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Posted to by on 2015/05/08 23:20:59 UTC

[23/50] [abbrv] incubator-streams git commit: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release streams-project-0.2-incubating-rc2
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-{"name":"t3_1lemut","permalink":"/r/InfertilityBabies/comments/1lemut/one_milestone_down/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":2,"ups":3,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"ONE MILESTONE DOWN!!","author_flair_css_class":"","author":"beermethestrength","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377878382.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.InfertilityBabies","id":"1lemut","selftext":"We had our early pregnancy scan today with our RE, and I was shocked to actually see the heartbeat! So shocked in fact, that I immediately burst into tears. The very kind intern grabbed a kleenex for me while the RE continued to look around. Everything looks perfect so far - I'm at 6 weeks 5 days, and the ultrasound reflected that. That puts our due date at 4/20 (haha, won't forget that date). \n\nI just called the OB, who is super popular and apparently difficult to get in with
 , and left a message for a new patient visit. Fingers crossed I hear back by Tuesday. And we scheduled one last visit with the RE for next Friday. Of course I'm still scared, but I can relax a little bit. And I can actually hang that photo on the fridge this time, and not crumple it up and throw it away like I did last October. \n\nSo now we're faced with the dilemma - do we tell the family yet? I'm thinking no, because when I miscarried last year my family was not helpful at all. Plus my mother-in-law is psycho and will call me every fucking day to ask how I'm doing, and I can't take that stress right now. \n\nI just texted my hubby about feeling like we shouldn't tell, and he agrees, so I guess that settles that. :)","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":"6 time's the charm? IUI #6 worked, due 4/20/14","media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2vy6k","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>We had our early pregnan
 cy scan today with our RE, and I was shocked to actually see the heartbeat! So shocked in fact, that I immediately burst into tears. The very kind intern grabbed a kleenex for me while the RE continued to look around. Everything looks perfect so far - I'm at 6 weeks 5 days, and the ultrasound reflected that. That puts our due date at 4/20 (haha, won't forget that date). </p>\n\n<p>I just called the OB, who is super popular and apparently difficult to get in with, and left a message for a new patient visit. Fingers crossed I hear back by Tuesday. And we scheduled one last visit with the RE for next Friday. Of course I'm still scared, but I can relax a little bit. And I can actually hang that photo on the fridge this time, and not crumple it up and throw it away like I did last October. </p>\n\n<p>So now we're faced with the dilemma - do we tell the family yet? I'm thinking no, because when I miscarried last year my famil
 y was not helpful at all. Plus my mother-in-law is psycho and will call me every fucking day to ask how I'm doing, and I can't take that stress right now. </p>\n\n<p>I just texted my hubby about feeling like we shouldn't tell, and he agrees, so I guess that settles that. :)</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":3,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377907182.0,"downs":0,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"InfertilityBabies"},
-{"name":"t3_1lekxw","permalink":"/r/Amsterdam/comments/1lekxw/cold_medicine_in_holland/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":0,"ups":1,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"Cold Medicine in Holland","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"1upped","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377876854.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.Amsterdam","id":"1lekxw","selftext":"I have a cold and I'm losing my mind that there are so few over the counter options here. Even benadryl and mucinex aren't sold here!\n\nI'm really only looking for an over the counter expectorant (like mucinex) to help clear the mucus out of my chest. Can someone please recommend something? Do I just have to get a friend to mail it to me from the States? That would truly suck.\n\nThanks!","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"sub
 reddit_id":"t5_2r117","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I have a cold and I'm losing my mind that there are so few over the counter options here. Even benadryl and mucinex aren't sold here!</p>\n\n<p>I'm really only looking for an over the counter expectorant (like mucinex) to help clear the mucus out of my chest. Can someone please recommend something? Do I just have to get a friend to mail it to me from the States? That would truly suck.</p>\n\n<p>Thanks!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":1,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377905654.0,"downs":0,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"Amsterdam"},
-{"name":"t3_1ldwu2","permalink":"/r/GunPorn/comments/1ldwu2/remington_msr_1600x1200/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":false,"num_comments":0,"ups":29,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"Remington msr [1600x1200]","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"SirJilliumz","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377844697.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"","id":"1ldwu2","selftext":"","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2sey3","selftext_html":null,"media_embed":{},"score":26,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377873497.0,"downs":3,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"GunPorn"},
-{"name":"t3_1leeb7","permalink":"/r/Fitness/comments/1leeb7/2_year_progress_pics/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":6,"ups":23,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"~2 year progress (pics)","author_flair_css_class":"","author":"adderallnredbull","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377871202.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.Fitness","id":"1leeb7","selftext":"This is my second year progress post to follow my first year one [HERE](\n \n**Info and Stats**\n\nI am 5'11 and 24 years old in a few weeks. I started at 180lb/81kg and ~17% bf and am currently at 173lb/78.6kg and ~9% bf. \n\n    |Aug 2011|July 2012|Feb 2013|Aug 2013\n:---|:---:|:--:|:---: |---:\nWeight|180lb/81kg|165lb/74kg |190lb/86kg |173lb/81kg\nBF % est.|17%|9%|14%|9%\nBench|175lb|255lb|295lb|305lb\nSquat|185lb|295lb|345lb|365
 lb\nDeadlift|205lb|315lb|425lb|465lb\nOHP|115lb|155lb|180lb|195lb\n\n[Some pretty graphs](\n\n**PICS** \n\n[Full album with detailed info here or just click below for single pics](\n\n[Front Progress](  + [Back progress]( + [Front Total Progression]( + [Back Total Progression]( + [Legs doing Leg things]( + [1 year bulk and cut comparison]( [Extra back pic]( + [Leg and body proportions]( + [Bonus goofing around pic](\n\n\n\n**Quick background recap**\n\nI went from athletic in HS to being an out of shape computer gamer in college. I decided to fix it when I realized I disliked my picture being taken. \n\nSo I started working out in August 2011, 5 da
 ys a week with no set program, terrible nutrition, and bad form. Over the next 6 months I found /r/fitness and other weightlifting sites and quickly improved my nutrition and started doing a split body workout. The next 6 months I started cutting weight and added leg workouts as well (had a nagging knee injury and had to fix computer guy posture).\n\n**Year 2**\n\nAfter my last post I tried bulking on purpose this time with a goal weight of 190lbs/86kg. I tried to gain about 1lb/.45kg a week while still eating the clean healthy food, but just more of it. I decided to keep the same general lifting routine since I had not plateaued. Additionally I started the 9-5 work life in Sept 2012 and it took a couple weeks to get my sleep, nutrition and gym rhythm back. I lift about 2 hours after my dinner (get to gym at 7-8pm) and it takes about 1.5-2 hours including the commute. I eventually hit my goal weight of 190lbs/86kg in February and then decided to do another slow cut to see what kind 
 of progress I had made. I tried to cut weight slowly at about the same rate as I had gained it so I (hopefully) wouldn’t lose everything I gained from bulking. Besides a 10 day, eating everything, no gym vacation in July I stuck to the schedule and it worked out great! My main lifts didn’t drop off during my cut which was better than expected.\n\n**General Diet**\n\nI went by basic macros and not calories when keeping track of food. Since I eat the same things I just tweaked the amounts if I wasn’t gaining/losing weight at the right speeds. I eat 3 meals a day usually with room for 1 snack/protein shake if needed. If I absolutely had to go over my macros for a day I went over on protein. Seasonings don’t get counted and I only use sriracha or low calorie sauces. Stevia is my 0 calorie sweetener of choice.\n\n**Bulking Diet** \n\n45% protein 35% carbs 20% fats. Adjust food amounts to fit your calorie needs while still getting close to macro %’s\n\n**Breakfast**: medium/larg
 e bowl of rolled oats with almond butter + 5 eggs + large coffee (I add ON Vanilla Whey protein powder to hazelnut coffee for amazingness)\n\n**Lunch**: 1.5lbs/24oz of chicken/leaner beefs/fish + equal size portion of veggies (brassica type veggie preferred) + 80g of your favorite complex carb (brown rice, sweet potato, beans)\n\n**After work dinner**: Dinner is 1lb/16oz of chicken/beef + equal size portion of veggies + 80g of complex carbs again. \n\n**Snack if needed**: Make a shake that fits your needed macros for the day. If you struggle to eat a lot of meat/get enough protein try taking 0% fat plain greek yogurt and add lemon juice and 0 calorie sweetener for a delicious concoction. To cut the acidity try using lemon extract and lemon zest instead of juice. \n\n**Cutting Diet** \n\n50% protein 30% carbs 20% fats. Adjust food amounts to fit your calorie needs while still getting close to macro %’s\n\n**Breakfast**: small bowl of rolled oats + 2 eggs + large coffee (I add ON Va
 nilla Whey protein powder to hazelnut coffee)\n\n**Lunch**: 2/3lbs/12oz of chicken/leaner beefs/fish + equal size portion of veggies (brassica type veggie preferred) \n\n**After work dinner**: Dinner is 2/3lb/12oz of chicken/lean beef/fish + equal size portion of veggies + half of a small avocado or some other healthy fat. \n\n**Snack if needed**: 0% fat plain greek yogurt mixed with lemon juice, lemon extract, lemon zest and 0 calorie sweetener OR kimchee OR a spinach salad with a bit of goat cheese and balsamic OR seasoned seaweed sheets filled with dried baby shrimp/fish. (you can only pick one....)\n\n**Drinks**: Coffee, Green Tea, Water, Lemon Iced Tea \n\n**Supplements**: Creatine, ON Nutrition Whey protein (vanilla ice cream flavor <3 still tastes like powdered unicorn), Fish Oil, Multivitamin, Vitamin D, Spirulina, Psycillium Husk, only when cutting EC stack and Yohimbine occasionally. Use to learn more about these supplements\n\n**Workout Routine** \n\nThese 
 are general standard workouts I do but I frequently swap various auxiliary lifts in and out of rotation all the time. I do lifts in 3 sets of 10-12 with medium weight or 3 sets of 10,8,6 with heavy weights. Usually I am close to failure by the end of 3rd set no matter what. Proper form is the main emphasis during all lifts. I try to increase the weight or # of reps each week or just the difficulty and ROM in general. I do cardio 2-3 times a week when cutting and it consists of incline walking or cycling or stairmaster for 10-15 minutes total at moderate pace. 5-10 sets of HIIT sprints occasionally when I can talk myself into it. I only need a coffee occasionally to get me ready for the gym.\n\n**Day1** Chest/Abs\n\nDB incline flies\n\nDB flat bench flies\n\nDB incline bench press\n\nDB flat bench press\n\nCable Flies from top, middle, and bottom angles.\n\nWide-grip bench or dips if still energetic\n\nWeighted Leg raises\n\nWeighted cable crunches\n\nPlanks\n\n**Day2** Back\n\nWeigh
 ted pull-ups wide-grip\n\nWeighted pull-ups parallel-grip\n\nWeighted chin-ups\n\nDeadlifts (rep range of only 4-8)\n\nStanding cable pullover close-grip\n\nCable pullover wide-grip\n\nT-bar rows\n\nWide-grip seated row\n\nUn-weighted pull-ups if still energetic\n\n**Day3** Shoulders/arms\n\nFront and Side DB raises\n\nStanding OHP\n\nCable raises with single arm grip (front and side)\n\nStanding one arm shoulder press (use T-bar row equipment but facing it)\n\nFace pulls\n\nRear delt Flies\n\nHammer or concentration curls\n\nEZ bar bicep curls with different grip each set (6 or 9 sets)\n\nSkullcrushers with close-grip bench supersets using a close-grip with the EZ bar\n\nTricep rope pushdowns\n\nAlso some extra light stabilization work/lifts for my shoulder joints/rotator cuff\n\n**Day4** Legs/Abs\n\nSquats high bar (I end with a widowmaker set as well) \n\nMachine leg extension\n\nMachine single leg extension\n\nMachine leg curl\n\nLying leg curl\n\nLeg press \n\nLeg press calf ra
 ises\n\nCalf raises\n\nWeighted hip thrust (do these in a corner as they look terribly awkward) \n\nSame abs lifts as day1\n\n**Day5** Check how your body is feeling and pick accordingly\n\nRest or light cardio with a lagging bodypart/muscle workout\n\n**Extra Stuff**\n\nI did not do SS due to already having basic strength level when I learned about it. I do highly recommend it to anyone starting lifting weights for the first time as it provides a solid foundation. \n\nMy tattoos have not noticeably changed in size or proportions. From last post to this post my waist size went from a 31 to a 33-34 and back down to a 32-31. For t-shirt size I used to be able to wear most medium shirts. By the end of my bulk I could only wear larges and now I currently can wear only looser neck mediums and smaller larges. \n\nI drank a bit less than once a week while bulking and usually was 4 or so strong drinks over 5+ hours to reach and keep a good level. When cutting I drink about twice a month and
  only 2-3 strong drinks is needed to reach the same level. For tracking lifts and food I suggest using Fitocracy and/or Myfitnesspal. I used Fitocracy for 4-5 months but realized I was doing more of the social stuff and wasting time than tracking my lifts so I stopped. \n\nFor goals I still have not reached a lean 180lb/81kg but now I want to be a lean 185lb/84kg. I hit the 1000lb club and now want to reach the 1250lb club and/or 400 wilks score. I still don’t have a bicep vein and really want one. \n\nLet me know if you have any questions or suggestions for me. Are there any areas that need work and I hope this is helpful to someone!","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":"Highland Games","media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2qhx4","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>This is my second year progress post to follow my first year one <a href=\"
 s_pics/\">HERE</a>.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Info and Stats</strong></p>\n\n<p>I am 5'11 and 24 years old in a few weeks. I started at 180lb/81kg and ~17% bf and am currently at 173lb/78.6kg and ~9% bf. </p>\n\n<table><thead>\n<tr>\n<th align=\"left\"></th>\n<th align=\"center\">Aug 2011</th>\n<th align=\"center\">July 2012</th>\n<th align=\"center\">Feb 2013</th>\n<th align=\"right\">Aug 2013</th>\n</tr>\n</thead><tbody>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"left\">Weight</td>\n<td align=\"center\">180lb/81kg</td>\n<td align=\"center\">165lb/74kg</td>\n<td align=\"center\">190lb/86kg</td>\n<td align=\"right\">173lb/81kg</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"left\">BF % est.</td>\n<td align=\"center\">17%</td>\n<td align=\"center\">9%</td>\n<td ali
 gn=\"center\">14%</td>\n<td align=\"right\">9%</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"left\">Bench</td>\n<td align=\"center\">175lb</td>\n<td align=\"center\">255lb</td>\n<td align=\"center\">295lb</td>\n<td align=\"right\">305lb</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"left\">Squat</td>\n<td align=\"center\">185lb</td>\n<td align=\"center\">295lb</td>\n<td align=\"center\">345lb</td>\n<td align=\"right\">365lb</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"left\">Deadlift</td>\n<td align=\"center\">205lb</td>\n<td align=\"center\">315lb</td>\n<td align=\"center\">425lb</td>\n<td align=\"right\">465lb</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"left\">OHP</td>\n<td align=\"center\">115lb</td>\n<td align=\"center\">155lb</td>\n<td align=\"center\"
 >180lb</td>\n<td align=\"right\">195lb</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody></table>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Some pretty graphs</a></p>\n\n<p><strong>PICS</strong> </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Full album with detailed info here or just click below for single pics</a></p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Front Progress</a>  + <a href=\"\">Back progress</a> + <a href=\"\">Front Total Progression</a> + <a href=\"\">Back Total Progression</a> + <a href=\"\">Legs doing Leg things</a> + <a href=\"\">1 year bulk and cut comparison</a>+ <a href=\"\">Extra back pic</a> + 
 <a href=\"\">Leg and body proportions</a> + <a href=\"\">Bonus goofing around pic</a></p>\n\n<p><strong>Quick background recap</strong></p>\n\n<p>I went from athletic in HS to being an out of shape computer gamer in college. I decided to fix it when I realized I disliked my picture being taken. </p>\n\n<p>So I started working out in August 2011, 5 days a week with no set program, terrible nutrition, and bad form. Over the next 6 months I found <a href=\"/r/fitness\">/r/fitness</a> and other weightlifting sites and quickly improved my nutrition and started doing a split body workout. The next 6 months I started cutting weight and added leg workouts as well (had a nagging knee injury and had to fix computer guy posture).</p>\n\n<p><strong>Year 2</strong></p>\n\n<p>After my last post I tried bulking on purp
 ose this time with a goal weight of 190lbs/86kg. I tried to gain about 1lb/.45kg a week while still eating the clean healthy food, but just more of it. I decided to keep the same general lifting routine since I had not plateaued. Additionally I started the 9-5 work life in Sept 2012 and it took a couple weeks to get my sleep, nutrition and gym rhythm back. I lift about 2 hours after my dinner (get to gym at 7-8pm) and it takes about 1.5-2 hours including the commute. I eventually hit my goal weight of 190lbs/86kg in February and then decided to do another slow cut to see what kind of progress I had made. I tried to cut weight slowly at about the same rate as I had gained it so I (hopefully) wouldn’t lose everything I gained from bulking. Besides a 10 day, eating everything, no gym vacation in July I stuck to the schedule and it worked out great! My main lifts didn’t drop off during my cut which was better than expected.</p>\n\n<p><strong>General Diet</strong
 ></p>\n\n<p>I went by basic macros and not calories when keeping track of food. Since I eat the same things I just tweaked the amounts if I wasn’t gaining/losing weight at the right speeds. I eat 3 meals a day usually with room for 1 snack/protein shake if needed. If I absolutely had to go over my macros for a day I went over on protein. Seasonings don’t get counted and I only use sriracha or low calorie sauces. Stevia is my 0 calorie sweetener of choice.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Bulking Diet</strong> </p>\n\n<p>45% protein 35% carbs 20% fats. Adjust food amounts to fit your calorie needs while still getting close to macro %’s</p>\n\n<p><strong>Breakfast</strong>: medium/large bowl of rolled oats with almond butter + 5 eggs + large coffee (I add ON Vanilla Whey protein powder to hazelnut coffee for amazingness)</p>\n\n<p><strong>Lunch</strong>: 1.5lbs/24oz of chicken/leaner beefs/fish +
  equal size portion of veggies (brassica type veggie preferred) + 80g of your favorite complex carb (brown rice, sweet potato, beans)</p>\n\n<p><strong>After work dinner</strong>: Dinner is 1lb/16oz of chicken/beef + equal size portion of veggies + 80g of complex carbs again. </p>\n\n<p><strong>Snack if needed</strong>: Make a shake that fits your needed macros for the day. If you struggle to eat a lot of meat/get enough protein try taking 0% fat plain greek yogurt and add lemon juice and 0 calorie sweetener for a delicious concoction. To cut the acidity try using lemon extract and lemon zest instead of juice. </p>\n\n<p><strong>Cutting Diet</strong> </p>\n\n<p>50% protein 30% carbs 20% fats. Adjust food amounts to fit your calorie needs while still getting close to macro %’s</p>\n\n<p><strong>Breakfast</strong>: small bowl of rolled oats + 2 eggs + large coffee (I add ON Va
 nilla Whey protein powder to hazelnut coffee)</p>\n\n<p><strong>Lunch</strong>: 2/3lbs/12oz of chicken/leaner beefs/fish + equal size portion of veggies (brassica type veggie preferred) </p>\n\n<p><strong>After work dinner</strong>: Dinner is 2/3lb/12oz of chicken/lean beef/fish + equal size portion of veggies + half of a small avocado or some other healthy fat. </p>\n\n<p><strong>Snack if needed</strong>: 0% fat plain greek yogurt mixed with lemon juice, lemon extract, lemon zest and 0 calorie sweetener OR kimchee OR a spinach salad with a bit of goat cheese and balsamic OR seasoned seaweed sheets filled with dried baby shrimp/fish. (you can only pick one....)</p>\n\n<p><strong>Drinks</strong>: Coffee, Green Tea, Water, Lemon Iced Tea </p>\n\n<p><strong>Supplements</strong>: Creatine, ON Nutrition Whey protein (vanilla ice cream flavor <3 still tastes like 
 powdered unicorn), Fish Oil, Multivitamin, Vitamin D, Spirulina, Psycillium Husk, only when cutting EC stack and Yohimbine occasionally. Use to learn more about these supplements</p>\n\n<p><strong>Workout Routine</strong> </p>\n\n<p>These are general standard workouts I do but I frequently swap various auxiliary lifts in and out of rotation all the time. I do lifts in 3 sets of 10-12 with medium weight or 3 sets of 10,8,6 with heavy weights. Usually I am close to failure by the end of 3rd set no matter what. Proper form is the main emphasis during all lifts. I try to increase the weight or # of reps each week or just the difficulty and ROM in general. I do cardio 2-3 times a week when cutting and it consists of incline walking or cycling or stairmaster for 10-15 minutes total at moderate pace. 5-10 sets of HIIT sprints occasionally when I can talk myself into it. I only need a coffee occasionally to get me ready for the gym.</p>\
 n\n<p><strong>Day1</strong> Chest/Abs</p>\n\n<p>DB incline flies</p>\n\n<p>DB flat bench flies</p>\n\n<p>DB incline bench press</p>\n\n<p>DB flat bench press</p>\n\n<p>Cable Flies from top, middle, and bottom angles.</p>\n\n<p>Wide-grip bench or dips if still energetic</p>\n\n<p>Weighted Leg raises</p>\n\n<p>Weighted cable crunches</p>\n\n<p>Planks</p>\n\n<p><strong>Day2</strong> Back</p>\n\n<p>Weighted pull-ups wide-grip</p>\n\n<p>Weighted pull-ups parallel-grip</p>\n\n<p>Weighted chin-ups</p>\n\n<p>Deadlifts (rep range of only 4-8)</p>\n\n<p>Standing cable pullover close-grip</p>\n\n<p>Cable pullover wide-grip</p>\n\n<p>T-bar rows</p>\n\n<p>Wide-grip seated row</p>\n\n<p>Un-weighted pull-ups if still energetic</p>\n\n<
 p><strong>Day3</strong> Shoulders/arms</p>\n\n<p>Front and Side DB raises</p>\n\n<p>Standing OHP</p>\n\n<p>Cable raises with single arm grip (front and side)</p>\n\n<p>Standing one arm shoulder press (use T-bar row equipment but facing it)</p>\n\n<p>Face pulls</p>\n\n<p>Rear delt Flies</p>\n\n<p>Hammer or concentration curls</p>\n\n<p>EZ bar bicep curls with different grip each set (6 or 9 sets)</p>\n\n<p>Skullcrushers with close-grip bench supersets using a close-grip with the EZ bar</p>\n\n<p>Tricep rope pushdowns</p>\n\n<p>Also some extra light stabilization work/lifts for my shoulder joints/rotator cuff</p>\n\n<p><strong>Day4</strong> Legs/Abs</p>\n\n<p>Squats high bar (I end with a widowmaker set as well) </p>\n\n<p>Machine leg extension</p>\n\n<p>Machine single leg extensio
 n</p>\n\n<p>Machine leg curl</p>\n\n<p>Lying leg curl</p>\n\n<p>Leg press </p>\n\n<p>Leg press calf raises</p>\n\n<p>Calf raises</p>\n\n<p>Weighted hip thrust (do these in a corner as they look terribly awkward) </p>\n\n<p>Same abs lifts as day1</p>\n\n<p><strong>Day5</strong> Check how your body is feeling and pick accordingly</p>\n\n<p>Rest or light cardio with a lagging bodypart/muscle workout</p>\n\n<p><strong>Extra Stuff</strong></p>\n\n<p>I did not do SS due to already having basic strength level when I learned about it. I do highly recommend it to anyone starting lifting weights for the first time as it provides a solid foundation. </p>\n\n<p>My tattoos have not noticeably changed in size or proportions. From last post to this post my waist size went from a 31 to a 33-34 and back down to a 32-31. For t-shirt si
 ze I used to be able to wear most medium shirts. By the end of my bulk I could only wear larges and now I currently can wear only looser neck mediums and smaller larges. </p>\n\n<p>I drank a bit less than once a week while bulking and usually was 4 or so strong drinks over 5+ hours to reach and keep a good level. When cutting I drink about twice a month and only 2-3 strong drinks is needed to reach the same level. For tracking lifts and food I suggest using Fitocracy and/or Myfitnesspal. I used Fitocracy for 4-5 months but realized I was doing more of the social stuff and wasting time than tracking my lifts so I stopped. </p>\n\n<p>For goals I still have not reached a lean 180lb/81kg but now I want to be a lean 185lb/84kg. I hit the 1000lb club and now want to reach the 1250lb club and/or 400 wilks score. I still don’t have a bicep vein and really want one. </p>\n\n<p>Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for me. Are there any are
 as that need work and I hope this is helpful to someone!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":20,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377900002.0,"downs":3,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"Fitness"},
-{"name":"t3_1lefsj","permalink":"/r/BabyBumps/comments/1lefsj/achievement_unlocked_aka_my_pregnancy_superpower/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":0,"ups":1,"link_flair_text":"Symptom","title":"Achievement Unlocked! (aka my pregnancy superpower)","author_flair_css_class":"","author":"troll_wifey","thumbnail":"self","created_utc":1377872542.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.BabyBumps","id":"1lefsj","selftext":"Since finding out I was pregnant 10 days ago, my congestion has been out of control.  Like, to the point where I didn't even want to leave the house because I had to have a box of tissues glued to my side.  About 3 days ago, the congestion finally went away (thank goodness!) only to be replaced with my new pregnancy superpower: the ability to smell EVERYTHING.\n\nI mean absolutely everything.  I walk out of ou
 r bedroom and I can smell the dog who's on the other side of the house in his crate.  I can smell when the neighbor upstairs is making brownies even though the windows and doors are shut and normally I can't smell anything she's cooking.  I can smell the garbage at the end of the driveway when I'm still in the garage (and it wasn't even a particularly smelly garbage week).  But last night took it to a whole new level.\n\nI fell asleep about 30 minutes before DH came to bed.  Woke up after he'd fallen asleep because I could smell something extremely sweet and minty and it was making me nauseous.  Roll over to find my DH asleep and breathing out of his mouth, but not actually breathing on me.  The smell of our toothpaste after he brushed his teeth was apparently strong enough with my preggy-powers to wake me up out of a Unisom-induced sleep!\n\nHoly superpowers, Batman!  ","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":"Nugget #1 due 4/27/14","media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_cla
 ss":"Symptom","subreddit_id":"t5_2s7cl","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Since finding out I was pregnant 10 days ago, my congestion has been out of control.  Like, to the point where I didn't even want to leave the house because I had to have a box of tissues glued to my side.  About 3 days ago, the congestion finally went away (thank goodness!) only to be replaced with my new pregnancy superpower: the ability to smell EVERYTHING.</p>\n\n<p>I mean absolutely everything.  I walk out of our bedroom and I can smell the dog who's on the other side of the house in his crate.  I can smell when the neighbor upstairs is making brownies even though the windows and doors are shut and normally I can't smell anything she's cooking.  I can smell the garbage at the end of the driveway when I'm still in the garage (and it wasn't even a particularly smelly garbage week).  But last night took it to a w
 hole new level.</p>\n\n<p>I fell asleep about 30 minutes before DH came to bed.  Woke up after he'd fallen asleep because I could smell something extremely sweet and minty and it was making me nauseous.  Roll over to find my DH asleep and breathing out of his mouth, but not actually breathing on me.  The smell of our toothpaste after he brushed his teeth was apparently strong enough with my preggy-powers to wake me up out of a Unisom-induced sleep!</p>\n\n<p>Holy superpowers, Batman!  </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":1,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377901342.0,"downs":0,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"BabyBumps"},
-{"name":"t3_1ldnh5","permalink":"/r/makeupexchange/comments/1ldnh5/request_foundation_samples_from_sephora/","edited":1377868787.0,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":12,"ups":6,"link_flair_text":"Request","title":"[REQUEST] Foundation samples from Sephora","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"amurow","thumbnail":"self","created_utc":1377834354.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.makeupexchange","id":"1ldnh5","selftext":"Some of you might remember someone selling a KVD Lock-It Tattoo Foundation in M62 here. That was me. Because I was a doofus who looked at online reviews and decided it was my shade. But it wasn't -- it was too dark, and I had to sell if off. Unfortunately, I'm having a tough time finding the right KVD shade, so I'm here asking you guys for help. There's no Sephora in my country (the Philippines), and I was wondering i
 f anybody could send me some samples of the following before I waste money importing makeup I will never use:\n\nKat Von D Lock-it Tattoo Foundation in M54 and M57. -- PRIORITY\n\nAnd, if they're available, and you're willing to help me more in my quest to find an HG foundation for oily skin, I would like to sample these, too:\n\n*Estee Lauder Double wear in Tawny and Cashew\n\n*MUFE Mat Velvet+ in #40 and #65.\n\n*Tarte Amazonian clay 12-hour full coverage foundation in Medium Sand and Tan-Deep Sand.\n\n*Any other foundation for oily skin you can recommend. For reference, I'm NC40 most of the time!\n\nOf course, I'll pay for the shipping and would love to give you/pay you something for your trouble. Please just let me know if you'd be able to lend this girl a hand! Thank you!","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":"Request","subreddit_id":"t5_2tijo","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Som
 e of you might remember someone selling a KVD Lock-It Tattoo Foundation in M62 here. That was me. Because I was a doofus who looked at online reviews and decided it was my shade. But it wasn't -- it was too dark, and I had to sell if off. Unfortunately, I'm having a tough time finding the right KVD shade, so I'm here asking you guys for help. There's no Sephora in my country (the Philippines), and I was wondering if anybody could send me some samples of the following before I waste money importing makeup I will never use:</p>\n\n<p>Kat Von D Lock-it Tattoo Foundation in M54 and M57. -- PRIORITY</p>\n\n<p>And, if they're available, and you're willing to help me more in my quest to find an HG foundation for oily skin, I would like to sample these, too:</p>\n\n<p>*Estee Lauder Double wear in Tawny and Cashew</p>\n\n<p>*MUFE Mat Velvet+ in #40 and #65.</p>\n\n<p>*Tarte Amazonian c
 lay 12-hour full coverage foundation in Medium Sand and Tan-Deep Sand.</p>\n\n<p>*Any other foundation for oily skin you can recommend. For reference, I'm NC40 most of the time!</p>\n\n<p>Of course, I'll pay for the shipping and would love to give you/pay you something for your trouble. Please just let me know if you'd be able to lend this girl a hand! Thank you!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":6,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377863154.0,"downs":0,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"makeupexchange"},
-{"name":"t3_1lea62","permalink":"/r/buildapc/comments/1lea62/help_with_picking_either_atx_or_matx_for_my_build/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":1,"ups":5,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"Help with picking either ATX or mATX for my build. You're my only hope, r/buildapc!","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"imightbefickle","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377866776.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.buildapc","id":"1lea62","selftext":"Is it generally cheaper to go for an mATX build instead of ATX? What sacrifices am I making by going on a smaller form factor? I was thinking of a 4670 (4670k if it's not too much more expensive + an OC motherboard) for the CPU and a 7950 for the GPU (or waiting for when the 9xxx series drops, and using the iGPU while I wait). I'm building this mainly for gaming, but also for Photosh
 op (I do a lot of digital painting), and CAD with Zbrush/3DSMax/Mudbox. I have a max? budget of £500 British, for everything minus the cost of a GPU. No need for peripherals as I already have a screen, keyboard, mouse.","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2rnve","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Is it generally cheaper to go for an mATX build instead of ATX? What sacrifices am I making by going on a smaller form factor? I was thinking of a 4670 (4670k if it's not too much more expensive + an OC motherboard) for the CPU and a 7950 for the GPU (or waiting for when the 9xxx series drops, and using the iGPU while I wait). I'm building this mainly for gaming, but also for Photoshop (I do a lot of digital painting), and CAD with Zbrush/3DSMax/Mudbox. I have a max? budget of £500 British, for everything minus the cost of a GPU. No need for peripherals
  as I already have a screen, keyboard, mouse.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":5,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377895576.0,"downs":0,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"buildapc"},
-{"name":"t3_1lddej","permalink":"/r/photocritique/comments/1lddej/this_is_hector_panasonic_g6_20mm_800isof17/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":false,"num_comments":3,"ups":13,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"This is Hector. (Panasonic G6 20mm 800iso/f1.7 shutter 20)","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"Clintown","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377825633.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"","id":"1lddej","selftext":"","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2qymy","selftext_html":null,"media_embed":{},"score":9,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377854433.0,"downs":4,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"photocritique"},
-{"name":"t3_1ldo6g","permalink":"/r/Quebec/comments/1ldo6g/taimes_faire_du_cinéma_et_tu_sais_pas_quoi_faire/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":0,"ups":3,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"T'aimes faire du cinéma et tu sais pas quoi faire de ta fin de semaine, grand corps mou? Si tu es dans la région de la Rive-Sud, viens au Kabaret Kino R-S!","author_flair_css_class":"on","author":"le_brouhaha","thumbnail":"self","created_utc":1377835010.0,"url":"éma_et_tu_sais_pas_quoi_faire/","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.Quebec","id":"1ldo6g","selftext":"Donc, invitation de dernière minute, à qui cela peut intéresser :\n\nEn cette fin de semaine de la fête du travail se tient, à Boucherville, la dixième édition du Kabaret Kino Rive-Sud.\n\n**C'est quoi ça Kino?**\n\nKino, c'est un regroupement de cinéastes amateurs qui tournent des courts métrages pour leu
 r plaisir à eux et les projettent en groupe à chaque mois pour le plaisir des autres. Il existe plusieurs cellules, la plus connue étant celle de Montréal. Ici, l'on parle de la cellule de la Rive-Sud, centrée près de Longueuil, et les environs.\n\n**C'est quoi ça un Kabaret?**\n\nTout simple, c'est un évènement d'une fin de semaine, ou plusieurs personnes aimant faire du cinéma se réunissent et travaillent tous ensemble pour réaliser plusieurs projet. C'est un bouillonnement de créativité, d'imagination, de création. Il y a autant des gens qui travaillent dans le domaine que des gens qui viennent s'y initier. C'est dans un grand esprit de camaraderie, les gens s'entraident, travaillent en équipe, partagent.\n\n**C'est ouvert à tous?**\n\nC'est ouvert à tous, oui. Pas besoin d'être membre de la cellule de la Rive-Sud, ou d'une autre cellule quelle qu'elle soit. Certains découvrent même Kino lors de cette occasion! Même pas besoin d'être de la région, moi mêm
 e je suis de Lanaudière et j'y participe.\n\n**C'est quoi les \"pré-requis?\"**\n\nIl n'y a pas de pré-requis, réellement. Pas besoin d'expérience ou de connaissances particulières. Bien sûr, pour filmer vos projets et les monter, vaut mieux avoir son matériel, mais dès qu'une caméra peut filmer et un ordinateur monter, vous êtes en affaire! Il y a des tas de gens sur place pour vous aider, et vous aurez la chance de participer à tout plein de projets intéressants.\n\n**C'est quoi les heures?**\n\nEn fait, plus que des heures, ça se passe en fait du vendredi 30 août à 17h00 jusqu'au lundi 2 septembre vers les environs de 20h, où se commence la projection des films tournés la fin de semaine. On parle d'un total d'un peu plus de 72h.\n\n**Ça coûte de quoi?**\n\nOui, 35$.\n\n**Ben là, ça vient avec quoi?**\n\nPremièrement, tous les repas pour la fin de semaine, du vendredi soir jusqu'au lundi soir. T'as aussi les collations et autres, les breuvages, la liqueur, n
 ame it. Popcorn aussi. On a la chance d'avoir ça, une machine à popcorn sur les lieux, roulant à peu près 18h par jour. Sinon, y'a la salle, que l'on surnomme Kinolab, où tout le matériel est placé pour les tournages et le montage, il y a aussi des zones réservées pour ce qui est de dormir (qui est assez bonne franquette, amené votre sac de couchage et votre matelas de sol, un lit de camp aussi c'est bon), les douches, tout ça. Nogé, lourris, logé, nourris. Sinon, la bière est pas fournie, mais elle est à 2$. Moins cher qu'au bar quand t'es pas le mardi.\n\n**Ah ok. Autre chose à savoir?**\n\nEuh... Moi même j'me demande, j'pense avoir fait le tour. Sinon, il y a quand même la projection le lundi soir, vers 20h (à prendre avec +ou- 15min, surtout +) qui est ouverte à tous, contribution volontaire. Je conseillerais quand même d'éviter les enfants trop trop jeunes, parfois c'est cru, surtout en deuxième partie.\n\nAh et aussi, si ça change de quoi, la bière c'
 est de la boréale.\n\n**L'adresse c'est?**\n\nC'est à la Salle paroissiale Sainte Famille, dans l'idyllique vieux Boucherville, au 539 rue Notre-Dame (J4B 3P3). La salle ouvre généralement vers 15h, pour accueillir ceux qui arrivent tôt.\n\n**Vous avez des liens?**\n\n[Oui, un site web pour l'évènement \\(qui reprendra beaucoup pour vous ce que j'ai dis ici mais qui possède un embedded google maps pour les indications\\)]( \n\n[Une page d'évènement Facebook \\(toujours drôle\\)](\n\nTL;DR : Si tu sais pas quoi faire de ta fin de semaine, 35$ j't'arrange de quoi. Tu vas avoir du plaisir facque viens.\n\nPour moi, Kino c'est particulièrement important. Ça fait maintenant 6 ans que je m'implique dans différentes cellules, et 4 ans que je participe au Kabaret de Kino Rive-Sud, et chaque fois c'est unique et génial. C'est un peu comme l'excitation que j'avais à Noël quand j'étais enfant. Don
 c voilà, si cet évènement interpelle certains d'entre-vous, vous êtes invités et les bienvenus. Ne vous privez pas de votre plaisir, ce sera une fin de semaine incroyable que vous aurez.\n\nSi vous ne pouvez pas participer, il y aura toujours la soirée de projection. Lundi 2 septembre, 20h.\n\nP.S. : Oui /u/pierluc, j'vais poster des photos de ce que j'ai fait avec le champignons c'est promis, j'suis juste super occupé!","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":"ON [membre]","media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2qhh9","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Donc, invitation de dernière minute, à qui cela peut intéresser :</p>\n\n<p>En cette fin de semaine de la fête du travail se tient, à Boucherville, la dixième édition du Kabaret Kino Rive-Sud.</p>\n\n<p><strong>C'est quoi ça Kino?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Kino, c'est un regroupement de cin
 éastes amateurs qui tournent des courts métrages pour leur plaisir à eux et les projettent en groupe à chaque mois pour le plaisir des autres. Il existe plusieurs cellules, la plus connue étant celle de Montréal. Ici, l'on parle de la cellule de la Rive-Sud, centrée près de Longueuil, et les environs.</p>\n\n<p><strong>C'est quoi ça un Kabaret?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Tout simple, c'est un évènement d'une fin de semaine, ou plusieurs personnes aimant faire du cinéma se réunissent et travaillent tous ensemble pour réaliser plusieurs projet. C'est un bouillonnement de créativité, d'imagination, de création. Il y a autant des gens qui travaillent dans le domaine que des gens qui viennent s'y initier. C'est dans un grand esprit de camaraderie, les gens s'entraident, travaillent en équipe, partagent.</p>\n\n<p><strong>C'est ouvert à tous?<
 /strong></p>\n\n<p>C'est ouvert à tous, oui. Pas besoin d'être membre de la cellule de la Rive-Sud, ou d'une autre cellule quelle qu'elle soit. Certains découvrent même Kino lors de cette occasion! Même pas besoin d'être de la région, moi même je suis de Lanaudière et j'y participe.</p>\n\n<p><strong>C'est quoi les "pré-requis?"</strong></p>\n\n<p>Il n'y a pas de pré-requis, réellement. Pas besoin d'expérience ou de connaissances particulières. Bien sûr, pour filmer vos projets et les monter, vaut mieux avoir son matériel, mais dès qu'une caméra peut filmer et un ordinateur monter, vous êtes en affaire! Il y a des tas de gens sur place pour vous aider, et vous aurez la chance de participer à tout plein de projets intéressants.</p>\n\n<p><strong>C'est quoi les heures?</strong></p&gt
 ;\n\n<p>En fait, plus que des heures, ça se passe en fait du vendredi 30 août à 17h00 jusqu'au lundi 2 septembre vers les environs de 20h, où se commence la projection des films tournés la fin de semaine. On parle d'un total d'un peu plus de 72h.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Ça coûte de quoi?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Oui, 35$.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Ben là, ça vient avec quoi?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Premièrement, tous les repas pour la fin de semaine, du vendredi soir jusqu'au lundi soir. T'as aussi les collations et autres, les breuvages, la liqueur, name it. Popcorn aussi. On a la chance d'avoir ça, une machine à popcorn sur les lieux, roulant à peu près 18h par jour. Sinon, y'a la salle, que l'on surnomme Kinolab, où tout le matériel est placé pour les tournages et le montage, il y a aussi des zones réservées pour ce qui est de dormir (qui est ass
 ez bonne franquette, amené votre sac de couchage et votre matelas de sol, un lit de camp aussi c'est bon), les douches, tout ça. Nogé, lourris, logé, nourris. Sinon, la bière est pas fournie, mais elle est à 2$. Moins cher qu'au bar quand t'es pas le mardi.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Ah ok. Autre chose à savoir?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Euh... Moi même j'me demande, j'pense avoir fait le tour. Sinon, il y a quand même la projection le lundi soir, vers 20h (à prendre avec +ou- 15min, surtout +) qui est ouverte à tous, contribution volontaire. Je conseillerais quand même d'éviter les enfants trop trop jeunes, parfois c'est cru, surtout en deuxième partie.</p>\n\n<p>Ah et aussi, si ça change de quoi, la bière c'est de la boréale.</p>\n\n<p><strong>L'adresse c'est?</strong></p>\n\n<p>C'est à la Salle paroissiale Sa
 inte Famille, dans l'idyllique vieux Boucherville, au 539 rue Notre-Dame (J4B 3P3). La salle ouvre généralement vers 15h, pour accueillir ceux qui arrivent tôt.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Vous avez des liens?</strong></p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Oui, un site web pour l'évènement (qui reprendra beaucoup pour vous ce que j'ai dis ici mais qui possède un embedded google maps pour les indications)</a> </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Une page d'évènement Facebook (toujours drôle)</a></p>\n\n<p>TL;DR : Si tu sais pas quoi faire de ta fin de semaine, 35$ j't'arrange de quoi. Tu vas avoir du plaisir facque viens.</p>\n\n<p>Pour moi, Kino c'est particulièrement important. Ça fait maintenant 6 ans que je m'implique dans différentes cellules, et 4 ans que je participe a
 u Kabaret de Kino Rive-Sud, et chaque fois c'est unique et génial. C'est un peu comme l'excitation que j'avais à Noël quand j'étais enfant. Donc voilà, si cet évènement interpelle certains d'entre-vous, vous êtes invités et les bienvenus. Ne vous privez pas de votre plaisir, ce sera une fin de semaine incroyable que vous aurez.</p>\n\n<p>Si vous ne pouvez pas participer, il y aura toujours la soirée de projection. Lundi 2 septembre, 20h.</p>\n\n<p>P.S. : Oui <a href=\"/u/pierluc\">/u/pierluc</a>, j'vais poster des photos de ce que j'ai fait avec le champignons c'est promis, j'suis juste super occupé!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":1,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377863810.0,"downs":2,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"Quebec"},
-{"name":"t3_1ld3th","permalink":"/r/offmychest/comments/1ld3th/listen_bitch_youre_evil_and_a_bad_person_you/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":2,"ups":4,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"Listen Bitch, you're evil and a bad person. You crushed my heart and I want to move on....","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"MakeMeNaked","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377817349.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.offmychest","id":"1ld3th","selftext":"But what the fuck is up with this crying over you every fucking day at 3pm?? I have to choke back the tears until I leave work and can cry the whole way home. Really?  You were selfish, VERY fucking selfish, I was probably 3rd on your list behind your work and friends, yet I still made you a priority and I still stuck up for you. I had your back and you stabbed me in mine....So why t
 he fuck am I being such a little bitch about it? And why at the same time every day??\n\nYou're a drunken wreck waiting to happen, A DUI in the making, and good luck paying your taxes. So many negatives but I fucking loved the shit out of you. I'm off work in 20 minutes and the kleenex is waiting, fuck this sucks.","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2ranw","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>But what the fuck is up with this crying over you every fucking day at 3pm?? I have to choke back the tears until I leave work and can cry the whole way home. Really?  You were selfish, VERY fucking selfish, I was probably 3rd on your list behind your work and friends, yet I still made you a priority and I still stuck up for you. I had your back and you stabbed me in mine....So why the fuck am I being such a little bitch about it? And why at the same time every day??</p&gt
 ;\n\n<p>You're a drunken wreck waiting to happen, A DUI in the making, and good luck paying your taxes. So many negatives but I fucking loved the shit out of you. I'm off work in 20 minutes and the kleenex is waiting, fuck this sucks.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":4,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377846149.0,"downs":0,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"offmychest"},
-{"name":"t3_1lcp4y","permalink":"/r/guns/comments/1lcp4y/my_marlin_336_1949_that_my_gramps_gave_me_when_i/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":false,"num_comments":12,"ups":24,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"My marlin 336 (1949) that my gramps gave me when I turned 16. Also, why I temporarily loathe Remington","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"PantsChillman","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377806298.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"","id":"1lcp4y","selftext":"","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2qhc8","selftext_html":null,"media_embed":{},"score":17,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377835098.0,"downs":7,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"guns"},
-{"name":"t3_1lcglg","permalink":"/r/nba/comments/1lcglg/mythbusters_would_stockton_be_stockton_without/","edited":1377801369.0,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":30,"ups":75,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"Mythbusters: Would Stockton be Stockton without Malone?","author_flair_css_class":"Jazz2","author":"ofmonster","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377800023.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"","id":"1lcglg","selftext":"This post was spurred by another post about unbreakable records, people seemed interested in this discussion so hopefully you like it and it will spur other ones.\n\nAs a lifelong and die hard jazz fan, I have always heard people argue whether Malone was great because of Stockton or whether Stockton was great because of Malone, or whether both would have had similar production even without a legend as their pick and roll par
 tner. Rather than attempt to answer all of these at once, I decided to at least start with the most common one I have heard: that Stockton would not have had other worldly assist numbers without Malone as the finisher on pick and rolls.\n\nI am by no means trying to make this the definitive answer to this two decade long question, and want to get some caveats to everything I'm about to write out of the way now:\n\n1. There are limited advanced statistics from Stockton and Malone's prime years, or at least, I am struggling to find them. Some of the most useful for answering this question, like the number of pick and rolls that were run, percentage of baskets assisted, and overall league numbers pertaining to those two things during that era, as well as accurate on/off numbers or even how much time Malone and Stockton DID NOT share on the court. As such, I am working with what I can.\n2. Because of the above, I am forced to make some logical (in my opinion) leaps and assumptions about
  the vicinity of those stats that may or may not have a semblance of accuracy.\n3. Since there is no data analyzing to whom and how often Stockton passed, I did not feel comfortable making precise assumptions about how many of his assists went to each player and instead played it on the safe side for the sake of the critics (this will be covered below).\n4. When analyzing what the Jazz would do without Malone, I did not bother to add additional usage rates to other members of the Jazz. While this would inevitably happen, it is impossible to say who would receive the largest bumps and how it would affect efficiency so I purposely left it out because I didn't think I could make anyone totally happy.\n5. When evaluating league-wide stats compared to Malone's, I used the arbitrary search limitations (via BR) of C-F's, F's, C's, and F-C's that started at least 41 games. I used this because I saw it as necessary to assume Malone's replacement and competition would be  starting caliber big
 men (its logical to assume he wouldn't play against or be replaced by below average bigs) and that group seemed to fit the bill the best. However I recognize that there are some weird outliers (like Larry Bird) who aren't the best comp's but it was the best I could find. Also, since fg% was a factor, I feel obligated to point out that some of the players in this data set shot threes, which lower overall fg% (unless your Curry or Korver), and are an extremely unlikely result as a roll man in a PnR, but the average 3's per minute attempted by this group was extremely low, and I deemed them insignificant noise, but they are noise all the same.\n6. Everyone must understand that the Jazz at this time were running the pick and roll largely IN SPITE of the rest of the league. It was considered an outdated offense that wasn't adapted by the rest of the league until the 2000's (it is now the most common play run in the half court set, and by a wide margin). As such, many speculate that the J
 azz had an advantage because pick and roll defenses were much less refined and practiced than they are now, so players within the Jazz's system would see a boost in production/efficiency. There is some evidence supporting this, but it isn't conclusive and I did not assume this because of that.\n7. On a similar note, there is no way to say whether the lethality of the Stockton to Malone duo helped draw in double teams and thus opened easier dishes, and consequently assists to outside shooters or bigs under the basket. I do not take this into account because of that, as well as I think it is fair to assume many of those assists would have come from Malone after the double team hit him which would not affect Stockton's assist numbers, as well as there are often double teams even in PnR's with lesser players than Malone.\n\nThe longevity of Stockton and Malone makes this even harder to answer because there are so many years to analyze. I could average their prime years, do the equations
  to convert them into advanced stats and go from there, but frankly I am a college student without that much time and patience and their ridiculous longevity also calls into question exactly what would be considered their \"prime\". Because of this, I chose a single year that I determined to be the best average year for both of them within their \"prime\". The year I chose was 1991-1992, a solid year for both Stockton and Malone, but neither had a career high in any relevant stat to his question, and at the same time it wasn't close to any career low.\n\nIn 1991-1992, Stockton averaged 13.7 assists. Malone averaged 28 points on 9.9 (is it fair to call that 10?) made field goals a game. In order to understand how many of those \"10\" field goals were assisted, we have to look at modern day equivalents since that data is not available before 06-07 (if this data exists PLEASE tell me where). In order to find a similar number, I looked at modern day bigs who had high usage rates, played
  with a good passing point guard, and ran the pick and roll a lot (I also looked for players with similar skill sats and roles as Malone). Some of the players I used to help you get a feel were (in no order, according to Hoopdata): Amare in 10-11 (ran the PnR with Felton [he was decent that year ok?] a ton. 52.6% assisted), Amare again in 06-07 (dat PnR wit Nash, 64.9% assisted), Scola 10-11 (ran it with Lowry. 64.3 assisted), Boozer in 09-10 & 10-11 (ran it with Deron, then with Rose. Interestingly went from 74.2% assisted to 64.7% assisted), Blake Griffin in 12-13 (with Chris Paul, 64.1% assisted), and David West in 10-11 (with Chris Paul, 60% assisted). I looked at some other examples as well, but you get the gist, teams with a good pick and roll duo, who ran the pick and roll a lot, generally had a roll guy with an average assist percentage of approximately 64% (As an interesting aside, starting bigs actually seem to have a higher percentage of their baskets assisted when th
 ey are not in a pick and roll heavy offense or are not the primary roll man, the league average for PF's was closer to 66-67%, not what I would have expected). I have often heard that many teams in the current era of the NBA run the PnR even more than the Jazz did in the 90's, but there is no way to prove this aside from me watching film and counting pick and rolls, so let's assume the assist percentage translates somewhat accurately. Let's say that Malone had 64% of his baskets assisted. \n\nIt is safe to assume that not 100% of Malone's assisted baskets came from Stockton, but it IS safe to assume it was the vast majority, and since there is no number I could pull that wouldn't be 100% guesswork, we are going to assume that Stockton was indeed responsible for all of Malone's assisted baskets, just to stop the haters (that's a joke). So that means 6.4 baskets to Malone were Stockton assists, and 4.6 weren't. \n\nLet's assume then that Malone got traded to another team early in his 
 career (heaven forbid!) for an average starting power forward ([this is the list I used for the upcoming analysis btw]( In 91-92, the average big shot 49%, compared to Malone's 52.6%. The average big also had a usage rate of 19.7%, compared to Malone's leading 30.3%. The average
  turnover rate for starting bigs was 12.9%, surprisingly Malone's was only 11.6%. Let's assume that the Jazz's primary PnR man is exactly average, and that the Jazz still stick with a PnR based offense (Sloan is still the coach, so we can be pretty sure of this), so 64% of his baskets are assisted. We'll also assume this player absorbs all of Malone's minutes (37.7 per game is a lot, but then again, back then starters played more minutes. 17 bigs in 91-92 played over 37 mpg, this year only 14 players total averaged that much). This average player would make about 6.3 buckets a game. This means 4 (4.032) of those a game would be assists from Stockton (sticking with the \"Stockton makes ALL the assists\" assumption [reeeeal bad meme reference]). \n\nDoing the simple math gets us to our conclusion: Stockton would average less assists a game, dropping from 13.7 assists to about 11.3 assists per game. This is a significant drop, but still outstanding assist numbers, especially with the u
 nderstanding that there would be an additional 7-8 shot attempts to be disbursed in Malone's absence, some of those probably resulting in additional Stockton assists. \n\nIn summary, Stockton would at LEAST average 11.3 assists in our 1991-1992 isolated example, and if you assume that 1991-1992 is a good indicator for the entire Stockton-Malone era, Stockton would have ended his career with somewhere between 12,200 and 12,800 assists (depending on minutes for him and the replacement player[s]). He would have had at least 6 seasons of double digit assists. This means he would still be the all-time assist leader (by a smallish margin), and in all likelihood still considered a top 5 point guard of all time. Again, this is all WITHOUT counting those left over possessions in Malone's absence. Given that Stockton dished an assist on 14.3% of all the Jazz's possessions in 1991-1992, if we include those possessions in the discussion then Stockton probably averages just over 1 assist more pe
 r game, which seems small but brings his average that year to 12.3 assists. Career wise that would mean he dishes between 13,500 and 14,200 assists, still giving him a very large lead in the record books and would mean he likely still holds at least 4 of the top 10 assists per game seasons (although no longer the top spot). \n\nBasically, John Stockton was a beast of a point guard with or without Malone. Malone's absence would have been a significant hit to Stockton's production but he would still put up otherworldly assist numbers.\n\nThe real question might be: What would Stockton be without the Pick and Roll? The world may never know...\n\nPlease give me feedback and criticism, I love hearing feedback about two of my idols whether its positive or negative. \n\n","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":"[UTA] Enes Kanter","media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2qo4s","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>This p
 ost was spurred by another post about unbreakable records, people seemed interested in this discussion so hopefully you like it and it will spur other ones.</p>\n\n<p>As a lifelong and die hard jazz fan, I have always heard people argue whether Malone was great because of Stockton or whether Stockton was great because of Malone, or whether both would have had similar production even without a legend as their pick and roll partner. Rather than attempt to answer all of these at once, I decided to at least start with the most common one I have heard: that Stockton would not have had other worldly assist numbers without Malone as the finisher on pick and rolls.</p>\n\n<p>I am by no means trying to make this the definitive answer to this two decade long question, and want to get some caveats to everything I'm about to write out of the way now:</p>\n\n<ol>\n<li>There are limited advanced statistics from Stockton and Malone's prime 
 years, or at least, I am struggling to find them. Some of the most useful for answering this question, like the number of pick and rolls that were run, percentage of baskets assisted, and overall league numbers pertaining to those two things during that era, as well as accurate on/off numbers or even how much time Malone and Stockton DID NOT share on the court. As such, I am working with what I can.</li>\n<li>Because of the above, I am forced to make some logical (in my opinion) leaps and assumptions about the vicinity of those stats that may or may not have a semblance of accuracy.</li>\n<li>Since there is no data analyzing to whom and how often Stockton passed, I did not feel comfortable making precise assumptions about how many of his assists went to each player and instead played it on the safe side for the sake of the critics (this will be covered below).</li>\n<li>When analyzing what the Jazz would do without Malone, I did not bother to add 
 additional usage rates to other members of the Jazz. While this would inevitably happen, it is impossible to say who would receive the largest bumps and how it would affect efficiency so I purposely left it out because I didn't think I could make anyone totally happy.</li>\n<li>When evaluating league-wide stats compared to Malone's, I used the arbitrary search limitations (via BR) of C-F's, F's, C's, and F-C's that started at least 41 games. I used this because I saw it as necessary to assume Malone's replacement and competition would be  starting caliber bigmen (its logical to assume he wouldn't play against or be replaced by below average bigs) and that group seemed to fit the bill the best. However I recognize that there are some weird outliers (like Larry Bird) who aren't the best comp's but it was the best I could find. Also, since fg% was a factor, I feel obligated to point out that som
 e of the players in this data set shot threes, which lower overall fg% (unless your Curry or Korver), and are an extremely unlikely result as a roll man in a PnR, but the average 3's per minute attempted by this group was extremely low, and I deemed them insignificant noise, but they are noise all the same.</li>\n<li>Everyone must understand that the Jazz at this time were running the pick and roll largely IN SPITE of the rest of the league. It was considered an outdated offense that wasn't adapted by the rest of the league until the 2000's (it is now the most common play run in the half court set, and by a wide margin). As such, many speculate that the Jazz had an advantage because pick and roll defenses were much less refined and practiced than they are now, so players within the Jazz's system would see a boost in production/efficiency. There is some evidence supporting this, but it isn't conclusive and I did not assume this beca
 use of that.</li>\n<li>On a similar note, there is no way to say whether the lethality of the Stockton to Malone duo helped draw in double teams and thus opened easier dishes, and consequently assists to outside shooters or bigs under the basket. I do not take this into account because of that, as well as I think it is fair to assume many of those assists would have come from Malone after the double team hit him which would not affect Stockton's assist numbers, as well as there are often double teams even in PnR's with lesser players than Malone.</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p>The longevity of Stockton and Malone makes this even harder to answer because there are so many years to analyze. I could average their prime years, do the equations to convert them into advanced stats and go from there, but frankly I am a college student without that much time and patience and their ridiculous longevity also calls into question exactly what would be considered
  their "prime". Because of this, I chose a single year that I determined to be the best average year for both of them within their "prime". The year I chose was 1991-1992, a solid year for both Stockton and Malone, but neither had a career high in any relevant stat to his question, and at the same time it wasn't close to any career low.</p>\n\n<p>In 1991-1992, Stockton averaged 13.7 assists. Malone averaged 28 points on 9.9 (is it fair to call that 10?) made field goals a game. In order to understand how many of those "10" field goals were assisted, we have to look at modern day equivalents since that data is not available before 06-07 (if this data exists PLEASE tell me where). In order to find a similar number, I looked at modern day bigs who had high usage rates, played with a good passing point guard, and ran the pick and roll a lot (I also looked for players with similar skill sats and roles as Malone). S
 ome of the players I used to help you get a feel were (in no order, according to Hoopdata): Amare in 10-11 (ran the PnR with Felton [he was decent that year ok?] a ton. 52.6% assisted), Amare again in 06-07 (dat PnR wit Nash, 64.9% assisted), Scola 10-11 (ran it with Lowry. 64.3 assisted), Boozer in 09-10 & 10-11 (ran it with Deron, then with Rose. Interestingly went from 74.2% assisted to 64.7% assisted), Blake Griffin in 12-13 (with Chris Paul, 64.1% assisted), and David West in 10-11 (with Chris Paul, 60% assisted). I looked at some other examples as well, but you get the gist, teams with a good pick and roll duo, who ran the pick and roll a lot, generally had a roll guy with an average assist percentage of approximately 64% (As an interesting aside, starting bigs actually seem to have a higher percentage of their baskets assisted when they are not in a pick and roll heavy offense or are not the primary roll man, the league average for PF's was closer to 66-67%, n
 ot what I would have expected). I have often heard that many teams in the current era of the NBA run the PnR even more than the Jazz did in the 90's, but there is no way to prove this aside from me watching film and counting pick and rolls, so let's assume the assist percentage translates somewhat accurately. Let's say that Malone had 64% of his baskets assisted. </p>\n\n<p>It is safe to assume that not 100% of Malone's assisted baskets came from Stockton, but it IS safe to assume it was the vast majority, and since there is no number I could pull that wouldn't be 100% guesswork, we are going to assume that Stockton was indeed responsible for all of Malone's assisted baskets, just to stop the haters (that's a joke). So that means 6.4 baskets to Malone were Stockton assists, and 4.6 weren't. </p>\n\n<p>Let's assume then that Malone got traded to another team early in his career (heaven for
 bid!) for an average starting power forward (<a href=\"\">this is the list I used for the upcoming analy
 sis btw</a>). In 91-92, the average big shot 49%, compared to Malone's 52.6%. The average big also had a usage rate of 19.7%, compared to Malone's leading 30.3%. The average turnover rate for starting bigs was 12.9%, surprisingly Malone's was only 11.6%. Let's assume that the Jazz's primary PnR man is exactly average, and that the Jazz still stick with a PnR based offense (Sloan is still the coach, so we can be pretty sure of this), so 64% of his baskets are assisted. We'll also assume this player absorbs all of Malone's minutes (37.7 per game is a lot, but then again, back then starters played more minutes. 17 bigs in 91-92 played over 37 mpg, this year only 14 players total averaged that much). This average player would make about 6.3 buckets a game. This means 4 (4.032) of those a game would be assists from Stockton (sticking with the "Stockton makes ALL the assists" assumption [reeeeal bad meme refer
 ence]). </p>\n\n<p>Doing the simple math gets us to our conclusion: Stockton would average less assists a game, dropping from 13.7 assists to about 11.3 assists per game. This is a significant drop, but still outstanding assist numbers, especially with the understanding that there would be an additional 7-8 shot attempts to be disbursed in Malone's absence, some of those probably resulting in additional Stockton assists. </p>\n\n<p>In summary, Stockton would at LEAST average 11.3 assists in our 1991-1992 isolated example, and if you assume that 1991-1992 is a good indicator for the entire Stockton-Malone era, Stockton would have ended his career with somewhere between 12,200 and 12,800 assists (depending on minutes for him and the replacement player[s]). He would have had at least 6 seasons of double digit assists. This means he would still be the all-time assist leader (by a smallish margin), and in all likelihood still considered a top 5 point guard
  of all time. Again, this is all WITHOUT counting those left over possessions in Malone's absence. Given that Stockton dished an assist on 14.3% of all the Jazz's possessions in 1991-1992, if we include those possessions in the discussion then Stockton probably averages just over 1 assist more per game, which seems small but brings his average that year to 12.3 assists. Career wise that would mean he dishes between 13,500 and 14,200 assists, still giving him a very large lead in the record books and would mean he likely still holds at least 4 of the top 10 assists per game seasons (although no longer the top spot). </p>\n\n<p>Basically, John Stockton was a beast of a point guard with or without Malone. Malone's absence would have been a significant hit to Stockton's production but he would still put up otherworldly assist numbers.</p>\n\n<p>The real question might be: What would Stockton be without the Pick and Roll? The world 
 may never know...</p>\n\n<p>Please give me feedback and criticism, I love hearing feedback about two of my idols whether its positive or negative. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":63,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377828823.0,"downs":12,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"nba"},
-{"name":"t3_1l9ybg","permalink":"/r/OkCupid/comments/1l9ybg/critique_request_requesting_again/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":2,"ups":1,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"[Critique request] requesting again","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"luniawar20","thumbnail":"self","created_utc":1377715116.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.OkCupid","id":"1l9ybg","selftext":"[My profile](\n\nSo I deleted self-summary section because I felt like I was just writing cliches.\n\nIn your honest opinion, how about my photos? I know they are all selfie... but my other photos look even more terrible =( I am just bad with photos.\n\nFor the most private thin I'll admit section, I am thinking to write: \"I can't watch sad movies without Kleenex\" ok thing to write?","distinguished":null,"author_
 flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2rct2","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p><a href=\"\">My profile</a></p>\n\n<p>So I deleted self-summary section because I felt like I was just writing cliches.</p>\n\n<p>In your honest opinion, how about my photos? I know they are all selfie... but my other photos look even more terrible =( I am just bad with photos.</p>\n\n<p>For the most private thin I'll admit section, I am thinking to write: "I can't watch sad movies without Kleenex" ok thing to write?</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":1,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377743916.0,"downs":0,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"OkCupid"},
-{"name":"t3_1l9ubq","permalink":"/r/hometheater/comments/1l9ubq/looking_for_a_60_new_plasma_and_sound_between/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":29,"ups":4,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"Looking for a 60\" New Plasma and Sound between $1500-$2000","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"fratzcatsfw","thumbnail":"self","created_utc":1377712365.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.hometheater","id":"1l9ubq","selftext":"I'm looking for a 60\" Plasma under $2k.  Would love to stay panasonic because I have a 42\" that I've had in my bedroom for almost 4 years and it's been fantastic.  Just bought a new house with a finished basement and have dimming lights and no external windows in the tv room.  I want to go nice and big for a mini-theatre experience but I can't find anything conclusive for the budget.  I was hoping on s
 pending $1500 and putting the extra $500 into a nice sound system.\n\nThoughts? \n\nP.S.  I saw some good stuff on Samsung Plasma's and then I heard that the new glass they use between screens cracks at high running temps and break the tv with no customer support from Samsung for the issue.  :\\  I've always admired their LED's but I know that I want a Plasma.\n\n\nThanks in advance guys/gals!","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2rof6","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I'm looking for a 60" Plasma under $2k.  Would love to stay panasonic because I have a 42" that I've had in my bedroom for almost 4 years and it's been fantastic.  Just bought a new house with a finished basement and have dimming lights and no external windows in the tv room.  I want to go nice and big for a mini-theatre experience but I can't fin
 d anything conclusive for the budget.  I was hoping on spending $1500 and putting the extra $500 into a nice sound system.</p>\n\n<p>Thoughts? </p>\n\n<p>P.S.  I saw some good stuff on Samsung Plasma's and then I heard that the new glass they use between screens cracks at high running temps and break the tv with no customer support from Samsung for the issue.  :\\  I've always admired their LED's but I know that I want a Plasma.</p>\n\n<p>Thanks in advance guys/gals!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":2,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377741165.0,"downs":2,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"hometheater"},
-{"name":"t3_1lallx","permalink":"/r/microgrowery/comments/1lallx/some_plants_have_purple_stems_some_purple_fan/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":9,"ups":1,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"Some plants have purple stems, some purple fan leaves, but how to spot the one that will have purple buds?","author_flair_css_class":"CFL","author":"LostInJam","thumbnail":"","created_utc":1377732544.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.microgrowery","id":"1lallx","selftext":"Picking a clone is not an option for me. I want to grow a bunch of \"purple\" seeds and pick one or two (max space) for the microgrow - but is there a way to know from a vegging plant if it will give purple buds? Waiting till it shows the buds is not an option neither. Stealth is the factor. \n\nI once had (and killed, r.i.p.) a purple seedling, and that's the 
 closest I have been to the cool purple :|","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":"200W 2100k CFL, mycorrhizae, air pots, mostly organic","media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2s5jo","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Picking a clone is not an option for me. I want to grow a bunch of "purple" seeds and pick one or two (max space) for the microgrow - but is there a way to know from a vegging plant if it will give purple buds? Waiting till it shows the buds is not an option neither. Stealth is the factor. </p>\n\n<p>I once had (and killed, r.i.p.) a purple seedling, and that's the closest I have been to the cool purple :|</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->","media_embed":{},"score":0,"saved":false,"num_reports":null,"created":1377761344.0,"downs":7,"hidden":false,"likes":null,"subreddit":"microgrowery"},
-{"name":"t3_1la0ec","permalink":"/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1la0ec/need_help_finding_a_new_skincare_routine/","edited":false,"over_18":false,"approved_by":null,"is_self":true,"num_comments":1,"ups":2,"link_flair_text":null,"title":"Need help finding a new skincare routine.","author_flair_css_class":null,"author":"skincarerevamp","thumbnail":"self","created_utc":1377716610.0,"url":"","stickied":false,"banned_by":null,"domain":"self.SkincareAddiction","id":"1la0ec","selftext":"I recently found this subreddit, and since then have discovered the many errors of my skincare ways. I am a 26(F) who has been using Proactiv for about 3-4 years now. I know that there are less expensive products I can use that would be better on my skin.  \n\nSkin: I have somewhat oily skin, my forehead can get shiny. The pores on my nose and chin clog easily but my cheeks are always really smooth and clear. My
  biggest annoyance is my nose, which has been red and tends to flake since I was a teenager. I will get the occasional breakout, almost always hormonal. As long as I use Proactiv religiously, my skin stays overall pretty decent looking.  Also I have dark circles/uneven skin tone under my eyes and have tried many products without finding one I really love.  \n\nRoutine: I think I have overdone it with my routine in the past. I have recently stopped exfoliating as often, but I will list my previous routine.\n  \nAM – St. Ives scrub, Proactiv facewash (with or without Clarisonic), Proactiv toner over entire face, Proactiv repairing treatment, Simple protecting light moisturizer SPF 15, Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Treatment, eye cream/serum (either Philosophy Eye Believe or Genifique Yeux Light-Pearl)\n\nPM – Ponds makeup removing wipes, Proactiv facewash (with or without Clarisonic), Proactiv toner over entire face, Proactiv clarifying night cream, Proactiv repairing treatment
 , Simple protecting light moisturizer SPF 15, eye cream/serum\n\nAlso once or twice a week I may use Proactiv refining mask, Proactiv blackhead dissolving gel, or \tProactiv glycolic acid peel\n\nOver the past few weeks I have stopped using the St. Ives Scrub and switched to an Aveeno scrub, which I can tell is a lot more gentle on my face. I only use the scrub now a couple times a week and my Clarisonic every few days at night.  \n\n\nSo basically I’m looking for advice because this routine is quite tedious/expensive and it works decently but not great.  Thanks!\n","distinguished":null,"author_flair_text":null,"media":null,"clicked":false,"link_flair_css_class":null,"subreddit_id":"t5_2tbbg","selftext_html":"<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I recently found this subreddit, and since then have discovered the many errors of my skincare ways. I am a 26(F) who has been using Proactiv for about 3-4 years now. I know that there are less expensive products I can use
  that would be better on my skin.  </p>\n\n<p>Skin: I have somewhat oily skin, my forehead can get shiny. The pores on my nose and chin clog easily but my cheeks are always really smooth and clear. My biggest annoyance is my nose, which has been red and tends to flake since I was a teenager. I will get the occasional breakout, almost always hormonal. As long as I use Proactiv religiously, my skin stays overall pretty decent looking.  A