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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/06/01 01:07:54 UTC

[GitHub] [singa] nudles commented on a change in pull request #703: Refactor sonnx, test cases and examples

nudles commented on a change in pull request #703:

File path: python/singa/
@@ -989,1150 +1035,1051 @@ def from_onnx(args):
 class SingaBackend(Backend):
     # This number indicates the onnx operator set version
-    _known_opset_version = 11
+    _opset_version = 11
+    _ir_version = 0x0000000000000006
     # beceuase singa's operators are different from onnx.
     # we define a dict for the name projection
     _rename_operators = {
-        'Relu': 'relu',
-        'Softmax': 'SoftMax',
-        'Sigmoid': 'sigmoid',
-        'Add': 'add',
-        'MatMul': 'matmul',
-        'Conv': '_Conv2d',
-        'MaxPool': '_Pooling2d',
-        'AveragePool': '_Pooling2d',
-        'BatchNormalization': 'batchnorm_2d',
-        'Concat': 'Concat',
-        'Flatten': 'Flatten',
-        'Gemm': 'Gemm',
-        'Reshape': 'Reshape',
-        'Sum': 'sum',
-        'Cos': 'cos',
-        'Cosh': 'cosh',
-        'Sin': 'sin',
-        'Sinh': 'sinh',
-        'Tan': 'tan',
-        'Tanh': 'tanh',
-        'Acos': 'acos',
-        'Acosh': 'acosh',
-        'Asin': 'asin',
-        'Asinh': 'asinh',
-        'Atan': 'atan',
-        'Atanh': 'atanh',
-        'Selu': 'SeLU',
-        'Elu': 'Elu',
-        'Equal': 'equal',
-        'Less': 'less',
-        'Sign': 'sign',
-        'Div': 'div',
-        'Sub': 'sub',
-        'Sqrt': 'sqrt',
-        'Log': 'log',
-        'Greater': 'greater',
-        'HardSigmoid': 'HardSigmoid',
-        'Identity': 'identity',
-        'Softplus': 'softplus',
-        'Softsign': 'softsign',
-        'Mean': 'mean',
-        'Pow': 'pow',
-        'Clip': 'Clip',
-        'PRelu': 'prelu',
-        'Mul': 'mul',
-        'Transpose': 'Transpose',
-        'Max': 'max',
-        'Min': 'min',
-        'Shape': 'shape',
-        'And': '_and',
-        'Or': '_or',
-        'Xor': '_xor',
-        'Not': '_not',
-        'Neg': 'negative',
-        'Reciprocal': 'reciprocal',
-        'ConstantOfShape': 'ConstantOfShape',
-        'Dropout': 'Dropout',
-        'ReduceSum': 'ReduceSum',
-        'ReduceMean': 'ReduceMean',
-        'LeakyRelu': 'LeakyRelu',
-        'GlobalAveragePool': 'GlobalAveragePool',
-        'Squeeze': 'Squeeze',
+        # common op
+        'Relu': 'ReLU',
+        'Sigmoid': 'Sigmoid',
+        'Add': 'Add',
+        'MatMul': 'Matmul',
+        'Sum': 'Sum',
+        'Cos': 'Cos',
+        'Cosh': 'Cosh',
+        'Sin': 'Sin',
+        'Sinh': 'Sinh',
+        'Tan': 'Tan',
+        'Tanh': 'Tanh',
+        'Acos': 'Acos',
+        'Acosh': 'Acosh',
+        'Asin': 'Asin',
+        'Asinh': 'Asinh',
+        'Atan': 'Atan',
+        'Atanh': 'Atanh',
+        'Equal': 'Equal',
+        'Less': 'Less',
+        'Sign': 'Sign',
+        'Div': 'Div',
+        'Sub': 'Sub',
+        'Sqrt': 'Sqrt',
+        'Log': 'Log',
+        'Greater': 'Greater',
+        'Identity': 'Identity',
+        'Softplus': 'SoftPlus',
+        'Softsign': 'SoftSign',
+        'Mean': 'Mean',
+        'Pow': 'Pow',
+        'PRelu': 'PRelu',
+        'Mul': 'Mul',
+        'Max': 'Max',
+        'Min': 'Min',
+        'Shape': 'Shape',
+        'And': 'And',
+        'Or': 'Or',
+        'Xor': 'Xor',
+        'Not': 'Not',
+        'Neg': 'Negative',
+        'Reciprocal': 'Reciprocal',
         'Unsqueeze': 'Unsqueeze',
-        'Slice': 'Slice',
+        'NonZero': 'NonZero',
         'Ceil': 'Ceil',
-        'Split': 'Split',
-        'Gather': 'Gather',
-        'Tile': 'Tile',
-        'NonZero': 'nonzero',
+        # # special op
         'Cast': 'Cast',
+        'Split': 'Split',
+        'Squeeze': 'Squeeze',
+        'GlobalAveragePool': 'GlobalAveragePool',
+        'LeakyRelu': 'LeakyRelu',
+        'ReduceSum': 'ReduceSum',
+        'ReduceMean': 'ReduceMean',
+        'Dropout': 'Dropout',
+        'ConstantOfShape': 'ConstantOfShape',
+        'Transpose': 'Transpose',
+        'HardSigmoid': 'HardSigmoid',
+        'Elu': 'Elu',
+        'Selu': 'SeLU',
+        'Concat': 'Concat',
+        'Softmax': 'SoftMax',
+        'Flatten': 'Flatten',
         'OneHot': 'OneHot',
+        'Tile': 'Tile',
+        'Gather': 'Gather',
+        'Reshape': 'Reshape',
+        'Slice': 'Slice',
+        'Clip': 'Clip',
+        'Gemm': 'layer.Gemm',  # layer
+        'BatchNormalization': 'layer.BatchNorm2d',  # layer
+        'Conv': 'layer.Conv2d',  # layer
+        'MaxPool': 'layer.Pooling2d',  # layer
+        'AveragePool': 'layer.Pooling2d',  # layer
     # this dict indicates the operators that need extra handle
     # each indicates a function name
     _special_operators = {
-        'Conv': '_create_conv',
-        'MaxPool': '_create_max_avg_pool',
-        'AveragePool': '_create_max_avg_pool',
-        'BatchNormalization': '_create_batchnorm',
+        'Cast': '_create_cast',
+        'Split': '_create_split',
+        'Squeeze': '_create_squeeze_unsqueeze',
+        'Unsqueeze': '_create_squeeze_unsqueeze',
+        'GlobalAveragePool': '_create_global_average_pool',
+        'LeakyRelu': '_create_leakyrelu',
+        'ReduceSum': '_create_reduce_ops',
+        'ReduceMean': '_create_reduce_ops',
+        'Dropout': '_create_dropout',
+        'ConstantOfShape': '_create_constant_of_shape',
+        'Transpose': '_create_transpose',
+        'HardSigmoid': '_create_hardsigmoid',
+        'Elu': '_create_elu',
+        'Selu': '_create_selu',
         'Concat': '_create_concat',
-        'Flatten': '_create_flatten',
+        'Softmax': '_create_softmax',
         'Gemm': '_create_gemm',
+        'Flatten': '_create_flatten',
+        'OneHot': '_create_onehot',
+        'Tile': '_create_tile',
+        'Gather': '_create_gather',
         'Reshape': '_create_reshape',
-        'Softmax': '_create_softmax',
-        'Selu': '_create_selu',
-        'Elu': '_create_elu',
-        'HardSigmoid': '_create_hardsigmoid',
-        'Clip': '_create_clip',
-        'Transpose': '_create_transpose',
-        'ConstantOfShape': '_create_constantOfShape',
-        'Dropout': '_create_dropout',
-        'ReduceSum': '_create_reduceOp',
-        'ReduceMean': '_create_reduceOp',
-        'LeakyRelu': '_create_leakyrelu',
-        'GlobalAveragePool': '_create_globalaveragepool',
-        'Squeeze': '_create_squeeze',
-        'Unsqueeze': '_create_squeeze',
         'Slice': '_create_slice',
-        'Split': '_create_split',
-        'Gather': '_create_gather',
-        'Tile': '_create_tile',
-        'Cast': '_create_cast',
-        'OneHot': '_create_onehot',
-        'Constant': "_create_constant"
+        'Clip': '_create_clip',
+        'BatchNormalization': '_create_batch_norm',
+        'Conv': '_create_conv',
+        'MaxPool': '_create_max_avg_pool',
+        'AveragePool': '_create_max_avg_pool',
-    def _create_constant(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
-        """
-        parse onnx constatn node to weights
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
-        """
-        tmp_tensor = onnx_node.getattr('value')
-        np_dtype = onnx.mapping.TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[tmp_tensor.data_type]
-        np_tensor = np.frombuffer(tmp_tensor.raw_data, dtype=np_dtype)
-        if np_tensor.dtype == "int64":
-            np_tensor = np_tensor.astype(np.int32)
-        # todo, we cannot support scalar tensor
-        if np.ndim(np_tensor) == 0:
-            np_tensor = np.array(np_tensor, ndmin=1)
-        return None, np_tensor
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_onehot(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
-        """
-        get the OneHot operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
-        """
-        axis = onnx_node.getattr("axis", -1)
-        # we move several inputs to singa's attribuates
-        # and mark them so we don't use them when we run this operator
-        depth = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).astype(np.int32)
-        value = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1))
-        onnx_node.consumed_inputs.extend(onnx_node.inputs[1:])
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(axis, depth, value)
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_cast(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_cast(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the Cast operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
-        """
-        to = onnx_node.getattr("to")
-        # singa only supports float32 and int32
-        map_dict = {
-            TensorProto.FLOAT: tensor.float32,  # FLOAT to float32
-            TensorProto.UINT8: None,  # UINT8
-            TensorProto.INT8: tensor.int32,  # INT8 to int32
-            TensorProto.UINT16: None,  # UINT16
-            TensorProto.INT16: tensor.int32,  # INT16 to int32
-            TensorProto.INT32: tensor.int32,  # INT32 to int32
-            TensorProto.INT64: tensor.int32,  # INT64 to int32
-            TensorProto.STRING: None,  # stirng
-            TensorProto.BOOL: None,  # bool
-        }
-        to = map_dict[to]
-        assert to != None, "not support cast type: {}".format(to)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(to)
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_tile(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
-        """
-        get the Tile operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
-        """
-        # we move several inputs to singa's attribuates
-        # and mark them so we don't use them when we run this operator
-        repeats = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).astype(np.int32).tolist()
-        onnx_node.consumed_inputs.append(onnx_node.inputs[1])
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(repeats)
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_gather(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
-        """
-        get the Gather operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        axis = onnx_node.getattr("axis", 0)
-        # we move several inputs to singa's attribuates
-        # and mark them so we don't use them when we run this operator
-        indices = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).astype(np.int32).tolist()
-        onnx_node.consumed_inputs.append(onnx_node.inputs[1])
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(axis, indices)
+        to_type = onnx_type_to_singa_type(onnx_node.getattr("to"))
+        assert to_type != None, "not support cast type: {}".format(to_type)
+        if to_type == np.dtype('float32'):
+            return operator(tensor.float32)
+        else:
+            return operator(tensor.int32)
-    def _create_split(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_split(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the Split operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         axis = onnx_node.getattr("axis", 0)
         split = onnx_node.getattr("split", None)
         num_output = len(onnx_node.outputs)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(axis, split, num_output)
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_slice(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
-        """
-        get the Slice operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
-        """
-        # we move several inputs to singa's attribuates
-        # and mark them so we don't use them when we run this operator
-        starts = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).astype(np.int32).tolist()
-        ends = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).astype(np.int32).tolist()
-        # sometime onnx may ignore these two inputs, axes and step
-        if len(inputs) >= 2 and onnx_node.inputs[3] != '':
-            axes = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).astype(np.int32).tolist()
-        else:
-            axes = None
-        steps = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).astype(
-            np.int32).tolist() if len(inputs) >= 2 else None
-        onnx_node.consumed_inputs.extend(onnx_node.inputs[1:])
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(starts, ends, axes, steps)
+        return operator(axis, split, num_output)
-    def _create_squeeze(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_squeeze_unsqueeze(cls,
+                                  onnx_node,
+                                  operator,
+                                  opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the Squeeze and Unsqueeze operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         axes = onnx_node.getattr("axes")
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(axes)
+        return operator(axes)
-    def _create_globalaveragepool(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_global_average_pool(cls,
+                                    onnx_node,
+                                    operator,
+                                    opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the GlobalAveragePool operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         data_format = onnx_node.getattr("data_format", 'channels_first')
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(data_format)
+        return operator(data_format)
-    def _create_leakyrelu(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_leakyrelu(cls,
+                          onnx_node,
+                          operator,
+                          opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the LeakyRelu operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         alpha = onnx_node.getattr("alpha", 0.01)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(alpha)
+        return operator(alpha)
-    def _create_reduceOp(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_reduce_ops(cls,
+                           onnx_node,
+                           operator,
+                           opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the ReduceSum, ReduceMean, ReduceMax, ReduceMin, etc, operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         axes = onnx_node.getattr("axes", None)
         keepdims = onnx_node.getattr("keepdims", 1)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(axes, keepdims)
+        return operator(axes, keepdims)
-    def _create_dropout(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_dropout(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the Dropout operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         ratio = onnx_node.getattr("ratio", 0)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(ratio)
+        return operator(ratio)
-    def _create_constantOfShape(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_constant_of_shape(cls,
+                                  onnx_node,
+                                  operator,
+                                  opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the ConstantOfShape operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         value = onnx_node.getattr("value", 0)
         if isinstance(value, onnx.TensorProto):
             value = numpy_helper.to_array(value)[0].item()
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(value)
+        return operator(value)
-    def _create_transpose(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_transpose(cls,
+                          onnx_node,
+                          operator,
+                          opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the Transpose operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
-        """
-        shape = inputs[0].shape
-        perm = onnx_node.getattr("perm", list(range(len(shape) - 1, -1, -1)))
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(perm)
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_clip(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
-        """
-        get the clip operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        # sometime onnx may ignore these two inputs, min or max or both
-        if len(inputs) >= 2 and onnx_node.inputs[1] != '':
-            min_v = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).tolist()[0]
-        else:
-            min_v = None
-        if len(inputs) >= 2 and onnx_node.inputs[2] != '':
-            max_v = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).tolist()[0]
-        else:
-            max_v = None
-        onnx_node.consumed_inputs.extend(onnx_node.inputs[1:])
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(min_v, max_v)
+        perm = onnx_node.getattr("perm")
+        return operator(perm)
-    def _create_hardsigmoid(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_hardsigmoid(cls,
+                            onnx_node,
+                            operator,
+                            opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the HardSigmoid operator from onnx node
+        get the hardsigmoid operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         alpha = onnx_node.getattr("alpha", 0.2)
         beta = onnx_node.getattr("beta", 0.5)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(alpha, beta)
+        return operator(alpha, beta)
-    def _create_elu(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_elu(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the elu operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         alpha = onnx_node.getattr("alpha", 1.)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(alpha)
+        return operator(alpha)
-    def _create_selu(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_selu(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
         get the selu operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
         alpha = onnx_node.getattr("alpha", 1.67326)
         gamma = onnx_node.getattr("gamma", 1.0507)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(alpha, gamma)
+        return operator(alpha, gamma)
-    def _create_reshape(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_concat(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the reshape operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
+        get the concat operator from onnx node
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        shape = tensor.to_numpy(inputs.pop(1)).astype(np.int32).tolist()
-        onnx_node.consumed_inputs.append(onnx_node.inputs[1])
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(shape)
+        factor = onnx_node.getattr('axis')
+        return operator(axis=factor)
-    def _create_conv(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_softmax(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the conv operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
+        get the softmax operator from onnx node
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: 
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        kernel = tuple(onnx_node.attrs["kernel_shape"])
-        padding = tuple(
-            onnx_node.attrs["pads"]) if "pads" in onnx_node.attrs else (0, 0)
-        stride = tuple(onnx_node.getattr('strides', (1, 1)))
-        # default the odd_padding is 0, once there are same pad mode, we modify it
-        # for odd_padding, please refer the
-        odd_padding = (0, 0, 0, 0)
-        if "auto_pad" in onnx_node.attrs:
-            auto_pad = utils.force_unicode(onnx_node.attrs['auto_pad'])
-            if auto_pad in ('SAME_UPPER', 'SAME_LOWER'):
-                padding, odd_padding = utils.get_padding_shape(
-                    auto_pad, inputs[0].shape[2:], kernel, stride)
-        # not support dilation
-        dilation = onnx_node.getattr('dilations', 1)
-        if dilation != 1 and list(dilation) != [1, 1]:
-            raise ValueError("Not implemented yet for dilation")
-        group = onnx_node.getattr('group', 1)
-        # only support 1d or 2d
-        if len(kernel) > 2:
-            raise ValueError("Only implemented for 1d or 2d")
-        bias = len(inputs) == 3
-        x = inputs[0]
-        x_shape = inputs[0].shape
-        in_channels = x_shape[1]
-        w_shape = inputs[1].shape
-        out_channels = w_shape[0]
-        assert w_shape[1] == in_channels // group
-        if inputs[0] == -1:
-            if group != 1:
-                raise NotImplementedError
-            else:
-                handle = singa.ConvHandle(, kernel, stride, padding,
-                                          in_channels, out_channels, bias,
-                                          group)
-        else:
-            handle = singa.CudnnConvHandle(, kernel, stride, padding,
-                                           in_channels, out_channels, bias,
-                                           group)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(handle, odd_padding)
+        factor = onnx_node.getattr('axis', 1)
+        return operator(axis=factor)
-    def _create_max_avg_pool(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_gemm(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the max or avg pool operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
+        get the gemm operator from onnx node
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            handle, the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            forward, the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        kernel = tuple(onnx_node.attrs["kernel_shape"])
-        padding = tuple(
-            onnx_node.attrs["pads"]) if "pads" in onnx_node.attrs else (0, 0)
-        stride = tuple(onnx_node.getattr('strides', (1, 1)))
-        # default the odd_padding is 0, once there are same pad mode, we modify it
-        # for odd_padding, please refer the
-        odd_padding = (0, 0, 0, 0)
-        if "auto_pad" in onnx_node.attrs:
-            auto_pad = utils.force_unicode(onnx_node.attrs['auto_pad'])
-            if auto_pad in ('SAME_UPPER', 'SAME_LOWER'):
-                padding, odd_padding = utils.get_padding_shape(
-                    auto_pad, inputs[0].shape[2:], kernel, stride)
-        # not support count_include_pad and auto_pad
-        if "count_include_pad" in onnx_node.attrs or "ceil_mode" in onnx_node.attrs:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Not implemented yet for count_include_pad or ceil_mode")
-        # only support 2d
-        if len(kernel) != 2:
-            raise ValueError("Not implemented yet")
-        is_max = onnx_node.op_type == 'MaxPool'
-        x = inputs[0]
-        if == -1:
-            handle = singa.PoolingHandle(, kernel, stride, padding,
-                                         is_max)
-        else:
-            handle = singa.CudnnPoolingHandle(, kernel, stride, padding,
-                                              is_max)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return _, forward(handle, odd_padding)
+        alpha = onnx_node.getattr('alpha', 1.)
+        beta = onnx_node.getattr('beta', 1.)
+        transA = onnx_node.getattr('transA', 0)
+        transB = onnx_node.getattr('transB', 0)
+        onnx_node.set_weight_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'W')
+        bias = False
+        if len(onnx_node.inputs) == 3:
+            onnx_node.set_weight_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[2], 'b')
+            bias = True
+        return operator(None,
+                        alpha=alpha,
+                        beta=beta,
+                        transA=transA,
+                        transB=transB,
+                        bias=bias)
-    def _create_batchnorm(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_flatten(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the batch norm operator from onnx node
-        Args:onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: the handle of singa operator
-        Returns: the autograd of singa operator
+        get the flatten operator from onnx node
+        Args:
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
+        Returns: 
+            singa operator instance
-        x = inputs[0]
-        factor = onnx_node.getattr('momentum', 0.9)
-        if == -1:
-            handle = singa.BatchNormHandle(factor,
-        else:
-            handle = singa.CudnnBatchNormHandle(factor,
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return handle, forward
+        factor = onnx_node.getattr('axis', 1)
+        return operator(axis=factor)
-    def _create_concat(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_onehot(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the concat operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
+        get the OneHot operator from onnx node
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        factor = onnx_node.attrs["axis"]
-        if factor < 0:
-            factor = len(inputs[0].shape
-                        ) + factor  # in order to support the negative axis
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return None, forward(axis=factor)
+        axis = onnx_node.getattr("axis", -1)
+        onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'depth')
+        onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[2], 'values')
+        return operator(axis, None, None)
-    def _create_softmax(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_tile(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the concat operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
+        get the Tile operator from onnx node
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            the handle of singa operator
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        factor = onnx_node.getattr('axis', 1)
-        if factor < 0:
-            # in order to support the negative axis
-            factor = len(inputs[0].shape) + factor
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return None, forward(axis=factor)
+        onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'repeats')
+        return operator(None)
-    def _create_gemm(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_gather(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the gemm operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
+        get the Gather operator from onnx node
-            inputs: the input tensor
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
+        Returns: 
+            singa operator instance
+        """
+        axis = onnx_node.getattr("axis", 0)
+        onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'indices')
+        return operator(axis, None)
+    @classmethod
+    def _create_reshape(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
+        """
+        get the reshape operator from onnx node
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            the handle of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
+        """
+        onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'shape')
+        return operator(None)
+    @classmethod
+    def _create_slice(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
+        """
+        get the Slice operator from onnx node
+        Args:
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        x = inputs[0]
-        alpha = onnx_node.getattr('alpha', 1.)
-        beta = onnx_node.getattr('beta', 1.)
-        transA = onnx_node.getattr('transA', 0)
-        transB = onnx_node.getattr('transB', 0)
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return None, forward(alpha=alpha,
-                             beta=beta,
-                             transA=transA,
-                             transB=transB)
+        onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'starts')
+        onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[2], 'ends')
+        if len(onnx_node.inputs) >= 4 and onnx_node.inputs[3] != '':
+            onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[3], 'axes')
+        if len(onnx_node.inputs) == 5 and onnx_node.inputs[4] != '':
+            onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[4], 'steps')
+        return operator(None, None, None, None)
-    def _create_flatten(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _create_clip(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get the flatten operator from onnx node
+        get the clip operator from onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
+        Returns: 
+            singa operator instance
+        """
+        if len(onnx_node.inputs) >= 2 and onnx_node.inputs[1] != '':
+            onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'min')
+        if len(onnx_node.inputs) == 3 and onnx_node.inputs[2] != '':
+            onnx_node.set_attr_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[2], 'max')
+        return operator(None, None)
+    @classmethod
+    def _create_batch_norm(cls,
+                           onnx_node,
+                           operator,
+                           opset_version=_opset_version):
+        """
+        get the clip operator from onnx node
-            inputs: the input tensor
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
+        Returns: 
+            singa operator instance
+        """
+        factor = onnx_node.getattr('momentum', 0.9)
+        onnx_node.set_weight_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'scale')
+        onnx_node.set_weight_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[2], 'bias')
+        onnx_node.set_weight_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[3], 'running_mean')
+        onnx_node.set_weight_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[4], 'running_var')
+        return operator(factor)
+    @classmethod
+    def _create_conv(cls, onnx_node, operator, opset_version=_opset_version):
+        """
+        get the clip operator from onnx node
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            the handle of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
+        """
+        kernel_size = tuple(onnx_node.getattr('kernel_shape'))
+        padding = tuple(onnx_node.getattr('pads', (0, 0)))
+        stride = tuple(onnx_node.getattr('strides', (1, 1)))
+        auto_pad = utils.force_unicode(onnx_node.getattr('auto_pad', 'NOTSET'))
+        # not support dilation
+        dilation = onnx_node.getattr('dilations', 1)
+        if dilation != 1 and list(dilation) != [1, 1]:
+            raise ValueError("Not implemented yet for dilation")
+        group = onnx_node.getattr('group', 1)
+        # only support 1d or 2d
+        if len(kernel_size) > 2:
+            raise ValueError("Only implemented for 1d or 2d")
+        onnx_node.set_weight_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[1], 'W')
+        bias = False
+        if len(onnx_node.inputs) == 3:
+            onnx_node.set_weight_inputs(onnx_node.inputs[2], 'b')
+            bias = True
+        return operator(None,
+                        kernel_size,
+                        stride=stride,
+                        padding=padding,
+                        dilation=dilation,
+                        group=group,
+                        bias=bias,
+                        pad_mode=auto_pad)
+    @classmethod
+    def _create_max_avg_pool(cls,
+                             onnx_node,
+                             operator,
+                             opset_version=_opset_version):
+        """
+        get the clip operator from onnx node
+        Args:
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            operator (Operator Class): a singa operator class
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            the autograd of singa operator
+            singa operator instance
-        factor = onnx_node.getattr('axis', 1)
-        if factor < 0:
-            # in order to support the negative axis
-            factor = len(inputs[0].shape) + factor
+        kernel_size = tuple(onnx_node.getattr('kernel_shape'))
+        padding = tuple(onnx_node.getattr('pads', (0, 0)))
+        stride = tuple(onnx_node.getattr('strides', (1, 1)))
+        auto_pad = utils.force_unicode(onnx_node.getattr('auto_pad', 'NOTSET'))
-        _, forward = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, inputs,
-                                                       opset_version)
-        return None, forward(axis=factor)
+        # not support count_include_pad and auto_pad
+        ceil_mode = onnx_node.getattr('ceil_mode', 0)
+        count_include_pad = onnx_node.getattr('count_include_pad', 0)
+        if ceil_mode != 0 or count_include_pad != 0:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Not implemented yet for count_include_pad or ceil_mode")
+        # only support 1d or 2d
+        if len(kernel_size) > 2:
+            raise ValueError("Only implemented for 1d or 2d")
+        is_max = onnx_node.op_type == 'MaxPool'
+        return operator(kernel_size, stride, padding, is_max, auto_pad)
-    def _common_onnx_node_to_singa_op(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version):
+    def _onnx_constant_to_np(cls, onnx_node, opset_version):
-        get a common singa operator(only autograd) from a onnx node
-        other special operators also can call this func to get autograd
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
+        parse onnx constatn node to numpy array
-            tensor_map: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            a dict of tensors
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            a list of SingaOps('name', 'op', 'handle', 'forward')
+            a numpy ndarray
-        onnx_op_type = onnx_node.op_type
-        assert onnx_op_type in cls._rename_operators, "not support operator: {}".format(
-            onnx_op_type)
-        autograd_op = getattr(autograd, cls._rename_operators[onnx_op_type])
-        return None, autograd_op
+        onnx_tensor = onnx_node.getattr('value')
+        np_dtype = mapping.TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[onnx_tensor.data_type]
+        np_tensor = np.frombuffer(onnx_tensor.raw_data, dtype=np_dtype)
+        return tensor.from_numpy(np_tensor)
-    def _onnx_node_to_singa_op(cls,
-                               onnx_node,
-                               inputs,
-                               opset_version=_known_opset_version):
+    def _onnx_node_to_singa_op(cls, onnx_node, opset_version=_opset_version):
-        get a singa operator(handle and autograd) from a onnx node
-        Args:
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input list
+        get singa operator from a onnx node
-            opset_version: the opset version
+            onnx_node (OnnxNode): a given onnx node
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            a dict of tensors
-        Returns: 
-            a list of SingaOps('name', 'op', 'handle', 'forward')
+            singa operator instance
+        onnx_op_type = onnx_node.op_type
+        assert onnx_op_type in cls._rename_operators, "not support operator: {}".format(
+            onnx_op_type)
+        renamed_op = cls._rename_operators[onnx_op_type]
+        if renamed_op.startswith('layer.'):
+            op_class = getattr(layer, renamed_op[6:])
+        else:
+            op_class = getattr(autograd, renamed_op)
         if onnx_node.op_type in cls._special_operators:
             translator = getattr(cls, cls._special_operators[onnx_node.op_type])
+            op = translator(onnx_node, op_class, opset_version)
-            translator = cls._common_onnx_node_to_singa_op
-        return translator(onnx_node, inputs, opset_version)
+            op = op_class()
+        # refine the ONNXNode
+        onnx_node.inputs = [inp for inp in onnx_node.inputs if inp != '']
+        return op
-    def run_node(cls, onnx_node, inputs, opset_version=_known_opset_version):
+    def run_node(cls, node, inputs, device='CPU', opset_version=_opset_version):
         run a single singa operator from a onnx node
-            onnx_node: a given onnx node
-        Args:
-            inputs: the input tensor
-        Args:
-            device: the used device
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            list, the output of the 
+            node (NodeProto): a given onnx node
+            inputs (ndarray[]): a list of numpy ndarray
+            device (string): CPU or CUDA
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
+        Returns:
+            list, the output
-        valid_inputs = [x for x in onnx_node.inputs if x != ""]
+        node = OnnxNode(node)
+        valid_inputs = [x for x in node.inputs if x != ""]
         assert len(valid_inputs) == len(
-            inputs), "{}: expected {} but got {}".format(
-                onnx_node.op_type, len(valid_inputs), len(inputs))
-        tmp_inputs = [inputs[x] for x in onnx_node.inputs if x != ""]
-        handle, forward = cls._onnx_node_to_singa_op(onnx_node, tmp_inputs,
-                                                     opset_version)
-        # only give the inputs it needs
-        # consumed_inputs are the inputs marked as attributes
-        # so we remove it here
-        tmp_inputs = [
-            inputs[x]
-            for x in onnx_node.inputs
-            if x not in onnx_node.consumed_inputs
-        ]
-        return cls._run_node(onnx_node, tmp_inputs, handle, forward,
-                             opset_version)
+            inputs), "{}: expected {} inputs, but got {}. ".format(
+                node.op_type, len(valid_inputs), len(inputs))
+        operator = cls._onnx_node_to_singa_op(node, opset_version)
+        # seperate weights with inputs, and init inputs as Tensor
+        weights = {}
+        _inputs = []
+        for (key, val) in zip(valid_inputs, inputs):
+            val = val.astype(onnx_type_to_singa_type(val.dtype))
+            if key in node.weight_inputs:
+                weights[key] = val
+            else:
+                x = tensor.from_numpy(val)
+                if device == 'CPU':
+                    assert singa.USE_CUDA, "Your SINGA doesn't compile GPU module."
+                    dev = device.create_cuda_gpu(set_default=False)
+                else:
+                    dev = device.get_default_device()
+                x.to_device(dev)
+                _inputs.append(x)
+        inputs = _inputs
+        # set params
+        params = {}
+        for key, name in node.weight_inputs.items():
+            params[name] = weights[key]
+        operator.set_params(params)
+        outputs = cls._run_node(operator, inputs)
+        outputs_dict = OrderedDict()
+        for (key, val) in zip(node.outputs, outputs):
+            outputs_dict[key] = val
+        return outputs_dict
-    def _run_node(cls,
-                  onnx_node,
-                  inputs,
-                  handle,
-                  forward,
-                  opset_version=_known_opset_version):
+    def _run_node(cls, operator, inputs):
-        run a single singa operator from a onnx node
-        Args:inputs: 
-            the input tensor
-        Args:handle: 
-            the handle of singa operator
-        Args:forward: 
-            the forward of singa operator
+        run a single singa operator from singa operator
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns: 
-            list, the output of the
+            operator (Operator): the Operator instance
+            inputs (Tensor[]): a list of SINGA Tensor
+        Returns:
+            list, the output
-        outputs = forward(*inputs) if handle is None else forward(
-            handle, *inputs)
+        outputs = operator(*inputs)
         if not isinstance(outputs, collections.Iterable):
             outputs = [outputs]
-        outputs_dict = OrderedDict()
-        for (key, val) in zip(onnx_node.outputs, outputs):
-            outputs_dict[key] = val
-        return outputs_dict
+        return outputs
-    def _init_graph_parameter(cls, graph, init_inputs, device):
+    def _parse_graph_params(cls, graph, device):
-        init the singa tensor from onnx infos
+        parse the parameters from onnx graph
-            graph: a given onnx graph
-        Args:
-            init_inputs: a list of inputs, which used to init the operators
+            graph (Graph): a given onnx graph
+            device (string): CPU or CUDA
+        Returns:
+            a dict of numpy ndarray
+        """
+        params = {}
+        for tp in graph.initializer:
+            val = numpy_helper.to_array(tp)
+            val = val.astype(onnx_type_to_singa_type(tp.data_type))
+            params[] = val
+        return params
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_graph_inputs_outputs(cls, graph, params, device):
+        """
+        parse the inits, outputs from onnx graph
-            device: the used device
+            graph (Graph): a given onnx graph
+            device (string): # CPU or CUDA
-            a dict of tensors
+            a dict of ValueInfo
+            a dict of ValueInfo
-        tensor_map = {}
-        # due to
-        # sometimes, input contains all initializer's info
-        # sometimes, may not
-        all_inputs = OrderedDict()
+        inputs = []
+        outputs = []
+        info_tuple = namedtuple('info_tuple', ['name', 'dtype', 'shape'])
         for t in graph.input:
-            all_inputs[] = t
-        # so we refresh the input by the initializer
-        for t in graph.initializer:
-            all_inputs[] = t
-        initializers = { for t in graph.initializer}
-        inp_idx = 0
-        for name, x in all_inputs.items():
-            if name in initializers:
-                # if it has initializer, we use its value as the input
-                np_tensor = numpy_helper.to_array(x)
-                if np_tensor.dtype == "int64":
-                    np_tensor = np_tensor.astype(np.int32)
-                # todo, we cannot support scalar tensor
-                if np.ndim(np_tensor) == 0:
-                    np_tensor = np.array(np_tensor, ndmin=1)
-            else:
-                # if not, means it's a input rather than a inner weight
-                # so if the user gives values, we use these values
-                # if not, we just use the shape of input gived by onnx to init a random value
-                # HOWEVER, the random value may not be correct for some inputs, such as gather which needs indices
-                # so if have operators, the user must give inputs
-                x_shape = tuple(
-                    dim.dim_value for dim in x.type.tensor_type.shape.dim)
-                if init_inputs is not None:
-                    np_tensor = init_inputs[inp_idx]
-                    inp_idx += 1
-                else:
-                    np_tensor = np.random.randn(*x_shape).astype(np.float32)
-            tmp_tensor = tensor.from_numpy(np_tensor)
-            tmp_tensor.to_device(device)
-            # todo, for backward
-            tmp_tensor.stores_grad = (name in initializers)
-            tensor_map[] = tmp_tensor
-        return tensor_map
+            if not in params:
+                dtype = t.type.tensor_type.elem_type
+                shape = [dim.dim_value for dim in t.type.tensor_type.shape.dim]
+                inputs.extend([info_tuple(, dtype, shape)])
+        for t in graph.output:
+            dtype = t.type.tensor_type.elem_type
+            shape = [dim.dim_value for dim in t.type.tensor_type.shape.dim]
+            outputs.extend([info_tuple(, dtype, shape)])
+        return inputs, outputs
-    def _onnx_model_to_singa_net(cls, model, init_inputs, device,
-                                 opset_version):
+    def _onnx_model_to_singa_ops(cls, graph, device, opset_version):
-        get all intermediate tensors and operators from onnx model
-        Args:
-            model: a given onnx model
+        get all intermediate params, operators, and input info from onnx model
-            init_inputs: a list of inputs, which used to init the operators
-        Args:
-            device: the used device
-        Args:
-            opset_version: the opset version
-        Returns:
-            a dict of tensors
+            graph (Graph): the loaded ONNX graph
+            device (string): CPU or CUDA
+            opset_version (int): the opset version
-            a list of SingaOps('name', 'op', 'handle', 'forward')
-        """
-        # init all tensor input and weight as a tensor map
-        tensor_map = cls._init_graph_parameter(model.graph, init_inputs, device)
-        # only weights tensor
-        weights = { tensor_map[] for x in model.graph.initializer}
+            a dict of weights
+            a dict of ValueInfo
+            a dict of ValueInfo
+            a list of SingaOps('node', 'forward')
+        """
+        # init all tensor input and params as a tensor map
+        params = cls._parse_graph_params(graph, device)
+        inputs, outputs = cls._parse_graph_inputs_outputs(graph, params, device)
         # the parsed operators queue
-        singa_ops = []
-        singa_op = namedtuple('SingaOps', ['name', 'op', 'handle', 'forward'])
-        for node in model.graph.node:
+        operators = []
+        operator_tuple = namedtuple('operator_tuple', ['node', 'operator'])
+        for node in graph.node:
             node = OnnxNode(node)
-            # only give the inputs it needs
-            # consumed_inputs are the inputs marked as attributes
-            # so we remove it here
-            inputs = [
-                tensor_map[x]
-                for x in node.inputs
-                if x not in node.consumed_inputs
-            ]
-            handle, forward = cls._onnx_node_to_singa_op(
-                node, inputs, opset_version)
-            # if it is Constant, we hanlde it as a weight
-            # otherwise, we run it and add its output into map for being used by later operators
+            # convert Constant to param
             if node.op_type == 'Constant':
-                tmp_tensor = tensor.from_numpy(forward)
-                tmp_tensor.to_device(device)
-                tmp_name = node.outputs.pop(0)
-                weights[tmp_name] = tmp_tensor
-                tensor_map[tmp_name] = tmp_tensor
+                params[node.outputs[0]] = cls._onnx_constant_to_np(node)
-                outputs = cls._run_node(node, inputs, handle, forward)
-                for key, val in outputs.items():
-                    tensor_map[key] = val
-                singa_ops.extend([singa_op(, node, handle, forward)])
-        return weights, singa_ops
+                op = cls._onnx_node_to_singa_op(node, opset_version)
+                operators.extend([operator_tuple(node, op)])
+        return params, inputs, outputs, operators
-    def prepare(cls, model, device, **kwargs):
+    def prepare(cls, model, device='CPU', **kwargs):
-        get the batch norm operator from onnx node
-        Args:
-            model: a given onnx node
+        parse the ONNX and to create layers
-            device: the used device
-        Returns: 
-            a list of output values
+            model (ModelProto): the loaded ONNX model
+            device (string): CPU or CUDA
+        Returns:
+            a SingaRep instance to stores the layers and weights
         super(SingaBackend, cls).prepare(model, device, **kwargs)
-        # when parsing graph, we use the shape of input gived by onnx to init a random value
-        # HOWEVER, the random value may not be correct for some inputs, such as gather which needs indices
-        # so if have operators, the user must give inputs
-        init_inputs = kwargs.get("init_inputs", None)
-        # whether initializers are moved into inputs, due to
-        # sometimes, input contains all initializer's info, sometimes, may not
-        cls.keep_initializers_as_inputs = kwargs.get(
-            'keep_initializers_as_inputs', True)
         # optimize and infer the shape of the model
             model = onnx.utils.polish_model(model)
         except IndexError as err:
-            # due to
             model = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(model)
         # check the opset version and ir version
+        # SINGA supports opset version(11), ir version(1.6.0 -> 6)
         opset_version = None
         for imp in model.opset_import:
             if not imp.HasField("domain") or imp.domain == "":
                 opset_version = imp.version
-                if imp.version > cls._known_opset_version:
+                if imp.version > cls._opset_version:
-                        "This version of singa targets ONNX operator set version {}, but the model we are trying to import uses version {}.  We will try to import it anyway, but if the model uses operators which had BC-breaking changes in the intervening versions, import will fail."
-                        .format(cls._known_opset_version, imp.version))
+                        "The imported opertor set verion {} is larger than the supported version {}."
+                        .format(imp.version, cls._opset_version))
                 warnings.warn("Unrecognized operator set {}".format(imp.domain))
-        if opset_version is None:
-            if model.ir_version >= 0x00000003:
-                raise RuntimeError(
-                    "Model with IR version >= 3 did not specify ONNX operator set version (singa requires it)"
-                )
-            else:
-                opset_version = 1
-        weights, singa_ops = cls._onnx_model_to_singa_net(
-            model, init_inputs, device, opset_version)
-        return SingaRep(model, weights, singa_ops,
-                        cls.keep_initializers_as_inputs)
+        if model.ir_version > cls._ir_version:
+            warnings.warn(
+                "The imported ir verion {} is larger than the supported version {}."
+                .format(cls._ir_version, imp.version))
+        graph = model.graph
+        params, inputs, outputs, layers = cls._onnx_model_to_singa_ops(
+            graph, device, opset_version)
+        return SingaRep(params, inputs, outputs, layers, device)
 class SingaRep(BackendRep):
-    def __init__(self,
-                 model,
-                 weights,
-                 singa_ops,
-                 keep_initializers_as_inputs=True):
+    def __init__(self, params, inputs, outputs, layers, device):
         SingaRep provides the intermediate representation of Singa,
         the user can run the forward of the singa model by run func,
         or, the user can append more layers after the singa_ops to do
         the transfer learning
-            model: a given operator
+            params (dict{}): a dict of params, data type is numpy ndarray
+            inputs (ValueInfo): a dict of inputs
+            outputs (ValueInfo): a dict of outputs
+            layers (namedtuple('operator_tuple', ['node', 'operator'])[]): a list of singa operator
+            device (string): CPU or CUDA
+        """
+        super(SingaRep, self).__init__()
+        self.inputs = inputs
+        self.states = params
+        self.outputs = outputs
+ = cpu_dev if device == "CPU" else gpu_dev
+        self.layers = layers
+        self.tensor_count = {}
+        self.has_initialized = False
+        self.is_graph = False
+    def initialize(self):
+        """
+        Init the instance
+        """
+        self.outputs_info = { outp for outp in self.outputs}
+        _layers = []  # layers by topo order
+        for node, operator in self.layers:
+            for key, name in node.weight_inputs.items():
+                if key not in self.states:
+                    # cannot find the weights, try to find it from input
+                    node.set_attr_inputs(key, name)
+            self.__dict__[] = operator
+            # init the tensor count
+            all_possible_inputs = node.inputs + list(
+                node.attr_inputs.keys()) + list(node.weight_inputs.keys())
+            for inp in all_possible_inputs:
+                if inp not in self.tensor_count:
+                    self.tensor_count[inp] = 1
+                else:
+                    self.tensor_count[inp] += 1
+            _layers.append(node)
+        self._layers = _layers
+    def init_tensor_count(self):
+        """
+        Init the tensor count dict
+        """
+        self.tensor_count = {}
+        for node, operator in self.layers:
+            # init the tensor count
+            all_possible_inputs = node.inputs + list(
+                node.attr_inputs.keys()) + list(node.weight_inputs.keys())
+            for inp in all_possible_inputs:
+                if inp not in self.tensor_count:
+                    self.tensor_count[inp] = 1
+                else:
+                    self.tensor_count[inp] += 1
+    def to_input_tensor(self, x):
+        """
+        convert the input to tensors
-            weights: the tensor of weights
+            x (np.ndarray[]): a list of numpy ndarray as inputs
+        Returns: 
+            a dict of SINGA Tensors
+        """
+        tensor_dict = {}
+        # init inputs as Tensor
+        for (key, val) in zip(self.inputs, x):
+            if not self.is_graph:
+                val = val.astype(onnx_type_to_singa_type(key.dtype))
+                # todo, scalar
+                val = np.atleast_1d(self.states[val])
+                val = tensor.from_numpy(val)
+                val.to_device(
+            tensor_dict[] = val
+        return tensor_dict
+    def to_output_tensor(self, y, out_name):
+        """
+        convert the tensors to input
-            singa_ops: the tensor of the operator
+            x (np.ndarray[]): a list of numpy ndarray as inputs
+        Returns: 
+            a dict of SINGA Tensors
-        super(SingaRep, self).__init__()
-        self.model = model
-        self.tensor_map = weights
-        self.keep_initializers_as_inputs = keep_initializers_as_inputs
-        # this each item of singa_ops is: ('name', 'op', 'handle', 'forward')
-        # the name is a string, op is OnnxNode,
-        # handle is Singa handle to store the tensor into singa operator
-        # the forward is singa autograd operator
-        self.singa_ops = singa_ops
+        if not self.is_graph:
+            y = tensor.to_numpy(y)
+            if out_name in self.outputs_info:
+                np_dtyp = mapping.TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[
+                    self.outputs_info[out_name].dtype]
+                y = y.astype(np_dtyp)
+        return y
-    def run(self, inputs, **kwargs):
+    def get_s(self, name, node, tensor_dict):
+        """
+        get state from the node's weights or tensor_dict
+        Args:
+            name (str): name of the state
+            node (ONNXNode): ONNX node
+            tensor_dict ({}): tensor dict
+        Returns: 
+            the states
+        """
+        if name in node.attr_inputs:
+            return tensor_dict[name]
+        else:
+            return self.states[name]
+    def handle_special_ops(self, node, op, tensor_dict):
+        """
+        hanlde some special operations
+        Args:
+            name (str): name of the state
+            node (ONNXNode): ONNX node
+            tensor_dict ({}): tensor dict
+        Returns: 
+            the states
+        """
+        # todo, hard code
+        # Conv2d nb_kernels
+        if node.op_type == "Conv":
+            shape = self.get_s(node.inputs[1], node, tensor_dict).shape
+            op.nb_kernels = shape[0]
+        # Gemm nb_kernels and bias_shape
+        elif node.op_type == "Gemm":
+            nb_kernels_flag = 0 if op.transB == 1 else 1
+            shape = self.get_s(node.inputs[1], node, tensor_dict).shape
+            op.nb_kernels = shape[nb_kernels_flag]
+            if op.bias:
+                shape = self.get_s(node.inputs[2], node, tensor_dict).shape
+                op.bias_shape = shape
+    def run(self, *x, **kwargs):
         run the forward of singa model
-            inputs: a given operator
+            x (np.ndarray[]): a list of numpy ndarray as inputs
-            the onnx node
+            a list of outputs
-        graph = self.model.graph
+        if not self.has_initialized:
+            self.initialize()
+            if isinstance(x[0], tensor.Tensor):
+       = x[0].device
+            self.has_initialized = True
+        outputs_dict = OrderedDict([(, None) for outp in self.outputs])
         # last_layers means we run this model until the last #N layers
-        last_layers = kwargs.get('last_layers', len(self.singa_ops))
-        if last_layers != len(self.singa_ops):
-            final_outputs = self.singa_ops[last_layers-1].op.outputs
-        else:
-            final_outputs =  [ for outp in graph.output]
-        # whether return all outputs
-        all_outputs = kwargs.get('all_outputs', False)
-        # get a specific op by its name
-        op_name = kwargs.get('op_name', None)
-        # record the tensor we added from input
-        tmp_tensor_map = {name: val for name, val in self.tensor_map.items()}
-        # the dict will be returned
-        ret_outputs = OrderedDict()
-        if self.keep_initializers_as_inputs:
-            require_input_len = len(graph.input) - len(graph.initializer)
-            actual_input_len = len(inputs)
-        else:
-            require_input_len = len(graph.input)
-            actual_input_len = len(inputs)
-        assert require_input_len == actual_input_len, "The length of graph input is different from the tensor input: %d, %d" % (
-            require_input_len, actual_input_len)
-        # run the handle by the order of the list(the list is Topological Sorting)
-        for inp in graph.input:
-            if not in tmp_tensor_map:
-                tmp_tensor_map[] = inputs.pop(0)
-        for _, op, handle, forward in self.singa_ops[:last_layers]:
-            if len(op.consumed_inputs) != 0:
-                # because if op has consumed_inputs, it means it moved some inputs into attributes
-                # so when running, we should update these attributes
-                handle, forward = get_op(op,
-                                         [tmp_tensor_map[x] for x in op.inputs])
-            inputs = [
-                tmp_tensor_map[x]
-                for x in op.inputs
-                if x not in op.consumed_inputs
-            ]
-            outputs = _run_node(op, inputs, handle, forward)
-            for key, val in outputs.items():
-                tmp_tensor_map[key] = val
-                ret_outputs[key] = val
-        if op_name is not None:
-            if op_name in outputs:
-                return outputs[op_name]
+        last_layers = kwargs.get('last_layers', len(self._layers))
+        if last_layers != len(self._layers):
+            for outp in self._layers[last_layers - 1].outputs:
+                outputs_dict[outp] = None
+        aux_output = kwargs.get('aux_output', ())
+        for outp in aux_output:
+            outputs_dict[outp] = None
+        tensor_dict = self.to_input_tensor(x)
+        self.init_tensor_count()
+        # run the layer by the topo order
+        for node in self._layers[:last_layers]:
+            op = self.__dict__[]
+            self.handle_special_ops(node, op, tensor_dict)
+            # make input
+            inputs = []
+            for inp in node.inputs:
+                if inp not in node.weight_inputs and inp not in node.attr_inputs:
+                    if inp in tensor_dict:
+                        inputs.append(tensor_dict[inp])
+                    elif inp in self.states:
+                        # todo, scalar
+                        val = np.atleast_1d(self.states[inp])
+                        val = tensor.from_numpy(val)
+                        val.to_device(
+                        inputs.append(val)
+                    else:
+                        raise KeyError("Not found the input {} for operation {}".format(inp,
+            states = {}
+            if callable(getattr(op, "initialize",
+                                None)) and not op._initialized:
+                # init the operator
+                op.initialize(*inputs)
+                op._initialized = True
+                for key, name in node.weight_inputs.items():
+                    if key not in node.attr_inputs:
+                        # find the weights and not in the inputs
+                        states[name] = self.states[key]
+            # replace attrs by inputs
+            for key, name in node.attr_inputs.items():
+                if key in tensor_dict:
+                    ts = tensor_dict[key]
+                    if isinstance(ts, tensor.Tensor):
+                        ts = tensor.to_numpy(ts)
+                    states[name] = ts
+                elif key in self.states:
+                    states[name] = self.states[key]
+            # set states
+            if callable(getattr(op, "set_states", None)):
+                op.set_states(**states)
-                raise RuntimeError(
-                    "The op_name {} does not exist, please check. The available op_names are: {}"
-                    .format(op_name, [val for key, val in op_name.items()]))
-        # return all outputs if all_outputs==True
-        # else return last outputs
-        if all_outputs:
-            return ret_outputs
-        else:
-            return [ret_outputs[outp] for outp in final_outputs]
+                for key, value in states.items():
+                    setattr(op, key, value)
+            # run the node
+            outputs = _run_node(op, inputs)
+            # release the input tensor
+            for inp in node.inputs:
+                if inp in self.tensor_count:
+                    self.tensor_count[inp] -= 1
+                if self.tensor_count[inp] == 0:
+                    if inp in tensor_dict:
+                        del tensor_dict[inp]
+                    del self.tensor_count[inp]
+            # store the output
+            for (outp, val) in zip(node.outputs, outputs):
+                tensor_dict[outp] = val
+                if outp in outputs_dict:
+                    outputs_dict[outp] = self.to_output_tensor(val, outp)
+        return list(outputs_dict.values())
+class SONNXModel(model.Model):
+    def __init__(self, onnx_model):
+        """
+        Init a SIGNA Model
+        Args:
+            onnx_model (ModelProto): a loaded onnx model
+        """
+        super(SONNXModel, self).__init__()
+        self.sg_ir = prepare(onnx_model)
+        for node, operator in self.sg_ir.layers:
+            self.__dict__[] = operator

Review comment:
       if operator is not a Layer instance, then the save_states and load_states cannot work, which works by saving the states of the sub-layers.

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