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Posted to by Joe Smithian <> on 2009/12/04 15:20:08 UTC

AXIS2 : how to dynamically generate WSDL without access to the Internet?

Hi all,

I am working on a web service application using AXIS2 1.1.1 and Tomcat 6. It
requires DNS setup and access to the Internet when the service starts to
dynamical generate and validate the wsdl before making it avilable online.
I'm wondering if there is a way to generate WSDL without having access to
the Internet which is the case in private networks behind firewalls. If I
put a static, already validated WSDL file on the web server, would it be
enough for the client  code generation/applications?

Without DNS setup it replies the following error message when trying to
access the wsdl : https://myHost/example/services/example?wsdl

<description>Unable to generate WSDL for this service</description>
If you wish Axis2 to automatically generate the WSDL, then please use one of
the RPC message receivers for the service(s)/operation(s) in services.xml.
If you have added a custom WSDL in the META-INF directory, then please make
sure that the name of the service in services.xml
(/serviceGroup/service/@name) is the same as in the custom wsdl's service
name (/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:service/@name).

The WSDL is in the proper place with the proper name as suggested above and
AXIS2 generates the WSDL without problem if it DNS has been setup in the
host with access to the Internet *when Tomcat restarts*.

I'd appreciate your help, I searched online but couldn't find the answer.

