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svn commit: r1535352 - in /incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0:

Author: kminder
Date: Thu Oct 24 12:32:52 2013
New Revision: 1535352

KNOX-186: Add a quick start guide to Apache Knox documentation.


Modified: incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/
--- incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/ (original)
+++ incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/ Thu Oct 24 12:32:52 2013
@@ -29,14 +29,11 @@
 ## Table Of Contents ##
 * #[Introduction]
-* #[Getting Started]
-    * #[Requirements]
-    * #[Download]
-    * #[Verify]
-    * #[Install]
+* #[Quick Start]
+* #[Apache Knox Details]
+    * #[Layout]
     * #[Supported Services]
     * #[Sandbox Configuration]
-    * #[Basic Usage]
 * #[Gateway Details]
     * #[Configuration]
     * #[Authentication]
@@ -70,7 +67,7 @@ In general the goals of the gateway are 
     * Limit the network endpoints (and therefore firewall holes) required to access a Hadoop cluster
     * Hide the internal Hadoop cluster topology from potential attackers

Modified: incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/
--- incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/ (original)
+++ incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/ Thu Oct 24 12:32:52 2013
@@ -15,24 +15,13 @@
    limitations under the License.
-## Getting Started ##
+## Apache Knox Details ##
-This section provides everything you need to know to get the gateway up and running against a Sandbox VM Hadoop cluster.
-### Requirements ###
-#### Java ####
-Java 1.6 or later is required for the Knox Gateway runtime.
-Use the command below to check the version of Java installed on the system where Knox will be running.
-    java -version
+This section provides everything you need to know to get the Knox gateway up and running against a Hadoop cluster.
 #### Hadoop ####
 An an existing Hadoop 1.x or 2.x cluster is required for Knox sit in front of and protect.
-One of the easiest ways to ensure this it to utilize a Hortonworks Sandbox VM.
 It is possible to use a Hadoop cluster deployed on EC2 but this will require additional configuration not covered here.
 It is also possible to use a limited set of services in Hadoop cluster secured with Kerberos.
 This too required additional configuration that is not described here.
@@ -49,88 +38,10 @@ The instructions that follow assume a fe
 All of the instructions and samples provided here are tailored and tested to work "out of the box" against a [Hortonworks Sandbox 2.x VM][sandbox].
-### Download ###
-Download one of the distributions below from the [Apache mirrors][mirror].
-* Source archive: [][src-zip] ([PGP signature][src-pgp], [SHA1 digest][src-sha], [MD5 digest][src-md5])
-* Binary archive: [][bin-zip] ([PGP signature][bin-pgp], [SHA1 digest][bin-sha], [MD5 digest][bin-md5])
-* RPM package: [knox-incubating-0.3.0.rpm][rpm] ([PGP signature][rpm-pgp], [SHA1 digest][rpm-sha], [MD5 digest][rpm-md5])
-Apache Knox Gateway releases are available under the [Apache License, Version 2.0][asl].
-See the NOTICE file contained in each release artifact for applicable copyright attribution notices.
-### Verify ###
-It is essential that you verify the integrity of any downloaded files using the PGP signatures.
-Please read [Verifying Apache HTTP Server Releases]( for more information on why you should verify our releases.
-The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG.
-First download the KEYS file as well as the .asc signature files for the relevant release packages.
-Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory linked above, rather than from a mirror.
-Then verify the signatures using one of the methods below.
-    % pgpk -a KEYS
-    % pgpv
-    % pgp -ka KEYS
-    % pgp
-    % gpg --import KEYS
-    % gpg --verify
-### Install ###
+#### Apache Knox Directory Layout ####
-The steps required to install the gateway will vary depending upon which distribution format was downloaded.
-In either case you will end up with a directory where the gateway is installed.
-This directory will be referred to as your `{GATEWAY_HOME}` throughout this document.
-#### ZIP ####
-If you downloaded the Zip distribution you can simply extract the contents into a directory.
-The example below provides a command that can be executed to do this.
-Note the `{VERSION}` portion of the command must be replaced with an actual Apache Knox Gateway version number.
-This might be 0.3.0 for example and must patch the value in the file downloaded.
-    jar xf knox-incubating-{VERSION}.zip
-This will create a directory `knox-incubating-{VERSION}` in your current directory.
-The directory `knox-incubating-{VERSION}` will considered your `{GATEWAY_HOME}`
-#### RPM ####
-If you downloaded the RPM distribution you can install it using normal RPM package tools.
-It is important that the user that will be running the gateway server is used to install.
-This is because several directories are created that are owned by this user.
-    sudo yum localinstall knox-incubating-{VERSION}.rpm
-    sudo rpm -ihv knox-incubating-{VERSION}.rpm
-This will create several directories.
+Knox can be installed by expanding the zip file or with rpm. With rpm based install the following directories are created in addition to those described in
+this section.
@@ -140,7 +51,6 @@ The directory `/usr/lib/knox` is conside
 The directory `/var/log/knox` will contain the output files from the server.
 The directory `/var/run/knox` will contain the process ID for a currently running gateway server.
-#### Layout ####
 Regardless of the installation method used the layout and content of the `{GATEWAY_HOME}` will be identical.
 The table below provides a brief explanation of the important files and directories within `{GATEWWAY_HOME}`
@@ -186,156 +96,6 @@ Only more recent versions of some Hadoop
-### Basic Usage ###
-The steps described below are intended to get the Knox Gateway server up and running in its default configuration.
-Once that is accomplished a very simple example of using the gateway to interact with a Hadoop cluster is provided.
-More detailed configuration information is provided in the #[Gateway Details] section.
-More detailed examples for using each Hadoop service can be found in the #[Service Details] section.
-Note that *nix conventions are used throughout this section but in general the Windows alternative should be obvious.
-In situations where this is not the case a Windows alternative will be provided.
-#### Starting Servers ####
-##### 1. Enter the `{GATEWAY_HOME}` directory
-    cd knox-incubation-{VERSION}
-The fully qualified name of this directory will be referenced as `{GATEWAY_HOME}` throughout this document.
-##### 2. Start the demo LDAP server (ApacheDS)
-First, understand that the LDAP server provided here is for demonstration purposes.
-You may configure the gateway to utilize other LDAP systems via the topology descriptor.
-This is described in step 5 below.
-The assumption is that most users will leverage the demo LDAP server while evaluating this release and should therefore continue with the instructions here in step 3.
-Edit `{GATEWAY_HOME}/conf/users.ldif` if required and add any desired users and groups to the file.
-A sample end user "guest" has been already included.
-Note that the passwords in this file are "fictitious" and have nothing to do with the actual accounts on the Hadoop cluster you are using.
-There is also a copy of this file in the templates directory that you can use to start over if necessary.
-This file is only used by the demo LDAP server.
-Start the LDAP server - pointing it to the config dir where it will find the `users.ldif` file in the conf directory.
-    java -jar bin/ldap.jar conf &
-_On windows this command can be run in its own command window instead of running it in the background via `&`._
-There are a number of log messages of the form `Created null.` that can safely be ignored.
-Take note of the port on which it was started as this needs to match later configuration.
-##### 3. Start the gateway server
-The gateway can be started in one of two ways depending upon your preferences.
-The first way is to start the gateway directly using the Java's java -jar command line.
-The script bin/ can also be used to start the gateway.
-Both options are detailed below.
-###### Starting via Java
-This is the simplest way to start the gateway.
-Starting this way will result in all logging being written directly to standard output.
-    java -jar bin/gateway.jar
-The server will prompt you for the master secret (i.e. password).
-This secret is used to secure artifacts used by the gateway server for things like SSL and credential/password aliasing.
-This secret will have to be entered at startup unless you choose to persist it.
-See the Persisting the Master section for more information.
-Remember this secret and keep it safe.
-It represents the keys to the kingdom.
-Take note of the port identified in the logging output as you will need this for accessing the gateway.
-###### Starting via script (*nix only)
-Starting the gateway using the script is a bit more in line with how other Hadoop components are started.
-Before actually starting the server this way a setup step needs to be performed.
-This step is required because directories are created in /var/log and /var/run if required.
-These directories can only be created by the root user so the setup command must be run with root privileges.
-    sudo bin/ setup
-The server will prompt you for the master secret (i.e. password).
-This secret is used to secure artifacts used by the gateway server for things like SSL and credential/password aliasing.
-This secret will have to be entered at startup unless you choose to persist it.
-See the Persisting the Master section for more information.
-Remember this secret and keep it safe.
-It represents the keys to the kingdom.
-The server can then be started without root privileges using this command.
-    bin/ start
-When starting the gateway this way the process will be run in the backgroud.
-The log output is written into the directory /var/log/knox.
-In addition a PID (process ID) is written into /var/run/knox.
-In order to stop a gateway that was started with the script use this command.
-    bin/ stop
-If for some reason the gateway is stopped other than by using the command above you may need to clear the tracking PID.
-    bin/ clean
-__CAUTION: This command will also clear any log output in /var/log/knox so use this with caution.__
-##### 4. Configure the Gateway with the topology of your Hadoop cluster
-Edit the file `{GATEWAY_HOME}/deployments/sandbox.xml`
-Change the host and port in the urls of the `<service>` elements for WEBHDFS, WEBHCAT, OOZIE, WEBHBASE and HIVE services to match your Hadoop cluster deployment.
-The default configuration contains the LDAP URL for a LDAP server.
-By default that file is configured to access the demo ApacheDS based LDAP server and its default configuration.
-The ApacheDS based LDAP server listens on port 33389 by default.
-Optionally, you can change the LDAP URL for the LDAP server to be used for authentication.
-This is set via the `main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url` property in the `<gateway><provider><authentication>` section.
-If you use an LDAP system other than the demo LDAP server you may need to change additional configuration as well.
-Save the file.
-The directory `{GATEWAY_HOME}/deployments` is monitored by the gateway server.
-When a new or changed cluster topology descriptor is detected, it will provision the endpoints for the services described in the topology descriptor.
-Note that the name of the file excluding the extension is also used as the path for that cluster in the URL.
-For example the `sandbox.xml` file will result in gateway URLs of the form `http://{gateway-host}:{gateway-port}/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs`.
-##### 5. Test the installation
-Invoke the LISTSATUS operation on WebHDFS via the gateway.
-This will return a directory listing of the root (i.e. /) directory of HDFS.
-    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X GET \
-        'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS'
-The results of the above command should result in something to along the lines of the output below.
-The exact information returned is subject to the content within HDFS in your Hadoop cluster.
-Successfully executing this command at a minimum proves that the gateway is properly configured to provide access to WebHDFS.
-It does not necessarily provide that any of the other services are correct configured to be accessible.
-To validate that see the sections for the individual services in #[Service Details].
-    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-    Content-Type: application/json
-    Content-Length: 760
-    Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
-    {"FileStatuses":{"FileStatus":[
-    {"accessTime":0,"blockSize":0,"group":"hdfs","length":0,"modificationTime":1350595859762,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"apps","permission":"755","replication":0,"type":"DIRECTORY"},
-    {"accessTime":0,"blockSize":0,"group":"mapred","length":0,"modificationTime":1350595874024,"owner":"mapred","pathSuffix":"mapred","permission":"755","replication":0,"type":"DIRECTORY"},
-    {"accessTime":0,"blockSize":0,"group":"hdfs","length":0,"modificationTime":1350596040075,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"tmp","permission":"777","replication":0,"type":"DIRECTORY"},
-    {"accessTime":0,"blockSize":0,"group":"hdfs","length":0,"modificationTime":1350595857178,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"user","permission":"755","replication":0,"type":"DIRECTORY"}
-    ]}}
-For additional information on WebHDFS, WebHCat/Templeton, Oozie and HBase/Stargate REST APIs, see the following URLs respectively:
-* WebHDFS -
-* WebHCat (Templeton) -
-* Oozie -
-* Stargate (HBase) -
 ### More Examples ###
 These examples provide more detail about how to access various Apache Hadoop services via the Apache Knox Gateway.

Added: incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/
--- incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/ (added)
+++ incubator/knox/trunk/books/0.3.0/ Thu Oct 24 12:32:52 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+## Quick Start ##
+Here are the steps to have Apache Knox up and running against a Hadoop Cluster:
+1. Verify system requirements
+1. Download a virtual machine (VM) with Hadoop 
+1. Download Apache Knox Gateway
+1. Start the virtual machine with Hadoop
+1. Install Knox
+1. Start the LDAP embedded within Knox
+1. Start the Knox Gateway
+1. Do Hadoop with Knox
+### 1 - Requirements ###
+#### Java ####
+Java 1.6 or later is required for the Knox Gateway runtime.
+Use the command below to check the version of Java installed on the system where Knox will be running.
+    java -version
+#### Hadoop ####
+Knox supports Hadoop 1.x or 2.x, the quick start instructions assume a Hadoop 2.x virtual machine based environment. 
+### 2 - Download Hadoop 2.x VM ###
+The quick start provides a link to download Hadoop 2.0 based Hortonworks virtual machine [Sandbox]( Please note Knox supports other Hadoop distributions and is configurable against a full blown Hadoop cluster.
+Configuring Knox for Hadoop 1.x/2.x version, or Hadoop deployed in EC2 or a custom Hadoop cluster is documented in advance deployment guide.
+### 3 - Download Apache Knox Gateway ###
+Download one of the distributions below from the [Apache mirrors][mirror].
+* Source archive: [][src-zip] ([PGP signature][src-pgp], [SHA1 digest][src-sha], [MD5 digest][src-md5])
+* Binary archive: [][bin-zip] ([PGP signature][bin-pgp], [SHA1 digest][bin-sha], [MD5 digest][bin-md5])
+* RPM package: [knox-incubating-0.3.0.rpm][rpm] ([PGP signature][rpm-pgp], [SHA1 digest][rpm-sha], [MD5 digest][rpm-md5])
+Apache Knox Gateway releases are available under the [Apache License, Version 2.0][asl].
+See the NOTICE file contained in each release artifact for applicable copyright attribution notices.
+### Verify ###
+While recommended, verify is an optional step. You can verify the integrity of any downloaded files using the PGP signatures.
+Please read [Verifying Apache HTTP Server Releases]( for more information on why you should verify our releases.
+The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG.
+First download the KEYS file as well as the .asc signature files for the relevant release packages.
+Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory linked above, rather than from a mirror.
+Then verify the signatures using one of the methods below.
+    % pgpk -a KEYS
+    % pgpv
+    % pgp -ka KEYS
+    % pgp
+    % gpg --import KEYS
+    % gpg --verify
+### 4 - Start Hadoop virtual machine ###
+Start the Hadoop virtual machine.
+### 5 - Install Knox ###
+The steps required to install the gateway will vary depending upon which distribution format (zip | rpm) was downloaded.
+In either case you will end up with a directory where the gateway is installed.
+This directory will be referred to as your `{GATEWAY_HOME}` throughout this document.
+#### ZIP ####
+If you downloaded the Zip distribution you can simply extract the contents into a directory.
+The example below provides a command that can be executed to do this.
+Note the `{VERSION}` portion of the command must be replaced with an actual Apache Knox Gateway version number.
+This might be 0.3.0 for example and must patch the value in the file downloaded.
+    jar xf knox-incubating-{VERSION}.zip
+This will create a directory `knox-incubating-{VERSION}` in your current directory.
+The directory `knox-incubating-{VERSION}` will considered your `{GATEWAY_HOME}`
+#### RPM ####
+If you downloaded the RPM distribution you can install it using normal RPM package tools.
+It is important that the user that will be running the gateway server is used to install.
+This is because several directories are created that are owned by this user.
+    sudo yum localinstall knox-incubating-{VERSION}.rpm
+    sudo rpm -ihv knox-incubating-{VERSION}.rpm
+### 6 - Start LDAP embedded in Knox ###
+Knox comes with an LDAP server for demonstration purposes.
+    java -jar {GATEWAY_HOME}/bin/ldap.jar conf &
+### 7 - Start Knox  ###
+The gateway can be started in one of two ways, as java -jar or with a shell script.
+###### Starting via Java
+This is the simplest way to start the gateway.
+Starting this way will result in all logging being written directly to standard output.
+    java -jar {GATEWAY_HOME}/bin/gateway.jar
+Upon start, Knox server will prompt you for the master secret (i.e. password).
+This secret is used to secure artifacts used by the gateway server for things like SSL and credential/password aliasing.
+This secret will have to be entered at startup unless you choose to persist it.
+###### Starting via script (*nix only)
+Run the setup command with root privileges.
+    sudo {GATEWAY_HOME}/bin/ setup
+The server will prompt you for the master secret (i.e. password).
+The server can then be started without root privileges using this command.
+    {GATEWAY_HOME}/bin/ start
+When starting the gateway this way the process will be run in the backgroud.
+The log output is written into the directory /var/log/knox.
+In addition a PID (process ID) is written into /var/run/knox.
+In order to stop a gateway that was started with the script use this command.
+    {GATEWAY_HOME}/bin/ stop
+If for some reason the gateway is stopped other than by using the command above you may need to clear the tracking PID.
+    {GATEWAY_HOME}/bin/ clean
+__NOTE: This command will also clear any log output in /var/log/knox so use this with caution.__
+### 8 - Do Hadoop with Knox
+#### Put a file in HDFS via Knox.
+#### CAT a file in HDFS via Knox.
+#### Invoke the LISTSATUS operation on WebHDFS via the gateway.
+This will return a directory listing of the root (i.e. /) directory of HDFS.
+    curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X GET \
+        'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS'
+The results of the above command should result in something to along the lines of the output below.
+The exact information returned is subject to the content within HDFS in your Hadoop cluster.
+Successfully executing this command at a minimum proves that the gateway is properly configured to provide access to WebHDFS.
+It does not necessarily provide that any of the other services are correct configured to be accessible.
+To validate that see the sections for the individual services in #[Service Details].
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Content-Length: 760
+    Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+    {"FileStatuses":{"FileStatus":[
+    {"accessTime":0,"blockSize":0,"group":"hdfs","length":0,"modificationTime":1350595859762,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"apps","permission":"755","replication":0,"type":"DIRECTORY"},
+    {"accessTime":0,"blockSize":0,"group":"mapred","length":0,"modificationTime":1350595874024,"owner":"mapred","pathSuffix":"mapred","permission":"755","replication":0,"type":"DIRECTORY"},
+    {"accessTime":0,"blockSize":0,"group":"hdfs","length":0,"modificationTime":1350596040075,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"tmp","permission":"777","replication":0,"type":"DIRECTORY"},
+    {"accessTime":0,"blockSize":0,"group":"hdfs","length":0,"modificationTime":1350595857178,"owner":"hdfs","pathSuffix":"user","permission":"755","replication":0,"type":"DIRECTORY"}
+    ]}}
+#### Submit a MR job via Knox.
+#### Get status of a MR job via Knox.
+#### Cancel a MR job via Knox.
+### More Examples ###