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[GitHub] [spark] c21 commented on a change in pull request #32875: [SPARK-35703][SQL] Relax constraint for bucket join and remove HashClusteredDistribution

c21 commented on a change in pull request #32875:

File path: sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/plans/physical/partitioning.scala
@@ -352,3 +350,142 @@ case class BroadcastPartitioning(mode: BroadcastMode) extends Partitioning {
     case _ => false
+ * This is used in the scenario where an operator has multiple children (e.g., join) and one or more
+ * of which have their own requirement regarding whether its data can be considered as
+ * co-partitioned from others. This offers APIs for:
+ *
+ *   1. Comparing with specs from other children of the operator and check if they are compatible.
+ *      When two specs are compatible, we can say their data are co-partitioned, and Spark will
+ *      potentially able to eliminate shuffle if necessary.
+ *   1. Creating a partitioning that can be used to re-partition another child, so that to make it

Review comment:
       nit: `2. `

File path: sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/plans/physical/partitioning.scala
@@ -352,3 +350,142 @@ case class BroadcastPartitioning(mode: BroadcastMode) extends Partitioning {
     case _ => false
+ * This is used in the scenario where an operator has multiple children (e.g., join) and one or more
+ * of which have their own requirement regarding whether its data can be considered as
+ * co-partitioned from others. This offers APIs for:
+ *
+ *   1. Comparing with specs from other children of the operator and check if they are compatible.
+ *      When two specs are compatible, we can say their data are co-partitioned, and Spark will
+ *      potentially able to eliminate shuffle if necessary.
+ *   1. Creating a partitioning that can be used to re-partition another child, so that to make it
+ *      having a compatible partitioning as this node.
+ */
+trait ShuffleSpec {
+  /**
+   * Returns the number of partitions of this shuffle spec
+   */
+  def numPartitions: Int
+  /**
+   * Returns true iff this spec is compatible with the provided shuffle spec.
+   *
+   * A true return value means that the data partitioning from this spec can be seen as
+   * co-partitioned with the `other`, and therefore no shuffle is required when joining the two
+   * sides.
+   */
+  def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean
+  /**
+   * Whether this shuffle spec can be used to create partitionings for the other children.
+   */
+  def canCreatePartitioning: Boolean = false
+  /**
+   * Creates a partitioning that can be used to re-partitioned the other side with the given
+   * clustering expressions.
+   *
+   * This will only be called when:
+   *  - [[canCreatePartitioning]] returns true.
+   *  - [[isCompatibleWith]] returns false on the side where the `clustering` is from.
+   */
+  def createPartitioning(clustering: Seq[Expression]): Partitioning =
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation unsupported for " +
+        s"${getClass.getCanonicalName}")
+case object SinglePartitionShuffleSpec extends ShuffleSpec {
+  override def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean = {
+    other.numPartitions == numPartitions
+  }
+  override def canCreatePartitioning: Boolean = true
+  override def createPartitioning(clustering: Seq[Expression]): Partitioning =
+    SinglePartition
+  override def numPartitions: Int = 1
+case class RangeShuffleSpec(
+    numPartitions: Int,
+    distribution: ClusteredDistribution) extends ShuffleSpec {
+  override def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean = other match {
+    case SinglePartitionShuffleSpec => numPartitions == 1
+    case ShuffleSpecCollection(specs) => specs.exists(isCompatibleWith)
+    case _ => false
+  }
+case class HashShuffleSpec(
+    partitioning: HashPartitioning,
+    distribution: ClusteredDistribution) extends ShuffleSpec {
+  lazy val hashKeyPositions =
+    createHashKeyPositions(distribution.clustering, partitioning.expressions)
+  override def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean = other match {
+    case SinglePartitionShuffleSpec =>
+      partitioning.numPartitions == 1
+    case otherHashSpec @ HashShuffleSpec(otherPartitioning, otherDistribution) =>
+      // we need to check:
+      //  1. both partitioning have the same number of partitions
+      //  2. both partitioning have the same number of expressions
+      //  3. each pair of expression from both has overlapping positions in their
+      //     corresponding distributions.
+      partitioning.numPartitions == otherPartitioning.numPartitions &&
+      partitioning.expressions.length == otherPartitioning.expressions.length && {
+        val otherHashKeyPositions = otherHashSpec.hashKeyPositions
+ { case (left, right) =>
+          left.intersect(right).nonEmpty
+        }
+      }
+    case ShuffleSpecCollection(specs) =>
+      specs.exists(isCompatibleWith)
+    case _ =>
+      false
+  }
+  override def canCreatePartitioning: Boolean = true
+  override def createPartitioning(clustering: Seq[Expression]): Partitioning = {
+    val exprs = => clustering(v.head))
+    HashPartitioning(exprs, partitioning.numPartitions)
+  }
+  override def numPartitions: Int = partitioning.numPartitions
+  /**
+   * Returns a sequence where each element is a set of positions of the key in `hashKeys` to its
+   * positions in `requiredClusterKeys`. For instance, if `requiredClusterKeys` is [a, b, b] and
+   * `hashKeys` is [a, b], the result will be [(0), (1, 2)].
+   */
+  private def createHashKeyPositions(
+      requiredClusterKeys: Seq[Expression],
+      hashKeys: Seq[Expression]): Seq[mutable.BitSet] = {
+    val distKeyToPos = mutable.Map.empty[Expression, mutable.BitSet]
+    requiredClusterKeys.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (distKey, distKeyPos) =>
+      distKeyToPos.getOrElseUpdate(distKey.canonicalized, mutable.BitSet.empty).add(distKeyPos)
+    }
+ => distKeyToPos(k.canonicalized))
+  }
+case class ShuffleSpecCollection(specs: Seq[ShuffleSpec]) extends ShuffleSpec {
+  override def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean = {
+    specs.exists(_.isCompatibleWith(other))
+  }
+  override def canCreatePartitioning: Boolean =
+    specs.forall(_.canCreatePartitioning)
+  override def createPartitioning(clustering: Seq[Expression]): Partitioning = {
+    // as we only consider # of partitions as the cost now, it doesn't matter which one we choose
+    // since they should all have the same # of partitions.

Review comment:
       shall we make the assumption more explicitly by adding a `require()` inside this class? 

File path: sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/plans/physical/partitioning.scala
@@ -352,3 +350,142 @@ case class BroadcastPartitioning(mode: BroadcastMode) extends Partitioning {
     case _ => false
+ * This is used in the scenario where an operator has multiple children (e.g., join) and one or more
+ * of which have their own requirement regarding whether its data can be considered as
+ * co-partitioned from others. This offers APIs for:
+ *
+ *   1. Comparing with specs from other children of the operator and check if they are compatible.
+ *      When two specs are compatible, we can say their data are co-partitioned, and Spark will
+ *      potentially able to eliminate shuffle if necessary.

Review comment:
       nit: `potentially be able`

File path: sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/exchange/EnsureRequirements.scala
@@ -68,63 +68,95 @@ case class EnsureRequirements(
     // Get the indexes of children which have specified distribution requirements and need to have
     // same number of partitions.
     val childrenIndexes = requiredChildDistributions.zipWithIndex.filter {
-      case (UnspecifiedDistribution, _) => false
-      case (_: BroadcastDistribution, _) => false
-      case _ => true
+      case (_: ClusteredDistribution, _) => true
+      case _ => false
-    val childrenNumPartitions =
+    // If there are more than one children, we'll need to check partitioning & distribution of them
+    // and see if extra shuffles are necessary.
+    if (childrenIndexes.length > 1) {
+      val specs = => {
+        val requiredDist = requiredChildDistributions(i)
+        assert(requiredDist.isInstanceOf[ClusteredDistribution],
+          s"Expected ClusteredDistribution but found ${requiredDist.getClass.getSimpleName}")
+        i -> children(i).outputPartitioning.createShuffleSpec(
+          requiredDist.asInstanceOf[ClusteredDistribution])
+      }).toMap
-    if (childrenNumPartitions.size > 1) {
-      // Get the number of partitions which is explicitly required by the distributions.
-      val requiredNumPartitions = {
-        val numPartitionsSet = childrenIndexes.flatMap {
-          index => requiredChildDistributions(index).requiredNumPartitions
-        }.toSet
-        assert(numPartitionsSet.size <= 1,
-          s"$requiredChildDistributions have incompatible requirements of the number of partitions")
-        numPartitionsSet.headOption
-      }
+      // Find out the shuffle spec that gives better parallelism.
+      //
+      // NOTE: this is not optimal for the case when there are more than 2 children. Consider:
+      //   (10, 10, 11)
+      // it's better to pick 10 in this case since we only need to shuffle one side - we'd need to
+      // shuffle two sides if we pick 11.
+      //
+      // However this should be sufficient for now since in Spark nodes with multiple children
+      // always have exactly 2 children.
-      // If there are non-shuffle children that satisfy the required distribution, we have
-      // some tradeoffs when picking the expected number of shuffle partitions:
-      // 1. We should avoid shuffling these children.
-      // 2. We should have a reasonable parallelism.
-      val nonShuffleChildrenNumPartitions =
-          .map(_.outputPartitioning.numPartitions)
-      val expectedChildrenNumPartitions = if (nonShuffleChildrenNumPartitions.nonEmpty) {
-        if (nonShuffleChildrenNumPartitions.length == childrenIndexes.length) {
-          // Here we pick the max number of partitions among these non-shuffle children.
-          nonShuffleChildrenNumPartitions.max
+      // Whether we should consider `spark.sql.shuffle.partitions` and ensure enough parallelism
+      // during shuffle. To achieve a good trade-off between parallelism and shuffle cost, we only
+      // consider the minimum parallelism iff ALL children need to be re-shuffled.
+      //
+      // A child is considered to be re-shuffled iff:
+      //   1. It can't create partitioning by itself, i.e., `canCreatePartitioning` returns false.
+      //   2. It already has `ShuffleExchangeExec`.
+      //
+      // On the other hand, in scenarios such as:
+      //   HashPartitioning(5) <-> HashPartitioning(6)
+      // while `spark.sql.shuffle.partitions` is 10, we'll only re-shuffle the left side and make it
+      // HashPartitioning(6).
+      val canIgnoreMinPartitions = specs.exists(p =>
+        p._2.canCreatePartitioning && !children(p._1).isInstanceOf[ShuffleExchangeExec]

Review comment:
       Should we'd better use `ShuffleExchangeLike` or `ShuffleExchangeExec`? Will this work with customized columnar shuffle operator other than `ShuffleExchangeExec`?

File path: sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/ShuffleSpecSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst
+import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
+/* Implicit conversions */
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
+class ShuffleSpecSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  protected def checkCompatible(
+      left: ShuffleSpec,
+      right: ShuffleSpec,
+      expected: Boolean): Unit = {
+    val actual = left.isCompatibleWith(right)
+    if (actual != expected) {
+      fail(
+        s"""
+           |== Left ShuffleSpec
+           |$left
+           |== Right ShuffleSpec
+           |$right
+           |== Does left is compatible with right? ==

Review comment:
       nit: `Is left compatible with right?`

File path: sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/exchange/EnsureRequirements.scala
@@ -68,63 +68,95 @@ case class EnsureRequirements(
     // Get the indexes of children which have specified distribution requirements and need to have
     // same number of partitions.
     val childrenIndexes = requiredChildDistributions.zipWithIndex.filter {
-      case (UnspecifiedDistribution, _) => false
-      case (_: BroadcastDistribution, _) => false
-      case _ => true
+      case (_: ClusteredDistribution, _) => true
+      case _ => false
-    val childrenNumPartitions =
+    // If there are more than one children, we'll need to check partitioning & distribution of them
+    // and see if extra shuffles are necessary.
+    if (childrenIndexes.length > 1) {
+      val specs = => {
+        val requiredDist = requiredChildDistributions(i)
+        assert(requiredDist.isInstanceOf[ClusteredDistribution],
+          s"Expected ClusteredDistribution but found ${requiredDist.getClass.getSimpleName}")
+        i -> children(i).outputPartitioning.createShuffleSpec(
+          requiredDist.asInstanceOf[ClusteredDistribution])
+      }).toMap
-    if (childrenNumPartitions.size > 1) {
-      // Get the number of partitions which is explicitly required by the distributions.
-      val requiredNumPartitions = {
-        val numPartitionsSet = childrenIndexes.flatMap {
-          index => requiredChildDistributions(index).requiredNumPartitions
-        }.toSet
-        assert(numPartitionsSet.size <= 1,
-          s"$requiredChildDistributions have incompatible requirements of the number of partitions")
-        numPartitionsSet.headOption
-      }
+      // Find out the shuffle spec that gives better parallelism.
+      //
+      // NOTE: this is not optimal for the case when there are more than 2 children. Consider:
+      //   (10, 10, 11)
+      // it's better to pick 10 in this case since we only need to shuffle one side - we'd need to
+      // shuffle two sides if we pick 11.
+      //
+      // However this should be sufficient for now since in Spark nodes with multiple children
+      // always have exactly 2 children.
-      // If there are non-shuffle children that satisfy the required distribution, we have
-      // some tradeoffs when picking the expected number of shuffle partitions:
-      // 1. We should avoid shuffling these children.
-      // 2. We should have a reasonable parallelism.
-      val nonShuffleChildrenNumPartitions =
-          .map(_.outputPartitioning.numPartitions)
-      val expectedChildrenNumPartitions = if (nonShuffleChildrenNumPartitions.nonEmpty) {
-        if (nonShuffleChildrenNumPartitions.length == childrenIndexes.length) {
-          // Here we pick the max number of partitions among these non-shuffle children.
-          nonShuffleChildrenNumPartitions.max
+      // Whether we should consider `spark.sql.shuffle.partitions` and ensure enough parallelism
+      // during shuffle. To achieve a good trade-off between parallelism and shuffle cost, we only
+      // consider the minimum parallelism iff ALL children need to be re-shuffled.
+      //
+      // A child is considered to be re-shuffled iff:
+      //   1. It can't create partitioning by itself, i.e., `canCreatePartitioning` returns false.
+      //   2. It already has `ShuffleExchangeExec`.
+      //
+      // On the other hand, in scenarios such as:
+      //   HashPartitioning(5) <-> HashPartitioning(6)
+      // while `spark.sql.shuffle.partitions` is 10, we'll only re-shuffle the left side and make it
+      // HashPartitioning(6).
+      val canIgnoreMinPartitions = specs.exists(p =>
+        p._2.canCreatePartitioning && !children(p._1).isInstanceOf[ShuffleExchangeExec]
+      )
+      // Choose all the specs that can be used to shuffle other children
+      val candidateSpecs = specs
+          .filter(_._2.canCreatePartitioning)
+          .filter(p => canIgnoreMinPartitions ||
+              children(p._1).outputPartitioning.numPartitions >= conf.defaultNumShufflePartitions)
+      val bestSpec = if (candidateSpecs.isEmpty) {
+        None
+      } else {
+        // When choosing specs, we should consider those children with no `Exchange` node

Review comment:
       nit: `Exchange` -> `ShuffleExchangeExec`? I can understand `Exchange` here, it would be better if we can be more precise here.

File path: sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/plans/physical/partitioning.scala
@@ -352,3 +350,142 @@ case class BroadcastPartitioning(mode: BroadcastMode) extends Partitioning {
     case _ => false
+ * This is used in the scenario where an operator has multiple children (e.g., join) and one or more
+ * of which have their own requirement regarding whether its data can be considered as
+ * co-partitioned from others. This offers APIs for:
+ *
+ *   1. Comparing with specs from other children of the operator and check if they are compatible.
+ *      When two specs are compatible, we can say their data are co-partitioned, and Spark will
+ *      potentially able to eliminate shuffle if necessary.
+ *   1. Creating a partitioning that can be used to re-partition another child, so that to make it
+ *      having a compatible partitioning as this node.
+ */
+trait ShuffleSpec {
+  /**
+   * Returns the number of partitions of this shuffle spec
+   */
+  def numPartitions: Int
+  /**
+   * Returns true iff this spec is compatible with the provided shuffle spec.
+   *
+   * A true return value means that the data partitioning from this spec can be seen as
+   * co-partitioned with the `other`, and therefore no shuffle is required when joining the two
+   * sides.
+   */
+  def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean
+  /**
+   * Whether this shuffle spec can be used to create partitionings for the other children.
+   */
+  def canCreatePartitioning: Boolean = false
+  /**
+   * Creates a partitioning that can be used to re-partitioned the other side with the given
+   * clustering expressions.
+   *
+   * This will only be called when:
+   *  - [[canCreatePartitioning]] returns true.
+   *  - [[isCompatibleWith]] returns false on the side where the `clustering` is from.
+   */
+  def createPartitioning(clustering: Seq[Expression]): Partitioning =
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation unsupported for " +
+        s"${getClass.getCanonicalName}")
+case object SinglePartitionShuffleSpec extends ShuffleSpec {
+  override def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean = {
+    other.numPartitions == numPartitions
+  }
+  override def canCreatePartitioning: Boolean = true
+  override def createPartitioning(clustering: Seq[Expression]): Partitioning =
+    SinglePartition
+  override def numPartitions: Int = 1
+case class RangeShuffleSpec(
+    numPartitions: Int,
+    distribution: ClusteredDistribution) extends ShuffleSpec {
+  override def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean = other match {
+    case SinglePartitionShuffleSpec => numPartitions == 1
+    case ShuffleSpecCollection(specs) => specs.exists(isCompatibleWith)
+    case _ => false
+  }
+case class HashShuffleSpec(
+    partitioning: HashPartitioning,
+    distribution: ClusteredDistribution) extends ShuffleSpec {
+  lazy val hashKeyPositions =
+    createHashKeyPositions(distribution.clustering, partitioning.expressions)
+  override def isCompatibleWith(other: ShuffleSpec): Boolean = other match {
+    case SinglePartitionShuffleSpec =>
+      partitioning.numPartitions == 1
+    case otherHashSpec @ HashShuffleSpec(otherPartitioning, otherDistribution) =>
+      // we need to check:
+      //  1. both partitioning have the same number of partitions
+      //  2. both partitioning have the same number of expressions
+      //  3. each pair of expression from both has overlapping positions in their
+      //     corresponding distributions.

Review comment:
       Sorry if I miss previous context, but curious why we don't need to check `this.distribution` and `otherDistribution` here?

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