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+  <p><strong>Support</strong></p>
+  <ul>
+  <li>Not supported by: Wicket viewer</li>
+  </ul>
+<p>The <code>@NotPersistable</code> annotation indicates that transient instances of
+this class may be created but may not be persisted. The framework will
+not provide the user with an option to 'save' the object, and attempting
+to persist such an object programmatically would be an error.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<pre><code>public class InputForm {
+    // members and actions here
+<p>This annotation can also take a single parameter indicating whether it
+is only the user that cannot persist the object, for example the
+following code would prevent the user from saving the object (via the
+viewer) but still allow the program to persist the object.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+public class InputForm {
+    ...
+<p>The acceptable values for the parameter are:</p>
+<p>By default the annotated object is effectively transient (ie default to
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+<p>The <code>@NotPersisted</code> annotation indicates that the property is not to be
+  <p><strong>Note</strong></p>
+  <p>In many cases the same thing can be achieved simply by providing the
+  property with a 'getter' but no 'setter'.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<pre><code>public class Order {
+    @NotPersisted
+    public Order getPreviousOrder() {...}
+    public void setPreviousOrder(Order previousOrder) {...}
+    ...
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+<p>The <code>@ObjectType</code> annotation is used to provide a unique abbreviation for
+the object's class name. This is used internally to generate a string
+representation of an objects identity (the <code>Oid</code>).</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+public class Order {
+    ...
+<p>If no <code>@ObjectType</code> annotation is present, then the framework uses the
+fully-qualified class name.</p>
+<p>If an <code>@ObjectType</code> is not unique, then the framework will fail to boot.</p>
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+<p>By default, the system assumes that all properties of an object are
+required, and therefore will not let the user save a new object unless a
+value has been specified for each property. Similarly, by default, the
+system assumes that all parameters in an action are required and will
+not let the user execute that action unless values have been specified
+for each parameter.</p>
+<p>To indicate that either a property, or an action parameter, is optional,
+use the <code>@Optional</code> annotation.</p>
+  <p><strong>Note</strong></p>
+  <p>The <code>@Optional</code>annotation has no meaning for a primitive property (or
+  parameter) such as <code>int</code> - because primitives will always return a
+  default value (e.g. zero). If optionality is required, then use the
+  corresponding wrapper class (e.g. <code>java.lang.Integer</code>).</p>
+<h3>Making a property optional</h3>
+<p>Annotate the getter to indicate that a property is <code>@Optional</code>. For
+<pre><code>public class Order {
+    public Product getProduct() { ... }
+    public java.util.Date getShipDate() { ... }
+    public void setShipDate(Date java.util.shipDate) { ... }
+    @Optional
+    public String getComments() { ... }
+    public void setComments(String comments) { ... }
+<p>Here the <code>product</code> and <code>shipDate</code> properties are both required, but the
+<code>comments</code> property is optional.</p>
+<h3>Making an action parameter optional</h3>
+<p>To indicate that an action may be invoked without having to specify a
+value for a particular parameter, annotate with <code>@Optional</code>. For
+<pre><code>public class Customer {
+    public Order placeOrder(
+            Product product
+           ,@Named("Quantity") int quantity
+           ,@Optional @Named("Special Instructions") String instr) {
+        ...
+    }
+    ...
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+  <p><strong>Support</strong></p>
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+  <li>Supported by: Wicket viewer; not yet supported by other viewers.</li>
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+<p>This annotation is used to indicate that parented and/or standalone
+collections should be paginated.</p>
+<p>When annotated on a collection, <code>@Paged</code> indicates the page size of a
+parented collection. When annotated on a type, <code>@Paged</code> indicates the page
+size of a standalone collection.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+public class Order {
+    @Paged(15)
+    public List&lt;LineItem&gt; getDetails() {...}
+<p>This indicates a page size of 15 for parented collections, and a page
+size of 30 for standalone collections.</p>
+<p>When omitting a parameter value or omitting the annotation completely,
+the configured defaults in <code></code> will be used.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<p>This indicates a page size of 5 for parented collections and a page size
+of 20 for standalone collections.</p>
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+  <p><strong>Support</strong></p>
+  <ul>
+  <li>Not supported by: Wicket viewer (which uses Wicket's Converter API instead).</li>
+  </ul>
+<p>Parseability means being able to parse a string representation into an
+object by way of the <code>org.apache.isis.applib.adapters.Parser</code> interface.
+Generally this only applies to value types, where the <code>@Value</code> annotation
+<!--(see ?)--> implies encodability through the <code>ValueSemanticsProvider</code>
+interface <!--(see ?)-->.</p>
+<p>For these reasons the <code>@Parser</code> annotation is generally never applied
+directly, but can be thought of as a placeholder for future enhancements
+whereby non-value types might also have be able to be parsed. </p>
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