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Posted to by on 2015/03/03 11:00:17 UTC

[49/52] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-kylin git commit: update ace-builds to new version
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/demo/kitchen-sink/demo.js b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/demo/kitchen-sink/demo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b39ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/demo/kitchen-sink/demo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7374 @@
+define("ace/ext/spellcheck",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/event","ace/editor","ace/config"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var event = require("../lib/event");
+exports.contextMenuHandler = function(e){
+    var host =;
+    var text = host.textInput.getElement();
+    if (!host.selection.isEmpty())
+        return;
+    var c = host.getCursorPosition();
+    var r = host.session.getWordRange(c.row, c.column);
+    var w = host.session.getTextRange(r);
+    host.session.tokenRe.lastIndex = 0;
+    if (!host.session.tokenRe.test(w))
+        return;
+    var PLACEHOLDER = "\x01\x01";
+    var value = w + " " + PLACEHOLDER;
+    text.value = value;
+    text.setSelectionRange(w.length, w.length + 1);
+    text.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
+    text.setSelectionRange(0, w.length);
+    var afterKeydown = false;
+    event.addListener(text, "keydown", function onKeydown() {
+        event.removeListener(text, "keydown", onKeydown);
+        afterKeydown = true;
+    });
+    host.textInput.setInputHandler(function(newVal) {
+        console.log(newVal , value, text.selectionStart, text.selectionEnd)
+        if (newVal == value)
+            return '';
+        if (newVal.lastIndexOf(value, 0) === 0)
+            return newVal.slice(value.length);
+        if (newVal.substr(text.selectionEnd) == value)
+            return newVal.slice(0, -value.length);
+        if (newVal.slice(-2) == PLACEHOLDER) {
+            var val = newVal.slice(0, -2);
+            if (val.slice(-1) == " ") {
+                if (afterKeydown)
+                    return val.substring(0, text.selectionEnd);
+                val = val.slice(0, -1);
+                host.session.replace(r, val);
+                return "";
+            }
+        }
+        return newVal;
+    });
+var Editor = require("../editor").Editor;
+require("../config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", {
+    spellcheck: {
+        set: function(val) {
+            var text = this.textInput.getElement();
+            text.spellcheck = !!val;
+            if (!val)
+                this.removeListener("nativecontextmenu", exports.contextMenuHandler);
+            else
+                this.on("nativecontextmenu", exports.contextMenuHandler);
+        },
+        value: true
+    }
+define("kitchen-sink/inline_editor",["require","exports","module","ace/line_widgets","ace/editor","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/lib/dom","ace/commands/default_commands"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var LineWidgets = require("ace/line_widgets").LineWidgets;
+var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor;
+var Renderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer;
+var dom = require("ace/lib/dom");
+    name: "openInlineEditor",
+    bindKey: "F3",
+    exec: function(editor) {
+        var split = window.env.split;
+        var s = editor.session;
+        var inlineEditor = new Editor(new Renderer());
+        var splitSession = split.$cloneSession(s);
+        var row = editor.getCursorPosition().row;
+        if (editor.session.lineWidgets && editor.session.lineWidgets[row]) {
+            editor.session.lineWidgets[row].destroy();
+            return;
+        }
+        var rowCount = 10;        
+        var w = {
+            row: row, 
+            fixedWidth: true,
+            el: dom.createElement("div"),
+            editor: editor
+        };
+        var el = w.el;
+        el.appendChild(inlineEditor.container);      
+        if (!editor.session.widgetManager) {
+            editor.session.widgetManager = new LineWidgets(editor.session);
+            editor.session.widgetManager.attach(editor);
+        }
+        var h = rowCount*editor.renderer.layerConfig.lineHeight;
+ = h + "px";
+ = "absolute";
+ = "4";
+ = "solid blue 2px";
+ = "solid blue 2px";
+        inlineEditor.setSession(splitSession);
+        editor.session.widgetManager.addLineWidget(w);
+        var kb = {
+            handleKeyboard:function(_,hashId, keyString) {
+                if (hashId === 0 && keyString === "esc") {
+                    w.destroy();
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        w.destroy = function() {
+            editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(kb);
+            s.widgetManager.removeLineWidget(w);
+        };
+        editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(kb);
+        inlineEditor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(kb);
+        inlineEditor.setTheme("ace/theme/solarized_light");
+    }
+define("kitchen-sink/dev_util",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) {
+function isStrict() {
+    try { return !arguments.callee.caller.caller.caller}
+    catch(e){ return true }
+function warn() {
+    if (isStrict()) {
+        console.error("trying to access to global variable");
+    }
+function def(o, key, get) {
+    try {
+        Object.defineProperty(o, key, {
+            configurable: true, 
+            get: get,
+            set: function(val) {
+                delete o[key];
+                o[key] = val;
+            }
+        });
+    } catch(e) {
+        console.error(e);
+    }
+def(window, "ace", function(){ warn(); return window.env.editor });
+def(window, "editor", function(){ warn(); return window.env.editor });
+def(window, "session", function(){ warn(); return window.env.editor.session });
+def(window, "split", function(){ warn(); return window.env.split });
+define("ace/ext/modelist",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var modes = [];
+function getModeForPath(path) {
+    var mode = modesByName.text;
+    var fileName = path.split(/[\/\\]/).pop();
+    for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) {
+        if (modes[i].supportsFile(fileName)) {
+            mode = modes[i];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return mode;
+var Mode = function(name, caption, extensions) {
+ = name;
+    this.caption = caption;
+    this.mode = "ace/mode/" + name;
+    this.extensions = extensions;
+    if (/\^/.test(extensions)) {
+        var re = extensions.replace(/\|(\^)?/g, function(a, b){
+            return "$|" + (b ? "^" : "^.*\\.");
+        }) + "$";
+    } else {
+        var re = "^.*\\.(" + extensions + ")$";
+    }
+    this.extRe = new RegExp(re, "gi");
+Mode.prototype.supportsFile = function(filename) {
+    return filename.match(this.extRe);
+var supportedModes = {
+    ABAP:        ["abap"],
+    ActionScript:["as"],
+    ADA:         ["ada|adb"],
+    Apache_Conf: ["^htaccess|^htgroups|^htpasswd|^conf|htaccess|htgroups|htpasswd"],
+    AsciiDoc:    ["asciidoc"],
+    Assembly_x86:["asm"],
+    AutoHotKey:  ["ahk"],
+    BatchFile:   ["bat|cmd"],
+    C9Search:    ["c9search_results"],
+    C_Cpp:       ["cpp|c|cc|cxx|h|hh|hpp"],
+    Cirru:       ["cirru|cr"],
+    Clojure:     ["clj|cljs"],
+    Cobol:       ["CBL|COB"],
+    coffee:      ["coffee|cf|cson|^Cakefile"],
+    ColdFusion:  ["cfm"],
+    CSharp:      ["cs"],
+    CSS:         ["css"],
+    Curly:       ["curly"],
+    D:           ["d|di"],
+    Dart:        ["dart"],
+    Diff:        ["diff|patch"],
+    Dockerfile:  ["^Dockerfile"],
+    Dot:         ["dot"],
+    Dummy:       ["dummy"],
+    DummySyntax: ["dummy"],
+    Eiffel:      ["e"],
+    EJS:         ["ejs"],
+    Elixir:      ["ex|exs"],
+    Elm:         ["elm"],
+    Erlang:      ["erl|hrl"],
+    Forth:       ["frt|fs|ldr"],
+    FTL:         ["ftl"],
+    Gcode:       ["gcode"],
+    Gherkin:     ["feature"],
+    Gitignore:   ["^.gitignore"],
+    Glsl:        ["glsl|frag|vert"],
+    golang:      ["go"],
+    Groovy:      ["groovy"],
+    HAML:        ["haml"],
+    Handlebars:  ["hbs|handlebars|tpl|mustache"],
+    Haskell:     ["hs"],
+    haXe:        ["hx"],
+    HTML:        ["html|htm|xhtml"],
+    HTML_Ruby:   ["erb|rhtml|html.erb"],
+    INI:         ["ini|conf|cfg|prefs"],
+    Io:          ["io"],
+    Jack:        ["jack"],
+    Jade:        ["jade"],
+    Java:        ["java"],
+    JavaScript:  ["js|jsm"],
+    JSON:        ["json"],
+    JSONiq:      ["jq"],
+    JSP:         ["jsp"],
+    JSX:         ["jsx"],
+    Julia:       ["jl"],
+    LaTeX:       ["tex|latex|ltx|bib"],
+    LESS:        ["less"],
+    Liquid:      ["liquid"],
+    Lisp:        ["lisp"],
+    LiveScript:  ["ls"],
+    LogiQL:      ["logic|lql"],
+    LSL:         ["lsl"],
+    Lua:         ["lua"],
+    LuaPage:     ["lp"],
+    Lucene:      ["lucene"],
+    Makefile:    ["^Makefile|^GNUmakefile|^makefile|^OCamlMakefile|make"],
+    Markdown:    ["md|markdown"],
+    MATLAB:      ["matlab"],
+    MEL:         ["mel"],
+    MUSHCode:    ["mc|mush"],
+    MySQL:       ["mysql"],
+    Nix:         ["nix"],
+    ObjectiveC:  ["m|mm"],
+    OCaml:       ["ml|mli"],
+    Pascal:      ["pas|p"],
+    Perl:        ["pl|pm"],
+    pgSQL:       ["pgsql"],
+    PHP:         ["php|phtml"],
+    Powershell:  ["ps1"],
+    Praat:       ["praat|praatscript|psc|proc"],
+    Prolog:      ["plg|prolog"],
+    Properties:  ["properties"],
+    Protobuf:    ["proto"],
+    Python:      ["py"],
+    R:           ["r"],
+    RDoc:        ["Rd"],
+    RHTML:       ["Rhtml"],
+    Ruby:        ["rb|ru|gemspec|rake|^Guardfile|^Rakefile|^Gemfile"],
+    Rust:        ["rs"],
+    SASS:        ["sass"],
+    SCAD:        ["scad"],
+    Scala:       ["scala"],
+    Scheme:      ["scm|rkt"],
+    SCSS:        ["scss"],
+    SH:          ["sh|bash|^.bashrc"],
+    SJS:         ["sjs"],
+    Smarty:      ["smarty|tpl"],
+    snippets:    ["snippets"],
+    Soy_Template:["soy"],
+    Space:       ["space"],
+    SQL:         ["sql"],
+    Stylus:      ["styl|stylus"],
+    SVG:         ["svg"],
+    Tcl:         ["tcl"],
+    Tex:         ["tex"],
+    Text:        ["txt"],
+    Textile:     ["textile"],
+    Toml:        ["toml"],
+    Twig:        ["twig"],
+    Typescript:  ["ts|typescript|str"],
+    Vala:        ["vala"],
+    VBScript:    ["vbs|vb"],
+    Velocity:    ["vm"],
+    Verilog:     ["v|vh|sv|svh"],
+    VHDL:        ["vhd|vhdl"],
+    XML:         ["xml|rdf|rss|wsdl|xslt|atom|mathml|mml|xul|xbl"],
+    XQuery:      ["xq"],
+    YAML:        ["yaml|yml"]
+var nameOverrides = {
+    ObjectiveC: "Objective-C",
+    CSharp: "C#",
+    golang: "Go",
+    C_Cpp: "C and C++",
+    coffee: "CoffeeScript",
+    HTML_Ruby: "HTML (Ruby)",
+    FTL: "FreeMarker"
+var modesByName = {};
+for (var name in supportedModes) {
+    var data = supportedModes[name];
+    var displayName = (nameOverrides[name] || name).replace(/_/g, " ");
+    var filename = name.toLowerCase();
+    var mode = new Mode(filename, displayName, data[0]);
+    modesByName[filename] = mode;
+    modes.push(mode);
+module.exports = {
+    getModeForPath: getModeForPath,
+    modes: modes,
+    modesByName: modesByName
+define("kitchen-sink/file_drop",["require","exports","module","ace/config","ace/lib/event","ace/ext/modelist","ace/editor"], function(require, exports, module) {
+var config = require("ace/config");
+var event = require("ace/lib/event");
+var modelist = require("ace/ext/modelist");
+module.exports = function(editor) {
+    event.addListener(editor.container, "dragover", function(e) {
+        var types = e.dataTransfer.types;
+        if (types &&, 'Files') !== -1)
+            return event.preventDefault(e);
+    });
+    event.addListener(editor.container, "drop", function(e) {
+        var file;
+        try {
+            file = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
+            if (window.FileReader) {
+                var reader = new FileReader();
+                reader.onload = function() {
+                    var mode = modelist.getModeForPath(;
+                    editor.session.doc.setValue(reader.result);
+                    editor.session.setMode(mode.mode);
+                    editor.session.modeName =;
+                };
+                reader.readAsText(file);
+            }
+            return event.preventDefault(e);
+        } catch(err) {
+            return event.stopEvent(e);
+        }
+    });
+var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor;
+config.defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", {
+    loadDroppedFile: {
+        set: function() { module.exports(this); },
+        value: true
+    }
+define("ace/theme/textmate",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+exports.isDark = false;
+exports.cssClass = "ace-tm";
+exports.cssText = ".ace-tm .ace_gutter {\
+background: #f0f0f0;\
+color: #333;\
+.ace-tm .ace_print-margin {\
+width: 1px;\
+background: #e8e8e8;\
+.ace-tm .ace_fold {\
+background-color: #6B72E6;\
+.ace-tm {\
+background-color: #FFFFFF;\
+color: black;\
+.ace-tm .ace_cursor {\
+color: black;\
+.ace-tm .ace_invisible {\
+color: rgb(191, 191, 191);\
+.ace-tm .ace_storage,\
+.ace-tm .ace_keyword {\
+color: blue;\
+.ace-tm .ace_constant {\
+color: rgb(197, 6, 11);\
+.ace-tm .ace_constant.ace_buildin {\
+color: rgb(88, 72, 246);\
+.ace-tm .ace_constant.ace_language {\
+color: rgb(88, 92, 246);\
+.ace-tm .ace_constant.ace_library {\
+color: rgb(6, 150, 14);\
+.ace-tm .ace_invalid {\
+background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1);\
+color: red;\
+.ace-tm .ace_support.ace_function {\
+color: rgb(60, 76, 114);\
+.ace-tm .ace_support.ace_constant {\
+color: rgb(6, 150, 14);\
+.ace-tm .ace_support.ace_type,\
+.ace-tm .ace_support.ace_class {\
+color: rgb(109, 121, 222);\
+.ace-tm .ace_keyword.ace_operator {\
+color: rgb(104, 118, 135);\
+.ace-tm .ace_string {\
+color: rgb(3, 106, 7);\
+.ace-tm .ace_comment {\
+color: rgb(76, 136, 107);\
+.ace-tm .ace_comment.ace_doc {\
+color: rgb(0, 102, 255);\
+.ace-tm .ace_comment.ace_doc.ace_tag {\
+color: rgb(128, 159, 191);\
+.ace-tm .ace_constant.ace_numeric {\
+color: rgb(0, 0, 205);\
+.ace-tm .ace_variable {\
+color: rgb(49, 132, 149);\
+.ace-tm .ace_xml-pe {\
+color: rgb(104, 104, 91);\
+.ace-tm .ace_entity.ace_name.ace_function {\
+color: #0000A2;\
+.ace-tm .ace_heading {\
+color: rgb(12, 7, 255);\
+.ace-tm .ace_list {\
+color:rgb(185, 6, 144);\
+.ace-tm .ace_meta.ace_tag {\
+color:rgb(0, 22, 142);\
+.ace-tm .ace_string.ace_regex {\
+color: rgb(255, 0, 0)\
+.ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_selection {\
+background: rgb(181, 213, 255);\
+.ace-tm.ace_multiselect .ace_selection.ace_start {\
+box-shadow: 0 0 3px 0px white;\
+border-radius: 2px;\
+.ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_step {\
+background: rgb(252, 255, 0);\
+.ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_stack {\
+background: rgb(164, 229, 101);\
+.ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_bracket {\
+margin: -1px 0 0 -1px;\
+border: 1px solid rgb(192, 192, 192);\
+.ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_active-line {\
+background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);\
+.ace-tm .ace_gutter-active-line {\
+background-color : #dcdcdc;\
+.ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_selected-word {\
+background: rgb(250, 250, 255);\
+border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 250);\
+.ace-tm .ace_indent-guide {\
+background: url(\"\") right repeat-y;\
+var dom = require("../lib/dom");
+dom.importCssString(exports.cssText, exports.cssClass);
+define("ace/ext/whitespace",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/lang"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var lang = require("../lib/lang");
+exports.$detectIndentation = function(lines, fallback) {
+    var stats = [];
+    var changes = [];
+    var tabIndents = 0;
+    var prevSpaces = 0;
+    var max = Math.min(lines.length, 1000);
+    for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+        var line = lines[i];
+        if (!/^\s*[^*+\-\s]/.test(line))
+            continue;
+        if (line[0] == "\t")
+            tabIndents++;
+        var spaces = line.match(/^ */)[0].length;
+        if (spaces && line[spaces] != "\t") {
+            var diff = spaces - prevSpaces;
+            if (diff > 0 && !(prevSpaces%diff) && !(spaces%diff))
+                changes[diff] = (changes[diff] || 0) + 1;
+            stats[spaces] = (stats[spaces] || 0) + 1;
+        }
+        prevSpaces = spaces;
+        while (i < max && line[line.length - 1] == "\\")
+            line = lines[i++];
+    }
+    function getScore(indent) {
+        var score = 0;
+        for (var i = indent; i < stats.length; i += indent)
+            score += stats[i] || 0;
+        return score;
+    }
+    var changesTotal = changes.reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}, 0);
+    var first = {score: 0, length: 0};
+    var spaceIndents = 0;
+    for (var i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
+        var score = getScore(i);
+        if (i == 1) {
+            spaceIndents = score;
+            score = stats[1] ? 0.9 : 0.8;
+            if (!stats.length)
+                score = 0
+        } else
+            score /= spaceIndents;
+        if (changes[i])
+            score += changes[i] / changesTotal;
+        if (score > first.score)
+            first = {score: score, length: i};
+    }
+    if (first.score && first.score > 1.4)
+        var tabLength = first.length;
+    if (tabIndents > spaceIndents + 1)
+        return {ch: "\t", length: tabLength};
+    if (spaceIndents > tabIndents + 1)
+        return {ch: " ", length: tabLength};
+exports.detectIndentation = function(session) {
+    var lines = session.getLines(0, 1000);
+    var indent = exports.$detectIndentation(lines) || {};
+    if (
+        session.setUseSoftTabs( == " ");
+    if (indent.length)
+        session.setTabSize(indent.length);
+    return indent;
+exports.trimTrailingSpace = function(session, trimEmpty) {
+    var doc = session.getDocument();
+    var lines = doc.getAllLines();
+    var min = trimEmpty ? -1 : 0;
+    for (var i = 0, l=lines.length; i < l; i++) {
+        var line = lines[i];
+        var index =\s+$/);
+        if (index > min)
+            doc.removeInLine(i, index, line.length);
+    }
+exports.convertIndentation = function(session, ch, len) {
+    var oldCh = session.getTabString()[0];
+    var oldLen = session.getTabSize();
+    if (!len) len = oldLen;
+    if (!ch) ch = oldCh;
+    var tab = ch == "\t" ? ch: lang.stringRepeat(ch, len);
+    var doc = session.doc;
+    var lines = doc.getAllLines();
+    var cache = {};
+    var spaceCache = {};
+    for (var i = 0, l=lines.length; i < l; i++) {
+        var line = lines[i];
+        var match = line.match(/^\s*/)[0];
+        if (match) {
+            var w = session.$getStringScreenWidth(match)[0];
+            var tabCount = Math.floor(w/oldLen);
+            var reminder = w%oldLen;
+            var toInsert = cache[tabCount] || (cache[tabCount] = lang.stringRepeat(tab, tabCount));
+            toInsert += spaceCache[reminder] || (spaceCache[reminder] = lang.stringRepeat(" ", reminder));
+            if (toInsert != match) {
+                doc.removeInLine(i, 0, match.length);
+                doc.insertInLine({row: i, column: 0}, toInsert);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    session.setTabSize(len);
+    session.setUseSoftTabs(ch == " ");
+exports.$parseStringArg = function(text) {
+    var indent = {};
+    if (/t/.test(text))
+ = "\t";
+    else if (/s/.test(text))
+ = " ";
+    var m = text.match(/\d+/);
+    if (m)
+        indent.length = parseInt(m[0], 10);
+    return indent;
+exports.$parseArg = function(arg) {
+    if (!arg)
+        return {};
+    if (typeof arg == "string")
+        return exports.$parseStringArg(arg);
+    if (typeof arg.text == "string")
+        return exports.$parseStringArg(arg.text);
+    return arg;
+exports.commands = [{
+    name: "detectIndentation",
+    exec: function(editor) {
+        exports.detectIndentation(editor.session);
+    }
+}, {
+    name: "trimTrailingSpace",
+    exec: function(editor) {
+        exports.trimTrailingSpace(editor.session);
+    }
+}, {
+    name: "convertIndentation",
+    exec: function(editor, arg) {
+        var indent = exports.$parseArg(arg);
+        exports.convertIndentation(editor.session,, indent.length);
+    }
+}, {
+    name: "setIndentation",
+    exec: function(editor, arg) {
+        var indent = exports.$parseArg(arg);
+        indent.length && editor.session.setTabSize(indent.length);
+ && editor.session.setUseSoftTabs( == " ");
+    }
+define("kitchen-sink/doclist",["require","exports","module","ace/edit_session","ace/undomanager","ace/lib/net","ace/ext/modelist"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession;
+var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager;
+var net = require("ace/lib/net");
+var modelist = require("ace/ext/modelist");
+var fileCache = {};
+function initDoc(file, path, doc) {
+    if (doc.prepare)
+        file = doc.prepare(file);
+    var session = new EditSession(file);
+    session.setUndoManager(new UndoManager());
+    doc.session = session;
+    doc.path = path;
+ =;
+    if (doc.wrapped) {
+        session.setUseWrapMode(true);
+        session.setWrapLimitRange(80, 80);
+    }
+    var mode = modelist.getModeForPath(path);
+    session.modeName =;
+    session.setMode(mode.mode);
+    return session;
+function makeHuge(txt) {
+    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+        txt += txt;
+    return txt;
+var docs = {
+    "docs/javascript.js": {order: 1, name: "JavaScript"},
+    "docs/latex.tex": {name: "LaTeX", wrapped: true},
+    "docs/": {name: "Markdown", wrapped: true},
+    "docs/": {name: "MUSHCode", wrapped: true},
+    "docs/pgsql.pgsql": {name: "pgSQL", wrapped: true},
+    "docs/plaintext.txt": {name: "Plain Text", prepare: makeHuge, wrapped: true},
+    "docs/sql.sql": {name: "SQL", wrapped: true},
+    "docs/textile.textile": {name: "Textile", wrapped: true},
+    "docs/c9search.c9search_results": "C9 Search Results",
+    "docs/mel.mel": "MEL",
+    "docs/Nix.nix": "Nix"
+var ownSource = {
+var hugeDocs = {
+    "build/src/ace.js": "",
+    "build/src-min/ace.js": ""
+modelist.modes.forEach(function(m) {
+    var ext = m.extensions.split("|")[0];
+    if (ext[0] === "^") {
+        path = ext.substr(1);
+    } else {
+        var path = + "." + ext;
+    }
+    path = "docs/" + path;
+    if (!docs[path]) {
+        docs[path] = {name: m.caption};
+    } else if (typeof docs[path] == "object" && !docs[path].name) {
+        docs[path].name = m.caption;
+    }
+if (window.require && window.require.s) try {
+    for (var path in window.require.s.contexts._.defined) {
+        if (path.indexOf("!") != -1)
+            path = path.split("!").pop();
+        else
+            path = path + ".js";
+        ownSource[path] = "";
+    }
+} catch(e) {}
+function sort(list) {
+    return list.sort(function(a, b) {
+        var cmp = (b.order || 0) - (a.order || 0);
+        return cmp || &&;
+    });
+function prepareDocList(docs) {
+    var list = [];
+    for (var path in docs) {
+        var doc = docs[path];
+        if (typeof doc != "object")
+            doc = {name: doc || path};
+        doc.path = path;
+        doc.desc =^(ace|docs|demo|build)\//, "");
+        if (doc.desc.length > 18)
+            doc.desc = doc.desc.slice(0, 7) + ".." + doc.desc.slice(-9);
+        fileCache[] = doc;
+        list.push(doc);
+    }
+    return list;
+function loadDoc(name, callback) {
+    var doc = fileCache[name];
+    if (!doc)
+        return callback(null);
+    if (doc.session)
+        return callback(doc.session);
+    var path = doc.path;
+    var parts = path.split("/");
+    if (parts[0] == "docs")
+        path = "demo/kitchen-sink/" + path;
+    else if (parts[0] == "ace")
+        path = "lib/" + path;
+    net.get(path, function(x) {
+        initDoc(x, path, doc);
+        callback(doc.session);
+    });
+module.exports = {
+    fileCache: fileCache,
+    docs: sort(prepareDocList(docs)),
+    ownSource: prepareDocList(ownSource),
+    hugeDocs: prepareDocList(hugeDocs),
+    initDoc: initDoc,
+    loadDoc: loadDoc
+module.exports.all = {
+    "Mode Examples":,
+    "Huge documents": module.exports.hugeDocs,
+    "own source": module.exports.ownSource
+define("ace/ext/themelist",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var themeData = [
+    ["Chrome"         ],
+    ["Clouds"         ],
+    ["Crimson Editor" ],
+    ["Dawn"           ],
+    ["Dreamweaver"    ],
+    ["Eclipse"        ],
+    ["GitHub"         ],
+    ["Solarized Light"],
+    ["TextMate"       ],
+    ["Tomorrow"       ],
+    ["XCode"          ],
+    ["Kuroir"],
+    ["KatzenMilch"],
+    ["Ambiance"             ,"ambiance"                ,  "dark"],
+    ["Chaos"                ,"chaos"                   ,  "dark"],
+    ["Clouds Midnight"      ,"clouds_midnight"         ,  "dark"],
+    ["Cobalt"               ,"cobalt"                  ,  "dark"],
+    ["idle Fingers"         ,"idle_fingers"            ,  "dark"],
+    ["krTheme"              ,"kr_theme"                ,  "dark"],
+    ["Merbivore"            ,"merbivore"               ,  "dark"],
+    ["Merbivore Soft"       ,"merbivore_soft"          ,  "dark"],
+    ["Mono Industrial"      ,"mono_industrial"         ,  "dark"],
+    ["Monokai"              ,"monokai"                 ,  "dark"],
+    ["Pastel on dark"       ,"pastel_on_dark"          ,  "dark"],
+    ["Solarized Dark"       ,"solarized_dark"          ,  "dark"],
+    ["Terminal"             ,"terminal"                ,  "dark"],
+    ["Tomorrow Night"       ,"tomorrow_night"          ,  "dark"],
+    ["Tomorrow Night Blue"  ,"tomorrow_night_blue"     ,  "dark"],
+    ["Tomorrow Night Bright","tomorrow_night_bright"   ,  "dark"],
+    ["Tomorrow Night 80s"   ,"tomorrow_night_eighties" ,  "dark"],
+    ["Twilight"             ,"twilight"                ,  "dark"],
+    ["Vibrant Ink"          ,"vibrant_ink"             ,  "dark"]
+exports.themesByName = {};
+exports.themes = {
+    var name = data[1] || data[0].replace(/ /g, "_").toLowerCase();
+    var theme = {
+        caption: data[0],
+        theme: "ace/theme/" + name,
+        isDark: data[2] == "dark",
+        name: name
+    };
+    exports.themesByName[name] = theme;
+    return theme;
+define("kitchen-sink/layout",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/event","ace/edit_session","ace/undomanager","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/editor","ace/multi_select","ace/theme/textmate"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var dom = require("ace/lib/dom");
+var event = require("ace/lib/event");
+var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession;
+var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager;
+var Renderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer;
+var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor;
+var MultiSelect = require("ace/multi_select").MultiSelect;
+splitter {\
+    border: 1px solid #C6C6D2;\
+    width: 0px;\
+    cursor: ew-resize;\
+    z-index:10}\
+splitter:hover {\
+    margin-left: -2px;\
+    width:3px;\
+    border-color: #B5B4E0;\
+", "splitEditor");
+exports.edit = function(el) {
+    if (typeof(el) == "string")
+        el = document.getElementById(el);
+    var editor = new Editor(new Renderer(el, require("ace/theme/textmate")));
+    editor.resize();
+    event.addListener(window, "resize", function() {
+        editor.resize();
+    });
+    return editor;
+var SplitRoot = function(el, theme, position, getSize) {
+ = position || "relative";
+    this.container = el;
+    this.getSize = getSize || this.getSize;
+    this.resize = this.$resize.bind(this);
+    event.addListener(el.ownerDocument.defaultView, "resize", this.resize);
+    this.editor = this.createEditor();
+    this.createEditor = function() {
+        var el = document.createElement("div");
+        el.className = this.$editorCSS;
+ = "position: absolute; top:0px; bottom:0px";
+        this.$container.appendChild(el);
+        var session = new EditSession("");
+        var editor = new Editor(new Renderer(el, this.$theme));
+        this.$editors.push(editor);
+        editor.setFontSize(this.$fontSize);
+        return editor;
+    };
+    this.$resize = function() {
+        var size = this.getSize(this.container);
+        this.rect = {
+            x: size.left,
+            y:,
+            w: size.width,
+            h: size.height
+        };
+        this.item.resize(this.rect);
+    };
+    this.getSize = function(el) {
+        return el.getBoundingClientRect();
+    };
+    this.destroy = function() {
+        var win = this.container.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+        event.removeListener(win, "resize", this.resize);
+    };
+var Split = function(){
+    this.execute = function(options) {
+        this.$u.execute(options);
+    };
+exports.singleLineEditor = function(el) {
+    var renderer = new Renderer(el);
+ = "hidden";
+    renderer.screenToTextCoordinates = function(x, y) {
+        var pos = this.pixelToScreenCoordinates(x, y);
+        return this.session.screenToDocumentPosition(
+            Math.min(this.session.getScreenLength() - 1, Math.max(pos.row, 0)),
+            Math.max(pos.column, 0)
+        );
+    };
+    renderer.$maxLines = 4;
+    renderer.setStyle("ace_one-line");
+    var editor = new Editor(renderer);
+    editor.session.setUndoManager(new UndoManager());
+    editor.setShowPrintMargin(false);
+    editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false);
+    editor.renderer.setHighlightGutterLine(false);
+    editor.$mouseHandler.$focusWaitTimout = 0;
+    return editor;
+define("kitchen-sink/token_tooltip",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/event","ace/range","ace/tooltip"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var dom = require("ace/lib/dom");
+var oop = require("ace/lib/oop");
+var event = require("ace/lib/event");
+var Range = require("ace/range").Range;
+var Tooltip = require("ace/tooltip").Tooltip;
+function TokenTooltip (editor) {
+    if (editor.tokenTooltip)
+        return;
+, editor.container);
+    editor.tokenTooltip = this;
+    this.editor = editor;
+    this.update = this.update.bind(this);
+    this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this);
+    this.onMouseOut = this.onMouseOut.bind(this);
+    event.addListener(editor.renderer.scroller, "mousemove", this.onMouseMove);
+    event.addListener(editor.renderer.content, "mouseout", this.onMouseOut);
+oop.inherits(TokenTooltip, Tooltip);
+    this.token = {};
+    this.range = new Range();
+    this.update = function() {
+        this.$timer = null;
+        var r = this.editor.renderer;
+        if (this.lastT - (r.timeStamp || 0) > 1000) {
+            r.rect = null;
+            r.timeStamp = this.lastT;
+            this.maxHeight = window.innerHeight;
+            this.maxWidth = window.innerWidth;
+        }
+        var canvasPos = r.rect || (r.rect = r.scroller.getBoundingClientRect());
+        var offset = (this.x + r.scrollLeft - canvasPos.left - r.$padding) / r.characterWidth;
+        var row = Math.floor((this.y + r.scrollTop - / r.lineHeight);
+        var col = Math.round(offset);
+        var screenPos = {row: row, column: col, side: offset - col > 0 ? 1 : -1};
+        var session = this.editor.session;
+        var docPos = session.screenToDocumentPosition(screenPos.row, screenPos.column);
+        var token = session.getTokenAt(docPos.row, docPos.column);
+        if (!token && !session.getLine(docPos.row)) {
+            token = {
+                type: "",
+                value: "",
+                state: session.bgTokenizer.getState(0)
+            };
+        }
+        if (!token) {
+            session.removeMarker(this.marker);
+            this.hide();
+            return;
+        }
+        var tokenText = token.type;
+        if (token.state)
+            tokenText += "|" + token.state;
+        if (token.merge)
+            tokenText += "\n  merge";
+        if (token.stateTransitions)
+            tokenText += "\n  " + token.stateTransitions.join("\n  ");
+        if (this.tokenText != tokenText) {
+            this.setText(tokenText);
+            this.width = this.getWidth();
+            this.height = this.getHeight();
+            this.tokenText = tokenText;
+        }
+, this.x, this.y);
+        this.token = token;
+        session.removeMarker(this.marker);
+        this.range = new Range(docPos.row, token.start, docPos.row, token.start + token.value.length);
+        this.marker = session.addMarker(this.range, "ace_bracket", "text");
+    };
+    this.onMouseMove = function(e) {
+        this.x = e.clientX;
+        this.y = e.clientY;
+        if (this.isOpen) {
+            this.lastT = e.timeStamp;
+            this.setPosition(this.x, this.y);
+        }
+        if (!this.$timer)
+            this.$timer = setTimeout(this.update, 100);
+    };
+    this.onMouseOut = function(e) {
+        if (e && e.currentTarget.contains(e.relatedTarget))
+            return;
+        this.hide();
+        this.editor.session.removeMarker(this.marker);
+        this.$timer = clearTimeout(this.$timer);
+    };
+    this.setPosition = function(x, y) {
+        if (x + 10 + this.width > this.maxWidth)
+            x = window.innerWidth - this.width - 10;
+        if (y > window.innerHeight * 0.75 || y + 20 + this.height > this.maxHeight)
+            y = y - this.height - 30;
+, x + 10, y + 20);
+    };
+    this.destroy = function() {
+        this.onMouseOut();
+        event.removeListener(this.editor.renderer.scroller, "mousemove", this.onMouseMove);
+        event.removeListener(this.editor.renderer.content, "mouseout", this.onMouseOut);
+        delete this.editor.tokenTooltip;
+    };
+exports.TokenTooltip = TokenTooltip;
+define("kitchen-sink/util",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/event","ace/edit_session","ace/undomanager","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/editor","ace/multi_select"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var dom = require("ace/lib/dom");
+var event = require("ace/lib/event");
+var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession;
+var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager;
+var Renderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer;
+var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor;
+var MultiSelect = require("ace/multi_select").MultiSelect;
+exports.createEditor = function(el) {
+    return new Editor(new Renderer(el));
+exports.createSplitEditor = function(el) {
+    if (typeof(el) == "string")
+        el = document.getElementById(el);
+    var e0 = document.createElement("div");
+    var s = document.createElement("splitter");
+    var e1 = document.createElement("div");
+    el.appendChild(e0);
+    el.appendChild(e1);
+    el.appendChild(s);
+ = = = "absolute";
+ = "relative";
+    var split = {$container: el};
+    split.editor0 = split[0] = new Editor(new Renderer(e0));
+    split.editor1 = split[1] = new Editor(new Renderer(e1));
+    split.splitter = s;
+    s.ratio = 0.5;
+    split.resize = function resize(){
+        var height = el.parentNode.clientHeight - el.offsetTop;
+        var total = el.clientWidth;
+        var w1 = total * s.ratio;
+        var w2 = total * (1- s.ratio);
+ = w1 - 1 + "px";
+ = = height + "px";
+        var st0 = split[0];
+        var st1 = split[1];
+        st0.width = w1 + "px";
+        st1.width = w2 + "px";
+        st0.left = 0 + "px";
+        st1.left = w1 + "px";
+ = = "0px";
+        st0.height = st1.height = height + "px";
+        split[0].resize();
+        split[1].resize();
+    };
+    split.onMouseDown = function(e) {
+        var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+        var x = e.clientX;
+        var y = e.clientY;
+        var button = e.button;
+        if (button !== 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var onMouseMove = function(e) {
+            x = e.clientX;
+            y = e.clientY;
+        };
+        var onResizeEnd = function(e) {
+            clearInterval(timerId);
+        };
+        var onResizeInterval = function() {
+            s.ratio = (x - rect.left) / rect.width;
+            split.resize();
+        };
+        event.capture(s, onMouseMove, onResizeEnd);
+        var timerId = setInterval(onResizeInterval, 40);
+        return e.preventDefault();
+    };
+    event.addListener(s, "mousedown", split.onMouseDown);
+    event.addListener(window, "resize", split.resize);
+    split.resize();
+    return split;
+exports.stripLeadingComments = function(str) {
+    if(str.slice(0,2)=='/*') {
+        var j = str.indexOf('*/')+2;
+        str = str.substr(j);
+    }
+    return str.trim() + "\n";
+exports.saveOption = function(el, val) {
+    if (!el.onchange && !el.onclick)
+        return;
+    if ("checked" in el) {
+        if (val !== undefined)
+            el.checked = val;
+        localStorage && localStorage.setItem(, el.checked ? 1 : 0);
+    }
+    else {
+        if (val !== undefined)
+            el.value = val;
+        localStorage && localStorage.setItem(, el.value);
+    }
+exports.bindCheckbox = function(id, callback, noInit) {
+    if (typeof id == "string")
+        var el = document.getElementById(id);
+    else {
+        var el = id;
+        id =;
+    }
+    var el = document.getElementById(id);
+    if (localStorage && localStorage.getItem(id))
+        el.checked = localStorage.getItem(id) == "1";
+    var onCheck = function() {
+        callback(!!el.checked);
+        exports.saveOption(el);
+    };
+    el.onclick = onCheck;
+    noInit || onCheck();
+    return el;
+exports.bindDropdown = function(id, callback, noInit) {
+    if (typeof id == "string")
+        var el = document.getElementById(id);
+    else {
+        var el = id;
+        id =;
+    }
+    if (localStorage && localStorage.getItem(id))
+        el.value = localStorage.getItem(id);
+    var onChange = function() {
+        callback(el.value);
+        exports.saveOption(el);
+    };
+    el.onchange = onChange;
+    noInit || onChange();
+exports.fillDropdown = function(el, values) {
+    if (typeof el == "string")
+        el = document.getElementById(el);
+    dropdown(values).forEach(function(e) {
+        el.appendChild(e);
+    });
+function elt(tag, attributes, content) {
+    var el = dom.createElement(tag);
+    if (typeof content == "string") {
+        el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content));
+    } else if (content) {
+        content.forEach(function(ch) {
+            el.appendChild(ch);
+        });
+    }
+    for (var i in attributes)
+        el.setAttribute(i, attributes[i]);
+    return el;
+function optgroup(values) {
+    return {
+        if (typeof item == "string")
+            item = {name: item, caption: item};
+        return elt("option", {value: item.value ||}, item.caption || item.desc);
+    });
+function dropdown(values) {
+    if (Array.isArray(values))
+        return optgroup(values);
+    return Object.keys(values).map(function(i) {
+        return elt("optgroup", {"label": i}, optgroup(values[i]));
+    });
+define("ace/ext/elastic_tabstops_lite",["require","exports","module","ace/editor","ace/config"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var ElasticTabstopsLite = function(editor) {
+    this.$editor = editor;
+    var self = this;
+    var changedRows = [];
+    var recordChanges = false;
+    this.onAfterExec = function() {
+        recordChanges = false;
+        self.processRows(changedRows);
+        changedRows = [];
+    };
+    this.onExec = function() {
+        recordChanges = true;
+    };
+    this.onChange = function(e) {
+        var range =
+        if (recordChanges) {
+            if (changedRows.indexOf(range.start.row) == -1)
+                changedRows.push(range.start.row);
+            if (range.end.row != range.start.row)
+                changedRows.push(range.end.row);
+        }
+    };
+(function() {
+    this.processRows = function(rows) {
+        this.$inChange = true;
+        var checkedRows = [];
+        for (var r = 0, rowCount = rows.length; r < rowCount; r++) {
+            var row = rows[r];
+            if (checkedRows.indexOf(row) > -1)
+                continue;
+            var cellWidthObj = this.$findCellWidthsForBlock(row);
+            var cellWidths = this.$setBlockCellWidthsToMax(cellWidthObj.cellWidths);
+            var rowIndex = cellWidthObj.firstRow;
+            for (var w = 0, l = cellWidths.length; w < l; w++) {
+                var widths = cellWidths[w];
+                checkedRows.push(rowIndex);
+                this.$adjustRow(rowIndex, widths);
+                rowIndex++;
+            }
+        }
+        this.$inChange = false;
+    };
+    this.$findCellWidthsForBlock = function(row) {
+        var cellWidths = [], widths;
+        var rowIter = row;
+        while (rowIter >= 0) {
+            widths = this.$cellWidthsForRow(rowIter);
+            if (widths.length == 0)
+                break;
+            cellWidths.unshift(widths);
+            rowIter--;
+        }
+        var firstRow = rowIter + 1;
+        rowIter = row;
+        var numRows = this.$editor.session.getLength();
+        while (rowIter < numRows - 1) {
+            rowIter++;
+            widths = this.$cellWidthsForRow(rowIter);
+            if (widths.length == 0)
+                break;
+            cellWidths.push(widths);
+        }
+        return { cellWidths: cellWidths, firstRow: firstRow };
+    };
+    this.$cellWidthsForRow = function(row) {
+        var selectionColumns = this.$selectionColumnsForRow(row);
+        var tabs = [-1].concat(this.$tabsForRow(row));
+        var widths = { return 0; } ).slice(1);
+        var line = this.$editor.session.getLine(row);
+        for (var i = 0, len = tabs.length - 1; i < len; i++) {
+            var leftEdge = tabs[i]+1;
+            var rightEdge = tabs[i+1];
+            var rightmostSelection = this.$rightmostSelectionInCell(selectionColumns, rightEdge);
+            var cell = line.substring(leftEdge, rightEdge);
+            widths[i] = Math.max(cell.replace(/\s+$/g,'').length, rightmostSelection - leftEdge);
+        }
+        return widths;
+    };
+    this.$selectionColumnsForRow = function(row) {
+        var selections = [], cursor = this.$editor.getCursorPosition();
+        if (this.$editor.session.getSelection().isEmpty()) {
+            if (row == cursor.row)
+                selections.push(cursor.column);
+        }
+        return selections;
+    };
+    this.$setBlockCellWidthsToMax = function(cellWidths) {
+        var startingNewBlock = true, blockStartRow, blockEndRow, maxWidth;
+        var columnInfo = this.$izip_longest(cellWidths);
+        for (var c = 0, l = columnInfo.length; c < l; c++) {
+            var column = columnInfo[c];
+            if (!column.push) {
+                console.error(column);
+                continue;
+            }
+            column.push(NaN);
+            for (var r = 0, s = column.length; r < s; r++) {
+                var width = column[r];
+                if (startingNewBlock) {
+                    blockStartRow = r;
+                    maxWidth = 0;
+                    startingNewBlock = false;
+                }
+                if (isNaN(width)) {
+                    blockEndRow = r;
+                    for (var j = blockStartRow; j < blockEndRow; j++) {
+                        cellWidths[j][c] = maxWidth;
+                    }
+                    startingNewBlock = true;
+                }
+                maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, width);
+            }
+        }
+        return cellWidths;
+    };
+    this.$rightmostSelectionInCell = function(selectionColumns, cellRightEdge) {
+        var rightmost = 0;
+        if (selectionColumns.length) {
+            var lengths = [];
+            for (var s = 0, length = selectionColumns.length; s < length; s++) {
+                if (selectionColumns[s] <= cellRightEdge)
+                    lengths.push(s);
+                else
+                    lengths.push(0);
+            }
+            rightmost = Math.max.apply(Math, lengths);
+        }
+        return rightmost;
+    };
+    this.$tabsForRow = function(row) {
+        var rowTabs = [], line = this.$editor.session.getLine(row),
+            re = /\t/g, match;
+        while ((match = re.exec(line)) != null) {
+            rowTabs.push(match.index);
+        }
+        return rowTabs;
+    };
+    this.$adjustRow = function(row, widths) {
+        var rowTabs = this.$tabsForRow(row);
+        if (rowTabs.length == 0)
+            return;
+        var bias = 0, location = -1;
+        var expandedSet = this.$izip(widths, rowTabs);
+        for (var i = 0, l = expandedSet.length; i < l; i++) {
+            var w = expandedSet[i][0], it = expandedSet[i][1];
+            location += 1 + w;
+            it += bias;
+            var difference = location - it;
+            if (difference == 0)
+                continue;
+            var partialLine = this.$editor.session.getLine(row).substr(0, it );
+            var strippedPartialLine = partialLine.replace(/\s*$/g, "");
+            var ispaces = partialLine.length - strippedPartialLine.length;
+            if (difference > 0) {
+                this.$editor.session.getDocument().insertInLine({row: row, column: it + 1}, Array(difference + 1).join(" ") + "\t");
+                this.$editor.session.getDocument().removeInLine(row, it, it + 1);
+                bias += difference;
+            }
+            if (difference < 0 && ispaces >= -difference) {
+                this.$editor.session.getDocument().removeInLine(row, it + difference, it);
+                bias += difference;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    this.$izip_longest = function(iterables) {
+        if (!iterables[0])
+            return [];
+        var longest = iterables[0].length;
+        var iterablesLength = iterables.length;
+        for (var i = 1; i < iterablesLength; i++) {
+            var iLength = iterables[i].length;
+            if (iLength > longest)
+                longest = iLength;
+        }
+        var expandedSet = [];
+        for (var l = 0; l < longest; l++) {
+            var set = [];
+            for (var i = 0; i < iterablesLength; i++) {
+                if (iterables[i][l] === "")
+                    set.push(NaN);
+                else
+                    set.push(iterables[i][l]);
+            }
+            expandedSet.push(set);
+        }
+        return expandedSet;
+    };
+    this.$izip = function(widths, tabs) {
+        var size = widths.length >= tabs.length ? tabs.length : widths.length;
+        var expandedSet = [];
+        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            var set = [ widths[i], tabs[i] ];
+            expandedSet.push(set);
+        }
+        return expandedSet;
+    };
+exports.ElasticTabstopsLite = ElasticTabstopsLite;
+var Editor = require("../editor").Editor;
+require("../config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", {
+    useElasticTabstops: {
+        set: function(val) {
+            if (val) {
+                if (!this.elasticTabstops)
+                    this.elasticTabstops = new ElasticTabstopsLite(this);
+                this.commands.on("afterExec", this.elasticTabstops.onAfterExec);
+                this.commands.on("exec", this.elasticTabstops.onExec);
+                this.on("change", this.elasticTabstops.onChange);
+            } else if (this.elasticTabstops) {
+                this.commands.removeListener("afterExec", this.elasticTabstops.onAfterExec);
+                this.commands.removeListener("exec", this.elasticTabstops.onExec);
+                this.removeListener("change", this.elasticTabstops.onChange);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+define("ace/occur",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/range","ace/search","ace/edit_session","ace/search_highlight","ace/lib/dom"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var oop = require("./lib/oop");
+var Range = require("./range").Range;
+var Search = require("./search").Search;
+var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession;
+var SearchHighlight = require("./search_highlight").SearchHighlight;
+function Occur() {}
+oop.inherits(Occur, Search);
+(function() {
+    this.enter = function(editor, options) {
+        if (!options.needle) return false;
+        var pos = editor.getCursorPosition();
+        this.displayOccurContent(editor, options);
+        var translatedPos = this.originalToOccurPosition(editor.session, pos);
+        editor.moveCursorToPosition(translatedPos);
+        return true;
+    }
+    this.exit = function(editor, options) {
+        var pos = options.translatePosition && editor.getCursorPosition();
+        var translatedPos = pos && this.occurToOriginalPosition(editor.session, pos);
+        this.displayOriginalContent(editor);
+        if (translatedPos)
+            editor.moveCursorToPosition(translatedPos);
+        return true;
+    }
+    this.highlight = function(sess, regexp) {
+        var hl = sess.$occurHighlight = sess.$occurHighlight || sess.addDynamicMarker(
+                new SearchHighlight(null, "ace_occur-highlight", "text"));
+        hl.setRegexp(regexp);
+        sess._emit("changeBackMarker"); // force highlight layer redraw
+    }
+    this.displayOccurContent = function(editor, options) {
+        this.$originalSession = editor.session;
+        var found = this.matchingLines(editor.session, options);
+        var lines = { return foundLine.content; });
+        var occurSession = new EditSession(lines.join('\n'));
+        occurSession.$occur = this;
+        occurSession.$occurMatchingLines = found;
+        editor.setSession(occurSession);
+        this.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = this.$originalSession.$useEmacsStyleLineStart;
+        occurSession.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = this.$useEmacsStyleLineStart;
+        this.highlight(occurSession,;
+        occurSession._emit('changeBackMarker');
+    }
+    this.displayOriginalContent = function(editor) {
+        editor.setSession(this.$originalSession);
+        this.$originalSession.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = this.$useEmacsStyleLineStart;
+    }
+    this.originalToOccurPosition = function(session, pos) {
+        var lines = session.$occurMatchingLines;
+        var nullPos = {row: 0, column: 0};
+        if (!lines) return nullPos;
+        for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+            if (lines[i].row === pos.row)
+                return {row: i, column: pos.column};
+        }
+        return nullPos;
+    }
+    this.occurToOriginalPosition = function(session, pos) {
+        var lines = session.$occurMatchingLines;
+        if (!lines || !lines[pos.row])
+            return pos;
+        return {row: lines[pos.row].row, column: pos.column};
+    }
+    this.matchingLines = function(session, options) {
+        options = oop.mixin({}, options);
+        if (!session || !options.needle) return [];
+        var search = new Search();
+        search.set(options);
+        return search.findAll(session).reduce(function(lines, range) {
+            var row = range.start.row;
+            var last = lines[lines.length-1];
+            return last && last.row === row ?
+                lines :
+                lines.concat({row: row, content: session.getLine(row)});
+        }, []);
+    }
+var dom = require('./lib/dom');
+dom.importCssString(".ace_occur-highlight {\n\
+    border-radius: 4px;\n\
+    background-color: rgba(87, 255, 8, 0.25);\n\
+    position: absolute;\n\
+    z-index: 4;\n\
+    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n\
+    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n\
+    box-sizing: border-box;\n\
+    box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(91, 255, 50);\n\
+.ace_dark .ace_occur-highlight {\n\
+    background-color: rgb(80, 140, 85);\n\
+    box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(60, 120, 70);\n\
+}\n", "incremental-occur-highlighting");
+exports.Occur = Occur;
+define("ace/commands/occur_commands",["require","exports","module","ace/config","ace/occur","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/lib/oop"], function(require, exports, module) {
+var config = require("../config"),
+    Occur = require("../occur").Occur;
+var occurStartCommand = {
+    name: "occur",
+    exec: function(editor, options) {
+        var alreadyInOccur = !!editor.session.$occur;
+        var occurSessionActive = new Occur().enter(editor, options);
+        if (occurSessionActive && !alreadyInOccur)
+            OccurKeyboardHandler.installIn(editor);
+    },
+    readOnly: true
+var occurCommands = [{
+    name: "occurexit",
+    bindKey: 'esc|Ctrl-G',
+    exec: function(editor) {
+        var occur = editor.session.$occur;
+        if (!occur) return;
+        occur.exit(editor, {});
+        if (!editor.session.$occur) OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom(editor);
+    },
+    readOnly: true
+}, {
+    name: "occuraccept",
+    bindKey: 'enter',
+    exec: function(editor) {
+        var occur = editor.session.$occur;
+        if (!occur) return;
+        occur.exit(editor, {translatePosition: true});
+        if (!editor.session.$occur) OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom(editor);
+    },
+    readOnly: true
+var HashHandler = require("../keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler;
+var oop = require("../lib/oop");
+function OccurKeyboardHandler() {}
+oop.inherits(OccurKeyboardHandler, HashHandler);
+;(function() {
+    this.isOccurHandler = true;
+    this.attach = function(editor) {
+, occurCommands, editor.commands.platform);
+        this.$editor = editor;
+    }
+    var handleKeyboard$super = this.handleKeyboard;
+    this.handleKeyboard = function(data, hashId, key, keyCode) {
+        var cmd = handleKeyboard$, data, hashId, key, keyCode);
+        return (cmd && cmd.command) ? cmd : undefined;
+    }
+OccurKeyboardHandler.installIn = function(editor) {
+    var handler = new this();
+    editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(handler);
+    editor.commands.addCommands(occurCommands);
+OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom = function(editor) {
+    editor.commands.removeCommands(occurCommands);
+    var handler = editor.getKeyboardHandler();
+    if (handler.isOccurHandler)
+        editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(handler);
+exports.occurStartCommand = occurStartCommand;
+define("ace/commands/incremental_search_commands",["require","exports","module","ace/config","ace/lib/oop","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/commands/occur_commands"], function(require, exports, module) {
+var config = require("../config");
+var oop = require("../lib/oop");
+var HashHandler = require("../keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler;
+var occurStartCommand = require("./occur_commands").occurStartCommand;
+exports.iSearchStartCommands = [{
+    name: "iSearch",
+    bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-F", mac: "Command-F"},
+    exec: function(editor, options) {
+        config.loadModule(["core", "ace/incremental_search"], function(e) {
+            var iSearch = e.iSearch = e.iSearch || new e.IncrementalSearch();
+            iSearch.activate(editor, options.backwards);
+            if (options.jumpToFirstMatch);
+        });
+    },
+    readOnly: true
+}, {
+    name: "iSearchBackwards",
+    exec: function(editor, jumpToNext) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {backwards: true}); },
+    readOnly: true
+}, {
+    name: "iSearchAndGo",
+    bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-K", mac: "Command-G"},
+    exec: function(editor, jumpToNext) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {jumpToFirstMatch: true, useCurrentOrPrevSearch: true}); },
+    readOnly: true
+}, {
+    name: "iSearchBackwardsAndGo",
+    bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Shift-K", mac: "Command-Shift-G"},
+    exec: function(editor) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {jumpToFirstMatch: true, backwards: true, useCurrentOrPrevSearch: true}); },
+    readOnly: true
+exports.iSearchCommands = [{
+    name: "restartSearch",
+    bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-F", mac: "Command-F"},
+    exec: function(iSearch) {
+        iSearch.cancelSearch(true);
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: "searchForward",
+    bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-S|Ctrl-K", mac: "Ctrl-S|Command-G"},
+    exec: function(iSearch, options) {
+        options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch = true;
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: "searchBackward",
+    bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-R|Ctrl-Shift-K", mac: "Ctrl-R|Command-Shift-G"},
+    exec: function(iSearch, options) {
+        options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch = true;
+        options.backwards = true;
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: "extendSearchTerm",
+    exec: function(iSearch, string) {
+        iSearch.addString(string);
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: "extendSearchTermSpace",
+    bindKey: "space",
+    exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.addString(' '); },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: "shrinkSearchTerm",
+    bindKey: "backspace",
+    exec: function(iSearch) {
+        iSearch.removeChar();
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: 'confirmSearch',
+    bindKey: 'return',
+    exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.deactivate(); },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: 'cancelSearch',
+    bindKey: 'esc|Ctrl-G',
+    exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.deactivate(true); },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: 'occurisearch',
+    bindKey: 'Ctrl-O',
+    exec: function(iSearch) {
+        var options = oop.mixin({}, iSearch.$options);
+        iSearch.deactivate();
+        occurStartCommand.exec(iSearch.$editor, options);
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: "yankNextWord",
+    bindKey: "Ctrl-w",
+    exec: function(iSearch) {
+        var ed = iSearch.$editor,
+            range = ed.selection.getRangeOfMovements(function(sel) { sel.moveCursorWordRight(); }),
+            string = ed.session.getTextRange(range);
+        iSearch.addString(string);
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: "yankNextChar",
+    bindKey: "Ctrl-Alt-y",
+    exec: function(iSearch) {
+        var ed = iSearch.$editor,
+            range = ed.selection.getRangeOfMovements(function(sel) { sel.moveCursorRight(); }),
+            string = ed.session.getTextRange(range);
+        iSearch.addString(string);
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: 'recenterTopBottom',
+    bindKey: 'Ctrl-l',
+    exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.$editor.execCommand('recenterTopBottom'); },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: 'selectAllMatches',
+    bindKey: 'Ctrl-space',
+    exec: function(iSearch) {
+        var ed = iSearch.$editor,
+            hl = ed.session.$isearchHighlight,
+            ranges = hl && hl.cache ? hl.cache
+                .reduce(function(ranges, ea) {
+                    return ranges.concat(ea ? ea : []); }, []) : [];
+        iSearch.deactivate(false);
+        ranges.forEach(ed.selection.addRange.bind(ed.selection));
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+}, {
+    name: 'searchAsRegExp',
+    bindKey: 'Alt-r',
+    exec: function(iSearch) {
+        iSearch.convertNeedleToRegExp();
+    },
+    readOnly: true,
+    isIncrementalSearchCommand: true
+function IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler(iSearch) {
+    this.$iSearch = iSearch;
+oop.inherits(IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler, HashHandler);
+;(function() {
+    this.attach = function(editor) {
+        var iSearch = this.$iSearch;
+, exports.iSearchCommands, editor.commands.platform);
+        this.$commandExecHandler = editor.commands.addEventListener('exec', function(e) {
+            if (!e.command.isIncrementalSearchCommand) return undefined;
+            e.stopPropagation();
+            e.preventDefault();
+            return e.command.exec(iSearch, e.args || {});
+        });
+    }
+    this.detach = function(editor) {
+        if (!this.$commandExecHandler) return;
+        editor.commands.removeEventListener('exec', this.$commandExecHandler);
+        delete this.$commandExecHandler;
+    }
+    var handleKeyboard$super = this.handleKeyboard;
+    this.handleKeyboard = function(data, hashId, key, keyCode) {
+        if (((hashId === 1/*ctrl*/ || hashId === 8/*command*/) && key === 'v')
+         || (hashId === 1/*ctrl*/ && key === 'y')) return null;
+        var cmd = handleKeyboard$, data, hashId, key, keyCode);
+        if (cmd.command) { return cmd; }
+        if (hashId == -1) {
+            var extendCmd = this.commands.extendSearchTerm;
+            if (extendCmd) { return {command: extendCmd, args: key}; }
+        }
+        return {command: "null", passEvent: hashId == 0 || hashId == 4};
+    }
+exports.IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler = IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler;
+define("ace/incremental_search",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/range","ace/search","ace/search_highlight","ace/commands/incremental_search_commands","ace/lib/dom","ace/commands/command_manager","ace/editor","ace/config"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var oop = require("./lib/oop");
+var Range = require("./range").Range;
+var Search = require("./search").Search;
+var SearchHighlight = require("./search_highlight").SearchHighlight;
+var iSearchCommandModule = require("./commands/incremental_search_commands");
+var ISearchKbd = iSearchCommandModule.IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler;
+function IncrementalSearch() {
+    this.$options = {wrap: false, skipCurrent: false};
+    this.$keyboardHandler = new ISearchKbd(this);
+oop.inherits(IncrementalSearch, Search);
+function isRegExp(obj) {
+    return obj instanceof RegExp;
+function regExpToObject(re) {
+    var string = String(re),
+        start = string.indexOf('/'),
+        flagStart = string.lastIndexOf('/');
+    return {
+        expression: string.slice(start+1, flagStart),
+        flags: string.slice(flagStart+1)
+    }
+function stringToRegExp(string, flags) {
+    try {
+        return new RegExp(string, flags);
+    } catch (e) { return string; }
+function objectToRegExp(obj) {
+    return stringToRegExp(obj.expression, obj.flags);
+;(function() {
+    this.activate = function(ed, backwards) {
+        this.$editor = ed;
+        this.$startPos = this.$currentPos = ed.getCursorPosition();
+        this.$options.needle = '';
+        this.$options.backwards = backwards;
+        ed.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.$keyboardHandler);
+        this.$originalEditorOnPaste = ed.onPaste; ed.onPaste = this.onPaste.bind(this);
+        this.$mousedownHandler = ed.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind(this));
+        this.selectionFix(ed);
+        this.statusMessage(true);
+    }
+    this.deactivate = function(reset) {
+        this.cancelSearch(reset);
+        var ed = this.$editor;
+        ed.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(this.$keyboardHandler);
+        if (this.$mousedownHandler) {
+            ed.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.$mousedownHandler);
+            delete this.$mousedownHandler;
+        }
+        ed.onPaste = this.$originalEditorOnPaste;
+        this.message('');
+    }
+    this.selectionFix = function(editor) {
+        if (editor.selection.isEmpty() && !editor.session.$emacsMark) {
+            editor.clearSelection();
+        }
+    }
+    this.highlight = function(regexp) {
+        var sess = this.$editor.session,
+            hl = sess.$isearchHighlight = sess.$isearchHighlight || sess.addDynamicMarker(
+                new SearchHighlight(null, "ace_isearch-result", "text"));
+        hl.setRegexp(regexp);
+        sess._emit("changeBackMarker"); // force highlight layer redraw
+    }
+    this.cancelSearch = function(reset) {
+        var e = this.$editor;
+        this.$prevNeedle = this.$options.needle;
+        this.$options.needle = '';
+        if (reset) {
+            e.moveCursorToPosition(this.$startPos);
+            this.$currentPos = this.$startPos;
+        } else {
+            e.pushEmacsMark && e.pushEmacsMark(this.$startPos, false);
+        }
+        this.highlight(null);
+        return Range.fromPoints(this.$currentPos, this.$currentPos);
+    }
+    this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle = function(moveToNext, needleUpdateFunc) {
+        if (!this.$editor) return null;
+        var options = this.$options;
+        if (needleUpdateFunc) {
+            options.needle =, options.needle || '') || '';
+        }
+        if (options.needle.length === 0) {
+            this.statusMessage(true);
+            return this.cancelSearch(true);
+        };
+        options.start = this.$currentPos;
+        var session = this.$editor.session,
+            found = this.find(session),
+            shouldSelect = this.$editor.emacsMark ?
+                !!this.$editor.emacsMark() : !this.$editor.selection.isEmpty();
+        if (found) {
+            if (options.backwards) found = Range.fromPoints(found.end, found.start);
+            this.$editor.selection.setRange(Range.fromPoints(shouldSelect ? this.$startPos : found.end, found.end));
+            if (moveToNext) this.$currentPos = found.end;
+            this.highlight(
+        }
+        this.statusMessage(found);
+        return found;
+    }
+    this.addString = function(s) {
+        return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(false, function(needle) {
+            if (!isRegExp(needle))
+              return needle + s;
+            var reObj = regExpToObject(needle);
+            reObj.expression += s;
+            return objectToRegExp(reObj);
+        });
+    }
+    this.removeChar = function(c) {
+        return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(false, function(needle) {
+            if (!isRegExp(needle))
+              return needle.substring(0, needle.length-1);
+            var reObj = regExpToObject(needle);
+            reObj.expression = reObj.expression.substring(0, reObj.expression.length-1);
+            return objectToRegExp(reObj);
+        });
+    }
+ = function(options) {
+        options = options || {};
+        this.$options.backwards = !!options.backwards;
+        this.$currentPos = this.$editor.getCursorPosition();
+        return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(true, function(needle) {
+            return options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch && needle.length === 0 ?
+                this.$prevNeedle || '' : needle;
+        });
+    }
+    this.onMouseDown = function(evt) {
+        this.deactivate();
+        return true;
+    }
+    this.onPaste = function(text) {
+        this.addString(text);
+    }
+    this.convertNeedleToRegExp = function() {
+        return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(false, function(needle) {
+            return isRegExp(needle) ? needle : stringToRegExp(needle, 'ig');
+        });
+    }
+    this.convertNeedleToString = function() {
+        return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(false, function(needle) {
+            return isRegExp(needle) ? regExpToObject(needle).expression : needle;
+        });
+    }
+    this.statusMessage = function(found) {
+        var options = this.$options, msg = '';
+        msg += options.backwards ? 'reverse-' : '';
+        msg += 'isearch: ' + options.needle;
+        msg += found ? '' : ' (not found)';
+        this.message(msg);
+    }
+    this.message = function(msg) {
+        if (this.$editor.showCommandLine) {
+            this.$editor.showCommandLine(msg);
+            this.$editor.focus();
+        } else {
+            console.log(msg);
+        }
+    }
+exports.IncrementalSearch = IncrementalSearch;
+var dom = require('./lib/dom');
+dom.importCssString && dom.importCssString("\
+.ace_marker-layer .ace_isearch-result {\
+  position: absolute;\
+  z-index: 6;\
+  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\
+  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\
+  box-sizing: border-box;\
+div.ace_isearch-result {\
+  border-radius: 4px;\
+  background-color: rgba(255, 200, 0, 0.5);\
+  box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(255, 200, 0);\
+.ace_dark div.ace_isearch-result {\
+  background-color: rgb(100, 110, 160);\
+  box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(80, 90, 140);\
+}", "incremental-search-highlighting");
+var commands = require("./commands/command_manager");
+(function() {
+    this.setupIncrementalSearch = function(editor, val) {
+        if (this.usesIncrementalSearch == val) return;
+        this.usesIncrementalSearch = val;
+        var iSearchCommands = iSearchCommandModule.iSearchStartCommands;
+        var method = val ? 'addCommands' : 'removeCommands';
+        this[method](iSearchCommands);
+    };
+var Editor = require("./editor").Editor;
+require("./config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", {
+    useIncrementalSearch: {
+        set: function(val) {
+            this.keyBinding.$handlers.forEach(function(handler) {
+                if (handler.setupIncrementalSearch) {
+                    handler.setupIncrementalSearch(this, val);
+                }
+            });
+            this._emit('incrementalSearchSettingChanged', {isEnabled: val});
+        }
+    }
+define("ace/split",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/event_emitter","ace/editor","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/edit_session"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var oop = require("./lib/oop");
+var lang = require("./lib/lang");
+var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter;
+var Editor = require("./editor").Editor;
+var Renderer = require("./virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer;
+var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession;
+var Split = function(container, theme, splits) {
+    this.BELOW = 1;
+    this.BESIDE = 0;
+    this.$container = container;
+    this.$theme = theme;
+    this.$splits = 0;
+    this.$editorCSS = "";
+    this.$editors = [];
+    this.$orientation = this.BESIDE;
+    this.setSplits(splits || 1);
+    this.$cEditor = this.$editors[0];
+    this.on("focus", function(editor) {
+        this.$cEditor = editor;
+    }.bind(this));
+    oop.implement(this, EventEmitter);
+    this.$createEditor = function() {
+        var el = document.createElement("div");
+        el.className = this.$editorCSS;
+ = "position: absolute; top:0px; bottom:0px";
+        this.$container.appendChild(el);
+        var editor = new Editor(new Renderer(el, this.$theme));
+        editor.on("focus", function() {
+            this._emit("focus", editor);
+        }.bind(this));
+        this.$editors.push(editor);
+        editor.setFontSize(this.$fontSize);
+        return editor;
+    };
+    this.setSplits = function(splits) {
+        var editor;
+        if (splits < 1) {
+            throw "The number of splits have to be > 0!";
+        }
+        if (splits == this.$splits) {
+            return;
+        } else if (splits > this.$splits) {
+            while (this.$splits < this.$editors.length && this.$splits < splits) {
+                editor = this.$editors[this.$splits];
+                this.$container.appendChild(editor.container);
+                editor.setFontSize(this.$fontSize);
+                this.$splits ++;
+            }
+            while (this.$splits < splits) {
+                this.$createEditor();
+                this.$splits ++;
+            }
+        } else {
+            while (this.$splits > splits) {
+                editor = this.$editors[this.$splits - 1];
+                this.$container.removeChild(editor.container);
+                this.$splits --;
+            }
+        }
+        this.resize();
+    };
+    this.getSplits = function() {
+        return this.$splits;
+    };
+    this.getEditor = function(idx) {
+        return this.$editors[idx];
+    };
+    this.getCurrentEditor = function() {
+        return this.$cEditor;
+    };
+    this.focus = function() {
+        this.$cEditor.focus();
+    };
+    this.blur = function() {
+        this.$cEditor.blur();
+    };
+    this.setTheme = function(theme) {
+        this.$editors.forEach(function(editor) {
+            editor.setTheme(theme);
+        });
+    };
+    this.setKeyboardHandler = function(keybinding) {
+        this.$editors.forEach(function(editor) {
+            editor.setKeyboardHandler(keybinding);
+        });
+    };
+    this.forEach = function(callback, scope) {
+        this.$editors.forEach(callback, scope);
+    };
+    this.$fontSize = "";
+    this.setFontSize = function(size) {
+        this.$fontSize = size;
+        this.forEach(function(editor) {
+           editor.setFontSize(size);
+        });
+    };
+    this.$cloneSession = function(session) {
+        var s = new EditSession(session.getDocument(), session.getMode());
+        var undoManager = session.getUndoManager();
+        if (undoManager) {
+            var undoManagerProxy = new UndoManagerProxy(undoManager, s);
+            s.setUndoManager(undoManagerProxy);
+        }
+        s.$informUndoManager = lang.delayedCall(function() { s.$deltas = []; });
+        s.setTabSize(session.getTabSize());
+        s.setUseSoftTabs(session.getUseSoftTabs());
+        s.setOverwrite(session.getOverwrite());
+        s.setBreakpoints(session.getBreakpoints());
+        s.setUseWrapMode(session.getUseWrapMode());
+        s.setUseWorker(session.getUseWorker());
+        s.setWrapLimitRange(session.$wrapLimitRange.min,
+                            session.$wrapLimitRange.max);
+        s.$foldData = session.$cloneFoldData();
+        return s;
+    };
+    this.setSession = function(session, idx) {
+        var editor;
+        if (idx == null) {
+            editor = this.$cEditor;
+        } else {
+            editor = this.$editors[idx];
+        }
+        var isUsed = this.$editors.some(function(editor) {
+           return editor.session === session;
+        });
+        if (isUsed) {
+            session = this.$cloneSession(session);
+        }
+        editor.setSession(session);
+        return session;
+    };
+    this.getOrientation = function() {
+        return this.$orientation;
+    };
+    this.setOrientation = function(orientation) {
+        if (this.$orientation == orientation) {
+            return;
+        }
+        this.$orientation = orientation;
+        this.resize();
+    };
+    this.resize = function() {
+        var width = this.$container.clientWidth;
+        var height = this.$container.clientHeight;
+        var editor;
+        if (this.$orientation == this.BESIDE) {
+            var editorWidth = width / this.$splits;
+            for (var i = 0; i < this.$splits; i++) {
+                editor = this.$editors[i];
+       = editorWidth + "px";
+       = "0px";
+       = i * editorWidth + "px";
+       = height + "px";
+                editor.resize();
+            }
+        } else {
+            var editorHeight = height / this.$splits;
+            for (var i = 0; i < this.$splits; i++) {
+                editor = this.$editors[i];
+       = width + "px";
+       = i * editorHeight + "px";
+       = "0px";
+       = editorHeight + "px";
+                editor.resize();
+            }
+        }
+    };
+function UndoManagerProxy(undoManager, session) {
+    this.$u = undoManager;
+    this.$doc = session;
+(function() {
+    this.execute = function(options) {
+        this.$u.execute(options);
+    };
+    this.undo = function() {
+        var selectionRange = this.$u.undo(true);
+        if (selectionRange) {
+            this.$doc.selection.setSelectionRange(selectionRange);
+        }
+    };
+    this.redo = function() {
+        var selectionRange = this.$u.redo(true);
+        if (selectionRange) {
+            this.$doc.selection.setSelectionRange(selectionRange);
+        }
+    };
+    this.reset = function() {
+        this.$u.reset();
+    };
+    this.hasUndo = function() {
+        return this.$u.hasUndo();
+    };
+    this.hasRedo = function() {
+        return this.$u.hasRedo();
+    };
+exports.Split = Split;
+define("ace/keyboard/vim/registers",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"never use strict";
+module.exports = {
+    _default: {
+        text: "",
+        isLine: false
+    }
+define("ace/keyboard/vim/maps/util",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/vim/registers","ace/lib/dom"], function(require, exports, module) {
+var registers = require("../registers");
+var dom = require("../../../lib/dom");
+dom.importCssString('.insert-mode .ace_cursor{\
+    border-left: 2px solid #333333;\
+.ace_dark.insert-mode .ace_cursor{\
+    border-left: 2px solid #eeeeee;\
+.normal-mode .ace_cursor{\
+    border: 0!important;\
+    background-color: red;\
+    opacity: 0.5;\
+}', 'vimMode');
+module.exports = {
+    onVisualMode: false,
+    onVisualLineMode: false,
+    currentMode: 'normal',
+    noMode: function(editor) {
+        editor.unsetStyle('insert-mode');
+        editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode');
+        if (editor.commands.recording)
+            editor.commands.toggleRecording(editor);
+        editor.setOverwrite(false);
+    },
+    insertMode: function(editor) {
+        this.currentMode = 'insert';
+        editor.setStyle('insert-mode');
+        editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode');
+        editor.setOverwrite(false);
+        editor.keyBinding.$data.buffer = "";
+        editor.keyBinding.$data.vimState = "insertMode";
+        this.onVisualMode = false;
+        this.onVisualLineMode = false;
+        if(this.onInsertReplaySequence) {
+            editor.commands.macro = this.onInsertReplaySequence;
+            editor.commands.replay(editor);
+            this.onInsertReplaySequence = null;
+            this.normalMode(editor);
+        } else {
+            editor._emit("changeStatus");
+            if(!editor.commands.recording)
+                editor.commands.toggleRecording(editor);
+        }
+    },
+    normalMode: function(editor) {
+        this.currentMode = 'normal';
+        editor.unsetStyle('insert-mode');
+        editor.setStyle('normal-mode');
+        editor.clearSelection();
+        var pos;
+        if (!editor.getOverwrite()) {
+            pos = editor.getCursorPosition();
+            if (pos.column > 0)
+                editor.navigateLeft();
+        }
+        editor.setOverwrite(true);
+        editor.keyBinding.$data.buffer = "";
+        editor.keyBinding.$data.vimState = "start";
+        this.onVisualMode = false;
+        this.onVisualLineMode = false;
+        editor._emit("changeStatus");
+        if (editor.commands.recording) {
+            editor.commands.toggleRecording(editor);
+            return editor.commands.macro;
+        }
+        else {
+            return [];
+        }
+    },
+    visualMode: function(editor, lineMode) {
+        if (
+            (this.onVisualLineMode && lineMode)
+            || (this.onVisualMode && !lineMode)
+        ) {
+            this.normalMode(editor);
+            return;
+        }
+        editor.setStyle('insert-mode');
+        editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode');
+        editor._emit("changeStatus");
+        if (lineMode) {
+            this.onVisualLineMode = true;
+        } else {
+            this.onVisualMode = true;
+            this.onVisualLineMode = false;
+        }
+    },
+    getRightNthChar: function(editor, cursor, ch, n) {
+        var line = editor.getSession().getLine(cursor.row);
+        var matches = line.substr(cursor.column + 1).split(ch);
+        return n < matches.length ? matches.slice(0, n).join(ch).length : null;
+    },
+    getLeftNthChar: function(editor, cursor, ch, n) {
+        var line = editor.getSession().getLine(cursor.row);
+        var matches = line.substr(0, cursor.column).split(ch);
+        return n < matches.length ? matches.slice(-1 * n).join(ch).length : null;
+    },
+    toRealChar: function(ch) {
+        if (ch.length === 1)
+            return ch;
+        if (/^shift-./.test(ch))
+            return ch[ch.length - 1].toUpperCase();
+        else
+            return "";
+    },
+    copyLine: function(editor) {
+        var pos = editor.getCursorPosition();
+        editor.selection.moveTo(pos.row, pos.column);
+        editor.selection.selectLine();
+        registers._default.isLine = true;
+        registers._default.text = editor.getCopyText().replace(/\n$/, "");
+        editor.selection.moveTo(pos.row, pos.column);
+    }
+define("ace/keyboard/vim/maps/motions",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/vim/maps/util","ace/search","ace/range"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var util = require("./util");
+var keepScrollPosition = function(editor, fn) {
+    var scrollTopRow = editor.renderer.getScrollTopRow();
+    var initialRow = editor.getCursorPosition().row;
+    var diff = initialRow - scrollTopRow;
+    fn &&;
+    editor.renderer.scrollToRow(editor.getCursorPosition().row - diff);
+function Motion(m) {
+    if (typeof m == "function") {
+        var getPos = m;
+        m = this;
+    } else {
+        var getPos = m.getPos;
+    }
+    m.nav = function(editor, range, count, param) {
+        var a = getPos(editor, range, count, param, false);
+        if (!a)
+            return;
+        editor.selection.moveTo(a.row, a.column);
+    };
+    m.sel = function(editor, range, count, param) {
+        var a = getPos(editor, range, count, param, true);
+        if (!a)
+            return;
+        editor.selection.selectTo(a.row, a.column);
+    };
+    return m;
+var nonWordRe = /[\s.\/\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=\[\]{}`~?]/;
+var wordSeparatorRe = /[.\/\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=\[\]{}`~?]/;
+var whiteRe = /\s/;
+var StringStream = function(editor, cursor) {
+    var sel = editor.selection;
+    this.range = sel.getRange();
+    cursor = cursor || sel.selectionLead;
+    this.row = cursor.row;
+    this.col = cursor.column;
+    var line = editor.session.getLine(this.row);
+    var maxRow = editor.session.getLength();
+ = line[this.col] || '\n';
+    this.skippedLines = 0;
+ = function() {
+ = line[++this.col] || this.handleNewLine(1);
+        return;
+    };
+    this.prev = function() {
+ = line[--this.col] || this.handleNewLine(-1);
+        return;
+    };
+    this.peek = function(dir) {
+        var ch = line[this.col + dir];
+        if (ch)
+            return ch;
+        if (dir == -1)
+            return '\n';
+        if (this.col == line.length - 1)
+            return '\n';
+        return editor.session.getLine(this.row + 1)[0] || '\n';
+    };
+    this.handleNewLine = function(dir) {
+        if (dir == 1){
+            if (this.col == line.length)
+                return '\n';
+            if (this.row == maxRow - 1)
+                return '';
+            this.col = 0;
+            this.row ++;
+            line = editor.session.getLine(this.row);
+            this.skippedLines++;
+            return line[0] || '\n';
+        }
+        if (dir == -1) {
+            if (this.row === 0)
+                return '';
+            this.row --;
+            line = editor.session.getLine(this.row);
+            this.col = line.length;
+            this.skippedLines--;
+            return '\n';
+        }
+    };
+    this.debug = function() {
+        console.log(line.substring(0, this.col)+'|''\''+this.col+'\''+line.substr(this.col+1));
+    };
+var Search = require("../../../search").Search;
+var search = new Search();
+function find(editor, needle, dir) {
+    search.$options.needle = needle;
+    search.$options.backwards = dir == -1;
+    return search.find(editor.session);
+var Range = require("../../../range").Range;
+module.exports = {
+    "w": new Motion(function(editor) {
+        var str = new StringStream(editor);
+        if ( && wordSeparatorRe.test( {
+            while ( && wordSeparatorRe.test(
+      ;
+        } else {
+            while ( && !nonWordRe.test(
+      ;
+        }
+        while ( && whiteRe.test( && str.skippedLines < 2)
+  ;
+        str.skippedLines == 2 && str.prev();
+        return {column: str.col, row: str.row};
+    }),
+    "W": new Motion(function(editor) {
+        var str = new StringStream(editor);
+        while( && !(whiteRe.test( && !whiteRe.test(str.peek(1))) && str.skippedLines < 2)
+  ;
+        if (str.skippedLines == 2)
+            str.prev();
+        else
+  ;
+        return {column: str.col, row: str.row};
+    }),
+    "b": new Motion(function(editor) {
+        var str = new StringStream(editor);
+        str.prev();
+        while ( && whiteRe.test( && str.skippedLines > -2)
+            str.prev();
+        if ( && wordSeparatorRe.test( {
+            while ( && wordSeparatorRe.test(
+                str.prev();
+        } else {
+            while ( && !nonWordRe.test(
+                str.prev();
+        }
+ &&;
+        return {column: str.col, row: str.row};
+    }),
+    "B": new Motion(function(editor) {
+        var str = new StringStream(editor);
+        str.prev();
+        while( && !(!whiteRe.test( && whiteRe.test(str.peek(-1))) && str.skippedLines > -2)
+            str.prev();
+        if (str.skippedLines == -2)
+  ;
+        return {column: str.col, row: str.row};
+    }),
+    "e": new Motion(function(editor) {
+        var str = new StringStream(editor);
+        while ( && whiteR