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Posted to by David Hirst <> on 2002/07/24 20:12:36 UTC

Exception while encoding Vector of strings

Below is an exception that I am receiving when I attempt to access a
service that takes as paramaters a String, Vector, Vector, Vector in
each vector is a string. If i set the encodingStyle of the call to be
NS_URI_SOAP_ENC then everything works fine, however I need to return xml
from  this call, so I have to set the endcoding style to
NS_URI_LITERAL_XML. All of my paramters should have the SOAP_ENC as the
encoding style.

[SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=No Serializer found to
serialize a 'java.lang.String' using encoding style
targetException=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No Serializer found
to serialize a 'java.lang.String' using encoding style

And this is the header (it is actually an EJB)
public Element getBookings(String employeeID, java.util.Vector start,
java.util.Vector end, java.util.Vector crs)
     throws java.rmi.RemoteException;