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Posted to by on 2004/06/11 08:02:17 UTC

cvs commit: ws-axis/c/samples/client/rpcfault DivByZeroStruct.cpp DivByZeroStruct.h

damitha     2004/06/10 23:02:17

  Added:       c/samples/client/rpcfault DivByZeroStruct.cpp
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/samples/client/rpcfault/DivByZeroStruct.cpp
  Index: DivByZeroStruct.cpp
   *This file is automatically generated by the Axis C++ Wrapper Class Generator
   *Web service wrapper class's implementation generated by Axis WCG
   *Parameters and wrapper methos to manipulate DivByZeroStruct
  #include <malloc.h>
  #include "DivByZeroStruct.h"
  #include <axis/server/AxisWrapperAPI.h>
   * This static method serialize a DivByZeroStruct type of object
  int Axis_Serialize_DivByZeroStruct(DivByZeroStruct* param, IWrapperSoapSerializer* pSZ, bool bArray = false)
  	if (bArray)
  		pSZ->serialize("<", Axis_TypeName_DivByZeroStruct, ">", NULL);
  		const AxisChar* sPrefix = pSZ->getNamespacePrefix(Axis_URI_DivByZeroStruct);
  		pSZ->serialize("<", Axis_TypeName_DivByZeroStruct, " xsi:type=\"", sPrefix, ":",
  			Axis_TypeName_DivByZeroStruct, "\" xmlns:", sPrefix, "=\"",
  			Axis_URI_DivByZeroStruct, "\">", NULL);
  	pSZ->serializeAsElement("varString", (void*)&(param->varString), XSD_STRING);
  	pSZ->serializeAsElement("varInt", (void*)&(param->varInt), XSD_INT);
  	pSZ->serializeAsElement("varFloat", (void*)&(param->varFloat), XSD_FLOAT);
  	pSZ->serialize("</", Axis_TypeName_DivByZeroStruct, ">", NULL);
  	return AXIS_SUCCESS;
   * This static method deserialize a DivByZeroStruct type of object
  int Axis_DeSerialize_DivByZeroStruct(DivByZeroStruct* param, IWrapperSoapDeSerializer *pIWSDZ)
  	param->varString = pIWSDZ->getElementAsString("varString",0);
  	param->varInt = pIWSDZ->getElementAsInt("varInt",0);
  	param->varFloat = pIWSDZ->getElementAsFloat("varFloat",0);
  	return pIWSDZ->getStatus();
  void* Axis_Create_DivByZeroStruct(DivByZeroStruct* pObj, bool bArray = false, int nSize=0)
  	if (bArray && (nSize > 0))
  		if (pObj)
  			DivByZeroStruct* pNew = new DivByZeroStruct[nSize];
  			memcpy(pNew, pObj, sizeof(DivByZeroStruct)*nSize/2);
  			memset(pObj, 0, sizeof(DivByZeroStruct)*nSize/2);
  			delete [] pObj;
  			return pNew;
  			return new DivByZeroStruct[nSize];
  		return new DivByZeroStruct;
   * This static method delete a DivByZeroStruct type of object
  void Axis_Delete_DivByZeroStruct(DivByZeroStruct* param, bool bArray = false, int nSize=0)
  	if (bArray)
  		delete [] param;
  		delete param;
   * This static method gives the size of DivByZeroStruct type of object
  int Axis_GetSize_DivByZeroStruct()
  	return sizeof(DivByZeroStruct);
  	/*do not allocate memory to any pointer members here
  	 because deserializer will allocate memory anyway. */
  	/*delete any pointer and array members here*/
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/samples/client/rpcfault/DivByZeroStruct.h
  Index: DivByZeroStruct.h
   *This file is automatically generated by the Axis C++ Wrapper Class Generator
   *Web service wrapper class's implementation generated by Axis WCG
   *Parameters and wrapper methos to manipulate DivByZeroStruct
  #include <axis/server/AxisUserAPI.h>
  /*Local name and the URI for the type*/
  static const char* Axis_URI_DivByZeroStruct = "";
  static const char* Axis_TypeName_DivByZeroStruct = "DivByZeroStruct";
  class DivByZeroStruct
  	xsd__string varString;
  	int varInt;
  	float varFloat;
  	virtual ~DivByZeroStruct();
  #endif /* !defined(__DIVBYZEROSTRUCT_PARAM_H__INCLUDED_)*/