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Posted to by on 2016/11/23 18:52:17 UTC

[54/70] [abbrv] incubator-mynewt-core git commit: * debundle nordic ADC drivers, as they rely on Nordic SDK, which is now bundled separately
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/libraries/ant_fs/antfs.c b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/libraries/ant_fs/antfs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8739073..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/libraries/ant_fs/antfs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2337 +0,0 @@
-This software is subject to the license described in the license.txt file included with this software distribution.
-You may not use this file except in compliance with this license.
-Copyright \ufffd Dynastream Innovations Inc. 2012
-All rights reserved.
-#include "antfs.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include "defines.h"
-#include "app_error.h"
-#include "app_timer.h"
-#include "ant_error.h"
-#include "ant_parameters.h"
-#include "ant_interface.h"
-#include "ant_key_manager.h"
-#include "crc.h"
-#include "app_util.h"
-    #include "bsp.h"
-#define BURST_PACKET_SIZE                  8u                            /**< The burst packet size. */
-#define ANTFS_CONNECTION_TYPE_OFFSET       0x00u                         /**< The connection type offset within ANT-FS message. */
-#define ANTFS_COMMAND_OFFSET               0x01u                         /**< The command offset within ANT-FS message. */
-#define ANTFS_RESPONSE_OFFSET              0x01u                         /**< The response offset within ANT-FS message. */
-#define ANTFS_CONTROL_OFFSET               0x02u                         /**< The control offset within ANT-FS message. */
-#define ANTFS_DATA_OFFSET                  0x03u                         /**< The data offset within ANT-FS message. */
-#define ANTFS_BEACON_ID                    0x43u                         /**< The ANT-FS beacon ID. */
-#define ANTFS_COMMAND_ID                   0x44u                         /**< The ANT-FS command ID. */
-// Beacon definitions.
-#define STATUS1_OFFSET                     0x01u                         /**< The beacon status1 field offset. */
-#define STATUS2_OFFSET                     0x02u                         /**< The beacon status2 field offset. */
-   #define DEVICE_STATE_SHIFT              0x00u                         /**< Shift value for device state bitfield. */
-   #define DEVICE_STATE_MASK               (0x0Fu << DEVICE_STATE_SHIFT) /**< Device state bitmask. */
-   #define DEVICE_STATE_LINK               (0x00u << DEVICE_STATE_SHIFT) /**< Device is in link state. */
-   #define DEVICE_STATE_AUTHENTICATE       (0x01u << DEVICE_STATE_SHIFT) /**< Device is in authenticate state. */
-   #define DEVICE_STATE_TRANSPORT          (0x02u << DEVICE_STATE_SHIFT) /**< Device is in transport state. */
-   #define DEVICE_STATE_BUSY               (0x03u << DEVICE_STATE_SHIFT) /**< Device is in busy state. */
-#define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET_0         0x04u                         /**< Beacon ANT-FS device descriptor LSB position. */
-#define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET_1         0x05u                         /**< Beacon ANT-FS device descriptor LSB + 1 position. */
-#define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET_2         0x06u                         /**< Beacon ANT-FS device descriptor LSB + 2 position. */
-#define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET_3         0x07u                         /**< Beacon ANT-FS device descriptor MSB position. */
-// Commands.
-#define ANTFS_CMD_NONE                     0x00u                         /**< Used to identify that no ANT-FS command is in progress. */
-#define ANTFS_CMD_LINK_ID                  0x02u                         /**< ANT-FS link command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_CMD_DISCONNECT_ID            0x03u                         /**< ANT-FS disconnect command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_CMD_AUTHENTICATE_ID          0x04u                         /**< ANT-FS authenticate command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_CMD_PING_ID                  0x05u                         /**< ANT-FS ping command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_CMD_DOWNLOAD_ID              0x09u                         /**< ANT-FS download request command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_CMD_UPLOAD_REQUEST_ID        0x0Au                         /**< ANT-FS upload request command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_CMD_ERASE_ID                 0x0Bu                         /**< ANT-FS erase request command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_CMD_UPLOAD_DATA_ID           0x0Cu                         /**< ANT-FS upload command ID. */
-// Responses.
-#define ANTFS_RSP_AUTHENTICATE_ID          0x84u                         /**< ANT-FS authenticate response command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_RSP_DOWNLOAD_ID              0x89u                         /**< ANT-FS download request response command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_RSP_UPLOAD_REQ_ID            0x8Au                         /**< ANT-FS upload request response command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_RSP_ERASE_ID                 0x8Bu                         /**< ANT-FS erase response command ID. */
-#define ANTFS_RSP_UPLOAD_DATA_ID           0x8Cu                         /**< ANT-FS upload data response command ID. */
-// Link command.
-#define TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_FREQUENCY_OFFSET 0x02u                         /**< Channel frequency field offset within link command. */
-#define TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_PERIOD_OFFSET    0x03u                         /**< Channel period field offset within link command. */
-#define HOST_ID_OFFSET_0                   0x04u                         /**< Host serial number period field LSB offset within link command. */
-#define HOST_ID_OFFSET_1                   0x05u                         /**< Host serial number period field LSB + 1 offset within link command. */
-#define HOST_ID_OFFSET_2                   0x06u                         /**< Host serial number period field LSB + 2 offset within link command. */
-#define HOST_ID_OFFSET_3                   0x07u                         /**< Host serial number period field MSB offset within link command. */
-// Authenticate command.
-#define COMMAND_TYPE_OFFSET                0x02u                         /**< Command type field offset within authenticate command. */
-   #define COMMAND_TYPE_PROCEED            0x00u                         /**< Command type proceed to transport in the authenticate command. */
-   #define COMMAND_TYPE_REQUEST_SERIAL     0x01u                         /**< Command type request client device serial number in the authenticate command. */
-   #define COMMAND_TYPE_REQUEST_PAIR       0x02u                         /**< Command type request pairing in the authenticate command. */
-   #define COMMAND_TYPE_REQUEST_PASSKEY    0x03u                         /**< Command type request passkey exchange in the authenticate command. */
-// Authenticate response.
-#define RESPONSE_TYPE_OFFSET               0x02u                         /**< Command type field offset within authenticate response command. */
-   #define AUTH_RESPONSE_N_A               0x00u                         /**< Command response type N/A (response for client serial number request). */
-   #define AUTH_RESPONSE_ACCEPT            0x01u                         /**< Command response type accept. */
-   #define AUTH_RESPONSE_REJECT            0x02u                         /**< Command response type reject. */
-// Authenticate command/response.
-#define AUTH_STRING_LENGTH_OFFSET          0x03u                         /**< Authenticate Command/Response authentication string length offset. */
-#define SERIAL_NUMBER_OFFSET_0             0x04u                         /**< Authenticate Command/Response client/host serial number LSB offset. */
-#define SERIAL_NUMBER_OFFSET_1             0x05u                         /**< Authenticate Command/Response client/host serial number LSB + 1 offset. */
-#define SERIAL_NUMBER_OFFSET_2             0x06u                         /**< Authenticate Command/Response client/host serial number LSB + 2 offset. */
-#define SERIAL_NUMBER_OFFSET_3             0x07u                         /**< Authenticate Command/Response client/host serial number MSB offset. */
-// Download/Upload/Erase commands.
-#define INITIAL_REQUEST_OFFSET             0x01u                         /**< Download/Upload/Erase command initial request command offset. */
-#define DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_LOW              0x02u                         /**< Download/Upload/Erase command offset index low. */
-#define DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_HIGH             0x03u                         /**< Download/Upload/Erase command offset index high. */
-#define ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_0         0x04u                         /**< Download/Upload command parameter LSB offset. */
-#define ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_1         0x05u                         /**< Download/Upload command parameter LSB + 1 offset. */
-#define ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_2         0x06u                         /**< Download/Upload command parameter LSB + 2 offset. */
-#define ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_3         0x07u                         /**< Download/Upload command parameter MSB offset. */
-#define UPLOAD_CRC_OFFSET_LOW              0x06u                         /**< Upload data CRC offset low. */
-#define UPLOAD_CRC_OFFSET_HIGH             0x07u                         /**< Upload data CRC offset high. */
-// Below compile switches should be provided by antfs_config.h:
-// - ANTFS_AUTH_TYPE_PAIRING                                          /**< Use pairing and key exchange authentication. */
-// - ANTFS_AUTH_TYPE_PASSKEY                                          /**< Use passkey authentication. */
-// - ANTFS_AUTH_TYPE_PASSTHROUGH                                      /**< Allow host to bypass authentication. */
-// - ANTFS_INCLUDE_UPLOAD                                             /**< Support upload operation. */
-// Authentication type. The highest level of authentication available is included in the beacon.
-   #define AUTHENTICATION_TYPE             COMMAND_TYPE_REQUEST_PASSKEY  /**< Passkey and pairing only mode set as authentication type in beacon. */
-#elif defined (ANTFS_AUTH_TYPE_PAIRING)
-   #define AUTHENTICATION_TYPE             COMMAND_TYPE_REQUEST_PAIR     /**< Pairing only mode set as authentication type in beacon. */
-   #define AUTHENTICATION_TYPE             COMMAND_TYPE_PROCEED          /**< Pass-through mode set as authentication type in beacon. */
-   #error "No valid auth type defined"
-#define AUTHENTICATION_RETRIES             0x05u                         /**< Max number of retries for authentication responses */
-#define ANTFS_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE             0x04u                         /**< ANT-FS event queue size. */
-#define SAVE_DISTANCE                       256u                         /**< Save distance required because of nRF buffer to line up data offset on retry. */
-// Buffer Indices.
-#define BUFFER_INDEX_MESG_SIZE             0x00u                         /**< ANT message buffer index length offset. */
-#define BUFFER_INDEX_MESG_ID               0x01u                         /**< ANT message buffer index ID offset. */
-#define BUFFER_INDEX_CHANNEL_NUM           0x02u                         /**< ANT message buffer index channel number offset. */
-#define BUFFER_INDEX_MESG_DATA             0x03u                         /**< ANT message buffer index begin of data offset. */
-#define BUFFER_INDEX_RESPONSE_CODE         0x04u                         /**< ANT message buffer index response code offset. */
-typedef struct
-    char     friendly_name[ANTFS_FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX];                      /**< Friendly Name. */
-    bool     is_name_set;                                                 /**< Is the name set. */
-    uint32_t index;                                                       /**< Current index (for reading the friendly name). */
-    uint32_t friendly_name_size;                                          /**< Friendly name size. */
-} friendly_name_t;
-typedef union
-    antfs_link_substate_t         link_sub_state;                         /**< Sub-state (Link layer). */
-    antfs_authenticate_substate_t auth_sub_state;                         /**< Sub-state (Authentication layer). */
-    antfs_transport_substate_t    trans_sub_state;                        /**< Sub-state (Transport layer). */
-} antfs_substate_t;
-typedef struct
-    antfs_state_t    state;                                               /**< ANT-FS state. */
-    antfs_substate_t sub_state;                                           /**< ANT-FS sub-state. */
-} antfs_states_t;
-typedef struct
-    antfs_event_return_t * p_queue;                                       /**< ANT-FS event queue. */
-    uint32_t head;                                                        /**< ANT-FS event queue head index. */
-    uint32_t tail;                                                        /**< ANT-FS event queue tail index. */
-} antfs_event_queue_t;
-static antfs_params_t              m_initial_parameters;                  /**< Initial parameters. */
-static antfs_beacon_status_byte1_t m_active_beacon_status1_field;         /**< Status 1 field in beacon. */
-static uint32_t                    m_active_beacon_frequency;             /**< Active beacon frequency. */
-static antfs_states_t              m_current_state;                       /**< Current state. */
-static friendly_name_t             m_friendly_name;                       /**< Host's friendly name. */
-static ulong_union_t               m_link_host_serial_number;             /**< Host's serial number. */
-static uint32_t                    m_link_command_in_progress;            /**< ANT-FS command in progress. */
-static uint32_t                    m_authenticate_command_type;           /**< Authenticate command type in progress. */
-static volatile uint8_t            m_burst_wait;                          /**< Polling status flag for data unlock on burst handler input. */
-static uint8_t                     m_retry;                               /**< Retry counter */
-APP_TIMER_DEF(m_timer_id);                                                /**< Timer ID used with the timer module. */
-   static uint32_t m_passkey_index;                                       /**< Current location of Tx block (auth string). */
-// Download/upload.
-static bool            m_is_data_request_pending;                         /**< Requested data pending. */
-static bool            m_is_crc_pending;                                  /**< CRC for data packets pending. */
-static ushort_union_t  m_file_index;                                      /**< File index of current upload/download. */
-static ulong_union_t   m_file_size;                                       /**< File size of current upload/download (bytes). */
-static ulong_union_t   m_max_block_size;                                  /**< Maximum number of bytes expected to be downloaded in a single burst block of data (set by host). */
-static ulong_union_t   m_link_burst_index;                                /**< Current location of Tx block (bytes). */
-static ulong_union_t   m_bytes_remaining;                                 /**< Total remaining data length (bytes). */
-static ulong_union_t   m_max_transfer_index;                              /**< Upper limit of the current Tx burst block (bytes). */
-static uint32_t        m_bytes_to_write;                                  /**< Number of bytes to write to file (upload). */
-static const uint8_t * mp_upload_data;                                    /**< Address of begin of the buffer that holds data received from upload. */
-    static ulong_union_t m_block_size;                                    /**< Number of bytes the client can receive in a single burst. */
-// CRC verification.
-static uint32_t m_saved_crc_offset;                                       /**< CRC data offset (bytes) saved at last CRC update (save point). */
-static uint32_t m_saved_buffer_crc_offset;                                /**< Data offset to track how much data has been buffered into nRF */
-static uint32_t m_temp_crc_offset;                                        /**< Temporary CRC data offset used in CRC calculation. */
-static uint16_t m_compared_crc;                                           /**< 16-bit CRC for all data packets in the block (provided by download request). */
-static uint16_t m_transfer_crc;                                           /**< 16-bit CRC for all data packets in the block (calculated by client). */
-static uint16_t m_saved_transfer_crc;                                     /**< 16-bit CRC saved at last CRC update (save point). */
-static uint16_t m_saved_buffer_crc;                                       /**< 16-bit CRC saved at last CRC update (save point) for buffering the nRF */
-// ANT-FS event handling.
-static antfs_event_return_t m_event_queue_buffer[ANTFS_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE]; /**< Event queue storage. */
-static antfs_event_queue_t m_event_queue;                                 /**< Event queue. */
-static antfs_burst_wait_handler_t m_burst_wait_handler = NULL;            /**< Burst wait handler */
-const char * antfs_hostname_get(void)
-    if (m_friendly_name.is_name_set)
-    {
-        return (m_friendly_name.friendly_name);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/**@brief Function for waiting for the burst transmission request to complete.
- */
-static void wait_burst_request_to_complete(void)
-    while (m_burst_wait != 0)
-    {
-        if(m_burst_wait_handler != NULL)
-        {
-            m_burst_wait_handler();
-        }
-    };
-/**@brief Function for stopping ANT-FS timeout, which is possibly currently running.
- */
-static void timeout_disable(void)
-    m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_NONE;
-    const uint32_t err_code = app_timer_stop(m_timer_id);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-/**@brief Function for transmitting a beacon.
- *
- * Transmits a beacon either using a broadcast or burst transmission mode.
- *
- * @param[in] message_type     Defines the used transmission mode.
- */
-static void beacon_transmit(uint32_t message_type)
-    uint8_t beacon_status_byte2;
-    // Set beacon status byte 2.
-    if (m_link_command_in_progress == ANTFS_CMD_NONE)
-    {
-        switch (m_current_state.state)
-        {
-            case ANTFS_STATE_AUTH:
-                beacon_status_byte2 = DEVICE_STATE_AUTHENTICATE;
-                break;
-            case ANTFS_STATE_TRANS:
-                beacon_status_byte2 = DEVICE_STATE_TRANSPORT;
-                break;
-            default:
-                beacon_status_byte2 = DEVICE_STATE_LINK;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        beacon_status_byte2 = DEVICE_STATE_BUSY;
-    }
-    // Set remaining beacon fields.
-    uint8_t tx_buffer[BURST_PACKET_SIZE];
-    tx_buffer[0] = ANTFS_BEACON_ID;
-    tx_buffer[1] = m_active_beacon_status1_field.status;
-    tx_buffer[2] = beacon_status_byte2;
-    tx_buffer[3] = AUTHENTICATION_TYPE;
-    if ((m_current_state.state == ANTFS_STATE_AUTH) ||
-        (m_current_state.state == ANTFS_STATE_TRANS))
-    {
-        tx_buffer[4] = m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte0;
-        tx_buffer[5] = m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte1;
-        tx_buffer[6] = m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte2;
-        tx_buffer[7] = m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte3;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        tx_buffer[4] = m_initial_parameters.beacon_device_type;
-        tx_buffer[5] = (m_initial_parameters.beacon_device_type >> 8u);
-        tx_buffer[6] = m_initial_parameters.beacon_device_manufacturing_id;
-        tx_buffer[7] = (m_initial_parameters.beacon_device_manufacturing_id >> 8u);
-    }
-    if (message_type == MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID)
-    {
-        if (sd_ant_broadcast_message_tx(ANTFS_CHANNEL, sizeof(tx_buffer), tx_buffer) != NRF_SUCCESS)
-        {
-            // @note: No implementation needed, as it is a valid and accepted use case for this call
-            // to fail. This call can fail if we are in middle of bursting.
-        }
-    }
-    else if(message_type == MESG_BURST_DATA_ID)
-    {
-        // Send as the first packet of a burst.
-        const uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                                sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                                tx_buffer,
-                                                                BURST_SEGMENT_START);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-        // This is the first packet of a burst response, disable command timeout while bursting.
-        timeout_disable();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // This should not happen.
-        APP_ERROR_HANDLER(message_type);
-    }
-/**@brief Function for transmitting a authenticate response message.
- *
- * @param[in] response_type    Authenticate response code.
- * @param[in] password_length  Length of authentication string.
- * @param[in] p_password       Authentication string transmitted.
- */
-static void authenticate_response_transmit(uint8_t response_type,
-                                           uint32_t password_length,
-                                           const uint8_t * p_password)
-    ulong_union_t serial_number;
- = m_initial_parameters.client_serial_number;
-    // First packet is beacon.
-    beacon_transmit(MESG_BURST_DATA_ID);
-    uint8_t tx_buffer[BURST_PACKET_SIZE];
-    tx_buffer[RESPONSE_TYPE_OFFSET]         = response_type;
-    tx_buffer[AUTH_STRING_LENGTH_OFFSET]    = password_length;
-    tx_buffer[SERIAL_NUMBER_OFFSET_0]       = serial_number.bytes.byte0;
-    tx_buffer[SERIAL_NUMBER_OFFSET_1]       = serial_number.bytes.byte1;
-    tx_buffer[SERIAL_NUMBER_OFFSET_2]       = serial_number.bytes.byte2;
-    tx_buffer[SERIAL_NUMBER_OFFSET_3]       = serial_number.bytes.byte3;
-    uint32_t err_code;
-    if ((m_current_state.state == ANTFS_STATE_AUTH) &&
-        (
-            (response_type != AUTH_RESPONSE_REJECT) &&
-            password_length &&
-            (password_length <= ANTFS_AUTH_STRING_MAX)
-        )
-       )
-    {
-        // Send second packet (auth response).
-        err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                tx_buffer,
-                                                BURST_SEGMENT_CONTINUE);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-        // Round size to a multiple of 8 bytes.
-        uint8_t tx_buffer_authenticate[ANTFS_AUTH_STRING_MAX + 1u];
-        memset(tx_buffer_authenticate, 0, ANTFS_AUTH_STRING_MAX + 1u);
-        memcpy(tx_buffer_authenticate, p_password, password_length);
-        // Round up total number bytes to a multiple of 8 to be sent to burst handler.
-        if (password_length & (BURST_PACKET_SIZE - 1u))
-        {
-            password_length &= ~(BURST_PACKET_SIZE - 1u);
-            password_length += BURST_PACKET_SIZE;
-        }
-        // Send auth string (last packets of the burst).
-        err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                password_length,
-                                                tx_buffer_authenticate,
-                                                BURST_SEGMENT_END);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-        m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_RSP_AUTHENTICATE_ID;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // If the authorization is rejected or there is no valid password, the auth response is the
-        // last packet.
-        err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                tx_buffer,
-                                                BURST_SEGMENT_END);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-    }
-    // Switch to appropiate state.
-    if (response_type == AUTH_RESPONSE_REJECT)
-    {
-        m_current_state.sub_state.auth_sub_state = ANTFS_AUTH_SUBSTATE_REJECT;
-    }
-    else if (response_type == AUTH_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
-    {
-        m_current_state.sub_state.auth_sub_state = ANTFS_AUTH_SUBSTATE_ACCEPT;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // No implementation needed.
-    }
-bool antfs_pairing_resp_transmit(bool accept)
-    // This function should only be called when ANT-FS is in PAIRING mode.
-    if ((m_current_state.state != ANTFS_STATE_AUTH) ||
-        (m_current_state.sub_state.auth_sub_state != ANTFS_AUTH_SUBSTATE_PAIR))
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_AUTHENTICATE_ID;
-    if (accept)
-    {
-        // Accept request and send passkey if authentication passed.
-        authenticate_response_transmit(AUTH_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,
-                                       ANTFS_PASSKEY_SIZE,
-                                       m_initial_parameters.p_pass_key);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Reject authentication request.
-        authenticate_response_transmit(AUTH_RESPONSE_REJECT, 0, NULL);
-    }
-    return true;
-    return false;
-/**@brief Function for adding an ANT-FS event to the event queue.
- *
- * @param[in] event_code       The event to be added.
- */
-static void event_queue_write(antfs_event_t event_code)
-    antfs_event_return_t * p_event = NULL;
-    uint32_t err_code;
-    // Check if there is room in the queue for a new event.
-    if (((m_event_queue.head + 1u) & (ANTFS_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE - 1u)) != m_event_queue.tail)
-    {
-        p_event = &(m_event_queue.p_queue[m_event_queue.head]);
-    }
-    if (p_event != NULL)
-    {
-        // Initialize event parameters.
-        p_event->event = event_code;
-        // Set parameters depending on event type.
-        switch (event_code)
-        {
-            case ANTFS_EVENT_ERASE_REQUEST:
-                p_event->file_index =;
-                p_event->offset     = 0;
-                p_event->bytes      = 0;
-                p_event->crc        = 0;
-                break;
-                p_event->file_index =;
-                // Requested offset for the download.
-                p_event->offset     =;
-                p_event->bytes      = 0;
-                p_event->crc        = 0;
-                break;
-                p_event->file_index =;
-                // Current offset.
-                p_event->offset     =;
-                if ( > (ANTFS_BURST_BLOCK_SIZE * BURST_PACKET_SIZE))
-                {
-                    // If remaining bytes > burst block size then grab one block at a time.
-                    p_event->bytes = ANTFS_BURST_BLOCK_SIZE * BURST_PACKET_SIZE;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    p_event->bytes =;
-                }
-                p_event->crc = 0;
-                break;
-                p_event->file_index =;
-                // Requested offset for the upload.
-                p_event->offset     =;
-                // Upper limit of the download (offset + remaining bytes).
-                p_event->bytes      =;
-                // CRC Seed (from last save point if resuming).
-                p_event->crc        = m_transfer_crc;
-                break;
-            case ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_DATA:
-                p_event->file_index =;
-                // Current offset.
-                p_event->offset     =;
-                // Current CRC.
-                p_event->crc        = m_transfer_crc;
-                // Number of bytes to write.
-                p_event->bytes      = m_bytes_to_write;
-                // Upload to appication data buffer.
-                memcpy(p_event->data, mp_upload_data, m_bytes_to_write);
-                break;
-                err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_BONDING);
-                APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-                break;                
-            default:
-                // No parameters need to be set.
-                p_event->file_index = 0;
-                p_event->offset     = 0;
-                p_event->bytes      = 0;
-                p_event->crc        = 0;
-                break;
-        }
-        // Put the event in the queue.
-        m_event_queue.head = ((m_event_queue.head + 1u) & (ANTFS_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE - 1u));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // No free space left in the queue.
-        APP_ERROR_HANDLER(0);
-    }
-/**@brief Function for transmitting download request response message.
- *
- * @param[in] response         Download response code.
- */
-static void download_request_response_transmit(uint8_t response)
-    // First burst packet is beacon.
-    beacon_transmit(MESG_BURST_DATA_ID);
-    uint8_t tx_buffer[BURST_PACKET_SIZE];
-    // Next send the first part of the download response.
-    tx_buffer[0] = ANTFS_COMMAND_ID;
-    tx_buffer[1] = ANTFS_RSP_DOWNLOAD_ID;
-    tx_buffer[2] = response;
-    tx_buffer[3] = 0;
-    // Total number of bytes remaining in the data block.
-    tx_buffer[4] = m_bytes_remaining.bytes.byte0;
-    tx_buffer[5] = m_bytes_remaining.bytes.byte1;
-    tx_buffer[6] = m_bytes_remaining.bytes.byte2;
-    tx_buffer[7] = m_bytes_remaining.bytes.byte3;
-    uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                     sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                     tx_buffer,
-                                                     BURST_SEGMENT_CONTINUE);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-    wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-    // Second part of the download response.
-    // The offset the data will start from in this block.
-    tx_buffer[0] = m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte0;
-    tx_buffer[1] = m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte1;
-    tx_buffer[2] = m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte2;
-    tx_buffer[3] = m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte3;
-    // The file size in the client device.
-    tx_buffer[4] = m_file_size.bytes.byte0;
-    tx_buffer[5] = m_file_size.bytes.byte1;
-    tx_buffer[6] = m_file_size.bytes.byte2;
-    tx_buffer[7] = m_file_size.bytes.byte3;
-    if (response || ( == 0))
-    {
-        // If the download was rejected or there is no data to send.
-        // Set response to end since we're not downloading any data.
-        err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                tx_buffer,
-                                                BURST_SEGMENT_END);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Response will continue (data packets + CRC footer to follow).
-        err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                tx_buffer,
-                                                BURST_SEGMENT_CONTINUE);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-    }
-    m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_DOWNLOAD_ID;
-    if (response == 0)
-    {
-        // If we are going to download (response OK), enter the downloading substate.
-        m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_DOWNLOADING;
-        event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_DOWNLOAD_START);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Download rejected.
-        event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL);
-    }
-void antfs_download_req_resp_prepare(uint8_t response,
-                                     const antfs_request_info_t * const p_request_info)
-    // This function should only be called after receiving a download request.
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL((m_current_state.state == ANTFS_STATE_TRANS) &&
-                         (m_link_command_in_progress == ANTFS_CMD_DOWNLOAD_ID));
-    if (response == 0)
-    {
-        // Download request OK.
-        // File size of the requested download.
- = p_request_info->;
-        if ( >
-        {
-            // Offset should not exceed file size.
-   =;
-        }
-        // If the host is not limiting download size or the file size does not exceed the host's
-        // download size limit.
-        if (( == 0) || ( <
-        {
-            //  Number of bytes remaining to be downloaded in this block is the file size.
-   =;
-        }
-        if (( - <
-        {
-            // Calculate number of remaining bytes in this block based on the offset.
-   = -;
-        }
-        // If the application is limiting the Tx block size.
-        if ( > p_request_info->
-        {
-            // Number of remaining bytes in this block is the application defined block size.
-   = p_request_info->;
-        }
-        // Find upper limit of the burst Tx.
- = +;
-        if (m_saved_crc_offset == ANTFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE)
-        {
-            // CRC checking was set as invalid. An invalid download was requested, so reject it.
-            response = RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERATION;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((response != 0) || ( == 0))
-    {
-        // Send the response right away if the download request was rejected or there is no data to
-        // send.
-        download_request_response_transmit(response);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Proceed to download data.
-        if ( != m_saved_crc_offset)
-        {
-            uint32_t temp;
-            // If requesting to resume exactly where we left off, we can start from the same block.
-            if ( == m_temp_crc_offset)
-            {
-                // Move last save point to end of last block sent.
-                m_saved_crc_offset   =;
-                m_saved_transfer_crc = m_transfer_crc;
-            }
-            // To resume the download, request a block of data starting from the last save point.
-            // Update the remaining number of bytes per the last save point.
-   += ( - m_saved_crc_offset);
-            // Swap the current burst Tx index with the saved CRC index, to make sure we do not
-            // start updating the CRC until we get to the requested index.
-            temp                    =;
-   = m_saved_crc_offset;
-            m_saved_crc_offset      = temp;
-            // Set CRC to previous save point, to check the CRC provided by the host.
-            m_transfer_crc = m_saved_transfer_crc;
-        }
-        m_temp_crc_offset = m_saved_crc_offset;
-        m_is_data_request_pending = true;
-        // Request data from application.
-        event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST_DATA);
-        m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_VERIFY_CRC;
-    }
-uint32_t antfs_input_data_download(uint16_t index,
-                                   uint32_t offset,
-                                   uint32_t num_bytes,
-                                   const uint8_t * const p_message)
-    // Verify that this is the requested data.
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL((offset == && (index ==;
-    // If file offset is greater than the upper limit, this is not data we need.
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(offset <=;
-    if ((m_current_state.state == ANTFS_STATE_TRANS) &&
-        (
-            (m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state == ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_VERIFY_CRC) ||
-            // Only send data if we were processing a download request.
-            (m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state == ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_DOWNLOADING)
-        )
-       )
-    {
-        uint32_t block_offset = 0;
-        if (m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state == ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_VERIFY_CRC)
-        {
-            // Make sure download_request_response_transmit defaults to RESPONSE_INVALID_CRC.
-            uint32_t response = RESPONSE_MESSAGE_OK;
-            // Check CRC.
-            if ( == m_saved_crc_offset)
-            {
-                // If indexes match, we can compare CRC directly.
-                if (m_transfer_crc != m_compared_crc)
-                {
-                    response = RESPONSE_INVALID_CRC;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Set up the save point
-                    m_temp_crc_offset =; // Reset save point counter
-                    m_saved_crc_offset =;
-                    m_saved_buffer_crc_offset =;
-                    // Set up the CRC save points
-                    m_saved_transfer_crc = m_compared_crc;
-                    m_saved_buffer_crc = m_compared_crc;
-                    m_is_crc_pending     = true;
-                }
-                // Start bursting beacon and the download response (3 burst packets).
-                download_request_response_transmit(response);
-            }
-            // If the data is in this block, advance to the requested offset
-            else if (( < m_saved_crc_offset) &&
-                     ((m_saved_crc_offset - < num_bytes))
-            {
-                // Update the offset within this block for the requested transmission.
-                block_offset = m_saved_crc_offset -;
-                // Update the number of bytes that will actually be transmitted.
-                num_bytes   -= block_offset;
-                // Update CRC calculation up to requested index.
-                m_transfer_crc          = crc_crc16_update(m_transfer_crc, p_message, block_offset);
-                // Update the remaining number of bytes.
-       -= block_offset;
-                // Check CRC
-                if (m_transfer_crc != m_compared_crc)
-                {
-                    response = RESPONSE_INVALID_CRC;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Move index back to point where transmission will resume.
-           = m_saved_crc_offset;
-                    // Set up the save point
-                    m_temp_crc_offset =; // Reset save point counter
-                    m_saved_buffer_crc_offset =;
-                    // Set up the CRC save points
-                    m_saved_transfer_crc = m_compared_crc;
-                    m_saved_buffer_crc = m_compared_crc;
-                    m_is_crc_pending = true;
-                }
-                download_request_response_transmit(response);
-            }
-            // Data index has gone too far and it is not possible to check CRC, fail and let host retry
-            else if( > m_saved_crc_offset)
-            {
-                response = RESPONSE_INVALID_CRC;
-                download_request_response_transmit(response);
-            }
-            // Keep getting data and recalculate the CRC until the indexes match
-            else
-            {
-                m_is_data_request_pending = false;
-                // Update the current burst index and bytes remaining
-       += num_bytes;
-       -= num_bytes;
-                // Update CRC
-                m_transfer_crc = crc_crc16_update(m_transfer_crc, p_message, num_bytes);
-                // Request more data.
-                event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST_DATA);
-            }
-        }
-        // Append data.
-        if (m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state == ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_DOWNLOADING)
-        {
-            uint32_t num_of_bytes_to_burst = num_bytes;
-            if (num_of_bytes_to_burst & (BURST_PACKET_SIZE - 1u))
-            {
-                // Round up total number bytes to a multiple of BURST_PACKET_SIZE to be sent to
-                // burst handler.
-                num_of_bytes_to_burst &= ~(BURST_PACKET_SIZE - 1u);
-                num_of_bytes_to_burst += BURST_PACKET_SIZE;
-            }
-            uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                             num_of_bytes_to_burst,
-                                                             (uint8_t*)&(p_message[block_offset]),
-                                                             BURST_SEGMENT_CONTINUE);
-            {
-                // If burst failed before we are able to catch it, we will get a TRANSFER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ERROR
-                // The message processing will send client back to correct state
-                APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-            }
-            wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-            // Update current burst index.
-   += num_bytes;
-            // Update remaining bytes.
-    -= num_bytes;
-            m_is_data_request_pending = false;
-            m_transfer_crc = crc_crc16_update(m_transfer_crc,
-                                              &(p_message[block_offset]),
-                                              num_bytes);
-            if(( - m_temp_crc_offset) > SAVE_DISTANCE)
-            {
-                // Set CRC save point
-                m_saved_transfer_crc = m_saved_buffer_crc;  // Set CRC at buffer save point (will always be one behind to account for buffering)
-                m_saved_buffer_crc = m_transfer_crc;        // Set CRC at save point
-                // Set offset save point
-                m_saved_crc_offset = m_saved_buffer_crc_offset;     // Set offset at buffer save point (will always be one behind to account for buffering)
-                m_saved_buffer_crc_offset =;    // Set buffer offset to current data offset
-                // Reset save counter offset
-                m_temp_crc_offset =;    // Set to current location; next save point will take place after SAVE_DISTANCE bytes
-            }
-            if (!m_is_data_request_pending && ( <
-            {
-                // If we have not finished the download.
-                // Request more data.
-                event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST_DATA);
-                m_is_data_request_pending = true;
-            }
-            else if ( >= && m_is_crc_pending)
-            {
-                // We are done, send CRC footer.
-                uint8_t tx_buffer[BURST_PACKET_SIZE];
-                tx_buffer[0] = 0;
-                tx_buffer[1] = 0;
-                tx_buffer[2] = 0;
-                tx_buffer[3] = 0;
-                tx_buffer[4] = 0;
-                tx_buffer[5] = 0;
-                tx_buffer[6] = (uint8_t)m_transfer_crc;
-                tx_buffer[7] = (uint8_t)(m_transfer_crc >> 8u);
-                err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                        sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                        tx_buffer,
-                                                        BURST_SEGMENT_END);
-                if(err_code != NRF_ANT_ERROR_TRANSFER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ERROR)
-                {
-                    // If burst failed before we are able to catch it, we will get a TRANSFER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ERROR
-                    // The message processing will send client back to correct state
-                    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-                }
-                wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-                m_is_crc_pending          = false;
-       = 0;
-            }
-            // Return the number of bytes we accepted.
-            return num_bytes;
-        }
-    }
-    // No bytes were accepted.
-    return 0;
-bool antfs_upload_req_resp_transmit(uint8_t response,
-                                    const antfs_request_info_t * const p_request_info)
-    if (m_current_state.state != ANTFS_STATE_TRANS ||
-        // Only send the response if we were processing an upload request.
-        (m_link_command_in_progress != ANTFS_CMD_UPLOAD_REQUEST_ID))
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // If the application is sending a response for a different file than requested, the upload
-    // will fail.
-    if (p_request_info-> !=
-    {
-        event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_FAIL);
-        return false;
-    }
-    ulong_union_t max_mem_size;
-    // Set maximum number of bytes that can be written to the file.
- = p_request_info->max_file_size;
-    if (p_request_info-> != 0)
-    {
-        // If the client is limiting the block size set the block size requested by the client.
- = p_request_info->;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Try to get the entire file in a single block.
- =;
-    }
-    if (response == 0)
-    {
-        if ( >
-        {
-            // Not enough space to write file, reject download.
-            response = RESPONSE_MESSAGE_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE;
-        }
-    }
-    // Get last valid CRC and last valid offset.
-    m_transfer_crc          = p_request_info->file_crc;
- = p_request_info->;
-    // First packet to transmit is the beacon.
-    beacon_transmit(MESG_BURST_DATA_ID);
-    // Second packet.
-    uint8_t tx_buffer[BURST_PACKET_SIZE];
-    tx_buffer[0] = ANTFS_COMMAND_ID;
-    tx_buffer[1] = ANTFS_RSP_UPLOAD_REQ_ID;
-    tx_buffer[2] = response;
-    tx_buffer[3] = 0;
-    // Last valid data offset written to the file.
-    tx_buffer[4] = m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte0;
-    tx_buffer[5] = m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte1;
-    tx_buffer[6] = m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte2;
-    tx_buffer[7] = m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte3;
-    uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                     sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                     tx_buffer,
-                                                     BURST_SEGMENT_CONTINUE);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-    wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-    // Third packet.
-    // Maximum number of bytes that can be written to the file.
-    tx_buffer[0] = max_mem_size.bytes.byte0;
-    tx_buffer[1] = max_mem_size.bytes.byte1;
-    tx_buffer[2] = max_mem_size.bytes.byte2;
-    tx_buffer[3] = max_mem_size.bytes.byte3;
-    // Maximum upload block size.
-    tx_buffer[4] = m_block_size.bytes.byte0;
-    tx_buffer[5] = m_block_size.bytes.byte1;
-    tx_buffer[6] = m_block_size.bytes.byte2;
-    tx_buffer[7] = m_block_size.bytes.byte3;
-    err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                            sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                            tx_buffer,
-                                            BURST_SEGMENT_CONTINUE);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-    wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-    // Fourth packet.
-    tx_buffer[0] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[1] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[2] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[3] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[4] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[5] = 0;
-    // Value of CRC at last data offset.
-    tx_buffer[6] = (uint8_t) m_transfer_crc;
-    tx_buffer[7] = (uint8_t)(m_transfer_crc >> 8);
-    err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                            sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                            tx_buffer,
-                                            BURST_SEGMENT_END);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-    wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-    m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_UPLOAD_REQUEST_ID;
-    if (response != 0)
-    {
-        // Failed upload request. Reset max transfer index to 0 (do not accept any data if the host
-        // sends it anyway).
- = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Wait for upload data request.
-        m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_UPLOAD_WAIT_FOR_DATA;
-    }
-    return true;
-    return false;
-bool antfs_upload_data_resp_transmit(bool data_upload_success)
-    // Should be in TRANSPORT layer to send this response.
-    if (m_current_state.state != ANTFS_STATE_TRANS)
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    uint8_t tx_buffer[BURST_PACKET_SIZE];
-    // Response.
-    tx_buffer[0] = ANTFS_COMMAND_ID;
-    tx_buffer[1] = ANTFS_RSP_UPLOAD_DATA_ID;
-    tx_buffer[2] = (data_upload_success) ? RESPONSE_MESSAGE_OK : RESPONSE_MESSAGE_FAIL;
-    tx_buffer[3] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[4] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[5] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[6] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[7] = 0;
-    // First packet is beacon.
-    beacon_transmit(MESG_BURST_DATA_ID);
-    // Send last packet.
-    uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                     sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                     tx_buffer,
-                                                     BURST_SEGMENT_END);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-    wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-    m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_UPLOAD_REQUEST_ID;
-    // Reset maximum index.
- = 0;
-    return true;
-    return false;
-void antfs_erase_req_resp_transmit(uint8_t response)
-    // This function should only be called after receiving an erase request.
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL((m_current_state.state == ANTFS_STATE_TRANS) &&
-                         (m_link_command_in_progress == ANTFS_CMD_ERASE_ID));
-    beacon_transmit(MESG_BURST_DATA_ID);
-    uint8_t tx_buffer[BURST_PACKET_SIZE];
-    // Erase response.
-    tx_buffer[0] = ANTFS_COMMAND_ID;
-    tx_buffer[1] = ANTFS_RSP_ERASE_ID;
-    tx_buffer[2] = response;
-    tx_buffer[3] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[4] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[5] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[6] = 0;
-    tx_buffer[7] = 0;
-    uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_burst_handler_request(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                     sizeof(tx_buffer),
-                                                     tx_buffer,
-                                                     BURST_SEGMENT_END);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-    wait_burst_request_to_complete();
-bool antfs_event_extract(antfs_event_return_t * const p_event)
-    bool return_value = false;
-    if (m_event_queue.head != m_event_queue.tail)
-    {
-        // Pending events exist. Copy event parameters into return event.
-        p_event->event      = m_event_queue.p_queue[m_event_queue.tail].event;
-        p_event->file_index = m_event_queue.p_queue[m_event_queue.tail].file_index;
-        p_event->offset     = m_event_queue.p_queue[m_event_queue.tail].offset;
-        p_event->bytes      = m_event_queue.p_queue[m_event_queue.tail].bytes;
-        p_event->crc        = m_event_queue.p_queue[m_event_queue.tail].crc;
-        memcpy(p_event->data,
-               m_event_queue.p_queue[m_event_queue.tail].data,
-               sizeof(p_event->data));
-        // Release the event queue.
-        m_event_queue.tail = ((m_event_queue.tail + 1u) & (ANTFS_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE - 1u));
-        return_value = true;
-    }
-    return return_value;
-/**@brief Function for setting the channel period.
- *
- * Sets the channel period. The only allowed frequencies are 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 Hz.
- *
- * @param[in] link_period      Link period for the beacon transmission.
- */
-static void channel_period_set(uint32_t link_period)
-    uint32_t period;
-    switch (link_period)
-    {
-        default:
-            // Shouldn't happen, but just in case default to 0,5Hz.
-        case BEACON_PERIOD_0_5_HZ:
-            period = 65535u;
-            break;
-        case BEACON_PERIOD_1_HZ:
-            period = 32768u;
-            break;
-        case BEACON_PERIOD_2_HZ:
-            period = 16384u;
-            break;
-        case BEACON_PERIOD_4_HZ:
-            period = 8192u;
-            break;
-        case BEACON_PERIOD_8_HZ:
-            period = 4096u;
-            break;
-    }
-    const uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_channel_period_set(ANTFS_CHANNEL, period);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-/**@brief Function for starting ANT-FS timeout.
- *
- * @param[in] timeout_in_secs  Timeout requested in unit of seconds.
- */
-static void timeout_start(uint32_t timeout_in_secs)
-    uint32_t err_code = app_timer_stop(m_timer_id);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-    err_code = app_timer_start(m_timer_id,
-                               APP_TIMER_TICKS((uint32_t)(timeout_in_secs * 1000u),
-                               APP_TIMER_PRESCALER),
-                               NULL);
-    APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-/**@brief Function for switching to authentication layer.
- */
-static void authenticate_layer_transit(void)
-    if (m_current_state.state != ANTFS_STATE_OFF)
-    {
-        m_current_state.state                    = ANTFS_STATE_AUTH;
-        m_current_state.sub_state.auth_sub_state = ANTFS_AUTH_SUBSTATE_NONE;
-        m_link_command_in_progress               = ANTFS_CMD_NONE;
-        timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-        uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_channel_radio_freq_set(ANTFS_CHANNEL, m_active_beacon_frequency);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_AUTH);
-    }
-/**@brief Function for decoding an ANT-FS command received at the link layer.
- *
- * @param[in] p_command_buffer The ANT-FS command buffer.
- */
-static void link_layer_cmd_decode(const uint8_t * p_command_buffer)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (p_command_buffer[ANTFS_COMMAND_OFFSET])
-    {
-        case ANTFS_CMD_LINK_ID:
-            // Channel frequency.
-            m_active_beacon_frequency                            =
-                p_command_buffer[TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_FREQUENCY_OFFSET];
-            // Channel message period.
-            m_active_beacon_status1_field.parameters.link_period =
-                p_command_buffer[TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_PERIOD_OFFSET];
-            // Host serial Number.
-            m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte0                =
-                p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_0];
-            m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte1                =
-                p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_1];
-            m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte2                =
-                p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_2];
-            m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte3                =
-                p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_3];
-            // Move to the channel period issued by the host.
-            channel_period_set(m_active_beacon_status1_field.parameters.link_period);
-            authenticate_layer_transit();
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-/**@brief Function for switching to link layer.
- */
-static void link_layer_transit(void)
-    if (m_current_state.state != ANTFS_STATE_OFF)
-    {
-        uint32_t err_code;
-        err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_IDLE);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        m_current_state.state                    = ANTFS_STATE_LINK;
-        m_current_state.sub_state.link_sub_state = ANTFS_LINK_SUBSTATE_NONE;
-        m_link_command_in_progress               = ANTFS_CMD_NONE;
-        m_active_beacon_status1_field            = m_initial_parameters.beacon_status_byte1;
-        m_active_beacon_frequency                = m_initial_parameters.beacon_frequency;
-        timeout_disable();
-        err_code = sd_ant_channel_radio_freq_set(ANTFS_CHANNEL, m_active_beacon_frequency);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_LINK);
-    }
-/**@brief Function for decoding an ANT-FS command received at the authenticate layer.
- *
- * @param[in] control_byte     The command control byte.
- * @param[in] p_command_buffer The ANT-FS command buffer.
- */
-static void authenticate_layer_cmd_decode(uint8_t control_byte,
-                                          const uint8_t * p_command_buffer)
-    // @note: Response variable must have a static storage allocation as it keeps track of the
-    // passkey authentication progress between multiple burst packets.
-    static uint32_t response;
-    if((control_byte & ~SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE) == 0 && m_link_command_in_progress != ANTFS_CMD_NONE)
-    {
-        // This is something new, and we're busy processing something already, so don't respond
-        return;
-    }
-    if (p_command_buffer[ANTFS_CONNECTION_TYPE_OFFSET] == ANTFS_COMMAND_ID &&
-        m_link_command_in_progress == ANTFS_CMD_NONE)
-    {
-        if (p_command_buffer[ANTFS_COMMAND_OFFSET] == ANTFS_CMD_AUTHENTICATE_ID)
-        {
-            // Make sure it is the correct host
-            if(m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte0 != p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_0] ||
-               m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte1 != p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_1] ||
-               m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte2 != p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_2] ||
-               m_link_host_serial_number.bytes.byte3 != p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_3])
-                return;
-            m_link_command_in_progress  = ANTFS_CMD_AUTHENTICATE_ID;
-            m_authenticate_command_type = p_command_buffer[COMMAND_TYPE_OFFSET];
-            m_retry = AUTHENTICATION_RETRIES;
-        }
-    }
-    if (m_link_command_in_progress == ANTFS_CMD_AUTHENTICATE_ID)
-    {
-        switch (m_authenticate_command_type)
-        {
-                if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-                {
-                    // Don't do anything before the burst completes (last burst message received).
-                    timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-                    authenticate_response_transmit(AUTH_RESPONSE_N_A,
-                                                   ANTFS_REMOTE_FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX,
-                                                   // Send device friendly name if it exists.
-                                                   m_initial_parameters.p_remote_friendly_name);
-                }
-                break;
-            case COMMAND_TYPE_PROCEED:
-                if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-                {
-                    // Don't do anything before the burst completes (last burst message received).
-                    timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-                    // Proceed directly to transport layer (no authentication required).
-                    authenticate_response_transmit(AUTH_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, 0, NULL);
-                }
-                break;
-            case COMMAND_TYPE_REQUEST_PAIR:
-                if ((control_byte & SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ROLLOVER) == 0)
-                {
-                    // First burst packet.
-                    // Friendly name length.
-                    m_friendly_name.friendly_name_size =
-                        p_command_buffer[AUTH_STRING_LENGTH_OFFSET];
-                    if (m_friendly_name.friendly_name_size > 0)
-                    {
-                        if (m_friendly_name.friendly_name_size > ANTFS_FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX)
-                        {
-                            m_friendly_name.friendly_name_size = ANTFS_FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX;
-                        }
-                        m_friendly_name.index = 0;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Next burst packets: read host friendly name.
-                    if (m_friendly_name.index < ANTFS_FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX)
-                    {
-                        uint32_t num_of_bytes = ANTFS_FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX - m_friendly_name.index;
-                        if (num_of_bytes > 8u)
-                        {
-                            num_of_bytes = 8u;
-                        }
-                        memcpy((uint8_t*)&m_friendly_name.friendly_name[m_friendly_name.index],
-                               p_command_buffer,
-                               num_of_bytes);
-                        m_friendly_name.index += num_of_bytes;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-                {
-                    // Last burst packet.
-                    timeout_start(ANTFS_PAIRING_TIMEOUT);
-                    if (m_friendly_name.friendly_name_size > 0)
-                    {
-                        m_friendly_name.is_name_set = true;
-                    }
-                    m_current_state.sub_state.auth_sub_state = ANTFS_AUTH_SUBSTATE_PAIR;
-                    // If pairing is supported, send request to UI.
-                    event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_PAIRING_REQUEST);
-                }
-                break;
-                if ((control_byte & SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ROLLOVER) == 0)
-                {
-                    // First burst packet.
-                    // Passkey length.
-                    const uint32_t passkey_size = p_command_buffer[AUTH_STRING_LENGTH_OFFSET];
-                    // Default the algorithm to accept.
-                    response = AUTH_RESPONSE_ACCEPT;
-                    // Check if the passkey length is valid.
-                    if (passkey_size == ANTFS_PASSKEY_SIZE)
-                    {
-                        m_passkey_index = 0;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        // Invalid lenght supplied - the authentication will be rejected.
-                        response = AUTH_RESPONSE_REJECT;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Next burst packets: read host friendly name.
-                    if ((response == AUTH_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) &&
-                        // Prevent buffer overrun.
-                        (m_passkey_index != ANTFS_PASSKEY_SIZE))
-                    {
-                        // Passkey length was valid and the host supplied key matches so far.
-                        uint32_t idx = 0;
-                        // Check the current received burst packet for passkey match.
-                        do
-                        {
-                            if (m_initial_parameters.p_pass_key[m_passkey_index++] !=
-                                p_command_buffer[idx])
-                            {
-                                // Reject the authentication request and further processing of
-                                // passkey matching if a mismatch is found.
-                                response = AUTH_RESPONSE_REJECT;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            ++idx;
-                        }
-                        while (idx < BURST_PACKET_SIZE);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-                {
-                    // Last burst packet.
-                    if (m_passkey_index < ANTFS_PASSKEY_SIZE)
-                    {
-                        // We did not get the complete passkey, reject authentication request.
-                        response = AUTH_RESPONSE_REJECT;
-                    }
-                    timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-                    m_current_state.sub_state.auth_sub_state = ANTFS_AUTH_SUBSTATE_PASSKEY;
-                    authenticate_response_transmit(response, 0, NULL);
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    else if (p_command_buffer[ANTFS_COMMAND_OFFSET] == ANTFS_CMD_DISCONNECT_ID)
-    {
-        if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-        {
-            // Don't do anything before the burst completes (last burst message received).
-            link_layer_transit();
-        }
-    }
-    else if (p_command_buffer[ANTFS_COMMAND_OFFSET] == ANTFS_CMD_PING_ID)
-    {
-        // Reset timeout.
-        timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-        m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_NONE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // No implementation needed.
-    }
-/**@brief Function for decoding an ANT-FS command received at the transport layer.
- *
- * @param[in] control_byte     The command control byte.
- * @param[in] p_command_buffer The ANT-FS command buffer.
- */
-static void transport_layer_cmd_decode(uint8_t control_byte, const uint8_t * p_command_buffer)
-    ulong_union_t host_serial_number = {0};
-    {
-        m_link_command_in_progress = p_command_buffer[ANTFS_COMMAND_OFFSET];
-    }
-    switch (m_link_command_in_progress)
-    {
-        case ANTFS_CMD_PING_ID:
-            // Reset timeout.
-            timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-            m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_NONE;
-            break;
-            if(control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-            {
-                // Don't do anything before the burst completes (last burst message received).
-                link_layer_transit();
-            }
-            break;
-        case ANTFS_CMD_ERASE_ID:
-            if(control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-            {
-                // Don't do anything before the burst completes (last burst message received).
-                // Requested index.
-                m_file_index.bytes.low  = p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_LOW];
-                m_file_index.bytes.high = p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_HIGH];
-                // Send erase request to the application.
-                event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_ERASE_REQUEST);
-                timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-                m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_ERASE_ID;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ANTFS_CMD_DOWNLOAD_ID:
-            if (m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state != ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_NONE)
-            {
-                // Ignore the command if we are busy.
-                break;
-            }
-            if ((control_byte & ~SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE) == 0x00)
-            {
-                // First burst packet.
-                if ((m_file_index.bytes.low != p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_LOW]) ||
-                    (m_file_index.bytes.high != p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_HIGH]))
-                {
-                    // This is a new index, so we can not check the CRC against the previous saved
-                    // CRC.
-                    // CRC seed checking is made invalid by setting the last saved offset to the
-                    // maximum file size.
-                    m_saved_crc_offset = ANTFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE;
-                }
-                // Requested data file index.
-                m_file_index.bytes.low  = p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_LOW];
-                m_file_index.bytes.high = p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_HIGH];
-                // Initialize current position in the TX burst to the requested offset.
-                m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte0 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_0];
-                m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte1 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_1];
-                m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte2 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_2];
-                m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte3 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_3];
-            }
-            else if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-            {
-                // Last burst packet (download command should be two packets long).
-                // Get CRC seed from host.
-                m_compared_crc  = (uint16_t)p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_LOW];
-                m_compared_crc |= ((uint16_t)p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_HIGH] << 8u);
-                // Maximum block size allowed by host.
-                m_max_block_size.bytes.byte0 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_0];
-                m_max_block_size.bytes.byte1 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_1];
-                m_max_block_size.bytes.byte2 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_2];
-                m_max_block_size.bytes.byte3 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_3];
-                // Initialize number of remaining bytes for this block to the maximum block size.
-       =;
-                if (p_command_buffer[INITIAL_REQUEST_OFFSET])
-                {
-                    // This request is the start of a new transfer.
-                    // Initialize data offset for CRC calculation to the requested data offset.
-                    m_saved_crc_offset =;
-                    m_saved_buffer_crc_offset =;
-                    // Use CRC seed provided by host for CRC checking of the data.
-                    m_transfer_crc                            = m_compared_crc;
-                    m_saved_transfer_crc                      = m_compared_crc;
-                    m_saved_buffer_crc                        = m_compared_crc;
-                    m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_VERIFY_CRC;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // This is a request to resume a partially completed transfer.
-                    if (m_saved_crc_offset >
-                    {
-                        // We can not check the received CRC seed as the requested offset is before
-                        // our last save point.
-                        // Set CRC checking as invalid.
-                        m_saved_crc_offset = ANTFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_VERIFY_CRC;
-                    }
-                }
-                m_is_data_request_pending = false;
-                // Send download request to the application for further handling.
-                event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST);
-                timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-                m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_DOWNLOAD_ID;
-            }
-            break;
-            if ((control_byte & ~SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE) == 0x00)
-            {
-                // First burst packet.
-                if ((m_file_index.bytes.low != p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_LOW]) ||
-                    (
-                        (m_file_index.bytes.high != p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_HIGH]) ||
-                        (m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state == ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_NONE)
-                    )
-                   )
-                {
-                    // If it is a new index or we completed the last upload.
-                    // Get the file index.
-                    m_file_index.bytes.low  = p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_LOW];
-                    m_file_index.bytes.high = p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_HIGH];
-                    // As this is a new upload, reset save point to the beginning of the file.
-                    // Set CRC to zero.
-                    m_saved_crc_offset   = 0;
-                    m_saved_transfer_crc = 0;
-                }
-                // Get the upper limit of upload from request message.
-                m_max_transfer_index.bytes.byte0 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_0];
-                m_max_transfer_index.bytes.byte1 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_1];
-                m_max_transfer_index.bytes.byte2 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_2];
-                m_max_transfer_index.bytes.byte3 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_3];
-            }
-            else if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-            {
-                // Last burst (second) packet.
-                // Get data offset the requested upload will start at.
-                m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte0 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_0];
-                m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte1 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_1];
-                m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte2 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_2];
-                m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte3 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_3];
-                if ( != ANTFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE)
-                {
-                    // If this is a new upload.
-                    // The data offset specified in the upload request will be used.
-                    m_saved_crc_offset =;
-                    m_saved_transfer_crc = 0;
-                }
-                m_transfer_crc = m_saved_transfer_crc;
-                // Send upload request to the application for further handling.
-                event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_REQUEST);
-                timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-                m_link_command_in_progress = ANTFS_CMD_UPLOAD_REQUEST_ID;
-            }
-            break;
-            if ((control_byte & ~SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE) == 0x00)
-            {
-                // First burst packet.
-                if (m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state ==
-                {
-                    antfs_event_t event;
-                    // Get CRC Seed from host.
-                    m_compared_crc  = (uint16_t)p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_LOW];
-                    m_compared_crc |= ((uint16_t)p_command_buffer[DATA_INDEX_OFFSET_HIGH] << 8u);
-                    // Set download offset.
-                    m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte0 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_0];
-                    m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte1 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_1];
-                    m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte2 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_2];
-                    m_link_burst_index.bytes.byte3 = p_command_buffer[ADDRESS_PARAMETER_OFFSET_3];
-                    if (( + <
-                    {
-                        // Adjust block size as set by client.
-               = +;
-                    }
-                    if (m_compared_crc != m_transfer_crc)
-                    {
-                        // Check that the request matches the CRC sent on the upload response.
-                        // Do not accept any data.
-               = 0;
-                        // Failure will be reported when upload is done.
-                        event = (antfs_event_t)0;
-                    }
-                    // Set ready to receive a file.
-                    m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_UPLOADING;
-                    event          = ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_START;
-                    m_transfer_crc = m_compared_crc;
-                    if ( >
-                    {
-                        // If the requested offset is too high.
-                        // Clear the max transfer index, so we'll report fail when the transfer
-                        // finishes.
-               = 0;
-                        // Clear the event because we normally would not send an event at this point
-                        // in this case.
-                        event = (antfs_event_t)0;
-                    }
-                    if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-                    {
-                        // If this upload contains no data.
-                        // Leave the upload state.
-                        m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_NONE;
-                        // if it was a valid index, report it as a successful upload, otherwise
-                        // report it as a failure.
-                        if (event == 0)
-                        {
-                            event = ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_FAIL;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            event = ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_COMPLETE;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (event != 0)
-                    {
-                        event_queue_write(event);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case ANTFS_CMD_LINK_ID:
-            host_serial_number.bytes.byte0 = p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_0];
-            host_serial_number.bytes.byte1 = p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_1];
-            host_serial_number.bytes.byte2 = p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_2];
-            host_serial_number.bytes.byte3 = p_command_buffer[HOST_ID_OFFSET_3];
-            if ( ==
-            {
-                m_active_beacon_frequency = p_command_buffer[TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_FREQUENCY_OFFSET];
-                m_active_beacon_status1_field.parameters.link_period =
-                    p_command_buffer[TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_PERIOD_OFFSET];
-                const uint32_t err_code = sd_ant_channel_radio_freq_set(ANTFS_CHANNEL,
-                                                                        m_active_beacon_frequency);
-                APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-                channel_period_set(m_active_beacon_status1_field.parameters.link_period);
-            }
-            m_link_command_in_progress = 0;
-            break;
-        default:
-            // Don't do anything, this is an invalid message.
-            m_link_command_in_progress = 0;
-            break;
-    }
-/**@brief Function for handling data upload.
- *
- * @param[in] control_byte     The command control byte.
- * @param[in] p_buffer         The data buffer.
- */
-static void upload_data_process(uint8_t control_byte, const uint8_t * p_buffer)
-    if (control_byte & SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE)
-    {
-        // Last burst packet: upload complete.
-        m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_NONE;
-        // CRC for data packets contained in this upload block.
-        m_compared_crc  = p_buffer[UPLOAD_CRC_OFFSET_LOW ];
-        m_compared_crc |= (p_buffer[UPLOAD_CRC_OFFSET_HIGH] << 8u);
-        if ( && (m_compared_crc == m_transfer_crc))
-        {
-            // CRC OK, upload was completed successfully.
-            event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_COMPLETE);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // CRC mismatch, upload failed.
-            event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_FAIL);
-        }
- = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Not the last burst packet: upload not complete.
-        // Set initial number of bytes to 8 (size of burst packet).
-        m_bytes_to_write = BURST_PACKET_SIZE;
-        timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-        if ( >
-        {
-            // We are past the main index, we do not need to write any more data.
-            m_bytes_to_write = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if ((m_bytes_to_write + >
-            {
-                // if we're less than 8 bytes away from the end, adjust the number of bytes to write
-                // in this block.
-                m_bytes_to_write = -;
-            }
-        }
-        if (m_bytes_to_write != 0)
-        {
-            APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(m_bytes_to_write <= BURST_PACKET_SIZE);
-            // Store begin of upload data.
-            mp_upload_data = p_buffer;
-            m_transfer_crc = crc_crc16_update(m_transfer_crc, p_buffer, m_bytes_to_write);
-            // Send data to application.
-            event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_UPLOAD_DATA);
-            // Update current offset.
-   += m_bytes_to_write;
-            // Store save point.
-            m_saved_crc_offset       =;
-            m_saved_transfer_crc     = m_transfer_crc;
-        }
-    }
-/**@brief Function for switching to transport layer.
- */
-static void transport_layer_transit(void)
-    if (m_current_state.state != ANTFS_STATE_OFF)
-    {
-    	uint32_t err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_IDLE);
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
-        m_current_state.state                     = ANTFS_STATE_TRANS;
-        m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state = ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_NONE;
-        timeout_start(ANTFS_LINK_COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
-        beacon_transmit(MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID);
-        event_queue_write(ANTFS_EVENT_TRANS);
-    }
-void antfs_message_process(uint8_t * p_message)
-    uint32_t err_code;
-    if (p_message != NULL)
-    {
-        {
-            // Only process messages corresponding to the ANT-FS channel here.
-            return;
-        }
-        if ((m_current_state.state == ANTFS_STATE_OFF) &&
-            (
-                !(
-                    (p_message[BUFFER_INDEX_MESG_ID] == MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_ID) &&
-                    (p_message[BUFFER_INDEX_RESPONSE_CODE] == NO_EVENT)
-                  )
-            )
-           )
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-        switch (p_message[BUFFER_INDEX_MESG_ID])
-        {
-            case MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID:
-                // We are not going to process broadcast messages or pass them to the app to handle.
-                break;
-            case MESG_ACKNOWLEDGED_DATA_ID:
-                // Mark it as being the last message if it's an ack message.
-                p_message[ANTFS_CONTROL_OFFSET] |= SEQUENCE_LAST_MESSAGE;
-            /* fall-through */
-            case MESG_BURST_DATA_ID:
-                switch (m_current_state.state)
-                {
-                    case ANTFS_STATE_LINK:
-                        link_layer_cmd_decode(&p_message[ANTFS_DATA_OFFSET]);
-                        break;
-                    case ANTFS_STATE_AUTH:
-                        authenticate_layer_cmd_decode(p_message[ANTFS_CONTROL_OFFSET],
-                                                      &p_message[ANTFS_DATA_OFFSET]);
-                        break;
-                    case ANTFS_STATE_TRANS:
-                        if (m_current_state.sub_state.trans_sub_state !=
-                            ANTFS_TRANS_SUBSTATE_UPLOADING)
-                        {
-                            transport_layer_cmd_decode(p_message[ANTFS_CONTROL_OFFSET],
-                                                       &p_message[ANTFS_DATA_OFFSET]);
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            upload_d