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Posted to by on 2017/06/28 00:24:05 UTC

[07/51] [partial] ambari git commit: AMBARI-21349. Create BigInsights Stack Skeleton in Ambari 2.5 (alejandro)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/BigInsights/4.0/stack-advisor/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/BigInsights/4.0/stack-advisor/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f0ae18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/BigInsights/4.0/stack-advisor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1940 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ambari-python-wrap
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import math
+import traceback
+from ambari_commons.str_utils import string_set_equals
+from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
+from resource_management.core.exceptions import Fail
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.get_bare_principal import get_bare_principal
+  from stack_advisor_24 import *
+except ImportError:
+  #Ignore ImportError
+  print("stack_advisor_24 not found")
+class HDP25StackAdvisor(HDP24StackAdvisor):
+  def __init__(self):
+    super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).__init__()
+    Logger.initialize_logger()
+    self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE = 'hive-interactive-site'
+    self.YARN_ROOT_DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = 'default'
+    self.RANGER_TAGSYNC_SITE = 'ranger-tagsync-site';
+  def recommendOozieConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
+    super(HDP25StackAdvisor,self).recommendOozieConfigurations(configurations, clusterData, services, hosts)
+    putOozieEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "oozie-env", services)
+    if not "oozie-env" in services["configurations"] :
+"No oozie configurations available")
+      return
+    if not "FALCON_SERVER" in clusterData["components"] :
+"Falcon is not part of the installation")
+      return
+    falconUser = 'falcon'
+    if "falcon-env" in services["configurations"] :
+      if "falcon_user" in services["configurations"]["falcon-env"]["properties"] :
+        falconUser = services["configurations"]["falcon-env"]["properties"]["falcon_user"]
+"Falcon user from configuration: %s " % falconUser)
+"Falcon user : %s" % falconUser)
+    oozieUser = 'oozie'
+    if "oozie_user" \
+      in services["configurations"]["oozie-env"]["properties"] :
+      oozieUser = services["configurations"]["oozie-env"]["properties"]["oozie_user"]
+"Oozie user from configuration %s" % oozieUser)
+"Oozie user %s" % oozieUser)
+    if "oozie_admin_users" \
+            in services["configurations"]["oozie-env"]["properties"] :
+      currentAdminUsers =  services["configurations"]["oozie-env"]["properties"]["oozie_admin_users"]
+"Oozie admin users from configuration %s" % currentAdminUsers)
+    else :
+      currentAdminUsers = "{0}, oozie-admin".format(oozieUser)
+"Setting default oozie admin users to %s" % currentAdminUsers)
+    if falconUser in currentAdminUsers :
+"Falcon user %s already member of  oozie admin users " % falconUser)
+      return
+    newAdminUsers = "{0},{1}".format(currentAdminUsers, falconUser)
+"new oozie admin users : %s" % newAdminUsers)
+    services["forced-configurations"].append({"type" : "oozie-env", "name" : "oozie_admin_users"})
+    putOozieEnvProperty("oozie_admin_users", newAdminUsers)
+  def createComponentLayoutRecommendations(self, services, hosts):
+    parentComponentLayoutRecommendations = super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).createComponentLayoutRecommendations(
+      services, hosts)
+    return parentComponentLayoutRecommendations
+  def getComponentLayoutValidations(self, services, hosts):
+    parentItems = super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).getComponentLayoutValidations(services, hosts)
+    childItems = []
+    if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations']:
+      hsi_hosts = self.__getHostsForComponent(services, "HIVE", "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE")
+      if len(hsi_hosts) > 1:
+        message = "Only one host can install HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE. "
+        childItems.append(
+          {"type": 'host-component', "level": 'ERROR', "message": message, "component-name": 'HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE'})
+    parentItems.extend(childItems)
+    return parentItems
+  def getServiceConfigurationValidators(self):
+    parentValidators = super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).getServiceConfigurationValidators()
+    childValidators = {
+      "ATLAS": {"application-properties": self.validateAtlasConfigurations},
+      "HIVE": {"hive-interactive-env": self.validateHiveInteractiveEnvConfigurations,
+               "hive-interactive-site": self.validateHiveInteractiveSiteConfigurations,
+               "hive-env": self.validateHiveConfigurationsEnv},
+      "YARN": {"yarn-site": self.validateYARNConfigurations},
+      "RANGER": {"ranger-tagsync-site": self.validateRangerTagsyncConfigurations},
+      "SPARK2": {"spark2-defaults": self.validateSpark2Defaults,
+                 "spark2-thrift-sparkconf": self.validateSpark2ThriftSparkConf}
+    }
+    self.mergeValidators(parentValidators, childValidators)
+    return parentValidators
+  def validateAtlasConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
+    application_properties = getSiteProperties(configurations, "application-properties")
+    validationItems = []
+    #<editor-fold desc="LDAP and AD">
+    auth_type = application_properties['atlas.authentication.method.ldap.type']
+"Validating Atlas configs, authentication type: %s" % str(auth_type))
+    # Required props
+    ldap_props = {"atlas.authentication.method.ldap.url": "",
+                  "atlas.authentication.method.ldap.userDNpattern": "uid=",
+                  "atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupSearchBase": "",
+                  "atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupSearchFilter": "",
+                  "atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupRoleAttribute": "cn",
+                  "atlas.authentication.method.ldap.base.dn": "",
+                  "atlas.authentication.method.ldap.bind.dn": "",
+                  "atlas.authentication.method.ldap.bind.password": "",
+                  "atlas.authentication.method.ldap.user.searchfilter": ""
+    }
+    ad_props = {"": "",
+                "": "",
+                "": "",
+                "": "",
+                "": "",
+                "": "(sAMAccountName={0})"
+    }
+    props_to_require = set()
+    if auth_type.lower() == "ldap":
+      props_to_require = set(ldap_props.keys())
+    elif auth_type.lower() == "ad":
+      props_to_require = set(ad_props.keys())
+    elif auth_type.lower() == "none":
+      pass
+    for prop in props_to_require:
+      if prop not in application_properties or application_properties[prop] is None or application_properties[prop].strip() == "":
+        validationItems.append({"config-name": prop,
+                                "item": self.getErrorItem("If authentication type is %s, this property is required." % auth_type)})
+    #</editor-fold>
+    if application_properties[''] == 'solr5' and \
+            not application_properties['']:
+      validationItems.append({"config-name": "",
+                              "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                  "If AMBARI_INFRA is not installed then the SOLR zookeeper url configuration must be specified.")})
+    if not application_properties['atlas.kafka.bootstrap.servers']:
+      validationItems.append({"config-name": "atlas.kafka.bootstrap.servers",
+                              "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                  "If KAFKA is not installed then the Kafka bootstrap servers configuration must be specified.")})
+    if not application_properties['atlas.kafka.zookeeper.connect']:
+      validationItems.append({"config-name": "atlas.kafka.zookeeper.connect",
+                              "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                  "If KAFKA is not installed then the Kafka zookeeper quorum configuration must be specified.")})
+    if application_properties[''] == 'hbase' and 'hbase-site' in services['configurations']:
+      hbase_zookeeper_quorum = services['configurations']['hbase-site']['properties']['hbase.zookeeper.quorum']
+      if not application_properties['']:
+        validationItems.append({"config-name": "",
+                                "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                    "If HBASE is not installed then the hbase zookeeper quorum configuration must be specified.")})
+      elif string_set_equals(application_properties[''], hbase_zookeeper_quorum):
+        validationItems.append({"config-name": "",
+                                "item": self.getWarnItem(
+                                    "Atlas is configured to use the HBase installed in this cluster. If you would like Atlas to use another HBase instance, please configure this property and HBASE_CONF_DIR variable in atlas-env appropriately.")})
+      if not application_properties['atlas.audit.hbase.zookeeper.quorum']:
+        validationItems.append({"config-name": "atlas.audit.hbase.zookeeper.quorum",
+                                "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                    "If HBASE is not installed then the audit hbase zookeeper quorum configuration must be specified.")})
+    elif application_properties[''] == 'hbase' and 'hbase-site' not in services[
+      'configurations']:
+      if not application_properties['']:
+        validationItems.append({"config-name": "",
+                                "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                  "Atlas is not configured to use the HBase installed in this cluster. If you would like Atlas to use another HBase instance, please configure this property and HBASE_CONF_DIR variable in atlas-env appropriately.")})
+      if not application_properties['atlas.audit.hbase.zookeeper.quorum']:
+        validationItems.append({"config-name": "atlas.audit.hbase.zookeeper.quorum",
+                                "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                  "If HBASE is not installed then the audit hbase zookeeper quorum configuration must be specified.")})
+    validationProblems = self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "application-properties")
+    return validationProblems
+  def validateSpark2Defaults(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
+    validationItems = [
+      {
+        "config-name": 'spark.yarn.queue',
+        "item": self.validatorYarnQueue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'spark.yarn.queue', services)
+      }
+    ]
+    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "spark2-defaults")
+  def validateSpark2ThriftSparkConf(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
+    validationItems = [
+      {
+        "config-name": 'spark.yarn.queue',
+        "item": self.validatorYarnQueue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'spark.yarn.queue', services)
+      }
+    ]
+    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "spark2-thrift-sparkconf")
+  def validateYarnConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
+    parentValidationProblems = super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).validateYARNConfigurations(properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts)
+    yarn_site_properties = getSiteProperties(configurations, "yarn-site")
+    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
+    componentsListList = [service["components"] for service in services["services"]]
+    componentsList = [item["StackServiceComponents"] for sublist in componentsListList for item in sublist]
+    validationItems = []
+    if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations']:
+      hsi_hosts = self.__getHostsForComponent(services, "HIVE", "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE")
+      if len(hsi_hosts) > 0:
+        # HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE is mapped to a host
+        if '' not in yarn_site_properties or \
+                'true' != yarn_site_properties['']:
+          validationItems.append({"config-name": "",
+                                      "item": self.getWarnItem(
+                                        "While enabling HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE it is recommended that you enable work preserving restart in YARN.")})
+    validationProblems = self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "yarn-site")
+    validationProblems.extend(parentValidationProblems)
+    return validationProblems
+  """
+  Does the following validation checks for HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE's hive-interactive-site configs.
+      1. Queue selected in '' config should be sized >= to minimum required to run LLAP
+         and Hive2 app.
+      2. Queue selected in '' config state should not be 'STOPPED'.
+      3. 'hive.server2.enable.doAs' config should be set to 'false' for Hive2.
+      4. 'Maximum Total Concurrent Queries'(hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue) should not consume more that 50% of selected queue for LLAP.
+      5. if 'llap' queue is selected, in order to run Service Checks, 'remaining available capacity' in cluster is atleast 512 MB.
+  """
+  def validateHiveInteractiveSiteConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
+    validationItems = []
+    hsi_hosts = self.__getHostsForComponent(services, "HIVE", "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE")
+    curr_selected_queue_for_llap = None
+    curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap_perc =  None
+    current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap =  None
+    if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations']:
+      if len(hsi_hosts) > 0:
+        # Get total cluster capacity
+        node_manager_host_list = self.get_node_manager_hosts(services, hosts)
+        node_manager_cnt = len(node_manager_host_list)
+        yarn_nm_mem_in_mb = self.get_yarn_nm_mem_in_mb(services, configurations)
+        total_cluster_capacity = node_manager_cnt * yarn_nm_mem_in_mb
+        capacity_scheduler_properties, received_as_key_value_pair = self.getCapacitySchedulerProperties(services)
+        if capacity_scheduler_properties:
+          if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations'] and \
+              '' in services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']:
+            curr_selected_queue_for_llap = services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']['']
+            if curr_selected_queue_for_llap:
+              current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap = self.__getSelectedQueueTotalCap(capacity_scheduler_properties,
+                                                                                  curr_selected_queue_for_llap, total_cluster_capacity)
+              if current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap:
+                curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap_perc = int(current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap * 100 / total_cluster_capacity)
+                min_reqd_queue_cap_perc = self.min_queue_perc_reqd_for_llap_and_hive_app(services, hosts, configurations)
+                # Validate that the selected queue in '' should be sized >= to minimum required
+                # to run LLAP and Hive2 app.
+                if curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap_perc < min_reqd_queue_cap_perc:
+                  errMsg1 =  "Selected queue '{0}' capacity ({1}%) is less than minimum required capacity ({2}%) for LLAP " \
+                            "app to run".format(curr_selected_queue_for_llap, curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap_perc, min_reqd_queue_cap_perc)
+                  validationItems.append({"config-name": "","item": self.getErrorItem(errMsg1)})
+              else:
+                Logger.error("Couldn't retrieve '{0}' queue's capacity from 'capacity-scheduler' while doing validation checks for "
+                 "Hive Server Interactive.".format(curr_selected_queue_for_llap))
+              # Validate that current selected queue in '' state is not STOPPED.
+              llap_selected_queue_state = self.__getQueueStateFromCapacityScheduler(capacity_scheduler_properties, curr_selected_queue_for_llap)
+              if llap_selected_queue_state:
+                if llap_selected_queue_state == "STOPPED":
+                  errMsg2 =  "Selected queue '{0}' current state is : '{1}'. It is required to be in 'RUNNING' state for LLAP to run"\
+                    .format(curr_selected_queue_for_llap, llap_selected_queue_state)
+                  validationItems.append({"config-name": "","item": self.getErrorItem(errMsg2)})
+              else:
+                Logger.error("Couldn't retrieve '{0}' queue's state from 'capacity-scheduler' while doing validation checks for "
+                             "Hive Server Interactive.".format(curr_selected_queue_for_llap))
+            else:
+              Logger.error("Couldn't retrieve current selection for '' while doing validation "
+                           "checks for Hive Server Interactive.")
+          else:
+            Logger.error("Couldn't retrieve '' config from 'hive-interactive-site' while doing "
+                         "validation checks for Hive Server Interactive.")
+            pass
+        else:
+          Logger.error("Couldn't retrieve 'capacity-scheduler' properties while doing validation checks for Hive Server Interactive.")
+          pass
+      if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations']:
+        # Validate that 'hive.server2.enable.doAs' config is not set to 'true' for Hive2.
+        if 'hive.server2.enable.doAs' in services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']:
+          hive2_enable_do_as = services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']['hive.server2.enable.doAs']
+          if hive2_enable_do_as == 'true':
+            validationItems.append({"config-name": "hive.server2.enable.doAs","item": self.getErrorItem("Value should be set to 'false' for Hive2.")})
+        # Validate that 'Maximum Total Concurrent Queries'(hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue) is not consuming more that
+        # 50% of selected queue for LLAP.
+        if current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap and 'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue' in \
+          services['configurations']['hive-interactive-site']['properties']:
+          num_tez_sessions = services['configurations']['hive-interactive-site']['properties']['hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue']
+          if num_tez_sessions:
+            num_tez_sessions = long(num_tez_sessions)
+            yarn_min_container_size = self.get_yarn_min_container_size(services, configurations)
+            tez_am_container_size = self.calculate_tez_am_container_size(long(total_cluster_capacity))
+            normalized_tez_am_container_size = self._normalizeUp(tez_am_container_size, yarn_min_container_size)
+            llap_selected_queue_cap_remaining = current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap - (normalized_tez_am_container_size * num_tez_sessions)
+            if llap_selected_queue_cap_remaining <= current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap/2:
+              errMsg3 = " Reducing the 'Maximum Total Concurrent Queries' (value: {0}) is advisable as it is consuming more than 50% of " \
+                        "'{1}' queue for LLAP.".format(num_tez_sessions, curr_selected_queue_for_llap)
+              validationItems.append({"config-name": "hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue","item": self.getWarnItem(errMsg3)})
+      # Validate that 'remaining available capacity' in cluster is atleast 512 MB, after 'llap' queue is selected,
+      # in order to run Service Checks.
+      if curr_selected_queue_for_llap and curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap_perc and \
+          curr_selected_queue_for_llap == self.AMBARI_MANAGED_LLAP_QUEUE_NAME:
+        curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap = float(curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap_perc) / 100 * total_cluster_capacity
+        available_cap_in_cluster = total_cluster_capacity - curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap
+        if available_cap_in_cluster < MIN_ASSUMED_CAP_REQUIRED_FOR_SERVICE_CHECKS:
+          errMsg4 =  "Capacity used by '{0}' queue is '{1}'. Service checks may not run as remaining available capacity " \
+                     "({2}) in cluster is less than 512 MB.".format(self.AMBARI_MANAGED_LLAP_QUEUE_NAME, curr_selected_queue_for_llap_cap, available_cap_in_cluster)
+          validationItems.append({"config-name": "","item": self.getWarnItem(errMsg4)})
+    validationProblems = self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "hive-interactive-site")
+    return validationProblems
+  def validateHiveConfigurationsEnv(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
+    parentValidationProblems = super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).validateHiveConfigurationsEnv(properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts)
+    hive_site_properties = self.getSiteProperties(configurations, "hive-site")
+    hive_env_properties = self.getSiteProperties(configurations, "hive-env")
+    validationItems = []
+    if 'hive.server2.authentication' in hive_site_properties and hive_site_properties['hive.server2.authentication'] in ["LDAP","PAM"]:
+      if 'alert_ldap_username' not in hive_env_properties or hive_env_properties['alert_ldap_username'] == "":
+        validationItems.append({"config-name": "alert_ldap_username",
+                                "item": self.getWarnItem(
+                                  "Provide an user to be used for alerts. Hive authentication type LDAP and PAM requires valid credentials for the alerts.")})
+      if 'alert_ldap_password' not in hive_env_properties or hive_env_properties['alert_ldap_password'] == "":
+        validationItems.append({"config-name": "alert_ldap_password",
+                                "item": self.getWarnItem(
+                                  "Provide the password for the alert user. Hive authentication type LDAP and PAM requires valid credentials for the alerts.")})
+    validationProblems = self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "hive-env")
+    validationProblems.extend(parentValidationProblems)
+    return validationProblems
+  def validateHiveInteractiveEnvConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
+    hive_site_env_properties = getSiteProperties(configurations, "hive-interactive-env")
+    validationItems = []
+    if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations']:
+      hsi_hosts = self.__getHostsForComponent(services, "HIVE", "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE")
+      if len(hsi_hosts) > 0:
+        # HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE is mapped to a host
+        if 'enable_hive_interactive' not in hive_site_env_properties or (
+              'enable_hive_interactive' in hive_site_env_properties and hive_site_env_properties[
+            'enable_hive_interactive'].lower() != 'true'):
+          validationItems.append({"config-name": "enable_hive_interactive",
+                                  "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                    "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE requires enable_hive_interactive in hive-interactive-env set to true.")})
+        if 'hive_server_interactive_host' in hive_site_env_properties:
+          hsi_host = hsi_hosts[0]
+          if hive_site_env_properties['hive_server_interactive_host'].lower() != hsi_host.lower():
+            validationItems.append({"config-name": "hive_server_interactive_host",
+                                    "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                      "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE requires hive_server_interactive_host in hive-interactive-env set to its host name.")})
+          pass
+        if 'hive_server_interactive_host' not in hive_site_env_properties:
+          validationItems.append({"config-name": "hive_server_interactive_host",
+                                  "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                    "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE requires hive_server_interactive_host in hive-interactive-env set to its host name.")})
+          pass
+      else:
+        if 'enable_hive_interactive' in hive_site_env_properties and hive_site_env_properties[
+          'enable_hive_interactive'].lower() != 'false':
+          validationItems.append({"config-name": "enable_hive_interactive",
+                                  "item": self.getErrorItem(
+                                    "enable_hive_interactive in hive-interactive-env should be set to false.")})
+          pass
+        pass
+    validationProblems = self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "hive-interactive-env")
+    return validationProblems
+  def getServiceConfigurationRecommenderDict(self):
+    parentRecommendConfDict = super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).getServiceConfigurationRecommenderDict()
+    childRecommendConfDict = {
+      "RANGER": self.recommendRangerConfigurations,
+      "HBASE": self.recommendHBASEConfigurations,
+      "HIVE": self.recommendHIVEConfigurations,
+      "ATLAS": self.recommendAtlasConfigurations,
+      "RANGER_KMS": self.recommendRangerKMSConfigurations,
+      "STORM": self.recommendStormConfigurations,
+      "OOZIE": self.recommendOozieConfigurations,
+      "SPARK2": self.recommendSpark2Configurations
+    }
+    parentRecommendConfDict.update(childRecommendConfDict)
+    return parentRecommendConfDict
+  def recommendSpark2Configurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
+    """
+    :type configurations dict
+    :type clusterData dict
+    :type services dict
+    :type hosts dict
+    """
+    putSparkProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "spark2-defaults", services)
+    putSparkThriftSparkConf = self.putProperty(configurations, "spark2-thrift-sparkconf", services)
+    spark_queue = self.recommendYarnQueue(services, "spark2-defaults", "spark.yarn.queue")
+    if spark_queue is not None:
+      putSparkProperty("spark.yarn.queue", spark_queue)
+    spart_thrift_queue = self.recommendYarnQueue(services, "spark2-thrift-sparkconf", "spark.yarn.queue")
+    if spart_thrift_queue is not None:
+      putSparkThriftSparkConf("spark.yarn.queue", spart_thrift_queue)
+  def recommendStormConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
+    super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).recommendStormConfigurations(configurations, clusterData, services, hosts)
+    storm_site = getServicesSiteProperties(services, "storm-site")
+    putStormSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "storm-site", services)
+    putStormSiteAttributes = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "storm-site")
+    security_enabled = (storm_site is not None and "storm.zookeeper.superACL" in storm_site)
+    if security_enabled:
+      _storm_principal_name = services['configurations']['storm-env']['properties']['storm_principal_name']
+      storm_bare_jaas_principal = get_bare_principal(_storm_principal_name)
+      if 'nimbus.impersonation.acl' in storm_site:  
+        storm_nimbus_impersonation_acl = storm_site["nimbus.impersonation.acl"]
+        storm_nimbus_impersonation_acl.replace('{{storm_bare_jaas_principal}}', storm_bare_jaas_principal)
+        putStormSiteProperty('nimbus.impersonation.acl', storm_nimbus_impersonation_acl)
+    rangerPluginEnabled = ''
+    if 'ranger-storm-plugin-properties' in configurations and 'ranger-storm-plugin-enabled' in  configurations['ranger-storm-plugin-properties']['properties']:
+      rangerPluginEnabled = configurations['ranger-storm-plugin-properties']['properties']['ranger-storm-plugin-enabled']
+    elif 'ranger-storm-plugin-properties' in services['configurations'] and 'ranger-storm-plugin-enabled' in services['configurations']['ranger-storm-plugin-properties']['properties']:
+      rangerPluginEnabled = services['configurations']['ranger-storm-plugin-properties']['properties']['ranger-storm-plugin-enabled']
+    storm_authorizer_class = ''
+    ranger_authorizer_class = 'org.apache.ranger.authorization.storm.authorizer.RangerStormAuthorizer'
+    # Cluster is kerberized
+    if security_enabled:
+      if rangerPluginEnabled and (rangerPluginEnabled.lower() == 'Yes'.lower()):
+        putStormSiteProperty('nimbus.authorizer',ranger_authorizer_class)
+      elif rangerPluginEnabled and (rangerPluginEnabled.lower() == 'No'.lower()) and (services["configurations"]["storm-site"]["properties"]["nimbus.authorizer"] == ranger_authorizer_class):
+        putStormSiteProperty('nimbus.authorizer', storm_authorizer_class)
+    else:
+      putStormSiteAttributes('nimbus.authorizer', 'delete', 'true')
+  def constructAtlasRestAddress(self, services, hosts):
+    """
+    :param services: Collection of services in the cluster with configs
+    :param hosts: Collection of hosts in the cluster
+    :return: The suggested property for if it is valid, otherwise, None
+    """
+    atlas_rest_address = None
+    services_list = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
+    is_atlas_in_cluster = "ATLAS" in services_list
+    atlas_server_hosts_info = self.getHostsWithComponent("ATLAS", "ATLAS_SERVER", services, hosts)
+    if is_atlas_in_cluster and atlas_server_hosts_info and len(atlas_server_hosts_info) > 0:
+      # Multiple Atlas Servers can exist, so sort by hostname to create deterministic csv
+      atlas_host_names = [e['Hosts']['host_name'] for e in atlas_server_hosts_info]
+      if len(atlas_host_names) > 1:
+        atlas_host_names = sorted(atlas_host_names)
+      scheme = "http"
+      metadata_port = "21000"
+      atlas_server_default_https_port = "21443"
+      tls_enabled = "false"
+      if 'application-properties' in services['configurations']:
+        if 'atlas.enableTLS' in services['configurations']['application-properties']['properties']:
+          tls_enabled = services['configurations']['application-properties']['properties']['atlas.enableTLS']
+        if 'atlas.server.http.port' in services['configurations']['application-properties']['properties']:
+          metadata_port = str(services['configurations']['application-properties']['properties']['atlas.server.http.port'])
+        if str(tls_enabled).lower() == "true":
+          scheme = "https"
+          if 'atlas.server.https.port' in services['configurations']['application-properties']['properties']:
+            metadata_port = str(services['configurations']['application-properties']['properties']['atlas.server.https.port'])
+          else:
+            metadata_port = atlas_server_default_https_port
+      atlas_rest_address_list = ["{0}://{1}:{2}".format(scheme, hostname, metadata_port) for hostname in atlas_host_names]
+      atlas_rest_address = ",".join(atlas_rest_address_list)
+"Constructing" % atlas_rest_address)
+    return atlas_rest_address
+  def recommendAtlasConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
+    putAtlasApplicationProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "application-properties", services)
+    putAtlasRangerPluginProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "ranger-atlas-plugin-properties", services)
+    putAtlasEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "atlas-env", services)
+    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
+    # Generate since the value is always computed
+    atlas_rest_address = self.constructAtlasRestAddress(services, hosts)
+    if atlas_rest_address is not None:
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty("", atlas_rest_address)
+    if "AMBARI_INFRA" in servicesList and 'infra-solr-env' in services['configurations']:
+      if 'infra_solr_znode' in services['configurations']['infra-solr-env']['properties']:
+        infra_solr_znode = services['configurations']['infra-solr-env']['properties']['infra_solr_znode']
+      else:
+        infra_solr_znode = None
+      zookeeper_hosts = self.getHostNamesWithComponent("ZOOKEEPER", "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER", services)
+      zookeeper_host_arr = []
+      zookeeper_port = self.getZKPort(services)
+      for i in range(len(zookeeper_hosts)):
+        zookeeper_host = zookeeper_hosts[i] + ':' + zookeeper_port
+        if infra_solr_znode is not None:
+          zookeeper_host += infra_solr_znode
+        zookeeper_host_arr.append(zookeeper_host)
+      solr_zookeeper_url = ",".join(zookeeper_host_arr)
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('', solr_zookeeper_url)
+    else:
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('', "")
+    # Kafka section
+    if "KAFKA" in servicesList and 'kafka-broker' in services['configurations']:
+      kafka_hosts = self.getHostNamesWithComponent("KAFKA", "KAFKA_BROKER", services)
+      if 'port' in services['configurations']['kafka-broker']['properties']:
+        kafka_broker_port = services['configurations']['kafka-broker']['properties']['port']
+      else:
+        kafka_broker_port = '6667'
+      kafka_host_arr = []
+      for i in range(len(kafka_hosts)):
+        kafka_host_arr.append(kafka_hosts[i] + ':' + kafka_broker_port)
+      kafka_bootstrap_servers = ",".join(kafka_host_arr)
+      if 'zookeeper.connect' in services['configurations']['kafka-broker']['properties']:
+        kafka_zookeeper_connect = services['configurations']['kafka-broker']['properties']['zookeeper.connect']
+      else:
+        kafka_zookeeper_connect = None
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('atlas.kafka.bootstrap.servers', kafka_bootstrap_servers)
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('atlas.kafka.zookeeper.connect', kafka_zookeeper_connect)
+    else:
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('atlas.kafka.bootstrap.servers', "")
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('atlas.kafka.zookeeper.connect', "")
+    if "HBASE" in servicesList and 'hbase-site' in services['configurations']:
+      if 'hbase.zookeeper.quorum' in services['configurations']['hbase-site']['properties']:
+        hbase_zookeeper_quorum = services['configurations']['hbase-site']['properties']['hbase.zookeeper.quorum']
+      else:
+        hbase_zookeeper_quorum = ""
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('', hbase_zookeeper_quorum)
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('atlas.audit.hbase.zookeeper.quorum', hbase_zookeeper_quorum)
+    else:
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('', "")
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('atlas.audit.hbase.zookeeper.quorum', "")
+    if "ranger-env" in services["configurations"] and "ranger-atlas-plugin-properties" in services["configurations"] and \
+        "ranger-atlas-plugin-enabled" in services["configurations"]["ranger-env"]["properties"]:
+      ranger_atlas_plugin_enabled = services["configurations"]["ranger-env"]["properties"]["ranger-atlas-plugin-enabled"]
+      putAtlasRangerPluginProperty('ranger-atlas-plugin-enabled', ranger_atlas_plugin_enabled)
+    ranger_atlas_plugin_enabled = ''
+    if 'ranger-atlas-plugin-properties' in configurations and 'ranger-atlas-plugin-enabled' in configurations['ranger-atlas-plugin-properties']['properties']:
+      ranger_atlas_plugin_enabled = configurations['ranger-atlas-plugin-properties']['properties']['ranger-atlas-plugin-enabled']
+    elif 'ranger-atlas-plugin-properties' in services['configurations'] and 'ranger-atlas-plugin-enabled' in services['configurations']['ranger-atlas-plugin-properties']['properties']:
+      ranger_atlas_plugin_enabled = services['configurations']['ranger-atlas-plugin-properties']['properties']['ranger-atlas-plugin-enabled']
+    if ranger_atlas_plugin_enabled and (ranger_atlas_plugin_enabled.lower() == 'Yes'.lower()):
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('atlas.authorizer.impl','ranger')
+    else:
+      putAtlasApplicationProperty('atlas.authorizer.impl','simple')
+    #atlas server memory settings
+    if 'atlas-env' in services['configurations']:
+      atlas_server_metadata_size = 50000
+      if 'atlas_server_metadata_size' in services['configurations']['atlas-env']['properties']:
+        atlas_server_metadata_size = int(services['configurations']['atlas-env']['properties']['atlas_server_metadata_size'])
+      atlas_server_xmx = 2048
+      if 300000 <= atlas_server_metadata_size < 500000:
+        atlas_server_xmx = 1024*5
+      if 500000 <= atlas_server_metadata_size < 1000000:
+        atlas_server_xmx = 1024*10
+      if atlas_server_metadata_size >= 1000000:
+        atlas_server_xmx = 1024*16
+      atlas_server_max_new_size = (atlas_server_xmx / 100) * 30
+      putAtlasEnvProperty("atlas_server_xmx", atlas_server_xmx)
+      putAtlasEnvProperty("atlas_server_max_new_size", atlas_server_max_new_size)
+  def recommendHBASEConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
+    super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).recommendHBASEConfigurations(configurations, clusterData, services, hosts)
+    putHbaseSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hbase-site", services)
+    appendCoreSiteProperty = self.updateProperty(configurations, "core-site", services)
+    if "cluster-env" in services["configurations"] \
+         and "security_enabled" in services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"] \
+         and services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"]["security_enabled"].lower() == "true":
+      # Set the master's UI to readonly
+      putHbaseSiteProperty('hbase.master.ui.readonly', 'true')
+      phoenix_query_server_hosts = self.get_phoenix_query_server_hosts(services, hosts)
+      Logger.debug("Calculated Phoenix Query Server hosts: %s" % str(phoenix_query_server_hosts))
+      if phoenix_query_server_hosts:
+        Logger.debug("Attempting to update hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.hosts with %s" % str(phoenix_query_server_hosts))
+        # The PQS hosts we want to ensure are set
+        new_value = ','.join(phoenix_query_server_hosts)
+        # Compute the unique set of hosts for the property
+        def updateCallback(originalValue, newValue):
+          Logger.debug("Original hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.hosts value %s, appending %s" % (originalValue, newValue))
+          # Only update the original value if it's not whitespace only
+          if originalValue and not originalValue.isspace():
+            hosts = originalValue.split(',')
+            # Add in the new hosts if we have some
+            if newValue and not newValue.isspace():
+              hosts.extend(newValue.split(','))
+            # Return the combined (uniqued) list of hosts
+            result = ','.join(set(hosts))
+            Logger.debug("Setting final to %s" % result)
+            return result
+          else:
+            Logger.debug("Setting final value to %s" % newValue)
+            return newValue
+        # Update the proxyuser setting, deferring to out callback to merge results together
+        appendCoreSiteProperty('hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.hosts', new_value, updateCallback)
+      else:
+        Logger.debug("No phoenix query server hosts to update")
+    else:
+      putHbaseSiteProperty('hbase.master.ui.readonly', 'false')
+  """
+  Returns the list of Phoenix Query Server host names, or None.
+  """
+  def get_phoenix_query_server_hosts(self, services, hosts):
+    if len(hosts['items']) > 0:
+      phoenix_query_server_hosts = self.getHostsWithComponent("HBASE", "PHOENIX_QUERY_SERVER", services, hosts)
+      if phoenix_query_server_hosts is None:
+        return []
+      return [host['Hosts']['host_name'] for host in phoenix_query_server_hosts]
+  def recommendHIVEConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
+    super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).recommendHIVEConfigurations(configurations, clusterData, services, hosts)
+    putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hive-interactive-env", services)
+    putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE, services)
+    putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "hive-interactive-env")
+    # For 'Hive Server Interactive', if the component exists.
+    hsi_hosts = self.__getHostsForComponent(services, "HIVE", "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE")
+    if len(hsi_hosts) > 0:
+      hsi_host = hsi_hosts[0]
+      putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('enable_hive_interactive', 'true')
+      putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('hive_server_interactive_host', hsi_host)
+      # Update '' property attributes if capacity scheduler is changed.
+      if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations']:
+        if '' in services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']:
+          self.setLlapDaemonQueuePropAttributesAndCapSliderVisibility(services, configurations)
+          # Update 'hive.server2.tez.default.queues' value
+          hive_tez_default_queue = None
+          if 'hive-interactive-site' in configurations and \
+              '' in configurations[self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']:
+            hive_tez_default_queue = configurations[self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']['']
+  "'' value from configurations : '{0}'".format(hive_tez_default_queue))
+          if not hive_tez_default_queue:
+            hive_tez_default_queue = services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']['']
+  "'' value from services : '{0}'".format(hive_tez_default_queue))
+          if hive_tez_default_queue:
+            putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty("hive.server2.tez.default.queues", hive_tez_default_queue)
+  "Updated 'hive.server2.tez.default.queues' config : '{0}'".format(hive_tez_default_queue))
+    else:
+      putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('enable_hive_interactive', 'false')
+      putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute("llap_queue_capacity", "visible", "false")
+    if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations'] and \
+        '' in services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']:
+      # Fill the property '' required by Hive Server Interactive (HiveServer2)
+      zookeeper_host_port = self.getZKHostPortString(services)
+      if zookeeper_host_port:
+        putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty("", zookeeper_host_port)
+    pass
+  def recommendYARNConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
+    super(HDP25StackAdvisor, self).recommendYARNConfigurations(configurations, clusterData, services, hosts)
+    # Queue 'llap' creation/removal logic (Used by Hive Interactive server and associated LLAP)
+    if 'hive-interactive-env' in services['configurations'] and \
+        'enable_hive_interactive' in services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']:
+      enable_hive_interactive = services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']['enable_hive_interactive']
+      LLAP_QUEUE_NAME = 'llap'
+      # Hive Server interactive is already added or getting added
+      if enable_hive_interactive == 'true':
+        self.checkAndManageLlapQueue(services, configurations, hosts, LLAP_QUEUE_NAME)
+        self.updateLlapConfigs(configurations, services, hosts, LLAP_QUEUE_NAME)
+      else:  # When Hive Interactive Server is in 'off/removed' state.
+        self.checkAndStopLlapQueue(services, configurations, LLAP_QUEUE_NAME)
+    putYarnSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "yarn-site", services)
+    stack_root = "/usr/hdp"
+    if "cluster-env" in services["configurations"] and "stack_root" in services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"]:
+      stack_root = services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"]["stack_root"]
+    timeline_plugin_classes_values = []
+    timeline_plugin_classpath_values = []
+    if self.__isServiceDeployed(services, "TEZ"):
+      timeline_plugin_classes_values.append('org.apache.tez.dag.history.logging.ats.TimelineCachePluginImpl')
+    if self.__isServiceDeployed(services, "SPARK"):
+      timeline_plugin_classes_values.append('org.apache.spark.deploy.history.yarn.plugin.SparkATSPlugin')
+      timeline_plugin_classpath_values.append(stack_root + "/${hdp.version}/spark/hdpLib/*")
+    putYarnSiteProperty('', ",".join(timeline_plugin_classes_values))
+    putYarnSiteProperty('', ":".join(timeline_plugin_classpath_values))
+  """
+  Entry point for updating Hive's 'LLAP app' configs namely : (1). num_llap_nodes (2). hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb
+  (3). hive.llap.daemon.num.executors (4). (5). llap_heap_size (6). slider_am_container_mb,
+  and (7). hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue
+    The trigger point for updating LLAP configs (mentioned above) is change in values of any of the following:
+    (1). 'enable_hive_interactive' set to 'true' (2). 'llap_queue_capacity' (3). 'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue'
+    (4). Change in queue selection for config ''.
+    If change in value for 'llap_queue_capacity' or 'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue' is detected, that config
+    value is not calulated, but read and use in calculation for dependent configs.
+  """
+  def updateLlapConfigs(self, configurations, services, hosts, llap_queue_name):
+    putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE, services)
+    putHiveInteractiveSitePropertyAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE)
+    putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hive-interactive-env", services)
+    putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "hive-interactive-env")
+    putTezInteractiveSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "tez-interactive-site", services)
+    llap_daemon_selected_queue_name = None
+    llap_queue_selected_in_current_call = None
+    LLAP_MAX_CONCURRENCY = 32 # Allow a max of 32 concurrency.
+    # Update '' prop combo entries and llap capacity slider visibility.
+    self.setLlapDaemonQueuePropAttributesAndCapSliderVisibility(services, configurations)
+    if not services["changed-configurations"]:
+      read_llap_daemon_yarn_cont_mb = long(self.get_yarn_min_container_size(services, configurations))
+      putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb', read_llap_daemon_yarn_cont_mb)
+      # initial memory setting to make sure hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb >= yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb
+"Adjusted 'hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb' to yarn min container size as initial size "
+                 "(" + str(self.get_yarn_min_container_size(services, configurations)) + " MB).")
+    try:
+      if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations'] and \
+          '' in services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']:
+        llap_daemon_selected_queue_name =  services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']['']
+      if '' in configurations[self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']:
+        llap_queue_selected_in_current_call = configurations[self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']['']
+      # Update Visibility of 'llap_queue_capacity' slider.
+      capacity_scheduler_properties, received_as_key_value_pair = self.getCapacitySchedulerProperties(services)
+      if capacity_scheduler_properties:
+        # Get all leaf queues.
+        leafQueueNames = self.getAllYarnLeafQueues(capacity_scheduler_properties)
+        if len(leafQueueNames) == 2 and \
+          (llap_daemon_selected_queue_name != None and llap_daemon_selected_queue_name == llap_queue_name) or \
+          (llap_queue_selected_in_current_call != None and llap_queue_selected_in_current_call == llap_queue_name):
+            putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute("llap_queue_capacity", "visible", "true")
+  "Selected YARN queue is '{0}'. Setting LLAP queue capacity slider visibility to 'True'".format(llap_queue_name))
+        else:
+          putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute("llap_queue_capacity", "visible", "false")
+"Queue selected for LLAP app is : '{0}'. Current YARN queues : {1}. Setting '{2}' queue capacity slider "
+                      "visibility to 'False'.".format(llap_daemon_selected_queue_name, list(leafQueueNames), llap_queue_name))
+        if llap_daemon_selected_queue_name:
+          llap_selected_queue_state = self.__getQueueStateFromCapacityScheduler(capacity_scheduler_properties, llap_daemon_selected_queue_name)
+          if llap_selected_queue_state == None or llap_selected_queue_state == "STOPPED":
+            putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute("llap_queue_capacity", "visible", "false")
+            raise Fail("Selected LLAP app queue '{0}' current state is : '{1}'. Setting LLAP configs to default values "
+                       "and 'llap' queue capacity slider visibility to 'False'."
+                       .format(llap_daemon_selected_queue_name, llap_selected_queue_state))
+        else:
+          raise Fail("Retrieved LLAP app queue name is : '{0}'. Setting LLAP configs to default values."
+                     .format(llap_daemon_selected_queue_name))
+      else:
+        Logger.error("Couldn't retrieve 'capacity-scheduler' properties while doing YARN queue adjustment for Hive Server Interactive."
+                     " Not calculating LLAP configs.")
+        return
+      changed_configs_in_hive_int_env = None
+      llap_concurrency_in_changed_configs = None
+      llap_daemon_queue_in_changed_configs = None
+      # Calculations are triggered only if there is change in any one of the following props :
+      # 'llap_queue_capacity', 'enable_hive_interactive', 'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue'
+      # or '' has change in value selection.
+      # OR
+      # services['changed-configurations'] is empty implying that this is the Blueprint call. (1st invocation)
+      if 'changed-configurations' in services.keys():
+        config_names_to_be_checked = set(['llap_queue_capacity', 'enable_hive_interactive'])
+        changed_configs_in_hive_int_env = self.are_config_props_in_changed_configs(services, "hive-interactive-env",
+                                                                                   config_names_to_be_checked, False)
+        # Determine if there is change detected in "hive-interactive-site's" configs based on which we calculate llap configs.
+        llap_concurrency_in_changed_configs = self.are_config_props_in_changed_configs(services, "hive-interactive-site",
+                                                                                       set(['hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue']), False)
+        llap_daemon_queue_in_changed_configs = self.are_config_props_in_changed_configs(services, "hive-interactive-site",
+                                                                                       set(['']), False)
+      if not changed_configs_in_hive_int_env and \
+        not llap_concurrency_in_changed_configs and \
+        not llap_daemon_queue_in_changed_configs and \
+        services["changed-configurations"]:
+"LLAP parameters not modified. Not adjusting LLAP configs.")
+"Current 'changed-configuration' received is : {0}".format(services["changed-configurations"]))
+        return
+      node_manager_host_list = self.get_node_manager_hosts(services, hosts)
+      node_manager_cnt = len(node_manager_host_list)
+      yarn_nm_mem_in_mb = self.get_yarn_nm_mem_in_mb(services, configurations)
+      total_cluster_capacity = node_manager_cnt * yarn_nm_mem_in_mb
+"\n\nCalculated total_cluster_capacity : {0}, using following : node_manager_cnt : {1}, "
+                  "yarn_nm_mem_in_mb : {2}".format(total_cluster_capacity, node_manager_cnt, yarn_nm_mem_in_mb))
+      # Check which queue is selected in '', to determine current queue capacity
+      current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap = None
+      yarn_root_queues = capacity_scheduler_properties.get("yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.queues")
+      if llap_queue_selected_in_current_call == llap_queue_name \
+        or llap_daemon_selected_queue_name == llap_queue_name \
+        and (llap_queue_name in yarn_root_queues and len(leafQueueNames) == 2):
+        current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap_perc = self.get_llap_cap_percent_slider(services, configurations)
+        current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap = current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap_perc / 100 * total_cluster_capacity
+      else:  # any queue other than 'llap'
+        current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap = self.__getSelectedQueueTotalCap(capacity_scheduler_properties,
+                                                                              llap_daemon_selected_queue_name, total_cluster_capacity)
+      assert (current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap >= 1), "Current selected queue '{0}' capacity value : {1}. Expected value : >= 1" \
+        .format(llap_daemon_selected_queue_name, current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap)
+      yarn_min_container_size = self.get_yarn_min_container_size(services, configurations)
+      tez_am_container_size = self.calculate_tez_am_container_size(long(total_cluster_capacity))
+      normalized_tez_am_container_size = self._normalizeUp(tez_am_container_size, yarn_min_container_size)
+"Calculated normalized_tez_am_container_size : {0}, using following : tez_am_container_size : {1}, "
+                  "total_cluster_capacity : {2}".format(normalized_tez_am_container_size, tez_am_container_size,
+                                                        total_cluster_capacity))
+      normalized_selected_queue_for_llap_cap = long(self._normalizeDown(current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap, yarn_min_container_size))
+      # Get calculated value for Slider AM container Size
+      slider_am_container_size = self._normalizeUp(self.calculate_slider_am_size(yarn_min_container_size),
+                                                   yarn_min_container_size)
+      # Read 'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue' prop if it's in changed-configs, else calculate it.
+      if not llap_concurrency_in_changed_configs:
+        # Calculate llap concurrency (i.e. Number of Tez AM's)
+        llap_concurrency = float(normalized_selected_queue_for_llap_cap * 0.25 / normalized_tez_am_container_size)
+        llap_concurrency = max(long(llap_concurrency), 1)
+"Calculated llap_concurrency : {0}, using following : normalized_selected_queue_for_llap_cap : {1}, "
+                    "normalized_tez_am_container_size : {2}".format(llap_concurrency, normalized_selected_queue_for_llap_cap,
+                                                                    normalized_tez_am_container_size))
+        # Limit 'llap_concurrency' to reach a max. of 32.
+        if llap_concurrency > LLAP_MAX_CONCURRENCY:
+          llap_concurrency = LLAP_MAX_CONCURRENCY
+      else:
+        # Read current value
+        if 'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue' in services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE][
+          'properties']:
+          llap_concurrency = long(services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties'][
+                                    'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue'])
+          assert (
+          llap_concurrency >= 1), "'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue' current value : {0}. Expected value : >= 1" \
+            .format(llap_concurrency)
+        else:
+          raise Fail(
+            "Couldn't retrieve Hive Server interactive's 'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue' config.")
+      # Calculate 'total memory available for llap daemons' across cluster
+      total_am_capacity_required = normalized_tez_am_container_size * llap_concurrency + slider_am_container_size
+      cap_available_for_daemons = normalized_selected_queue_for_llap_cap - total_am_capacity_required
+        "Calculated cap_available_for_daemons : {0}, using following : current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap : {1}, "
+        "yarn_nm_mem_in_mb : {2}, total_cluster_capacity : {3}, normalized_selected_queue_for_llap_cap : {4}, normalized_tez_am_container_size"
+        " : {5}, yarn_min_container_size : {6}, llap_concurrency : {7}, total_am_capacity_required : {8}"
+        .format(cap_available_for_daemons, current_selected_queue_for_llap_cap, yarn_nm_mem_in_mb,
+                total_cluster_capacity,
+                normalized_selected_queue_for_llap_cap, normalized_tez_am_container_size, yarn_min_container_size, llap_concurrency,
+                total_am_capacity_required))
+      if cap_available_for_daemons < yarn_min_container_size:
+        raise Fail(
+          "'Capacity available for LLAP daemons'({0}) < 'YARN minimum container size'({1}). Invalid configuration detected. "
+          "Increase LLAP queue size.".format(cap_available_for_daemons, yarn_min_container_size))
+      # Calculate value for 'num_llap_nodes', an across cluster config.
+      # Also, get calculated value for 'hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb' based on 'num_llap_nodes' value, a per node config.
+      num_llap_nodes_raw = cap_available_for_daemons / yarn_nm_mem_in_mb
+      if num_llap_nodes_raw < 1.00:
+        # Set the llap nodes to min. value of 1 and 'llap_container_size' to min. YARN allocation.
+        num_llap_nodes = 1
+        llap_container_size = self._normalizeUp(cap_available_for_daemons, yarn_min_container_size)
+"Calculated llap_container_size : {0}, using following : cap_available_for_daemons : {1}, "
+                    "yarn_min_container_size : {2}".format(llap_container_size, cap_available_for_daemons,
+                                                           yarn_min_container_size))
+      else:
+        num_llap_nodes = math.floor(num_llap_nodes_raw)
+        llap_container_size = self._normalizeDown(yarn_nm_mem_in_mb, yarn_min_container_size)
+"Calculated llap_container_size : {0}, using following : yarn_nm_mem_in_mb : {1}, "
+                    "yarn_min_container_size : {2}".format(llap_container_size, yarn_nm_mem_in_mb,
+                                                           yarn_min_container_size))
+        "Calculated num_llap_nodes : {0} using following : yarn_nm_mem_in_mb : {1}, cap_available_for_daemons : {2} " \
+        .format(num_llap_nodes, yarn_nm_mem_in_mb, cap_available_for_daemons))
+      # Calculate value for 'hive.llap.daemon.num.executors', a per node config.
+      hive_tez_container_size = self.get_hive_tez_container_size(services, configurations)
+      if 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores' in services['configurations']['yarn-site']['properties']:
+        cpu_per_nm_host = float(services['configurations']['yarn-site']['properties'][
+                                  'yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores'])
+        assert (cpu_per_nm_host > 0), "'yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores' current value : {0}. Expected value : > 0" \
+          .format(cpu_per_nm_host)
+      else:
+        raise Fail("Couldn't retrieve YARN's 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores' config.")
+      num_executors_per_node_raw = math.floor(llap_container_size / hive_tez_container_size)
+      num_executors_per_node = min(num_executors_per_node_raw, cpu_per_nm_host)
+"calculated num_executors_per_node: {0}, using following :  hive_tez_container_size : {1}, "
+                  "cpu_per_nm_host : {2}, num_executors_per_node_raw : {3}, llap_container_size : {4}"
+                  .format(num_executors_per_node, hive_tez_container_size, cpu_per_nm_host, num_executors_per_node_raw,
+                          llap_container_size))
+      assert (num_executors_per_node >= 0), "'Number of executors per node' : {0}. Expected value : > 0".format(
+        num_executors_per_node)
+      total_mem_for_executors = num_executors_per_node * hive_tez_container_size
+      # Calculate value for 'cache' (, a per node config.
+      cache_size_per_node = llap_container_size - total_mem_for_executors
+        "Calculated cache_size_per_node : {0} using following : hive_container_size : {1}, llap_container_size"
+        " : {2}, num_executors_per_node : {3}"
+        .format(cache_size_per_node, hive_tez_container_size, llap_container_size, num_executors_per_node))
+      if cache_size_per_node < 0:  # Run with '0' cache.
+          "Calculated 'cache_size_per_node' : {0}. Setting 'cache_size_per_node' to 0.".format(cache_size_per_node))
+        cache_size_per_node = 0
+      # Calculate value for prop 'llap_heap_size'
+      llap_xmx = max(total_mem_for_executors * 0.8, total_mem_for_executors - self.get_llap_headroom_space(services, configurations))
+"Calculated llap_app_heap_size : {0}, using following : hive_container_size : {1}, "
+                  "total_mem_for_executors : {2}".format(llap_xmx, hive_tez_container_size, total_mem_for_executors))
+      # Updating calculated configs.
+      normalized_tez_am_container_size = long(normalized_tez_am_container_size)
+      putTezInteractiveSiteProperty('', normalized_tez_am_container_size)
+"'Tez for Hive2' config '' updated. Current: {0}".format(
+        normalized_tez_am_container_size))
+      if not llap_concurrency_in_changed_configs:
+        min_llap_concurrency = 1
+        putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue', llap_concurrency)
+        putHiveInteractiveSitePropertyAttribute('hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue', "minimum",
+                                                min_llap_concurrency)
+        putHiveInteractiveSitePropertyAttribute('hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue', "maximum",
+                                                LLAP_MAX_CONCURRENCY)
+          "Hive2 config 'hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue' updated. Min : {0}, Current: {1}, Max: {2}" \
+          .format(min_llap_concurrency, llap_concurrency, LLAP_MAX_CONCURRENCY))
+      num_llap_nodes = long(num_llap_nodes)
+      putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('num_llap_nodes', num_llap_nodes)
+"LLAP config 'num_llap_nodes' updated. Current: {0}".format(num_llap_nodes))
+      llap_container_size = long(llap_container_size)
+      putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb', llap_container_size)
+"LLAP config 'hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb' updated. Current: {0}".format(llap_container_size))
+      num_executors_per_node = long(num_executors_per_node)
+      putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('hive.llap.daemon.num.executors', num_executors_per_node)
+"LLAP config 'hive.llap.daemon.num.executors' updated. Current: {0}".format(num_executors_per_node))
+      # '' config value is to be set same as value calculated for
+      # 'hive.llap.daemon.num.executors' at all times.
+      putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('', num_executors_per_node)
+"LLAP config '' updated. Current: {0}".format(num_executors_per_node))
+      cache_size_per_node = long(cache_size_per_node)
+      putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('', cache_size_per_node)
+"LLAP config '' updated. Current: {0}".format(cache_size_per_node))
+      llap_io_enabled = 'false'
+      if cache_size_per_node >= 64:
+        llap_io_enabled = 'true'
+      putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('', llap_io_enabled)
+"Hive2 config '' updated to '{0}' as part of "
+                  "'' calculation.".format(llap_io_enabled))
+      llap_xmx = long(llap_xmx)
+      putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('llap_heap_size', llap_xmx)
+"LLAP config 'llap_heap_size' updated. Current: {0}".format(llap_xmx))
+      slider_am_container_size = long(slider_am_container_size)
+      putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('slider_am_container_mb', slider_am_container_size)
+"LLAP config 'slider_am_container_mb' updated. Current: {0}".format(slider_am_container_size))
+    except Exception as e:
+      # Set default values, if caught an Exception. The 'llap queue capacity' is left untouched, as it can be increased,
+      # triggerring recalculation.
+" Skipping calculating LLAP configs. Setting them to minimum values.")
+      traceback.print_exc()
+      try:
+        yarn_min_container_size = long(self.get_yarn_min_container_size(services, configurations))
+        slider_am_container_size = long(self.calculate_slider_am_size(yarn_min_container_size))
+        node_manager_host_list = self.get_node_manager_hosts(services, hosts)
+        node_manager_cnt = len(node_manager_host_list)
+        putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue', 1)
+        putHiveInteractiveSitePropertyAttribute('hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue', "minimum", 1)
+        putHiveInteractiveSitePropertyAttribute('hive.server2.tez.sessions.per.default.queue', "maximum", 32)
+        putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('num_llap_nodes', 0)
+        putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute('num_llap_nodes', "minimum", 1)
+        putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute('num_llap_nodes', "maximum", node_manager_cnt)
+        putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb', yarn_min_container_size)
+        putHiveInteractiveSitePropertyAttribute('hive.llap.daemon.yarn.container.mb', "minimum", yarn_min_container_size)
+        putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('hive.llap.daemon.num.executors', 0)
+        putHiveInteractiveSitePropertyAttribute('hive.llap.daemon.num.executors', "minimum", 1)
+        putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('', 0)
+        putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('', 0)
+        putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty('', 0)
+        putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('llap_heap_size', 0)
+        putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('slider_am_container_mb', slider_am_container_size)
+      except Exception as e:
+"Problem setting minimum values for LLAP configs in Exception code.")
+        traceback.print_exc()
+  """
+  Checks for the presence of passed-in configuration properties in a given config, if they are changed.
+  Reads from services["changed-configurations"].
+  Parameters:
+     services: Configuration information for the cluster
+     config_type : Type of the configuration
+     config_names_set : Set of configuration properties to be checked if they are changed.
+     all_exists: If True : returns True only if all properties mentioned in 'config_names_set' we found
+                           in services["changed-configurations"].
+                           Otherwise, returns False.
+                 If False : return True, if any of the properties mentioned in config_names_set we found in
+                           services["changed-configurations"].
+                           Otherwise, returns False.
+  """
+  def are_config_props_in_changed_configs(self, services, config_type, config_names_set, all_exists):
+    changedConfigs = services["changed-configurations"]
+    changed_config_names_set = set()
+    for changedConfig in changedConfigs:
+      if changedConfig['type'] == config_type:
+        changed_config_names_set.update([changedConfig['name']])
+    if changed_config_names_set is None:
+      return False
+    else:
+      configs_intersection = changed_config_names_set.intersection(config_names_set)
+      if all_exists:
+        if configs_intersection == config_names_set:
+          return True
+      else:
+        if len(configs_intersection) > 0 :
+          return True
+    return False
+  """
+  Returns all the Node Manager configs in cluster.
+  """
+  def get_node_manager_hosts(self, services, hosts):
+    if len(hosts["items"]) > 0:
+      node_manager_hosts = self.getHostsWithComponent("YARN", "NODEMANAGER", services, hosts)
+      assert (node_manager_hosts is not None), "Information about NODEMANAGER not found in cluster."
+      return node_manager_hosts
+  """
+  Returns the current LLAP queue capacity percentage value. (llap_queue_capacity)
+  """
+  def get_llap_cap_percent_slider(self, services, configurations):
+    llap_slider_cap_percentage = 0
+    if 'llap_queue_capacity' in services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']:
+      llap_slider_cap_percentage = float(
+        services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']['llap_queue_capacity'])
+      Logger.error("'llap_queue_capacity' not present in services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties'].")
+    if llap_slider_cap_percentage <= 0 :
+      if 'hive-interactive-env' in configurations and \
+          'llap_queue_capacity' in configurations["hive-interactive-env"]["properties"]:
+        llap_slider_cap_percentage = float(configurations["hive-interactive-env"]["properties"]["llap_queue_capacity"])
+    assert (llap_slider_cap_percentage > 0), "'llap_queue_capacity' is set to : {0}. Should be > 0.".format(llap_slider_cap_percentage)
+    return llap_slider_cap_percentage
+  """
+  Returns current value of number of LLAP nodes in cluster (num_llap_nodes)
+  """
+  def get_num_llap_nodes(self, services):
+    if 'num_llap_nodes' in services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']:
+      num_llap_nodes = float(
+        services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']['num_llap_nodes'])
+      assert (num_llap_nodes > 0), "Number of LLAP nodes read : {0}. Expected value : > 0".format(
+        num_llap_nodes)
+      return num_llap_nodes
+    else:
+      raise Fail("Couldn't retrieve Hive Server interactive's 'num_llap_nodes' config.")
+  """
+  Gets HIVE Tez container size (hive.tez.container.size). Takes into account if it has been calculated as part of current
+  Stack Advisor invocation.
+  """
+  def get_hive_tez_container_size(self, services, configurations):
+    hive_container_size = None
+    # Check if 'hive.tez.container.size' is modified in current ST invocation.
+    if 'hive-site' in configurations and 'hive.tez.container.size' in configurations['hive-site']['properties']:
+      hive_container_size = float(configurations['hive-site']['properties']['hive.tez.container.size'])
+"'hive.tez.container.size' read from configurations as : {0}".format(hive_container_size))
+    if not hive_container_size:
+      # Check if 'hive.tez.container.size' is input in services array.
+      if 'hive.tez.container.size' in services['configurations']['hive-site']['properties']:
+        hive_container_size = float(services['configurations']['hive-site']['properties']['hive.tez.container.size'])
+"'hive.tez.container.size' read from services as : {0}".format(hive_container_size))
+    if not hive_container_size:
+      raise Fail("Couldn't retrieve Hive Server 'hive.tez.container.size' config.")
+    assert (hive_container_size > 0), "'hive.tez.container.size' current value : {0}. Expected value : > 0".format(
+          hive_container_size)
+    return hive_container_size
+  """
+  Gets HIVE Server Interactive's 'llap_headroom_space' config. (Default value set to 6144 bytes).
+  """
+  def get_llap_headroom_space(self, services, configurations):
+    llap_headroom_space = None
+    # Check if 'llap_headroom_space' is modified in current SA invocation.
+    if 'hive-interactive-env' in configurations and 'llap_headroom_space' in configurations['hive-interactive-env']['properties']:
+      hive_container_size = float(configurations['hive-interactive-env']['properties']['llap_headroom_space'])
+"'llap_headroom_space' read from configurations as : {0}".format(llap_headroom_space))
+    if not llap_headroom_space:
+      # Check if 'llap_headroom_space' is input in services array.
+      if 'llap_headroom_space' in services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']:
+        llap_headroom_space = float(services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']['llap_headroom_space'])
+"'llap_headroom_space' read from services as : {0}".format(llap_headroom_space))
+    if not llap_headroom_space or llap_headroom_space < 1:
+      llap_headroom_space = 6144 # 6GB
+"Couldn't read 'llap_headroom_space' from services or configurations. Returing default value : 6144 bytes")
+    return llap_headroom_space
+  """
+  Gets YARN's minimum container size (yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb).
+  Reads from:
+    - configurations (if changed as part of current Stack Advisor invocation (output)), and services["changed-configurations"]
+      is empty, else
+    - services['configurations'] (input).
+  services["changed-configurations"] would be empty if Stack Advisor call is made from Blueprints (1st invocation). Subsequent
+  Stack Advisor calls will have it non-empty. We do this because in subsequent invocations, even if Stack Advsior calculates this
+  value (configurations), it is finally not recommended, making 'input' value to survive.
+  """
+  def get_yarn_min_container_size(self, services, configurations):
+    yarn_min_container_size = None
+    # Check if services["changed-configurations"] is empty and 'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' is modified in current ST invocation.
+    if not services["changed-configurations"] and \
+      'yarn-site' in configurations and 'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' in configurations['yarn-site']['properties']:
+      yarn_min_container_size = float(configurations['yarn-site']['properties']['yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb'])
+"'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' read from configurations as : {0}".format(yarn_min_container_size))
+    if not yarn_min_container_size:
+      # Check if 'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' is input in services array.
+      if 'yarn-site' in services['configurations'] and \
+          'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' in services['configurations']['yarn-site']['properties']:
+        yarn_min_container_size = float(services['configurations']['yarn-site']['properties']['yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb'])
+"'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' read from services as : {0}".format(yarn_min_container_size))
+    if not yarn_min_container_size:
+      raise Fail("Couldn't retrieve YARN's 'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' config.")
+    assert (yarn_min_container_size > 0), "'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' current value : {0}. " \
+                                            "Expected value : > 0".format(yarn_min_container_size)
+    return yarn_min_container_size
+  """
+  Calculates the Slider App Master size based on YARN's Minimum Container Size.
+  """
+  def calculate_slider_am_size(self, yarn_min_container_size):
+    if yarn_min_container_size > 1024:
+      return 1024
+    if yarn_min_container_size >= 256 and yarn_min_container_size <= 1024:
+      return yarn_min_container_size
+    if yarn_min_container_size < 256:
+      return 256
+  """
+  Gets YARN NodeManager memory in MB (yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb).
+  Reads from:
+    - configurations (if changed as part of current Stack Advisor invocation (output)), and services["changed-configurations"]
+      is empty, else
+    - services['configurations'] (input).
+  services["changed-configurations"] would be empty is Stack Advisor call if made from Blueprints (1st invocation). Subsequent
+  Stack Advisor calls will have it non-empty. We do this because in subsequent invocations, even if Stack Advsior calculates this
+  value (configurations), it is finally not recommended, making 'input' value to survive.
+  """
+  def get_yarn_nm_mem_in_mb(self, services, configurations):
+    yarn_nm_mem_in_mb = None
+    # Check if services["changed-configurations"] is empty and 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' is modified in current ST invocation.
+    if not services["changed-configurations"] and\
+        'yarn-site' in configurations and 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' in configurations['yarn-site']['properties']:
+      yarn_nm_mem_in_mb = float(configurations['yarn-site']['properties']['yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb'])
+"'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' read from configurations as : {0}".format(yarn_nm_mem_in_mb))
+    if not yarn_nm_mem_in_mb:
+      # Check if 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' is input in services array.
+      if 'yarn-site' in services['configurations'] and \
+          'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' in services['configurations']['yarn-site']['properties']:
+        yarn_nm_mem_in_mb = float(services['configurations']['yarn-site']['properties']['yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb'])
+"'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' read from services as : {0}".format(yarn_nm_mem_in_mb))
+    if not yarn_nm_mem_in_mb:
+      raise Fail("Couldn't retrieve YARN's 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' config.")
+    assert (yarn_nm_mem_in_mb > 0.0), "'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' current value : {0}. " \
+                                      "Expected value : > 0".format(yarn_nm_mem_in_mb)
+    return yarn_nm_mem_in_mb
+  """
+  Determines Tez App Master container size ( for tez_hive2/tez-site based on total cluster capacity.
+  """
+  def calculate_tez_am_container_size(self, total_cluster_capacity):
+    if total_cluster_capacity is None or not isinstance(total_cluster_capacity, long):
+      raise Fail ("Passed-in 'Total Cluster Capacity' is : '{0}'".format(total_cluster_capacity))
+    if total_cluster_capacity <= 0:
+      raise Fail ("Passed-in 'Total Cluster Capacity' ({0}) is Invalid.".format(total_cluster_capacity))
+    if total_cluster_capacity <= 4096:
+      return 256
+    elif total_cluster_capacity > 4096 and total_cluster_capacity <= 73728:
+      return 512
+    elif total_cluster_capacity > 73728:
+      return 1536
+  """
+  Calculate minimum queue capacity required in order to get LLAP and HIVE2 app into running state.
+  """
+  def min_queue_perc_reqd_for_llap_and_hive_app(self, services, hosts, configurations):
+    # Get queue size if sized at 20%
+    node_manager_hosts = self.get_node_manager_hosts(services, hosts)
+    yarn_rm_mem_in_mb = self.get_yarn_nm_mem_in_mb(services, configurations)
+    total_cluster_cap = len(node_manager_hosts) * yarn_rm_mem_in_mb
+    total_queue_size_at_20_perc = 20.0 / 100 * total_cluster_cap
+    # Calculate based on minimum size required by containers.
+    yarn_min_container_size = self.get_yarn_min_container_size(services, configurations)
+    slider_am_size = self.calculate_slider_am_size(yarn_min_container_size)
+    hive_tez_container_size = self.get_hive_tez_container_size(services, configurations)
+    tez_am_container_size = self.calculate_tez_am_container_size(long(total_cluster_cap))
+    normalized_val = self._normalizeUp(slider_am_size, yarn_min_container_size) + self._normalizeUp\
+      (hive_tez_container_size, yarn_min_container_size) + self._normalizeUp(tez_am_container_size, yarn_min_container_size)
+    min_required = max(total_queue_size_at_20_perc, normalized_val)
+    min_required_perc = min_required * 100 / total_cluster_cap
+"Calculated 'min_queue_perc_required_in_cluster' : {0}% and 'min_queue_cap_required_in_cluster': {1} "
+                "for LLAP and HIVE2 app using following : yarn_min_container_size : {2}, slider_am_size : {3}, hive_tez_container_size : {4}, "
+                "hive_am_container_size : {5}, total_cluster_cap : {6}, yarn_rm_mem_in_mb : {7}"
+                "".format(min_required_perc, min_required, yarn_min_container_size, slider_am_size, hive_tez_container_size,
+                          tez_am_container_size, total_cluster_cap, yarn_rm_mem_in_mb))
+    return int(math.ceil(min_required_perc))
+  """
+  Normalize down 'val2' with respect to 'val1'.
+  """
+  def _normalizeDown(self, val1, val2):
+    tmp = math.floor(val1 / val2)
+    if tmp < 1.00:
+      return val1
+    return tmp * val2
+  """
+  Normalize up 'val2' with respect to 'val1'.
+  """
+  def _normalizeUp(self, val1, val2):
+    tmp = math.ceil(val1 / val2)
+    return tmp * val2
+  """
+  Checks and (1). Creates 'llap' queue if only 'default' queue exist at leaf level and is consuming 100% capacity OR
+             (2). Updates 'llap' queue capacity and state, if current selected queue is 'llap', and only 2 queues exist
+                  at root level : 'default' and 'llap'.
+  """
+  def checkAndManageLlapQueue(self, services, configurations, hosts, llap_queue_name):
+"Determining creation/adjustment of 'capacity-scheduler' for 'llap' queue.")
+    putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hive-interactive-env", services)
+    putHiveInteractiveSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE, services)
+    putHiveInteractiveEnvPropertyAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "hive-interactive-env")
+    putCapSchedProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "capacity-scheduler", services)
+    leafQueueNames = None
+    capacity_scheduler_properties, received_as_key_value_pair = self.getCapacitySchedulerProperties(services)
+    if capacity_scheduler_properties:
+      leafQueueNames = self.getAllYarnLeafQueues(capacity_scheduler_properties)
+      # Get the llap Cluster percentage used for 'llap' Queue creation
+      if 'llap_queue_capacity' in services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']:
+        llap_slider_cap_percentage = int(
+          services['configurations']['hive-interactive-env']['properties']['llap_queue_capacity'])
+        min_reqd_queue_cap_perc = self.min_queue_perc_reqd_for_llap_and_hive_app(services, hosts, configurations)
+        if min_reqd_queue_cap_perc > 100:
+          min_reqd_queue_cap_perc = 100
+"Received 'Minimum Required LLAP queue capacity' : {0}% (out of bounds), adjusted it to : 100%".format(min_reqd_queue_cap_perc))
+        # Adjust 'llap' queue capacity slider value to be minimum required if out of expected bounds.
+        if llap_slider_cap_percentage <= 0 or llap_slider_cap_percentage > 100:
+"Adjusting HIVE 'llap_queue_capacity' from {0}% (invalid size) to {1}%".format(llap_slider_cap_percentage, min_reqd_queue_cap_perc))
+          putHiveInteractiveEnvProperty('llap_queue_capacity', min_reqd_queue_cap_perc)
+          llap_slider_cap_percentage = min_reqd_queue_cap_perc
+      else:
+        Logger.error("Problem retrieving LLAP Queue Capacity. Skipping creating {0} queue".format(llap_queue_name))
+        return
+      cap_sched_config_keys = capacity_scheduler_properties.keys()
+      yarn_default_queue_capacity = -1
+      if 'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.capacity' in cap_sched_config_keys:
+        yarn_default_queue_capacity = capacity_scheduler_properties.get('yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.capacity')
+      # Get 'llap' queue state
+      currLlapQueueState = ''
+      if 'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.'+llap_queue_name+'.state' in cap_sched_config_keys:
+        currLlapQueueState = capacity_scheduler_properties.get('yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.'+llap_queue_name+'.state')
+      # Get 'llap' queue capacity
+      currLlapQueueCap = -1
+      if 'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.'+llap_queue_name+'.capacity' in cap_sched_config_keys:
+        currLlapQueueCap = int(float(capacity_scheduler_properties.get('yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.'+llap_queue_name+'.capacity')))
+      if self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE in services['configurations'] and \
+          '' in services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']:
+        llap_daemon_selected_queue_name =  services['configurations'][self.HIVE_INTERACTIVE_SITE]['properties']['']
+      else:
+        Logger.error("Couldn't retrive '' property. Skipping adjusting queues.")
+        return
+      updated_cap_sched_configs_str = ''
+      enabled_hive_int_in_changed_configs = self.are_config_props_in_changed_configs(services, "hive-interactive-env",
+                                                                                   set(['enable_hive_interactive']), False)
+      """
+      We create OR "modify 'llap' queue 'state and/or capacity' " based on below conditions:
+       - if only 1 queue exists at root level and is 'default' queue and has 100% cap -> Create 'llap' queue,  OR
+       - if 2 queues exists at root level ('llap' and 'default') :
+           - Queue selected is 'llap' and state is STOPPED -> Modify 'llap' queue state to RUNNING, adjust capacity, OR
+           - Queue selected is 'llap', state is RUNNING and 'llap_queue_capacity' prop != 'llap' queue current running capacity ->
+              Modify 'llap' queue capacity to 'llap_queue_capacity'
+      """
+      if 'default' in leafQueueNames and \
+        ((len(leafQueueNames) == 1 and int(yarn_default_queue_capacity) == 100) or \
+        ((len(leafQueueNames) == 2 and llap_queue_name in leafQueueNames) and \
+           ((currLlapQueueState == 'STOPPED' and enabled_hive_int_in_changed_configs) or (currLlapQueueState == 'RUNNING' and currLlapQueueCap != llap_slider_cap_percentage)))):
+        adjusted_default_queue_cap = str(100 - llap_slider_cap_percentage)
+        hive_user = '*'  # Open to all
+        if 'hive_user' in services['configurations']['hive-env']['properties']:
+          hive_user = services['configurations']['hive-env']['properties']['hive_user']
+        llap_slider_cap_percentage = str(llap_slider_cap_percenta