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Posted to by Marc Poll Garcia <> on 2016/11/16 15:02:08 UTC

Limit the creation of vlan by domain

Hello guys!

We wanted to know if there's any way to limit the creation of *vlan* by 
domain in our cloudstack platform.  We're working on 4.5.2 version, and 
we don't know certainty which parameter has to be changed and if it's 
possible to limit this in our case.

Those are some of the parameters in our actual config for a default domain:

VPC limits    -1

Network limits    -1

Public IP Limits    -1

What we have to change? how we can achieve it?

Is it worth to do a massive change on cloudstack database, change a 
global parameter or work with commands on the api?

Thanks in advance.


Marc Poll Garcia
Technology Infrastructure
Edifici V�rtex - Pl. Eusebi G�ell, 6 Soterrani 1
Tel�fon centraleta: +34 93 401 16 00
Tel�fon directe: +34 93.405.43.57
Fax: +34 93 401 25 75

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Re: Limit the creation of vlan by domain

Posted by Dag Sonstebo <>.
Hi Marc,

Keep in mind your end users have no insight into VLANs – this is something you as an admin manages, and on top of this there is no VLAN limit as you point out. 

However - since you are using VLAN segregation the easiest thing is to set the “network limit”, this will indirectly control how many VLANs the domain can use.

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 16/11/2016, 15:02, "Marc Poll Garcia" <> wrote:

    Hello guys!
    We wanted to know if there's any way to limit the creation of *vlan* by 
    domain in our cloudstack platform.  We're working on 4.5.2 version, and 
    we don't know certainty which parameter has to be changed and if it's 
    possible to limit this in our case.
    Those are some of the parameters in our actual config for a default domain:
    VPC limits    -1
    Network limits    -1
    Public IP Limits    -1
    What we have to change? how we can achieve it?
    Is it worth to do a massive change on cloudstack database, change a 
    global parameter or work with commands on the api?
    Thanks in advance.
    Marc Poll Garcia
    Technology Infrastructure
    Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6 Soterrani 1
    08034 BARCELONA
    Telèfon centraleta: +34 93 401 16 00
    Telèfon directe: +34 93.405.43.57
    Fax: +34 93 401 25 75
    Aquest correu electrònic pot contenir informació confidencial o legalment protegida i està exclusivament dirigit a la persona o entitat  destinatària. Si vostè no és el destinatari final o persona encarregada de recollir-lo, no està autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a revelar el seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, li preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu sistema el missatge i el material annex que pugui contenir.
    Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.
    *** Si us plau, no m'imprimeixis. Vull seguir sent digital ***
    *** Por favor, no me imprimas. Quiero seguir siendo digital ***
    *** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***
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