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Posted to by David Conrad <> on 2007/04/20 02:19:38 UTC

[S1] Problem with nested objects?

Hello. I'm a bit of a newbie with Struts, and I'm running into some
problems with a form that has a nested java bean, which in turn has a
list of java beans. I had a version of this working when there wasn't
so much nesting, but something has gone awry, I think.

The form, PriceQuoteForm, has two "PriceLine" objects, and each of
these corresponds to a separate section on the html form. In each
section there is a list of Customers. I need to create some fields
with those Customers, and then get them back when the form is posted
back, naturally. The problem, I think, is the html ends up looking

<input type="text" name="customer[0].cost" value="0.0" class="pq_currency">

Doesn't this need to be either "firstLob.customer[0].cost" or
"secondLob.customer[0].cost" in order for the form bean to get
populated when I post it back?

Here is the (stripped down) code I am using:

public class PriceQuoteForm extends BaseForm {
    // ...
    private PriceLine firstLob = new PriceLine();
    private PriceLine secondLob = new PriceLine();
    // ...

public class PriceLine {
    // ...
    private List customers;
    // ...

The Customer beans are just dumb data holders, nothing to see there.

<html:form action="/">
    <c:set var="form" value="${priceQuoteForm}"/>
    <nested:nest property="firstLob">
        <logic:notEqual name="priceQuoteForm" property="firstLob.lob"
            <nested:iterate id="customer" property="customers"
                <div class="left" style="width: 150px;">
                    <nested:select indexed="true" name="customer"
property="customerId" styleClass="pq_select" style="width: 140px;">
                        <html:options collection="customers1"
property="key" labelProperty="value" />
                <div class="left" style="width: 80px;">
                    <nested:text indexed="true" name="customer"
property="quantity" styleClass="pq_currency" style="width: 50px;" />
                <div class="left" style="width: 140px;">
                    <nested:select indexed="true" name="customer"
property="frequency" styleClass="pq_select" style="width: 140px;">
                        <html:options collection="frequencies"
property="key" labelProperty="value" />
                <div class="left" style="width: 50px;">
                    <span style="width: 20px;"></span>
                    <nested:checkbox indexed="true" name="customer"
                <div class="left" style="width: 100px;">
                    <nested:text indexed="true" name="customer"
property="cost" styleClass="pq_currency"/>

(I was going to just include one of the fields, property="cost", but I
thought it would be better if I included more detail. This is just one
of the two sections of the form.)

I just switched over to using nested tags. I was hoping that it would
automatically add the nested:nest property at the beginning of the
field name, but no such luck. I also tried to use a logic:iterate tag
with id="firstLob.customer" and change all the tags inside the iterate
to have name="firstLob.customer", but that complains about the dot in
the name.

When I post back the form, the customers are not getting populated in
the form bean. I was able to make this work in a proof of concept (so
I thought) with just a few html-el:text tags, and the customers list
as part of them PriceQuoteForm bean rather than in a nested java bean.

I'm really tearing my hair out, now, and any help would be
tremendously appreciated. Thanks in advance,

David Conrad

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