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Posted to by on 2015/08/03 23:19:00 UTC

[4/9] incubator-usergrid git commit: Switch over to generating api-docs via Groovy, Swagger and
diff --git a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/collections.txt b/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/collections.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cb0370b..0000000
--- a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/collections.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-End-Point	Method	Content-type	Description	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/	GET	application/json	Retrieve all collections	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}	POST	application/json	Create a new entity or collection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{identifier}	GET	application/json	Retrieve an entity	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{identifier}	PUT	application/json	Update an entity	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{identifier}	DELETE	application/json	Delete an entity	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}?{query}	GET	application/json	Query a collection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}?{query}	PUT	application/json	Update a collection by query	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{entity_id}/{relationship}?{query}	GET	application/json	Query an entity's collections or connections	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{first_entity_id}/{relationship}/{second_entity_id}	POST	application/json	Add an entity to a collection or create a connection	Detail
 id}/{collection}/{first_entity_id}/{relationship}/{second_entity_type}/{second_entity_id}	POST	application/json	Add an entity to a collection or create a connection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{first_entity_id}/{relationship}/{second_entity_id}/{second_entity_type}/{second_entity_id}	DELETE	application/json	Remove an entity from a collection or delete a connection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{first_entity_id}/{relationship}/{second_entity_type}/{second_entity_id}	DELETE	application/json	Remove an entity from a collection or delete a connection	Detail
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/csv2md.groovy b/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/csv2md.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 25815d0..0000000
--- a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/csv2md.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-def dir = new File(".");
-def files = dir.list();
-files.each() { fileName ->
-    if ( fileName.endsWith(".txt") ) {
-        def baseName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 4);
-        def outputFile = new File("../" + baseName + ".md");
-        outputFile.withWriter('utf-8') { writer ->
-            def inputFile = new File(fileName);
-            def count = 0;
-            writer.writeLine "# ${baseName.capitalize()}"
-            writer.writeLine ""
-            writer.writeLine ""
-            writer.writeLine "<!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS GENERATED FILE -->";
-            writer.writeLine ""
-            writer.writeLine "<table class='usergrid-table rest-endpoints-table'>";
-            inputFile.eachLine { line ->
-                def parts = line.split("\\t");
-                def evenodd = count % 2 ? "even" : "odd";
-                if ( count == 0 ) {
-                    writer.writeLine  "  <tr>";
-                    parts.each() { part ->
-                        writer.writeLine  "    <th>" + part + "</th>";
-                    }
-                    writer.writeLine  "  </tr>";
-                } else {
-                    writer.writeLine  "  <tr class='ug-${evenodd} usergrid-table'>";
-                    parts.each() { part ->
-                        writer.writeLine  "    <td>" + part + "</td>";
-                    }
-                    writer.writeLine  "  </tr>";
-                }
-                count++;
-            }
-            writer.writeLine  "</table>";
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/events.txt b/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/events.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 20a4178..0000000
--- a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/events.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-End-Point	Method	Content-type	Description	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/events	POST	application/json	Create an event	Detail
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/groups.txt b/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/groups.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e94dcf9..0000000
--- a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/groups.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-End-Point	Method	Content-type	Description	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/groups	POST	application/json	Create a new group	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/groups/{identifier}/users/{uuid|username}	POST	application/json	Add a user to a group	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/groups/{identifier}	GET	application/json	Get a group	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/groups/{identifier}	PUT	application/json	Update a group	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/groups/{identifier}/users/{uuid|username}	DELETE	application/json	Delete user from a group	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/groups/{identifier}/feed	GET	application/json	Get a group's feed	Detail
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/organizations.txt b/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/organizations.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d3cd079..0000000
--- a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/organizations.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-End-Point	Method	Description	Detail	
/management/organizations	POST	application/json	Create an organization	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}	GET	application/json	Retrieve an organization	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/activate?token={token}&confirm={confirm_email}	GET	application/json	Activate an organization	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/reactivate	GET	application/json	Reactivate an organization	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/credentials	POST	application/json	Generate organization client credentials	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/credentials	GET	application/json	Retrieve organization client credentials	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/feed	GET	application/json	Retrieve an organization's activity feed	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/apps	POST	application/json	Create an organization application	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/applications|apps/{app_name}|{uuid}/ credenti
 als	POST	application/json	Generate credentials for an organization application	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/applications|apps/ {app_name}|{uuid}/credentials	GET	application/json	Get credentials for an organization application	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/applications|apps	GET	application/json	Get the applications in an organization	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/users/{username|email|uuid}	PUT	application/json	Adding an admin user to an organization	Detail
/management/organizations/{identifier}/users	GET	application/json	Getting the admin users in an organization	Detail
/management/organizations/{org-identifier}/users/{user-identifier}	DELETE	application/json	Removing an admin user from an organization	Detail
diff --git a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/roles.txt b/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/roles.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bfd2d33..0000000
--- a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/roles.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-End-Point	Method	Description	Detail	
/{org_id}/{app_id}/roles	POST	application/json	Create a new role	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/roles	GET	application/json	Get the roles in an application	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/roles/{rolename}	DELETE	application/json	Delete a role	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/roles/{rolename|role_id}/permissions	GET	application/json	Get permissions for a role	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/roles/{rolename|role_id}/permissions	POST	application/json	Add permissions to a role	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/roles/{rolename|role_id}/permissions?permission={grant_url_pattern}	DELETE	application/json	Delete permissions from a role	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/roles/{role_id}/users/{uuid|username}/roles/{role_id}	POST	application/json	Add a user to a role	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{identifier}/roles/{role_id}	POST	application/json	Add a user to a role	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/roles/{role_id}/users	GET	application/json	Get the users in a role	Detail
 id}/users/{uuid|username}	DELETE	application/json	Delete a user from a role	Detail
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/users.txt b/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/users.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f0f91c5..0000000
--- a/docs/rest-endpoints/sources/users.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-End-Point	Method	Description	Detail	
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users	POST	application/json	Create a user in the users collection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{user}/ password	POST	application/json	Set a user's password or reset the user's existing password	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{identifier}	GET	application/json	Retrieve a user	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{identifier}	PUT	application/json	Update a user	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{identifier}	DELETE	application/json	Delete a user	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users?{query}	GET	application/json	Query to get users	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/groups/{group-identifier}/users/{user-identifier}	POST	application/json	Add a user to a group	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{first_entity_id}/{relationship}/{second_entity_id}	POST	application/json	Add a user to a collection or create a connection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{first_entity_id}/{relationship}/{second_entity_type}/{second_entity_id}	POST	application/json	Ad
 d a user to a collection or create a connection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{first_entity_id}/{relationship}/{second_entity_id}	DELETE	application/json	Remove a user from a collection or delete a connection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/{first_entity_id}/{relationship}/second_entity_type}/{second_entity_id}	DELETE	application/json	Remove a user from a collection or delete a connection	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{identifier}/{relationship}?{query}	GET	application/json	Query a user's collections or connections	Detail
/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{identifier}/feed	GET	application/json	Get a user's feed	Detail
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/rest-endpoints/ b/docs/rest-endpoints/
deleted file mode 100644
index 48305f8..0000000
--- a/docs/rest-endpoints/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Users
-<table class='usergrid-table rest-endpoints-table'>
-  <tr>
-    <th>End-Point</th>
-    <th>Method</th>
-    <th>Description</th>
-    <th>Detail</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-even usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/users</td>
-    <td>POST</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Create a user in the users collection</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-odd usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{user}/ password</td>
-    <td>POST</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Set a user's password or reset the user's existing password</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-even usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/ {uuid|username|email_address}</td>
-    <td>GET</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Retrieve a user</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-odd usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/ {uuid|username}</td>
-    <td>PUT</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Update a user</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-even usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{uuid|username}</td>
-    <td>DELETE</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Delete a user</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-odd usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/users?{query}</td>
-    <td>GET</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Query to get users</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-even usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/groups/ {uuid|groupname}/users/{uuid|username}</td>
-    <td>POST</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Add a user to a group</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-odd usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/ {first_entity_id}/{relationship}/ {second_entity_id} or /{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/ {first_entity_id}/{relationship}/ {second_entity_type}/{second_entity_id}</td>
-    <td>POST</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Add a user to a collection or create a connection</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-even usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/ {first_entity_id}/{relationship}/ {second_entity_id} or /{org_id}/{app_id}/{collection}/ {first_entity_id}/{relationship}/ {second_entity_type}/{second_entity_id}</td>
-    <td>DELETE</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Remove a user from a collection or delete a connection</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-odd usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/{uuid|username}/ {relationship}?{query}</td>
-    <td>GET</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Query a user's collections or connections</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class='ug-even usergrid-table'>
-    <td>/{org_id}/{app_id}/users/ {uuid|username}/feed</td>
-    <td>GET</td>
-    <td>application/json</td>
-    <td>Get a user's feed</td>
-    <td>Detail</td>
-  </tr>
diff --git a/docs/src/main/groovy/ApiDocGenerator.groovy b/docs/src/main/groovy/ApiDocGenerator.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..810ca53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/main/groovy/ApiDocGenerator.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Generates API docs from Swagger.
+ */
+// Depdency management with Grape:
+import io.swagger.models.parameters.RefParameter
+@Grab(group = 'io.swagger', module = 'swagger-parser', version = '1.0.8')
+@Grab(group = 'io.swagger', module = 'swagger-compat-spec-parser', version = '1.0.8')
+@Grab(group = '', module = 'compiler', version = '0.8.18-SNAPSHOT')
+import io.swagger.parser.*;
+import io.swagger.models.*;
+import com.github.mustachejava.*;
+public class ApiDocGenerator {
+    def parser = new SwaggerParser();
+    def swagger ="src/main/resources/usergrid-swagger.yaml");
+    // Mustache reference:
+    // info:
+    def writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("rest-endpoints/"));
+    def mf = new DefaultMustacheFactory();
+    def mustacheBase = "src/main/resources";
+    def operationTemplate = mf.compile(new FileReader("${mustacheBase}/operation.mustache"), "operation");
+    def modelTemplate = mf.compile(new FileReader("${mustacheBase}/model.mustache"), "operation");
+    public static void main( String[] args ) {
+        def adg = new ApiDocGenerator();
+        adg.generate();
+    }
+    def generate() {
+        // organize methods by tag
+        def tagsToUrlOps = [:]
+        swagger.getPaths().each { pathEntry ->
+            def url = pathEntry.key;
+            def path = pathEntry.value;
+            def tag; // assume each opeation has only one tag
+            def method;
+            def operation;
+            if (path.get != null) {
+                tag = path.get.tags[0];
+                method = "GET";
+                operation = path.get;
+            }
+            if ( != null) {
+                tag =[0];
+                method = "POST";
+                operation =;
+            }
+            if (path.delete != null) {
+                tag = path.delete.tags[0];
+                method = "DELETE";
+                operation = path.delete;
+            }
+            if (path.put != null) {
+                tag = path.put.tags[0];
+                method = "PUT";
+                operation = path.put;
+            }
+            def urlOps = tagsToUrlOps[tag];
+            if ( urlOps == null ) {
+                urlOps = [];
+                tagsToUrlOps[tag] = urlOps;
+            }
+            def urlOp = [:];
+            urlOp.url = url;
+            urlOp.method = method;
+            urlOp.operation = operation;
+            urlOps.add(urlOp); 
+        }
+        writer.println "\n# Methods";
+        tagsToUrlOps.each { entry -> 
+            def tag = entry.key;
+            def urlOps = entry.value;
+//            writer.println "\n<div class='hr'/>";
+            writer.println "\n## ${tag} Methods";
+            urlOps.each { urlOp ->
+                formatOperation( urlOp );
+            };
+        };
+        writer.println "\n# Models";
+        swagger.getDefinitions().each { definitionEntry -> 
+            def name = definitionEntry.key;
+            def model = definitionEntry.value;
+            formatModel( name, model );
+        };
+    }
+    def formatOperation( urlOp ) {
+        def url = urlOp.url;
+        def method = urlOp.method;
+        def op = urlOp.operation;
+        // put responses in array form, mustache doesn't play nice with associative arrays
+        def responses = [];
+        op.getResponses().each { responseEntry -> 
+            def response = [:];
+            response.status = responseEntry.key;
+            response.description = responseEntry.value.description;
+            if ( responseEntry.value.schema != null) {
+                response.schema = responseEntry.value.schema.ref;
+                response.schemaAnchor = responseEntry.value.schema.ref.toLowerCase();
+            }
+            responses.add(response);
+        }
+        def params = [];
+        op.getParameters().each { parameter -> 
+            def param = [:];
+   =;
+            param.required = parameter.required;
+            param.description = parameter.description;
+   =;
+            if ( == "body" && parameter.schema != null) {
+                param.schemaRef = parameter.schema.ref;
+                param.schemaAnchor = parameter.schema.ref.toLowerCase();
+            } else if ( == "path") {
+                param.type = parameter.type;
+            }
+            params.add(param);
+        }
+        def scope = [:];
+        scope.url = url;
+        scope.method = method;
+        scope.description = op.getDescription();
+        scope.summary = op.getSummary();
+        scope.tags = op.getTags();
+        scope.responses = responses;
+        scope.parameters = params;
+        operationTemplate.execute(writer, scope);
+        writer.flush();
+    }
+    def formatModel(String name, Model model) {
+        // put properties in array form, mustache doesn't play nice with associative arrays
+        def props = [];
+        model.getProperties().each { property -> 
+            def prop = [:];
+   = property.key;
+            prop.type = property.value.type;
+            prop.title = property.value.title;
+            prop.description = property.value.description;
+            prop.access = property.value.access;
+            prop.readOnly = property.value.readOnly;
+            prop.required = property.value.required;
+            prop.position = property.value.position;
+            props.add(prop);   
+        };
+        def scope = [:];
+ = name;
+ = props;
+        modelTemplate.execute(writer, scope);
+        writer.flush(); 
+    }
diff --git a/docs/src/main/resources/model.mustache b/docs/src/main/resources/model.mustache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e6e8b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/main/resources/model.mustache
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+## {{name}}
+<table width="80%" class="usergrid-table">
+    <tr>
+        <th>Name</th>
+        <th>Type</th>
+        <th>Description</th>
+        <th>Required</th>
+    </tr>
+    {{#properties}}
+    <tr>
+        <td>{{name}}</td>
+        <td>{{type}}</td>
+        <td>{{description}}</td>
+        <td>{{required}}</td>
+    </tr>
+    {{/properties}}
diff --git a/docs/src/main/resources/operation.mustache b/docs/src/main/resources/operation.mustache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d19ec70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/main/resources/operation.mustache
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<h2 class="usergrid-{{method}}-heading">{{method}} {{url}}</h2>
+* __{{name}}__ ({{#type}}({{type}}){{/type}}{{#schemaRef}}[{{schemaRef}}](#{{schemaAnchor}}){{/schemaRef}})
+{{description}} (Specified in {{in}}).
+* Description: {{description}}
+* Schema: [{{schema}}](#{{schemaAnchor}})