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[4/4] incubator-ranger git commit: RANGER-203: UI - policy delete implemented; policy permissions selection updated; landing page layout fixes

RANGER-203: UI - policy delete implemented; policy permissions selection updated; landing page layout fixes


Branch: refs/heads/stack
Commit: 286acf6d27be73a2993e5f8ff0b1347b13f11840
Parents: 4130d7a
Author: Gautam Borad <>
Authored: Wed Jan 28 08:56:24 2015 -0800
Committer: Madhan Neethiraj <>
Committed: Wed Jan 28 08:56:24 2015 -0800

 .../webapp/scripts/controllers/Controller.js    |  19 -
 .../src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/XALinks.js  |   5 +
 .../scripts/modules/globalize/message/en.js     |   1 +
 .../src/main/webapp/scripts/utils/XAUtils.js    |  25 +
 .../webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetCreate.js   | 285 -------
 .../webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetForm.js     | 369 ---------
 .../scripts/views/asset/AssetTableLayout.js     | 164 ----
 .../scripts/views/hbase/HbasePolicyCreate.js    | 300 -------
 .../scripts/views/hbase/HbasePolicyForm.js      | 574 --------------
 .../scripts/views/hbase/HbaseTableLayout.js     | 393 ----------
 .../scripts/views/hdfs/HDFSTableLayout.js       | 402 ----------
 .../scripts/views/hive/HivePolicyCreate.js      | 314 --------
 .../webapp/scripts/views/hive/HivePolicyForm.js | 774 -------------------
 .../scripts/views/hive/HiveTableLayout.js       | 462 -----------
 .../scripts/views/knox/KnoxPolicyCreate.js      | 301 --------
 .../webapp/scripts/views/knox/KnoxPolicyForm.js | 524 -------------
 .../scripts/views/knox/KnoxTableLayout.js       | 351 ---------
 .../scripts/views/policies/PermissionList.js    |  57 +-
 .../views/policies/RangerPolicyCreate.js        |  28 +-
 .../views/policies/RangerPolicyTableLayout.js   |  89 ++-
 .../webapp/scripts/views/policy/PolicyCreate.js | 308 --------
 .../webapp/scripts/views/policy/PolicyForm.js   | 501 ------------
 .../views/policymanager/PolicyManagerLayout.js  | 123 ---
 .../views/policymanager/ServiceLayout.js        |  29 +-
 .../scripts/views/service/ServiceCreate.js      |   9 +-
 .../scripts/views/storm/StormPolicyCreate.js    | 301 --------
 .../scripts/views/storm/StormPolicyForm.js      | 510 ------------
 .../scripts/views/storm/StormTableLayout.js     | 351 ---------
 security-admin/src/main/webapp/styles/xa.css    |  20 +
 .../common/ServiceManagerLayout_tmpl.html       |   2 +-
 .../main/webapp/templates/helpers/XAHelpers.js  |   2 +-
 .../templates/policies/PermissionItem.html      |  10 +-
 .../service/ServiceTableLayout_tmpl.html        |   2 +-
 33 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 7375 deletions(-)
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/controllers/Controller.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/controllers/Controller.js
index f056d15..71910a9 100644
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/controllers/Controller.js
+++ b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/controllers/Controller.js
@@ -53,25 +53,6 @@ define(function(require) {
-	   //************** Policy Related *********************/
-	   policyManagerAction :function(){
-		   MAppState.set({ 'currentTab' : XAGlobals.AppTabs.PolicyManager.value });
-		   console.log('Policy Manager action called..');
-		   var view             = require('views/policymanager/PolicyManagerLayout');
-		   var VXAssetList      = require('collections/VXAssetList');
-		   var collection 	= new VXAssetList();
-		   collection.fetch({
-			   cache : false,
-			   async:false
-		   }).done(function(){
-			   if(App.rContent.currentView) App.rContent.currentView.close();
- view({
-				   collection : collection
-			   }));
-		   });
-	   },
 	   //************** Analytics(reports)  Related *********************/
 	   userAccessReportAction : function(){
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/XALinks.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/XALinks.js
index 52e6c01..00267b3 100644
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/XALinks.js
+++ b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/XALinks.js
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ define(function(require) {
 				text : 'h.repositoryManager',
 				title: 'h.repositoryManager'
+			ServiceManager :{
+				href : '#!/policymanager', 
+				text : 'h.serviceManager',
+				title: 'h.serviceManager'
+			},
 			Users : { 
 				href : '#!/users/usertab',
 				text : 'h.usersOrGroups',
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/globalize/message/en.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/globalize/message/en.js
index fa39365..94f1444 100644
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/globalize/message/en.js
+++ b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/modules/globalize/message/en.js
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ define(function(require) {
 				analytics					: 'Analytics',
 				audit						: 'Audit',
 				repositoryManager			: 'Manage Repository',
+				serviceManager				: 'Service Manager',
 				hdfs  						: 'HDFS',
 				hive  						: 'Hive',
 				createPolicy 				: 'Create Policy',
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/utils/XAUtils.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/utils/XAUtils.js
index 4ff308f..f90a3e6 100644
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/utils/XAUtils.js
+++ b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/utils/XAUtils.js
@@ -356,6 +356,31 @@ define(function(require) {
 			return '--';
+	XAUtils.showGroupsOrUsersForPolicy = function(rawValue, model, showGroups){
+		var showMoreLess = false, groupArr = [];
+		var type = _.isUndefined(showGroups) ? 'groups' : 'users';
+		if(!_.isArray(rawValue) && !_.isUndefined(rawValue[type]))
+			return '--';
+		_.each(rawValue,function(perm){ 
+			groupArr = _.union(groupArr, perm[type]) 
+		});
+		var newGroupArr =, function(name, i){
+			if(i >=  4){
+				return '<span class="label label-info" policy-'+type+'-id="''" style="display:none;">' + name + '</span>';
+			}else if(i == 3 && groupArr.length > 4){
+				showMoreLess = true;
+				return '<span class="label label-info" policy-'+type+'-id="''">' + name + '</span>';
+			}else{
+				return '<span class="label label-info" policy-'+type+'-id="''">' + name + '</span>';
+			}
+		});
+		if(showMoreLess){
+			newGroupArr.push('<span class="pull-left"><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-id="showMore" class="" policy-'+type+'-id="''"><code style=""> + More..</code></a></span><span class="pull-left" ><a href="javascript:void(0);" data-id="showLess" class="" policy-'+type+'-id="''" style="display:none;"><code> - Less..</code></a></span>');
+		}
+		return newGroupArr.length ? newGroupArr.join(' ') : '--';
+	};
 	XAUtils.defaultErrorHandler = function(model, error) {
 		var App		= require('App');
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetCreate.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetCreate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a7e06f..0000000
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetCreate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Repository/Asset create view
- */
-    'use strict';
-	var Backbone		= require('backbone');
-	var App				= require('App');
-	var XAUtil			= require('utils/XAUtils');
-	var XAEnums			= require('utils/XAEnums');
-	var XALinks 		= require('modules/XALinks');
-	var localization	= require('utils/XALangSupport');
-	var AssetForm		= require('views/asset/AssetForm');
-	var AssetcreateTmpl = require('hbs!tmpl/asset/AssetCreate_tmpl');
-	var AssetCreate = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-	/** @lends AssetCreate */
-	{
-		_viewName : 'AssetCreate',
-		template: AssetcreateTmpl,
-		templateHelpers : function(){
-			return { editAsset : this.editAsset};
-		},
-		breadCrumbs :function(){
-			if(this.model.isNew())
-				return [XALinks.get('RepositoryManager'), XALinks.get('AssetCreate', {model:this.model})];
-			else
-				return [XALinks.get('RepositoryManager'), XALinks.get('AssetEdit',{model:this.model})];
-		},        
-		/** Layout sub regions */
-		regions: {
-			'rForm' :'div[data-id="r_form"]'
-		},
-		/** ui selector cache */
-		ui: {
-			'btnSave'	: '[data-id="save"]',
-			'btnCancel' : '[data-id="cancel"]',
-			'btnDelete' : '[data-id="delete"]',
-			'btnTestConn' : '[data-id="testConn"]'
-		},
-		/** ui events hash */
-		events: function() {
-			var events = {};
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnSave]		= 'onSave';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnCancel]	= 'onCancel';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnDelete]	= 'onDelete';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnTestConn]	= 'onTestConnection';
-			return events;
-		},
-		/**
-		 * intialize a new AssetCreate Layout 
-		 * @constructs
-		 */
-		initialize: function(options) {
-			console.log("initialized a AssetCreate Layout");
-			_.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'repositoryName'));
-			if(! this.model.isNew()){
-				this.setupModel();
-			}
-			this.form = new AssetForm({
-				model : this.model,
-				template : require('hbs!tmpl/asset/AssetForm_tmpl')
-			});
-			this.editAsset = this.model.has('id') ? true : false;
-			this.bindEvents();
-		},
-		setupModel : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			//var obj = _.pick(this.model.attributes,['username','password','fsDefaultName' ,'authorization', 'authentication', 'auth_to_local', 'datanode', 'namenode', 'secNamenode']);
-			if(this.model.get('config')){
-				var configObj = $.parseJSON(this.model.get('config')); 
-				_.each(configObj,function(val,prop){
-					_.each(that.model.propertiesNameMap,function(v,p){
-						if(prop == v){
-							that.model.set(p,val);
-						}
-					});
-				});
-			}
-			//this.model.set('config',JSON.stringify(obj));
-		},
-		/** all events binding here */
-		bindEvents : function(){
-			/*this.listenTo(this.model, "change:foo", this.modelChanged, this);*/
-			/*this.listenTo(communicator.vent,'someView:someEvent', this.someEventHandler, this)'*/
-		},
-		/** on render callback */
-		onRender: function() {
-			if(!this.editAsset){
-				this.ui.btnDelete.hide();
-				this.ui.btnSave.html('Add');
-			}else{
-			//	XAUtil.preventNavigation('dialogMsg.preventNavRepositoryForm'));
-			}
-			this.rForm.$el.dirtyFields();
-			XAUtil.preventNavigation('dialogMsg.preventNavRepositoryForm'),this.rForm.$el);
-			this.initializePlugins();
-		},
-		/** all post render plugin initialization */
-		initializePlugins: function(){
-		},
-		onSave: function(){
-			var errors = this.form.commit({validate : false});
-			if(! _.isEmpty(errors)){
-				return;
-			}
-			this.form.formValidation();
-			this.saveAsset();
-		},
-		saveAsset : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			this.form.beforeSave();
-			XAUtil.blockUI();
-				wait: true,
-				success: function () {
-					XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-					XAUtil.allowNavigation();
-					var msg = that.editAsset ? 'Repository updated successfully' :'Repository created successfully';
-					XAUtil.notifySuccess('Success', msg);
-					if(that.editAsset){
-						App.appRouter.navigate("#!/policymanager",{trigger: true});
-						return;
-					}
-					App.appRouter.navigate("#!/policymanager",{trigger: true});
-				},
-				error: function (model, response, options) {
-					XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-					if ( response && response.responseJSON && response.responseJSON.msgDesc){
-						if(response.responseJSON.msgDesc == "serverMsg.fsDefaultNameValidationError"){
-							that.form.fields.fsDefaultName.setError(;
-							XAUtil.scrollToField(that.form.fields.fsDefaultName.$el);
-						}else if(response.responseJSON.msgDesc == "Repository Name already exists"){
-							response.responseJSON.msgDesc = "serverMsg.repositoryNameAlreadyExistsError";
-							XAUtil.scrollToField($el);
-						}else if(response.responseJSON.msgDesc == "XUser already exists"){
-							response.responseJSON.msgDesc = "serverMsg.userAlreadyExistsError";
-							that.form.fields.userName.setError(;
-							XAUtil.scrollToField(that.form.fields.userName.$el);
-						}else
-							XAUtil.notifyError('Error', response.responseJSON.msgDesc);
-					}else
-						XAUtil.notifyError('Error', 'Error creating Asset!');
-					console.log("error");
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		onDelete :function(){
-			var that = this;
-			XAUtil.confirmPopup({
-				//msg'msg.confirmDelete'),
-				msg :'Are you sure want to delete ?',
-				callback : function(){
-					XAUtil.blockUI();
-					that.model.destroy({
-						success: function(model, response) {
-							XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-							XAUtil.allowNavigation();
-							XAUtil.notifySuccess('Success', 'Repository delete successfully');
-							App.appRouter.navigate("#!/policymanager",{trigger: true});
-						},
-						error: function (model, response, options) {
-							XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-							if ( response && response.responseJSON && response.responseJSON.msgDesc){
-									XAUtil.notifyError('Error', response.responseJSON.msgDesc);
-							}else
-								XAUtil.notifyError('Error', 'Error occured while deleting asset!');
-						}
-					});
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		onTestConnection : function(){
-			var errors = this.form.commit({validate : false});
-			if(! _.isEmpty(errors)){
-				return;
-			}
-			this.form.beforeSave();
-			this.model.testConfig(this.model,{
-					//wait: true,
-					success: function (msResponse, options) {
-						if(msResponse.statusCode){
-							if(!_.isUndefined(msResponse) && !_.isUndefined(msResponse.msgDesc)){ 
-								var popupBtnOpts;
-                               if(!_.isEmpty(msResponse.msgDesc)){
-                            	   if(_.isArray(msResponse.messageList) && !_.isUndefined(msResponse.messageList[0].message)
-                            			   && !_.isEmpty(msResponse.messageList[0].message)){
-	                            		   popupBtnOpts = [{
-	                            			   label: "Show More..",
-	                            			   callback:function(e){
-	                            				   console.log(e)
-	                            				   if($(e.currentTarget).text() == 'Show More..'){
-                        							   var div = '<div class="showMore connection-error-font"><br>'+msResponse.messageList[0].message.split('\n').join('<br>')+'</div>'
-                        							   $(e.delegateTarget).find('.modal-body').append(div)
-                        							   $(e.currentTarget).html('Show Less..')
-	                            				   }else{
-	                            					   $(e.delegateTarget).find('.showMore').remove();
-	                            					   $(e.currentTarget).html('Show More..')
-	                            				   }
-	                            				   return false;
-	                            			   }
-	                            		   }, {
-	                            			   label: "OK",
-	                            			   callback:function(){}
-	                            		   }];
-                            	   }else{
-                            		   		popupBtnOpts = [{label: "OK",
-                            		   			callback:function(){}
-                            		   		}];
-                            	   }
-                                   var msgHtml = '<b>Connection Failed.</b></br>'+msResponse.msgDesc;
-                                   bootbox.dialog(msgHtml, popupBtnOpts);
-								}else{
-										bootbox.alert("Connection Failed.");
-								}
-							}else{
-								bootbox.alert("Connection Failed.");
-							}
-						}
-						else
-							bootbox.alert("Connected Successfully.");
-					},
-					error: function (msResponse, options) {
-						bootbox.alert("Connection Failed.");
-					}	
-				});
-		},
-		onCancel : function(){
-			XAUtil.allowNavigation();
-			App.appRouter.navigate("#!/policymanager",{trigger: true});
-		},
-		/** on close */
-		onClose: function(){
-			XAUtil.allowNavigation();
-		}
-	});
-	return AssetCreate; 
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetForm.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetForm.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0db1aa3..0000000
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetForm.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-    'use strict';
-	var Backbone		= require('backbone');
-	var XAEnums			= require('utils/XAEnums');
-	var localization	= require('utils/XALangSupport');
-	require('backbone-forms');
-	require('backbone-forms.list');
-	require('backbone-forms.templates');
-	require('backbone-forms.XAOverrides');
-	var AssetForm = Backbone.Form.extend(
-	/** @lends AssetForm */
-	{
-		_viewName : 'AssetForm',
-    	/**
-		* intialize a new AssetForm Form View 
-		* @constructs
-		*/
-		initialize: function(options) {
-			console.log("initialized a AssetForm Form View");
-, options);
-			_.extend(this, _.pick(options, ''));
-			this.bindEvents();
-		},
-		/** all events binding here */
-		bindEvents : function(){
-			this.on('assetType:change', function(form, fieldEditor){
-    			this.evFieldChange(form, fieldEditor);
-    		});
-		},
-		/** schema for the form
-		* If you see that a field should behave similarly in all the forms, its 
-		* better to make the change in this.model.schema itself
-		*
-		* Override here ONLY if special case!!
-		*/
-		fields: ['name', 'description', 'activeStatus', 'assetType','config', '_vPassword'],
-		schema : function(){
-			var attrs = _.pick(_.result(this.model,'schemaBase'), 'name', 'description', 'activeStatus', 'assetType', 'config');
-			attrs._vPassword = {
-				type		: 'Password',
-				title		:"lbl.assetConfigPass")
-			};
-			$.extend(attrs,{
-				userName : {
-					type : 'Text',
-//					fieldClass : "hdfs hive knox",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.userName+" *",//'xalogin.username'
-					validators  : ['required'],//{type:'regexp',regexp:/^[a-z][a-z0-9,._'-]+$/i,message :'Please enter valid username'}],
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}//,'maxlength': 48}
-				},
-				passwordKeytabfile : {
-					type : 'Password',
-//					fieldClass : "hdfs hive knox",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.passwordKeytabfile+" *",//'xalogin.password'
-					validators:['required'],
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				fsDefaultName : {
-					fieldClass : "hdfs",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.fsDefaultName +" *",//'',
-					validators:['required'],
-					            /*{type:'regexp',regexp:new RegExp('(hdfs://)\\s*(.*?):[0-9]{1,5}'),
-								message'serverMsg.fsDefaultNameValidationError')}],*/
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}								
-				},
-				authorization : {
-					fieldClass : "hdfs",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.authorization,//'',
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				authentication : {
-					fieldClass : "hdfs",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.authentication,//''
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				auth_to_local : {
-					fieldClass : "hdfs",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.auth_to_local,//''
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				datanode : {
-					title		: this.model.propertiesNameMap.datanode,//'hdfs-site.dfs.datanode.kerberos.principal',
-					fieldClass : "hdfs",
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				namenode : {
-					title		: this.model.propertiesNameMap.namenode,//'hdfs-site.dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal',
-					fieldClass : "hdfs",
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				secNamenode : {
-					title		: this.model.propertiesNameMap.secNamenode,//'hdfs-site.dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.principal',
-					fieldClass : "hdfs",
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				hadoopRpcProtection : {
-					title		: this.model.propertiesNameMap.hadoopRpcProtection,//'',
-					fieldClass : "hdfs",
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				driverClassName : {
-					fieldClass : "hive",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.driverClassName,//'xalogin.jdbc.driverClassName'
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				url : {
-					fieldClass : "hive",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.url,//'xalogin.jdbc.url'
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				masterKerberos : {
-					fieldClass : "hbase",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.masterKerberos,
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				rpcEngine : {
-					fieldClass : "hbase",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.rpcEngine,
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				rpcProtection : {
-					fieldClass : "hbase",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.rpcProtection,
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				securityAuthentication : {
-					fieldClass : "hbase",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.securityAuthentication+" *",
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				zookeeperProperty : {
-					fieldClass : "hbase",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.zookeeperProperty+" *",
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				zookeeperQuorum : {
-					fieldClass : "hbase",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.zookeeperQuorum+" *",
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				zookeeperZnodeParent : {
-					fieldClass : "hbase",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.zookeeperZnodeParent+" *",
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				knoxUrl : {
-					fieldClass : "knox",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.knoxUrl,
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				nimbusUrl : {
-					fieldClass : "storm",
-					title : this.model.propertiesNameMap.nimbusUrl,
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				},
-				commonnameforcertificate : {
-					title :'lbl.commonNameForCertificate'),
-					editorAttrs :{'class':'stretchTextInput'}
-				}
-			});
-			return attrs;
-		},
-		/** on render callback */
-		render: function(options) {
-, options);
-			this.initializePlugins();
-			this.renderCustomFields();
-			if(!this.model.isNew())
-				this.fields.assetType.editor.$el.prop('disabled',true);
-			else
-				this.fields.activeStatus.editor.setValue(XAEnums.ActiveStatus.STATUS_ENABLED.value);
-		},
-		/** all custom field rendering */
-		renderCustomFields: function(){
-			/*this.$('[data-customfields="field1"]').append(new fieldView({
-			}).render().el);*/
-			if(this.model)
-				this.assetTypeChanged(this.model.get('assetType'));
-		},
-		/** all post render plugin initialization */
-		initializePlugins: function(){
-		},
-		formValidation : function(){
-			//return false;
-			return true;
-		},
-		beforeSave : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			//this.model.set('assetId', XAGlobals.hardcoded.HDFSAssetId);
-//			var attrs = ['userName','passwordKeytabfile','fsDefaultName' ,'authorization', 'authentication', 'auth_to_local', 'datanode', 'namenode', 'secNamenode',
-//							'driverClassName', 'url'];
-			var attrs;
-			switch(parseInt(this.model.get('assetType'))){
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HDFS.value :
-					attrs = ['userName','passwordKeytabfile','fsDefaultName' ,'authorization', 'authentication', 'auth_to_local', 'datanode', 'namenode', 'secNamenode',
-					         'hadoopRpcProtection', 'commonnameforcertificate'];
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HIVE.value :
-					attrs = ['userName','passwordKeytabfile','driverClassName', 'url','commonnameforcertificate'];
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HBASE.value :
-//					attrs = ['userName','passwordKeytabfile','authorization', 'authentication', 'auth_to_local', 'datanode', 'namenode', 'secNamenode',
-//								'masterKerberos','rpcEngine','rpcProtection','securityAuthentication','zookeeperProperty','zookeeperQuorum','zookeeperZnodeParent','commonnameforcertificate'];
-					attrs = ['userName','passwordKeytabfile', 'authentication', 'masterKerberos',
-					         'securityAuthentication','zookeeperProperty','zookeeperQuorum','zookeeperZnodeParent'];
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_KNOX.value :
-					attrs = ['userName','passwordKeytabfile','knoxUrl','commonnameforcertificate'];
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_STORM.value :
-					attrs = ['userName','passwordKeytabfile','nimbusUrl','commonnameforcertificate'];
-			}
-			var obj = _.pick(this.model.attributes,attrs);
-			_.each(obj,function(val,prop){
-				obj[that.model.propertiesNameMap[prop]] = obj[prop];
-				delete obj[prop];
-				this.model.unset(prop);
-			},this);
-			this.model.set('config',JSON.stringify(obj));
-		},
-		evFieldChange : function(form, fieldEditor){
-			this.assetTypeChanged(fieldEditor.getValue());
-		},
-		assetTypeChanged : function(val){
-			this.$('.hive').parents('fieldset').show();
-			this.$('.hdfs,.hive,.hbase,.knox,.storm').hide();
-			switch(parseInt(val)){
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HDFS.value :
-					this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.find('.control-label').html(this.model.propertiesNameMap.fsDefaultName+'*');
-//					this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators.push('required');
-					this.$('.hdfs').show();
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HIVE.value :
-					this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators = this.removeElementFromArr(this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators , 'required');
-					this.$('.hive').show();
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HBASE.value :
-					//	this.$('.hive').parents('fieldset').hide();
-//					this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.find('.control-label').html(this.model.propertiesNameMap.fsDefaultName);
-//					this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.removeClass('error');
-//					this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.find('.help-inline').html('');
-//					this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.$el.val('');
-					this.fields.authentication.editor.validators = ['required'];
-//					this.fields.authentication.schema.title = this.fields.authentication.schema.title+" *"
-					this.fields.authentication.$el.find('label').html(this.schema.authentication.title+" *")
-//					this.schema.authentication.title = this.schema.authentication.title+" *"
-//					this.fields.masterKerberos.editor.validators = ['required'];
-					this.fields.securityAuthentication.editor.validators = ['required'];
-					this.fields.zookeeperProperty.editor.validators = ['required'];
-					this.fields.zookeeperQuorum.editor.validators = ['required'];
-					this.fields.zookeeperZnodeParent.editor.validators = ['required'];
-					this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators = this.removeElementFromArr(this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators , 'required');
-					//Set default value to zookeeperZnodeParent
-					if(this.model.isNew())
-						this.fields.zookeeperZnodeParent.editor.$el.val('/hbase');
-					this.$('.hdfs').show();
-					this.$('.hive').show();//parents('fieldset').show();
-					this.$('.hbase').show();
-					this.fields.driverClassName.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.url.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.authorization.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.auth_to_local.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.datanode.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.namenode.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.secNamenode.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.hadoopRpcProtection.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.rpcEngine.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.rpcProtection.$el.hide();
-					this.fields.commonnameforcertificate.$el.hide();
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_KNOX.value :
-					this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators = this.removeElementFromArr(this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators , 'required');
-					this.$('.knox').show();
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_STORM.value :
-					this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators = this.removeElementFromArr(this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators , 'required');
-					this.$('.storm').show();
-					break;	
-			}
-	/*		if(val == XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HDFS.value){
-				this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.find('.control-label').html(this.model.propertiesNameMap.fsDefaultName+'*');
-				this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators.push('required');
-				this.$('.hdfs').show();
-			}else if(val == XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HIVE.value){
-				this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators = this.removeElementFromArr(this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators , 'required');
-				this.$('.hive').show();
-			}else{
-			//	this.$('.hive').parents('fieldset').hide();
-				this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.find('.control-label').html(this.model.propertiesNameMap.fsDefaultName);
-				this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.removeClass('error');
-				this.fields.fsDefaultName.$el.find('.help-inline').html('');
-//				this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.$el.val('');
-				this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators = this.removeElementFromArr(this.fields.fsDefaultName.editor.validators , 'required');
-				//Set default value to zookeeperZnodeParent
-				if(this.model.isNew())
-					this.fields.zookeeperZnodeParent.editor.$el.val('/hbase');
-				this.$('.hdfs').show();
-				this.$('.hive').show();//parents('fieldset').show();
-				this.fields.driverClassName.$el.hide();
-				this.fields.url.$el.hide();
-				this.$('.hbase').show();
-			}*/
-			this.fields.userName.setValue('');
-			this.fields.passwordKeytabfile.setValue('');
-			if(! this.model.isNew()){
-				if(val == this.model.get('assetType') && this.model.get('config')){
-					var configObj=$.parseJSON(this.model.get('config'));
-					this.fields.userName.setValue(configObj[this.model.propertiesNameMap.userName]);
-					this.fields.passwordKeytabfile.setValue(configObj[this.model.propertiesNameMap.passwordKeytabfile]);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		removeElementFromArr : function(arr ,elem){
-			var index = $.inArray(elem,arr);
-			if(index >= 0) arr.splice(index,1);
-			return arr;
-		}
-	});
-	return AssetForm;
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetTableLayout.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetTableLayout.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 284135b..0000000
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/asset/AssetTableLayout.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-    'use strict';
-	var Backbone		= require('backbone');
-	var Communicator	= require('communicator');
-	var App				= require('App');
-	var XALinks 		= require('modules/XALinks');
-	var XAEnums 		= require('utils/XAEnums');
-	var XAGlobals 		= require('utils/XAGlobals');
-	var localization	= require('utils/XALangSupport');
-	var XABackgrid		= require('views/common/XABackgrid');
-	var XATableLayout	= require('views/common/XATableLayout');
-	var AssettablelayoutTmpl = require('hbs!tmpl/asset/AssetTableLayout_tmpl'); 
-	require('backgrid-filter');
-	require('backgrid-paginator');
-	require('bootbox');
-	var AssetTableLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-	/** @lends AssetTableLayout */
-	{
-		_viewName : 'AssetTableLayout',
-    	template: AssettablelayoutTmpl,
-		/*
-    	breadCrumbs :function(){
-    		if(this.model.isNew())
-    			return [XALinks.get(''), XALinks.get('')];
-    		else
-    			return [XALinks.get(''), XALinks.get('')];
-    	},        
-		*/
-		/** Layout sub regions */
-    	regions: {
-			'rTableList'	: 'div[data-id="r_assettable"]'
-		},
-    	/** ui selector cache */
-    	ui: {},
-		/** ui events hash */
-		events: function() {
-			var events = {};
-			//events['change ' + this.ui.input]  = 'onInputChange';
-			return events;
-		},
-    	/**
-		* intialize a new AssetTableLayout Layout 
-		* @constructs
-		*/
-		initialize: function(options) {
-			console.log("initialized a AssetTableLayout Layout");
-			_.extend(this, _.pick(options, ''));
-			this.collection.extraSearchParams = {
-				//resourceType : XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HDFS.value	
-			};
-			this.bindEvents();
-		},
-		/** all events binding here */
-		bindEvents : function(){
-			/*this.listenTo(this.model, "change:foo", this.modelChanged, this);*/
-			/*this.listenTo(communicator.vent,'someView:someEvent', this.someEventHandler, this)'*/
-		},
-		/** on render callback */
-		onRender: function() {
-			this.initializePlugins();
-			this.renderTable();
-		},
-		/** all post render plugin initialization */
-		initializePlugins: function(){
-		},
-		renderTable : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			var TableRow = Backgrid.Row.extend({
-				events: {
-					'click' : 'onClick'
-				},
-				onClick: function (e) {
-					if($(e.toElement).is('.icon-edit'))
-						return;
-					this.$el.parent('tbody').find('tr').removeClass('tr-active');
-					this.$el.toggleClass('tr-active');
- vFolderInfo({
-						model : this.model
-					}));
-				}
-			});
- XATableLayout({
-				columns: this.getColumns(),
-				collection: this.collection,
-				includeFilter : false,
-				gridOpts : {
-					row: TableRow,
-					header : XABackgrid,
-					emptyText :'plcHldr.noAssets')
-				},
-				filterOpts : {
-				  name: ['name'],
-				  placeholder:'plcHldr.searchByResourcePath'),
-				  wait: 150
-				}
-			}));
-		},
-		getColumns : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			var cols = {
-				name : {
-					label	:"lbl.resourcePath"),
-					placeholder : 'Resource Path',
-					editable:false
-					//cell :"uri,"
-					/*href: function(model){
-						return '#!/policy/' +;
-					}*/
-				}
-			};
-			return this.collection.constructor.getTableCols(cols, this.collection);
-		},
-		/** on close */
-		onClose: function(){
-		}
-	});
-	return AssetTableLayout; 
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbasePolicyCreate.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbasePolicyCreate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bcb141..0000000
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbasePolicyCreate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-    'use strict';
-    	var App				= require('App');
-	var Backbone		= require('backbone');
-	var XALinks 		= require('modules/XALinks');
-	var XAUtil			= require('utils/XAUtils');
-	var XAEnums			= require('utils/XAEnums');
-	var localization	= require('utils/XALangSupport');
-	var VXResourceList	= require('collections/VXResourceList');
-	var HbasePolicyForm	= require('views/hbase/HbasePolicyForm');
-	var HbasepolicycreateTmpl = require('hbs!tmpl/hbase/HbasePolicyCreate_tmpl');
-	var HbasePolicyCreate = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-	/** @lends HbasePolicyCreate */
-	{
-		_viewName : 'HbasePolicyCreate',
-    	template: HbasepolicycreateTmpl,
-    	templateHelpers : function(){
-    		return {
-    			editPolicy : this.editPolicy
-    		};
-    	},
-    	breadCrumbs :function(){
-    		if(this.model.isNew())
-    			return [XALinks.get('RepositoryManager'),XALinks.get('ManageHbasePolicies',{model : this.assetModel}),XALinks.get('PolicyCreate')];
-    		else
-    			return [XALinks.get('RepositoryManager'),XALinks.get('ManageHbasePolicies',{model : this.assetModel}),XALinks.get('PolicyEdit')];
-    	} ,
-		/** Layout sub regions */
-    	regions: {
-    		'rForm' :'div[data-id="r_form"]'
-    	},
-    	/** ui selector cache */
-    	ui: {
-    		'btnSave'	: '[data-id="save"]',
-			'btnCancel' : '[data-id="cancel"]',
-			'btnDelete' : '[data-id="delete"]',
-			'policyDisabledAlert' : '[data-id="policyDisabledAlert"]'
-    	},
-		/** ui events hash */
-		events: function() {
-			var events = {};
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnSave]		= 'onSave';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnCancel]	= 'onCancel';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnDelete]	= 'onDelete';
-			return events;
-		},
-    	/**
-		* intialize a new HbasePolicyCreate Layout 
-		* @constructs
-		*/
-		initialize: function(options) {
-			var that = this;
-			console.log("initialized a HbasePolicyCreate Layout");
-			_.extend(this, _.pick(options,'assetModel'));
-			this.bindEvents();
-			that.form = new HbasePolicyForm({
-					template : require('hbs!tmpl/hbase/HbasePolicyForm_tmpl'),
-					model : this.model,
-					assetModel : this.assetModel
-			});
-			this.editPolicy = this.model.has('id') ? true : false;
-		},
-		/** all events binding here */
-		bindEvents : function(){
-			/*this.listenTo(this.model, "change:foo", this.modelChanged, this);*/
-			/*this.listenTo(communicator.vent,'someView:someEvent', this.someEventHandler, this)'*/
-		},
-		/** on render callback */
-		onRender: function() {
-			XAUtil.showAlerForDisabledPolicy(this);
-			this.rForm.$el.dirtyFields();
-			XAUtil.preventNavigation('dialogMsg.preventNavHbasePolicyForm'), this.rForm.$el);
-			this.initializePlugins();
-		},
-		/** all post render plugin initialization */
-		initializePlugins: function(){
-		},
-		popupCallBack : function(msg,validateObj){
-			var that = this;
-			XAUtil.alertPopup({
-				msg :msg,
-				callback : function(){
-			//		if(validateObj.auditLoggin)
-			//			that.savePolicy();
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		onSave : function(){
-			var that =this, valid = false;
-			var errors = this.form.commit({validate : false});
-			if(! _.isEmpty(errors)){
-				return;
-			}
-			var validateObj = this.form.formValidation();
-			valid = (validateObj.groupSet && validateObj.permSet) || (validateObj.userSet && validateObj.userPerm);
-			if(!valid){
-				if(validateObj.groupSet && (!validateObj.permSet)){
-					this.popupCallBack('msg.addGroupPermission'),validateObj);
-				}else if((!validateObj.groupSet) && (validateObj.permSet)) {
-					this.popupCallBack('msg.addGroup'),validateObj);
-				}else if(validateObj.userSet && (!validateObj.userPerm)){
-					this.popupCallBack('msg.addUserPermission'),validateObj);
-				}else if((!validateObj.userSet) && (validateObj.userPerm)) {
-					this.popupCallBack('msg.addUser'),validateObj);
-				}else if((!validateObj.auditLoggin) && (!validateObj.groupPermSet)){
-					XAUtil.alertPopup({
-						msg'msg.yourAuditLogginIsOff'),
-						callback : function(){
-							/*if(!that.model.isNew()){
-								that.model.destroy({success: function(model, response) {
-									XAUtil.notifySuccess('Success','msg.policyDeleteMsg'));
-									App.appRouter.navigate("#!/hbase/""/policies",{trigger: true});
-								}});
-							}else{
-								XAUtil.notifyError('Error','msg.policyNotAddedMsg'));
-								App.appRouter.navigate("#!/hbase/""/policies",{trigger: true});
-							}*/
-						}
-					});
-				}else{
-					this.savePolicy();
-				}
-			}else{
-				if(validateObj.groupSet && (!validateObj.permSet)){
-					this.popupCallBack('msg.addGroupPermission'),validateObj);
-				}else if((!validateObj.groupSet) && (validateObj.permSet)) {
-					this.popupCallBack('msg.addGroup'),validateObj);
-				}else if(validateObj.userSet && (!validateObj.userPerm)){
-					this.popupCallBack('msg.addUserPermission'),validateObj);
-				}else if((!validateObj.userSet) && (validateObj.userPerm)) {
-					this.popupCallBack('msg.addUser'),validateObj);
-				}else
-					this.savePolicy();
-			}
-		},
-		savePolicy : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			this.form.afterCommit();
-			this.saveMethod();
-		},
-		saveMethod : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			XAUtil.blockUI();
-				wait: true,
-				success: function () {
-					XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-					var msg = that.editPolicy ? 'Policy updated successfully' :'Policy created successfully';
-					XAUtil.notifySuccess('Success', msg);
-					XAUtil.allowNavigation();	
-					if(that.editPolicy){
-						App.appRouter.navigate("#!/hbase/""/policies",{trigger: true});
-						return;
-					}
-					App.appRouter.navigate("#!/hbase/""/policies",{trigger: false});
-					var view = require('views/hbase/HbaseTableLayout');
-					var resourceListForAsset = new VXResourceList([],{
-						   queryParams : {
-							   'assetId' : 
-						   }
-					   });
-					resourceListForAsset.fetch({
-						cache : false,
-						data : {
-					//			'resourceType':XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HIVE.value,
-								'assetId'
-							}
-					}).done(function(){
-						var newColl = resourceListForAsset;
-						resourceListForAsset.getLastPage({
-							cache : false,
-							data  : {
-					//					'resourceType':XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HIVE.value,
-										'assetId'
-									}
-						}).done(function(){
-							var model = newColl.get(;
-							if(model){
-								model.trigger("model1:highlightBackgridRow");
-							}
-						});
- view({
-							collection : resourceListForAsset,
-							assetModel : that.assetModel
-						}));
-					});
-					console.log("success");
-				},
-				error: function (model, response, options) {
-					XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-					if ( response && response.responseJSON && response.responseJSON.msgDesc){
-						if( response.responseJSON.messageList && response.responseJSON.messageList.length > 0 && !_.isUndefined(response.responseJSON.messageList[0].fieldName)){
-							if(response.responseJSON.messageList[0].fieldName == "parentPermission"){
-								XAUtil.confirmPopup({
-									msg :response.responseJSON.msgDesc,
-									callback : function(){
-										that.model.set('checkParentPermission',XAEnums.BooleanValue.BOOL_FALSE.value);
-										that.saveMethod();
-									}
-								});
-							}else
-								XAUtil.notifyError('Error', response.responseJSON.msgDesc);
-						}else{
-						//;
-							XAUtil.notifyError('Error', response.responseJSON.msgDesc);
-						}
-					}else
-						XAUtil.notifyError('Error', 'Error creating Policy!');
-					console.log("error");
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		onDelete :function(){
-			var that = this;
-			XAUtil.confirmPopup({
-				//msg'msg.confirmDelete'),
-				msg :'Are you sure want to delete ?',
-				callback : function(){
-					XAUtil.blockUI();
-					that.model.destroy({
-						success: function(model, response) {
-							XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-							XAUtil.allowNavigation();
-							XAUtil.notifySuccess('Success','msg.policyDeleteMsg'));
-							App.appRouter.navigate("#!/hbase/""/policies",{trigger: true});
-						},
-						error: function (model, response, options) {
-							XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-							if ( response && response.responseJSON && response.responseJSON.msgDesc){
-								    XAUtil.notifyError('Error', response.responseJSON.msgDesc);
-							    }else
-							    	XAUtil.notifyError('Error', 'Error deleting Policy!');
-							    console.log("error");
-						}
-					});
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		onCancel : function(){
-			XAUtil.allowNavigation();
-			App.appRouter.navigate("#!/hbase/""/policies",{trigger: true});
-		},
-		/** on close */
-		onClose: function(){
-			XAUtil.allowNavigation();
-		}
-	});
-	return HbasePolicyCreate; 
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbasePolicyForm.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbasePolicyForm.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a8ecc1..0000000
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbasePolicyForm.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-    'use strict';
-	var Backbone		= require('backbone');
-	var XAEnums			= require('utils/XAEnums');
-	var localization	= require('utils/XALangSupport');
-	var XAUtil			= require('utils/XAUtils');
-	var VXPermMapList	= require('collections/VXPermMapList');
-	var VXGroupList		= require('collections/VXGroupList');
-	var VXAuditMapList	= require('collections/VXAuditMapList');
-	var VXAuditMap		= require('models/VXAuditMap');
-	var VXPermMap		= require('models/VXPermMap');
-	var VXUserList		= require('collections/VXUserList');
-	var FormInputItemList = require('views/common/FormInputItemList');
-	var UserPermissionList = require('views/common/UserPermissionList');
-	require('Backbone.BootstrapModal');
-	require('backbone-forms.list');
-	require('backbone-forms.templates');
-	require('backbone-forms');
-	var HbasePolicyForm = Backbone.Form.extend(
-	/** @lends PolicyForm */
-	{
-		_viewName : 'PolicyForm',
-		type : {
-			//DATABASE : 1,
-			TABLE    : 2,
-			COLUMN   : 3,
-		},
-    	/**
-		* intialize a new PolicyForm Form View 
-		* @constructs
-		*/
-		initialize: function(options) {
-			console.log("initialized a PolicyForm Form View");
-, options);
-			_.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'assetModel'));
-			this.initializeCollection();
-			this.bindEvents();
-		},
-		/** all events binding here */
-		bindEvents : function(){
-			this.on('_vAuditListToggle:change', function(form, fieldEditor){
-    			this.evAuditChange(form, fieldEditor);
-    		});
-			this.on('resourceStatus:change', function(form, fieldEditor){
-    			this.evResourceStatusChange(form, fieldEditor);
-    		});
-			/*this.on('isEncrypt:change', function(form, fieldEditor){
-    			this.evEncryptChange(form, fieldEditor);
-    		});*/
-		},
-		initializeCollection: function(){
-			this.permMapList = this.model.isNew() ? new VXPermMapList() : this.model.get('permMapList');
-			this.auditList = this.model.isNew() ? new VXAuditMapList() : this.model.get('auditList');
-		   /*If the model passed to the fn is new return an empty collection
-		    * otherwise return a collection that has models like 
-		    * {
-		    * 	groupId : 5,
-		    * 	permissionList : [4,3]
-		    * }
-		    * The formInputList will be passed to the forminputitemlist view.
-		    */
-		   this.formInputList = XAUtil.makeCollForGroupPermission(this.model);
-		   this.userPermInputList = XAUtil.makeCollForUserPermission(this.model);
-		},
-		/** fields for the form
-		*/
-	//	fields: ['name', 'description', '_vAuditListToggle', 'isEncrypt','isRecursive'],
-		schema :function(){
-			var that = this;
-			//var plugginAttr = this.getPlugginAttr(true);
-			return {
-				policyName : {
-					   type 		: 'Text',
-					   title		:"lbl.policyName"),
-//					   validators  	: [{'type' :'required'}]
-					   editorAttrs 	:{ maxlength: 255}
-				},
-				tables : {
-					type		: 'Select2Remote',
-					title		:"lbl.selectTableName")+' *',
-					editorAttrs :{'data-placeholder': 'Select Tables'},
-					validators  : ['required'],//,{type:'regexp',regexp:/^[a-zA-Z*?][a-zA-Z0-9_'&-/\$]*[A-Za-z0-9]*$/i,message'validationMessages.enterValidName')}],
-					pluginAttr  : this.getPlugginAttr(true,this.type.TABLE),
-	                options    : function(callback, editor){
-	                    callback();
-	                }
-				},
-				columnFamilies : {
-					type		: 'Select2Remote',
-					title		:"lbl.selectColumnFamilies"),
-					editorAttrs :{'data-placeholder': 'Select Column Families'},
-	//				editorAttrs :{'disabled' :'disabled','data-placeholder': 'Select Column Families'},
-					//validators  : [{type:'regexp',regexp:/^[a-zA-Z*?][a-zA-Z0-9_'&-/\$]*[A-Za-z0-9]*$/i,message'validationMessages.enterValidName')}],
-					pluginAttr  : this.getPlugginAttr(true,this.type.COLUMN_FAMILIES),
-					options    : function(callback, editor){
-						callback();
-					}
-				},
-				columns : {
-					type		: 'Select2Remote',
-//					type		: 'Text',
-					title		:"lbl.enterColumnName"),
-		//			validators  : [{type:'regexp',regexp:/^[a-zA-Z*?][a-zA-Z0-9_'&-/\$]*[A-Za-z0-9]*$/i,message'validationMessages.enterValidName')}],
-					editorAttrs :{ 'placeholder': 'Enter Column Name'},
-					pluginAttr  : this.getPlugginAttr(false,this.type.COLUMN),
-				},
-				_vAuditListToggle : {
-					type		: 'Switch',
-					title		:"lbl.auditLogging"),
-					listType	: 'VNameValue',
-					switchOn	: true
-				},
-				/*isEncrypt : {
-					type		: 'Switch',
-					title		:"lbl.encrypted"),
-					switchOn	: false
-	//				fieldAttrs : {style : 'display:none;'}
-				},*/
-				permMapList : {
-					getValue : function(){
-						console.log(this);
-					}
-				},
-				resourceStatus : {
-					type		: 'Switch',
-					title		:"lbl.policyStatus"),
-					onText		: 'enabled',
-					offText		: 'disabled',
-					width		: '85',
-					switchOn	: true
-				},
-				description : { 
-					type		: 'TextArea',
-					title		:"lbl.description"), 
-				//	validators	: [/^[A-Za-z ,.'-]+$/i],
-					template	:_.template('<div class="altField" data-editor></div>')
-				},
-			};	
-		},
-		evAuditChange : function(form, fieldEditor){
-			XAUtil.checkDirtyFieldForToggle(fieldEditor);
-			if(fieldEditor.getValue() == 1){
-				this.model.set('auditList', new VXAuditMapList(new VXAuditMap({
-					'auditType' : XAEnums.XAAuditType.XA_AUDIT_TYPE_ALL.value,//fieldEditor.getValue()//
-					'resourceId' :this.model.get('id')
-				})));
-			} else {
-				var validation  = this.formValidation();
-				if(validation.groupPermSet || validation.isUsers)
-					this.model.unset('auditList');
-				else{
-					XAUtil.alertPopup({
-						msg"msg.policyNotHavingPerm"),
-						callback : function(){
-							fieldEditor.setValue('ON');
-						}
-					});
-				}
-			}
-			console.log(fieldEditor);
-		},
-		evResourceStatusChange : function(form, fieldEditor){
-			XAUtil.checkDirtyFieldForToggle(fieldEditor);
-		},
-		evEncryptChange : function(form, fieldEditor){
-			XAUtil.checkDirtyFieldForToggle(fieldEditor);
-		},
-		/** on render callback */
-		render: function(options) {
-			var that = this;
-, options);
-			this.initializePlugins();
-			this.renderSelectTagsFields();
-			this.renderCustomFields();
-			if(!this.model.isNew()){
-				this.setUpSwitches();
-				if(!_.isEmpty(this.fields.tables.editor.$el.val()))
-					that.fields.columnFamilies.editor.$el.prop('disabled',false);
-				if(!_.isEmpty(this.fields.columnFamilies.editor.$el.val()))
-					that.fields.columns.editor.$el.prop('disabled',false);
-			}
-			if(this.model.isNew() && this.fields._vAuditListToggle.editor.getValue() == 1){
-				this.model.set('auditList', new VXAuditMapList(new VXAuditMap({
-					'auditType' : XAEnums.XAAuditType.XA_AUDIT_TYPE_ALL.value,//fieldEditor.getValue()//
-					'resourceId' :this.model.get('id')
-				})));
-			}
-		},
-		renderSelectTagsFields :function(){
-			var that = this;
-			this.fields.tables.editor.$el.on('change',function(e){
-				console.log('change on table Name');
-				that.checkMultiselectDirtyField(e, that.type.TABLE);
-				that.fields.tables.setValue(that.fields.tables.editor.$el.select2('data').map(function(obj){return obj.text}).toString());
-			});
-			this.fields.columnFamilies.editor.$el.on('change',function(e){
-				console.log('change on column Families Name');
-				that.checkMultiselectDirtyField(e, that.type.COLUMN_FAMILIES);
-				that.fields.columnFamilies.setValue(that.fields.columnFamilies.editor.$el.select2('data').map(function(obj){return obj.text}).toString());
-			});
-		},
-		getDataParams : function(type, term){
-			var dataParams = {
-			//	dataSourceName : 'hadoopdev',
-				dataSourceName : this.assetModel.get('name')
-			// databaseName: term,
-			};
-			if (type == this.type.TABLE && this.fields) {
-				//dataParams.databaseName = this.fields.databases.editor.$el.select2('data')[0].text;
-				dataParams.tableName = term;
-			}
-			if (type == this.type.COLUMN_FAMILIES && !_.isEmpty(this.fields.tables.getValue())) {
-				dataParams.tableName = this.fields.tables.editor.$el.select2('data')[0].text;
-				dataParams.columnFamilies  = _.isEmpty(term) ? "*" :  term;
-			}
-			return dataParams;
-		},
-		getPlugginAttr :function(autocomplete, searchType){
-			var that =this;
-			var type = searchType;
-			if(!autocomplete)
-				return{tags : true,width :'220px',multiple: true,minimumInputLength: 1};
-			else {
-				return {
-					closeOnSelect : true,
-					//placeholder : 'Select User',
-					tags:true,
-					multiple: true,
-					minimumInputLength: 1,
-					width :'220px',
-					tokenSeparators: [",", " "],
-					initSelection : function (element, callback) {
-						var data = [];
-						$(element.val().split(",")).each(function () {
-							data.push({id: this, text: this});
-						});
-						callback(data);
-					},
-					createSearchChoice: function(term, data) {
-						if ($(data).filter(function() {
-							return this.text.localeCompare(term) === 0;
-						}).length === 0) {
-							return {
-								id : term,
-								text: term
-							};
-						}
-					},
-					/*query: function (query) {
-						var url = "service/assets/hive/resources";
-						var data = _.extend(that.getDataParams(type, query.term));
-						//var results = [ {id: query.term, path: query.term}];
-						$.get(url, data, function (resp) {
-							var serverRes = [];
-							if(resp.resultSize){
-								serverRes =, i){	return {id : m.value, path: m.value};	});
-							}
-							query.callback({results: serverRes});
-						}, 'json');
-						//query.callback({results: results});
-					},*/
-					ajax: { 
-						url: "service/assets/hbase/resources",
-						dataType: 'json',
-						params : {
-							timeout: 3000
-						},
-						cache: false,
-						data: function (term, page) {
-							return _.extend(that.getDataParams(type, term));
-						},
-						results: function (data, page) { 
-							var results = [];
-							if(!_.isUndefined(data)){
-								if(data.resultSize != "0"){
-									results =, i){	return {id : m.value, text: m.value};	});
-								}
-							}
-							return { 
-								results : results
-							};
-						},
-						transport: function (options) {
-							$.ajax(options).error(function() { 
-								console.log("ajax failed");
-								this.success({
-									resultSize : 0
-								});
-							});
-							/*$.ajax.error(function(data) { 
-								console.log("ajax failed");
-								return {
-									results : []
-								};
-							});*/
-						}
-					},	
-					formatResult : function(result){
-						return result.text;
-					},
-					formatSelection : function(result){
-						return result.text;
-					},
-					formatNoMatches : function(term){
-						switch (type){
-							case  that.type.COLUMN_FAMILIS :return"msg.enterAlteastOneCharactere");
-							case  that.type.TABLE :return"msg.enterAlteastOneCharactere");
-							case  that.type.COLUMN :return"msg.enterAlteastOneCharactere");
-							default : return "No Matches found";
-						}
-					}
-				};	
-			}
-		},
-		formValidation : function(){
-			var groupSet = false,permSet = false,auditStatus= false,encryptStatus= false,groupPermSet = false,
-							userSet=false,userPerm = false,isUsers =false;
-			console.log('validation called..');
-			var breakFlag =false;
-			this.formInputList.each(function(m){
-				if(m.has('groupId') ||  m.has('_vPermList')){
-					if(! breakFlag){
-						groupSet = m.has('groupId') ? true : false ; 
-						if(!m.has('_vPermList')){
-							permSet = false;
-						}else
-							permSet = true;
-						if(groupSet && permSet)
-							groupPermSet = true;
-						else
-							breakFlag=true;
-					}
-				}
-			});
-			breakFlag = false;
-			this.userPermInputList.each(function(m){
-				if(!_.isUndefined(m.attributes)){
-					if(! breakFlag){
-						userSet = m.has('userId') || m.has('userName') ? true : false ;//|| userSet; 
-						if(!m.has('_vPermList')){
-							userPerm = false;
-						}else
-							userPerm = true;
-						if(userSet && userPerm)
-							isUsers = true;
-						else
-							breakFlag=true;
-					}
-				}
-			});
-			auditStatus = this.fields._vAuditListToggle.editor.getValue();
-			//encryptStatus = this.fields.isEncrypt.editor.getValue();
-			var auditLoggin = (auditStatus == XAEnums.BooleanValue.BOOL_TRUE.value) ? true : false;
-			//var encrypted = (encryptStatus == XAEnums.BooleanValue.BOOL_TRUE.value) ? true : false;
-			/*if((groupSet && permSet) || auditLoggin || encrypted )
-				return true;*/
-			return {groupPermSet: groupPermSet , groupSet : groupSet,permSet : permSet,auditLoggin :auditLoggin,/*encrypted : encrypted,*/
-				userSet : userSet,userPerm:userPerm,isUsers:isUsers};	
-		},
-		setUpSwitches :function(){
-			var that = this;
-			var encryptStatus = false,auditStatus = false,recursiveStatus = false;
-			auditStatus = this.model.has('auditList') ? true : false; 
-			this.fields._vAuditListToggle.editor.setValue(auditStatus);
-			/*_.each(_.toArray(XAEnums.BooleanValue),function(m){
-				if(parseInt(that.model.get('isEncrypt')) == m.value)
-					encryptStatus =  (m.label == XAEnums.BooleanValue.BOOL_TRUE.label) ? true : false;
-			});
-			this.fields.isEncrypt.editor.setValue(encryptStatus); */
-			if(parseInt(this.model.get('resourceStatus')) != XAEnums.BooleanValue.BOOL_TRUE.value)
-				this.fields.resourceStatus.editor.setValue(false);
-		},
-		/** all custom field rendering */
-		renderCustomFields: function(){
-			var that = this;
-			this.groupList = new VXGroupList();
-			var params = {sortBy : 'name', cache :false};
-			this.groupList.setPageSize(100,{fetch:false});
-			this.groupList.fetch({
-				cache :true,
-				data : params
-				}).done(function(){
-					that.$('[data-customfields="groupPerms"]').html(new FormInputItemList({
-						collection 	: that.formInputList,
-						groupList  	: that.groupList,
-						model 		: that.model,
-						policyType 	: XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HBASE.value
-					}).render().el);
-			});	
-			this.userList = new VXUserList();
-			var params = {sortBy : 'name', cache :false};
-			this.userList.setPageSize(100,{fetch:false});
-			this.userList.fetch({
-				cache :true,
-				data : params
-				}).done(function(){
-					that.$('[data-customfields="userPerms"]').html(new UserPermissionList({
-						collection 	: that.userPermInputList,
-						model 		: that.model,
-						userList 	: that.userList,
-						policyType 	: XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HBASE.value
-					}).render().el);
-			});
-		},
-		afterCommit : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			//TODO FIXME remove the hard coding 
-			//this.model.set('assetId', XAGlobals.hardcoded.HiveAssetId);
-			this.model.set('assetId',;
-			var permMapList = new VXPermMapList();
-			this.formInputList.each(function(m){
-				if(!_.isUndefined(m.get('groupId'))){
-					var uniqueID = _.uniqueId(new Date()+':');
-					_.each(m.get('groupId').split(","),function(groupId){
-						_.each(m.get('_vPermList'), function(perm){
-							var params = {
-									//groupId: m.get('groupId'),
-									groupId: groupId,
-									permFor : XAEnums.XAPermForType.XA_PERM_FOR_GROUP.value,
-									permType : perm.permType,
-									permGroup : uniqueID
-							};
-							if(parseInt(groupId) == perm.groupId)
-								params = $.extend(params, {id :});
-							//TODO FIXME remove the hardcoding
-							permMapList.add(new VXPermMap(params));
-						}, this);
-					});
-				}
-			}, this);
-			this.userPermInputList.each(function(m){
-				if(!_.isUndefined(m.get('userId'))){
-					var uniqueID = _.uniqueId(new Date()+':');
-					_.each(m.get('userId').split(","),function(userId){
-						_.each(m.get('_vPermList'), function(perm){
-							var params = {
-									//groupId: m.get('groupId'),
-									userId: userId,
-									permFor : XAEnums.XAPermForType.XA_PERM_FOR_USER.value,
-									permType : perm.permType,
-									permGroup : uniqueID
-							};
-							if(parseInt(userId) == perm.userId)
-								params = $.extend(params, {id :});
-							//TODO FIXME remove the hardcoding
-							permMapList.add(new VXPermMap(params));
-						}, this);
-					});
-				}
-			}, this);
-			this.model.set('permMapList', permMapList);
-			var columns = !_.isEmpty(this.model.get('columns'));
-			var columnFamilies = !_.isEmpty(this.model.get('columnFamilies'));
-			if(columns)
-				this.model.set('resourceType',XAEnums.ResourceType.RESOURCE_COLUMN.value);
-			else if(columnFamilies)	
-				this.model.set('resourceType',XAEnums.ResourceType.RESOURCE_COL_FAM.value);
-			else
-				this.model.set('resourceType',XAEnums.ResourceType.RESOURCE_TABLE.value);
-			this.setResourceTypeAsPerWildCard();
-			//TODO Already handled by server side so we need to remove following line 
-			if(_.isEmpty(this.model.get('columnFamilies')))	{
-				this.model.unset('columnFamilies');
-				this.model.unset('columns'); 
-			}
-			if(_.isEmpty(this.model.get('columns')))	this.model.unset('columns');
-			if(this.model.get('resourceStatus') != XAEnums.BooleanValue.BOOL_TRUE.value){
-				this.model.set('resourceStatus', XAEnums.ActiveStatus.STATUS_DISABLED.value);
-			}
-		},
-		checkMultiselectDirtyField : function(e, type){
-			var elem = $(e.currentTarget),columnName='',newNameList = [], nameList = [];
-			switch(type){
-				case 2 :columnName = 'tables';break;
-				case 4 :columnName = 'columnFamilies';break;
-			}
-			if(!_.isUndefined(this.model.get(columnName)) && !_.isEqual(this.model.get(columnName),""))
-				nameList = this.model.get(columnName).split(',');
-			if(!_.isEqual(e.currentTarget.value, ""))
-				newNameList = e.currentTarget.value.split(',');
-			XAUtil.checkDirtyField(nameList, newNameList, elem);
-		},
-		setResourceTypeAsPerWildCard :function(){
-			var type = this.model.get('resourceType');
-			//Set resourceType as per WildCard operator '*'
-			switch(this.model.get('resourceType')){
-				case XAEnums.ResourceType.RESOURCE_COLUMN.value :
-					if(_.isEqual(this.model.get('columns'),"*")){
-						if(_.isEqual(this.model.get('columnFamilies'),"*"))
-							type = XAEnums.ResourceType.RESOURCE_TABLE.value;
-						else
-							type = XAEnums.ResourceType.RESOURCE_COL_FAM.value;
-					}
-					break;
-				case XAEnums.ResourceType.RESOURCE_COL_FAM.value :
-					if(_.isEqual(this.model.get('columnFamilies'),"*")){
-							type = XAEnums.ResourceType.RESOURCE_TABLE.value;
-					}
-					break;
-			}
-			this.model.set('resourceType',type);
-		},
-		/* all post render plugin initialization */
-		initializePlugins: function(){
-		}
-	});
-	return HbasePolicyForm;
diff --git a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbaseTableLayout.js b/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbaseTableLayout.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4db270a..0000000
--- a/security-admin/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/hbase/HbaseTableLayout.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-    'use strict';
-	var Backbone		= require('backbone');
-	var XAEnums 		= require('utils/XAEnums');
-	var XALinks 		= require('modules/XALinks');
-	var XAGlobals 		= require('utils/XAGlobals');
-	var SessionMgr 		= require('mgrs/SessionMgr');
-	var XAUtil			= require('utils/XAUtils');
-	var VXResource = require('models/VXResource');
-	var XABackgrid		= require('views/common/XABackgrid');
-	var XATableLayout	= require('views/common/XATableLayout');
-	var localization	= require('utils/XALangSupport');
-	var vFolderInfo 		= require('views/folders/FolderInfo');
-	var HbasetablelayoutTmpl = require('hbs!tmpl/hbase/HbaseTableLayout_tmpl');
-	var HbaseTableLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-	/** @lends HbaseTableLayout */
-	{
-		_viewName : 'HbaseTableLayout',
-    	template: HbasetablelayoutTmpl,
-    	templateHelpers :function(){
-    		return {
-    			isSysAdmin :this.isSysAdmin,
-    			assetId		  :,
-    			assetModel : this.assetModel,
-    			version : XAGlobals.version
-    		};
-    	},
-    	breadCrumbs : function(){
-    		if(this.assetModel)
-    			return [XALinks.get('RepositoryManager'),XALinks.get('ManageHbasePolicies',{model : this.assetModel})];
-    		else
-    			return [];
-   		},
-		/** Layout sub regions */
-    	regions: {
-    		'rTableList' :'div[data-id="r_tableList"]',
-    		'rPolicyDetail'	: '#policyDetail'
-    	},
-    	/** ui selector cache */
-    	ui: {
-    		'btnExport' : 'a[data-js="export"]',
-			'btnDeletePolicy' : '[data-name="deletePolicy"]',
-			'btnShowMore' : '[data-id="showMore"]',
-			'btnShowLess' : '[data-id="showLess"]',
-			'visualSearch' : '.visual_search'
-    	},
-		/** ui events hash */
-		events: function() {
-			var events = {};
-			//events['change ' + this.ui.input]  = 'onInputChange';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnExport]  = 'onExport';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnDeletePolicy]  = 'onDelete';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnShowMore]  = 'onShowMore';
-			events['click ' + this.ui.btnShowLess]  = 'onShowLess';
-			return events;
-		},
-    	/**
-		* intialize a new HbaseTableLayout Layout 
-		* @constructs
-		*/
-		initialize: function(options) {
-			console.log("initialized a HbaseTableLayout Layout");
-			_.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'assetModel'));
-			this.collection.extraSearchParams = {
-					//resourceType : XAEnums.AssetType.ASSET_HBASE.value
-					assetId :
-				};
-			this.bindEvents();
-			this.isSysAdmin = SessionMgr.isSystemAdmin();
-		},
-		/** all events binding here */
-		bindEvents : function(){
-			/*this.listenTo(this.model, "change:foo", this.modelChanged, this);*/
-			/*this.listenTo(communicator.vent,'someView:someEvent', this.someEventHandler, this)'*/
-		},
-		/** on render callback */
-		onRender: function() {
-			var that = this;
-			this.initializePlugins();
-			this.addVisualSearch();
-			this.renderTable();
-			XAUtil.highlightDisabledPolicy(this);
-		},
-		renderTable : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			/*var tableRow = Backgrid.Row.extend({
-				events: {
-					'click' : 'onClick'
-				},
-				initialize : function(){
-					var that = this;
-					var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
-					Backgrid.Row.prototype.initialize.apply(this, args);
-					this.listenTo(this.model, 'model1:highlightBackgridRow', function(){
-						that.$el.addClass("alert");
-						$("html, body").animate({scrollTop: that.$el.position().top},"linear");
-						setTimeout(function () {
-							that.$el.removeClass("alert");
-						}, 1500);
-					}, this);
-				},
-				onClick: function (e) {
-					if($(e.toElement).is('.icon-edit,.icon-trash,a,code'))
-						return;
-					this.$el.parent('tbody').find('tr').removeClass('tr-active');
-					this.$el.toggleClass('tr-active');
-					if(that.rPolicyDetail){
-						$(that.rPolicyDetail.el).hide();
-						$(that.rPolicyDetail.el).html(new vFolderInfo({
-							model : this.model
-						}).render().$el).slideDown();
-					}
-				}
-			});*/
- XATableLayout({
-				columns: this.getColumns(),
-				collection: this.collection,
-				includeFilter : false,
-				gridOpts : {
-//					row: tableRow,
-					header : XABackgrid,
-					emptyText : 'No Policies found!'
-				}
-			}));	
-		},
-		getColumns : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			var cols = {
-				policyName : {
-					cell : "uri",
-					href: function(model){
-						return '#!/hbase/'+model.get('assetId')+'/policy/' +;
-					},
-					label	:"lbl.policyName"),
-					editable: false,
-					sortable : false
-				},
-				tables : {
-					label	:"lbl.tableName")+'(s)',
-					cell :'html',
-					editable:false,
-					sortable : false,
-					formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
-						fromRaw: function (rawValue) {
-							return _.isUndefined(rawValue) ? '--': '<span title="'+rawValue+'">'+rawValue+'</span>';  
-						}
-					})
-				},
-				columnFamilies : {
-					label	:"lbl.columnFamilies")+'(s)',
-					cell :'html',
-					editable:false,
-					sortable : false,
-					formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
-						fromRaw: function (rawValue) {
-							return _.isUndefined(rawValue) ? '--': '<span title="'+rawValue+'">'+rawValue+'</span>';  
-						}
-					})
-				},
-				columns : {
-					label	:"lbl.columnName")+'(s)',
-					cell :'html',
-					editable:false,
-					sortable : false,
-					formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
-						fromRaw: function (rawValue) {
-							return _.isUndefined(rawValue) ? '--': '<span title="'+rawValue+'">'+rawValue+'</span>';  
-						}
-					})
-				},
-				permMapList : {
-					reName : 'groupName',
-					cell	: Backgrid.HtmlCell.extend({className: 'cellWidth-1'}),
-					label :""),
-					formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
-						fromRaw: function (rawValue) {
-							if(!_.isUndefined(rawValue))
-								return XAUtil.showGroups(rawValue);
-							return '--';
-						}
-					}),
-					editable : false,
-					sortable : false
-				},
-				auditList : {
-					label :"lbl.auditLogging"),
-					cell: "html",
-					formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
-						fromRaw: function (rawValue, model) {
-							return model.has('auditList') ? '<label class="label label-success">ON</label>' : '<label class="label label">OFF</label>';
-						}
-					}),
-					click : false,
-					drag : false,
-					sortable : false,
-					editable : false
-				},
-				/*isEncrypt:{
-					cell :"html",
-					editable:false,
-					formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
-						fromRaw: function (rawValue ,model) {
-							return model.get('isEncrypt') == XAEnums.BooleanValue.BOOL_TRUE.value ? '<label class="label label-success">ON</label>' : '<label class="label label">OFF</label>';
-							//You can use rawValue to custom your html, you can change this value using the name parameter.
-						}
-					}),
-					click : false,
-					drag : false,
-					onText : 'ON',
-					offText : 'OFF',
-					sortable : false
-				},*/
-				resourceStatus:{
-					cell :"html",
-					editable:false,
-					formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
-						fromRaw: function (rawValue) {
-							var status;
-							_.each(_.toArray(XAEnums.BooleanValue),function(m){
-								if(parseInt(rawValue) == m.value){
-									status =  (m.label == XAEnums.BooleanValue.BOOL_TRUE.label) ? true : false;
-								}	
-							});
-							return status ? '<label class="label label-success">Enabled</label>' : '<label class="label label-important">Disabled</label>';
-						}
-					}),
-					click : false,
-					drag : false,
-					sortable : false
-				},
-				permissions : {
-					cell :  "html",
-					label :"lbl.action"),
-					formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
-						fromRaw: function (rawValue,model) {
-							return '<a href="#!/hbase/'+model.get('assetId')+'/policy/''" class="btn btn-mini" title="Edit"><i class="icon-edit icon-large" /></a>\
-									<a href="javascript:void(0);" data-name ="deletePolicy" data-id="''"  class="btn btn-mini btn-danger" title="Delete"><i class="icon-trash icon-large" /></a>';
-							//You can use rawValue to custom your html, you can change this value using the name parameter.
-						}
-					}),
-					editable:false,
-					sortable : false
-				}
-			};
-			return this.collection.constructor.getTableCols(cols, this.collection);
-		},
-		onExport : function(e){
-			$(e.currentTarget).attr('href', 'service/assets/policyList/'+this.assetModel.get('name')+'?epoch=0');
-			//$(e.currentTarget).attr('href', 'service/assets/hive?epoch=0');
-		},
-		onDelete :function(e){
-			var that = this;
-			var obj = this.collection.get($(e.currentTarget).data('id'));
-			var model = new VXResource(obj.attributes);
-			model.collection = this.collection;
-			XAUtil.confirmPopup({
-				msg'msg.areYouSureWantToDelete'),
-				//msg :'Are you sure want to delete ?',
-				callback : function(){
-					XAUtil.blockUI();
-					model.destroy({
-						success: function(model, response) {
-							XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-							that.collection.remove(model.get('id'));
-							/*if(that.rPolicyDetail.currentView)
-								that.rPolicyDetail.currentView.close();*/
-							$(that.rPolicyDetail.el).hide();
-							XAUtil.notifySuccess('Success','msg.policyDeleteMsg'));
-							if(that.collection.length ==  0){
-								that.renderTable();
-								that.collection.fetch();
-							}
-						},
-						error: function (model, response, options) {
-							XAUtil.blockUI('unblock');
-							if ( response && response.responseJSON && response.responseJSON.msgDesc){
-								    XAUtil.notifyError('Error', response.responseJSON.msgDesc);
-							    }else
-							    	XAUtil.notifyError('Error', 'Error deleting Policy!');
-							    console.log("error");
-						}
-					});
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		onShowMore : function(e){
-			var id = $(e.currentTarget).attr('policy-group-id');
-			this.rTableList.$el.find('[policy-group-id="'+id+'"]').show();
-			$('[data-id="showLess"][policy-group-id="'+id+'"]').show();
-			$('[data-id="showMore"][policy-group-id="'+id+'"]').hide();
-		},
-		onShowLess : function(e){
-			var id = $(e.currentTarget).attr('policy-group-id');
-			this.rTableList.$el.find('[policy-group-id="'+id+'"]').slice(4).hide();
-			$('[data-id="showLess"][policy-group-id="'+id+'"]').hide();
-			$('[data-id="showMore"][policy-group-id="'+id+'"]').show();
-		},
-		/** all post render plugin initialization */
-		initializePlugins: function(){
-		},
-		addVisualSearch : function(){
-			var that = this;
-			var searchOpt = ['Table Name(s)','Column Families(s)','Column Name(s)','Group','Policy Name'];//,'Start Date','End Date','Today'];
-			var serverAttrName  = [{text : "Table Name(s)", label :"tables"},{text : "Column Families(s)", label :"columnFamilies"},
-			                       {text : "Column Name(s)", label :"columns"},{text : "Group", label :"groupName"},
-			                       {text : "Policy Name", label :"policyName"}];
-			                     //  {text : 'Start Date',label :'startDate'},{text : 'End Date',label :'endDate'},
-				                 //  {text : 'Today',label :'today'}];
-			var pluginAttr = {
-				      placeholder'h.searchForPolicy'),
-				      container : this.ui.visualSearch,
-				      query     : '',
-				      callbacks :  { 
-				    	  valueMatches :function(facet, searchTerm, callback) {
-								switch (facet) {
-									case 'Result':
-										callback(XAUtil.enumToSelectLabelValuePairs(XAEnums.AuthStatus));
-										break;
-									case 'Login Type':
-										callback(XAUtil.enumToSelectLabelValuePairs(XAEnums.AuthType));
-										break;	
-								/*	case 'Start Date' :
-										setTimeout(function () { XAUtil.displayDatepicker(that.ui.visualSearch, callback); }, 0);
-										break;
-									case 'End Date' :
-										setTimeout(function () { XAUtil.displayDatepicker(that.ui.visualSearch, callback); }, 0);
-										break;
-									case 'Today'	:
-										var today = Globalize.format(new Date(),"yyyy/mm/dd");
-										callback([today]);
-										break;*/
-								}     
-							}
-				      }
-				};
-			XAUtil.addVisualSearch(searchOpt,serverAttrName, this.collection,pluginAttr);
-		},
-		/** on close */
-		onClose: function(){
-		}
-	});
-	return HbaseTableLayout; 