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Posted to by on 2005/10/04 22:10:37 UTC

PMD and Checkstyle rules.

So whilst I understand how to use <uptodate> to determine whether .class files
are in sync with .java file etc. How do you do this when you have say a PMD or
checkstyle producing less files than there are classes and you want to only
reparse the source trees if in fact source has been changed since you last ran
PMD. even if you've compiled since. Then basically have you compare the dates
of the PMD xml file and the dates of all the source files. If any last date
modified of a source file is more recent than the PMD xml file then you want to
run PMD again. Ideally only on the file that changed but I can live with it
needing to run it again on all files since it doesn't produce reports per


How do you structure the targets when you need to compare the timestamps b/w two
different arbitary sets of files?

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Re: PMD and Checkstyle rules.

Posted by
In this case this seems to have done the trick

<target name="pmd_init" depends="init">
  <uptodate property="pmd.unnecessary">
      <srcfiles dir="${src.dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
      <mapper type="merge" to="${lib.dir}/pmd/pmd_report.xml"/>

<target name="pmd" depends="pmd_init" unless="pmd.unnecessary">
    <path id="pmd.classpath">
      <fileset dir="${pmd.dir}/lib">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
    <taskdef name="pmd" classname="net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.PMDTask"
    <mkdir dir="${lib.dir}/pmd"/>  
    <pmd rulesetfiles="rulesets/favorites.xml">
        <formatter type="xml" toFile="${lib.dir}/pmd/pmd_report.xml"/>
        <fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
    <xslt in="${lib.dir}/pmd/pmd_report.xml"


> So whilst I understand how to use <uptodate> to determine whether .class
> files
> are in sync with .java file etc. How do you do this when you have say a PMD
> or
> checkstyle producing less files than there are classes and you want to only
> reparse the source trees if in fact source has been changed since you last
> ran
> PMD. even if you've compiled since. Then basically have you compare the
> dates
> of the PMD xml file and the dates of all the source files. If any last date
> modified of a source file is more recent than the PMD xml file then you want
> to
> run PMD again. Ideally only on the file that changed but I can live with it
> needing to run it again on all files since it doesn't produce reports per
> file.
> ....
> How do you structure the targets when you need to compare the timestamps b/w
> two
> different arbitary sets of files?
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