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[2/9] CLEREZZA-435: repaced tabs with spaces in scala files
diff --git a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/ScriptEngineFactory.scala b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/ScriptEngineFactory.scala
index f5f1e0b..5f66c77 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/ScriptEngineFactory.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/ScriptEngineFactory.scala
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ import
 import javax.script.ScriptContext
 import javax.script.{ScriptEngineFactory => JavaxEngineFactory, Compilable, 
-					 CompiledScript, ScriptEngine, AbstractScriptEngine, Bindings,
-					 SimpleBindings, ScriptException}
+           CompiledScript, ScriptEngine, AbstractScriptEngine, Bindings,
+           SimpleBindings, ScriptException}
 //import scala.collection.immutable.Map
 import scala.actors.DaemonActor
@@ -50,266 +50,266 @@ import scala.actors.Actor._
 class ScriptEngineFactory() extends  JavaxEngineFactory with BundleListener  {
-	def bundleChanged(event: BundleEvent) = {
-		MyScriptEngine.interpreterAction ! ScriptEngineFactory.RefreshInterpreter
-	  //_interpreter = null
-	}
+  def bundleChanged(event: BundleEvent) = {
+    MyScriptEngine.interpreterAction ! ScriptEngineFactory.RefreshInterpreter
+    //_interpreter = null
+  }
-	private var factory: InterpreterFactory = null
-	private var compilerService: CompilerService = null
-	var _interpreter : IMain = null;
-	private var bundleContext: BundleContext = null
-	def interpreter = {
-		if (_interpreter == null) {
-			this.synchronized {
-				if (_interpreter == null) {
-					_interpreter = factory.createInterpreter(new PrintWriter(System.out))
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		_interpreter
-	}
+  private var factory: InterpreterFactory = null
+  private var compilerService: CompilerService = null
+  var _interpreter : IMain = null;
+  private var bundleContext: BundleContext = null
+  def interpreter = {
+    if (_interpreter == null) {
+      this.synchronized {
+        if (_interpreter == null) {
+          _interpreter = factory.createInterpreter(new PrintWriter(System.out))
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    _interpreter
+  }
-	//methods from ScriptEngineFactory
-	override def getEngineName() = "Scala Scripting Engine for OSGi"
-	override def getEngineVersion() = "0.3/scala 2.9.2"
-	override def getExtensions() = java.util.Collections.singletonList("scala")
-	override def getMimeTypes() = java.util.Collections.singletonList("application/x-scala")
-	override def getNames() = java.util.Collections.singletonList("scala")
-	override def getLanguageName() = "Scala"
-	override def getLanguageVersion ="2.8.1"
-	override def getParameter(key : String) = {
-		key match {
-			case ScriptEngine.ENGINE => getEngineName
-			case ScriptEngine.ENGINE_VERSION => getEngineVersion
-			case ScriptEngine.NAME => getNames.get(0)
-			case ScriptEngine.LANGUAGE => getLanguageName
-			case ScriptEngine.LANGUAGE_VERSION => getLanguageVersion
-			case _ => null
-		}
-	}
-	override def getMethodCallSyntax(obj : String,
-									 m : String,
-									 args : String*) = {
-		obj+"."+m+"("+args.mkString(",")+")"
-	}
-	override def getOutputStatement(toDisplay : String) = "println(\""+toDisplay+"\")"
-	override def getProgram(statements : String*) = statements.mkString("\n")
-	override def getScriptEngine : ScriptEngine = MyScriptEngine
+  //methods from ScriptEngineFactory
+  override def getEngineName() = "Scala Scripting Engine for OSGi"
+  override def getEngineVersion() = "0.3/scala 2.9.2"
+  override def getExtensions() = java.util.Collections.singletonList("scala")
+  override def getMimeTypes() = java.util.Collections.singletonList("application/x-scala")
+  override def getNames() = java.util.Collections.singletonList("scala")
+  override def getLanguageName() = "Scala"
+  override def getLanguageVersion ="2.8.1"
+  override def getParameter(key : String) = {
+    key match {
+      case ScriptEngine.ENGINE => getEngineName
+      case ScriptEngine.ENGINE_VERSION => getEngineVersion
+      case ScriptEngine.NAME => getNames.get(0)
+      case ScriptEngine.LANGUAGE => getLanguageName
+      case ScriptEngine.LANGUAGE_VERSION => getLanguageVersion
+      case _ => null
+    }
+  }
+  override def getMethodCallSyntax(obj : String,
+                   m : String,
+                   args : String*) = {
+    obj+"."+m+"("+args.mkString(",")+")"
+  }
+  override def getOutputStatement(toDisplay : String) = "println(\""+toDisplay+"\")"
+  override def getProgram(statements : String*) = statements.mkString("\n")
+  override def getScriptEngine : ScriptEngine = MyScriptEngine
-	def activate(componentContext: ComponentContext)= {
-		bundleContext = componentContext.getBundleContext
-		bundleContext.addBundleListener(this)
-	}
+  def activate(componentContext: ComponentContext)= {
+    bundleContext = componentContext.getBundleContext
+    bundleContext.addBundleListener(this)
+  }
-	def deactivate(componentContext: ComponentContext) = {
-		bundleContext = componentContext.getBundleContext
-		bundleContext.removeBundleListener(this)
-	}
+  def deactivate(componentContext: ComponentContext) = {
+    bundleContext = componentContext.getBundleContext
+    bundleContext.removeBundleListener(this)
+  }
-	def bindInterpreterFactory(f: InterpreterFactory) = {
-		factory = f
-	}
+  def bindInterpreterFactory(f: InterpreterFactory) = {
+    factory = f
+  }
-	def unbindInterpreterFactory(f: InterpreterFactory) = {
-		factory = null
-		_interpreter = null
-	}
+  def unbindInterpreterFactory(f: InterpreterFactory) = {
+    factory = null
+    _interpreter = null
+  }
-	def bindCompilerService(s: CompilerService) = {
-		compilerService  = s
-	}
+  def bindCompilerService(s: CompilerService) = {
+    compilerService  = s
+  }
-	def unbindCompilerService(s: CompilerService) = {
-		compilerService  = null
-	}
-	/** Inner object as it accesse interpreter
-	 */
-	object MyScriptEngine extends AbstractScriptEngine() with Compilable {
-		override def eval(script : Reader, context : ScriptContext) : Object = {
-			val scriptStringWriter = new StringWriter()
-			var ch =
-			while (ch != -1) {
-				scriptStringWriter.write(ch)
-				ch =
-			}
-			eval(scriptStringWriter.toString, context)
-		}
+  def unbindCompilerService(s: CompilerService) = {
+    compilerService  = null
+  }
+  /** Inner object as it accesse interpreter
+   */
+  object MyScriptEngine extends AbstractScriptEngine() with Compilable {
+    override def eval(script : Reader, context : ScriptContext) : Object = {
+      val scriptStringWriter = new StringWriter()
+      var ch =
+      while (ch != -1) {
+        scriptStringWriter.write(ch)
+        ch =
+      }
+      eval(scriptStringWriter.toString, context)
+    }
-		val interpreterAction = new DaemonActor {
-			def act() {
-				//not using loop { react {, as this method doesn't seem to guarantee
-				//asynchronous execution
-				//also using react with a final invocation of act() different exception from interprter.bind have been seen
-				while(true) {
-					receive {
-						case (script : String, context : ScriptContext) => {
-							//not yet threadsafe, but the test isn't failing
-							//should pass jobs to actor that guarantees they are executed sequentially
-							//and binding to not inferfere
-							try {
-								val jTypeMap : java.util.Map[String, java.lang.reflect.Type] =
-								new java.util.HashMap[String, java.lang.reflect.Type]()
-									val valueMap = new java.util.HashMap[String, Any]()
-								import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-								for (scope <- context.getScopes;
-									 if (context.getBindings(scope.intValue) != null);
-									 entry <- context.getBindings(scope.intValue)) {
-									interpreter.bind(entry._1,
-													 getAccessibleClass(entry._2.getClass).getName, entry._2)
-								}
-							  interpreter.interpret("val zzScriptResult = {"+script+"}")
-							  println("visible stuff:")
-							  System.out.println("stuff stuff stuff");
-								println("interpreter.valueOfTerm(\"zzScriptResult\"): "+interpreter.valueOfTerm("zzScriptResult"))
-							  interpreter.visibleTermNames.foreach(println)
-								if (interpreter.reporter.hasErrors) {
-									throw new ScriptException("some error","script-file",1)
-								}
-								sender ! interpreter.valueOfTerm("zzScriptResult")
-							} catch {
-								case e: Exception => sender ! ScriptEngineFactory.ActorException(e)
-							}
-						}
-						case ScriptEngineFactory.RefreshInterpreter => {
-								_interpreter = null;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		interpreterAction.start()
+    val interpreterAction = new DaemonActor {
+      def act() {
+        //not using loop { react {, as this method doesn't seem to guarantee
+        //asynchronous execution
+        //also using react with a final invocation of act() different exception from interprter.bind have been seen
+        while(true) {
+          receive {
+            case (script : String, context : ScriptContext) => {
+              //not yet threadsafe, but the test isn't failing
+              //should pass jobs to actor that guarantees they are executed sequentially
+              //and binding to not inferfere
+              try {
+                val jTypeMap : java.util.Map[String, java.lang.reflect.Type] =
+                new java.util.HashMap[String, java.lang.reflect.Type]()
+                  val valueMap = new java.util.HashMap[String, Any]()
+                import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._
+                for (scope <- context.getScopes;
+                   if (context.getBindings(scope.intValue) != null);
+                   entry <- context.getBindings(scope.intValue)) {
+                  interpreter.bind(entry._1,
+                           getAccessibleClass(entry._2.getClass).getName, entry._2)
+                }
+                interpreter.interpret("val zzScriptResult = {"+script+"}")
+                println("visible stuff:")
+                System.out.println("stuff stuff stuff");
+                println("interpreter.valueOfTerm(\"zzScriptResult\"): "+interpreter.valueOfTerm("zzScriptResult"))
+                interpreter.visibleTermNames.foreach(println)
+                if (interpreter.reporter.hasErrors) {
+                  throw new ScriptException("some error","script-file",1)
+                }
+                sender ! interpreter.valueOfTerm("zzScriptResult")
+              } catch {
+                case e: Exception => sender ! ScriptEngineFactory.ActorException(e)
+              }
+            }
+            case ScriptEngineFactory.RefreshInterpreter => {
+                _interpreter = null;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    interpreterAction.start()
-		override def eval(script : String, context : ScriptContext) : Object = {
-			/*val timeout = 180*1000
-			interpreterAction !? (timeout, (script, context)) match {
-				case Some(x : Object) => x
-				case x => throw new RuntimeException("Timeout executing script")
-			}*/
-			interpreterAction !? ((script, context)) match {
-				case ScriptEngineFactory.ActorException(e) => throw e
-				case x : Object => x match {
-				  case Some(y:Object) => y
-				  case None => null
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		override def getFactory() = ScriptEngineFactory.this
-		override def createBindings() : Bindings = new SimpleBindings
+    override def eval(script : String, context : ScriptContext) : Object = {
+      /*val timeout = 180*1000
+      interpreterAction !? (timeout, (script, context)) match {
+        case Some(x : Object) => x
+        case x => throw new RuntimeException("Timeout executing script")
+      }*/
+      interpreterAction !? ((script, context)) match {
+        case ScriptEngineFactory.ActorException(e) => throw e
+        case x : Object => x match {
+          case Some(y:Object) => y
+          case None => null
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    override def getFactory() = ScriptEngineFactory.this
+    override def createBindings() : Bindings = new SimpleBindings
-		override def compile(script: Reader): CompiledScript = {
-			val scriptStringWriter = new StringWriter()
-			var ch =
-			while (ch != -1) {
-				scriptStringWriter.write(ch)
-				ch =
-			}
-			compile(scriptStringWriter.toString)
-		}
+    override def compile(script: Reader): CompiledScript = {
+      val scriptStringWriter = new StringWriter()
+      var ch =
+      while (ch != -1) {
+        scriptStringWriter.write(ch)
+        ch =
+      }
+      compile(scriptStringWriter.toString)
+    }
-		var classCounter = 0
+    var classCounter = 0
-		val virtualDirectory = new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None)
-		var msgWriter = new StringWriter
+    val virtualDirectory = new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None)
+    var msgWriter = new StringWriter
-		override def compile(script: String): CompiledScript = {
-			try {
-				AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction[CompiledScript]() {
-					override def run() =  {
-						val objectName = "CompiledScript"+classCounter
-						classCounter += 1
-						val classCode = "class " + objectName + """ {
-							|	def run($: Map[String, Object]) = {
-							|""".stripMargin + script +"""
-							|	}
-							|}""".stripMargin
-							val sources: List[Array[Char]] = List(classCode.toCharArray)
-						val clazz = try {
-							compilerService.compile(sources)(0)
-						} catch {
-							case e: CompileErrorsException => throw new ScriptException(e.getMessage, "script", -1);
-							case e: Exception => throw e
-						}
-						val scriptObject = clazz.newInstance()
+    override def compile(script: String): CompiledScript = {
+      try {
+        AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction[CompiledScript]() {
+          override def run() =  {
+            val objectName = "CompiledScript"+classCounter
+            classCounter += 1
+            val classCode = "class " + objectName + """ {
+              |  def run($: Map[String, Object]) = {
+              |""".stripMargin + script +"""
+              |  }
+              |}""".stripMargin
+              val sources: List[Array[Char]] = List(classCode.toCharArray)
+            val clazz = try {
+              compilerService.compile(sources)(0)
+            } catch {
+              case e: CompileErrorsException => throw new ScriptException(e.getMessage, "script", -1);
+              case e: Exception => throw e
+            }
+            val scriptObject = clazz.newInstance()
-						new CompiledScript() {
-							override def eval(context: ScriptContext) = {
+            new CompiledScript() {
+              override def eval(context: ScriptContext) = {
-								var map = Map[String, Object]()
-								import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-								for (	scope <- context.getScopes;
-										if (context.getBindings(scope.intValue) != null);
-										entry <- context.getBindings(scope.intValue)) {
-									map = map + (entry._1 -> entry._2)
-								}
-								val runMethod = clazz.getMethod("run", classOf[Map[String, Object]])
-								try {
-									runMethod.invoke(scriptObject, map)
-								} catch {
-									case e: InvocationTargetException => {
-										throw e.getCause
-									}
-								}
-							}
-							override def getEngine = MyScriptEngine.this
-						}
-					}
-				})
-			} catch {
-				case e: PrivilegedActionException => throw e.getCause
-			}
-		}
+                var map = Map[String, Object]()
+                import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._
+                for (  scope <- context.getScopes;
+                    if (context.getBindings(scope.intValue) != null);
+                    entry <- context.getBindings(scope.intValue)) {
+                  map = map + (entry._1 -> entry._2)
+                }
+                val runMethod = clazz.getMethod("run", classOf[Map[String, Object]])
+                try {
+                  runMethod.invoke(scriptObject, map)
+                } catch {
+                  case e: InvocationTargetException => {
+                    throw e.getCause
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+              override def getEngine = MyScriptEngine.this
+            }
+          }
+        })
+      } catch {
+        case e: PrivilegedActionException => throw e.getCause
+      }
+    }
-		/**
-		 * returns an accessible class or interface that is implemented by class,
-		 * is doesn't look for superinterfaces of implement interfaces
-		 */
-		private def getAccessibleClass(clazz : Class[_]) : Class[_] = {
-			if(isAccessible(clazz)) {
-				return clazz
-			} else {
-				val foo : Class[_] = clazz.getInterfaces()(0)
-				for (implementedInterface <- clazz.getInterfaces()) {
-					if (isAccessible(implementedInterface)) return implementedInterface
-				}
-			}
-			return getAccessibleSuperClass(clazz)
-		}
+    /**
+     * returns an accessible class or interface that is implemented by class,
+     * is doesn't look for superinterfaces of implement interfaces
+     */
+    private def getAccessibleClass(clazz : Class[_]) : Class[_] = {
+      if(isAccessible(clazz)) {
+        return clazz
+      } else {
+        val foo : Class[_] = clazz.getInterfaces()(0)
+        for (implementedInterface <- clazz.getInterfaces()) {
+          if (isAccessible(implementedInterface)) return implementedInterface
+        }
+      }
+      return getAccessibleSuperClass(clazz)
+    }
-		private def getAccessibleSuperClass(clazz : Class[_]) : Class[_] = {
-			val superClass = clazz.getSuperclass
-			if (superClass == null) {
-				throw new RuntimeException("No upper class to be checked for accessibility for "+clazz)
-			}
-			if (isAccessible(superClass)) {
-				superClass
-			} else {
-				getAccessibleSuperClass(superClass)
-			}
-		}
+    private def getAccessibleSuperClass(clazz : Class[_]) : Class[_] = {
+      val superClass = clazz.getSuperclass
+      if (superClass == null) {
+        throw new RuntimeException("No upper class to be checked for accessibility for "+clazz)
+      }
+      if (isAccessible(superClass)) {
+        superClass
+      } else {
+        getAccessibleSuperClass(superClass)
+      }
+    }
-		private def isAccessible(clazz : Class[_])  = {
-			try {
-				Class.forName(clazz.getName)
-				true
-			} catch {
-				case e: Exception => false
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    private def isAccessible(clazz : Class[_])  = {
+      try {
+        Class.forName(clazz.getName)
+        true
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception => false
+      }
+    }
+  }
 object ScriptEngineFactory {
-	case class ActorException(e: Throwable);
-	case object RefreshInterpreter;
+  case class ActorException(e: Throwable);
+  case object RefreshInterpreter;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/TrackingCompiler.scala b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/TrackingCompiler.scala
index c20e264..11cf3f1 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/TrackingCompiler.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/TrackingCompiler.scala
@@ -39,90 +39,90 @@ import
 /** a compiler that keeps track of classes added to the directory
 class TrackingCompiler private (bundleContext : BundleContext,
-		settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter, classLoaderBuilder: () => ClassLoader,
-		writtenClasses: mutable.ListBuffer[AbstractFile])
-	extends  BundleContextScalaCompiler(bundleContext : BundleContext,
-		settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter) {
+    settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter, classLoaderBuilder: () => ClassLoader,
+    writtenClasses: mutable.ListBuffer[AbstractFile])
+  extends  BundleContextScalaCompiler(bundleContext : BundleContext,
+    settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter) {
-	/**
-	 * compiles a list of classes to settings.outputDirs returning a
-	 * the generated AbstractFiles
-	 */
-	@throws(classOf[CompileErrorsException])
-	def compileToDir(sources: List[Array[Char]]): List[AbstractFile] = {
-		writtenClasses.clear()
-		var i = 0
-		val sourceFiles: List[SourceFile] = for(chars <- sources) yield {
-			i = i +1;
-			new BatchSourceFile("<script"+i+">", chars)
-		}
-		(new Run).compileSources(sourceFiles)
-		if (reporter.hasErrors) {
-			reporter.reset
-			throw new CompileErrorsException;
-		}
-		writtenClasses.toList
-	}
+  /**
+   * compiles a list of classes to settings.outputDirs returning a
+   * the generated AbstractFiles
+   */
+  @throws(classOf[CompileErrorsException])
+  def compileToDir(sources: List[Array[Char]]): List[AbstractFile] = {
+    writtenClasses.clear()
+    var i = 0
+    val sourceFiles: List[SourceFile] = for(chars <- sources) yield {
+      i = i +1;
+      new BatchSourceFile("<script"+i+">", chars)
+    }
+    (new Run).compileSources(sourceFiles)
+    if (reporter.hasErrors) {
+      reporter.reset
+      throw new CompileErrorsException;
+    }
+    writtenClasses.toList
+  }
-	/**
-	 * compiles a list of class sources returning a list of compiled classes
-	 */
-	@throws(classOf[CompileErrorsException])
-	def compile(sources: List[Array[Char]]): List[Class[_]] = {
-		val classFiles = compileToDir(sources)
-		val classLoader = classLoaderBuilder()
-		val result: List[Class[_]] = for (classFile <- classFiles;
-										  if (!'$'))) yield {
-			val path = classFile.path
-			val relevantPath = path.substring(path.indexOf('/')+1,path.lastIndexOf('.'))
-			val fqn = relevantPath.replace("/",".")
-			classLoader.loadClass(fqn)
-		}
-		return result
-	}
+  /**
+   * compiles a list of class sources returning a list of compiled classes
+   */
+  @throws(classOf[CompileErrorsException])
+  def compile(sources: List[Array[Char]]): List[Class[_]] = {
+    val classFiles = compileToDir(sources)
+    val classLoader = classLoaderBuilder()
+    val result: List[Class[_]] = for (classFile <- classFiles;
+                      if (!'$'))) yield {
+      val path = classFile.path
+      val relevantPath = path.substring(path.indexOf('/')+1,path.lastIndexOf('.'))
+      val fqn = relevantPath.replace("/",".")
+      classLoader.loadClass(fqn)
+    }
+    return result
+  }
 object TrackingCompiler {
-	private class TrackingCompilerSplittingDirectory extends SplittingDirectory
+  private class TrackingCompilerSplittingDirectory extends SplittingDirectory
-	private def createClassLoader(dir: AbstractFile) = new AbstractFileClassLoader(dir, this.getClass.getClassLoader())
+  private def createClassLoader(dir: AbstractFile) = new AbstractFileClassLoader(dir, this.getClass.getClassLoader())
-	def apply(bundleContext : BundleContext, out: PrintWriter, outputDirectoryOption: Option[AbstractFile]) = {
-		val (outputDirectory, classLoaderBuilder): (AbstractFile, () => ClassLoader) = outputDirectoryOption match {
-			case Some(d) => (d, () => createClassLoader(d))
-			case None => {
-					val d = new TrackingCompilerSplittingDirectory
-					d.currentTarget = new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None)
-					def createClassLoaderAndReset() = {
-						val r = createClassLoader(d.currentTarget)
-						//println("created class loader with "+(for (c <- d.currentTarget) yield c).mkString("-"))
-						d.currentTarget = new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None)
-						r
-					}
-					(d, createClassLoaderAndReset _)
-				}
-		}
+  def apply(bundleContext : BundleContext, out: PrintWriter, outputDirectoryOption: Option[AbstractFile]) = {
+    val (outputDirectory, classLoaderBuilder): (AbstractFile, () => ClassLoader) = outputDirectoryOption match {
+      case Some(d) => (d, () => createClassLoader(d))
+      case None => {
+          val d = new TrackingCompilerSplittingDirectory
+          d.currentTarget = new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None)
+          def createClassLoaderAndReset() = {
+            val r = createClassLoader(d.currentTarget)
+            //println("created class loader with "+(for (c <- d.currentTarget) yield c).mkString("-"))
+            d.currentTarget = new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None)
+            r
+          }
+          (d, createClassLoaderAndReset _)
+        }
+    }
-		val writtenClasses: mutable.ListBuffer[AbstractFile] = mutable.ListBuffer[AbstractFile]()
-		val settings = {
-				def outputListener(abtractFile: AbstractFile) {
-					writtenClasses += abtractFile
-				}
-				val settings = new Settings
-				settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput VirtualDirectoryWrapper.wrap(outputDirectory, outputListener)
-				settings
-			}
-		new TrackingCompiler(bundleContext,
-			 settings,
-			 new ConsoleReporter(settings, null, out) {
-				override def printMessage(msg: String) {
-					out write msg
-					out.flush()
-				}
-			}, classLoaderBuilder, writtenClasses)
-	}
+    val writtenClasses: mutable.ListBuffer[AbstractFile] = mutable.ListBuffer[AbstractFile]()
+    val settings = {
+        def outputListener(abtractFile: AbstractFile) {
+          writtenClasses += abtractFile
+        }
+        val settings = new Settings
+        settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput VirtualDirectoryWrapper.wrap(outputDirectory, outputListener)
+        settings
+      }
+    new TrackingCompiler(bundleContext,
+       settings,
+       new ConsoleReporter(settings, null, out) {
+        override def printMessage(msg: String) {
+          out write msg
+          out.flush()
+        }
+      }, classLoaderBuilder, writtenClasses)
+  }
diff --git a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/FileWrapper.scala b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/FileWrapper.scala
index 5fb27d3..2cd55fe 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/FileWrapper.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/FileWrapper.scala
@@ -30,18 +30,18 @@ import
 class FileWrapper(val wrapped: AbstractFile, val childWrapper: (AbstractFile) => AbstractFile) extends AbstractFile with GenericFileWrapperTrait {
-	/** overriding this here rather than in the trait as this is a var in VirtualDirectory
-	*/
-	def lastModified = {
-		wrapped.lastModified
-	}
+  /** overriding this here rather than in the trait as this is a var in VirtualDirectory
+  */
+  def lastModified = {
+    wrapped.lastModified
+  }
-	override protected def unsupported(msg: String) = {
-		println("unsupported!")
-		try {
-			super.unsupported(msg)
-		} catch {
-			case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace(); throw e
-		}
-	}
+  override protected def unsupported(msg: String) = {
+    println("unsupported!")
+    try {
+      super.unsupported(msg)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace(); throw e
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/GenericFileWrapperTrait.scala b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/GenericFileWrapperTrait.scala
index 4e55feb..d443eaa 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/GenericFileWrapperTrait.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/GenericFileWrapperTrait.scala
@@ -29,63 +29,63 @@ package org.apache.clerezza.scala.scripting.util
 trait GenericFileWrapperTrait extends AbstractFile with Wrapper[AbstractFile] {
-	override def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String,directory: Boolean) = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.lookupNameUnchecked(name, directory))
-	}
-	override def lookupName(name: String,directory: Boolean) = {
-		wrapped.lookupName(name, directory)
-	}
-	override def iterator = {
-		//TODO wrap
-		wrapped.iterator
-	}
-	override def output = {
-		wrapped.output
-	}
-	override def input = {
-		wrapped.input
-	}
-	override def isDirectory = {
-		wrapped.isDirectory
-	}
-	override def delete = {
-		wrapped.delete
-	}
-	override def create = {
-		wrapped.create
-	}
-	override def file = {
-		wrapped.file
-	}
-	override def container = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.container)
-	}
-	override def absolute = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.absolute)
-	}
-	override def path = {
-		wrapped.path
-	}
-	override def name = {
-	}
+  override def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String,directory: Boolean) = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.lookupNameUnchecked(name, directory))
+  }
+  override def lookupName(name: String,directory: Boolean) = {
+    wrapped.lookupName(name, directory)
+  }
+  override def iterator = {
+    //TODO wrap
+    wrapped.iterator
+  }
+  override def output = {
+    wrapped.output
+  }
+  override def input = {
+    wrapped.input
+  }
+  override def isDirectory = {
+    wrapped.isDirectory
+  }
+  override def delete = {
+    wrapped.delete
+  }
+  override def create = {
+    wrapped.create
+  }
+  override def file = {
+    wrapped.file
+  }
+  override def container = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.container)
+  }
+  override def absolute = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.absolute)
+  }
+  override def path = {
+    wrapped.path
+  }
+  override def name = {
+  }
-	override def sizeOption = {
-		wrapped.sizeOption
-	}
+  override def sizeOption = {
+    wrapped.sizeOption
+  }
-	override def lookupPath(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPath(path, directory))
-	}
-	override def lookupPathUnchecked(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPathUnchecked(path, directory))
-	}
-	override def fileNamed(name: String): AbstractFile = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.fileNamed(name))
-	}
+  override def lookupPath(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPath(path, directory))
+  }
+  override def lookupPathUnchecked(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPathUnchecked(path, directory))
+  }
+  override def fileNamed(name: String): AbstractFile = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.fileNamed(name))
+  }
-	override def subdirectoryNamed(name: String): AbstractFile = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.subdirectoryNamed(name))
-	}
+  override def subdirectoryNamed(name: String): AbstractFile = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.subdirectoryNamed(name))
+  }
diff --git a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/SplittingDirectory.scala b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/SplittingDirectory.scala
index d28c29c..2d318c0 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/SplittingDirectory.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/SplittingDirectory.scala
@@ -30,52 +30,52 @@ import
 class SplittingDirectory()
-		extends VirtualDirectory(null, None) with GenericFileWrapperTrait {
+    extends VirtualDirectory(null, None) with GenericFileWrapperTrait {
-	var currentTarget: VirtualDirectory = null
+  var currentTarget: VirtualDirectory = null
-	protected def wrapped: VirtualDirectory = {
-		if (currentTarget == null) {
-			throw new RuntimeException("No current Target set, SplittingDirectory not usable")
-		}
-		currentTarget
-	}
+  protected def wrapped: VirtualDirectory = {
+    if (currentTarget == null) {
+      throw new RuntimeException("No current Target set, SplittingDirectory not usable")
+    }
+    currentTarget
+  }
-	private def wrap(f: AbstractFile): AbstractFile =  {
-		f match {
-			case d: VirtualDirectory => new VirtualDirectoryWrapper(d, wrap) {
-					override def output = d.output
-				}
-			case o => new FileWrapper(o, wrap)
-		}
-	}
-	val childWrapper: (AbstractFile) => AbstractFile = wrap
+  private def wrap(f: AbstractFile): AbstractFile =  {
+    f match {
+      case d: VirtualDirectory => new VirtualDirectoryWrapper(d, wrap) {
+          override def output = d.output
+        }
+      case o => new FileWrapper(o, wrap)
+    }
+  }
+  val childWrapper: (AbstractFile) => AbstractFile = wrap
-	//lastModified = wrapped.lastModified
+  //lastModified = wrapped.lastModified
-	override def output = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].output
-	}
-	override def input = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].input
-	}
-	override def file = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].file
-	}
-	override def container = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].container
-	}
-	override def absolute = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].absolute
-	}
-	override val name = "(splitting)"
-	override def lookupPath(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPath(path, directory))
-	}
-	override def lookupPathUnchecked(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPathUnchecked(path, directory))
-	}
+  override def output = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].output
+  }
+  override def input = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].input
+  }
+  override def file = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].file
+  }
+  override def container = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].container
+  }
+  override def absolute = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].absolute
+  }
+  override val name = "(splitting)"
+  override def lookupPath(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPath(path, directory))
+  }
+  override def lookupPathUnchecked(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPathUnchecked(path, directory))
+  }
diff --git a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/VirtualDirectoryWrapper.scala b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/VirtualDirectoryWrapper.scala
index 7b43344..b56de63 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/VirtualDirectoryWrapper.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/VirtualDirectoryWrapper.scala
@@ -30,67 +30,67 @@ import
 class VirtualDirectoryWrapper(val wrapped: AbstractFile,
-							  val childWrapper: (AbstractFile) => AbstractFile) extends VirtualDirectory(null, None)
-																				   with GenericFileWrapperTrait {
-	lastModified =wrapped.lastModified
+                val childWrapper: (AbstractFile) => AbstractFile) extends VirtualDirectory(null, None)
+                                           with GenericFileWrapperTrait {
+  lastModified =wrapped.lastModified
-	override def output = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].output
-	}
-	override def input = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].input
-	}
-	override def file = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].file
-	}
-	override def container = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].container
-	}
-	override def absolute = {
-		wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].absolute
-	}
-	override val name = {
-	}
-	override def lookupPath(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPath(path, directory))
-	}
-	override def lookupPathUnchecked(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
-		childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPathUnchecked(path, directory))
-	}
+  override def output = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].output
+  }
+  override def input = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].input
+  }
+  override def file = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].file
+  }
+  override def container = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].container
+  }
+  override def absolute = {
+    wrapped.asInstanceOf[VirtualDirectory].absolute
+  }
+  override val name = {
+  }
+  override def lookupPath(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPath(path, directory))
+  }
+  override def lookupPathUnchecked(path: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+    childWrapper(wrapped.lookupPathUnchecked(path, directory))
+  }
 object VirtualDirectoryWrapper {
-	trait VirtualDirectoryFlavour extends VirtualDirectoryWrapper {
-		abstract override def output = {
-			println("unexpected call to output "+name)
-			super.output
-		}
-	}
+  trait VirtualDirectoryFlavour extends VirtualDirectoryWrapper {
+    abstract override def output = {
+      println("unexpected call to output "+name)
+      super.output
+    }
+  }
-	def wrap(f: AbstractFile, outputListenerParam: (AbstractFile) => Unit): AbstractFile = {
-		def innerWrap(f: AbstractFile) = wrap(f, outputListenerParam)
-		f match {
-			case d: VirtualDirectory => new VirtualDirectoryWrapper(d, 
-										innerWrap)
-										with LoggingFileWrapper with VirtualDirectoryFlavour {
-					override def output = d.output
-					val outputListener = outputListenerParam
-				}
-			case o => new FileWrapper(o, innerWrap) with LoggingFileWrapper {
-					val outputListener = outputListenerParam
-				}
-		}
-	}
+  def wrap(f: AbstractFile, outputListenerParam: (AbstractFile) => Unit): AbstractFile = {
+    def innerWrap(f: AbstractFile) = wrap(f, outputListenerParam)
+    f match {
+      case d: VirtualDirectory => new VirtualDirectoryWrapper(d, 
+                    innerWrap)
+                    with LoggingFileWrapper with VirtualDirectoryFlavour {
+          override def output = d.output
+          val outputListener = outputListenerParam
+        }
+      case o => new FileWrapper(o, innerWrap) with LoggingFileWrapper {
+          val outputListener = outputListenerParam
+        }
+    }
+  }
-	trait LoggingFileWrapper extends GenericFileWrapperTrait {
+  trait LoggingFileWrapper extends GenericFileWrapperTrait {
-		val outputListener: (AbstractFile) => Unit
+    val outputListener: (AbstractFile) => Unit
-		abstract override def output = {
-			outputListener(this)
-			super.output
-		}
-	}
+    abstract override def output = {
+      outputListener(this)
+      super.output
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/Wrapper.scala b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/Wrapper.scala
index 473fe6d..97d3dfd 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/Wrapper.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/script-engine/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/scripting/util/Wrapper.scala
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
 package org.apache.clerezza.scala.scripting.util
 trait Wrapper[T] {
-	protected def wrapped: T
-	protected def childWrapper: (T) => T
+  protected def wrapped: T
+  protected def childWrapper: (T) => T
diff --git a/scala-scripting/tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/tests/CompilerServiceTest.scala b/scala-scripting/tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/tests/CompilerServiceTest.scala
index 74dabb2..3832804 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/tests/CompilerServiceTest.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/tests/CompilerServiceTest.scala
@@ -49,177 +49,177 @@ import scala.math.random
 class CompilerServiceTest {
-	@Inject
-	private var bundleContext: BundleContext = null;
-	private var webServerExist = false;
-	private var service: CompilerService = null;
-	@Before
-	def getService() : Unit = {
-		/*webServerExist = waitForWebserver();*/
-		service = waitFor(classOf[CompilerService], 300000);
-	}
-	private def waitFor[T](aClass: Class[T], timeout: Long): T = {
-		System.out.println("waiting for a " + aClass);
-		val tracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext,
-				aClass.getName(), null);
-		val service = tracker.waitForService(timeout);
-		return service.asInstanceOf[T];
-	}
+  @Inject
+  private var bundleContext: BundleContext = null;
+  private var webServerExist = false;
+  private var service: CompilerService = null;
+  @Before
+  def getService() : Unit = {
+    /*webServerExist = waitForWebserver();*/
+    service = waitFor(classOf[CompilerService], 300000);
+  }
+  private def waitFor[T](aClass: Class[T], timeout: Long): T = {
+    System.out.println("waiting for a " + aClass);
+    val tracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext,
+        aClass.getName(), null);
+    val service = tracker.waitForService(timeout);
+    return service.asInstanceOf[T];
+  }
 //disabled, interpretation not currently working
-//	@Test
-//	def checkEngine(): Unit =  {
-//		Assert.assertNotNull(service);
-//		//do it once
-//		val testClassClass1 = {
-//			val s = """
-//			package foo {
-//				class TestClass() {
-//					println("constructing TestClass");
-//				}
-//				object TestClass {
-//					println("constructing TestClass Object");
-//					val msg = "Hello"
-//				}
-//			}
-//			"""
-//			val compileResult = priv(service.compile(List(s.toCharArray)))
-//			println("finished compiling")
-//			Assert.assertEquals(1, compileResult.size)
-//			val testClassClass: Class[_] = compileResult(0)
-//			//Assert.assertEquals("foo.TestClass", testClassClass.getName)
-//			testClassClass
-//		}
-//		//compile different class with same name
-//		{
-//			val s = """
-//			package foo {
-//				class TestClass() {
-//					println("constructing a different TestClass");
-//				}
-//				object TestClass {
-//					println("constructing TestClass Object");
-//					val msg = "Hello2"
-//				}
-//			}
-//			"""
-//			//and another class
-//			val s2 = """
-//			package foo {
-//				class TestClass2() {
-//					println("constructing TestClass2");
-//				}
-//				object TestClass2 {
-//					println("constructing TestClass2 Object");
-//					val msg = "Hello2b"
-//				}
-//			}
-//			"""
-//			val compileResult = priv(service.compile(List(s.toCharArray, s2.toCharArray)))
-//			Assert.assertEquals(2, compileResult.size)
-//			val nameMsg = for (cr <- compileResult) yield
-//				(cr.getName, {
-//						val method = cr.getMethod("msg")
-//						method.invoke(null)
-//					})
-//			val nameMsgMap = Map(nameMsg: _*)
-//			Assert.assertTrue(nameMsgMap.contains("foo.TestClass"))
-//			Assert.assertTrue(nameMsgMap.contains("foo.TestClass2"))
+//  @Test
+//  def checkEngine(): Unit =  {
+//    Assert.assertNotNull(service);
+//    //do it once
+//    val testClassClass1 = {
+//      val s = """
+//      package foo {
+//        class TestClass() {
+//          println("constructing TestClass");
+//        }
+//        object TestClass {
+//          println("constructing TestClass Object");
+//          val msg = "Hello"
+//        }
+//      }
+//      """
+//      val compileResult = priv(service.compile(List(s.toCharArray)))
+//      println("finished compiling")
+//      Assert.assertEquals(1, compileResult.size)
+//      val testClassClass: Class[_] = compileResult(0)
+//      //Assert.assertEquals("foo.TestClass", testClassClass.getName)
+//      testClassClass
+//    }
+//    //compile different class with same name
+//    {
+//      val s = """
+//      package foo {
+//        class TestClass() {
+//          println("constructing a different TestClass");
+//        }
+//        object TestClass {
+//          println("constructing TestClass Object");
+//          val msg = "Hello2"
+//        }
+//      }
+//      """
+//      //and another class
+//      val s2 = """
+//      package foo {
+//        class TestClass2() {
+//          println("constructing TestClass2");
+//        }
+//        object TestClass2 {
+//          println("constructing TestClass2 Object");
+//          val msg = "Hello2b"
+//        }
+//      }
+//      """
+//      val compileResult = priv(service.compile(List(s.toCharArray, s2.toCharArray)))
+//      Assert.assertEquals(2, compileResult.size)
+//      val nameMsg = for (cr <- compileResult) yield
+//        (cr.getName, {
+//            val method = cr.getMethod("msg")
+//            method.invoke(null)
+//          })
+//      val nameMsgMap = Map(nameMsg: _*)
+//      Assert.assertTrue(nameMsgMap.contains("foo.TestClass"))
+//      Assert.assertTrue(nameMsgMap.contains("foo.TestClass2"))
-//			Assert.assertEquals("Hello2", nameMsgMap("foo.TestClass"))
-//			Assert.assertEquals("Hello2b", nameMsgMap("foo.TestClass2"))
-//		}
-//		val methodFrom1Again = testClassClass1.getMethod("msg")
-//		Assert.assertEquals("Hello", methodFrom1Again.invoke(null))
-//	}
-	@Test
-	def testConcurrency : Unit = {
-		val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
-		import scala.actors.Actor._
-		val actorsCount = 5
-		val iterationsCount = 9
-		val testRunner = self
-		for (i <- 1 to actorsCount) {
-			object ValueVerifier extends Actor {
-				def act() {
-					try {
-						for (i <- 1 to iterationsCount) {
-							val uniqueToken = (for (i <-1 to 12) yield ((random*('z'-'a'+1))+'a').asInstanceOf[Char]).mkString
-							val objectName = "MyClass"
-							val message = "Hello from "+uniqueToken
-							val source = """
+//      Assert.assertEquals("Hello2", nameMsgMap("foo.TestClass"))
+//      Assert.assertEquals("Hello2b", nameMsgMap("foo.TestClass2"))
+//    }
+//    val methodFrom1Again = testClassClass1.getMethod("msg")
+//    Assert.assertEquals("Hello", methodFrom1Again.invoke(null))
+//  }
+  @Test
+  def testConcurrency : Unit = {
+    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
+    import scala.actors.Actor._
+    val actorsCount = 5
+    val iterationsCount = 9
+    val testRunner = self
+    for (i <- 1 to actorsCount) {
+      object ValueVerifier extends Actor {
+        def act() {
+          try {
+            for (i <- 1 to iterationsCount) {
+              val uniqueToken = (for (i <-1 to 12) yield ((random*('z'-'a'+1))+'a').asInstanceOf[Char]).mkString
+              val objectName = "MyClass"
+              val message = "Hello from "+uniqueToken
+              val source = """
 object """+objectName+""" {
-	println("constructing TestClass Object");
-	val msg = """"+message+""""
+  println("constructing TestClass Object");
+  val msg = """"+message+""""
-							//println("compiling: "+source)
-							val sources = List(source.toCharArray)
-							val compiled = priv(service.compile(sources))
-							val clazz = compiled(0)
-							val className = clazz.getName
-							testRunner ! (objectName, className)
-							val method = clazz.getMethod("msg")
-							val receivedMessage = method.invoke(null)
-							testRunner ! (message, receivedMessage)
-						}
-					} catch {
-						case t: Throwable => testRunner ! t
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			ValueVerifier.start()
-		}
-		for (i <- 1 to (actorsCount*iterationsCount*2)) {
-			self.receive {
-				case (expected, got) => {
-						Assert.assertEquals(expected, got)
-				}
-				case t : Throwable => throw t
-			}
-		}
-		val duration = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
-		println("running the tests took "+duration)
-	}
-	def priv[T](action: => T): T = {
-		try {
-			AccessController.doPrivileged(
-			new PrivilegedExceptionAction[T]() {
-				def run = action
-			})
-		} catch {
-			case e: PrivilegedActionException => throw e.getCause
-			case e: Throwable => throw e
-		}
-	}
+              //println("compiling: "+source)
+              val sources = List(source.toCharArray)
+              val compiled = priv(service.compile(sources))
+              val clazz = compiled(0)
+              val className = clazz.getName
+              testRunner ! (objectName, className)
+              val method = clazz.getMethod("msg")
+              val receivedMessage = method.invoke(null)
+              testRunner ! (message, receivedMessage)
+            }
+          } catch {
+            case t: Throwable => testRunner ! t
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      ValueVerifier.start()
+    }
+    for (i <- 1 to (actorsCount*iterationsCount*2)) {
+      self.receive {
+        case (expected, got) => {
+            Assert.assertEquals(expected, got)
+        }
+        case t : Throwable => throw t
+      }
+    }
+    val duration = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
+    println("running the tests took "+duration)
+  }
+  def priv[T](action: => T): T = {
+    try {
+      AccessController.doPrivileged(
+      new PrivilegedExceptionAction[T]() {
+        def run = action
+      })
+    } catch {
+      case e: PrivilegedActionException => throw e.getCause
+      case e: Throwable => throw e
+    }
+  }
 object CompilerServiceTest {
-	protected val testHttpPort = 8976;
-	@Configuration
-	def configuration() : Array[Option] = {
-		return options(
-				mavenConfiguration(),
-				dsProfile(),
-				configProfile(),
-				//webProfile(),
-				junitBundles(),
-				frameworks(
-					felix()),
-				systemProperty("org.osgi.service.http.port").value(
-				Integer.toString(testHttpPort)));
-	}
+  protected val testHttpPort = 8976;
+  @Configuration
+  def configuration() : Array[Option] = {
+    return options(
+        mavenConfiguration(),
+        dsProfile(),
+        configProfile(),
+        //webProfile(),
+        junitBundles(),
+        frameworks(
+          felix()),
+        systemProperty("org.osgi.service.http.port").value(
+        Integer.toString(testHttpPort)));
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scala-scripting/tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/tests/ScriptEngineFactoryTest.scala b/scala-scripting/tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/tests/ScriptEngineFactoryTest.scala
index 9a17897..8fa62fb 100644
--- a/scala-scripting/tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/tests/ScriptEngineFactoryTest.scala
+++ b/scala-scripting/tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/clerezza/scala/tests/ScriptEngineFactoryTest.scala
@@ -44,169 +44,169 @@ import scala.math.random
 class ScriptEngineFactoryTest {
-	@Inject
-	private var bundleContext: BundleContext = null;
-	private var webServerExist = false;
+  @Inject
+  private var bundleContext: BundleContext = null;
+  private var webServerExist = false;
-	private var factory: ScriptEngineFactory = null;
+  private var factory: ScriptEngineFactory = null;
-	@Before
-	def getService() : Unit = {
-		/*webServerExist = waitForWebserver();*/
-		factory = waitFor(classOf[ScriptEngineFactory], 300000);
-	}
+  @Before
+  def getService() : Unit = {
+    /*webServerExist = waitForWebserver();*/
+    factory = waitFor(classOf[ScriptEngineFactory], 300000);
+  }
-	private def waitFor[T](aClass: Class[T], timeout: Long): T = {
-		System.out.println("waiting for a " + aClass);
-		val tracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext,
-				aClass.getName(), null);
-		val service = tracker.waitForService(timeout);
-		return service.asInstanceOf[T];
-	}
+  private def waitFor[T](aClass: Class[T], timeout: Long): T = {
+    System.out.println("waiting for a " + aClass);
+    val tracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext,
+        aClass.getName(), null);
+    val service = tracker.waitForService(timeout);
+    return service.asInstanceOf[T];
+  }
-//disabled, interpretation not currently working	
-//	@Test
-//	def checkEngine(): Unit =  {
-//		Assert.assertNotNull(factory)
-//		Assert.assertEquals("Scala Scripting Engine for OSGi", factory.getEngineName);
-//		val s = "hello"
-//		val engine = factory.getScriptEngine
-//		Assert.assertEquals(s, engine.eval("\""+s+"\""))
-//		val bindings = engine.createBindings
-//		bindings.put("s",s)
-//		Assert.assertEquals(s, engine.eval("s", bindings))
-//	}
+//disabled, interpretation not currently working  
+//  @Test
+//  def checkEngine(): Unit =  {
+//    Assert.assertNotNull(factory)
+//    Assert.assertEquals("Scala Scripting Engine for OSGi", factory.getEngineName);
+//    val s = "hello"
+//    val engine = factory.getScriptEngine
+//    Assert.assertEquals(s, engine.eval("\""+s+"\""))
+//    val bindings = engine.createBindings
+//    bindings.put("s",s)
+//    Assert.assertEquals(s, engine.eval("s", bindings))
+//  }
-//	@Test
-//	def testConcurrency : Unit = {
-//		val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
-//		import scala.actors.Actor._
-//		val actorsCount = 5
-//		val iterationsCount = 9
-//		val testRunner = self
-//		for (i <- 1 to actorsCount) {
-//			object ValueVerifier extends Actor {
-//				def act() {
-//					try {
-//						for (i <- 1 to iterationsCount) {
-//							val s = "r: "+random.toString
-//							val engine = factory.getScriptEngine
-//							val bindings = engine.createBindings
-//							bindings.put("s",s)
-//							val script = """
+//  @Test
+//  def testConcurrency : Unit = {
+//    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
+//    import scala.actors.Actor._
+//    val actorsCount = 5
+//    val iterationsCount = 9
+//    val testRunner = self
+//    for (i <- 1 to actorsCount) {
+//      object ValueVerifier extends Actor {
+//        def act() {
+//          try {
+//            for (i <- 1 to iterationsCount) {
+//              val s = "r: "+random.toString
+//              val engine = factory.getScriptEngine
+//              val bindings = engine.createBindings
+//              bindings.put("s",s)
+//              val script = """
 //import scala.math.random
-//							testRunner ! (s, engine.eval(script, bindings))
-//						}
-//					} catch {
-//						case t => testRunner ! t
-//					}
-//				}
-//			}
-//			ValueVerifier.start()
-//		}
-//		for (i <- 1 to (actorsCount*iterationsCount)) {
-//			self.receive {
-//				case (expected, got) => {
-//						Assert.assertEquals(expected, got)
-//				}
-//				case t : Throwable => throw t
-//			}
-//		}
-//		val duration = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
-//		println("running the tests took "+duration)
+//              testRunner ! (s, engine.eval(script, bindings))
+//            }
+//          } catch {
+//            case t => testRunner ! t
+//          }
+//        }
+//      }
+//      ValueVerifier.start()
+//    }
+//    for (i <- 1 to (actorsCount*iterationsCount)) {
+//      self.receive {
+//        case (expected, got) => {
+//            Assert.assertEquals(expected, got)
+//        }
+//        case t : Throwable => throw t
+//      }
+//    }
+//    val duration = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
+//    println("running the tests took "+duration)
-//	}
+//  }
-//	@Test
-//	def classFromNewlyAddedBundle(): Unit =  {
-//		val s = "hello"
-//		val engine = factory.getScriptEngine
-//		val bindings = engine.createBindings
-//		bindings.put("s",s)
-//		Assert.assertEquals(s, engine.eval("s", bindings))
-//		bundleContext.installBundle("");
-//		Thread.sleep(100)
-//		val script = """
-//		|import org.wymiwyg.wrhapi._
-//		|val h : Handler = null
-//		|s""".stripMargin
-//		Assert.assertEquals(s, engine.eval(script, bindings))
-//	}
+//  @Test
+//  def classFromNewlyAddedBundle(): Unit =  {
+//    val s = "hello"
+//    val engine = factory.getScriptEngine
+//    val bindings = engine.createBindings
+//    bindings.put("s",s)
+//    Assert.assertEquals(s, engine.eval("s", bindings))
+//    bundleContext.installBundle("");
+//    Thread.sleep(100)
+//    val script = """
+//    |import org.wymiwyg.wrhapi._
+//    |val h : Handler = null
+//    |s""".stripMargin
+//    Assert.assertEquals(s, engine.eval(script, bindings))
+//  }
-	@Test
-	def compiledScript(): Unit = {
-		val string = "hello"
-		val script = "\""+string+"\""
-		val engine = factory.getScriptEngine.asInstanceOf[Compilable]
-		val compiledScript = engine.compile(script)
-		Assert.assertEquals(string, compiledScript.eval())
-	}
-	@Test(expected=classOf[ScriptException])
-	def compileErrorScript(): Unit = {
-		val script = "this is not real scala !"
-		val engine = factory.getScriptEngine.asInstanceOf[Compilable]
-		val compiledScript = engine.compile(script)
-	}
-	@Test(expected=classOf[ScriptException])
-	def compileUnfinishedScript(): Unit = {
-		val script = "if (true) {"
-		val engine = factory.getScriptEngine.asInstanceOf[Compilable]
-		val compiledScript = engine.compile(script)
-	}
+  @Test
+  def compiledScript(): Unit = {
+    val string = "hello"
+    val script = "\""+string+"\""
+    val engine = factory.getScriptEngine.asInstanceOf[Compilable]
+    val compiledScript = engine.compile(script)
+    Assert.assertEquals(string, compiledScript.eval())
+  }
+  @Test(expected=classOf[ScriptException])
+  def compileErrorScript(): Unit = {
+    val script = "this is not real scala !"
+    val engine = factory.getScriptEngine.asInstanceOf[Compilable]
+    val compiledScript = engine.compile(script)
+  }
+  @Test(expected=classOf[ScriptException])
+  def compileUnfinishedScript(): Unit = {
+    val script = "if (true) {"
+    val engine = factory.getScriptEngine.asInstanceOf[Compilable]
+    val compiledScript = engine.compile(script)
+  }
-	def compileNormalAfterErrorScript(): Unit = {
-		val script = "this is not real scala !"
-		val engine = factory.getScriptEngine.asInstanceOf[Compilable]
-		try {
-			val compiledScript = engine.compile(script)
-		} catch {
-			case e: Throwable => Assert.assertEquals(classOf[ScriptException], e.getClass)
-		}
-		val string = "hello"
-		val script2 = "\""+string+"\""
-		val compiledScript2 = engine.compile(script2)
-		Assert.assertEquals(string, compiledScript2.eval())
-	}
-	//This seems hard to realize before is fixed
-	/*@Test
-	def checkException(): Unit =  {
-		val s = """val s="hello"
-		val engine = factory.getScriptEngine
-		try {
-			Assert.assertEquals("should have exception",engine.eval(s))
-		} catch {
-			case e : ScriptException => Assert.assertEquals(2, e.getLineNumber)
-		}
-	}*/
+  def compileNormalAfterErrorScript(): Unit = {
+    val script = "this is not real scala !"
+    val engine = factory.getScriptEngine.asInstanceOf[Compilable]
+    try {
+      val compiledScript = engine.compile(script)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Throwable => Assert.assertEquals(classOf[ScriptException], e.getClass)
+    }
+    val string = "hello"
+    val script2 = "\""+string+"\""
+    val compiledScript2 = engine.compile(script2)
+    Assert.assertEquals(string, compiledScript2.eval())
+  }
+  //This seems hard to realize before is fixed
+  /*@Test
+  def checkException(): Unit =  {
+    val s = """val s="hello"
+    val engine = factory.getScriptEngine
+    try {
+      Assert.assertEquals("should have exception",engine.eval(s))
+    } catch {
+      case e : ScriptException => Assert.assertEquals(2, e.getLineNumber)
+    }
+  }*/
 object ScriptEngineFactoryTest {
-	protected val testHttpPort = 8976;
+  protected val testHttpPort = 8976;
-	@Configuration
-	def configuration() : Array[Option] = {
-		return options(
-				mavenConfiguration(),
-				//using old ds because of issues with 1.0.8
-				dsProfile(),
-				configProfile(),
-				webProfile(),
-				junitBundles(),
-				frameworks(
-					felix()),
-				systemProperty("org.osgi.service.http.port").value(
-				Integer.toString(testHttpPort)));
-	}
+  @Configuration
+  def configuration() : Array[Option] = {
+    return options(
+        mavenConfiguration(),
+        //using old ds because of issues with 1.0.8
+        dsProfile(),
+        configProfile(),
+        webProfile(),
+        junitBundles(),
+        frameworks(
+          felix()),
+        systemProperty("org.osgi.service.http.port").value(
+        Integer.toString(testHttpPort)));
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shell.felixshellcommand/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/felixshellcommand/FelixShellCommand.scala b/shell.felixshellcommand/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/felixshellcommand/FelixShellCommand.scala
index db6ae4b..591c105 100644
--- a/shell.felixshellcommand/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/felixshellcommand/FelixShellCommand.scala
+++ b/shell.felixshellcommand/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/felixshellcommand/FelixShellCommand.scala
@@ -24,27 +24,27 @@ import
 class FelixShellCommand extends ShellCommand {
-	private var felixShell: ShellService = null
-	def command: String = "felix"
-	def description: String = "execute a felix shell command"
-	/**
-	 * Extecutes the command an return (keepRunning,Option[lineToRecord])
-	 */
-	def execute(line: String, out: OutputStream): (Boolean, Option[String]) = {
-		val printStream = new PrintStream(out)
-		felixShell.executeCommand(line, printStream, printStream)
-		printStream.flush()
-		(true, None)
-	}
-	def bindFelixShell(felixShell: ShellService)  {
-		this.felixShell = felixShell
-	}
-	def unbindFelixShell(felixShell: ShellService)  {
-		this.felixShell = null
-	}
+  private var felixShell: ShellService = null
+  def command: String = "felix"
+  def description: String = "execute a felix shell command"
+  /**
+   * Extecutes the command an return (keepRunning,Option[lineToRecord])
+   */
+  def execute(line: String, out: OutputStream): (Boolean, Option[String]) = {
+    val printStream = new PrintStream(out)
+    felixShell.executeCommand(line, printStream, printStream)
+    printStream.flush()
+    (true, None)
+  }
+  def bindFelixShell(felixShell: ShellService)  {
+    this.felixShell = felixShell
+  }
+  def unbindFelixShell(felixShell: ShellService)  {
+    this.felixShell = null
+  }
diff --git a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ConsoleShell.scala b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ConsoleShell.scala
index 835d9e1..cd3c13d 100644
--- a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ConsoleShell.scala
+++ b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ConsoleShell.scala
@@ -37,57 +37,57 @@ class ConsoleShell()  {
-	var factory: ShellFactory = null
-	var bundleContext: BundleContext = null
-	var stoppedBundle: Option[Bundle] = None
-	var shellOption: Option[Shell] = None
-	var interruptibleIn: InterruptibleInputStream = null
+  var factory: ShellFactory = null
+  var bundleContext: BundleContext = null
+  var stoppedBundle: Option[Bundle] = None
+  var shellOption: Option[Shell] = None
+  var interruptibleIn: InterruptibleInputStream = null
-	def activate(componentContext: ComponentContext)= {
-		bundleContext = componentContext.getBundleContext
-		if (("true" != bundleContext.getProperty("")) &&
-		    (System.console != null)) {
-			for (bundle <- bundleContext.getBundles;
-					if (bundle.getSymbolicName == "");
-					if (bundle.getState == Bundle.ACTIVE)) {
-				println("stopping "+bundle);
-				bundle.stop()
-				stoppedBundle = Some(bundle)
-			}
-			//this call sets the console terminal to the right settings
-			//and it must not be invoked when there is no console input, or the system will stop
-			val terminalOption = Some(
-			val in =  Channels.newInputStream(
-				(new FileInputStream(;
-			interruptibleIn = new InterruptibleInputStream(in)
-			val shell = factory.createShell(interruptibleIn, System.out, terminalOption)
-			shell.start()
-			shellOption = Some(shell)
-		}
-	}
+  def activate(componentContext: ComponentContext)= {
+    bundleContext = componentContext.getBundleContext
+    if (("true" != bundleContext.getProperty("")) &&
+        (System.console != null)) {
+      for (bundle <- bundleContext.getBundles;
+          if (bundle.getSymbolicName == "");
+          if (bundle.getState == Bundle.ACTIVE)) {
+        println("stopping "+bundle);
+        bundle.stop()
+        stoppedBundle = Some(bundle)
+      }
+      //this call sets the console terminal to the right settings
+      //and it must not be invoked when there is no console input, or the system will stop
+      val terminalOption = Some(
+      val in =  Channels.newInputStream(
+        (new FileInputStream(;
+      interruptibleIn = new InterruptibleInputStream(in)
+      val shell = factory.createShell(interruptibleIn, System.out, terminalOption)
+      shell.start()
+      shellOption = Some(shell)
+    }
+  }
-	def deactivate(componentContext: ComponentContext) = {
-		bundleContext = componentContext.getBundleContext
-		stoppedBundle match {
-			case Some(bundle) => bundle.start()
-			case _ =>
-		}
-		shellOption match {
-			case Some(shell) => shell.stop()
-			case _ =>
-		}
-		if (interruptibleIn != null) {
-			interruptibleIn.terminate()
-		}
-	}
+  def deactivate(componentContext: ComponentContext) = {
+    bundleContext = componentContext.getBundleContext
+    stoppedBundle match {
+      case Some(bundle) => bundle.start()
+      case _ =>
+    }
+    shellOption match {
+      case Some(shell) => shell.stop()
+      case _ =>
+    }
+    if (interruptibleIn != null) {
+      interruptibleIn.terminate()
+    }
+  }
-	def bindShellFactory(f: ShellFactory) = {
-		factory = f
-	}
+  def bindShellFactory(f: ShellFactory) = {
+    factory = f
+  }
-	def unbindShellFactory(f: ShellFactory) = {
-		factory = null
-	}
+  def unbindShellFactory(f: ShellFactory) = {
+    factory = null
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/InterruptibleInputStream.scala b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/InterruptibleInputStream.scala
index fcd0e0f..d4db45b 100644
--- a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/InterruptibleInputStream.scala
+++ b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/InterruptibleInputStream.scala
@@ -24,47 +24,47 @@ import scala.actors.Actor
 import scala.actors.Actor._
 class InterruptibleInputStream(base: InputStream) extends InputStream {
-	private case object Stop
-	private case object Read
+  private case object Stop
+  private case object Read
-	private var readingThread: Thread = null
+  private var readingThread: Thread = null
-	val readerActor = new Actor() {
-		def act() {
-			loop {
-				react {
-					case Stop => exit()
-					case Read => {
-							readingThread = Thread.currentThread
-							val ch = try {
-							} catch {
-								case e: ClosedByInterruptException => {
-										-1
-								}
-							}
-							readingThread = null
-							sender ! ch
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	readerActor.start()
+  val readerActor = new Actor() {
+    def act() {
+      loop {
+        react {
+          case Stop => exit()
+          case Read => {
+              readingThread = Thread.currentThread
+              val ch = try {
+              } catch {
+                case e: ClosedByInterruptException => {
+                    -1
+                }
+              }
+              readingThread = null
+              sender ! ch
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  readerActor.start()
-	def read() = {
-		readerActor ! Read
-		self.receive {
-			case x: Int => x
-		}
-	}
+  def read() = {
+    readerActor ! Read
+    self.receive {
+      case x: Int => x
+    }
+  }
-	def terminate() {
-		readerActor ! Stop
-		val currentReadingThread = readingThread
-		if (currentReadingThread != null) {
-			currentReadingThread.interrupt()
-		}
-	}
+  def terminate() {
+    readerActor ! Stop
+    val currentReadingThread = readingThread
+    if (currentReadingThread != null) {
+      currentReadingThread.interrupt()
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/Shell.scala b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/Shell.scala
index fce3200..412819d 100644
--- a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/Shell.scala
+++ b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/Shell.scala
@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ class Shell(factory: InterpreterFactory, val inStream: InputStream,
       import Properties._
       val welcomeMsg =
         """|Welcome to the Apache Clerezza Console
-				|Console is based on Scala %s (%s, Java %s).
-				|Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
-				|Type :help for more information.""".
+        |Console is based on Scala %s (%s, Java %s).
+        |Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
+        |Type :help for more information.""".
       stripMargin.format(versionString, javaVmName, javaVersion)
diff --git a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellCommand.scala b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellCommand.scala
index b83a269..d6dcd29 100644
--- a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellCommand.scala
+++ b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellCommand.scala
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ package
 trait ShellCommand {
-	def command: String
-	def description: String
-	/**
-	 * Extecutes the command an return (keepRunning,Option[lineToRecord])
-	 */
-	def execute(line: String, out: OutputStream): (Boolean, Option[String])
+  def command: String
+  def description: String
+  /**
+   * Extecutes the command an return (keepRunning,Option[lineToRecord])
+   */
+  def execute(line: String, out: OutputStream): (Boolean, Option[String])
diff --git a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellCustomizer.scala b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellCustomizer.scala
index 80d02d8..d5487e6 100644
--- a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellCustomizer.scala
+++ b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellCustomizer.scala
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext
 trait ShellCustomizer {
-	/**
-	 * A list of bindings that will be available in the shell
-	 * The tuple consist of: bindingName, typeName, value
-	 */
-	def bindings(e: Shell.Environment): List[(String, String, Any)]
+  /**
+   * A list of bindings that will be available in the shell
+   * The tuple consist of: bindingName, typeName, value
+   */
+  def bindings(e: Shell.Environment): List[(String, String, Any)]
-	/**
-	 * A list of imports that will be available in the shell
-	 */
-	def imports: List[String]
+  /**
+   * A list of imports that will be available in the shell
+   */
+  def imports: List[String]
diff --git a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellPermission.scala b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellPermission.scala
index 018ca19..d0a2cb1 100644
--- a/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellPermission.scala
+++ b/shell/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/shell/ShellPermission.scala
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ package
 class ShellPermission(t: String, a: String) extends Permission(t) {
-	def this() = this(null,null)
+  def this() = this(null,null)
-	def getActions = ""
+  def getActions = ""
-	def implies(p: Permission) = {
-		p match {
-			case sp: ShellPermission => true
-			case _ => false
-		}
-	}
+  def implies(p: Permission) = {
+    p match {
+      case sp: ShellPermission => true
+      case _ => false
+    }
+  }
-	override def hashCode = 67823
+  override def hashCode = 67823
-	override def equals(other: Any) = other.isInstanceOf[ShellPermission]
+  override def equals(other: Any) = other.isInstanceOf[ShellPermission]
diff --git a/site/src/main/scala/Activator.scala b/site/src/main/scala/Activator.scala
index 41260dc..7b9224b 100644
--- a/site/src/main/scala/Activator.scala
+++ b/site/src/main/scala/Activator.scala
@@ -16,76 +16,76 @@ import{FileOutputStream, FileInputStream, File}
 class Activator extends BundleActivator {
-	var renderletRegistration, 
-	titledContentRenderletRegistration,
-	globalMenuRenderletRegistration: ServiceRegistration[TypeRenderlet] = null
-	var graphListenerOption: Option[GraphListener] = null
+  var renderletRegistration, 
+  titledContentRenderletRegistration,
+  globalMenuRenderletRegistration: ServiceRegistration[TypeRenderlet] = null
+  var graphListenerOption: Option[GraphListener] = null
-	/**
-	 * called when the bundle is started, this method initializes the provided service
-	 */
-	def start(context: BundleContext) {
-		val servicesDsl = new ServicesDsl(context)
-		import servicesDsl._
+  /**
+   * called when the bundle is started, this method initializes the provided service
+   */
+  def start(context: BundleContext) {
+    val servicesDsl = new ServicesDsl(context)
+    import servicesDsl._
-		val renderlet = new HeadedPageRenderlet
-		renderletRegistration = context.registerService(classOf[TypeRenderlet],
-												  renderlet, null)
-		titledContentRenderletRegistration = context.registerService(classOf[TypeRenderlet],
-												  new TitledContentRenderlet, null)
-		globalMenuRenderletRegistration = context.registerService(classOf[TypeRenderlet],
-												  new GlobalMenuRenderlet, null)
-		context.installBundle("mvn:org.apache.clerezza/rdf.stable.serializer").start();
-		context.installBundle("mvn:org.apache.clerezza/tools.offline").start();
-		val path = {
-			val bl = context.getBundle.getLocation
-			bl.substring(bl.indexOf(':')+1)
-		}
-		val graphFile = new File(new File(path), "graph.nt");
-		doWith {
-			(tcManager: TcManager, parser: Parser) =>  {
-				val contentGraph = tcManager.getMGraph(Constants.CONTENT_GRAPH_URI)
-				val fileGraph = parser.parse(new FileInputStream(graphFile), SupportedFormat.N_TRIPLE)
-				if (contentGraph.size > fileGraph.size) {
-					println("content graph if bigger than the graph from file, not replacing with the content from file and not " +
-						"writing any data to the file, you should manually either write the content graph to the file or clear " +
-						"the content graph. Restart this bundle after resolving the issue.")
-					graphListenerOption = None
-				} else {
-					contentGraph.clear
-					contentGraph.addAll(fileGraph)
-					println("the content graph has been replaced with "+graphFile)
-					object graphListener extends GraphListener {
-						val serializer = $[Serializer]
-						override def graphChanged(events: java.util.List[GraphEvent]) {
-							serializer.serialize(new FileOutputStream(graphFile), contentGraph,SupportedFormat.N_TRIPLE)
-						}
-					}
-					contentGraph.addGraphListener(graphListener, new FilterTriple(null, null, null), 2000)
-					graphListenerOption = Some(graphListener)
-					println("A GraphListener has been added that writes changes to the content graph to graph.nt")
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    val renderlet = new HeadedPageRenderlet
+    renderletRegistration = context.registerService(classOf[TypeRenderlet],
+                          renderlet, null)
+    titledContentRenderletRegistration = context.registerService(classOf[TypeRenderlet],
+                          new TitledContentRenderlet, null)
+    globalMenuRenderletRegistration = context.registerService(classOf[TypeRenderlet],
+                          new GlobalMenuRenderlet, null)
+    context.installBundle("mvn:org.apache.clerezza/rdf.stable.serializer").start();
+    context.installBundle("mvn:org.apache.clerezza/tools.offline").start();
+    val path = {
+      val bl = context.getBundle.getLocation
+      bl.substring(bl.indexOf(':')+1)
+    }
+    val graphFile = new File(new File(path), "graph.nt");
+    doWith {
+      (tcManager: TcManager, parser: Parser) =>  {
+        val contentGraph = tcManager.getMGraph(Constants.CONTENT_GRAPH_URI)
+        val fileGraph = parser.parse(new FileInputStream(graphFile), SupportedFormat.N_TRIPLE)
+        if (contentGraph.size > fileGraph.size) {
+          println("content graph if bigger than the graph from file, not replacing with the content from file and not " +
+            "writing any data to the file, you should manually either write the content graph to the file or clear " +
+            "the content graph. Restart this bundle after resolving the issue.")
+          graphListenerOption = None
+        } else {
+          contentGraph.clear
+          contentGraph.addAll(fileGraph)
+          println("the content graph has been replaced with "+graphFile)
+          object graphListener extends GraphListener {
+            val serializer = $[Serializer]
+            override def graphChanged(events: java.util.List[GraphEvent]) {
+              serializer.serialize(new FileOutputStream(graphFile), contentGraph,SupportedFormat.N_TRIPLE)
+            }
+          }
+          contentGraph.addGraphListener(graphListener, new FilterTriple(null, null, null), 2000)
+          graphListenerOption = Some(graphListener)
+          println("A GraphListener has been added that writes changes to the content graph to graph.nt")
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
-	/**
-	 * called when the bundle is stopped, this method unregisters the provided service
-	 */
-	def stop(context: BundleContext) {
-		renderletRegistration.unregister()
-		titledContentRenderletRegistration.unregister()
-		globalMenuRenderletRegistration.unregister()
-		val servicesDsl = new ServicesDsl(context)
-		import servicesDsl._
-		val tcManager = $[TcManager]
-		val contentGraph = tcManager.getMGraph(Constants.CONTENT_GRAPH_URI)
-		graphListenerOption match {
-			case Some(l) => contentGraph.removeGraphListener(l)
-			case None => ;
-		}
-		println("bye")
-	}
+  /**
+   * called when the bundle is stopped, this method unregisters the provided service
+   */
+  def stop(context: BundleContext) {
+    renderletRegistration.unregister()
+    titledContentRenderletRegistration.unregister()
+    globalMenuRenderletRegistration.unregister()
+    val servicesDsl = new ServicesDsl(context)
+    import servicesDsl._
+    val tcManager = $[TcManager]
+    val contentGraph = tcManager.getMGraph(Constants.CONTENT_GRAPH_URI)
+    graphListenerOption match {
+      case Some(l) => contentGraph.removeGraphListener(l)
+      case None => ;
+    }
+    println("bye")
+  }
diff --git a/site/src/main/scala/GlobalMenuRenderlet.scala b/site/src/main/scala/GlobalMenuRenderlet.scala
index 6c5493c..7f6e26b 100644
--- a/site/src/main/scala/GlobalMenuRenderlet.scala
+++ b/site/src/main/scala/GlobalMenuRenderlet.scala
@@ -16,20 +16,20 @@ import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.ontologies.DC
 class GlobalMenuRenderlet extends SRenderlet {
-	val getRdfType = RDFS.Resource
+  val getRdfType = RDFS.Resource
-	override def getModePattern = "menu"
+  override def getModePattern = "menu"
-	override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = {
-		new XmlResult(arguments) {
-			def menuLink(href: String, label: String) =
-			if ((res*).endsWith(href) || (res*).endsWith(href+"index")) {
-				 <a href={href} class="active">{label}</a>
-			} else {
-				 <a href={href}>{label}</a>
-			}
-			override def content = {
-				def menu(s: Any) = new UriRef(""+s)
+  override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = {
+    new XmlResult(arguments) {
+      def menuLink(href: String, label: String) =
+      if ((res*).endsWith(href) || (res*).endsWith(href+"index")) {
+         <a href={href} class="active">{label}</a>
+      } else {
+         <a href={href}>{label}</a>
+      }
+      override def content = {
+        def menu(s: Any) = new UriRef(""+s)
 def rdfs(s: Any) = new UriRef(""+s)
 def platform(s: Any) = new UriRef(""+s)
 def dct(s: Any) = new UriRef(""+s)
@@ -38,38 +38,38 @@ resultDocModifier.addScriptReference("/style/scripts/login.js");
 <div class="column nav">
-							<ul>
+              <ul>
-	{for (menuItem <- res/menu("globalMenu")!!) yield
-		<li class="top-nav-entry"><div class="title">
-			{
-				if ((menuItem/menu("path")).length > 0) {
-					<a href={menuItem/menu("path")*}>{(menuItem/rdfs("label")*)}</a>
-				} else {
-					<a href="#" onclick="return false">{(menuItem/rdfs("label")*)}</a>
-				}
-			}
-		 </div>
-			{
-				ifx ((menuItem/menu("children")).length > 0) {
-				<div>
-					<ul class="nav-entries">
-						 {
-							for (childMenuItem <- menuItem/menu("children")!!) yield {
-							<li><a href={childMenuItem/menu("path")*}>{childMenuItem/rdfs("label")*}</a><span>{childMenuItem/dct("description")*}</span></li>
-							}
-						 }
-					</ul>
-				</div>
-				}
-			}
-		</li>
-	}
-	</ul>
+  {for (menuItem <- res/menu("globalMenu")!!) yield
+    <li class="top-nav-entry"><div class="title">
+      {
+        if ((menuItem/menu("path")).length > 0) {
+          <a href={menuItem/menu("path")*}>{(menuItem/rdfs("label")*)}</a>
+        } else {
+          <a href="#" onclick="return false">{(menuItem/rdfs("label")*)}</a>
+        }
+      }
+     </div>
+      {
+        ifx ((menuItem/menu("children")).length > 0) {
+        <div>
+          <ul class="nav-entries">
+             {
+              for (childMenuItem <- menuItem/menu("children")!!) yield {
+              <li><a href={childMenuItem/menu("path")*}>{childMenuItem/rdfs("label")*}</a><span>{childMenuItem/dct("description")*}</span></li>
+              }
+             }
+          </ul>
+        </div>
+        }
+      }
+    </li>
+  }
+  </ul>
-			}
-		}
-	}
+      }
+    }
+  }