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Posted to by lei liu <> on 2010/11/16 02:49:55 UTC

How to receive File input paths about one select statement

There is select statement, as below:
 SELECT itemId FROM (SELECT user_id AS itemId FROM r_dm_pv_vstcat1_dm WHERE
cat_id1 IN ('14', '1101', '1201', '50008090', '50012164', '11', '1512') AND
(pt <= recentdate('dd',1) AND pt >= recentdate('dd',5)) GROUP BY user_id )
sqTab limit 300000;

recentdate is temporary function which  return a date String,
example:20101115000000. pt column is partition column.
I run above statement, the result return 8 results.

But when I execute below statement:
SELECT itemId FROM (SELECT user_id AS itemId FROM r_dm_pv_vstcat1_dm WHERE
cat_id1 IN ('14', '1101', '1201', '50008090', '50012164', '11', '1512') AND
(pt <= 20101115000000 AND pt >=20101111000000) GROUP BY user_id ) sqTab
limit 300000;

The statement return 300000 results.

The two statements should result same result.  I think the reason which
don't return same result is input partitions are not same.

How can I receive the input paths about one select statement?

