];
+        //console.log('Commands.closeDialog() ' + cmd + ' ' + self.activeCmd )
+        if( cmd == self.activeCmd ){ self.activeCmd = null; }
+        if( btn ){ $(btn).removeClass('active'); }
+        self.fireEvent('close', cmd, dialog);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: close
+        Close the active dialog, if any.
+    */
+    close: function(){
+        var activeCmd = this.activeCmd;
+        if(activeCmd){ this.dlgs[activeCmd].hide(); }
+    }
+Class: SnipEditor.Sections
+    This dialog displays the list of page sections.
+    A page section includes the header
+    (all) - allows to select all sections (auto generated)
+    start-of-page - only present when first section starts on an offset > 0
+    section1..n - section titles, with indentation level depending on their weight
+    The set of sections is generated by the parseSections() callback handler.
+    This parser returns an array of section 'descriptors':
+>    [ {title:text, start:char-offset, indent:indentation-level}, ... ]
+    Clicking an entry triggers the updateSections() callback handler.
+    FIXME: why not fire an onAction event (similar to other dialogs)
+    Dialog.Selection
+SnipEditor.Sections = new Class({
+    Extends:Dialog.Selection,
+    options: {
+        //main:textarea
+        //work:textarea
+        //selected: selected item: all,s-1,
+        //parser: function
+        all: "( all )".localize(),
+        startOfPage: "Start of Page".localize()
+    },
+    initialize: function(options){
+        var self = this,
+            onChange=self.onChange.bind(self);
+        options.cssClass = 'dialog float sections'; //CHECK: <dialog float> is generic dialog cssclass
+        self.parent(options);
+        //console.log(self.options);
+        self.parse();
+        self.action();
+        //can be hooked up by the SnipEditor.Commands
+        /*self.dialogDefinition = [Dialog.Selection, {
+            selected: self.options.selected,
+            onOpen: self.onOpen,
+            onAction: self.onAction
+        }];*/
+        //FIXME !! keyup
+{ change:onChange, keyup:onChange });
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: parse
+        Invoke the external parser on the contents of the main textarea.
+        This external parser should return an array with an entry for each section:
+        [ {title:text, start:char-offset, depth:nesting level}, ... ]
+        >        0 : ( all )                       => title=All => cursor=NaN
+        >        1 : start-of-page (if applicable) => title=s-1 => cursor=-1
+        >        2..n : page sections              => => cursor=0..n
+    */
+    parse: function(){
+        this.sections = this.options.parser( this.options.main.value );
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: onOpen
+        UPDATE/RFEFRESH the textarea section dialog.
+    */
+    //onOpen: function( dialog ){
+    show: function( ){
+        //console.log("Sections: show");
+        var options = this.options,
+            data = { all: options.all },
+            sections = this.sections;
+        if( sections[0] /*.length > 0*/ ){
+            if( sections[0].start>0 ){ data['s-1'] = options.startOfPage }
+            sections.each( function(item, idx){ data['s'+idx] = item.title.trunc(36); });
+        }
+        //dialog.setBody( data ).getItems().each(function(el){
+        this.setBody( data ).getItems().each(function(el){
+            var t = el.title.slice(1).toInt();
+            if( t>=0 ){ el.setStyle('padding-left',(.5+sections[t].depth)+'em'); }
+        });
+        this.parent(); //invoke parent's show
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: onChange
+        Make sure that changes to the work textarea are propagated to the main textarea.
+        This functions handles the correct insertion of the changed section into the main
+        textarea.
+    */
+    onChange: function(){
+        //console.log("Sections: onChange");
+        var self = this,
+            main = self.options.main,
+            work =,
+            sections = self.sections,
+            s, linefeed;
+        s = main.value;
+        //insert \n to ensure the next section always starts on a new line.
+        linefeed = (work.slice(-1) != '\n')  ? '\n' : '';
+        //console.log('change txta: from='+sections.begin+ ' end='+sections.end);
+        main.value = s.slice(0, self.begin) + work + linefeed + s.slice(self.end);
+        self.end = self.begin + work.length;
+        self.parse();
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: onAction
+        This function copies the selected section from the main to the work textarea.
+        It is invoked at initialization and through the dialog onAction click handler.
+    Arguments:
+        cursor - index of selected section: all, -1, 0..n
+    */
+    //onAction:function( item ){
+    /*
+    setValue: function(value){
+    },
+    action: function(item){
+        var value = item.get('title');
+        this.setValue(value).parent(value);
+    },
+    */
+    action:function( item ){
+        var self = this,
+            main = self.options.main.value,
+            sections = self.sections,
+            begin = 0,
+            end = main.length;
+        if( item ){
+            item = item.replace(/^s/,'').toInt();
+            if( item == -1 ){
+                //show the Start Of Page, prior to the first real section
+                end = sections[0].start;
+            } else if(item >= 0  && sections[item] /*item < sections.length*/ ){
+                begin = sections[item].start;
+                //if( item+1 < sections.length ){ end = sections[item+1].start; }
+                if( sections[item+1] ){ end = sections[item+1].start; }
+            }
+        }
+ = main.slice(begin, end);
+        self.begin = begin;
+        self.end = end;
+        //console.log("Section: onAction " + item + " "+self.begin+" "+self.end);
+        //checkme
+        if( item ) self.parent(item);
+    }
+Class: Textarea
+    The textarea class enriches a TEXTAREA element, and provides cross browser
+    support to handle text selection: get and set the selected text,
+    changing the selection, etc.
+    It also provide support to retrieve and validate the caret/cursor position.
+    (start code)
+    <script>
+        var txta = new Textarea( "mainTextarea" );
+    </script>
+    (end)
+var Textarea = new Class({
+    Implements: [Options,Events],
+    //options: { onChange:function(e){} );
+    initialize: function(el,options){
+        var self = this,
+            txta = self.ta = $(el),
+            lastValue,
+            lastLength = -1,
+            changeFn = function(e){
+                var v = txta.value;
+                if( v.length != lastLength || v !== lastValue ){
+                    self.fireEvent('change', e);
+                    lastLength = v.length;
+                    lastValue = v;
+                }
+            };
+        self.setOptions(options);
+        txta.addEvents({ change:changeFn, keyup:changeFn });
+        //Create shadow div to support pixel measurement of the caret in the textarea
+        //self.taShadow = new Element('div',{
+        //    styles: { position:'absolute', visibility:'hidden', overflow:'auto'/*,top:0, left:0, zIndex:1, white-space:pre-wrap*/ }
+        //})
+        self.taShadow = new Element('div[style=position:absolute;visibility:hidden;overflow:auto]')
+          .inject(txta,'before')
+          .setStyles( txta.getStyles(
+            'font-family0font-size0line-height0text-indent0padding-top0padding-right0padding-bottom0padding-left0border-left-width0border-right-width0border-left-style0border-right-style0white-space0word-wrap'
+            .split(0)
+        ));
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: toElement
+        Return the DOM textarea element.
+        This allows the dollar function to return
+        the element when passed an instance of the class. (mootools 1.2.x)
+    Example:
+    >    var txta = new Textarea('textarea-element');
+    >    $('textarea-element') == txta.toElement();
+    >    $('textarea-element') == $(txta); //mootools 1.2.x
+    */
+    toElement: function(){
+        return this.ta;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: getValue
+        Returns the value (text content) of the textarea.
+    */
+    getValue: function(){
+        return this.ta.value;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: slice
+        Mimics the string slice function on the value (text content) of the textarea.
+    Arguments:
+        Ref. javascript slice function
+    */
+    slice: function(start,end){
+        return this.ta.value.slice(start,end);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: getFromStart
+        Returns the first not selected part of the textarea, till the start of the selection.
+    */
+    getFromStart: function(){
+        return this.slice( 0, this.getSelectionRange().start );
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: getTillEnd
+        Returns the last not selected part of the textarea, starting from the end of the selection.
+    */
+    getTillEnd: function(){
+        return this.slice( this.getSelectionRange().end );
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: getSelection
+        Returns the selected text as a string
+    Note:
+        IE fixme: this may return any selection, not only selected text in this textarea
+            //if(Browser.Engine.trident) return document.selection.createRange().text;
+    */
+    getSelection: function(){
+        var cur = this.getSelectionRange();
+        return this.slice(cur.start, cur.end);
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: setSelectionRange
+        Selects the selection range of the textarea from start to end
+    Arguments:
+        start - start position of the selection
+        end - (optional) end position of the seletion (default == start)
+    Returns:
+        Textarea object
+    */
+    setSelectionRange: function(start, end){
+        var txta = this.ta,
+            value,diff,range;
+        if(!end){ end = start; }
+        if( txta.setSelectionRange ){
+            txta.setSelectionRange(start, end);
+        } else {
+            value = txta.value;
+            diff = value.slice(start, end - start).replace(/\r/g, '').length;
+            start = value.slice(0, start).replace(/\r/g, '').length;
+            range = txta.createTextRange();
+            range.collapse(1 /*true*/);
+            range.moveEnd('character', start + diff);
+            range.moveStart('character', start);
+  ;
+            //textarea.scrollTop = scrollPosition;
+            //textarea.focus();
+        }
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: getSelectionRange
+        Returns an object describing the textarea selection range.
+    Returns:
+        {{ { 'start':number, 'end':number, 'thin':boolean } }}
+        start - coordinate of the selection
+        end - coordinate of the selection
+        thin - boolean indicates whether selection is empty (start==end)
+    */
+/* ffs
+    getIERanges: function(){
+        this.ta.focus();
+        var txta = this.ta,
+            range = document.selection.createRange(),
+            re = this.createTextRange(),
+            dupe = re.duplicate();
+        re.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark());
+        dupe.setEndPoint('EndToStart', re);
+        return { start: dupe.text.length, end: dupe.text.length + range.text.length, length: range.text.length, text: range.text };
+    },
+    getSelectionRange: function(){
+        var txta = this.ta,
+            caret = { start: 0, end: 0 /*, thin: true*/ },
+            range, dup, value, offset;
+        if( txta.selectionStart!=null ){
+            caret = { start: txta.selectionStart, end: txta.selectionEnd };
+        } else {
+            range = document.selection.createRange();
+            //if (!range || range.parentElement() != txta){ return caret; }
+            if ( range && range.parentElement() == txta ){
+                dup = range.duplicate();
+                value = txta.value;
+                offset = value.length - value.match(/[\n\r]*$/)[0].length;
+                dup.moveToElementText(txta);
+                dup.setEndPoint('StartToEnd', range);
+                caret.end = offset - dup.text.length;
+                dup.setEndPoint('StartToStart', range);
+                caret.start = offset - dup.text.length;
+            }
+        }
+        caret.thin = (caret.start==caret.end);
+        return caret;
+    },
+    /*
+    Function: setSelection
+        Replaces the selection with a new value (concatenation of arguments).
+        On return, the selection is set to the replaced text string.
+    Arguments:
+        string - string to be inserted in the textarea.
+            If multiple arguments are passed, all strings will be concatenated.
+    Returns:
+        Textarea object, with a new selection
+    Example:
+        > txta.setSelection("new", " value"); //replace selection by 'new value'
+    */
+    setSelection: function(){
+        var value = Array.from(arguments).join('').replace(/\r/g, ''),
+            txta = this.ta,
+            scrollTop = txta.scrollTop, //cache top
+            start,end,v,range;
+        if( txta.selectionStart!=null ){
+            start = txta.selectionStart;
+            end = txta.selectionEnd;
+            v = txta.value;

[... 231 lines stripped ...]