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Posted to by Dawn Raison <> on 2019/04/27 11:02:45 UTC

NB8.2 -> NB11 upgrade

Hi folks,

Just trialling NB11 now against my main dev projects and thought it may 
be useful to share my experiences (Win 7 x64).

Started off by downloaded the zip and unzipping it. Ran the netbeans 
executable, and it went through the downloading and installing plug-ins 
bit for the JS stuff, and then again for the custom plug-ins, darkula, 
etc. It's so far appears to have copied over the majority of my 
settings; the one notable exception would be the the --fontsize override 
from netbeans.conf but that's easily added.

Now it's opened my current work project (maven mixed Java/Angular), but 
a lot of source errors shown. Some google fu reveals this to be lombok, 
I already had 1.18.6 installed, but it turns out that I had to update 
maven-compiler-plugin to 3.8.0; it defaulted to 3.1 out of the box which 
for versions of NB > 8.2 has issues with lombok it seems. One 
clean/build later and all looks much cleaner.

For my sins I still use SubVersion for source code control locally, 
however support for this was broken after migration. It did helpfully 
ask me to tell it where my local version of the SVN client was, but it 
seems it can't use it (SlikSvn) as it's unable to parse the version 
number correctly. Instead I installed the latest collabnet SVN client, 
and that works just fine, with the one oddity that even though I'd 
updated the home path to the client via the Tools->Options->Team dialog, 
it again asked me to confirm the home path on first use.

At this point there is still a minor issue with it not finding test 
libraries in the Typescript unit tests, something that was often flaky 
in NB8.2 anyway - that'll be this afternoons voyage of discovery I suspect.

All in all, quite painless. A big thanks to those involved, and congrats 
for becoming a top level project!


*Dawn Raison*