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Posted to by Stas Bekman <> on 2002/07/14 16:59:03 UTC

ANNOUNCE: mod_perl guide v1.32

This is probably the last announcement regarding the mod_perl guide's 
changes, because on the new mod_perl site all the changes are almost 
instant and the need for releases is pretty much not needed any more. 
Therefore remember to refer to the Changes file if you want to know what 
has changed since the last time you've read some docs.

That said, there will be no more separate mod_perl_guide's releases on 
CPAN as they used to be, since the guide has now been merged into the 
mod_perl documentation. It's possible that we will start releasing the 
modperl-docs repository on CPAN instead. We will see. Meanwhile you can 
download and install locally the guide and the rest of the docs here:

So here are the changes in the guide since Nov 15 2001:

=head1 Jul 14 2002 ver 1.32

* snippets.pod:

   o new recipe: File Upload with Apache::Request [Rich Bowen]

* cookbook

   o ported "Passing Arguments to a SSI script" from the modperl faq

* method_handlers.pod

   o moved here from the faqs

* databases.pod

    o correct the notes regarding "Opening Connections With Different
      Parameters" for Apache::DBI. Must localize local changes.

* getwet.pod

    o a new chapter to get you started fast

* porting.pod

   o add a new section "Preventing Apache::Constants Stringification"
     [Per Einar]

   o add a new section presenting a hackish solution for libraries
     collision, via do() or %INC mangling.

   o bring the warnings section up to date with perl 5.6 (Rafael

   o cover the 5.6's CHECK block in addition to INIT (Rafael

* troubleshooting.pod

   o solution to the 'readdir()/opendir() not working' problem (Louis

   o clearify how to solve the segfault problem caused by built-in
     mysql support in mod_php (Paul Buder)

* modules.pod

   o extend on Apache::Filter (Per Einar Ellefsen)

* config.pod

   o adopt sections from the modperl faq and rewrite the whole security
     configuration section

   o extended on method handlers (Per Einar Ellefsen)

   o show an example on how to load the mod_perl related config only
     when mod_perl is loaded (Rafael Garcia-Suarez)

   o More information about PerlSetEnv/PerlPassEnv/PerlSetupEnv w/
     practical example    [Per Einar]

   o Extend on PerlSetVar/PerlAddVar but more importantly, add
     information about subrequests w/ lookup_file and dir_config
     provided by Matt Sergeant in this thread: [Per Einar]

* debug.pod

   o extended on curinfo macro (Per Einar Ellefsen)

* help.pod

   o chroot(1) urls

   o jail(8) urls (Andrew McNaughton)

   o link to the internal resources (Per Einar Ellefsen)

* install.pod

   o James G Smith has uploaded his Apache Builder to CPAN, update the
     download links, to reflect this change.

* performance.pod

   o add more benchmarking tools refs: HTTP::WebTest,
     HTTP::Monkeywrench, HTTP::TestEngine, HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench

   o update the benchmark in the section "Apache::args
     vs. Apache::Request::param vs. CGI::param" using Apache::Request

   o Update the documentation on Apache::SizeLimit and
     Apache::GTopLimit which now both sport the shared and unshared
     memory thresholds.

   o added a new section: "Potential Drawbacks of Memory Sharing

* intro

   o major additions to the introduction, including information about
     the C API and the Perl API and Apache::PerlRun, as well as some
     more corrections of links relative to the site. [Per Einar]

* guide

   o most of the internal links were changed to use the whole title and
     not only first few words. The new build system support this.

   o The documents themselves are now referenced as guide::something,
     e.g. guide::modules, because now the guide is a part of a much
     bigger collection of the documents, which need to be fully
     qualified, so each document can link to other documents in
     different projects/subprojects.

   o added descriptions to all chapters (Per Einar Ellefsen)

   o The document structure has been reorganized and decentralized:
     some general chapters have left the Guide in favor of the "General
     Documentation" section, which is where you should look now for
     some of the sections that were earlier here [Thomas Klausner]

* Minor corrections:

   o remove qw() or variables list in general::perl_reference (Tim Noll

   o install: (Per Einar Ellefsen <>, Karl Olson

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->