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[13/43] jiffy commit: updated refs/heads/upstream to 446e284
diff --git a/test/jiffy_10_short_double_tests.erl b/test/jiffy_10_short_double_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c1d069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/jiffy_10_short_double_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
+% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+filename() -> "../test/cases/short-doubles.txt".
+short_double_test() ->
+    {ok, Fd} = file:open(filename(), [read, binary, raw]),
+    {"all doubles round trip", ?assertEqual(0, run(Fd, 0))}.
+run(Fd, Acc) ->
+    case file:read_line(Fd) of
+        {ok, Data} ->
+            V1 = re:replace(iolist_to_binary(Data), <<"\.\n">>, <<"">>),
+            V2 = iolist_to_binary(V1),
+            V3 = <<34, V2/binary, 34>>,
+            R = jiffy:encode(jiffy:decode(V3)),
+            case R == V3 of
+                true -> run(Fd, Acc);
+                false -> run(Fd, Acc + 1)
+            end;
+        eof ->
+            Acc
+    end.
diff --git a/test/jiffy_11_proper_tests.erl b/test/jiffy_11_proper_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca542e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/jiffy_11_proper_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+% This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
+% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+opts() ->
+    [
+        {max_size, 15},
+        {numtests, 1000}
+    ].
+run(Name) ->
+    {msg("~s", [Name]), [
+        {timeout, 3600, ?_assert(proper:quickcheck(?MODULE:Name(), opts()))}
+    ]}.
+proper_encode_decode_test_() ->
+    {timeout, 3600, [
+        run(prop_enc_dec),
+        run(prop_enc_dec_pretty),
+        run(prop_enc_no_crash),
+        run(prop_dec_no_crash_bin),
+        run(prop_dec_no_crash_any)
+    ]}.
+prop_enc_dec() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
+        begin
+            %io:format(standard_error, "Data: ~p~n", [Data]),
+            Data == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(Data))
+        end
+    ).
+to_map_ejson({Props}) ->
+    NewProps = [{K, to_map_ejson(V)} || {K, V} <- Props],
+    maps:from_list(NewProps);
+to_map_ejson(Vals) when is_list(Vals) ->
+    [to_map_ejson(V) || V <- Vals];
+to_map_ejson(Val) ->
+    Val.
+prop_map_enc_dec() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
+        begin
+            MapData = to_map_ejson(Data),
+            MapData == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(MapData), [return_maps])
+        end
+    ).
+prop_enc_dec_pretty() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
+        begin
+            Data == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(Data, [pretty]))
+        end
+    ).
+prop_enc_no_crash() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, any(), begin catch jiffy:encode(Data), true end).
+prop_dec_no_crash_bin() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, binary(), begin catch jiffy:decode(Data), true end).
+prop_dec_no_crash_any() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, any(), begin catch jiffy:decode(Data), true end).
+% JSON Generation
+json_null() ->
+    null.
+json_boolean() ->
+    oneof([true, false]).
+json_number() ->
+    oneof([integer(), float()]).
+json_string() ->
+    escaped_utf8_bin().
+json_list(S) when S =< 0 ->
+    [];
+json_list(S) ->
+        [ListSize],
+        [integer(0, S)],
+        vector(ListSize, json_text(S - ListSize))
+    ).
+json_object(S) when S =< 0 ->
+    {[]};
+json_object(S) ->
+        [ObjectSize],
+        [integer(0, S)],
+        {vector(ObjectSize, {json_string(), json_text(S - ObjectSize)})}
+    ).
+json_value() ->
+    oneof([
+        json_null(),
+        json_boolean(),
+        json_string(),
+        json_number()
+    ]).
+json_text(S) when S > 0 ->
+    ?LAZY(oneof([
+        json_list(S),
+        json_object(S)
+    ]));
+json_text(_) ->
+    json_value().
+json() ->
+    ?SIZED(S, json_text(S)).
+%% XXX: Add generators
+% We should add generators that generate JSON binaries directly
+% so we can test things that aren't produced by the encoder.
+% We should also have a version of the JSON generator that inserts
+% errors into the JSON that we can test for.
+escaped_utf8_bin() ->
+    ?SUCHTHAT(Bin,
+        ?LET(S, ?SUCHTHAT(L, list(escaped_char()), L /= []),
+        unicode:characters_to_binary(S, unicode, utf8)),
+        is_binary(Bin)
+    ).
+escaped_char() ->
+    ?LET(C, char(),
+        case C of
+            $" -> "\\\"";
+            C when C == 65534 -> 65533;
+            C when C == 65535 -> 65533;
+            C when C > 1114111 -> 1114111;
+            C -> C
+        end
+    ).
diff --git a/test/jiffy_tests.erl b/test/jiffy_tests.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ecea32..0000000
--- a/test/jiffy_tests.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-% This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
-% See the LICENSE file for more information.
-proper_test_() ->
-    PropErOpts = [
-        {to_file, user},
-        {max_size, 15},
-        {numtests, 1000}
-    ],
-    {timeout, 3600, ?_assertEqual([], proper:module(jiffy_tests, PropErOpts))}.
-prop_encode_decode() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
-        begin
-            %io:format(standard_error, "Data: ~p~n", [Data]),
-            Data == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(Data))
-        end
-    ).
-to_map_ejson({Props}) ->
-    NewProps = [{K, to_map_ejson(V)} || {K, V} <- Props],
-    maps:from_list(NewProps);
-to_map_ejson(Vals) when is_list(Vals) ->
-    [to_map_ejson(V) || V <- Vals];
-to_map_ejson(Val) ->
-    Val.
-prop_map_encode_decode() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
-        begin
-            MapData = to_map_ejson(Data),
-            MapData == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(MapData), [return_maps])
-        end
-    ).
-prop_encode_decode_pretty() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
-        begin
-            Data == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(Data, [pretty]))
-        end
-    ).
-prop_encode_not_crash() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, any(), begin catch jiffy:encode(Data), true end).
-prop_decode_not_crash_bin() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, binary(), begin catch jiffy:decode(Data), true end).
-prop_decode_not_crash_any() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, any(), begin catch jiffy:decode(Data), true end).
-% JSON Generation
-json_null() ->
-    null.
-json_boolean() ->
-    oneof([true, false]).
-json_number() ->
-    oneof([integer(), float()]).
-json_string() ->
-    escaped_utf8_bin().
-json_list(S) when S =< 0 ->
-    [];
-json_list(S) ->
-        [ListSize],
-        [integer(0, S)],
-        vector(ListSize, json_text(S - ListSize))
-    ).
-json_object(S) when S =< 0 ->
-    {[]};
-json_object(S) ->
-        [ObjectSize],
-        [integer(0, S)],
-        {vector(ObjectSize, {json_string(), json_text(S - ObjectSize)})}
-    ).
-json_value() ->
-    oneof([
-        json_null(),
-        json_boolean(),
-        json_string(),
-        json_number()
-    ]).
-json_text(S) when S > 0 ->
-    ?LAZY(oneof([
-        json_list(S),
-        json_object(S)
-    ]));
-json_text(_) ->
-    json_value().
-json() ->
-    ?SIZED(S, json_text(S)).
-%% XXX: Add generators
-% We should add generators that generate JSON binaries directly
-% so we can test things that aren't produced by the encoder.
-% We should also have a version of the JSON generator that inserts
-% errors into the JSON that we can test for.
-escaped_utf8_bin() ->
-    ?SUCHTHAT(Bin,
-        ?LET(S, ?SUCHTHAT(L, list(escaped_char()), L /= []),
-        unicode:characters_to_binary(S, unicode, utf8)),
-        is_binary(Bin)
-    ).
-escaped_char() ->
-    ?LET(C, char(),
-        case C of
-            $" -> "\\\"";
-            C when C == 65534 -> 65533;
-            C when C == 65535 -> 65533;
-            C when C > 1114111 -> 1114111;
-            C -> C
-        end
-    ).
diff --git a/test/jiffy_util.hrl b/test/jiffy_util.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8210e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/jiffy_util.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+msg(Fmt, Args) ->
+    M1 = io_lib:format(Fmt, Args),
+    M2 = re:replace(M1, <<"\r">>, <<"\\\\r">>, [global]),
+    M3 = re:replace(M2, <<"\n">>, <<"\\\\n">>, [global]),
+    M4 = re:replace(M3, <<"\t">>, <<"\\\\t">>, [global]),
+    iolist_to_binary(M4).
+hex(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+    H1 = [io_lib:format("16#~2.16.0B",[X]) || <<X:8>> <= Bin],
+    H2 = string:join(H1, ", "),
+    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("<<~s>>", [lists:flatten(H2)])).
+dec(V) ->
+    jiffy:decode(V).
+enc(V) ->
+    iolist_to_binary(jiffy:encode(V)).
+enc(V, Opts) ->
+    iolist_to_binary(jiffy:encode(V, Opts)).
diff --git a/test/util.erl b/test/util.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index ceaef89..0000000
--- a/test/util.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
--export([test_good/1, test_good/2, test_errors/1]).
-test_good(Cases) ->
-    test_good(Cases, []).
-test_good(Cases, Options) ->
-    lists:foreach(fun(Case) -> check_good(Case, Options) end, Cases).
-test_errors(Cases) ->
-    lists:foreach(fun(Case) -> check_error(Case) end, Cases).
-ok_dec(J, _E) ->
-    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Decoded ~p.", [J])).
-ok_enc(E, _J) ->
-    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Encoded ~p", [E])).
-do_encode(E, Options) ->
-    iolist_to_binary(jiffy:encode(E, Options)).
-error_mesg(J) ->
-    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Decoding ~p returns an error.", [J])).
-check_good({J, E}, Options) ->
-    etap:is(jiffy:decode(J), E, ok_dec(J, E)),
-    etap:is(do_encode(E, Options), J, ok_enc(E, J));
-check_good({J, E, J2}, Options) ->
-    etap:is(jiffy:decode(J), E, ok_dec(J, E)),
-    etap:is(do_encode(E, Options), J2, ok_enc(E, J2)).
-check_error({J, E}) ->
-    etap:fun_is(
-        fun({error, E1}) when E1 == E -> true; (E1) -> E1 end,
-        (catch jiffy:decode(J)),
-        error_mesg(J)
-    );
-check_error(J) ->
-    etap:fun_is(
-        fun({error, _}) -> true; (Else) -> Else end,
-        (catch jiffy:decode(J)),
-        error_mesg(J)
-    ).