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svn commit: r209540 - in /myfaces/forrest/trunk/build: ./ build.xml

Author: schof
Date: Wed Jul  6 16:16:01 2005
New Revision: 209540

Log: (empty)


Added: myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/
--- myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/ (added)
+++ myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/ Wed Jul  6 16:16:01 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# These are local build properties
+commons-beanutils.jar    = ${lib.dir}/commons-beanutils.jar
+commons-codec.jar        = ${lib.dir}/commons-codec.jar
+commons-collections.jar  = ${lib.dir}/commons-collections.jar
+commons-digester.jar     = ${lib.dir}/commons-digester.jar
+commons-el.jar           = ${lib.dir}/commons-el.jar
+commons-fileupload.jar   = ${lib.dir}/commons-fileupload.jar
+commons-logging.jar      = ${lib.dir}/commons-logging.jar
+commons-validator.jar    = ${lib.dir}/commons-validator.jar
+jakarta-oro.jar          = ${lib.dir}/jakarta-oro.jar
+jsp.jar                  = ${lib.dir}/jsp.jar
+jstl.jar                 = ${lib.dir}/jstl.jar
+portlet-api.jar          = ${lib.dir}/portlet-api.jar
+servlet-api.jar          = ${lib.dir}/servlet-api.jar
+struts.jar               = ${lib.dir}/struts.jar
+tlddoc.jar               = ${lib.dir}/tlddoc.jar
+xdoclet.jar              = ${lib.dir}/xdoclet.jar
+xjavadoc.jar             = ${lib.dir}/xjavadoc.jar
\ No newline at end of file

Added: myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/build.xml
--- myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/build.xml (added)
+++ myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/build.xml Wed Jul  6 16:16:01 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<project name="myfaces-release" default="site" >
+<!-- ========== Prerequisite Properties =================================== -->
+    <!--
+    Each of these properties MUST be set in one of the following ways:
+     * on the "ant" command line
+     * in a "" file in the base directory
+     * in a "" file in your user home directory
+    commons-beanutils.jar         The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  Commons Beanutils package.
+                                  [Version 1.6.1 or later]
+    commons-codec.jar             The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  Commons Codec package.
+                                  [Version 1.2.0 or later]
+    commons-collections.jar       The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  Commons Collections package.
+                                  [Version 3.0.0 or later]
+    commons-digester.jar          The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  Commons Digester package.
+                                  [Version 1.5 or later]
+    commons-el.jar                The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  Commons EL package.
+                                  [Version 1.0 or later]
+    commons-fileupload.jar        The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  Commons FileUpload package.
+                                  [Version 1.0 or later]
+    commons-logging.jar           The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  Commons Logging package.
+                                  [Version 1.0.3 or later]
+    commons-validator.jar         The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  Commons Validator package.
+                                  [Version 1.2.0 or later]
+    jakarta-oro.jar               The path to the JAR file of the Jakarta
+                                  ORO package.
+                                  [Version 2.0.7 or later]
+    jsp.jar                       The path to the JAR file for the JSP
+                                  API package.
+                                  [Version 2.0 or later]
+    jstl.jar                      The path to the JAR file for the JSTL
+                                  package.
+                                  [Version 1.1.0 or later]
+    portlet-api.jar               The path to the JAR file for the Portlet
+                                  API package.
+                                  [Version 1.0 or later]
+    servlet-api.jar               The path to the JAR file for the Servlet
+                                  API package.
+                                  [Version 2.3 or later]
+    struts.jar                    The path to the JAR file for the Struts
+                                  package (needed for Tiles support.)
+                                  [Version 1.2.2 or later]
+    tlddoc.jar                    The path to the JAR file for the TLDDOC
+                                  package.
+                                  [Version 1.2 or later]
+    xdoclet.jar                   The path to the JAR file for the XDoclet
+                                  package.
+                                  [Version 1.2 or later]
+    xjavadoc.jar                  The path to the JAR file for the
+                                  XJavadoc package.
+                                  [Version 1.1 or later]
+    Each of these properties MAY be set in one of the following ways:
+     * on the "ant" command line
+     * in a "" file in the base directory
+     * in a "" file in your user home directory
+    If not set, the default, as described below, will be used instead.
+    javac.debug                   Indicates whether source should be
+                                  compiled with debug information.
+    javac.optimize                Indicates whether source should be
+                                  compiled with optimization.
+    jsf-api.jar                   The path to the JAR file for the JSF api
+                                  package.  Needed in order to compile the
+                                  tomahawk subproject. Generally this will
+                                  be a reference to a locally built copy
+                                  of myfaces-api.jar but the RI can be used
+                                  as well.
+    jsf-impl.jar                  The path to the JAR file for the JSF impl
+                                  package.  Needed in order to compile the
+                                  tomahawk subproject. Generally this will
+                                  be a reference to a locally built copy
+                                  of myfaces-impl.jar but the RI can be used
+                                  as well.
+    sandbox.jar                   The path to the JAR file for the MyFaces
+                                  sandbox package.  Needed in order to
+                                  compile the examples subproject. This
+                                  should be a reference to a locally built
+                                  copy.
+    tomahawk.jar                  The path to the JAR file for the MyFaces
+                                  tomahawk package.  Needed in order to
+                                  compile the examples subproject. This
+                                  should be a reference to a locally built
+                                  copy.
+    -->
+    <!-- Default values for unspecified properties -->
+    <property name="javac.debug"          value="on"/>
+    <property name="javac.optimize"       value="off"/>
+    <!--
+    Default values for unspecified subproject properties (keeps build from crashing
+    if subproject doesn't need/specify them)
+    -->
+    <property name="api.classes.dir"      location="${basedir}/../../api/build/temp/classes/"/>
+    <property name="jar.fileset2.dir"     location=""/>
+    <property name="jar.include2.pattern" value="**"/>
+    <property name="jar.exclude2.pattern" value="**"/>
+    <property name="zip.fileset.dir"      location=""/>
+    <property name=""  value="*.foo"/>
+    <property name="zip.fileset.exc.pat"  value="**"/>
+    <property name="zip.fileset2.dir"     location=""/>
+    <property name="" value="*.foo"/>
+    <property name="zip.fileset2.exc.pat" value="**"/>
+    <property name="jsf-api.jar"          location="${basedir}/../../api/build/dist/myfaces-api.jar"/>
+    <property name="jsf-impl.jar"         location="${basedir}/../../impl/build/dist/myfaces-impl.jar"/>
+    <property name="tomahawk.jar"         location="${basedir}/../../tomahawk/build/dist/tomahawk.jar"/>
+    <property name="sandbox.jar"          location="${basedir}/../../sandbox/build/dist/sandbox.jar"/>
+    <!-- ========== Initialization Properties ================================= -->
+    <!--
+    These property values may optionally be overridden with property
+    settings from an "ant" command line, the "" file
+    in this directory, the "" file in your home
+    directory, or from settings in a superior build.xml script.
+    -->
+    <property environment="env"/>
+    <!-- ========== Derived Properties ==================================== -->
+    <property name="project.dir"             location="${basedir}/.."/>
+    <property name="forrest.home"            location="${env.FORREST_HOME}"/>
+    <property name="project.dir"             location="${basedir}/.."/>    
+    <property name="build.dir"               location="${basedir}"/>
+    <property name="temp.dir"                location="${build.dir}/temp"/>
+    <property name=""          location="${temp.dir}/site"/>    	  
+    <property name="lib.dir"                 value="${project.dir}/lib" />
+    <property name="build.dir"               location="${basedir}"/><!-- location="${project.dir}/build"/>-->
+    <property name="release.dir"             location="${build.dir}/release"/>
+    <property name="temp.dir"                location="${build.dir}/temp"/>
+    <property name="classes.dir"             location="${temp.dir}/classes"/>
+    <property name="dist.dir"                location="${build.dir}/dist"/>
+    <property name="javadoc.dir"             location="${temp.dir}/javadoc"/>
+    <property name="tlddoc.dir"              location="${temp.dir}/tlddoc"/>
+    <property name="tlddoc.dtd.dir"          location="${build.dir}/tld-doc"/>
+    <property name="tlddoc.xslt.dir"         location="${build.dir}/tlddoc-xslt"/>
+    <property name="tlddoc.dtd"              location="${tlddoc.dtd.dir}/web-jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd"/>
+    <property name="sign.script"             location="${release.dir}/"/>
+    <property name="release.version"         value="${manifest.impl.version}"/>
+    <property name="src.release.bundle"      value="myfaces-${release.version}-src"/>
+    <property name="bin.release.bundle"      value="myfaces-${release.version}"/>
+    <property name="examples.release.bundle" value="myfaces-${release.version}-examples"/>
+    <property name="tomahawk.release.bundle" value="tomahawk-${release.version}"/>
+    <!-- ========== Configurable Subproject Properties ==================== -->
+    <property file="../"/>
+    <property file=""/>
+    <!-- ========== User Supplied Properties ============================== -->
+    <property file=""/>
+    <property file="${user.home}/"/>
+    <!-- ========== Executable Targets ======================================== -->
+    <target name="clean">
+        <delete dir="${temp.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="site">
+        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+        <property name=""        location="${}"/>
+        <property name="project.content-dir"     value="../"/>
+        <property name=""       value="${temp.dir}/forrest/build"/>
+        <property name="project.temp-dir"        value="${temp.dir}/forrest/tmp"/>
+        <!-- have forrest build the site -->
+        <ant target="site" antfile="${env.FORREST_HOME}/" inheritall="true" dir="."/>
+        <!-- fix line endings for cgi scripts (or they will bomb out once deployed -->
+        <fixcrlf srcdir="${}" eol="unix" eof="remove" includes="**/*.cgi"/>
+    </target>

Added: myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/
--- myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/ (added)
+++ myfaces/forrest/trunk/build/ Wed Jul  6 16:16:01 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Properties used by for building the website
+# Prints out a summary of Forrest settings for this project
+# Project name (used to name .war file)
+# Specifies name of Forrest skin to use