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Posted to by Andrea Del Bene <> on 2015/02/04 15:36:36 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Wicket 6.19.0 Released

The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.19.0!

This is the nineteenth maintenance release of the Wicket 6.x series. This
release brings 28 bug fixes and improvements.
Starting with Wicket 6 we use semantic versioning for the future development
of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release
compared to 6.0.0.

Git tag:

New and noteworthy

This release fixes 12 bugs and adds 16 improvements.

- [WICKET-5756] - Allow to use custom ciphers when using SunJceCrypt class
- [WICKET-5780] - Add a resource reference for ContextRelativeResource
- [WICKET-5802] - HTML 5 Import

New feature:

- [WICKET-5771] - Ability to escape resource bundle messages added with wicket:message

See the changelog added below for more detailed information concerning
this release:  <>

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):


Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
convenience binary package

  * Source:
  * Binary:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 6.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6
migration guide found at


Have fun!

— The Wicket team


The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -


Signature for apache-wicket-6.19.0.tar.gz:

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -



CHANGELOG for 6.19.0:

** Bug
     * [WICKET-5747] - Wicket Ajax Click handling gets requeued in OnDomReady so fire out of order
     * [WICKET-5752] - ReplacementResourceBundleReference should return the dependencies for the replacing resource ref
     * [WICKET-5755] - Restoring focus after Ajax replace no longer works in IE8
     * [WICKET-5759] - AjaxRequestAttributes extra parameters aren't properly handled in getCallbackFunction()
     * [WICKET-5770] - PageParametersEncoder should not decode parameters with no name
     * [WICKET-5782] - Missing escaping in MultiFileUploadField.js - sort of XSS
     * [WICKET-5783] - Multiple events in AjaxEventBehavior with prefix 'on'
     * [WICKET-5784] - arraycopy with bad length in AbstractRequestLogger:172
     * [WICKET-5793] - Request for static resource creating a session in 6.13.0+
     * [WICKET-5809] - URL IPv6 parsing
     * [WICKET-5811] - Infinite loop issue in PropertyValidator#createUnresolvablePropertyMessage(FormComponent<>)
     * [WICKET-5812] - AtmosphereBehavior wrongly sets Ajax base url to '.'

** Improvement
     * [WICKET-4703] - StringResourceModel should provide an overridable getString(Component) method
     * [WICKET-5746] - Fire an event once all JS event listeners are registered
     * [WICKET-5753] - It is impossible to determine the form submitting component's inputName when AjaxFormSubmitBehavior is used
     * [WICKET-5754] - (String)ResourceModel's defaultValue could be an IModel<String>
     * [WICKET-5756] - Allow to use custom ciphers when using SunJceCrypt class
     * [WICKET-5758] - Portuguese translation
     * [WICKET-5760] - Add constructor (String, Serializable, String) to AttributeAppender
     * [WICKET-5775] - Replace the session upon successful signin for better support for Session Fixation
     * [WICKET-5776] - Add information about the component when it fail in detach phase
     * [WICKET-5778] - Pass the IModifiable to the IChangeListener in ModificationWatcher
     * [WICKET-5780] - Add a resource reference for ContextRelativeResource
     * [WICKET-5794] - Make DefaultExceptionMapper extensible
     * [WICKET-5797] - Convenience method to call setResponsePage with forward option
     * [WICKET-5799] - Add rel=prev/next in PagingNavigator.html
     * [WICKET-5802] - HTML Import
     * [WICKET-5806] - Wicket.Log should log (at least errors) in the browser console even when Wicket Ajax Debug window is disabled

** New Feature
     * [WICKET-5771] - Ability to escape resource bundle messages added with wicket:message

** Task
     * [WICKET-5791] - Update JQuery to 1.11.2 and 2.1.3

Have fun!

— The Wicket team