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Posted to by "PICQUENOT Samuel (i-BP - CGI)" <> on 2016/01/19 11:31:47 UTC

Group by and FROM_UNIXTIME function


Firstly, the FROM_UNIXTIME function's date pattern is case sensitive :

*         FROM_UNIXTIME(1451308548, 'yyyy-MM') --> 2015-12

*         FROM_UNIXTIME(1451308548, 'YYYY-MM') --> 2016-12 (because YYYY is not a valid date pattern and 2016 is the current year)

Consider the following query (dual is the oracle 1 row table) :
  FROM_UNIXTIME(ts, 'yyyy-MM'),
  SELECT 1451308548 AS ts FROM dual -- Timestamp for the 2015-12-28 date
  SELECT 1482930948 AS ts FROM dual -- Timestamp for the 2016-12-25 date
) dual

The query should throw an error because there is a field in the SELECT clause which is not present in the GROUP BY clause (without an aggregate function).
In deed the previous query returns only one row (from the 2016-12 value from the GROUP BY) but there is 2 distinct values (2015-12 and 2016-12) for the 1st field in the SELECT CLAUSE.

Is this an intended behavior ?

Best regards,
Samuel Picquenot

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