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[32/51] [abbrv] ambari git commit: AMBARI-19220. Fix version of HDFS and YARN used by HDP 3.0 (alejandro)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 26127c3..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import time
-import urllib2
-import ambari_simplejson as json # simplejson is much faster comparing to Python 2.6 json module and has the same functions set.
-import logging
-import traceback
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.namenode_ha_utils import get_all_namenode_addresses
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import curl_krb_request
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import DEFAULT_KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_MS
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_PARAMETER
-from resource_management.core.environment import Environment
-LABEL = 'Last Checkpoint: [{h} hours, {m} minutes, {tx} transactions]'
-HDFS_SITE_KEY = '{{hdfs-site}}'
-NN_HTTP_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.http-address}}'
-NN_HTTPS_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.https-address}}'
-NN_HTTP_POLICY_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.http.policy}}'
-NN_CHECKPOINT_TX_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.checkpoint.txns}}'
-NN_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.checkpoint.period}}'
-PERCENT_WARNING_KEY = 'checkpoint.time.warning.threshold'
-PERCENT_CRITICAL_KEY = 'checkpoint.time.critical.threshold'
-CHECKPOINT_TX_MULTIPLIER_WARNING_KEY = 'checkpoint.txns.multiplier.warning.threshold'
-CHECKPOINT_TX_MULTIPLIER_CRITICAL_KEY = 'checkpoint.txns.multiplier.critical.threshold'
-CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY = 'connection.timeout'
-KERBEROS_KEYTAB = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab}}'
-KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal}}'
-SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY = '{{cluster-env/security_enabled}}'
-SMOKEUSER_KEY = "{{cluster-env/smokeuser}}"
-EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS = '{{kerberos-env/executable_search_paths}}'
-logger = logging.getLogger('ambari_alerts')
-def get_tokens():
-  """
-  Returns a tuple of tokens in the format {{site/property}} that will be used
-  to build the dictionary passed into execute
-  """
-def execute(configurations={}, parameters={}, host_name=None):
-  """
-  Returns a tuple containing the result code and a pre-formatted result label
-  Keyword arguments:
-  configurations (dictionary): a mapping of configuration key to value
-  parameters (dictionary): a mapping of script parameter key to value
-  host_name (string): the name of this host where the alert is running
-  """
-  if configurations is None:
-    return (('UNKNOWN', ['There were no configurations supplied to the script.']))
-  uri = None
-  scheme = 'http'  
-  http_uri = None
-  https_uri = None
-  http_policy = 'HTTP_ONLY'
-  checkpoint_tx = CHECKPOINT_TX_DEFAULT
-  checkpoint_period = CHECKPOINT_PERIOD_DEFAULT
-  # hdfs-site is required
-  if not HDFS_SITE_KEY in configurations:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} is a required parameter for the script'.format(HDFS_SITE_KEY)])
-  if NN_HTTP_POLICY_KEY in configurations:
-    http_policy = configurations[NN_HTTP_POLICY_KEY]
-  if NN_CHECKPOINT_TX_KEY in configurations:
-    checkpoint_tx = configurations[NN_CHECKPOINT_TX_KEY]
-  if NN_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD_KEY in configurations:
-    checkpoint_period = configurations[NN_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD_KEY]
-  if SMOKEUSER_KEY in configurations:
-    smokeuser = configurations[SMOKEUSER_KEY]
-  executable_paths = None
-  if EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS in configurations:
-    executable_paths = configurations[EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS]
-  security_enabled = False
-  if SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY in configurations:
-    security_enabled = str(configurations[SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY]).upper() == 'TRUE'
-  kerberos_keytab = None
-  if KERBEROS_KEYTAB in configurations:
-    kerberos_keytab = configurations[KERBEROS_KEYTAB]
-  kerberos_principal = None
-  if KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL in configurations:
-    kerberos_principal = configurations[KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL]
-    kerberos_principal = kerberos_principal.replace('_HOST', host_name)
-  # parse script arguments
-  connection_timeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
-  if CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY in parameters:
-    connection_timeout = float(parameters[CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY])
-  percent_warning = PERCENT_WARNING_DEFAULT
-  if PERCENT_WARNING_KEY in parameters:
-    percent_warning = float(parameters[PERCENT_WARNING_KEY])
-  percent_critical = PERCENT_CRITICAL_DEFAULT
-  if PERCENT_CRITICAL_KEY in parameters:
-    percent_critical = float(parameters[PERCENT_CRITICAL_KEY])
-  checkpoint_txn_multiplier_warning = CHECKPOINT_TX_MULTIPLIER_WARNING_DEFAULT
-    checkpoint_txn_multiplier_warning = float(parameters[CHECKPOINT_TX_MULTIPLIER_WARNING_KEY])
-  checkpoint_txn_multiplier_critical = CHECKPOINT_TX_MULTIPLIER_CRITICAL_DEFAULT
-    checkpoint_txn_multiplier_critical = float(parameters[CHECKPOINT_TX_MULTIPLIER_CRITICAL_KEY])
-  # determine the right URI and whether to use SSL
-  hdfs_site = configurations[HDFS_SITE_KEY]
-  scheme = "https" if http_policy == "HTTPS_ONLY" else "http"
-  nn_addresses = get_all_namenode_addresses(hdfs_site)
-  for nn_address in nn_addresses:
-    if nn_address.startswith(host_name + ":"):
-      uri = nn_address
-      break
-  if not uri:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_SKIPPED, ['NameNode on host {0} not found (namenode adresses = {1})'.format(host_name, ', '.join(nn_addresses))])
-  current_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
-  last_checkpoint_time_qry = "{0}://{1}/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem".format(scheme,uri)
-  journal_transaction_info_qry = "{0}://{1}/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo".format(scheme,uri)
-  # start out assuming an OK status
-  label = None
-  result_code = "OK"
-  try:
-    if kerberos_principal is not None and kerberos_keytab is not None and security_enabled:
-      env = Environment.get_instance()
-      # curl requires an integer timeout
-      curl_connection_timeout = int(connection_timeout)
-      last_checkpoint_time_response, error_msg, time_millis = curl_krb_request(env.tmp_dir, kerberos_keytab,
-        kerberos_principal, last_checkpoint_time_qry,"checkpoint_time_alert", executable_paths, False,
-        "NameNode Last Checkpoint", smokeuser, connection_timeout=curl_connection_timeout,
-        kinit_timer_ms = kinit_timer_ms)
-      last_checkpoint_time_response_json = json.loads(last_checkpoint_time_response)
-      last_checkpoint_time = int(last_checkpoint_time_response_json["beans"][0]["LastCheckpointTime"])
-      journal_transaction_info_response, error_msg, time_millis = curl_krb_request(env.tmp_dir, kerberos_keytab,
-        kerberos_principal, journal_transaction_info_qry,"checkpoint_time_alert", executable_paths,
-        False, "NameNode Last Checkpoint", smokeuser, connection_timeout=curl_connection_timeout,
-        kinit_timer_ms = kinit_timer_ms)
-      journal_transaction_info_response_json = json.loads(journal_transaction_info_response)
-      journal_transaction_info = journal_transaction_info_response_json["beans"][0]["JournalTransactionInfo"]
-    else:
-      last_checkpoint_time = int(get_value_from_jmx(last_checkpoint_time_qry,
-      "LastCheckpointTime", connection_timeout))
-      journal_transaction_info = get_value_from_jmx(journal_transaction_info_qry,
-      "JournalTransactionInfo", connection_timeout)
-    journal_transaction_info_dict = json.loads(journal_transaction_info)
-    last_tx = int(journal_transaction_info_dict['LastAppliedOrWrittenTxId'])
-    most_recent_tx = int(journal_transaction_info_dict['MostRecentCheckpointTxId'])
-    transaction_difference = last_tx - most_recent_tx
-    delta = (current_time - last_checkpoint_time)/1000
-    label = LABEL.format(h=get_time(delta)['h'], m=get_time(delta)['m'], tx=transaction_difference)
-    is_checkpoint_txn_warning = transaction_difference > checkpoint_txn_multiplier_warning * int(checkpoint_tx)
-    is_checkpoint_txn_critical = transaction_difference > checkpoint_txn_multiplier_critical * int(checkpoint_tx)
-    # Either too many uncommitted transactions or missed check-pointing for
-    # long time decided by the thresholds
-    if is_checkpoint_txn_critical or (float(delta) / int(checkpoint_period)*100 >= int(percent_critical)):
-      logger.debug('Raising critical alert: transaction_difference = {0}, checkpoint_tx = {1}'.format(transaction_difference, checkpoint_tx))
-      result_code = 'CRITICAL'
-    elif is_checkpoint_txn_warning or (float(delta) / int(checkpoint_period)*100 >= int(percent_warning)):
-      logger.debug('Raising warning alert: transaction_difference = {0}, checkpoint_tx = {1}'.format(transaction_difference, checkpoint_tx))
-      result_code = 'WARNING'
-  except:
-    label = traceback.format_exc()
-    result_code = 'UNKNOWN'
-  return ((result_code, [label]))
-def get_time(delta):
-  h = int(delta/3600)
-  m = int((delta % 3600)/60)
-  return {'h':h, 'm':m}
-def get_value_from_jmx(query, jmx_property, connection_timeout):
-  response = None
-  try:
-    response = urllib2.urlopen(query, timeout=connection_timeout)
-    data =
-    data_dict = json.loads(data)
-    return data_dict["beans"][0][jmx_property]
-  finally:
-    if response is not None:
-      try:
-        response.close()
-      except:
-        pass
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 765831d..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import os
-import logging
-import urlparse
-from resource_management.libraries.functions import file_system
-from resource_management.libraries.functions import mounted_dirs_helper
-DFS_DATA_DIR = '{{hdfs-site/}}'
-DATA_DIR_MOUNT_FILE = "/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/datanode/dfs_data_dir_mount.hist"
-logger = logging.getLogger()
-def get_tokens():
-  """
-  Returns a tuple of tokens in the format {{site/property}} that will be used
-  to build the dictionary passed into execute
-  """
-def execute(configurations={}, parameters={}, host_name=None):
-  """
-  Returns a tuple containing the result code and a pre-formatted result label
-  Keyword arguments:
-  configurations (dictionary): a mapping of configuration key to value
-  parameters (dictionary): a mapping of script parameter key to value
-  host_name (string): the name of this host where the alert is running
-  DataNode directories can be of the following formats and each needs to be supported:
-    /grid/dn/archive0
-    [SSD]/grid/dn/archive0
-    [ARCHIVE]file:///grid/dn/archive0
-  """
-  warnings = []
-  errors = []
-  if configurations is None:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['There were no configurations supplied to the script.'])
-  # Check required properties
-  if DFS_DATA_DIR not in configurations:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} is a required parameter for the script'.format(DFS_DATA_DIR)])
-  dfs_data_dir = configurations[DFS_DATA_DIR]
-  if dfs_data_dir is None:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} is a required parameter for the script and the value is null'.format(DFS_DATA_DIR)])
-  # This follows symlinks and will return False for a broken link (even in the middle of the linked list)
-  data_dir_mount_file_exists = True
-  if not os.path.exists(DATA_DIR_MOUNT_FILE):
-    data_dir_mount_file_exists = False
-    warnings.append("{0} was not found.".format(DATA_DIR_MOUNT_FILE))
-  normalized_data_dirs = set()            # data dirs that have been normalized
-  data_dirs_not_exist = set()        # data dirs that do not exist
-  data_dirs_unknown = set()          # data dirs for which could not determine mount
-  data_dirs_on_root = set()          # set of data dirs that are on root mount
-  data_dirs_on_mount = set()         # set of data dirs that are mounted on a device
-  data_dirs_unmounted = []           # list of data dirs that are known to have become unmounted
-  # transform each data directory into something that we can use
-  for data_dir in dfs_data_dir.split(","):
-    if data_dir is None or data_dir.strip() == "":
-      continue
-    data_dir = data_dir.strip()
-    # filter out data storage tags
-    for tag in DATA_STORAGE_TAGS:
-      if data_dir.startswith(tag):
-        data_dir = data_dir.replace(tag, "")
-        continue
-    # parse the path in case it contains a URI scheme
-    data_dir = urlparse.urlparse(data_dir).path
-    normalized_data_dirs.add(data_dir)
-  # Sort the data dirs, which is needed for deterministic behavior when running the unit tests.
-  normalized_data_dirs = sorted(normalized_data_dirs)
-  for data_dir in normalized_data_dirs:
-    # This follows symlinks and will return False for a broken link (even in the middle of the linked list)
-    if os.path.isdir(data_dir):
-      curr_mount_point = file_system.get_mount_point_for_dir(data_dir)
-      curr_mount_point = curr_mount_point.strip() if curr_mount_point else curr_mount_point
-      if curr_mount_point is not None and curr_mount_point != "":
-        if curr_mount_point == "/":
-          data_dirs_on_root.add(data_dir)
-        else:
-          data_dirs_on_mount.add(data_dir)
-      else:
-        data_dirs_unknown.add(data_dir)
-    else:
-      data_dirs_not_exist.add(data_dir)
-  # To keep the messages consistent for all hosts, sort the sets into lists
-  normalized_data_dirs = sorted(normalized_data_dirs)
-  data_dirs_not_exist = sorted(data_dirs_not_exist)
-  data_dirs_unknown = sorted(data_dirs_unknown)
-  data_dirs_on_root = sorted(data_dirs_on_root)
-  if data_dirs_not_exist:
-    errors.append("The following data dir(s) were not found: {0}\n".format("\n".join(data_dirs_not_exist)))
-  if data_dirs_unknown:
-    errors.append("Cannot find the mount point for the following data dir(s):\n{0}".format("\n".join(data_dirs_unknown)))
-  if data_dir_mount_file_exists:
-    # This dictionary contains the expected values of <data_dir, mount_point>
-    # Hence, we only need to analyze the data dirs that are currently on the root partition
-    # and report an error if they were expected to be on a mount.
-    #
-    # If one of the data dirs is not present in the file, it means that DataNode has not been restarted after
-    # the configuration was changed on the server, so we cannot make any assertions about it.
-    expected_data_dir_to_mount = mounted_dirs_helper.get_dir_to_mount_from_file(DATA_DIR_MOUNT_FILE)
-    for data_dir in data_dirs_on_root:
-      if data_dir in expected_data_dir_to_mount and expected_data_dir_to_mount[data_dir] != "/":
-        data_dirs_unmounted.append(data_dir)
-    if len(data_dirs_unmounted) > 0:
-      errors.append("Detected data dir(s) that became unmounted and are now writing to the root partition:\n{0}".format("\n".join(data_dirs_unmounted)))
-  else:
-    # Couldn't make guarantees about the expected value of mount points, so rely on this strategy that is likely to work.
-    # It will report false positives (aka false alarms) if the user actually intended to have
-    # 1+ data dirs on a mount and 1+ data dirs on the root partition.
-    if len(data_dirs_on_mount) >= 1 and len(data_dirs_on_root) >= 1:
-      errors.append("Detected at least one data dir on a mount point, but these are writing to the root partition:\n{0}".format("\n".join(data_dirs_on_root)))
-  # Determine the status based on warnings and errors.
-  if len(errors) == 0:
-    status = RESULT_STATE_OK
-    messages = []
-    # Check for warnings
-    if len(warnings) > 0:
-      status = RESULT_STATE_WARNING
-      messages += warnings
-    if len(normalized_data_dirs) > 0:
-      messages.append("The following data dir(s) are valid:\n{0}".format("\n".join(normalized_data_dirs)))
-    else:
-      messages.append("There are no data directories to analyze.")
-    return (status, ["\n".join(messages)])
-  else:
-    # Report errors
-    return (RESULT_STATE_CRITICAL, ["\n".join(errors)])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 28b3f22..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import urllib2
-import ambari_simplejson as json # simplejson is much faster comparing to Python 2.6 json module and has the same functions set.
-import logging
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import curl_krb_request
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import DEFAULT_KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_MS
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_PARAMETER
-from resource_management.core.environment import Environment
-HDFS_SITE_KEY = '{{hdfs-site}}'
-NAMESERVICE_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.internal.nameservices}}'
-NN_HTTP_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.http-address}}'
-NN_HTTPS_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.https-address}}'
-DFS_POLICY_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.http.policy}}'
-KERBEROS_KEYTAB = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab}}'
-KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal}}'
-SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY = '{{cluster-env/security_enabled}}'
-SMOKEUSER_KEY = '{{cluster-env/smokeuser}}'
-EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS = '{{kerberos-env/executable_search_paths}}'
-NAMENODE_HTTP_FRAGMENT = 'dfs.namenode.http-address.{0}.{1}'
-NAMENODE_HTTPS_FRAGMENT = 'dfs.namenode.https-address.{0}.{1}'
-NAMENODE_RPC_FRAGMENT = 'dfs.namenode.rpc-address.{0}.{1}'
-CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY = 'connection.timeout'
-LOGGER_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "[Alert] NameNode High Availability Health on {0} fails:"
-logger = logging.getLogger('ambari_alerts')
-def get_tokens():
-  """
-  Returns a tuple of tokens in the format {{site/property}} that will be used
-  to build the dictionary passed into execute
-  """
-def execute(configurations={}, parameters={}, host_name=None):
-  """
-  Returns a tuple containing the result code and a pre-formatted result label
-  Keyword arguments:
-  configurations (dictionary): a mapping of configuration key to value
-  parameters (dictionary): a mapping of script parameter key to value
-  host_name (string): the name of this host where the alert is running
-  """
-  if configurations is None:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['There were no configurations supplied to the script.'])
-  # if not in HA mode, then SKIP
-  if not NAMESERVICE_KEY in configurations:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_SKIPPED, ['NameNode HA is not enabled'])
-  # hdfs-site is required
-  if not HDFS_SITE_KEY in configurations:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} is a required parameter for the script'.format(HDFS_SITE_KEY)])
-  if SMOKEUSER_KEY in configurations:
-    smokeuser = configurations[SMOKEUSER_KEY]
-  executable_paths = None
-  if EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS in configurations:
-    executable_paths = configurations[EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS]
-  # parse script arguments
-  connection_timeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
-  if CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY in parameters:
-    connection_timeout = float(parameters[CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY])
-  security_enabled = False
-  if SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY in configurations:
-    security_enabled = str(configurations[SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY]).upper() == 'TRUE'
-  kerberos_keytab = None
-  if KERBEROS_KEYTAB in configurations:
-    kerberos_keytab = configurations[KERBEROS_KEYTAB]
-  kerberos_principal = None
-  if KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL in configurations:
-    kerberos_principal = configurations[KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL]
-    kerberos_principal = kerberos_principal.replace('_HOST', host_name)
-  # determine whether or not SSL is enabled
-  is_ssl_enabled = False
-  if DFS_POLICY_KEY in configurations:
-    dfs_policy = configurations[DFS_POLICY_KEY]
-    if dfs_policy == "HTTPS_ONLY":
-      is_ssl_enabled = True
-  name_service = configurations[NAMESERVICE_KEY]
-  hdfs_site = configurations[HDFS_SITE_KEY]
-  # look for
-  nn_unique_ids_key = 'dfs.ha.namenodes.' + name_service
-  if not nn_unique_ids_key in hdfs_site:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['Unable to find unique namenode alias key {0}'.format(nn_unique_ids_key)])
-  namenode_http_fragment = NAMENODE_HTTP_FRAGMENT
-  jmx_uri_fragment = "http://{0}/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=*"
-  if is_ssl_enabled:
-    namenode_http_fragment = NAMENODE_HTTPS_FRAGMENT
-    jmx_uri_fragment = "https://{0}/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=*"
-  active_namenodes = []
-  standby_namenodes = []
-  unknown_namenodes = []
-  # now we have something like 'nn1,nn2,nn3,nn4'
-  # turn it into dfs.namenode.[property].[dfs.nameservices].[nn_unique_id]
-  # ie dfs.namenode.http-address.hacluster.nn1
-  nn_unique_ids = hdfs_site[nn_unique_ids_key].split(',')
-  for nn_unique_id in nn_unique_ids:
-    key = namenode_http_fragment.format(name_service,nn_unique_id)
-    rpc_key = NAMENODE_RPC_FRAGMENT.format(name_service,nn_unique_id)
-    if key in hdfs_site:
-      # use str() to ensure that unicode strings do not have the u' in them
-      value = str(hdfs_site[key])
-      if INADDR_ANY in value and rpc_key in hdfs_site:
-        rpc_value = str(hdfs_site[rpc_key])
-        if INADDR_ANY not in rpc_value:
-          rpc_host = rpc_value.split(":")[0]
-          value = value.replace(INADDR_ANY, rpc_host)
-      try:
-        jmx_uri = jmx_uri_fragment.format(value)
-        if kerberos_principal is not None and kerberos_keytab is not None and security_enabled:
-          env = Environment.get_instance()
-          # curl requires an integer timeout
-          curl_connection_timeout = int(connection_timeout)
-          state_response, error_msg, time_millis  = curl_krb_request(env.tmp_dir,
-            kerberos_keytab, kerberos_principal, jmx_uri,"ha_nn_health", executable_paths, False,
-            "NameNode High Availability Health", smokeuser, connection_timeout=curl_connection_timeout,
-            kinit_timer_ms = kinit_timer_ms)
-          state = _get_ha_state_from_json(state_response)
-        else:
-          state_response = get_jmx(jmx_uri, connection_timeout)
-          state = _get_ha_state_from_json(state_response)
-        if state == HDFS_NN_STATE_ACTIVE:
-          active_namenodes.append(value)
-        elif state == HDFS_NN_STATE_STANDBY:
-          standby_namenodes.append(value)
-        else:
-          unknown_namenodes.append(value)
-      except:
-        logger.exception(LOGGER_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE.format(host_name))
-        unknown_namenodes.append(value)
-  # there's only one scenario here; there is exactly 1 active and 1 standby
-  is_topology_healthy = len(active_namenodes) == 1 and len(standby_namenodes) == 1
-  result_label = 'Active{0}, Standby{1}, Unknown{2}'.format(str(active_namenodes),
-    str(standby_namenodes), str(unknown_namenodes))
-  if is_topology_healthy:
-    # if there is exactly 1 active and 1 standby NN
-    return (RESULT_STATE_OK, [result_label])
-  else:
-    # other scenario
-    return (RESULT_STATE_CRITICAL, [result_label])
-def get_jmx(query, connection_timeout):
-  response = None
-  try:
-    response = urllib2.urlopen(query, timeout=connection_timeout)
-    json_data =
-    return json_data
-  finally:
-    if response is not None:
-      try:
-        response.close()
-      except:
-        pass
-def _get_ha_state_from_json(string_json):
-  """
-  Searches through the specified JSON string looking for HA state
-  enumerations.
-  :param string_json: the string JSON
-  :return:  the value of the HA state (active, standby, etc)
-  """
-  json_data = json.loads(string_json)
-  jmx_beans = json_data["beans"]
-  # look for NameNodeStatus-State first
-  for jmx_bean in jmx_beans:
-    if "name" not in jmx_bean:
-      continue
-    jmx_bean_name = jmx_bean["name"]
-    if jmx_bean_name == "Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeStatus" and "State" in jmx_bean:
-      return jmx_bean["State"]
-  # look for FSNamesystem-tag.HAState last
-  for jmx_bean in jmx_beans:
-    if "name" not in jmx_bean:
-      continue
-    jmx_bean_name = jmx_bean["name"]
-    if jmx_bean_name == "Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem":
-      return jmx_bean["tag.HAState"]
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a06f56..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import httplib
-import locale
-import json
-import logging
-import urllib
-import time
-import urllib2
-from resource_management import Environment
-from ambari_commons.aggregate_functions import sample_standard_deviation, mean
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import curl_krb_request
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import DEFAULT_KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_MS
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_PARAMETER
-from ambari_commons.ambari_metrics_helper import select_metric_collector_for_sink
-HDFS_SITE_KEY = '{{hdfs-site}}'
-NAMESERVICE_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.internal.nameservices}}'
-NN_HTTP_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.http-address}}'
-NN_HTTPS_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.https-address}}'
-DFS_POLICY_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.http.policy}}'
-KERBEROS_KEYTAB = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab}}'
-KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal}}'
-SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY = '{{cluster-env/security_enabled}}'
-SMOKEUSER_KEY = '{{cluster-env/smokeuser}}'
-EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS = '{{kerberos-env/executable_search_paths}}'
-METRICS_COLLECTOR_WEBAPP_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{ams-site/timeline.metrics.service.webapp.address}}'
-METRICS_COLLECTOR_VIP_HOST_KEY = '{{cluster-env/metrics_collector_vip_host}}'
-METRICS_COLLECTOR_VIP_PORT_KEY = '{{cluster-env/metrics_collector_vip_port}}'
-CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY = 'connection.timeout'
-METRIC_UNITS_PARAM_KEY = 'metric.units'
-# the interval to check the metric (should be cast to int but could be a float)
-INTERVAL_PARAM_KEY = 'interval'
-# the default threshold to trigger a CRITICAL (should be cast to int but could a float)
-DEVIATION_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD_KEY = 'metric.deviation.critical.threshold'
-# the default threshold to trigger a WARNING (should be cast to int but could be a float)
-DEVIATION_WARNING_THRESHOLD_KEY = 'metric.deviation.warning.threshold'
-AMS_METRICS_GET_URL = "/ws/v1/timeline/metrics?%s"
-# The variance for this alert is 27MB which is 27% of the 100MB average (20MB is the limit)
-DEVIATION_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE = "The variance for this alert is {0}{1} which is {2:.0f}% of the {3}{4} average ({5}{6} is the limit)"
-# The variance for this alert is 15MB which is within 20% of the 904ms average (20MB is the limit)
-DEVIATION_OK_MESSAGE = "The variance for this alert is {0}{1} which is within {2:.0f}% of the {3}{4} average ({5}{6} is the limit)"
-logger = logging.getLogger()
-def get_tokens():
-  """
-  Returns a tuple of tokens in the format {{site/property}} that will be used
-  to build the dictionary passed into execute
-  """
-def execute(configurations={}, parameters={}, host_name=None):
-  """
-  Returns a tuple containing the result code and a pre-formatted result label
-  Keyword arguments:
-  configurations : a mapping of configuration key to value
-  parameters : a mapping of script parameter key to value
-  host_name : the name of this host where the alert is running
-  :type configurations dict
-  :type parameters dict
-  :type host_name str
-  """
-  hostnames = host_name
-  current_time = int(time.time()) * 1000
-  # parse script arguments
-  connection_timeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
-  if CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY in parameters:
-    connection_timeout = float(parameters[CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_KEY])
-  merge_ha_metrics = MERGE_HA_METRICS_PARAM_DEFAULT
-  if MERGE_HA_METRICS_PARAM_KEY in parameters:
-    merge_ha_metrics = parameters[MERGE_HA_METRICS_PARAM_KEY].lower() == 'true'
-  if METRIC_NAME_PARAM_KEY in parameters:
-    metric_name = parameters[METRIC_NAME_PARAM_KEY]
-  metric_units = METRIC_UNITS_DEFAULT
-  if METRIC_UNITS_PARAM_KEY in parameters:
-    metric_units = parameters[METRIC_UNITS_PARAM_KEY]
-  if APP_ID_PARAM_KEY in parameters:
-    app_id = parameters[APP_ID_PARAM_KEY]
-  if INTERVAL_PARAM_KEY in parameters:
-    interval = _coerce_to_integer(parameters[INTERVAL_PARAM_KEY])
-    warning_threshold = _coerce_to_integer(parameters[DEVIATION_WARNING_THRESHOLD_KEY])
-    critical_threshold = _coerce_to_integer(parameters[DEVIATION_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD_KEY])
-  minimum_value_threshold = None
-  if MINIMUM_VALUE_THRESHOLD_KEY in parameters:
-    minimum_value_threshold = _coerce_to_integer(parameters[MINIMUM_VALUE_THRESHOLD_KEY])
-  #parse configuration
-  if configurations is None:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['There were no configurations supplied to the script.'])
-  # hdfs-site is required
-  if not HDFS_SITE_KEY in configurations:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} is a required parameter for the script'.format(HDFS_SITE_KEY)])
-  if METRICS_COLLECTOR_VIP_HOST_KEY in configurations and METRICS_COLLECTOR_VIP_PORT_KEY in configurations:
-    collector_host = configurations[METRICS_COLLECTOR_VIP_HOST_KEY]
-    collector_port = int(configurations[METRICS_COLLECTOR_VIP_PORT_KEY])
-  else:
-    # ams-site/timeline.metrics.service.webapp.address is required
-    if not METRICS_COLLECTOR_WEBAPP_ADDRESS_KEY in configurations:
-      return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} is a required parameter for the script'.format(METRICS_COLLECTOR_WEBAPP_ADDRESS_KEY)])
-    else:
-      collector_webapp_address = configurations[METRICS_COLLECTOR_WEBAPP_ADDRESS_KEY].split(":")
-      if valid_collector_webapp_address(collector_webapp_address):
-        collector_host = select_metric_collector_for_sink(app_id.lower())
-        collector_port = int(collector_webapp_address[1])
-      else:
-        return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} value should be set as "fqdn_hostname:port", but set to {1}'.format(
-  namenode_service_rpc_address = None
-  # hdfs-site is required
-  if not HDFS_SITE_KEY in configurations:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} is a required parameter for the script'.format(HDFS_SITE_KEY)])
-  hdfs_site = configurations[HDFS_SITE_KEY]
-  if 'dfs.namenode.servicerpc-address' in hdfs_site:
-    namenode_service_rpc_address = hdfs_site['dfs.namenode.servicerpc-address']
-  # if namenode alert and HA mode
-  if NAMESERVICE_KEY in configurations and app_id.lower() == 'namenode':
-    # hdfs-site is required
-    if not HDFS_SITE_KEY in configurations:
-      return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['{0} is a required parameter for the script'.format(HDFS_SITE_KEY)])
-    if SMOKEUSER_KEY in configurations:
-      smokeuser = configurations[SMOKEUSER_KEY]
-    executable_paths = None
-    if EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS in configurations:
-      executable_paths = configurations[EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS]
-    # parse script arguments
-    security_enabled = False
-    if SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY in configurations:
-      security_enabled = str(configurations[SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY]).upper() == 'TRUE'
-    kerberos_keytab = None
-    if KERBEROS_KEYTAB in configurations:
-      kerberos_keytab = configurations[KERBEROS_KEYTAB]
-    kerberos_principal = None
-    if KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL in configurations:
-      kerberos_principal = configurations[KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL]
-      kerberos_principal = kerberos_principal.replace('_HOST', host_name)
-    # determine whether or not SSL is enabled
-    is_ssl_enabled = False
-    if DFS_POLICY_KEY in configurations:
-      dfs_policy = configurations[DFS_POLICY_KEY]
-      if dfs_policy == "HTTPS_ONLY":
-        is_ssl_enabled = True
-    name_service = configurations[NAMESERVICE_KEY]
-    # look for
-    nn_unique_ids_key = 'dfs.ha.namenodes.' + name_service
-    if not nn_unique_ids_key in hdfs_site:
-      return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ['Unable to find unique NameNode alias key {0}'.format(nn_unique_ids_key)])
-    namenode_http_fragment = 'dfs.namenode.http-address.{0}.{1}'
-    jmx_uri_fragment = "http://{0}/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=*"
-    if is_ssl_enabled:
-      namenode_http_fragment = 'dfs.namenode.https-address.{0}.{1}'
-      jmx_uri_fragment = "https://{0}/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=*"
-    # now we have something like 'nn1,nn2,nn3,nn4'
-    # turn it into dfs.namenode.[property].[dfs.nameservices].[nn_unique_id]
-    # ie dfs.namenode.http-address.hacluster.nn1
-    namenodes = []
-    active_namenodes = []
-    nn_unique_ids = hdfs_site[nn_unique_ids_key].split(',')
-    for nn_unique_id in nn_unique_ids:
-      key = namenode_http_fragment.format(name_service, nn_unique_id)
-      if key in hdfs_site:
-        # use str() to ensure that unicode strings do not have the u' in them
-        value = str(hdfs_site[key])
-        namenode = str(hdfs_site[key]).split(":")[0]
-        namenodes.append(namenode)
-        try:
-          jmx_uri = jmx_uri_fragment.format(value)
-          if kerberos_principal is not None and kerberos_keytab is not None and security_enabled:
-            env = Environment.get_instance()
-            # curl requires an integer timeout
-            curl_connection_timeout = int(connection_timeout)
-            state_response, error_msg, time_millis = curl_krb_request(env.tmp_dir,
-              kerberos_keytab, kerberos_principal, jmx_uri,"ha_nn_health", executable_paths, False,
-              "NameNode High Availability Health", smokeuser, connection_timeout=curl_connection_timeout,
-              kinit_timer_ms = kinit_timer_ms)
-            state = _get_ha_state_from_json(state_response)
-          else:
-            state_response = get_jmx(jmx_uri, connection_timeout)
-            state = _get_ha_state_from_json(state_response)
-          if state == HDFS_NN_STATE_ACTIVE:
-            active_namenodes.append(namenode)
-            # Only check active NN
-            nn_service_rpc_address_key = 'dfs.namenode.servicerpc-address.{0}.{1}'.format(name_service, nn_unique_id)
-            if nn_service_rpc_address_key in hdfs_site:
-              namenode_service_rpc_address = hdfs_site[nn_service_rpc_address_key]
-          pass
-        except:
-          logger.exception("Unable to determine the active NameNode")
-    pass
-    if merge_ha_metrics:
-      hostnames = ",".join(namenodes)
-      # run only on active NN, no need to run the same requests from the standby
-      if host_name not in active_namenodes:
-        return (RESULT_STATE_SKIPPED, ['This alert will be reported by another host.'])
-    pass
-  # Skip service rpc alert if port is not enabled
-  if not namenode_service_rpc_address and 'rpc.rpc.datanode' in metric_name:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_SKIPPED, ['Service RPC port is not enabled.'])
-  get_metrics_parameters = {
-    "metricNames": metric_name,
-    "appId": app_id,
-    "hostname": hostnames,
-    "startTime": current_time - interval * 60 * 1000,
-    "endTime": current_time,
-    "grouped": "true",
-    }
-  encoded_get_metrics_parameters = urllib.urlencode(get_metrics_parameters)
-  try:
-    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(collector_host, int(collector_port),
-                                  timeout=connection_timeout)
-    conn.request("GET", AMS_METRICS_GET_URL % encoded_get_metrics_parameters)
-    response = conn.getresponse()
-    data =
-    conn.close()
-  except Exception:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ["Unable to retrieve metrics from the Ambari Metrics service."])
-  if response.status != 200:
-    return (RESULT_STATE_UNKNOWN, ["Unable to retrieve metrics from the Ambari Metrics service."])
-  data_json = json.loads(data)
-  metrics = []
-  # will get large standard deviation for multiple hosts,
-  # if host1 reports small local values, but host2 reports large local values
-  for metrics_data in data_json["metrics"]:
-    metrics += metrics_data["metrics"].values()
-  pass
-  if not metrics or len(metrics) < 2:
-    number_of_data_points = len(metrics) if metrics else 0
-    return (RESULT_STATE_SKIPPED, ["There are not enough data points to calculate the standard deviation ({0} sampled)".format(
-      number_of_data_points)])
-  minimum_value_multiplier = 1
-  if 'dfs.FSNamesystem.CapacityUsed' in metric_name:
-    minimum_value_multiplier = 1024 * 1024  # MB to bytes
-  elif 'rpc.rpc.datanode' in metric_name or 'rpc.rpc.client' in metric_name:
-    minimum_value_multiplier = 1000  # seconds to millis
-  if minimum_value_threshold:
-    # Filter out points below min threshold
-    metrics = [metric for metric in metrics if metric > (minimum_value_threshold * minimum_value_multiplier)]
-    if len(metrics) < 2:
-      return (RESULT_STATE_OK, ['There were no data points above the minimum threshold of {0} seconds'.format(minimum_value_threshold)])
-  mean_value = mean(metrics)
-  stddev = sample_standard_deviation(metrics)
-  try:
-    deviation_percent = stddev / float(mean_value) * 100
-  except ZeroDivisionError:
-    # should not be a case for this alert
-    return (RESULT_STATE_SKIPPED, ["Unable to calculate the standard deviation because the mean value is 0"])
-  # log the AMS request
-  if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
-    logger.debug("""
-    AMS request parameters - {0}
-    AMS response - {1}
-    Mean - {2}
-    Standard deviation - {3}
-    Percentage standard deviation - {4}
-    """.format(encoded_get_metrics_parameters, data_json, mean_value, stddev, deviation_percent))
-  mean_value_localized = locale.format("%.0f", mean_value, grouping=True)
-  variance_value = (deviation_percent / 100.0) * mean_value
-  variance_value_localized = locale.format("%.0f", variance_value, grouping=True)
-  # check for CRITICAL status
-  if deviation_percent > critical_threshold:
-    threshold_value = ((critical_threshold / 100.0) * mean_value)
-    threshold_value_localized = locale.format("%.0f", threshold_value, grouping=True)
-    message = DEVIATION_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE.format(variance_value_localized, metric_units, deviation_percent,
-      mean_value_localized, metric_units, threshold_value_localized, metric_units)
-    return (RESULT_STATE_CRITICAL,[message])
-  # check for WARNING status
-  if deviation_percent > warning_threshold:
-    threshold_value = ((warning_threshold / 100.0) * mean_value)
-    threshold_value_localized = locale.format("%.0f", threshold_value, grouping = True)
-    message = DEVIATION_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE.format(variance_value_localized, metric_units, deviation_percent,
-      mean_value_localized, metric_units, threshold_value_localized, metric_units)
-    return (RESULT_STATE_WARNING, [message])
-  # return OK status; use the warning threshold as the value to compare against
-  threshold_value = ((warning_threshold / 100.0) * mean_value)
-  threshold_value_localized = locale.format("%.0f", threshold_value, grouping = True)
-  message = DEVIATION_OK_MESSAGE.format(variance_value_localized, metric_units, warning_threshold,
-    mean_value_localized, metric_units, threshold_value_localized, metric_units)
-  return (RESULT_STATE_OK,[message])
-def valid_collector_webapp_address(webapp_address):
-  if len(webapp_address) == 2 \
-    and webapp_address[0] != '' \
-    and webapp_address[1].isdigit():
-    return True
-  return False
-def get_jmx(query, connection_timeout):
-  response = None
-  try:
-    response = urllib2.urlopen(query, timeout=connection_timeout)
-    json_data =
-    return json_data
-  except Exception:
-    return {"beans": {}}
-  finally:
-    if response is not None:
-      try:
-        response.close()
-      except:
-        pass
-def _get_ha_state_from_json(string_json):
-  """
-  Searches through the specified JSON string looking for HA state
-  enumerations.
-  :param string_json: the string JSON
-  :return:  the value of the HA state (active, standby, etc)
-  """
-  json_data = json.loads(string_json)
-  jmx_beans = json_data["beans"]
-  # look for NameNodeStatus-State  first
-  for jmx_bean in jmx_beans:
-    if "name" not in jmx_bean:
-      continue
-    jmx_bean_name = jmx_bean["name"]
-    if jmx_bean_name == "Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeStatus" and "State" in jmx_bean:
-      return jmx_bean["State"]
-  # look for FSNamesystem-tag.HAState last
-  for jmx_bean in jmx_beans:
-    if "name" not in jmx_bean:
-      continue
-    jmx_bean_name = jmx_bean["name"]
-    if jmx_bean_name == "Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystem":
-      return jmx_bean["tag.HAState"]
-def _coerce_to_integer(value):
-  """
-  Attempts to correctly coerce a value to an integer. For the case of an integer or a float,
-  this will essentially either NOOP or return a truncated value. If the parameter is a string,
-  then it will first attempt to be coerced from a integer, and failing that, a float.
-  :param value: the value to coerce
-  :return: the coerced value as an integer
-  """
-  try:
-    return int(value)
-  except ValueError:
-    return int(float(value))
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 427f1d1..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/alerts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import urllib2
-import ambari_simplejson as json # simplejson is much faster comparing to Python 2.6 json module and has the same functions set.
-import logging
-import traceback
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import curl_krb_request
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import DEFAULT_KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_MS
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import KERBEROS_KINIT_TIMER_PARAMETER
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.curl_krb_request import CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
-from resource_management.core.environment import Environment
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.namenode_ha_utils import get_all_namenode_addresses
-NN_HTTP_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.http-address}}'
-NN_HTTPS_ADDRESS_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.https-address}}'
-NN_HTTP_POLICY_KEY = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.http.policy}}'
-HDFS_SITE_KEY = '{{hdfs-site}}'
-KERBEROS_KEYTAB = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab}}'
-KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL = '{{hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal}}'
-SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY = '{{cluster-env/security_enabled}}'
-SMOKEUSER_KEY = "{{cluster-env/smokeuser}}"
-EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS = '{{kerberos-env/executable_search_paths}}'
-logger = logging.getLogger('ambari_alerts')
-def get_tokens():
-  """
-  Returns a tuple of tokens in the format {{site/property}} that will be used
-  to build the dictionary passed into execute
-  :rtype tuple
-  """
-def execute(configurations={}, parameters={}, host_name=None):
-  """
-  Returns a tuple containing the result code and a pre-formatted result label
-  Keyword arguments:
-  configurations : a mapping of configuration key to value
-  parameters : a mapping of script parameter key to value
-  host_name : the name of this host where the alert is running
-  :type configurations dict
-  :type parameters dict
-  :type host_name str
-  """
-  if configurations is None:
-    return (('UNKNOWN', ['There were no configurations supplied to the script.']))
-  uri = None
-  http_policy = 'HTTP_ONLY'
-  # hdfs-site is required
-  if not HDFS_SITE_KEY in configurations:
-    return 'SKIPPED', ['{0} is a required parameter for the script'.format(HDFS_SITE_KEY)]
-  if NN_HTTP_POLICY_KEY in configurations:
-    http_policy = configurations[NN_HTTP_POLICY_KEY]
-  if SMOKEUSER_KEY in configurations:
-    smokeuser = configurations[SMOKEUSER_KEY]
-  executable_paths = None
-  if EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS in configurations:
-    executable_paths = configurations[EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_PATHS]
-  security_enabled = False
-  if SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY in configurations:
-    security_enabled = str(configurations[SECURITY_ENABLED_KEY]).upper() == 'TRUE'
-  kerberos_keytab = None
-  if KERBEROS_KEYTAB in configurations:
-    kerberos_keytab = configurations[KERBEROS_KEYTAB]
-  kerberos_principal = None
-  if KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL in configurations:
-    kerberos_principal = configurations[KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL]
-    kerberos_principal = kerberos_principal.replace('_HOST', host_name)
-  # determine the right URI and whether to use SSL
-  hdfs_site = configurations[HDFS_SITE_KEY]
-  scheme = "https" if http_policy == "HTTPS_ONLY" else "http"
-  nn_addresses = get_all_namenode_addresses(hdfs_site)
-  for nn_address in nn_addresses:
-    if nn_address.startswith(host_name + ":") or nn_address == host_name:
-      uri = nn_address
-      break
-  if not uri:
-    return 'SKIPPED', [
-      'NameNode on host {0} not found (namenode adresses = {1})'.format(host_name, ', '.join(nn_addresses))]
-  upgrade_finalized_qry = "{0}://{1}/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo".format(scheme, uri)
-  # start out assuming an OK status
-  label = None
-  result_code = "OK"
-  try:
-    if kerberos_principal is not None and kerberos_keytab is not None and security_enabled:
-      env = Environment.get_instance()
-      last_checkpoint_time_response, error_msg, time_millis = curl_krb_request(
-        env.tmp_dir, kerberos_keytab,
-        kerberos_principal, upgrade_finalized_qry, "upgrade_finalized_state", executable_paths, False,
-        "HDFS Upgrade Finalized State", smokeuser, kinit_timer_ms = kinit_timer_ms
-       )
-      upgrade_finalized_response_json = json.loads(last_checkpoint_time_response)
-      upgrade_finalized = bool(upgrade_finalized_response_json["beans"][0]["UpgradeFinalized"])
-    else:
-      upgrade_finalized = bool(get_value_from_jmx(upgrade_finalized_qry,
-                                                    "UpgradeFinalized"))
-    if upgrade_finalized:
-      label = "HDFS cluster is not in the upgrade state"
-      result_code = 'OK'
-    else:
-      label = "HDFS cluster is not finalized"
-      result_code = 'CRITICAL'
-  except:
-    label = traceback.format_exc()
-    result_code = 'UNKNOWN'
-  return ((result_code, [label]))
-def get_value_from_jmx(query, jmx_property):
-  """
-   Read property from the jxm endpoint
-  :param query: jmx uri path
-  :param jmx_property: property name to read
-  :return: jmx property value
-  :type query str
-  :type jmx_property str
-  """
-  response = None
-  try:
-    response = urllib2.urlopen(query, timeout=int(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT))
-    data =
-    data_dict = json.loads(data)
-    return data_dict["beans"][0][jmx_property]
-  finally:
-    if response is not None:
-      try:
-        response.close()
-      except:
-        pass
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/files/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index ddeb116..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import optparse
-import httplib
-import socket
-import ssl
-class TLS1HTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
-  """
-  Some of python implementations does not work correctly with sslv3 but trying to use it, we need to change protocol to
-  tls1.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, host, port, **kwargs):
-    httplib.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, host, port, **kwargs)
-  def connect(self):
-    sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port), self.timeout)
-    if getattr(self, '_tunnel_host', None):
-      self.sock = sock
-      self._tunnel()
-    self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
-def make_connection(host, port, https):
-  try:
-    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port) if not https else httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, port)
-    conn.request("GET", "/")
-    return conn.getresponse().status
-  except ssl.SSLError:
-    # got ssl error, lets try to use TLS1 protocol, maybe it will work
-    try:
-      tls1_conn = TLS1HTTPSConnection(host, port)
-      tls1_conn.request("GET", "/")
-      return tls1_conn.getresponse().status
-    except Exception as e:
-      print e
-    finally:
-      tls1_conn.close()
-  except Exception as e:
-    print e
-  finally:
-    conn.close()
-# Main.
-def main():
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] component ")
-  parser.add_option("-m", "--hosts", dest="hosts", help="Comma separated hosts list for WEB UI to check it availability")
-  parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", help="Port of WEB UI to check it availability")
-  parser.add_option("-s", "--https", dest="https", help="\"True\" if value of dfs.http.policy is \"HTTPS_ONLY\"")
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  hosts = options.hosts.split(',')
-  port = options.port
-  https = options.https
-  for host in hosts:
-    httpCode = make_connection(host, port, https.lower() == "true")
-    if httpCode != 200:
-      print "Cannot access WEB UI on: http://" + host + ":" + port if not https.lower() == "true" else "Cannot access WEB UI on: https://" + host + ":" + port
-      exit(1)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  main()
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 35de4bb..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/HDFS/3.0.0/package/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Ambari Agent