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Posted to by Brian Havard <> on 2001/09/14 14:17:48 UTC

Problem with trailing / in section

In the standard config, there exists:

<Directory "@@ServerRoot@@/manual/">

But for reasons I've yet to determine, this doesn't work for me unless I
remove the trailing / (I get 403 accessing /manual/ because MultiViews
isn't enabled). I'm not familiar with the directory_walk code so would
appreciate any hints as to why this might be happening just on OS/2 (or is
it?). I'm suspecting apr_filepath_merge() & friends as I first started
seeing this around the time that went in.

 |  Brian Havard                 |  "He is not the messiah!                   |
 |  |  He's a very naughty boy!" - Life of Brian |