You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2006/08/19 00:33:00 UTC

svn commit: r432754 [12/28] - in /myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource: ./ src/ src/animation/ src/collections/ src/compat/ src/crypto/ src/data/ src/data/format/ src/data/provider/ src/debug/ s...

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/IframeIO.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/IframeIO.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/IframeIO.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// FIXME: is it possible to use the Google htmlfile hack to prevent the
+// background click with this transport?
+ = function(fname, onloadstr){
+	if(window[fname]){ return window[fname]; }
+	if(window.frames[fname]){ return window.frames[fname]; }
+	var r = dojo.render.html;
+	var cframe = null;
+	var turi = dojo.uri.dojoUri("iframe_history.html?noInit=true");
+	var ifrstr = (( ? "<iframe name='"+fname+"' src='"+turi+"' onload='"+onloadstr+"'>" : "iframe";
+	cframe = document.createElement(ifrstr);
+	with(cframe){
+		name = fname;
+		setAttribute("name", fname);
+		id = fname;
+	}
+	(document.body||document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]).appendChild(cframe);
+	window[fname] = cframe;
+	with({
+		position = "absolute";
+		left = top = "0px";
+		height = width = "1px";
+		visibility = "hidden";
+		/*
+		if(djConfig.isDebug){
+			position = "relative";
+			height = "300px";
+			width = "600px";
+			visibility = "visible";
+		}
+		*/
+	}
+	if(!{
+, turi, true);
+		cframe.onload = new Function(onloadstr);
+	}
+	return cframe;
+// thanks burstlib! = function(iframe_el) {
+	var win = iframe_el.contentWindow || // IE
+ || // Moz, opera
+		// Moz. TODO: is this available when defaultView isn't?
+ || 
+		( && document.frames[]) || null;
+	return win;
+ = function(iframe_el){
+	var doc = iframe_el.contentDocument || // W3
+		(
+			(iframe_el.contentWindow)&&(iframe_el.contentWindow.document)
+		) ||  // IE
+		(
+			([])&&
+			(document.frames[].document)
+		) || null;
+	return doc;
+ = new function(){
+	var _this = this;
+	this.currentRequest = null;
+	this.requestQueue = [];
+	this.iframeName = "dojoIoIframe";
+	this.fireNextRequest = function(){
+		if((this.currentRequest)||(this.requestQueue.length == 0)){ return; }
+		// dojo.debug("fireNextRequest");
+		var cr = this.currentRequest = this.requestQueue.shift();
+		cr._contentToClean = [];
+		var fn = cr["formNode"];
+		var content = cr["content"] || {};
+		if(cr.sendTransport) {
+			content["dojo.transport"] = "iframe";
+		}
+		if(fn){
+			if(content){
+				// if we have things in content, we need to add them to the form
+				// before submission
+				for(var x in content){
+					if(!fn[x]){
+						var tn;
+						if({
+							tn = document.createElement("<input type='hidden' name='"+x+"' value='"+content[x]+"'>");
+							fn.appendChild(tn);
+						}else{
+							tn = document.createElement("input");
+							fn.appendChild(tn);
+							tn.type = "hidden";
+ = x;
+							tn.value = content[x];
+						}
+						cr._contentToClean.push(x);
+					}else{
+						fn[x].value = content[x];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(cr["url"]){
+				cr._originalAction = fn.getAttribute("action");
+				fn.setAttribute("action", cr.url);
+			}
+			if(!fn.getAttribute("method")){
+				fn.setAttribute("method", (cr["method"]) ? cr["method"] : "post");
+			}
+			cr._originalTarget = fn.getAttribute("target");
+			fn.setAttribute("target", this.iframeName);
+ = this.iframeName;
+			fn.submit();
+		}else{
+			// otherwise we post a GET string by changing URL location for the
+			// iframe
+			var query =;
+			var tmpUrl = (cr.url.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + query;
+, tmpUrl, true);
+		}
+	}
+	this.canHandle = function(kwArgs){
+		return (
+			(
+				// FIXME: can we really handle text/plain and
+				// text/javascript requests?
+				dojo.lang.inArray(kwArgs["mimetype"], 
+				[	"text/plain", "text/html", 
+					"text/javascript", "text/json"])
+			)&&(
+				// make sur we really only get used in file upload cases	
+				(kwArgs["formNode"])&&(["formNode"]))
+			)&&(
+				dojo.lang.inArray(kwArgs["method"].toLowerCase(), ["post", "get"])
+			)&&(
+				// never handle a sync request
+				!  ((kwArgs["sync"])&&(kwArgs["sync"] == true))
+			)
+		);
+	}
+	this.bind = function(kwArgs){
+		if(!this["iframe"]){ this.setUpIframe(); }
+		this.requestQueue.push(kwArgs);
+		this.fireNextRequest();
+		return;
+	}
+	this.setUpIframe = function(){
+		// NOTE: IE 5.0 and earlier Mozilla's don't support an onload event for
+		//       iframes. OTOH, we don't care.
+		this.iframe =, ";");
+	}
+	this.iframeOnload = function(){
+		if(!_this.currentRequest){
+			_this.fireNextRequest();
+			return;
+		}
+		var req = _this.currentRequest;
+		// remove all the hidden content inputs
+		var toClean = req._contentToClean;
+		for(var i = 0; i < toClean.length; i++) {
+			var key = toClean[i];
+			if(dojo.render.html.safari){
+				//In Safari (at least 2.0.3), can't use formNode[key] syntax to find the node,
+				//for nodes that were dynamically added.
+				var fNode = req.formNode;
+				for(var j = 0; j < fNode.childNodes.length; j++){
+					var chNode = fNode.childNodes[j];
+					if( == key){
+						var pNode = chNode.parentNode;
+						pNode.removeChild(chNode);
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}else{
+				var input = req.formNode[key];
+				req.formNode.removeChild(input);
+				req.formNode[key] = null;
+			}
+		}
+		// restore original action + target
+		if(req["_originalAction"]){
+			req.formNode.setAttribute("action", req._originalAction);
+		}
+		req.formNode.setAttribute("target", req._originalTarget);
+ = req._originalTarget;
+		var ifd =;
+		// handle successful returns
+		// FIXME: how do we determine success for iframes? Is there an equiv of
+		// the "status" property?
+		var value;
+		var success = false;
+		try{
+			var cmt = req.mimetype;
+			if((cmt == "text/javascript")||(cmt == "text/json")){
+				// FIXME: not sure what to do here? try to pull some evalulable
+				// text from a textarea or cdata section? 
+				// how should we set up the contract for that?
+				var js = ifd.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0].value;
+				if(cmt == "text/json") { js = "(" + js + ")"; }
+				value = dj_eval(js);
+			}else if(cmt == "text/html"){
+				value = ifd;
+			}else{ // text/plain
+				value = ifd.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0].value;
+			}
+			success = true;
+		}catch(e){ 
+			// looks like we didn't get what we wanted!
+			var errObj = new"IframeTransport Error");
+			if(dojo.lang.isFunction(req["error"])){
+				req.error("error", errObj, req);
+			}
+		}
+		// don't want to mix load function errors with processing errors, thus
+		// a separate try..catch
+		try {
+			if(success && dojo.lang.isFunction(req["load"])){
+				req.load("load", value, req);
+			}
+		} catch(e) {
+			throw e;
+		} finally {
+			_this.currentRequest = null;
+			_this.fireNextRequest();
+		}
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/RepubsubIO.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/RepubsubIO.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/RepubsubIO.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+//	Copyright (c) 2004 Friendster Inc., Licensed under the Academic Free
+//	License version 2.0 or later 
+ = new function(){
+	var rps =;
+	this.canHandle = function(kwArgs){
+		if((kwArgs["mimetype"] == "text/javascript")&&(kwArgs["method"] == "repubsub")){
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	this.bind = function(kwArgs){
+		if(!rps.isInitialized){
+			// open up our tunnel, queue up requests anyway
+			rps.init();
+		}
+		// FIXME: we need to turn this into a topic subscription
+		// var tgtURL = kwArgs.url+"?";
+		// sampleTransport.sendRequest(tgtURL, hdlrFunc);
+		// a normal "bind()" call in a request-response transport layer is
+		// something that (usually) encodes most of it's payload with the
+		// request. Multi-event systems like repubsub are a bit more complex,
+		// and repubsub in particular distinguishes the publish and subscribe
+		// portions of thep rocess with different method calls to handle each.
+		// Therefore, a "bind" in the sense of repubsub must first determine if
+		// we have an open subscription to a channel provided by the server,
+		// and then "publish" the request payload if there is any. We therefore
+		// must take care not to incorrectly or too agressively register or
+		// file event handlers which are provided with the kwArgs method.
+		// NOTE: we ONLY pay attention to those event handlers that are
+		// registered with the bind request that subscribes to the channel. If
+		// event handlers are provided with subsequent requests, we might in
+		// the future support some additive or replacement syntax, but for now
+		// they get dropped on the floor.
+		// NOTE: in this case, url MUST be the "topic" to which we
+		// subscribe/publish for this channel
+		if(!rps.topics[kwArgs.url]){
+			kwArgs.rpsLoad = function(evt){
+				kwArgs.load("load", evt);
+			}
+			rps.subscribe(kwArgs.url, kwArgs, "rpsLoad");
+		}
+		if(kwArgs["content"]){
+			// what we wanted to send
+			var cEvt =;
+			rps.publish(kwArgs.url, cEvt);
+		}
+	}
+ = new function(){
+	this.initDoc = "init.html";
+	this.isInitialized = false;
+	this.subscriptionBacklog = [];
+	this.debug = true;
+	this.rcvNodeName = null;
+	this.sndNodeName = null;
+	this.rcvNode = null;
+	this.sndNode = null;
+	this.canRcv = false;
+	this.canSnd = false;
+	this.canLog = false;
+	this.sndTimer = null;
+	this.windowRef = window;
+	this.backlog = [];
+	this.tunnelInitCount = 0;
+	this.tunnelFrameKey = "tunnel_frame";
+	this.serverBaseURL = location.protocol+"//";
+	this.logBacklog = [];
+	this.getRandStr = function(){
+		return Math.random().toString().substring(2, 10);
+	}
+	this.userid = "guest";
+	this.tunnelID = this.getRandStr();
+	this.attachPathList = [];
+	this.topics = []; // list of topics we have listeners to
+	// actually, now that I think about it a little bit more, it would sure be
+	// useful to parse out the <script> src attributes. We're looking for
+	// something with a "do_method=lib", since that's what would have included
+	// us in the first place (in the common case).
+	this.parseGetStr = function(){
+		var baseUrl = document.location.toString();
+		var params = baseUrl.split("?", 2);
+		if(params.length > 1){
+			var paramStr = params[1];
+			var pairs = paramStr.split("&");
+			var opts = [];
+			for(var x in pairs){
+				var sp = pairs[x].split("=");
+				// FIXME: is this eval dangerous?
+				try{
+					opts[sp[0]]=eval(sp[1]);
+				}catch(e){
+					opts[sp[0]]=sp[1];
+				}
+			}
+			return opts;
+		}else{
+			return [];
+		}
+	}
+	// parse URL params and use them as default vals
+	var getOpts = this.parseGetStr();
+	for(var x in getOpts){
+		// FIXME: should I be checking for undefined here before setting? Does
+		//        that buy me anything?
+		this[x] = getOpts[x];
+	}
+	if(!this["tunnelURI"]){
+		this.tunnelURI = [	"/who/", escape(this.userid), "/s/", 
+							this.getRandStr(), "/kn_journal"].join("");
+		// this.tunnelURI = this.absoluteTopicURI(this.tunnelURI);
+	}
+	/*
+	if (self.kn_tunnelID) kn.tunnelID = self.kn_tunnelID; // the server says
+	if (kn._argv.kn_tunnelID) kn.tunnelID = kn._argv.kn_tunnelID; // the url says
+	*/
+	// check the options object if it exists and use its properties as an
+	// over-ride
+	if(window["repubsubOpts"]||window["rpsOpts"]){
+		var optObj = window["repubsubOpts"]||window["rpsOpts"];
+		for(var x in optObj){
+			this[x] = optObj[x]; // copy the option object properties
+		}
+	}
+	// things that get called directly from our iframe to inform us of events
+	this.tunnelCloseCallback = function(){
+		// when we get this callback, we should immediately attempt to re-start
+		// our tunnel connection
+, this.initDoc+"?callback=repubsub.rcvNodeReady&domain="+document.domain);
+	}
+	this.receiveEventFromTunnel = function(evt, srcWindow){
+		// we should never be getting events from windows we didn't create
+		// NOTE: events sourced from the local window are also supported for
+		// 		 debugging purposes
+		// any event object MUST have a an "elements" property
+		if(!evt["elements"]){
+			this.log("bailing! event received without elements!", "error");
+			return;
+		}
+		// if the event passes some minimal sanity tests, we need to attempt to
+		// dispatch it!
+		// first, it seems we have to munge the event object a bit
+		var e = {};
+		for(var i=0; i<evt.elements.length; i++){
+			var ee = evt.elements[i];
+			e[||ee.nameU] = (ee.value||ee.valueU);
+			// FIXME: need to enable this only in some extreme debugging mode!
+			this.log("[event]: "+(||ee.nameU)+": "+e[||ee.nameU]);
+		}
+		// NOTE: the previous version of this library put a bunch of code here
+		// to manage state that tried to make sure that we never, ever, lost
+		// any info about an event. If we unload RIGHT HERE, I don't think it's
+		// going to make a huge difference one way or another. Time will tell.
+		// and with THAT out of the way, dispatch it!
+		this.dispatch(e);
+		// TODO: remove the script block that created the event obj to save
+		// memory, etc.
+	}
+	this.widenDomain = function(domainStr){
+		// the purpose of this is to set the most liberal domain policy
+		// available
+		var cd = domainStr||document.domain;
+		if(cd.indexOf(".")==-1){ return; } // probably file:/// or localhost
+		var dps = cd.split(".");
+		if(dps.length<=2){ return; } // probably file:/// or an RFC 1918 address
+		dps = dps.slice(dps.length-2);
+		document.domain = dps.join(".");
+	}
+	// FIXME: parseCookie and setCookie should be methods that are more broadly
+	// available. Perhaps in htmlUtils?
+	this.parseCookie = function(){
+		var cs = document.cookie;
+		var keypairs = cs.split(";");
+		for(var x=0; x<keypairs.length; x++){
+			keypairs[x] = keypairs[x].split("=");
+			if(x!=keypairs.length-1){ cs+=";"; }
+		}
+		return keypairs;
+	}
+	this.setCookie = function(keypairs, clobber){
+		// NOTE: we want to only ever set session cookies, so never provide an
+		// 		 expires date
+		if((clobber)&&(clobber==true)){ document.cookie = ""; }
+		var cs = "";
+		for(var x=0; x<keypairs.length; x++){
+			cs += keypairs[x][0]+"="+keypairs[x][1];
+			if(x!=keypairs.length-1){ cs+=";"; }
+		}
+		document.cookie = cs;
+	}
+	// FIXME: need to replace w/ dojo.log.*
+	this.log = function(str, lvl){
+		if(!this.debug){ return; } // we of course only care if we're in debug mode
+		while(this.logBacklog.length>0){
+			if(!this.canLog){ break; }
+			var blo = this.logBacklog.shift();
+			this.writeLog("["+blo[0]+"]: "+blo[1], blo[2]);
+		}
+		this.writeLog(str, lvl);
+	}
+	this.writeLog = function(str, lvl){
+		dojo.debug(((new Date()).toLocaleTimeString())+": "+str);
+	}
+	this.init = function(){
+		this.widenDomain();
+		// this.findPeers();
+		this.openTunnel();
+		this.isInitialized = true;
+		// FIXME: this seems like entirely the wrong place to replay the backlog
+		while(this.subscriptionBacklog.length){
+			this.subscribe.apply(this, this.subscriptionBacklog.shift());
+		}
+	}
+	this.clobber = function(){
+		if(this.rcvNode){
+			this.setCookie( [
+					[this.tunnelFrameKey,"closed"],
+					["path","/"]
+				], false 
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	this.openTunnel = function(){
+		// We create two iframes here:
+		// one for getting data
+		this.rcvNodeName = "rcvIFrame_"+this.getRandStr();
+		// set cookie that can be used to find the receiving iframe
+		this.setCookie( [
+				[this.tunnelFrameKey,this.rcvNodeName],
+				["path","/"]
+			], false
+		);
+		this.rcvNode =;
+		// FIXME: set the src attribute here to the initialization URL
+, this.initDoc+"?callback=repubsub.rcvNodeReady&domain="+document.domain);
+		// the other for posting data in reply
+		this.sndNodeName = "sndIFrame_"+this.getRandStr();
+		this.sndNode =;
+		// FIXME: set the src attribute here to the initialization URL
+, this.initDoc+"?callback=repubsub.sndNodeReady&domain="+document.domain);
+	}
+	this.rcvNodeReady = function(){
+		// FIXME: why is this sequence number needed? Why isn't the UID gen
+		// 		  function enough?
+        var statusURI = [this.tunnelURI, '/kn_status/', this.getRandStr(), '_', 
+						 String(this.tunnelInitCount++)].join(""); 
+            // (kn._seqNum++); // FIXME: !!!!
+		// this.canRcv = true;
+		this.log("rcvNodeReady");
+		// FIXME: initialize receiver and request the base topic
+		//, this.serverBaseURL+"/kn?do_method=blank");
+		var initURIArr = [	this.serverBaseURL, "/kn?kn_from=", escape(this.tunnelURI),
+							"&kn_id=", escape(this.tunnelID), "&kn_status_from=", 
+							escape(statusURI)];
+		// FIXME: does the above really need a kn_response_flush? won't the
+		// 		  server already know? If not, what good is it anyway?
+, initURIArr.join(""));
+		// setup a status path listener, but don't tell the server about it,
+		// since it already knows we're itnerested in our own tunnel status
+		this.subscribe(statusURI, this, "statusListener", true);
+		this.log(initURIArr.join(""));
+	}
+	this.sndNodeReady = function(){
+		this.canSnd = true;
+		this.log("sndNodeReady");
+		this.log(this.backlog.length);
+		// FIXME: handle any pent-up send commands
+		if(this.backlog.length > 0){
+			this.dequeueEvent();
+		}
+	}
+	this.statusListener = function(evt){
+		this.log("status listener called");
+		this.log(evt.status, "info");
+	}
+	// this handles local event propigation
+	this.dispatch = function(evt){
+		// figure out what topic it came from
+		if(evt["to"]||evt["kn_routed_from"]){
+			var rf = evt["to"]||evt["kn_routed_from"];
+			// split off the base server URL
+			var topic = rf.split(this.serverBaseURL, 2)[1];
+			if(!topic){
+				// FIXME: how do we recover when we don't get a sane "from"? Do
+				// we try to route to it anyway?
+				topic = rf;
+			}
+			this.log("[topic] "+topic);
+			if(topic.length>3){
+				if(topic.slice(0, 3)=="/kn"){
+					topic = topic.slice(3);
+				}
+			}
+			if(this.attachPathList[topic]){
+				this.attachPathList[topic](evt);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.subscribe = function(	topic /* kn_from in the old terminilogy */, 
+								toObj, toFunc, dontTellServer){
+		if(!this.isInitialized){
+			this.subscriptionBacklog.push([topic, toObj, toFunc, dontTellServer]);
+			return;
+		}
+		if(!this.attachPathList[topic]){
+			this.attachPathList[topic] = function(){ return true; }
+			this.log("subscribing to: "+topic);
+			this.topics.push(topic);
+		}
+		var revt = new, topic, "route");
+		var rstr = [this.serverBaseURL+"/kn", revt.toGetString()].join("");
+		dojo.event.kwConnect({
+			once: true,
+			srcObj: this.attachPathList, 
+			srcFunc: topic, 
+			adviceObj: toObj, 
+			adviceFunc: toFunc
+		});
+		// NOTE: the above is a local mapping, if we're not the leader, we
+		// 		 should connect our mapping to the topic handler of the peer
+		// 		 leader, this ensures that not matter what happens to the
+		// 		 leader, we don't really loose our heads if/when the leader
+		// 		 goes away.
+		if(!this.rcvNode){ /* this should be an error! */ }
+		if(dontTellServer){
+			return;
+		}
+		this.log("sending subscription to: "+topic);
+		// create a subscription event object and give it all the props we need
+		// to updates on the specified topic
+		// FIXME: we should only enqueue if this is our first subscription!
+		this.sendTopicSubToServer(topic, rstr);
+	}
+	this.sendTopicSubToServer = function(topic, str){
+		if(!this.attachPathList[topic]["subscriptions"]){
+			this.enqueueEventStr(str);
+			this.attachPathList[topic].subscriptions = 0;
+		}
+		this.attachPathList[topic].subscriptions++;
+	}
+	this.unSubscribe = function(topic, toObj, toFunc){
+		// first, locally disconnect
+		dojo.event.kwDisconnect({
+			srcObj: this.attachPathList, 
+			srcFunc: topic, 
+			adviceObj: toObj, 
+			adviceFunc: toFunc
+		});
+		// FIXME: figure out if there are any remaining listeners to the topic,
+		// 		  and if not, inform the server of our desire not to be
+		// 		  notified of updates to the topic
+	}
+	// the "publish" method is really a misnomer, since it really means "take
+	// this event and send it to the server". Note that the "dispatch" method
+	// handles local event promigulation, and therefore we emulate both sides
+	// of a real event router without having to swallow all of the complexity.
+	this.publish = function(topic, event){
+		var evt =;
+		// FIXME: need to make sure we have from and to set correctly
+		// 		  before we serialize and send off to the great blue
+		// 		  younder.
+ = topic;
+		// evt.from = this.tunnelURI;
+		var evtURLParts = [];
+		evtURLParts.push(this.serverBaseURL+"/kn");
+		// serialize the event to a string and then post it to the correct
+		// topic
+		evtURLParts.push(evt.toGetString());
+		this.enqueueEventStr(evtURLParts.join(""));
+	}
+	this.enqueueEventStr = function(evtStr){
+		this.log("enqueueEventStr");
+		this.backlog.push(evtStr);
+		this.dequeueEvent();
+	}
+	this.dequeueEvent = function(force){
+		this.log("dequeueEvent");
+		if(this.backlog.length <= 0){ return; }
+		if((this.canSnd)||(force)){
+, this.backlog.shift()+"&callback=repubsub.sndNodeReady");
+			this.canSnd = false;
+		}else{
+			this.log("sndNode not available yet!", "debug");
+		}
+	}
+ = function(to, from, method, id, routeURI, payload, dispname, uid){
+ = to;
+	this.from = from;
+	this.method = method||"route";
+ = id||repubsub.getRandStr();
+	this.uri = routeURI;
+	this.displayname = dispname||repubsub.displayname;
+	this.userid = uid||repubsub.userid;
+	this.payload = payload||"";
+	this.flushChars = 4096;
+	this.initFromProperties = function(evt){
+		if(evt.constructor ={ 
+			for(var x in evt){
+				this[x] = evt[x];
+			}
+		}else{
+			// we want to copy all the properties of the evt object, and transform
+			// those that are "stock" properties of All others should
+			// be copied as-is
+			for(var x in evt){
+				if(typeof this.forwardPropertiesMap[x] == "string"){
+					this[this.forwardPropertiesMap[x]] = evt[x];
+				}else{
+					this[x] = evt[x];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.toGetString = function(noQmark){
+		var qs = [ ((noQmark) ? "" : "?") ];
+		for(var x=0; x<; x++){
+			var tp =[x];
+			if(this[tp[0]]){
+				qs.push(tp[1]+"="+encodeURIComponent(String(this[tp[0]])));
+			}
+			// FIXME: we need to be able to serialize non-stock properties!!!
+		}
+		return qs.join("&");
+	}
+ = [["from", "kn_from"], ["to", "kn_to"], 
+									["method", "do_method"], ["id", "kn_id"], 
+									["uri", "kn_uri"], 
+									["displayname", "kn_displayname"], 
+									["userid", "kn_userid"], 
+									["payload", "kn_payload"],
+									["flushChars", "kn_response_flush"],
+									["responseFormat", "kn_response_format"] ];
+// maps properties from their old names to their new names... = {};
+// ...and vice versa... = {};
+// and we then populate them both from the properties list
+for(var x=0; x<; x++){
+	var tp =[x];
+[tp[0]] = tp[1];
+[tp[1]] = tp[0];
+// static version of initFromProperties, creates new event and object and
+// returns it after init = function(evt){
+	var eventObj = new;
+	eventObj.initFromProperties(evt);
+	return eventObj;

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/RhinoIO.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/RhinoIO.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/RhinoIO.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// TODO: this doesn't execute
+/* = function(){
+	this.send = function(URI){
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ScriptSrcIO.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ScriptSrcIO.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ScriptSrcIO.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+//FIXME: should constantParams be JS object?
+//FIXME: check calls. Can we move the BrowserIO defined calls somewhere
+//       else so that we don't depend on BrowserIO at all? The dependent calls
+//       have to do with dealing with forms and making query params from JS object.
+ * See test_ScriptSrcIO.html for usage information.
+ * Notes:
+ * - The watchInFlight timer is set to 100 ms instead of 10ms (which is what BrowserIO.js uses).
+ */ = new function(){
+	this.preventCache = false; // if this is true, we'll always force GET requests to not cache
+	this.maxUrlLength = 1000; //Used to calculate if script request should be multipart.
+	this.inFlightTimer = null;
+	this.DsrStatusCodes = {
+		Continue: 100,
+		Ok: 200,
+		Error: 500
+	};
+	this.startWatchingInFlight = function(){
+		if(!this.inFlightTimer){
+			this.inFlightTimer = setInterval(";", 100);
+		}
+	}
+	this.watchInFlight = function(){
+		var totalCount = 0;
+		var doneCount = 0;
+		for(var param in this._state){
+			totalCount++;
+			var currentState = this._state[param];
+			if(currentState.isDone){
+				doneCount++;
+				delete this._state[param];
+			}else{
+				var listener = currentState.kwArgs;
+				try{
+					if(currentState.checkString && eval("typeof(" + currentState.checkString + ") != 'undefined'")){
+						this._finish(currentState, "load");
+						doneCount++;
+						delete this._state[param];
+					}else if(listener.timeoutSeconds && listener.timeout){
+						if(currentState.startTime + (listener.timeoutSeconds * 1000) < (new Date()).getTime()){
+							this._finish(currentState, "timeout");
+							doneCount++;
+							delete this._state[param];
+						}
+					}else if(!listener.timeoutSeconds){
+						//Increment the done count if no timeout is specified, so
+						//that we turn off the timer if all that is left in the state
+						//list are things we can't clean up because they fail without
+						//getting a callback.
+						doneCount++;
+					}
+				}catch(e){
+					this._finish(currentState, "error", {status: this.DsrStatusCodes.Error, response: e});
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(doneCount == totalCount){
+			clearInterval(this.inFlightTimer);
+			this.inFlightTimer = null;
+		}
+	}
+	this.canHandle = function(kwArgs){
+		return dojo.lang.inArray((kwArgs["mimetype"].toLowerCase()), ["text/javascript", "text/json"])
+			&& (kwArgs["method"].toLowerCase() == "get")
+			&& !(kwArgs["formNode"] &&["formNode"]))
+			&& (!kwArgs["sync"] || kwArgs["sync"] == false)
+			&& !kwArgs["file"]
+			&& !kwArgs["multipart"];
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Removes any script tags from the DOM that may have been added by ScriptSrcTransport.
+	 * Be careful though, by removing them from the script, you may invalidate some
+	 * script objects that were defined by the js file that was pulled in as the
+	 * src of the script tag. Test carefully if you decide to call this method.
+	 * 
+	 * In MSIE 6 (and probably 5.x), if you removed the script element while 
+	 * part of the script is still executing, the browser will crash.
+	 */
+	this.removeScripts = function(){
+		var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
+		for(var i = 0; scripts && i < scripts.length; i++){
+			var scriptTag = scripts[i];
+			if(scriptTag.className == "ScriptSrcTransport"){
+				var parent = scriptTag.parentNode;
+				parent.removeChild(scriptTag);
+				i--; //Set the index back one since we removed an item.
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.bind = function(kwArgs){
+		//START duplication from BrowserIO.js (some changes made)
+		var url = kwArgs.url;
+		var query = "";
+		if(kwArgs["formNode"]){
+			var ta = kwArgs.formNode.getAttribute("action");
+			if((ta)&&(!kwArgs["url"])){ url = ta; }
+			var tp = kwArgs.formNode.getAttribute("method");
+			if((tp)&&(!kwArgs["method"])){ kwArgs.method = tp; }
+			query +=, kwArgs.encoding, kwArgs["formFilter"]);
+		}
+		if(url.indexOf("#") > -1) {
+			dojo.debug("Warning: stripping hash values from url:", url);
+			url = url.split("#")[0];
+		}
+		//Break off the domain/path of the URL.
+		var urlParts = url.split("?");
+		if(urlParts && urlParts.length == 2){
+			url = urlParts[0];
+			query += (query ? "&" : "") + urlParts[1];
+		}
+		if(kwArgs["backButton"] || kwArgs["back"] || kwArgs["changeUrl"]){
+			dojo.undo.browser.addToHistory(kwArgs);
+		}
+		//Create an ID for the request.
+		var id = kwArgs["apiId"] ? kwArgs["apiId"] : "id" + this._counter++;
+		//Fill out any other content pieces.
+		var content = kwArgs["content"];
+		var jsonpName = kwArgs.jsonParamName;
+		if(kwArgs.sendTransport || jsonpName) {
+			if (!content){
+				content = {};
+			}
+			if(kwArgs.sendTransport){
+				content["dojo.transport"] = "scriptsrc";
+			}
+			if(jsonpName){
+				content[jsonpName] = "" + id + ".jsonpCall";
+			}
+		}
+		if(kwArgs.postContent){
+			query = kwArgs.postContent;
+		}else if(content){
+			query += ((query) ? "&" : "") +, kwArgs.encoding, jsonpName);
+		}
+		//END duplication from BrowserIO.js
+		//If an apiId is specified, then we want to make sure useRequestId is true.
+		if(kwArgs["apiId"]){
+			kwArgs["useRequestId"] = true;
+		}
+		//Set up the state for this request.
+		var state = {
+			"id": id,
+			"idParam": "_dsrid=" + id,
+			"url": url,
+			"query": query,
+			"kwArgs": kwArgs,
+			"startTime": (new Date()).getTime()
+		};
+		if(!url){
+			//Error. An URL is needed.
+			this._finish(state, "error", {status: this.DsrStatusCodes.Error, statusText: "url.none"});
+			return;
+		}
+		//If this is a jsonp request, intercept the jsonp callback
+		if(content && content[jsonpName]){
+			state.jsonp = content[jsonpName];
+			state.jsonpCall = function(data){
+				if(data["Error"]||data["error"]){
+					dojo.debug(dojo.json.serialize(data));
+, "error", data);
+				}else{
+, "load", data);
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		//Only store the request state on the state tracking object if a callback
+		//is expected or if polling on a checkString will be done.
+		if(kwArgs["useRequestId"] || kwArgs["checkString"] || state["jsonp"]){
+			this._state[id] = state;
+		}
+		//A checkstring is a string that if evaled will not be undefined once the
+		//script src loads. Used as an alternative to depending on a callback from
+		//the script file. If this is set, then multipart is not assumed to be used,
+		//since multipart requires a specific callback. With checkString we will be doing
+		//polling.
+		if(kwArgs["checkString"]){
+			state.checkString = kwArgs["checkString"];
+		}
+		//Constant params are parameters that should always be sent with each
+		//part of a multipart URL.
+		state.constantParams = (kwArgs["constantParams"] == null ? "" : kwArgs["constantParams"]);
+		if(kwArgs["preventCache"] ||
+			(this.preventCache == true && kwArgs["preventCache"] != false)){
+			state.nocacheParam = "dojo.preventCache=" + new Date().valueOf();
+		}else{
+			state.nocacheParam = "";
+		}
+		//Get total length URL, if we were to do it as one URL.
+		//Add some padding, extra & separators.
+		var urlLength = state.url.length + state.query.length + state.constantParams.length 
+				+ state.nocacheParam.length + this._extraPaddingLength;
+		if(kwArgs["useRequestId"]){
+			urlLength += state.idParam.length;
+		}
+		if(!kwArgs["checkString"] && kwArgs["useRequestId"] 
+			&& !state["jsonp"] && !kwArgs["forceSingleRequest"]
+			&& urlLength > this.maxUrlLength){
+			if(url > this.maxUrlLength){
+				//Error. The URL domain and path are too long. We can't
+				//segment that, so return an error.
+				this._finish(state, "error", {status: this.DsrStatusCodes.Error, statusText: "url.tooBig"});
+				return;
+			}else{
+				//Start the multiple requests.
+				this._multiAttach(state, 1);
+			}
+		}else{
+			//Send one URL.
+			var queryParams = [state.constantParams, state.nocacheParam, state.query];
+			if(kwArgs["useRequestId"] && !state["jsonp"]){
+				queryParams.unshift(state.idParam);
+			}
+			var finalUrl = this._buildUrl(state.url, queryParams);
+			//Track the final URL in case we need to use that instead of api ID when receiving
+			//the load callback.
+			state.finalUrl = finalUrl;
+			this._attach(, finalUrl);
+		}
+		//END DSR
+		this.startWatchingInFlight();
+	}
+	//Private properties/methods
+	this._counter = 1;
+	this._state = {};
+	this._extraPaddingLength = 16;
+	//Is there a dojo function for this already?
+	this._buildUrl = function(url, nameValueArray){
+		var finalUrl = url;
+		var joiner = "?";
+		for(var i = 0; i < nameValueArray.length; i++){
+			if(nameValueArray[i]){
+				finalUrl += joiner + nameValueArray[i];
+				joiner = "&";
+			}
+		}
+		return finalUrl;
+	}
+	this._attach = function(id, url){
+		//Attach the script to the DOM.
+		var element = document.createElement("script");
+		element.type = "text/javascript";
+		element.src = url;
+ = id;
+		element.className = "ScriptSrcTransport";
+		document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(element);
+	}
+	this._multiAttach = function(state, part){
+		//Check to make sure we still have a query to send up. This is mostly
+		//a protection from a goof on the server side when it sends a part OK
+		//response instead of a final response.
+		if(state.query == null){
+			this._finish(state, "error", {status: this.DsrStatusCodes.Error, statusText: "query.null"});
+			return;
+		}
+		if(!state.constantParams){
+			state.constantParams = "";
+		}
+		//How much of the query can we take?
+		//Add a padding constant to account for _part and a couple extra amperstands.
+		//Also add space for id since we'll need it now.
+		var queryMax = this.maxUrlLength - state.idParam.length
+					 - state.constantParams.length - state.url.length
+					 - state.nocacheParam.length - this._extraPaddingLength;
+		//Figure out if this is the last part.
+		var isDone = state.query.length < queryMax;
+		//Break up the query string if necessary.
+		var currentQuery;
+		if(isDone){
+			currentQuery = state.query;
+			state.query = null;
+		}else{
+			//Find the & or = nearest the max url length.
+			var ampEnd = state.query.lastIndexOf("&", queryMax - 1);
+			var eqEnd = state.query.lastIndexOf("=", queryMax - 1);
+			//See if & is closer, or if = is right at the edge,
+			//which means we should put it on the next URL.
+			if(ampEnd > eqEnd || eqEnd == queryMax - 1){
+				//& is nearer the end. So just chop off from there.
+				currentQuery = state.query.substring(0, ampEnd);
+				state.query = state.query.substring(ampEnd + 1, state.query.length) //strip off amperstand with the + 1.
+			}else{
+				//= is nearer the end. Take the max amount possible. 
+				currentQuery = state.query.substring(0, queryMax);
+				//Find the last query name in the currentQuery so we can prepend it to
+				//ampEnd. Could be -1 (not there), so account for that.
+				var queryName = currentQuery.substring((ampEnd == -1 ? 0 : ampEnd + 1), eqEnd);
+				state.query = queryName + "=" + state.query.substring(queryMax, state.query.length);
+			}
+		}
+		//Now send a part of the script
+		var queryParams = [currentQuery, state.idParam, state.constantParams, state.nocacheParam];
+		if(!isDone){
+			queryParams.push("_part=" + part);
+		}
+		var url = this._buildUrl(state.url, queryParams);
+		this._attach( + "_" + part, url);
+	}
+	this._finish = function(state, callback, event){
+		if(callback != "partOk" && !state.kwArgs[callback] && !state.kwArgs["handle"]){
+			//Ignore "partOk" because that is an internal callback.
+			if(callback == "error"){
+				state.isDone = true;
+				throw event;
+			}
+		}else{
+			switch(callback){
+				case "load":
+					var response = event ? event.response : null;
+					if(!response){
+						response = event;
+					}
+					state.kwArgs[(typeof state.kwArgs.load == "function") ? "load" : "handle"]("load", response, event, state.kwArgs);
+					state.isDone = true;
+					break;
+				case "partOk":
+					var part = parseInt(event.response.part, 10) + 1;
+					//Update the constant params, if any.
+					if(event.response.constantParams){
+						state.constantParams = event.response.constantParams;
+					}
+					this._multiAttach(state, part);
+					state.isDone = false;
+					break;
+				case "error":
+					state.kwArgs[(typeof state.kwArgs.error == "function") ? "error" : "handle"]("error", event.response, event, state.kwArgs);
+					state.isDone = true;
+					break;
+				default:
+					state.kwArgs[(typeof state.kwArgs[callback] == "function") ? callback : "handle"](callback, event, event, state.kwArgs);
+					state.isDone = true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+//Define callback handler.
+window.onscriptload = function(event){
+	var state = null;
+	var transport =;
+	//Find the matching state object for event ID.
+	if(transport._state[]){
+		state = transport._state[];
+	}else{
+		//The ID did not match directly to an entry in the state list.
+		//Try searching the state objects for a matching original URL.
+		var tempState;
+		for(var param in transport._state){
+			tempState = transport._state[param];
+			if(tempState.finalUrl && tempState.finalUrl =={
+				state = tempState;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		//If no matching original URL is found, then use the URL that was actually used
+		//in the SCRIPT SRC attribute.
+		if(state == null){
+			var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
+			for(var i = 0; scripts && i < scripts.length; i++){
+				var scriptTag = scripts[i];
+				if(scriptTag.getAttribute("class") == "ScriptSrcTransport"
+					&& scriptTag.src =={
+					state = transport._state[];
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//If state is still null, then throw an error.
+		if(state == null){
+			throw "No matching state for onscriptload " +;
+		}
+	}
+	var callbackName = "error";
+	switch(event.status){
+		case
+			//A part of a multipart request.
+			callbackName = "partOk";
+			break;
+		case
+			//Successful reponse.
+			callbackName = "load";
+			break;
+	}
+	transport._finish(state, callbackName, event);

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ShortBusIO.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ShortBusIO.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ShortBusIO.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.require(""); // io.js provides setIFrameSrc
+// FIXME: determine if we can use XMLHTTP to make x-domain posts despite not
+//        being able to hear back about the result
+dojo.require(""); // for posting across domains
+dojo.require(""); // for peering
+ * this file defines a "forever-frame" style Comet client. It passes opaque
+ * JSON data structures to/from the client. Both styles of request provide a
+ * topic for the event to be sent to and a payload object to be acted upon.
+ *
+ * All outbound events are sent via and all inbound requests are
+ * processed by Dojo topic dispatch.
+ *
+ * ShortBusIO packets have the basic format:
+ *
+ *	{
+ *	 	topic: "/destination/topic/name",
+ *		body: {
+ * 			// ...
+ *		}
+ * 	}
+ * 
+ * Packets bound for the event router (not one of it's clients) or generated
+ * from it are prefixed with the special "/meta" topic. Meta-topic events
+ * either inform the client to take an action or inform the server of a system
+ * event.
+ *
+ * Upon tunnel creation, the server might therefore send the following meta
+ * topic packet to the client to inform the client of it's assigned identity:
+ *
+ *	// client <-- server
+ *	{
+ *	 	topic: "/meta",
+ *		body: {
+ * 			action: "setClientId",
+ *			clientId: "fooBar23",
+ *			tunnelId: "fooBarTunnel4",
+ *			tunnelExpiration: "...", // some date in the future
+ *		}
+ * 	}
+ *
+ * The client may then respond with a confirmation:
+ * 
+ *	// client --> server
+ *	{
+ *	 	topic: "/meta",
+ *		body: {
+ * 			action: "confirmClientId",
+ *			from: "fooBar23"
+ *		}
+ * 	}
+ *
+ * The client must implement a basic vocabulary of /meta topic verbs in order
+ * to participate as a ShortBus endpoint. These are TBD.
+ *
+ * NOTE: this example elides any authentication or authorization steps the
+ * client and server may have undertaken prior to tunnel setup.
+ */
+// TODO: unlike repubsubio we don't handle any sort of connection
+// subscription/publishing backlog. Should we?
+ = new function(){
+	var initialized = false;
+	var connected = false;
+	// this class is similar to RepubsubIO save that we don't have the
+	// externalized protocol handler code. Our messages are simpler so our code
+	// can be as well.
+	this.rcvNode = null;
+	this.rcvNodeName = "";
+	this.topicRoot = null;
+	this.getRandStr = function(){
+		return Math.random().toString().substring(2, 10);
+	}
+	this.widenDomain = function(domainStr){
+		// allow us to make reqests to the TLD
+		var cd = domainStr||document.domain;
+		if(cd.indexOf(".")==-1){ return; } // probably file:/// or localhost
+		var dps = cd.split(".");
+		if(dps.length<=2){ return; } // probably file:/// or an RFC 1918 address
+		dps = dps.slice(dps.length-2);
+		document.domain = dps.join(".");
+	}
+	this.canHandle = function(kwArgs){
+		return (
+			(connected)			&&
+			(kwArgs["topic"])	&&
+			(! // async only!
+				((kwArgs["sync"])&&(kwArgs["sync"] == true))
+			)
+		);
+	}
+	this.buildConnection = function(){
+		// NOTE: we require the server to cooperate by hosting
+		// ShortBusInit.html at the designated endpoint
+		this.rcvNodeName = "ShortBusRcv_"+this.getRandStr();
+		// the "forever frame" approach
+		if({
+			// use the "htmlfile hack" to prevent the background click junk
+			this.rcvNode = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
+			this.rcvNode.write("<html>");
+			this.rcvNode.write("<script>document.domain = '"+document.domain+"'");
+			this.rcvNode.write("</html>");
+			this.rcvNode.close();
+			var ifrDiv = this.rcvNode.createElement("div");
+			this.rcvNode.appendChild(ifrDiv);
+			this.rcvNode.parentWindow.dojo = dojo;
+			ifrDiv.innerHTML = "<iframe src='"+this.topicRoot+"/?tunntelType=htmlfile'></iframe>"
+			// and we're ready to go!
+			connected = true;
+		}else{
+			this.rcvNode =;
+, this.topicRoot+"/?tunnelType=iframe");
+			// we're still waiting on this one to call back up and advertise
+			// that it's been initialized
+		}
+	}
+	this.iframeConnectionInit = function(){
+		connected = true;
+	}
+	this.dispatchServerEvent = function(eObj){
+		// FIXME: implement basic /meta topic semantics here!
+	}
+	this.init = function(){
+		if(initialized){
+			return;
+		}
+		initialized = true;
+		this.widenDomain();
+		// we want to set up a connection to the designated server. Grab the
+		// server location out of djConfig.
+		this.topicRoot = djConfig["ShortBusRoot"];
+		if(!this.topicRoot){
+			dojo.debug("no topic root specified in djConfig.ShortBusRoot");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	this.dispatch = function(evt){
+		// dipatch events along the specified path
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ShortBusInit.html
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ShortBusInit.html (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/ShortBusInit.html Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+<script type="text/javascript">
+	if(window!=window.parent){
+		function callByDeRef(fname){
+			if(!fname){ return null; }
+			// if someone inadvertently passed in "foo(...)", we make it "foo"
+			fname = String(fname).split("(")[0];
+			// get a real array of arguments
+			var aa = [];
+			for(var x=1; x<arguments.length; x++){
+				aa.push(arguments[x]);
+			}
+			var parts = String(fname).split(".");
+			var obj = window;
+			for(var x=0; x<parts.length-1; x++){
+				obj = obj[parts[x]];
+			}
+			var fn = parts.pop(); // the last element is the function name
+			// exec the function in the specified namespace
+			return obj[fn].apply(obj, aa);
+		}
+		function widenDomain(domainStr){
+			// the purpose of this is to set the most liberal domain policy
+			var cd = domainStr||document.domain;
+			if(cd.indexOf(".")==-1){ 
+				document.domain = cd;
+				return;
+			}
+			var dps = cd.split(".");
+			if(dps.length>2){ 
+				dps = dps.slice(dps.length-2);
+			}
+			document.domain = dps.join(".");
+		}
+		function doInit(){
+			widenDomain();
+			var baseUrl = document.location.toString();
+			var params = baseUrl.split("?", 2);
+			if(params.length > 1){
+				var paramStr = params[1];
+				var pairs = paramStr.split("&");
+				var opts = [];
+				for(var x in pairs){
+					// alert(pairs[x]);
+					var sp = pairs[x].split("=");
+					opts[sp[0]]=sp[1];
+					if(sp[0]=="true"){
+						sp[0] = true;
+					}else if(sp[0]=="false"){
+						sp[0] = false;
+					}
+				}
+				if(opts["callback"]){
+					callByDeRef("parent."+opts["callback"]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		doInit();
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/__package__.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/__package__.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/__package__.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+	common: [""],
+	rhino: [""],
+	browser: ["", ""],
+	dashboard: ["", ""]

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/cookie.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/cookie.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/cookie.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ = function(name, value, days, path, domain, secure) {
+	var expires = -1;
+	if(typeof days == "number" && days >= 0) {
+		var d = new Date();
+		d.setTime(d.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));
+		expires = d.toGMTString();
+	}
+	value = escape(value);
+	document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";"
+		+ (expires != -1 ? " expires=" + expires + ";" : "")
+		+ (path ? "path=" + path : "")
+		+ (domain ? "; domain=" + domain : "")
+		+ (secure ? "; secure" : "");
+ =;
+ = function(name) {
+	// FIXME: Which cookie should we return?
+	//        If there are cookies set for different sub domains in the current
+	//        scope there could be more than one cookie with the same name.
+	//        I think taking the last one in the list takes the one from the
+	//        deepest subdomain, which is what we're doing here.
+	var idx = document.cookie.lastIndexOf(name+'=');
+	if(idx == -1) { return null; }
+	var value = document.cookie.substring(idx+name.length+1);
+	var end = value.indexOf(';');
+	if(end == -1) { end = value.length; }
+	value = value.substring(0, end);
+	value = unescape(value);
+	return value;
+ =;
+ = function(name) {
+, "-", 0);
+ = function(name, obj, days, path, domain, secure, clearCurrent) {
+	if(arguments.length == 5) { // for backwards compat
+		clearCurrent = domain;
+		domain = null;
+		secure = null;
+	}
+	var pairs = [], cookie, value = "";
+	if(!clearCurrent) { cookie =; }
+	if(days >= 0) {
+		if(!cookie) { cookie = {}; }
+		for(var prop in obj) {
+			if(prop == null) {
+				delete cookie[prop];
+			} else if(typeof obj[prop] == "string" || typeof obj[prop] == "number") {
+				cookie[prop] = obj[prop];
+			}
+		}
+		prop = null;
+		for(var prop in cookie) {
+			pairs.push(escape(prop) + "=" + escape(cookie[prop]));
+		}
+		value = pairs.join("&");
+	}
+, value, days, path, domain, secure);
+ = function(name) {
+	var values = null, cookie =;
+	if(cookie) {
+		values = {};
+		var pairs = cookie.split("&");
+		for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
+			var pair = pairs[i].split("=");
+			var value = pair[1];
+			if( isNaN(value) ) { value = unescape(pair[1]); }
+			values[ unescape(pair[0]) ] = value;
+		}
+	}
+	return values;
+ = function() {
+	if(typeof navigator.cookieEnabled != "boolean") {
+			"CookiesAllowed", 90, null);
+		var cookieVal ="__TestingYourBrowserForCookieSupport__");
+		navigator.cookieEnabled = (cookieVal == "CookiesAllowed");
+		if(navigator.cookieEnabled) {
+			// FIXME: should we leave this around?
+			this.deleteCookie("__TestingYourBrowserForCookieSupport__");
+		}
+	}
+	return navigator.cookieEnabled;
+// need to leave this in for backwards-compat from 0.1 for when it gets pulled in by*
+if(! { =; }

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/cookies.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/cookies.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/io/cookies.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.deprecated("", "replaced by", "0.4");
+if(! { =; }

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/json.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/json.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/json.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.json = {
+	jsonRegistry: new dojo.AdapterRegistry(),
+	register: function(name, check, wrap, /*optional*/ override){
+		/***
+			Register a JSON serialization function.	 JSON serialization 
+			functions should take one argument and return an object
+			suitable for JSON serialization:
+			- string
+			- number
+			- boolean
+			- undefined
+			- object
+				- null
+				- Array-like (length property that is a number)
+				- Objects with a "json" method will have this method called
+				- Any other object will be used as {key:value, ...} pairs
+			If override is given, it is used as the highest priority
+			JSON serialization, otherwise it will be used as the lowest.
+		***/
+		dojo.json.jsonRegistry.register(name, check, wrap, override);
+	},
+	evalJson: function(/* jsonString */ json){
+		// FIXME: should this accept mozilla's optional second arg?
+		try {
+			return eval("(" + json + ")");
+		}catch(e){
+			dojo.debug(e);
+			return json;
+		}
+	},
+	evalJSON: function (json) {
+		dojo.deprecated("dojo.json.evalJSON", "use dojo.json.evalJson", "0.4");
+		return this.evalJson(json);
+	},
+	serialize: function(o){
+		/***
+			Create a JSON serialization of an object, note that this doesn't
+			check for infinite recursion, so don't do that!
+		***/
+		var objtype = typeof(o);
+		if(objtype == "undefined"){
+			return "undefined";
+		}else if((objtype == "number")||(objtype == "boolean")){
+			return o + "";
+		}else if(o === null){
+			return "null";
+		}
+		if (objtype == "string") { return dojo.string.escapeString(o); }
+		// recurse
+		var me = arguments.callee;
+		// short-circuit for objects that support "json" serialization
+		// if they return "self" then just pass-through...
+		var newObj;
+		if(typeof(o.__json__) == "function"){
+			newObj = o.__json__();
+			if(o !== newObj){
+				return me(newObj);
+			}
+		}
+		if(typeof(o.json) == "function"){
+			newObj = o.json();
+			if (o !== newObj) {
+				return me(newObj);
+			}
+		}
+		// array
+		if(objtype != "function" && typeof(o.length) == "number"){
+			var res = [];
+			for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++){
+				var val = me(o[i]);
+				if(typeof(val) != "string"){
+					val = "undefined";
+				}
+				res.push(val);
+			}
+			return "[" + res.join(",") + "]";
+		}
+		// look in the registry
+		try {
+			window.o = o;
+			newObj = dojo.json.jsonRegistry.match(o);
+			return me(newObj);
+		}catch(e){
+			// dojo.debug(e);
+		}
+		// it's a function with no adapter, bad
+		if(objtype == "function"){
+			return null;
+		}
+		// generic object code path
+		res = [];
+		for (var k in o){
+			var useKey;
+			if (typeof(k) == "number"){
+				useKey = '"' + k + '"';
+			}else if (typeof(k) == "string"){
+				useKey = dojo.string.escapeString(k);
+			}else{
+				// skip non-string or number keys
+				continue;
+			}
+			val = me(o[k]);
+			if(typeof(val) != "string"){
+				// skip non-serializable values
+				continue;
+			}
+			res.push(useKey + ":" + val);
+		}
+		return "{" + res.join(",") + "}";
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/Lang.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/Lang.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/Lang.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.deprecated("dojo.lang.Lang", "use dojo.lang instead", "0.4");

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/__package__.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/__package__.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/__package__.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+	common: [
+		"dojo.lang",
+		"dojo.lang.common",
+		"dojo.lang.assert",
+		"dojo.lang.array",
+		"dojo.lang.type",
+		"dojo.lang.func",
+		"dojo.lang.extras",
+		"dojo.lang.repr",
+		"dojo.lang.declare"
+	]

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/array.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/array.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/array.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// FIXME: Is this worthless since you can do: if(name in obj)
+// is this the right place for this?
+dojo.lang.has = function(obj, name){
+	try{
+		return (typeof obj[name] != "undefined");
+	}catch(e){ return false; }
+dojo.lang.isEmpty = function(obj) {
+	if(dojo.lang.isObject(obj)) {
+		var tmp = {};
+		var count = 0;
+		for(var x in obj){
+			if(obj[x] && (!tmp[x])){
+				count++;
+				break;
+			} 
+		}
+		return (count == 0);
+	} else if(dojo.lang.isArrayLike(obj) || dojo.lang.isString(obj)) {
+		return obj.length == 0;
+	}
+ = function(arr, obj, unary_func){
+	var isString = dojo.lang.isString(arr);
+	if(isString){
+		arr = arr.split("");
+	}
+	if(dojo.lang.isFunction(obj)&&(!unary_func)){
+		unary_func = obj;
+		obj = dj_global;
+	}else if(dojo.lang.isFunction(obj) && unary_func){
+		// ff 1.5 compat
+		var tmpObj = obj;
+		obj = unary_func;
+		unary_func = tmpObj;
+	}
+	if({
+	 	var outArr =, unary_func, obj);
+	}else{
+		var outArr = [];
+		for(var i=0;i<arr.length;++i){
+			outArr.push(, arr[i]));
+		}
+	}
+	if(isString) {
+		return outArr.join("");
+	} else {
+		return outArr;
+	}
+dojo.lang.forEach = function(anArray /* Array */, callback /* Function */, thisObject /* Object */){
+	if(dojo.lang.isString(anArray)){ 
+		anArray = anArray.split(""); 
+	}
+	if(Array.forEach){
+		Array.forEach(anArray, callback, thisObject);
+	}else{
+		// FIXME: there are several ways of handilng thisObject. Is dj_global always the default context?
+		if(!thisObject){
+			thisObject=dj_global;
+		}
+		for(var i=0,l=anArray.length; i<l; i++){ 
+, anArray[i], i, anArray);
+		}
+	}
+dojo.lang._everyOrSome = function(every, arr, callback, thisObject){
+	if(dojo.lang.isString(arr)){ 
+		arr = arr.split(""); 
+	}
+	if(Array.every){
+		return Array[ (every) ? "every" : "some" ](arr, callback, thisObject);
+	}else{
+		if(!thisObject){
+			thisObject = dj_global;
+		}
+		for(var i=0,l=arr.length; i<l; i++){
+			var result =, arr[i], i, arr);
+			if((every)&&(!result)){
+				return false;
+			}else if((!every)&&(result)){
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return (every) ? true : false;
+	}
+dojo.lang.every = function(arr, callback, thisObject){
+	return this._everyOrSome(true, arr, callback, thisObject);
+dojo.lang.some = function(arr, callback, thisObject){
+	return this._everyOrSome(false, arr, callback, thisObject);
+dojo.lang.filter = function(arr, callback, thisObject) {
+	var isString = dojo.lang.isString(arr);
+	if(isString) { arr = arr.split(""); }
+	if(Array.filter) {
+		var outArr = Array.filter(arr, callback, thisObject);
+	} else {
+		if(!thisObject) {
+			if(arguments.length >= 3) { dojo.raise("thisObject doesn't exist!"); }
+			thisObject = dj_global;
+		}
+		var outArr = [];
+		for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+			if(, arr[i], i, arr)) {
+				outArr.push(arr[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(isString) {
+		return outArr.join("");
+	} else {
+		return outArr;
+	}
+ * Creates a 1-D array out of all the arguments passed,
+ * unravelling any array-like objects in the process
+ *
+ * Ex:
+ * unnest(1, 2, 3) ==> [1, 2, 3]
+ * unnest(1, [2, [3], [[[4]]]]) ==> [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ */
+dojo.lang.unnest = function(/* ... */) {
+	var out = [];
+	for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+		if(dojo.lang.isArrayLike(arguments[i])) {
+			var add = dojo.lang.unnest.apply(this, arguments[i]);
+			out = out.concat(add);
+		} else {
+			out.push(arguments[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	return out;
+ * Converts an array-like object (i.e. arguments, DOMCollection)
+ * to an array
+dojo.lang.toArray = function(arrayLike, startOffset) {
+	var array = [];
+	for(var i = startOffset||0; i < arrayLike.length; i++) {
+		array.push(arrayLike[i]);
+	}
+	return array;

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/assert.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/assert.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/assert.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Assertion methods
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Throws an exception if the assertion fails.
+ *
+ * If the asserted condition is true, this method does nothing. If the
+ * condition is false, we throw an error with a error message.  
+ *
+ * @param	booleanValue	A boolean value, which needs to be true for the assertion to succeed.
+ * @param	message	Optional. A string describing the assertion.
+ * @throws	Throws an Error if 'booleanValue' is false.
+ */
+dojo.lang.assert = function(booleanValue, message){
+	if(!booleanValue){
+		var errorMessage = "An assert statement failed.\n" +
+			"The method dojo.lang.assert() was called with a 'false' value.\n";
+		if(message){
+			errorMessage += "Here's the assert message:\n" + message + "\n";
+		}
+		// Use throw instead of dojo.raise, until bug #264 is fixed:
+		// dojo.raise(errorMessage);
+		throw new Error(errorMessage);
+	}
+ * Given a value and a data type, this method checks the type of the value
+ * to make sure it matches the data type, and throws an exception if there
+ * is a mismatch.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * <pre>
+ *   dojo.lang.assertType("foo", String);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertType(12345, Number);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertType(false, Boolean);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertType([6, 8], Array);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertType(dojo.lang.assertType, Function);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertType({foo: "bar"}, Object);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertType(new Date(), Date);
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @scope	public function
+ * @param	value	Any literal value or object instance.
+ * @param	type	A class of object, or a literal type, or the string name of a type, or an array with a list of types.
+ * @param	message	Optional. A string describing the assertion.
+ * @throws	Throws an Error if 'value' is not of type 'type'.
+ */
+dojo.lang.assertType = function(value, type, message){
+	if(!dojo.lang.isOfType(value, type)){
+		if(!message){
+			if(!dojo.lang.assertType._errorMessage){
+				dojo.lang.assertType._errorMessage = "Type mismatch: dojo.lang.assertType() failed.";
+			}
+			message = dojo.lang.assertType._errorMessage;
+		}
+		dojo.lang.assert(false, message);
+	}
+ * Given an anonymous object and a list of expected property names, this
+ * method check to make sure the object does not have any properties
+ * that aren't on the list of expected properties, and throws an Error
+ * if there are unexpected properties. This is useful for doing error
+ * checking on keyword arguments, to make sure there aren't typos.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * <pre>
+ *   dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({a: 1, b: 2}, ["a", "b"]);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({a: 1, b: 2}, ["a", "b", "c"]);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, ["foo"]);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, ["foo", "bar"]);
+ *   dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords({foo: "iggy"}, {foo: null, bar: null});
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @scope	public function
+ * @param	object	An anonymous object.
+ * @param	expectedProperties	An array of strings (or an object with all the expected properties).
+ * @param	message	Optional. A string describing the assertion.
+ * @throws	Throws an Error if 'value' is not of type 'type'.
+ */
+dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords = function(object, expectedProperties, message){
+	var key;
+	if(!message){
+		if(!dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords._errorMessage){
+			dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords._errorMessage = "In dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords(), found invalid keyword:";
+		}
+		message = dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords._errorMessage;
+	}
+	if(dojo.lang.isArray(expectedProperties)){
+		for(key in object){
+			if(!dojo.lang.inArray(expectedProperties, key)){
+				dojo.lang.assert(false, message + " " + key);
+			}
+		}
+	}else{
+		for(key in object){
+			if(!(key in expectedProperties)){
+				dojo.lang.assert(false, message + " " + key);
+			}
+		}
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/common.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/common.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/common.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ * Adds the given properties/methods to the specified object
+ */
+dojo.lang._mixin = function(obj, props){
+	var tobj = {};
+	for(var x in props){
+		// the "tobj" condition avoid copying properties in "props"
+		// inherited from Object.prototype.  For example, if obj has a custom
+		// toString() method, don't overwrite it with the toString() method
+		// that props inherited from Object.protoype
+		if(typeof tobj[x] == "undefined" || tobj[x] != props[x]) {
+			obj[x] = props[x];
+		}
+	}
+	// IE doesn't recognize custom toStrings in
+	if( && dojo.lang.isFunction(props["toString"]) && props["toString"] != obj["toString"]) {
+		obj.toString = props.toString;
+	}
+	return obj;
+ * Adds the properties/methods of argument Objects to obj
+ */
+dojo.lang.mixin = function(obj, props /*, props, ..., props */){
+	for(var i=1, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++){
+		dojo.lang._mixin(obj, arguments[i]);
+	}
+	return obj;
+ * Adds the properties/methods of argument Objects to ctor's prototype
+ */
+dojo.lang.extend = function(ctor /*function*/, props /*, props, ..., props */){
+	for(var i=1, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++){
+		dojo.lang._mixin(ctor.prototype, arguments[i]);
+	}
+	return ctor;
+ * See if val is in arr. Call signatures:
+ *  find(array, value, identity) // recommended
+ *  find(value, array, identity)
+dojo.lang.find = function(	/*Array*/	arr, 
+							/*Object*/	val,
+							/*boolean*/	identity,
+							/*boolean*/	findLast){
+	// support both (arr, val) and (val, arr)
+	if(!dojo.lang.isArrayLike(arr) && dojo.lang.isArrayLike(val)) {
+		var a = arr;
+		arr = val;
+		val = a;
+	}
+	var isString = dojo.lang.isString(arr);
+	if(isString) { arr = arr.split(""); }
+	if(findLast) {
+		var step = -1;
+		var i = arr.length - 1;
+		var end = -1;
+	} else {
+		var step = 1;
+		var i = 0;
+		var end = arr.length;
+	}
+	if(identity){
+		while(i != end) {
+			if(arr[i] === val){ return i; }
+			i += step;
+		}
+	}else{
+		while(i != end) {
+			if(arr[i] == val){ return i; }
+			i += step;
+		}
+	}
+	return -1;
+dojo.lang.indexOf = dojo.lang.find;
+dojo.lang.findLast = function(/*Array*/ arr, /*Object*/ val, /*boolean*/ identity){
+	return dojo.lang.find(arr, val, identity, true);
+dojo.lang.lastIndexOf = dojo.lang.findLast;
+dojo.lang.inArray = function(arr /*Array*/, val /*Object*/){
+	return dojo.lang.find(arr, val) > -1; // return: boolean
+ * Partial implmentation of is* functions from
+ *
+ * NOTE: some of these may not be the best thing to use in all situations
+ * as they aren't part of core JS and therefore can't work in every case.
+ * See WARNING messages inline for tips.
+ *
+ * The following is* functions are fairly "safe"
+ */
+dojo.lang.isObject = function(wh){
+	if(typeof wh == "undefined"){ return false; }
+	return (typeof wh == "object" || wh === null || dojo.lang.isArray(wh) || dojo.lang.isFunction(wh));
+dojo.lang.isArray = function(wh){
+	return (wh instanceof Array || typeof wh == "array");
+dojo.lang.isArrayLike = function(wh){
+	if(dojo.lang.isString(wh)){ return false; }
+	if(dojo.lang.isFunction(wh)){ return false; } // keeps out built-in ctors (Number, String, ...) which have length properties
+	if(dojo.lang.isArray(wh)){ return true; }
+	if(typeof wh != "undefined" && wh
+		&& dojo.lang.isNumber(wh.length) && isFinite(wh.length)){ return true; }
+	return false;
+dojo.lang.isFunction = function(wh){
+	if(!wh){ return false; }
+	return (wh instanceof Function || typeof wh == "function");
+dojo.lang.isString = function(wh){
+	return (wh instanceof String || typeof wh == "string");
+dojo.lang.isAlien = function(wh){
+	if(!wh){ return false; }
+	return !dojo.lang.isFunction() && /\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(wh));
+dojo.lang.isBoolean = function(wh){
+	return (wh instanceof Boolean || typeof wh == "boolean");
+ * The following is***() functions are somewhat "unsafe". Fortunately,
+ * there are workarounds the the language provides and are mentioned
+ * in the WARNING messages.
+ *
+ * WARNING: In most cases, isNaN(wh) is sufficient to determine whether or not
+ * something is a number or can be used as such. For example, a number or string
+ * can be used interchangably when accessing array items (arr["1"] is the same as
+ * arr[1]) and isNaN will return false for both values ("1" and 1). Should you
+ * use isNumber("1"), that will return false, which is generally not too useful.
+ * Also, isNumber(NaN) returns true, again, this isn't generally useful, but there
+ * are corner cases (like when you want to make sure that two things are really
+ * the same type of thing). That is really where isNumber "shines".
+ *
+ * RECOMMENDATION: Use isNaN(wh) when possible
+ */
+dojo.lang.isNumber = function(wh){
+	return (wh instanceof Number || typeof wh == "number");
+ * WARNING: In some cases, isUndefined will not behave as you
+ * might expect. If you do isUndefined(foo) and there is no earlier
+ * reference to foo, an error will be thrown before isUndefined is
+ * called. It behaves correctly if you scope yor object first, i.e.
+ * isUndefined( where foo is an object and bar isn't a
+ * property of the object.
+ *
+ * RECOMMENDATION: Use `typeof foo == "undefined"` when possible
+ *
+ * FIXME: Should isUndefined go away since it is error prone?
+ */
+dojo.lang.isUndefined = function(wh){
+	return ((wh == undefined)&&(typeof wh == "undefined"));
+// end Crockford functions

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/declare.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/declare.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/lang/declare.js Fri Aug 18 15:32:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ * Creates a constructor: inherit and extend
+ *
+ * - inherits from "superclass(es)" 
+ *
+ *   "superclass" argument may be a Function, or an array of 
+ *   Functions. 
+ *
+ *   If "superclass" is an array, the first element is used 
+ *   as the prototypical ancestor and any following Functions 
+ *   become mixin ancestors. 
+ * 
+ *   All "superclass(es)" must be Functions (not mere Objects).
+ *
+ *   Using mixin ancestors provides a type of multiple
+ *   inheritance. Mixin ancestors prototypical 
+ *   properties are copied to the subclass, and any 
+ *   inializater/constructor is invoked. 
+ *
+ * - "props" are copied to the constructor prototype
+ *
+ * - name of the class ("className" argument) is stored in 
+ *   "declaredClass" property
+ * 
+ * - An initializer function can be specified in the "init" 
+ *   argument, or by including a function called "initializer" 
+ *   in "props".
+ * 
+ * - Superclass methods (inherited methods) can be invoked using "inherited" method:
+ *
+ * this.inherited(<method name>[, <argument array>]);
+ * 
+ * - inherited will continue up the prototype chain until it finds an implementation of method
+ * - nested calls to inherited are supported (i.e. inherited method "A" can succesfully call inherited("A"), and so on)
+ *
+ * Aliased as "dojo.declare"
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *
+ * dojo.declare("",, {
+ *	initializer: function() {
+ *		this.myComplicatedObject = new ReallyComplicatedObject(); 
+ *	},
+ *	someValue: 2,
+ *	aMethod: function() { doStuff(); }
+ * });
+ *
+ */
+dojo.lang.declare = function(className /*string*/, superclass /*function || array*/, init /*function*/, props /*object*/){
+	// FIXME: parameter juggling for backward compat ... deprecate and remove after 0.3.*
+	// new sig: (className (string)[, superclass (function || array)[, init (function)][, props (object)]])
+	// old sig: (className (string)[, superclass (function || array), props (object), init (function)])
+	if ((dojo.lang.isFunction(props))||((!props)&&(!dojo.lang.isFunction(init)))){ 
+		var temp = props;
+		props = init;
+		init = temp;
+	}	
+	var mixins = [ ];
+	if (dojo.lang.isArray(superclass)) {
+		mixins = superclass;
+		superclass = mixins.shift();
+	}
+	if(!init){
+		init = dojo.evalObjPath(className, false);
+		if ((init)&&(!dojo.lang.isFunction(init))){ init = null };
+	}
+	var ctor = dojo.lang.declare._makeConstructor();
+	var scp = (superclass ? superclass.prototype : null);
+	if(scp){
+		scp.prototyping = true;
+		ctor.prototype = new superclass();
+		scp.prototyping = false; 
+	}
+	ctor.superclass = scp;
+	ctor.mixins = mixins;
+	for(var i=0,l=mixins.length; i<l; i++){
+		dojo.lang.extend(ctor, mixins[i].prototype);
+	}
+	ctor.prototype.initializer = null;
+	ctor.prototype.declaredClass = className;
+	if(dojo.lang.isArray(props)){
+		dojo.lang.extend.apply(dojo.lang, [ctor].concat(props));
+	}else{
+		dojo.lang.extend(ctor, (props)||{});
+	}
+	dojo.lang.extend(ctor, dojo.lang.declare.base);
+	ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor;
+	ctor.prototype.initializer=(ctor.prototype.initializer)||(init)||(function(){});
+	dojo.lang.setObjPathValue(className, ctor, null, true);
+dojo.lang.declare._makeConstructor = function() {
+	return function(){ 
+		// get the generational context (which object [or prototype] should be constructed)
+		var self = this._getPropContext();
+		var s = self.constructor.superclass;
+		if((s)&&(s.constructor)){
+			if(s.constructor==arguments.callee){
+				// if this constructor is invoked directly (
+				this.inherited("constructor", arguments);
+			}else{
+				this._inherited(s, "constructor", arguments);
+			}
+		}
+		var m = (self.constructor.mixins)||([]);
+		for(var i=0,l=m.length; i<l; i++) {
+			(((m[i].prototype)&&(m[i].prototype.initializer))||(m[i])).apply(this, arguments);
+		}
+		if((!this.prototyping)&&(self.initializer)){
+			self.initializer.apply(this, arguments);
+		}
+	}
+dojo.lang.declare.base = {
+	_getPropContext: function() { return (this.___proto||this); },
+	// caches ptype context and calls method on it
+	_inherited: function(ptype, method, args){
+		var stack = this.___proto;
+		this.___proto = ptype;
+		var result = ptype[method].apply(this,(args||[]));
+		this.___proto = stack;
+		return result;
+	},
+	// invokes ctor.prototype.method, with args, in our context 
+	inheritedFrom: function(ctor, prop, args){
+		var p = ((ctor)&&(ctor.prototype)&&(ctor.prototype[prop]));
+		return (dojo.lang.isFunction(p) ? p.apply(this, (args||[])) : p);
+	},
+	// searches backward thru prototype chain to find nearest ancestral instance of prop
+	inherited: function(prop, args){
+		var p = this._getPropContext();
+		do{
+			if((!p.constructor)||(!p.constructor.superclass)){return;}
+			p = p.constructor.superclass;
+		}while(!(prop in p));
+		return (dojo.lang.isFunction(p[prop]) ? this._inherited(p, prop, args) : p[prop]);
+	}
+dojo.declare = dojo.lang.declare;
\ No newline at end of file