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[5/6] camel git commit: Added AWS components docs to gitbook
diff --git a/components/camel-aws/src/main/docs/aws-swf.adoc b/components/camel-aws/src/main/docs/aws-swf.adoc
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+SWF Component
+*Available as of Camel 2.13*
+The Simple Workflow component supports managing workflows from
+[Amazon's Simple Workflow] service.
+You must have a valid Amazon Web Services developer account, and be
+signed up to use Amazon Simple Workflow. More information are available
+at[Amazon Simple Workflow].
+URI Format
+You can append query options to the URI in the following format,
+URI Options
+|Name |Default Value |Context |Description
+|amazonSWClient |`null` |All |A reference to
+a in
+the link:registry.html[Registry].
+|accessKey |`null` |All |Amazon AWS Access Key.
+|secretKey |`null` |All |Amazon AWS Secret Key.
+|sWClient.XXX |`null` |All |Properties to set on AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient in use.
+|clientConfiguration.XXX |`null` |All |Properties to set on ClientConfiguration in use.
+|startWorkflowOptions.XXX |`null` |Workflow/Producer |Properties to set on useStartWorkflowOptions in use.
+|operation |START |Workflow/Producer |The operation to perform on the workflow. Supported operations are:
+|domainName |`null` |All |The workflow domain to use.
+|activityList |`null` |Activity/Consumer |The list name to consume activities from.
+|workflowList |`null` |Workflow/Consumer |The list name to consume workflows from.
+|eventName |`null` |All |The workflow or activity event name to use.
+|version |`null` |All |The workflow or activity event version to use.
+|signalName |`null` |Workflow/Producer|The name of the signal to send to the workflow. 
+|childPolicy |`null` |Workflow/Producer |The policy to use on child workflows when terminating a workflow.
+|terminationReason |`null` |Workflow/Producer |The reason for terminating a workflow.
+|stateResultType |Object |Workflow/Producer |The type of the result when a workflow state is queried.
+|terminationDetails |`null` |Workflow/Producer |Details for terminating a workflow.
+|dataConverter |`JsonDataConverter` |All |An instance of
+to use for serializing/deserializing the data.
+|activitySchedulingOptions |`null` |Activity/Producer |An instance of ActivitySchedulingOptions used to specify different
+timeout options.
+|activityTypeExecutionOptions |`null` |Activity/Consumer |An instance of ActivityTypeExecutionOptions.
+|activityTypeRegistrationOptions |`null` |Activity/Consumer |An instance of ActivityTypeRegistrationOptions.
+|workflowTypeRegistrationOptions |`null` |Workflow/Consumer |An instance of WorkflowTypeRegistrationOptions.
+Required SWF component options
+You have to provide the amazonSWClient in the
+link:registry.html[Registry] or your accessKey and secretKey to access
+the[Amazon's Simple Workflow Service].
+Message headers evaluated by the SWF Workflow Producer
+A workflow producer allows interacting with a workflow. It can start a
+new workflow execution, query its state, send signals to a running
+workflow, or terminate and cancel it.
+|Header |Type |Description
+|`CamelSWFOperation` |`String` |The operation to perform on the workflow. Supported operations are:  +
+|`CamelSWFWorkflowId` |`String` |A workflow ID to use.
+|`CamelAwsDdbKeyCamelSWFRunId` |`String` |A worfklow run ID to use.
+|`CamelSWFStateResultType` |`String` |The type of the result when a workflow state is queried.
+|`CamelSWFEventName` |`String` |The workflow or activity event name to use.
+|`CamelSWFVersion` |`String` |The workflow or activity event version to use.
+|`CamelSWFReason` |`String` |The reason for terminating a workflow.
+|`CamelSWFDetails` |`String` |Details for terminating a workflow.
+|`CamelSWFChildPolicy` |`String` |The policy to use on child workflows when terminating a workflow.
+Message headers set by the SWF Workflow Producer
+|Header |Type |Description
+|`CamelSWFWorkflowId` |`String` |The worfklow ID used or newly generated.
+|`CamelAwsDdbKeyCamelSWFRunId` |`String` |The worfklow run ID used or generated.
+Message headers set by the SWF Workflow Consumer
+A workflow consumer represents the workflow logic. When it is started,
+it will start polling workflow decision tasks and process them. In
+addition to processing decision tasks, a workflow consumer route, will
+also receive signals (send from a workflow producer) or state queries.
+The primary purpose of a workflow consumer is to schedule activity tasks
+for execution using activity producers. Actually activity tasks can be
+scheduled only from a thread started by a workflow consumer.
+|Header |Type |Description
+|`CamelSWFAction` |`String` |Indicates what type is the current event: CamelSWFActionExecute,
+CamelSWFSignalReceivedAction or CamelSWFGetStateAction.
+|`CamelSWFWorkflowReplaying` |`boolean` |Indicates whether the current decision task is a replay or not.
+|`CamelSWFWorkflowStartTime` |`long` |The time of the start event for this decision task.
+Message headers set by the SWF Activity Producer
+An activity producer allows scheduling activity tasks. An activity
+producer can be used only from a thread started by a workflow consumer
+ie, it can process synchronous exchanges started by a workflow consumer.
+|Header |Type |Description
+|`CamelSWFEventName` |`String` |The activity name to schedule.
+|`CamelSWFVersion` |`String` |The activity version to schedule.
+Message headers set by the SWF Activity Consumer
+|Header |Type |Description
+|`CamelSWFTaskToken` |`String` |The task token that is required to report task completion for manually
+completed tasks.
+Advanced amazonSWClient configuration
+If you need more control over the AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient instance
+configuration you can create your own instance and refer to it from the
+The `#client` refers to a AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient in the
+For example if your Camel Application is running behind a firewall:
+AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("myAccessKey", "mySecretKey");
+ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
+AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient client = new AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient(awsCredentials, clientConfiguration);
+registry.bind("client", client);
+Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml.
+    <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>
+    <artifactId>camel-aws</artifactId>
+    <version>${camel-version}</version>
+where `${camel-version`} must be replaced by the actual version of Camel
+(2.13 or higher).
+See Also
+* link:configuring-camel.html[Configuring Camel]
+* link:component.html[Component]
+* link:endpoint.html[Endpoint]
+* link:getting-started.html[Getting Started]
+link:aws.html[AWS Component]
diff --git a/components/camel-aws/src/main/docs/aws.adoc b/components/camel-aws/src/main/docs/aws.adoc
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+Camel Components for Amazon Web Services
+The Camel Components for[Amazon Web Services]
+provide connectivity to AWS services from Camel.
+|AWS Service |Camel Component |Camel Version | Component Description
+|[Simple Queue Service (SQS)] |link:aws-sqs.html[AWS-SQS] |2.6.0 |Supports sending and receiving messages using SQS
+|[Simple Notification Service (SNS)] |link:aws-sns.html[AWS-SNS] |2.8.0 |Supports sending messages using SNS
+|[Simple Storage Service (S3)] |link:aws-s3.html[AWS-S3] |2.8.0 |Supports storing and retrieving of objects using S3
+|[Simple Email Service (SES)] |link:aws-ses.html[AWS-SES] |2.8.4 |Supports sending emails using SES
+|[SimpleDB] |link:aws-sdb.html[AWS-SDB] |2.8.4 |Supports storing retrieving data to/from SDB
+|[DynamoDB] |link:aws-ddb.html[AWS-DDB] |2.10.0 |Supports storing retrieving data to/from DDB
+|[CloudWatch] |link:aws-cw.html[AWS-CW] |2.10.3 |Supports sending metrics to CloudWatch
+|[Simple Workflow] |link:aws-swf.html[AWS-SWF] |2.13.0 |Supports managing workflows with SWF
+|[EC2] |link:aws-ec2.html[AWS-EC2] |2.16.0 |Supports sending messages to AWS EC2 platform to create, run, start,
+stop, describe and terminate EC2 instances
+|[Kinesis Streams] |link:aws-kinesis.html[AWS-KINESIS] |2.17.0 |Supports receiving from AWS Kinesis
+|[DynamoDb Streams] |link:aws-ddbstream.html[AWS-DDBSTREAM] |2.17.0 |Supports receiving from DynamoDB Streams
diff --git a/docs/user-manual/en/ b/docs/user-manual/en/
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 	* [Atmosphere Websocket](atmosphere-websocket.adoc)
 	* [Atom](atom.adoc)
 	* [Avro](avro.adoc)
+	* [AWS](aws.adoc)
+		* [AWS CloudWatch](aws-cw.adoc)
+		* [AWS DynamoDB](aws-ddb.adoc)
+		* [AWS DynamoDB Streams](aws-ddbstream.adoc)
+		* [AWS EC2](aws-ec2.adoc)
+		* [AWS Kinesis](aws-kinesis.adoc)
+		* [AWS S3](aws-s3.adoc)
+		* [AWS SDB](aws-sdb.adoc)
+		* [AWS SES](aws-ses.adoc)
+		* [AWS SNS](aws-sns.adoc)
+		* [AWS SQS](aws-sqs.adoc)
+		* [AWS SWF](aws-swf.adoc)
 	* [CDI](cdi.adoc)
 	* [JMS](jms.adoc)