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cvs commit: xml-axis/java/docs/examples/example2

gdaniels    01/07/25 14:06:42

  Added:       java/docs user-guide.html
  First (incomplete) cut at a User's Guide and examples.
  Checking in so I don't lose it. :)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-axis/java/docs/user-guide.html
  Index: user-guide.html
  <title>Axis User's Guide</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <style type="text/css">
  .example { background:#ccccff }
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  body {  font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin-left: 40px}
  h2 {  text-decoration: underline; background-color: #DCE1FF; background-position: left; margin-left: -30px}
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  <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
  <h1>Axis User's Guide</h1>
  <p><i>Alpha 1 Version</i></p>
  <h3>Table of Contents</h3>
  <p><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a><br>
    <a href="#Installation">Installing Axis</a><br>
    <a href="#Architecture">Axis Architecture - a Brief Primer</a><br>
    <a href="#ConsumingServices">Consuming Web Services with Axis</a><br>
    <a href="#PublishingServices">Publishing Web Services with Axis</a><br>
    <a href="#DataMapping">XML &lt;-&gt; Java Data Mapping in Axis<br>
    <a href="#DeploymentReference">Deployment Reference</a><br>
    <a href="#Glossary">Glossary</a></p>
  <h2><a name="Introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
  Welcome to Axis! This is the <b>alpha 1</b> version, our first publically annouced 
  milestone. Please note that this is a work in progress, and although the basic 
  functionality is there, there are still a lot of unfinished areas and rough edges 
  - so watch your step, and don't expect perfection. That said, we're very psyched 
  about the package so far, and would love to get your take on how we can make it 
  <h3>What is Axis?</h3>
  <p>Axis is the third generation of Apache SOAP, which began at IBM as &quot;SOAP4J&quot; 
    and then became Apache SOAP version 2. The committers on the v2 project began 
    some conversations in late 2000 about making the engine much more flexible, 
    configurable, and able to handle both SOAP and the upcoming XML Protocol specification 
    from the W3C. After a little while, it became clear that a ground-up rearchitecture 
    was the way to go. Several of the v2 committers proposed very similar designs, 
    all based around configurable &quot;chains&quot; of message &quot;handlers&quot; 
    which would implement small bits of functionality in a very flexible and composable 
    manner. This system is the result of months of continued discussion and coding 
    effort in this direction. Some of the key Axis features include the following:</p>
    <li> Speed. Axis uses SAX (event-based) parsing to acheive significantly greater 
      speed than earlier versions of Apache SOAP.</li>
    <li>Flexibility. The Axis architecture gives the developer complete freedom 
      to insert extensions into the engine for custom header processing, system 
      management, or anything else you can imagine.</li>
    <li>Component-oriented deployment. You can easily define reusable networks of 
      Handlers to implement common patterns of processing for your applications, 
      or to distribute to partners.</li>
    <li>Transport framework. We have a clean and simple abstraction for designing 
      transports (i.e. senders and listeners for SOAP over various protocols such 
      as SMTP, FTP, message-oriented middleware, etc), and the core of the engine 
      is completely transport-independent.</li>
  <p>We hope you enjoy using Axis, and please note that this is an open-source effort 
    - if you feel the code could use some new features or fixes, please get involved 
    and lend a hand! The Axis developer community would welcome your participation.</p>
  <p><b>Let us know what you think!</b> Please send feedback about the package to 
    &quot;<a href=""></a>&quot; 
  <h3>What is SOAP?</h3>
  <i><font color="#FF0000">TBD - links to SOAP information sites, brief description... 
  <h3>What's in this release?</h3>
  <p>This release contains:</p>
    <li>A SOAP 1.1 compliant engine</li>
    <li>A flexible configuration / deployment system</li>
    <li>Support for &quot;drop-in&quot; deployment of SOAP services (JWS)</li>
    <li>Support for all basic types, and a type mapping system for defining new 
    <li>Automatic serialization/deserialization of Java Beans</li>
    <li>Automatic two-way conversions between Java &quot;List&quot; collections 
      and SOAP Arrays</li>
    <li>Providers for RPC and message based SOAP services</li>
    <li>Preliminary security extensions</li>
    <li>An HTTP servlet-based transport</li>
    <li>A standalone version of the server (HTTP)</li>
    <li>Examples, including a client and server for the soapbuilders community interoperability 
      tests </li>
  <h2><a name="Installation"></a>Installing Axis</h2>
  See the <a href="file:///E|/Documents/Axis/install.html">Axis Installation Guide</a> for instructions on 
  installing Axis. 
  <h2><a name="Architecture"></a>Axis Architecture - a Brief Primer</h2>
  <p>(This section may be skipped if you want to dive right in)</p>
  <p><i><font color="#FF0000">TBD - explanation of Axis architecture, Handlers, 
    Chains, Services... How transports and global chains work, our deployment architecture, 
    etc...</font></i> </p>
  <h2><a name="ConsumingServices"></a>Consuming Web Services with Axis</h2>
  <h3>Basics - Getting Started</h3>
  <p>Let's take a look at an example Web Service client, which will call the &quot;echoString&quot; 
    method on the public Axis server at Apache.</p>
  <div class="example">
    <pre>1   import org.apache.axis.client.ServiceClient;
  2   public class TestClient {
  3     public static void main(String [] args) {
  4       String endpoint = &quot;;;
  6       ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient(endpoint);
  7       String ret = (String)client.invoke(&quot;;,
  8                                          &quot;echoString&quot;,
  9                                          new Object [] { &quot;Hello!&quot; });
  11      System.out.println(&quot;Sent 'Hello!', got '&quot; + ret + &quot;'&quot;);
  12    }
  13  }
  <p>(You'll find this file in axis/docs/examples/example1/</p>
  <p>If all goes well, this program can be run as follows, and should output:</p>
  <pre>% javac
  % java TestClient
  Sent 'Hello!', got 'Hello!'
  % </pre>
  <p>So what's happening here? On line 4, we set up our endpoint URL - this is the 
    destination for our SOAP message. On line 6, we initialize a new ServiceClient 
    instance with our URL. The ServiceClient class is the center of the Axis client 
    API - we'll cover the very basics here, but take a look at the JavaDoc for this 
    class to see what it can do.</p>
  <p>We're all set to go, so on line 7 we invoke the remote service. The invoke() 
    API takes several arguments - first, the XML namespace of the desired service. 
    Second, the method name which should be invoked. Finally, we pass an Object 
    array containing the arguments to the method.</p>
  <p>You can see the effect these arguments have by looking at the SOAP which goes 
    out on the wire (look at the colored bits, and notice they match the values 
    in the call above):</p>
    <div class="xml">
    <pre>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
  &lt;SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsd=&quot;;
      &lt;ns1:<font color="#993333"><b>echoString</b></font> xmlns:ns1=&quot;<font color="#009933"><b></b></font>&quot;&gt;
        &lt;arg0 xsi:type=&quot;xsd:string&quot;&gt;<b><font color="#CC00CC">Hello!</font></b>&lt;/arg0&gt;
    <div align="center"> </div>
  The String argument is automatically serialized into XML, and the server responds 
  with an identical String, which we deserialize and print. 
  <h3>Naming Parameters</h3>
  <p>In the above example, the parameters are in the same order we sent them, but 
    since we only passed the objects themselves, Axis automatically named the arguments 
    in the SOAP messsage &quot;arg0&quot;, &quot;arg1&quot;, etc. If you want to 
    change this, it's easy! Instead of passing the actual Object value of your argument 
    in the arguments array, simply wrap the argument in an RPCParam class like so:</p>
  <div class="example"><pre>  String ret = (String)client.invoke(&quot;;,
                                       new Object [] { new RPCParam(&quot;testParam&quot;, &quot;Hello!&quot;) };
  Now you'll get a message that looks like this:
  <div class="xml">
    <pre>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
  &lt;SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsd=&quot;;
      &lt;ns1:echoString xmlns:ns1=&quot;;&gt;
        &lt;<font color="#CC00CC">testParam</font> xsi:type=&quot;xsd:string&quot;&gt;Hello!&lt;/<font color="#CC00CC">testParam</font>&gt;
  <p>You'll note the param is now named &quot;testParam&quot; as expected.</p>
  <p>OK - so now you know how to access SOAP services as a client. But how do you 
    publish your own services?</p>
  <h2><a name="PublishingServices"></a>Publishing Web Services with Axis</h2>
  <p>Let's say we have a simple class like the following:</p>
  <pre class="example">public class Calculator {
    public int add(int i1, int i2)
      return i1 + i2; 
    public int subtract(int i1, int i2)
      return i1 - i2;
  <p>(you'll find this file in axis/docs/examples/example2/</p>
  <p>How do we go about making this class available via SOAP? There are a couple 
    of answers to that question, but we'll start with the easiest way Axis provides 
    to do this, which takes almost no effort at all!</p>
  <h3>JWS (Java Web Service) Files - Instant Deployment</h3>
  <p>OK, here's step 1 : copy the above .java file into your webapp directory, and 
    rename it &quot;Calculator.jws&quot;. So you might do something like this:</p>
  <pre>% copy JRUN_ROOT/servers/default/axis/Calculator.jws</pre>
  <p>Now for step 2... hm, wait a minute. You're done! You should now be able to 
    access the service at the following URL:</p>
  <p><a href="http://localhost/axis/Calculator.jws">http://localhost/axis/Calculator.jws</a> 
  <p>Axis will automatically locate the file, compile the class, and convert SOAP 
    calls correctly into Java invocations of your service class. Try it out - there's 
    a calculator client in docs/example2/, which you can use like this:</p>
  <pre>% javac
  % java CalcClient add 2 5
  Got result : 7
  % java CalcClient subtract 10 9
  Got result : 1
  % </pre>
  <h3>Custom Deployment - deploy.xml files and the AdminClient</h3>
  <font color="#FF0000"><i>TBD - explanation of the AdminClient and the deploy.xml 
  file. Link to the deployment reference.</i></font> 
  <h2><a name="DataMapping"></a>XML &lt;-&gt; Java Data Mapping in Axis</h2>
  <h3>Encoding Your Beans - the BeanSerializer</h3>
  <p><i><font color="#FF0000">TBD - how to use bean mappings</font></i> </p>
  <h3>When Beans Are Not Enough - Custom Serialization</h3>
  <i><font color="#FF0000">TBD - explanation of custom serializers/deserializers, 
  and how to use the contexts.</font></i> 
  <h2><a name="DeploymentReference"></a>Deployment Reference</h2>
  <i>Note: this reference reflects the state of the deploy.xml structure as of the 
  alpha 1 release. This will <b>very likely change</b> in a subsequent release to 
  become a format called WSDD (Web Service Deployment Descriptor). You can find 
  information on WSDD in the Axis source tree, under xml-axis/java/wsdd.</i> 
  <p>&nbsp; </p>
  <h2>Pre-Configured Axis Components Reference</h2>
  <h3>On the server:</h3>
    <dd>The LogHandler will simply log a message to a logger when it gets invoked.</dd>
    <dd>The EchoHandler copies the request message into the response message.</dd>
    <dd>The RPCDispatcher is the pivot point for all RPC services. It accepts the 
      following options: </dd>
    <dd>The MsgDispatcher is the pivot point for all messaging services. It accepts 
      the following options:</dd>
    <dd>The LocalResponder is a Handler whose job in life is to serialize the response 
      message coming back from a local invocation into a String. It is by default 
      on the server's local transport response chain, and it ensures that serializing 
      the message into String form happens in the context of the server's type mappings.</dd>
  <h3>On the client:</h3>
    <dt>&nbsp; </dt>
  <a name="Glossary"></a><h2>Glossary</h2>
    <dd>The Simple Object Access Protocol (yes, despite the fact that it sometimes 
      doesn't seem so simple, and doesn't have anything to do with objects... :)). 
      You can read the SOAP 1.1 specification at <a href=""></a>. 
      The W3C is currently in the midst of work on SOAP 1.2, under the auspices 
      of the <a href="">XML Protocol Group</a>.</dd>
  1.1                  xml-axis/java/docs/examples/example1/
  import org.apache.axis.client.ServiceClient;
  public class TestClient
     public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
         String endpoint = "http://localhost:8080/axis/servlet/AxisServlet";
       ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient(endpoint);
       String ret = (String)client.invoke("",
                                          new Object [] { "Hello!" });
       System.out.println("Sent 'Hello!', got '" + ret + "'");
  1.1                  xml-axis/java/docs/examples/example2/
  import org.apache.axis.client.ServiceClient;
  public class CalcClient
     public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
         String endpoint = "http://localhost:8080/axis/Calculator.jws";
         if (args.length != 3) {
             System.err.println("Usage: CalcClient <add|subtract> arg1 arg2");
         String method = args[0];
         if (!(method.equals("add") || method.equals("subtract"))) {
             System.err.println("Usage: CalcClient <add|subtract> arg1 arg2");
         Integer i1 = new Integer(args[1]);
         Integer i2 = new Integer(args[2]);
         ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient(endpoint);
         Integer ret = (Integer)client.invoke("",
                                            new Object [] { i1, i2 });
         System.out.println("Got result : " + ret);
  1.1                  xml-axis/java/docs/examples/example2/
  public class Calculator {
    public int add(int i1, int i2)
      return i1 + i2; 
    public int subtract(int i1, int i2)
      return i1 - i2;