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[GitHub] [incubator-mxnet] leezu commented on a change in pull request #20131: [WIP][2.0] Add cpp-package

leezu commented on a change in pull request #20131:

File path: cpp-package/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This is a python script that generates operator wrappers such as FullyConnected,
+# based on current libmxnet.dll. This script is written so that we don't need to
+# write new operator wrappers when new ones are added to the library.
+from ctypes import *
+from ctypes.util import find_library
+import os
+import logging
+import platform
+import re
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import filecmp
+import shutil
+import codecs
+def gen_enum_value(value):
+    return 'k' + value[0].upper() + value[1:]
+class EnumType:
+    name = ''
+    enumValues = []
+    def __init__(self, typeName = 'ElementWiseOpType', \
+                 typeString = "{'avg', 'max', 'sum'}"):
+ = typeName
+        if (typeString[0] == '{'):  # is a enum type
+            isEnum = True
+            # parse enum
+            self.enumValues = typeString[typeString.find('{') + 1:typeString.find('}')].split(',')
+            for i in range(0, len(self.enumValues)):
+                self.enumValues[i] = self.enumValues[i].strip().strip("'")
+        else:
+            logging.warn("trying to parse none-enum type as enum: %s" % typeString)
+    def GetDefinitionString(self, indent = 0):
+        indentStr = ' ' * indent
+        ret = indentStr + 'enum class %s {\n' %
+        for i in range(0, len(self.enumValues)):
+            ret = ret + indentStr + '  %s = %d' % (gen_enum_value(self.enumValues[i]), i)
+            if (i != len(self.enumValues) -1):
+                ret = ret + ","
+            ret = ret + "\n"
+        ret = ret + "};\n"
+        return ret
+    def GetDefaultValueString(self, value = ''):
+        return + "::" + gen_enum_value(value)
+    def GetEnumStringArray(self, indent = 0):
+        indentStr = ' ' * indent
+        ret = indentStr + 'static const char *%sValues[] = {\n' %
+        for i in range(0, len(self.enumValues)):
+            ret = ret + indentStr + '  "%s"' % self.enumValues[i]
+            if (i != len(self.enumValues) -1):
+                ret = ret + ","
+            ret = ret + "\n"
+        ret = ret + indentStr + "};\n"
+        return ret
+    def GetConvertEnumVariableToString(self, variable=''):
+        return "%sValues[int(%s)]" % (, variable)
+class Arg:
+    typeDict = {'boolean':'bool',\
+        'boolean or None':'dmlc::optional<bool>',\
+        'Shape(tuple)':'Shape',\
+        'Symbol':'Symbol',\
+        'NDArray':'Symbol',\
+        'NDArray-or-Symbol':'Symbol',\
+        'Symbol[]':'const std::vector<Symbol>&',\
+        'Symbol or Symbol[]':'const std::vector<Symbol>&',\
+        'NDArray[]':'const std::vector<Symbol>&',\
+        'caffe-layer-parameter':'::caffe::LayerParameter',\
+        'NDArray-or-Symbol[]':'const std::vector<Symbol>&',\
+        'float':'mx_float',\
+        'real_t':'mx_float',\
+        'int':'int',\
+        'int (non-negative)': 'uint32_t',\
+        'long (non-negative)': 'uint64_t',\
+        'int or None':'dmlc::optional<int>',\
+        'float or None':'dmlc::optional<float>',\
+        'long':'int64_t',\
+        'double':'double',\
+        'double or None':'dmlc::optional<double>',\
+        'Shape or None':'dmlc::optional<Shape>',\
+        'string':'const std::string&',\
+        'tuple of <float>':'nnvm::Tuple<mx_float>',\
+        'tuple of <>':'mxnet::cpp::Shape',\
+        '':'index_t'}
+    name = ''
+    type = ''
+    description = ''
+    isEnum = False
+    enum = None
+    hasDefault = False
+    defaultString = ''
+    def __init__(self, opName = '', argName = '', typeString = '', descString = ''):
+ = argName
+        self.description = descString
+        if (typeString[0] == '{'):  # is enum type
+            self.isEnum = True
+            self.enum = EnumType(self.ConstructEnumTypeName(opName, argName), typeString)
+            self.type =
+        else:
+            try:
+                self.type = self.typeDict[typeString.split(',')[0]]
+            except:
+                print('argument "%s" of operator "%s" has unknown type "%s"' % (argName, opName, typeString))
+                pass
+        if typeString.find('default=') != -1:
+            self.hasDefault = True
+            self.defaultString = typeString.split('default=')[1].strip().strip("'")
+            if typeString.startswith('string'):
+                self.defaultString = self.MakeCString(self.defaultString)
+            elif self.isEnum:
+                self.defaultString = self.enum.GetDefaultValueString(self.defaultString)
+            elif self.defaultString == 'None':
+                self.defaultString = self.type + '()'
+            elif self.type == "bool":
+                if self.defaultString == "1" or self.defaultString == "True":
+                    self.defaultString = "true"
+                else:
+                    self.defaultString = "false"
+            elif self.defaultString[0] == '(':
+                self.defaultString = 'Shape' + self.defaultString
+            elif self.defaultString[0] == '[':
+                self.defaultString = 'Shape(' + self.defaultString[1:-1] + ")"
+            elif self.type == 'dmlc::optional<int>':
+                self.defaultString = self.type + '(' + self.defaultString + ')'
+            elif self.type == 'dmlc::optional<bool>':
+                self.defaultString = self.type + '(' + self.defaultString + ')'
+            elif typeString.startswith('caffe-layer-parameter'):
+                self.defaultString = 'textToCaffeLayerParameter(' + self.MakeCString(self.defaultString) + ')'
+                hasCaffe = True
+    def MakeCString(self, str):
+        str = str.replace('\n', "\\n")
+        str = str.replace('\t', "\\t")
+        return '\"' + str + '\"'
+    def ConstructEnumTypeName(self, opName = '', argName = ''):
+        a = opName[0].upper()
+        # format ArgName so instead of act_type it returns ActType
+        argNameWords = argName.split('_')
+        argName = ''
+        for an in argNameWords:
+            argName = argName + an[0].upper() + an[1:]
+        typeName = a + opName[1:] + argName
+        return typeName
+class Op:
+    name = ''
+    description = ''
+    args = []
+    def __init__(self, name = '', description = '', args = []):
+ = name
+        self.description = description
+        # add a 'name' argument
+        nameArg = Arg(, \
+                      'symbol_name', \
+                      'string', \
+                      'name of the resulting symbol')
+        args.insert(0, nameArg)
+        # reorder arguments, put those with default value to the end
+        orderedArgs = []
+        for arg in args:
+            if not arg.hasDefault:
+                orderedArgs.append(arg)
+        for arg in args:
+            if arg.hasDefault:
+                orderedArgs.append(arg)
+        self.args = orderedArgs
+    def WrapDescription(self, desc = ''):
+        ret = []
+        sentences = desc.split('.')
+        lines = desc.split('\n')
+        for line in lines:
+          line = line.strip()
+          if len(line) <= 80:
+            ret.append(line.strip())
+          else:
+            while len(line) > 80:
+              pos = line.rfind(' ', 0, 80)+1
+              if pos <= 0:
+                pos = line.find(' ')
+              if pos < 0:
+                pos = len(line)
+              ret.append(line[:pos].strip())
+              line = line[pos:]
+        return ret
+    def GenDescription(self, desc = '', \
+                        firstLineHead = ' * \\brief ', \
+                        otherLineHead = ' *        '):
+        ret = ''
+        descs = self.WrapDescription(desc)
+        ret = ret + firstLineHead
+        if len(descs) == 0:
+          return ret.rstrip()
+        ret = (ret + descs[0]).rstrip() + '\n'
+        for i in range(1, len(descs)):
+            ret = ret + (otherLineHead + descs[i]).rstrip() + '\n'
+        return ret
+    def GetOpDefinitionString(self, use_name, indent=0):
+        ret = ''
+        indentStr = ' ' * indent
+        # define enums if any
+        for arg in self.args:
+            if arg.isEnum and use_name:
+                # comments
+                ret = ret + self.GenDescription(arg.description, \
+                                        '/*! \\brief ', \
+                                        ' *        ')
+                ret = ret + " */\n"
+                # definition
+                ret = ret + arg.enum.GetDefinitionString(indent) + '\n'
+        # create function comments
+        ret = ret + self.GenDescription(self.description, \
+                                        '/*!\n * \\brief ', \
+                                        ' *        ')
+        for arg in self.args:
+            if != 'symbol_name' or use_name:
+                ret = ret + self.GenDescription( + ' ' + arg.description, \
+                                        ' * \\param ', \
+                                        ' *        ')
+        ret = ret + " * \\return new symbol\n"
+        ret = ret + " */\n"
+        # create function header
+        declFirstLine = indentStr + 'inline Symbol %s(' %
+        ret = ret + declFirstLine
+        argIndentStr = ' ' * len(declFirstLine)
+        arg_start = 0 if use_name else 1
+        if len(self.args) > arg_start:
+            ret = ret + self.GetArgString(self.args[arg_start])
+        for i in range(arg_start+1, len(self.args)):
+            ret = ret + ',\n'
+            ret = ret + argIndentStr + self.GetArgString(self.args[i])
+        ret = ret + ') {\n'
+        # create function body
+        # if there is enum, generate static enum<->string mapping
+        for arg in self.args:
+            if arg.isEnum:
+                ret = ret + arg.enum.GetEnumStringArray(indent + 2)
+        # now generate code
+        ret = ret + indentStr + '  return Operator(\"%s\")\n' %
+        for arg in self.args:   # set params
+            if arg.type == 'Symbol' or \
+                arg.type == 'const std::string&' or \
+                arg.type == 'const std::vector<Symbol>&':
+                continue
+            v =
+            if arg.isEnum:
+                v = arg.enum.GetConvertEnumVariableToString(v)
+            ret = ret + indentStr + ' ' * 11 + \
+                '.SetParam(\"%s\", %s)\n' % (, v)
+        #ret = ret[:-1]  # get rid of the last \n
+        symbols = ''
+        inputAlreadySet = False
+        for arg in self.args:   # set inputs
+            if arg.type != 'Symbol':
+                continue
+            inputAlreadySet = True
+            #if symbols != '':
+            #    symbols = symbols + ', '
+            #symbols = symbols +
+            ret = ret + indentStr + ' ' * 11 + \
+                '.SetInput(\"%s\", %s)\n' % (,
+        for arg in self.args:   # set input arrays vector<Symbol>
+            if arg.type != 'const std::vector<Symbol>&':
+                continue
+            if (inputAlreadySet):
+                logging.error("op %s has both Symbol[] and Symbol inputs!" %
+            inputAlreadySet = True
+            symbols =
+            ret = ret + '(%s)\n' % symbols
+        ret = ret + indentStr + ' ' * 11
+        if use_name:
+            ret = ret + '.CreateSymbol(symbol_name);\n'
+        else:
+            ret = ret + '.CreateSymbol();\n'
+        ret = ret + indentStr + '}\n'
+        return ret
+    def GetArgString(self, arg):
+        ret = '%s %s' % (arg.type,
+        if arg.hasDefault:
+            ret = ret + ' = ' + arg.defaultString
+        return ret
+def ParseAllOps():
+    """
+    MXNET_DLL int MXSymbolListAtomicSymbolCreators(mx_uint *out_size,
+                                                   AtomicSymbolCreator **out_array);
+    MXNET_DLL int MXSymbolGetAtomicSymbolInfo(AtomicSymbolCreator creator,
+                                              const char **name,
+                                              const char **description,
+                                              mx_uint *num_args,
+                                              const char ***arg_names,
+                                              const char ***arg_type_infos,
+                                              const char ***arg_descriptions,
+                                              const char **key_var_num_args);
+    """
+    cdll.libmxnet = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_lib_path()[0])

Review comment:
       Basing the cpp-package on the ability to `dlopen` libmxnet at compile-time makes cross-compiling impossible unless the OS is setup for emulating foreign architecture code (ie. transparently running aarch64 on x86). That's not very common. Can we design the cpp package so that it integrates well with the normal compilation workflows?

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