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svn commit: r1044356 - in /activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp: StompProtocol.scala StompProtocolHandler.scala

Author: chirino
Date: Fri Dec 10 13:33:31 2010
New Revision: 1044356

Moving the StompProtocolHandler to it's own source file.

      - copied, changed from r1044209, activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp/StompProtocol.scala

Modified: activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp/StompProtocol.scala
--- activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp/StompProtocol.scala (original)
+++ activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp/StompProtocol.scala Fri Dec 10 13:33:31 2010
@@ -16,29 +16,13 @@
 package org.apache.activemq.apollo.stomp
-import{DispatchQueue, BaseRetained}
-import collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, HashMap}
-import org.fusesource.hawtdispatch._
-import AsciiBuffer._
 import java.lang.String
-import protocol.{HeartBeatMonitor, ProtocolFactory, Protocol, ProtocolHandler}
-import security.SecurityContext
+import protocol.{ProtocolFactory, Protocol}
 import Stomp._
-import BufferConversions._
-import org.apache.activemq.apollo.selector.SelectorParser
-import org.apache.activemq.apollo.filter.{BooleanExpression, FilterException}
 import org.apache.activemq.apollo.transport._
-import org.apache.activemq.apollo.util._
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
-import java.util.Map.Entry
-import org.apache.activemq.apollo.dto.{StompConnectionStatusDTO, BindingDTO, SubscriptionBindingDTO, QueueBindingDTO}
-import scala.util.continuations._
  * @author <a href="">Hiram Chirino</a>
@@ -97,868 +81,3 @@ object StompProtocol extends StompProtoc
-object StompProtocolHandler extends Log {
-  // How long we hold a failed connection open so that the remote end
-  // can get the resulting error message.
-  val DEFAULT_DIE_DELAY = 5*1000L
-  var die_delay = DEFAULT_DIE_DELAY
-    // How often we can send heartbeats of the connection is idle.
-  var outbound_heartbeat = DEFAULT_OUTBOUND_HEARTBEAT
-  // How often we want to get heartbeats from the peer if the connection is idle.
-  var inbound_heartbeat = DEFAULT_INBOUND_HEARTBEAT
-import StompProtocolHandler._
- * @author <a href="">Hiram Chirino</a>
- */
-class StompProtocolHandler extends ProtocolHandler with DispatchLogging {
-  def protocol = "stomp"
-  override protected def log = StompProtocolHandler
-  protected def dispatchQueue:DispatchQueue = connection.dispatchQueue
-  trait AckHandler {
-    def track(delivery:Delivery):Unit
-    def perform_ack(msgid: AsciiBuffer, uow:StoreUOW=null):Unit
-  }
-  class AutoAckHandler extends AckHandler {
-    def track(delivery:Delivery) = {
-      if( delivery.ack!=null ) {
-        delivery.ack(null)
-      }
-    }
-    def perform_ack(msgid: AsciiBuffer, uow:StoreUOW=null) = {
-      async_die("The subscription ack mode does not expect ACK frames")
-    }
-  }
-  class SessionAckHandler extends AckHandler{
-    var consumer_acks = ListBuffer[(AsciiBuffer, (StoreUOW)=>Unit)]()
-    def track(delivery:Delivery) = {
-      queue.apply {
-        if( protocol_version eq V1_0 ) {
-          // register on the connection since 1.0 acks may not include the subscription id
-          connection_ack_handlers += (> this )
-        }
-        consumer_acks += ((, delivery.ack ))
-      }
-    }
-    def perform_ack(msgid: AsciiBuffer, uow:StoreUOW=null) = {
-      // session acks ack all previously recieved messages..
-      var found = false
-      val (acked, not_acked) = consumer_acks.partition{ case (id, ack)=>
-        if( found ) {
-          false
-        } else {
-          if( id == msgid ) {
-            found = true
-          }
-          true
-        }
-      }
-      if( acked.isEmpty ) {
-        async_die("ACK failed, invalid message id: %s".format(msgid))
-      } else {
-        consumer_acks = not_acked
-        acked.foreach{case (id, ack)=>
-          if( ack!=null ) {
-            ack(uow)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if( protocol_version eq V1_0 ) {
-        connection_ack_handlers.remove(msgid)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class MessageAckHandler extends AckHandler {
-    var consumer_acks = HashMap[AsciiBuffer, (StoreUOW)=>Unit]()
-    def track(delivery:Delivery) = {
-      queue.apply {
-        if( protocol_version eq V1_0 ) {
-          // register on the connection since 1.0 acks may not include the subscription id
-          connection_ack_handlers += (> this )
-        }
-        consumer_acks += ( -> delivery.ack )
-      }
-    }
-    def perform_ack(msgid: AsciiBuffer, uow:StoreUOW=null) = {
-      consumer_acks.remove(msgid) match {
-        case Some(ack) =>
-          if( ack!=null ) {
-            ack(uow)
-          }
-        case None => async_die("ACK failed, invalid message id: %s".format(msgid))
-      }
-      if( protocol_version eq V1_0 ) {
-        connection_ack_handlers.remove(msgid)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class StompConsumer(val subscription_id:Option[AsciiBuffer], val destination:Destination, val ack_handler:AckHandler, val selector:(AsciiBuffer, BooleanExpression), val binding:BindingDTO) extends BaseRetained with DeliveryConsumer {
-    val dispatchQueue = StompProtocolHandler.this.dispatchQueue
-    dispatchQueue.retain
-    setDisposer(^{
-      session_manager.release
-      dispatchQueue.release
-    })
-    override def connection = Some(StompProtocolHandler.this.connection)
-    def is_persistent = false
-    def matches(delivery:Delivery) = {
-      if( delivery.message.protocol eq StompProtocol ) {
-        if( selector!=null ) {
-          selector._2.matches(delivery.message)
-        } else {
-          true
-        }
-      } else {
-        false
-      }
-    }
-    def connect(p:DeliveryProducer) = new DeliverySession {
-      retain
-      def producer = p
-      def consumer = StompConsumer.this
-      val session =
-      def close = {
-        session_manager.close(session)
-        release
-      }
-      // Delegate all the flow control stuff to the session
-      def full = session.full
-      def offer(delivery:Delivery) = {
-        if( session.full ) {
-          false
-        } else {
-          ack_handler.track(delivery)
-          var frame = delivery.message.asInstanceOf[StompFrameMessage].frame
-          if( subscription_id != None ) {
-            frame = frame.append_headers((SUBSCRIPTION, subscription_id.get)::Nil)
-          }
-          frame.retain
-          val rc = session.offer(frame)
-          assert(rc, "offer should be accepted since it was not full")
-          true
-        }
-      }
-      def refiller = session.refiller
-      def refiller_=(value:Runnable) = { session.refiller=value }
-    }
-  }
-  var session_manager:SinkMux[StompFrame] = null
-  var connection_sink:Sink[StompFrame] = null
-  var closed = false
-  var consumers = Map[AsciiBuffer, StompConsumer]()
-  var producerRoutes = new LRUCache[Destination, DeliveryProducerRoute](10) {
-    override def onCacheEviction(eldest: Entry[Destination, DeliveryProducerRoute]) = {
-      host.router.disconnect(eldest.getValue)
-    }
-  }
-  var host:VirtualHost = null
-  private def queue = connection.dispatchQueue
-  // uses by STOMP 1.0 clients
-  var connection_ack_handlers = HashMap[AsciiBuffer, AckHandler]()
-  var session_id:AsciiBuffer = _
-  var protocol_version:AsciiBuffer = _
-  var heart_beat_monitor:HeartBeatMonitor = new HeartBeatMonitor
-  val security_context = new SecurityContext
-  var waiting_on:String = "client request"
-  override def create_connection_status = {
-    var rc = new StompConnectionStatusDTO
-    rc.protocol_version = if( protocol_version == null ) null else protocol_version.toString
-    rc.user = security_context.user
-    rc.subscription_count = consumers.size
-    rc.waiting_on = waiting_on
-    rc
-  }
-  class ProtocolException(msg:String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
-  class Break extends RuntimeException
-  private def async_die(msg:String, e:Throwable=null) = try {
-    die(msg)
-  } catch {
-    case x:Break=>
-  }
-  private def die[T](msg:String, e:Throwable=null):T = {
-    if( e!=null) {
-      debug(e, "Shutting connection down due to: "+msg)
-    } else {
-      debug("Shutting connection down due to: "+msg)
-    }
-    die((MESSAGE_HEADER, ascii(msg))::Nil, "")
-  }
-  private def die[T](headers:HeaderMap, body:String):T = {
-    if( !connection.stopped ) {
-      suspendRead("shutdown")
-      connection.transport.offer(StompFrame(ERROR, headers, BufferContent(ascii(body))) )
-      // TODO: if there are too many open connections we should just close the connection
-      // without waiting for the error to get sent to the client.
-      queue.after(die_delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) {
-        connection.stop()
-      }
-    }
-    throw new Break()
-  }
-  override def onTransportConnected() = {
-    session_manager = new SinkMux[StompFrame]( MapSink(connection.transportSink){x=>
-      trace("sending frame: %s", x)
-      x
-    }, dispatchQueue, StompFrame)
-    connection_sink = new OverflowSink(;
-    connection_sink.refiller = NOOP
-    resumeRead
-  }
-  override def onTransportDisconnected() = {
-    if( !closed ) {
-      heart_beat_monitor.stop
-      closed=true;
-      import collection.JavaConversions._
-      producerRoutes.foreach{
-        case(_,route)=> host.router.disconnect(route)
-      }
-      producerRoutes.clear
-      consumers.foreach {
-        case (_,consumer)=>
-          if( consumer.binding==null ) {
-            host.router.unbind(consumer.destination, consumer)
-          } else {
-            reset {
-              val queue = host.router.get_queue(consumer.binding)
-              queue.foreach( _.unbind(consumer::Nil) )
-            }
-          }
-      }
-      consumers = Map()
-      trace("stomp protocol resources released")
-    }
-  }
-  override def onTransportCommand(command:Any) = {
-    try {
-      command match {
-        case s:StompCodec =>
-          // this is passed on to us by the protocol discriminator
-          // so we know which wire format is being used.
-        case frame:StompFrame=>
-          trace("received frame: %s", frame)
-          if( protocol_version == null ) {
-            frame.action match {
-              case STOMP =>
-                on_stomp_connect(frame.headers)
-              case CONNECT =>
-                on_stomp_connect(frame.headers)
-              case DISCONNECT =>
-                connection.stop
-              case _ =>
-                die("Client must first send a connect frame");
-            }
-          } else {
-            frame.action match {
-              case SEND =>
-                on_stomp_send(frame)
-              case ACK =>
-                on_stomp_ack(frame)
-              case BEGIN =>
-                on_stomp_begin(frame.headers)
-              case COMMIT =>
-                on_stomp_commit(frame.headers)
-              case ABORT =>
-                on_stomp_abort(frame.headers)
-              case SUBSCRIBE =>
-                on_stomp_subscribe(frame.headers)
-              case UNSUBSCRIBE =>
-                on_stomp_unsubscribe(frame.headers)
-              case DISCONNECT =>
-                connection.stop
-              case _ =>
-                die("Invalid frame: "+frame.action);
-            }
-          }
-        case _=>
-          warn("Internal Server Error: unexpected command type")
-          die("Internal Server Error");
-      }
-    }  catch {
-      case e: Break =>
-      case e:Exception =>
-        async_die("Internal Server Error", e);
-    }
-  }
-  def suspendRead(reason:String) = {
-    waiting_on = reason
-    connection.transport.suspendRead
-  }
-  def resumeRead() = {
-    waiting_on = "client request"
-    connection.transport.resumeRead
-  }
-  def weird(headers:HeaderMap) = {
-    println("weird: "+headers)
-  }
-  def on_stomp_connect(headers:HeaderMap):Unit = {
-    security_context.user = get(headers, LOGIN).toString
-    security_context.password = get(headers, PASSCODE).toString
-    val accept_versions = get(headers, ACCEPT_VERSION).getOrElse(V1_0).split(COMMA).map(_.ascii)
-    protocol_version = SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS.find( v=> accept_versions.contains(v) ) match {
-      case Some(x) => x
-      case None=>
-        val supported_versions = SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS.mkString(",")
-        die((MESSAGE_HEADER, ascii("version not supported"))::
-            (VERSION, ascii(supported_versions))::Nil,
-            "Supported protocol versions are %s".format(supported_versions))
-    }
-    val heart_beat = get(headers, HEART_BEAT).getOrElse(DEFAULT_HEAT_BEAT)
-    heart_beat.split(COMMA).map(_.ascii) match {
-      case Array(cx,cy) =>
-        try {
-          val can_send = cx.toString.toLong
-          val please_send = cy.toString.toLong
-          if( inbound_heartbeat>=0 && can_send > 0 ) {
-            heart_beat_monitor.read_interval = inbound_heartbeat.max(can_send)
-            // lets be a little forgiving to account to packet transmission latency.
-            heart_beat_monitor.read_interval += heart_beat_monitor.read_interval.min(5000)
-            heart_beat_monitor.on_dead = () => {
-              async_die("Stale connection.  Missed heartbeat.")
-            }
-          }
-          if( outbound_heartbeat>=0 && please_send > 0 ) {
-            heart_beat_monitor.write_interval = outbound_heartbeat.max(please_send)
-            heart_beat_monitor.on_keep_alive = () => {
-              connection.transport.offer(NEWLINE_BUFFER)
-            }
-          }
-          heart_beat_monitor.transport = connection.transport
-          heart_beat_monitor.start
-        } catch {
-          case x:NumberFormatException=>
-            die("Invalid heart-beat header: "+heart_beat)
-        }
-      case _ =>
-        die("Invalid heart-beat header: "+heart_beat)
-    }
-    def noop = shift {  k: (Unit=>Unit) => k() }
-    reset {
-      suspendRead("virtual host lookup")
-      val host_header = get(headers, HOST)
-      val host = host_header match {
-        case None=>
-        case Some(host)=>
-      }
-      resumeRead
-      if(host==null) {
-        async_die("Invalid virtual host: "+host_header.get)
-        noop // to make the cps compiler plugin happy.
-      } else {
-        var authenticated = true;
-        if( host.authenticator!=null ) {
-          suspendRead("authenticating")
-          authenticated = host.authenticator.authenticate(security_context)
-          resumeRead
-        } else {
-          noop // to make the cps compiler plugin happy.
-        }
-        if( !authenticated ) {
-            async_die("Authentication failed.")
-        } else {
-          val outbound_heart_beat_header = ascii("%d,%d".format(outbound_heartbeat,inbound_heartbeat))
-          session_id = ascii( + ":"
-          if( connection_sink==null ) {
-            weird(headers)
-          }
-          connection_sink.offer(
-            StompFrame(CONNECTED, List(
-              (VERSION, protocol_version),
-              (SESSION, session_id),
-              (HEART_BEAT, outbound_heart_beat_header)
-            )))
-          if(!=null ) {
-            val wf = connection.transport.getProtocolCodec.asInstanceOf[StompCodec]
-            wf.memory_pool =
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def get(headers:HeaderMap, names:List[AsciiBuffer]):List[Option[AsciiBuffer]] = {
->get(headers, x))
-  }
-  def get(headers:HeaderMap, name:AsciiBuffer):Option[AsciiBuffer] = {
-    val i = headers.iterator
-    while( i.hasNext ) {
-      val entry =
-      if( entry._1 == name ) {
-        return Some(entry._2)
-      }
-    }
-    None
-  }
-  def on_stomp_send(frame:StompFrame) = {
-    get(frame.headers, DESTINATION) match {
-      case None=>
-        frame.release
-        die("destination not set.")
-      case Some(dest)=>
-        get(frame.headers, TRANSACTION) match {
-          case None=>
-            perform_send(frame)
-          case Some(txid)=>
-            get_or_create_tx_queue(txid).add { uow=>
-              perform_send(frame, uow)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  def perform_send(frame:StompFrame, uow:StoreUOW=null): Unit = {
-    val destiantion: Destination = get(frame.headers, DESTINATION).get
-    producerRoutes.get(destiantion) match {
-      case null =>
-        // create the producer route...
-        val producer = new DeliveryProducer() {
-          override def connection = Some(StompProtocolHandler.this.connection)
-          override def dispatchQueue = queue
-        }
-        // don't process frames until producer is connected...
-        connection.transport.suspendRead
-        host.router.connect(destiantion, producer) {
-          route =>
-            if (!connection.stopped) {
-              resumeRead
-              route.refiller = ^ {
-                resumeRead
-              }
-              producerRoutes.put(destiantion, route)
-              send_via_route(route, frame, uow)
-            }
-        }
-      case route =>
-        // we can re-use the existing producer route
-        send_via_route(route, frame, uow)
-    }
-  }
-  var message_id_counter = 0;
-  def next_message_id = {
-    message_id_counter += 1
-    // TODO: properly generate mesage ids
-    new AsciiBuffer("msg:"+message_id_counter);
-  }
-  def send_via_route(route:DeliveryProducerRoute, frame:StompFrame, uow:StoreUOW) = {
-    var storeBatch:StoreUOW=null
-    // User might be asking for ack that we have processed the message..
-    val receipt = frame.header(RECEIPT_REQUESTED)
-    if( !route.targets.isEmpty ) {
-      // We may need to add some headers..
-      var message = get( frame.headers, MESSAGE_ID) match {
-        case None=>
-          var updated_headers:HeaderMap=Nil;
-          updated_headers ::= (MESSAGE_ID, next_message_id)
-          StompFrameMessage(StompFrame(MESSAGE, frame.headers, frame.content, updated_headers))
-        case Some(id)=>
-          StompFrameMessage(StompFrame(MESSAGE, frame.headers, frame.content))
-      }
-      val delivery = new Delivery
-      delivery.message = message
-      delivery.size = message.frame.size
-      delivery.uow = uow
-      if( receipt!=null ) {
-        delivery.ack = { storeTx =>
-          dispatchQueue <<| ^{
-            connection_sink.offer(StompFrame(RECEIPT, List((RECEIPT_ID, receipt))))
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // routes can always accept at least 1 delivery...
-      assert( !route.full )
-      route.offer(delivery)
-      if( route.full ) {
-        // but once it gets full.. suspend, so that we get more stomp messages
-        // until it's not full anymore.
-        suspendRead("blocked destination: "+route.destination)
-      }
-    } else {
-      // info("Dropping message.  No consumers interested in message.")
-      if( receipt!=null ) {
-        connection_sink.offer(StompFrame(RECEIPT, List((RECEIPT_ID, receipt))))
-      }
-    }
-    frame.release
-  }
-  def on_stomp_subscribe(headers:HeaderMap):Unit = {
-    val dest = get(headers, DESTINATION).getOrElse(die("destination not set."))
-    val destination:Destination = dest
-    val subscription_id = get(headers, ID)
-    var id:AsciiBuffer = subscription_id.getOrElse {
-      if( protocol_version eq V1_0 ) {
-          // in 1.0 it's ok if the client does not send us the
-          // the id header
-          dest
-        } else {
-          die("The id header is missing from the SUBSCRIBE frame");
-        }
-    }
-    val topic = destination.domain == Router.TOPIC_DOMAIN
-    var persistent = get(headers, PERSISTENT).map( _ == TRUE ).getOrElse(false)
-    val ack = get(headers, ACK_MODE) match {
-      case None=> new AutoAckHandler
-      case Some(x)=> x match {
-        case ACK_MODE_AUTO=>new AutoAckHandler
-        case ACK_MODE_NONE=>new AutoAckHandler
-        case ACK_MODE_CLIENT=> new SessionAckHandler
-        case ACK_MODE_SESSION=> new SessionAckHandler
-        case ACK_MODE_MESSAGE=> new MessageAckHandler
-        case ack:AsciiBuffer =>
-          die("Unsuported ack mode: "+ack);
-      }
-    }
-    val selector = get(headers, SELECTOR) match {
-      case None=> null
-      case Some(x)=> x
-        try {
-          (x, SelectorParser.parse(x.utf8.toString))
-        } catch {
-          case e:FilterException =>
-            die("Invalid selector expression: "+e.getMessage)
-        }
-    }
-    if ( consumers.contains(id) ) {
-      die("A subscription with identified with '"+id+"' allready exists")
-    }
-    val binding: BindingDTO = if( topic && !persistent ) {
-      null
-    } else {
-      // Controls how the created queue gets bound
-      // to the destination name space (this is used to
-      // recover the queue on restart and rebind it the
-      // way again)
-      if (topic) {
-        val rc = new SubscriptionBindingDTO
-        rc.destination = DestinationParser.encode_path(
-        // TODO:
-        // rc.client_id =
-        rc.subscription_id = if( persistent ) id else null
-        rc.filter = if (selector == null) null else selector._1
-        rc
-      } else {
-        val rc = new QueueBindingDTO
-        rc.destination = DestinationParser.encode_path(
-        rc
-      }
-    }
-    val consumer = new StompConsumer(subscription_id, destination, ack, selector, binding);
-    consumers += (id -> consumer)
-    if( binding==null ) {
-      // consumer is bind bound as a topic
-      reset {
-        host.router.bind(destination, consumer)
-        send_receipt(headers)
-        consumer.release
-      }
-    } else {
-      reset {
-        // create a queue and bind the consumer to it.
-        val x= host.router.create_queue(binding)
-        x match {
-          case Some(queue:Queue) =>
-            queue.bind(consumer::Nil)
-            send_receipt(headers)
-            consumer.release
-          case None => async_die("case not yet implemented.")
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def on_stomp_unsubscribe(headers:HeaderMap):Unit = {
-    var persistent = get(headers, PERSISTENT).map( _ == TRUE ).getOrElse(false)
-    val id = get(headers, ID).getOrElse {
-      if( protocol_version eq V1_0 ) {
-        // in 1.0 it's ok if the client does not send us the
-        // the id header, the destination header must be set
-        get(headers, DESTINATION) match {
-          case Some(dest)=> dest
-          case None=>
-            die("destination not set.")
-        }
-      } else {
-        die("The id header is missing from the UNSUBSCRIBE frame");
-      }
-    }
-    consumers.get(id) match {
-      case None=>
-        die("The subscription '%s' not found.".format(id))
-      case Some(consumer)=>
-        // consumer.close
-        if( consumer.binding==null ) {
-          host.router.unbind(consumer.destination, consumer)
-          send_receipt(headers)
-        } else {
-          reset {
-            val queue = host.router.get_queue(consumer.binding)
-            queue.foreach( _.unbind(consumer::Nil) )
-          }
-          if( persistent && consumer.binding!=null ) {
-            reset {
-              val sucess = host.router.destroy_queue(consumer.binding)
-              send_receipt(headers)
-            }
-          } else {
-            send_receipt(headers)
-          }
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  def on_stomp_ack(frame:StompFrame):Unit = {
-    val headers = frame.headers
-    val messageId = get(headers, MESSAGE_ID).getOrElse(die("message id header not set"))
-    val subscription_id = get(headers, SUBSCRIPTION);
-    val handler = subscription_id match {
-      case None=>
-        if( !(protocol_version eq V1_0) ) {
-          die("The subscription header is required")
-        }
-        connection_ack_handlers.get(messageId).orElse(die("Not expecting ack for message id '%s'".format(messageId)))
-      case Some(id) =>
-        consumers.get(id).map(_.ack_handler).orElse(die("The subscription '%s' does not exist".format(id)))
-    }
-    handler.foreach{ handler=>
-      get(headers, TRANSACTION) match {
-        case None=>
-          handler.perform_ack(messageId, null)
-        case Some(txid)=>
-          get_or_create_tx_queue(txid).add{ uow=>
-            handler.perform_ack(messageId, uow)
-          }
-      }
-      send_receipt(headers)
-    }
-  }
-  override def onTransportFailure(error: IOException) = {
-    if( !connection.stopped ) {
-      suspendRead("shutdown")
-      debug(error, "Shutting connection down due to: %s", error)
-      super.onTransportFailure(error);
-    }
-  }
-  def require_transaction_header[T](headers:HeaderMap):AsciiBuffer = {
-    get(headers, TRANSACTION).getOrElse(die("transaction header not set"))
-  }
-  def on_stomp_begin(headers:HeaderMap) = {
-    create_tx_queue(require_transaction_header(headers))
-    send_receipt(headers)
-  }
-  def on_stomp_commit(headers:HeaderMap) = {
-    remove_tx_queue(require_transaction_header(headers)).commit {
-      send_receipt(headers)
-    }
-  }
-  def on_stomp_abort(headers:HeaderMap) = {
-    remove_tx_queue(require_transaction_header(headers)).rollback
-    send_receipt(headers)
-  }
-  def send_receipt(headers:HeaderMap):Unit = {
-    get(headers, RECEIPT_REQUESTED) match {
-      case Some(receipt)=>
-        dispatchQueue <<| ^{
-          connection_sink.offer(StompFrame(RECEIPT, List((RECEIPT_ID, receipt))))
-        }
-      case None=>
-    }
-  }
-  class TransactionQueue {
-    // TODO: eventually we want to back this /w a broker Queue which
-    // can provides persistence and memory swapping.
-    val queue = ListBuffer[(StoreUOW)=>Unit]()
-    def add(proc:(StoreUOW)=>Unit):Unit = {
-      queue += proc
-    }
-    def commit(onComplete: => Unit) = {
-      val uow = if(!=null ) {
-      } else {
-        null
-      }
-      queue.foreach{ _(uow) }
-      if( uow!=null ) {
-        uow.onComplete(^{
-          onComplete
-        })
-        uow.release
-      } else {
-        onComplete
-      }
-    }
-    def rollback = {
-      queue.clear
-    }
-  }
-  val transactions = HashMap[AsciiBuffer, TransactionQueue]()
-  def create_tx_queue(txid:AsciiBuffer):TransactionQueue = {
-    if ( transactions.contains(txid) ) {
-      die("transaction allready started")
-    } else {
-      val queue = new TransactionQueue
-      transactions.put(txid, queue)
-      queue
-    }
-  }
-  def get_or_create_tx_queue(txid:AsciiBuffer):TransactionQueue = {
-    transactions.getOrElseUpdate(txid, new TransactionQueue)
-  }
-  def remove_tx_queue(txid:AsciiBuffer):TransactionQueue = {
-    transactions.remove(txid).getOrElse(die("transaction not active: %d".format(txid)))
-  }

Copied: activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp/StompProtocolHandler.scala (from r1044209, activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp/StompProtocol.scala)
--- activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp/StompProtocol.scala (original)
+++ activemq/activemq-apollo/trunk/apollo-stomp/src/main/scala/org/apache/activemq/apollo/stomp/StompProtocolHandler.scala Fri Dec 10 13:33:31 2010
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 package org.apache.activemq.apollo.stomp
-import{DispatchQueue, BaseRetained}
 import collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, HashMap}
 import org.fusesource.hawtdispatch._
@@ -24,14 +23,12 @@ import org.fusesource.hawtdispatch._
 import AsciiBuffer._
 import java.lang.String
-import protocol.{HeartBeatMonitor, ProtocolFactory, Protocol, ProtocolHandler}
+import protocol.{HeartBeatMonitor, ProtocolHandler}
 import security.SecurityContext
 import Stomp._
-import BufferConversions._
 import org.apache.activemq.apollo.selector.SelectorParser
 import org.apache.activemq.apollo.filter.{BooleanExpression, FilterException}
-import org.apache.activemq.apollo.transport._
 import org.apache.activemq.apollo.util._
 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
@@ -39,64 +36,6 @@ import java.util.Map.Entry
 import org.apache.activemq.apollo.dto.{StompConnectionStatusDTO, BindingDTO, SubscriptionBindingDTO, QueueBindingDTO}
 import scala.util.continuations._
- * @author <a href="">Hiram Chirino</a>
- */
- * Creates StompCodec objects that encode/decode the
- * <a href="">Stomp</a> protocol.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Hiram Chirino</a>
- */
-class StompProtocolCodecFactory extends ProtocolCodecFactory.Provider {
-  def protocol = PROTOCOL
-  def createProtocolCodec() = new StompCodec();
-  def isIdentifiable() = true
-  def maxIdentificaionLength() = CONNECT.length;
-  def matchesIdentification(header: Buffer):Boolean = {
-    if (header.length < CONNECT.length) {
-      false
-    } else {
-      header.startsWith(CONNECT) || header.startsWith(STOMP)
-    }
-  }
-class StompProtocolFactory extends ProtocolFactory.Provider {
-  def create() = StompProtocol
-  def create(config: String) = if(config == "stomp") {
-    StompProtocol
-  } else {
-    null
-  }
- * @author <a href="">Hiram Chirino</a>
- */
-object StompProtocol extends StompProtocolCodecFactory with Protocol {
-  def createProtocolHandler = new StompProtocolHandler
-  def encode(message: Message):MessageRecord = {
-    StompCodec.encode(message.asInstanceOf[StompFrameMessage])
-  }
-  def decode(message: MessageRecord) = {
-    StompCodec.decode(message)
-  }
 object StompProtocolHandler extends Log {
   // How long we hold a failed connection open so that the remote end
@@ -139,7 +78,7 @@ class StompProtocolHandler extends Proto
     def perform_ack(msgid: AsciiBuffer, uow:StoreUOW=null) = {
       async_die("The subscription ack mode does not expect ACK frames")
@@ -752,8 +691,8 @@ class StompProtocolHandler extends Proto
         rc.destination = DestinationParser.encode_path(
         // TODO:
         // rc.client_id =
-        rc.subscription_id = if( persistent ) id else null
-        rc.filter = if (selector == null) null else selector._1
+        rc.subscription_id = if( persistent ) id.toString else null
+        rc.filter = if (selector == null) null else selector._1.toString
       } else {
         val rc = new QueueBindingDTO