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+<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Chapter 2.  Managing the AMQP Messaging Broker</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.73.2"><link rel="start" href="index.html" title="AMQP Messaging Broker (Implemented in C++)"><link rel="up" href="index.html" title="AMQP Messaging Broker (Implemented in C++)"><link rel="prev" href="ch01s14.html" title="1.14. Queue Replication with the HA module"><link rel="next" href="ch02s02.html" title="2.2.  Qpid Management Framework"></head><body><div class="container" bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><DIV class="header"><DIV class="logo"><H1>Apache Qpid™</H1><H2>Open Source AMQP Messaging</H2></DIV></DIV><DIV class="menu_box"><DIV class="menu_box_top"></DIV><DIV class="menu_box_body"><H3>Apache Qpid</H3><UL><LI><A href="">
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+      Managing the AMQP Messaging Broker
+    </span></DIV><div class="chapter" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker"></a>Chapter 2. 
+      Managing the AMQP Messaging Broker
+    </h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#section-Managing-CPP-Broker">2.1.  Managing the C++ Broker </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidconfig">2.1.1. 
+            Using qpid-config
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidroute">2.1.2. 
+            Using qpid-route
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidtool">2.1.3. 
+            Using qpid-tool
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidprintevents">2.1.4. 
+            Using
+            qpid-printevents
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#id2506858">2.1.5. Using qpid-ha</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html">2.2. 
+      Qpid Management Framework
+    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-WhatIsQMF">2.2.1. 
+            What Is QMF
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-GettingStartedwithQMF">2.2.2. 
+            Getting
+            Started with QMF
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-QMFConcepts">2.2.3. 
+            QMF Concepts
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-TheQMFProtocol">2.2.4. 
+            The QMF
+            Protocol
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-HowtoWriteaQMFConsole">2.2.5. 
+            How
+            to Write a QMF Console
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-HowtoWriteaQMFAgent">2.2.6. 
+            How to
+            Write a QMF Agent
+          </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html">2.3. 
+      QMF Python Console Tutorial
+    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html#QMFPythonConsoleTutorial-PrerequisiteInstallQpidMessaging">2.3.1. 
+            Prerequisite
+            - Install Qpid Messaging
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html#QMFPythonConsoleTutorial-SynchronousConsoleOperations">2.3.2. 
+            Synchronous
+            Console Operations
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html#QMFPythonConsoleTutorial-AsynchronousConsoleOperations">2.3.3. 
+            Asynchronous
+            Console Operations
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html#QMFPythonConsoleTutorial-DiscoveringwhatKindsofObjectsareAvailable">2.3.4. 
+            Discovering what Kinds of Objects are Available
+          </a></span></dt></dl></dd></dl></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="section-Managing-CPP-Broker"></a>2.1.  Managing the C++ Broker </h2></div></div></div><p>
+            There are quite a few ways to interact with the C++ broker. The
+            command line tools
+            include:
+          </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p>qpid-route - used to configure federation (a set of federated
+            brokers)
+            </p></li><li><p>qpid-config - used to configure queues, exchanges, bindings
+            and list them etc
+            </p></li><li><p>qpid-tool - used to view management information/statistics
+            and call any management actions on the broker
+            </p></li><li><p>qpid-printevents - used to receive and print QMF events
+            </p></li><li><p>qpid-ha - used to interact with the High Availability module
+            </p></li></ul></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidconfig"></a>2.1.1. 
+            Using qpid-config
+          </h3></div></div></div><p>
+            This utility can be used to create queues exchanges and bindings,
+            both durable and transient. Always check for latest options by
+            running --help command.
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+$ qpid-config --help
+Usage:  qpid-config [OPTIONS]
+        qpid-config [OPTIONS] exchanges [filter-string]
+        qpid-config [OPTIONS] queues    [filter-string]
+        qpid-config [OPTIONS] add exchange &lt;type&gt; &lt;name&gt; [AddExchangeOptions]
+        qpid-config [OPTIONS] del exchange &lt;name&gt;
+        qpid-config [OPTIONS] add queue &lt;name&gt; [AddQueueOptions]
+        qpid-config [OPTIONS] del queue &lt;name&gt;
+        qpid-config [OPTIONS] bind   &lt;exchange-name&gt; &lt;queue-name&gt; [binding-key]
+        qpid-config [OPTIONS] unbind &lt;exchange-name&gt; &lt;queue-name&gt; [binding-key]
+    -b [ --bindings ]                         Show bindings in queue or exchange list
+    -a [ --broker-addr ] Address (localhost)  Address of qpidd broker
+         broker-addr is in the form:   [username/password@] hostname | ip-address [:&lt;port&gt;]
+         ex:  localhost,, broker-host:10000, guest/guest@localhost
+Add Queue Options:
+    --durable            Queue is durable
+    --cluster-durable    Queue becomes durable if there is only one functioning cluster node
+    --file-count N (8)   Number of files in queue's persistence journal
+    --file-size  N (24)  File size in pages (64Kib/page)
+    --max-queue-size N   Maximum in-memory queue size as bytes
+    --max-queue-count N  Maximum in-memory queue size as a number of messages
+    --limit-policy [none | reject | flow-to-disk | ring | ring-strict]
+                         Action taken when queue limit is reached:
+                             none (default) - Use broker's default policy
+                             reject         - Reject enqueued messages
+                             flow-to-disk   - Page messages to disk
+                             ring           - Replace oldest unacquired message with new
+                             ring-strict    - Replace oldest message, reject if oldest is acquired
+    --order [fifo | lvq | lvq-no-browse]
+                         Set queue ordering policy:
+                             fifo (default) - First in, first out
+                             lvq            - Last Value Queue ordering, allows queue browsing
+                             lvq-no-browse  - Last Value Queue ordering, browsing clients may lose data
+    --generate-queue-events N
+                         If set to 1, every enqueue will generate an event that can be processed by
+                         registered listeners (e.g. for replication). If set to 2, events will be
+                         generated for enqueues and dequeues
+Add Exchange Options:
+    --durable    Exchange is durable
+    --sequence   Exchange will insert a 'qpid.msg_sequence' field in the message header
+                 with a value that increments for each message forwarded.
+    --ive        Exchange will behave as an 'initial-value-exchange', keeping a reference
+                 to the last message forwarded and enqueuing that message to newly bound
+                 queues.
+            Get the summary page
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+$ qpid-config
+Total Exchanges: 6
+          topic: 2
+        headers: 1
+         fanout: 1
+         direct: 2
+   Total Queues: 7
+        durable: 0
+    non-durable: 7
+            List the queues
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+$ qpid-config queues
+Queue Name                                  Attributes
+perftest0                                   --durable  auto-del excl  auto-del excl
+            List the exchanges with bindings
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+$ ./qpid-config -b exchanges
+Exchange '' (direct)
+    bind pub_start =&gt; pub_start
+    bind pub_done =&gt; pub_done
+    bind sub_ready =&gt; sub_ready
+    bind sub_done =&gt; sub_done
+    bind perftest0 =&gt; perftest0
+    bind mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
+    bind repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
+Exchange '' (direct)
+    bind repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
+    bind repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837 =&gt; repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
+    bind repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae =&gt; repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
+Exchange 'amq.topic' (topic)
+Exchange 'amq.fanout' (fanout)
+Exchange 'amq.match' (headers)
+Exchange '' (topic)
+    bind mgmt.# =&gt; mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
+</pre></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidroute"></a>2.1.2. 
+            Using qpid-route
+          </h3></div></div></div><p>
+            This utility is to create federated networks of brokers, This
+            allows you for forward messages between brokers in a network.
+            Messages can be routed statically (using "qpid-route route add")
+            where the bindings that control message forwarding are supplied
+            in the route. Message routing can also be dynamic (using
+            "qpid-route dynamic add") where the messages are automatically
+            forwarded to clients based on their bindings to the local broker.
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+$ qpid-route
+Usage:  qpid-route [OPTIONS] dynamic add &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; [tag] [exclude-list]
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] dynamic del &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt;
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route add   &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;routing-key&gt; [tag] [exclude-list]
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route del   &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;routing-key&gt;
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] queue add   &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;queue&gt;
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] queue del   &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;queue&gt;
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route list  [&lt;dest-broker&gt;]
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route flush [&lt;dest-broker&gt;]
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] route map   [&lt;broker&gt;]
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] link add  &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt;
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] link del  &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt;
+        qpid-route [OPTIONS] link list [&lt;dest-broker&gt;]
+    -v [ --verbose ]         Verbose output
+    -q [ --quiet ]           Quiet output, don't print duplicate warnings
+    -d [ --durable ]         Added configuration shall be durable
+    -e [ --del-empty-link ]  Delete link after deleting last route on the link
+    -s [ --src-local ]       Make connection to source broker (push route)
+    -t &lt;transport&gt; [ --transport &lt;transport&gt;]
+                             Specify transport to use for links, defaults to tcp
+  dest-broker and src-broker are in the form:  [username/password@] hostname | ip-address [:&lt;port&gt;]
+  ex:  localhost,, broker-host:10000, guest/guest@localhost
+            A few examples:
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+qpid-route dynamic add host1 host2 fed.topic
+qpid-route dynamic add host2 host1 fed.topic
+qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic
+qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic hub2.topic.stock.sell
+qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.topic.stock.#'
+qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.#'
+qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.topic.#'
+qpid-route -v route add host1 host2 hub1.topic ''
+            The link map feature can be used to display the entire federated
+            network configuration by supplying a single broker as an entry
+            point:
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+$ qpid-route route map localhost:10001
+Finding Linked Brokers:
+    localhost:10001... Ok
+    localhost:10002... Ok
+    localhost:10003... Ok
+    localhost:10004... Ok
+    localhost:10005... Ok
+    localhost:10006... Ok
+    localhost:10007... Ok
+    localhost:10008... Ok
+Dynamic Routes:
+  Exchange fed.topic:
+    localhost:10002 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10001
+    localhost:10003 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10002
+    localhost:10004 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10002
+    localhost:10005 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10002
+    localhost:10006 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10005
+    localhost:10007 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10006
+    localhost:10008 &lt;=&gt; localhost:10006
+  Exchange
+    localhost:10002  =&gt; localhost:10001
+    localhost:10004  =&gt; localhost:10003
+    localhost:10003  =&gt; localhost:10002
+    localhost:10001  =&gt; localhost:10004
+Static Routes:
+  localhost:10003( &lt;= localhost:10005( key=rkey
+  localhost:10003( &lt;= localhost:10005( key=rkey2
+</pre></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidtool"></a>2.1.3. 
+            Using qpid-tool
+          </h3></div></div></div><p>
+            This utility provided a telnet style interface to be able to
+            view, list all stats and action
+            all the methods. Simple capture below. Best to just play with it
+            and mail the list if you have
+            questions or want features added.
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+qpid: help
+Management Tool for QPID
+    list                            - Print summary of existing objects by class
+    list &lt;className&gt;                - Print list of objects of the specified class
+    list &lt;className&gt; all            - Print contents of all objects of specified class
+    list &lt;className&gt; active         - Print contents of all non-deleted objects of specified class
+    list &lt;list-of-IDs&gt;              - Print contents of one or more objects (infer className)
+    list &lt;className&gt; &lt;list-of-IDs&gt;  - Print contents of one or more objects
+        list is space-separated, ranges may be specified (i.e. 1004-1010)
+    call &lt;ID&gt; &lt;methodName&gt; &lt;args&gt; - Invoke a method on an object
+    schema                          - Print summary of object classes seen on the target
+    schema &lt;className&gt;              - Print details of an object class
+    set time-format short           - Select short timestamp format (default)
+    set time-format long            - Select long timestamp format
+    quit or ^D                      - Exit the program
+qpid: list
+Management Object Types:
+    ObjectType     Active  Deleted
+    ================================
+    qpid.binding   21      0
+    1       0
+    qpid.client    1       0
+  6       0
+    qpid.queue     13      0
+    qpid.session   4       0
+    qpid.system    1       0
+    qpid.vhost     1       0
+qpid: list qpid.system
+Objects of type qpid.system
+    ID    Created   Destroyed  Index
+    ==================================
+    1000  21:00:02  -          host
+qpid: list 1000
+Object of type qpid.system: (last sample time: 21:26:02)
+    Type    Element   1000
+    =======================================================
+    config  sysId     host
+    config  osName    Linux
+    config  nodeName  localhost.localdomain
+    config  release
+    config  version   #1 SMP Sat Mar 29 09:15:49 EDT 2008
+    config  machine   x86_64
+qpid: schema queue
+Schema for class 'qpid.queue':
+    Element                Type          Unit         Access      Notes   Description
+    ===================================================================================================================
+    vhostRef               reference                  ReadCreate  index
+    name                   short-string               ReadCreate  index
+    durable                boolean                    ReadCreate
+    autoDelete             boolean                    ReadCreate
+    exclusive              boolean                    ReadCreate
+    arguments              field-table                ReadOnly            Arguments supplied in queue.declare
+    storeRef               reference                  ReadOnly            Reference to persistent queue (if durable)
+    msgTotalEnqueues       uint64        message                          Total messages enqueued
+    msgTotalDequeues       uint64        message                          Total messages dequeued
+    msgTxnEnqueues         uint64        message                          Transactional messages enqueued
+    msgTxnDequeues         uint64        message                          Transactional messages dequeued
+    msgPersistEnqueues     uint64        message                          Persistent messages enqueued
+    msgPersistDequeues     uint64        message                          Persistent messages dequeued
+    msgDepth               uint32        message                          Current size of queue in messages
+    msgDepthHigh           uint32        message                          Current size of queue in messages (High)
+    msgDepthLow            uint32        message                          Current size of queue in messages (Low)
+    byteTotalEnqueues      uint64        octet                            Total messages enqueued
+    byteTotalDequeues      uint64        octet                            Total messages dequeued
+    byteTxnEnqueues        uint64        octet                            Transactional messages enqueued
+    byteTxnDequeues        uint64        octet                            Transactional messages dequeued
+    bytePersistEnqueues    uint64        octet                            Persistent messages enqueued
+    bytePersistDequeues    uint64        octet                            Persistent messages dequeued
+    byteDepth              uint32        octet                            Current size of queue in bytes
+    byteDepthHigh          uint32        octet                            Current size of queue in bytes (High)
+    byteDepthLow           uint32        octet                            Current size of queue in bytes (Low)
+    enqueueTxnStarts       uint64        transaction                      Total enqueue transactions started
+    enqueueTxnCommits      uint64        transaction                      Total enqueue transactions committed
+    enqueueTxnRejects      uint64        transaction                      Total enqueue transactions rejected
+    enqueueTxnCount        uint32        transaction                      Current pending enqueue transactions
+    enqueueTxnCountHigh    uint32        transaction                      Current pending enqueue transactions (High)
+    enqueueTxnCountLow     uint32        transaction                      Current pending enqueue transactions (Low)
+    dequeueTxnStarts       uint64        transaction                      Total dequeue transactions started
+    dequeueTxnCommits      uint64        transaction                      Total dequeue transactions committed
+    dequeueTxnRejects      uint64        transaction                      Total dequeue transactions rejected
+    dequeueTxnCount        uint32        transaction                      Current pending dequeue transactions
+    dequeueTxnCountHigh    uint32        transaction                      Current pending dequeue transactions (High)
+    dequeueTxnCountLow     uint32        transaction                      Current pending dequeue transactions (Low)
+    consumers              uint32        consumer                         Current consumers on queue
+    consumersHigh          uint32        consumer                         Current consumers on queue (High)
+    consumersLow           uint32        consumer                         Current consumers on queue (Low)
+    bindings               uint32        binding                          Current bindings
+    bindingsHigh           uint32        binding                          Current bindings (High)
+    bindingsLow            uint32        binding                          Current bindings (Low)
+    unackedMessages        uint32        message                          Messages consumed but not yet acked
+    unackedMessagesHigh    uint32        message                          Messages consumed but not yet acked (High)
+    unackedMessagesLow     uint32        message                          Messages consumed but not yet acked (Low)
+    messageLatencySamples  delta-time    nanosecond                       Broker latency through this queue (Samples)
+    messageLatencyMin      delta-time    nanosecond                       Broker latency through this queue (Min)
+    messageLatencyMax      delta-time    nanosecond                       Broker latency through this queue (Max)
+    messageLatencyAverage  delta-time    nanosecond                       Broker latency through this queue (Average)
+Method 'purge' Discard all messages on queue
+qpid: list queue
+Objects of type qpid.queue
+    ID    Created   Destroyed  Index
+    ===========================================================================
+    1012  21:08:13  -          1002.pub_start
+    1014  21:08:13  -          1002.pub_done
+    1016  21:08:13  -          1002.sub_ready
+    1018  21:08:13  -          1002.sub_done
+    1020  21:08:13  -          1002.perftest0
+    1038  21:09:08  -          1002.mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
+    1040  21:09:08  -          1002.repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
+    1046  21:09:32  -          1002.mgmt-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
+    1048  21:09:32  -          1002.repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
+    1054  21:10:01  -          1002.mgmt-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
+    1056  21:10:01  -          1002.repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
+    1063  21:26:00  -          1002.mgmt-8d621997-6356-48c3-acab-76a37081d0f3
+    1065  21:26:00  -          1002.repl-8d621997-6356-48c3-acab-76a37081d0f3
+qpid: list 1020
+Object of type qpid.queue: (last sample time: 21:26:02)
+    Type    Element                1020
+    ==========================================================================
+    config  vhostRef               1002
+    config  name                   perftest0
+    config  durable                False
+    config  autoDelete             False
+    config  exclusive              False
+    config  arguments              {'qpid.max_size': 0, 'qpid.max_count': 0}
+    config  storeRef               NULL
+    inst    msgTotalEnqueues       500000 messages
+    inst    msgTotalDequeues       500000
+    inst    msgTxnEnqueues         0
+    inst    msgTxnDequeues         0
+    inst    msgPersistEnqueues     0
+    inst    msgPersistDequeues     0
+    inst    msgDepth               0
+    inst    msgDepthHigh           0
+    inst    msgDepthLow            0
+    inst    byteTotalEnqueues      512000000 octets
+    inst    byteTotalDequeues      512000000
+    inst    byteTxnEnqueues        0
+    inst    byteTxnDequeues        0
+    inst    bytePersistEnqueues    0
+    inst    bytePersistDequeues    0
+    inst    byteDepth              0
+    inst    byteDepthHigh          0
+    inst    byteDepthLow           0
+    inst    enqueueTxnStarts       0 transactions
+    inst    enqueueTxnCommits      0
+    inst    enqueueTxnRejects      0
+    inst    enqueueTxnCount        0
+    inst    enqueueTxnCountHigh    0
+    inst    enqueueTxnCountLow     0
+    inst    dequeueTxnStarts       0
+    inst    dequeueTxnCommits      0
+    inst    dequeueTxnRejects      0
+    inst    dequeueTxnCount        0
+    inst    dequeueTxnCountHigh    0
+    inst    dequeueTxnCountLow     0
+    inst    consumers              0 consumers
+    inst    consumersHigh          0
+    inst    consumersLow           0
+    inst    bindings               1 binding
+    inst    bindingsHigh           1
+    inst    bindingsLow            1
+    inst    unackedMessages        0 messages
+    inst    unackedMessagesHigh    0
+    inst    unackedMessagesLow     0
+    inst    messageLatencySamples  0
+    inst    messageLatencyMin      0
+    inst    messageLatencyMax      0
+    inst    messageLatencyAverage  0
+</pre></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidprintevents"></a>2.1.4. 
+            Using
+            qpid-printevents
+          </h3></div></div></div><p>
+            This utility connects to one or more brokers and collects events,
+            printing out a line per event.
+          </p><pre class="programlisting">
+$ qpid-printevents --help
+Usage: qpid-printevents [options] [broker-addr]...
+Collect and print events from one or more Qpid message brokers.  If no broker-
+addr is supplied, qpid-printevents will connect to 'localhost:5672'. broker-
+addr is of the form:  [username/password@] hostname | ip-address [:&lt;port&gt;] ex:
+localhost,, broker-host:10000, guest/guest@localhost
+  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
+            You get the idea... have fun!
+          </p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2506858"></a>2.1.5. Using qpid-ha</h3></div></div></div><p>This utility lets you monitor and control the activity of the clustering behavior provided by the HA module.
+  </p><pre class="programlisting">
+qpid-ha --help
+usage: qpid-ha &lt;command&gt; [&lt;arguments&gt;]
+Commands are:
+  ready        Test if a backup broker is ready.
+  query        Print HA configuration settings.
+  set          Set HA configuration settings.
+  promote      Promote broker from backup to primary.
+  replicate    Set up replication from &lt;queue&gt; on &lt;remote-broker&gt; to &lt;queue&gt; on the current broker.
+For help with a command type: qpid-ha &lt;command&gt; --help
+  </pre></div></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="ch01s14.html">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"> </td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="ch02s02.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">1.14. Queue Replication with the HA module </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> 2.2. 
+      Qpid Management Framework
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+<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>AMQP Messaging Broker (Implemented in C++)</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.73.2"><link rel="start" href="index.html" title="AMQP Messaging Broker (Implemented in C++)"><link rel="next" href="pr01.html" title="Introduction"></head><body><div class="container" bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><DIV class="header"><DIV class="logo"><H1>Apache Qpid™</H1><H2>Open Source AMQP Messaging</H2></DIV></DIV><DIV class="menu_box"><DIV class="menu_box_top"></DIV><DIV class="menu_box_body"><H3>Apache Qpid</H3><UL><LI><A href="">Home</A></LI><LI><A href="">Download</A></LI><LI><A href="">Getting Started</A></LI><LI><A href="">L
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+      Running the AMQP Messaging Broker
+    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01.html#section-Running-a-Qpid-CPP-Broker">1.1. 
+    Running a Qpid C++ Broker
+  </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01.html#RASC-BuildingtheCppBrokerandClientLibraries">1.1.1. 
+            Building the
+            C++ Broker and Client Libraries
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01.html#RASC-RunningtheCppBroker">1.1.2. 
+            Running the C++ Broker
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01.html#RASC-Mostcommonquestionsgettingqpiddrunning">1.1.3. 
+            Most
+            common questions getting qpidd running
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01.html#RASC-Authentication">1.1.4. 
+            Authentication
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01.html#RASC-Slightlymorecomplexconfiguration">1.1.5. 
+            Slightly more
+            complex configuration
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01.html#RASC-Loadingextramodules">1.1.6. 
+            Loading extra modules
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01.html#RASC-message-timestamps">1.1.7. Timestamping Received Messages</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s02.html">1.2. 
+      Cheat Sheet for configuring Queue Options
+    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s02.html#CheatSheetforconfiguringQueueOptions-ConfiguringQueueOptions">1.2.1. 
+            Configuring
+            Queue Options
+          </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s03.html">1.3. 
+    Cheat Sheet for configuring Exchange Options
+  </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s03.html#CheatSheetforconfiguringExchangeOptions-ConfiguringExchangeOptions">1.3.1. 
+      Configuring Exchange Options
+    </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation.html">1.4. Broker Federation</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation-Message_Routes">1.4.1. Message Routes</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation-Federation_Topologies">1.4.2. Federation Topologies</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation-Federation_among_High_Availability_Message_Clusters">1.4.3. Federation among High Availability Message Clusters</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation-The_qpid_route_Utility">1.4.4. The qpid-route Utility</a></span></dt>
 </dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Security.html">1.5. Security</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Security.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-Security-User_Authentication">1.5.1. User Authentication</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Security.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-Security-Authorization">1.5.2. Authorization</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Security.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-Security-Encryption_using_SSL">1.5.3. Encryption using SSL</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s06.html">1.6. LVQ - Last Value Queue</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s06.html#LVQ-UnderstandingLVQ">1.6.1. Understanding LVQ</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s06.html#LVQ-Creating">1.6.2. Creating a Last Value Queue</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"
 ><a href="ch01s06.html#LVQ-Example">1.6.3. LVQ Example</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s06.html#LVQ-Deprecated">1.6.4. Deprecated LVQ Modes</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="queue-state-replication.html">1.7. 
+    Queue State Replication
+  </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="queue-state-replication.html#queuestatereplication-AsynchronousReplicationofQueueState">1.7.1. 
+      Asynchronous
+      Replication of Queue State
+    </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Active_Cluster.html">1.8. Active-active Messaging Clusters</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Active_Cluster.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-High_Availability_Messaging_Clusters-Starting_a_Broker_in_a_Cluster">1.8.1. Starting a Broker in a Cluster</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Active_Cluster.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-High_Availability_Messaging_Clusters-qpid_cluster">1.8.2. qpid-cluster</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Active_Cluster.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-High_Availability_Messaging_Clusters-Failover_in_Clients">1.8.3. Failover in Clients</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Active_Cluster.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-High_Availability_Messaging_Clusters-Error_ha
 ndling_in_Clusters">1.8.4. Error handling in Clusters</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Active_Cluster.html#sect-Messaging_User_Guide-High_Availability_Messaging_Clusters-Persistence_in_High_Availability_Message_Clusters">1.8.5. Persistence in High Availability Message Clusters</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="producer-flow-control.html">1.9. 
+    Producer Flow Control
+  </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="producer-flow-control.html#producerflowcontrol-Overview">1.9.1. 
+      Overview
+    </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="producer-flow-control.html#producerflowcontrol-UserInterface">1.9.2. 
+        User Interface
+      </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="AMQP-Compatibility.html">1.10. 
+      AMQP compatibility
+    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="AMQP-Compatibility.html#AMQPcompatibility-AMQPCompatibilityofQpidreleases-3A">1.10.1. 
+            AMQP
+            Compatibility of Qpid releases:
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="AMQP-Compatibility.html#AMQPcompatibility-InteroptablebyAMQPspecificationversion">1.10.2. 
+            Interop
+            table by AMQP specification version
+          </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation-QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation.html">1.11. Qpid Interoperability Documentation</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation-QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation.html#QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation-SASL">1.11.1. 
+            SASL
+          </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="Using-message-groups.html">1.12. 
+    Using Message Groups
+  </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="Using-message-groups.html#usingmessagegroups-Overview">1.12.1. 
+      Overview
+    </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="Using-message-groups.html#usingmessagegroups-GroupingMessages">1.12.2. 
+        Grouping Messages
+      </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="Using-message-groups.html#usingmessagegroups-BrokerRole">1.12.3. 
+        The Role of the Broker
+      </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="Using-message-groups.html#usingmessagegroups-ConsumerGuide">1.12.4. 
+        Well Behaved Consumers
+      </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="Using-message-groups.html#usingmessagegroups-BrokerConfig">1.12.5. 
+        Broker Configuration
+      </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html">1.13. Active-passive Messaging Clusters</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2539938">1.13.1. Overview</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2502044">1.13.2. Virtual IP Addresses</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2517968">1.13.3. Configuring the Brokers</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2509198">1.13.4. The Cluster Resource Manager</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2517989">1.13.5. Configuring <span class="command"><strong>rgmanager</strong></span> as resource manager</a></span></dt><dt><span class="s
 ection"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2538828">1.13.6. Broker Administration Tools</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#ha-creating-replicated">1.13.7. Creating replicated queues and exchanges</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2506484">1.13.8. Client Connection and Fail-over</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2534625">1.13.9. Security.</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#id2513024">1.13.10. Integrating with other Cluster Resource Managers</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch01s14.html">1.14. Queue Replication with the HA module</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="chapter"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html">2. 
+      Managing the AMQP Messaging Broker
+    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#section-Managing-CPP-Broker">2.1.  Managing the C++ Broker </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidconfig">2.1.1. 
+            Using qpid-config
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidroute">2.1.2. 
+            Using qpid-route
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidtool">2.1.3. 
+            Using qpid-tool
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#MgmtC-2B-2B-Usingqpidprintevents">2.1.4. 
+            Using
+            qpid-printevents
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="chapter-Managing-CPP-Broker.html#id2506858">2.1.5. Using qpid-ha</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html">2.2. 
+      Qpid Management Framework
+    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-WhatIsQMF">2.2.1. 
+            What Is QMF
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-GettingStartedwithQMF">2.2.2. 
+            Getting
+            Started with QMF
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-QMFConcepts">2.2.3. 
+            QMF Concepts
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-TheQMFProtocol">2.2.4. 
+            The QMF
+            Protocol
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-HowtoWriteaQMFConsole">2.2.5. 
+            How
+            to Write a QMF Console
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s02.html#QpidManagementFramework-HowtoWriteaQMFAgent">2.2.6. 
+            How to
+            Write a QMF Agent
+          </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html">2.3. 
+      QMF Python Console Tutorial
+    </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html#QMFPythonConsoleTutorial-PrerequisiteInstallQpidMessaging">2.3.1. 
+            Prerequisite
+            - Install Qpid Messaging
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html#QMFPythonConsoleTutorial-SynchronousConsoleOperations">2.3.2. 
+            Synchronous
+            Console Operations
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html#QMFPythonConsoleTutorial-AsynchronousConsoleOperations">2.3.3. 
+            Asynchronous
+            Console Operations
+          </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="ch02s03.html#QMFPythonConsoleTutorial-DiscoveringwhatKindsofObjectsareAvailable">2.3.4. 
+            Discovering what Kinds of Objects are Available
+          </a></span></dt></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl></div><div class="list-of-tables"><p><b>List of Tables</b></p><dl><dt>1.1. <a href="ch01.html#id2492834">QMF Management - Broker Methods for Managing the Timestamp Configuration</a></dt><dt>1.2. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation.html#tabl-Messaging_User_Guide-The_qpid_route_Utility-qpid_route_options"><span class="command">qpid-route</span> options</a></dt><dt>1.3. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Broker_Federation.html#tabl-Messaging_User_Guide-Resilient_Connections-State_values_in_qpid_route_list_connections">State values in <span class="command">$ qpid-route list connections</span></a></dt><dt>1.4. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Security.html#tabl-Messaging_User_Guide-ACL_Syntax-ACL_Rules_permission">ACL Rules: permission</a></dt><dt>1.5. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Security.html#tabl-Messaging_User_Guide-ACL_Syntax-ACL_Rulesaction">ACL Rules:action</a></dt><dt>1.6. <a href="chap-Messaging_
 User_Guide-Security.html#tabl-Messaging_User_Guide-ACL_Syntax-ACL_Rulesobject">ACL Rules:object</a></dt><dt>1.7. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Security.html#tabl-Messaging_User_Guide-ACL_Syntax-ACL_Rulesproperty">ACL Rules:property</a></dt><dt>1.8. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Security.html#tabl-Messaging_User_Guide-Enabling_SSL_in_Clients-SSL_Client_Environment_Variables_for_C_clients">SSL Client Environment Variables for C++ clients</a></dt><dt>1.9. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Active_Cluster.html#tabl-Messaging_User_Guide-Starting_a_Broker_in_a_Cluster-Options_for_High_Availability_Messaging_Cluster">Options for High Availability Messaging Cluster</a></dt><dt>1.10. <a href="producer-flow-control.html#id2505114">Queue Declare Method Flow Control Arguments</a></dt><dt>1.11. <a href="producer-flow-control.html#id2526768">Flow Control Statistics available in Queue's QMF Class</a></dt><dt>1.12. <a href="AMQP-Compatibility.html#id2528548">AMQP Version Su
 pport by Qpid Release</a></dt><dt>1.13. <a href="AMQP-Compatibility.html#id2537452">AMQP Version Support - alternate format</a></dt><dt>1.14. <a href="QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation-QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation.html#id2538418">SASL Mechanism Support</a></dt><dt>1.15. <a href="QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation-QpidInteroperabilityDocumentation.html#id2503318">SASL Custom Mechanisms</a></dt><dt>1.16. <a href="Using-message-groups.html#id2521179">qpid-config options for creating message group queues</a></dt><dt>1.17. <a href="Using-message-groups.html#id2523510">Queue Declare/Address Syntax Message Group Configuration Arguments</a></dt><dt>1.18. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#ha-broker-options">Broker Options for High Availability Messaging Cluster</a></dt><dt>1.19. <a href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Passive_Cluster.html#ha-broker-security-options">Security options for High Availability Messaging Cluster</a></dt><dt>2.1. <a href="c
 h02s02.html#id2520706">XML Attributes for QMF Properties and Statistics</a></dt><dt>2.2. <a href="ch02s02.html#id2509055">QMF Datatypes</a></dt><dt>2.3. <a href="ch02s02.html#id2508892">XML Schema Mapping for QMF Types</a></dt><dt>2.4. <a href="ch02s03.html#id2554961">QMF Python Console Class Methods</a></dt></dl></div><div class="list-of-examples"><p><b>List of Examples</b></p><dl><dt>1.1. <a href="ch01.html#id2492887">Enabling Message Timestamping via QMF - Python</a></dt><dt>1.2. <a href="Using-message-groups.html#id2548598">Creating a message group queue via qpid-config</a></dt><dt>1.3. <a href="Using-message-groups.html#id2505346">Creating a message group queue using address syntax (C++)</a></dt><dt>1.4. <a href="Using-message-groups.html#id2543506">Overriding the default message group identifier for the broker</a></dt></dl></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"> </td><td width="20
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 kers support clients in multiple
+    languages, as long as the messaging client and the messaging
+    broker use the same version of AMQP. See <a class="link" href="AMQP-Compatibility.html" title="1.10.  AMQP compatibility">AMQP Compatibility</a> to see
+    which messaging clients work with each broker.</p><p>This manual contains information specific to the broker that is implemented in C++.</p></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="index.html">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"> </td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="ch01.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">AMQP Messaging Broker (Implemented in C++) </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Chapter 1. 
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+      Running the AMQP Messaging Broker
+    </a></span> &gt; <span class="breadcrumb-node">
+    Producer Flow Control
+  </span></DIV><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="producer-flow-control"></a>1.9. 
+    Producer Flow Control
+  </h2></div></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="producerflowcontrol-Overview"></a>1.9.1. 
+      Overview
+    </h3></div></div></div><p>
+	As of release 0.10, the C++ broker supports the use of flow control to
+	throttle back message producers that are at risk of overflowing a
+	destination queue.
+      </p><p>
+        Each queue in the C++ broker has two threshold values associated with it:
+      </p><p>
+        Flow Stop Threshold: this is the level of queue resource
+        utilization above which flow control will be enabled.  Once this
+        threshold is crossed, the queue is considered in danger of overflow.
+      </p><p>
+        Flow Resume Threshold - this is the level of queue resource utilization
+        below which flow control will be disabled.  Once this threshold is
+        crossed, the queue is no longer considered in danger of overflow.
+      </p><p>
+        In the above description, queue resource utilization may be
+        defined as the total count of messages currently enqueued, or the total
+        sum of all message content in bytes.
+      </p><p>
+        The value for a queue's Flow Stop Threshold must be greater than or
+        equal to the value of the queue's Flow Resume Threshold.
+      </p><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="producerflowcontrol-QueueThresholdsExample"></a> 
+	Example
+      </h4></div></div></div><p>
+        Let's consider a queue with a maximum limit set on the total number of
+        messages that may be enqueued to that queue.  Assume this maximum
+        message limit is 1000 messages.  Assume also that the user configures a
+        Flow Stop Threshold of 900 messages, and a Flow Resume Threshold of 500
+        messages.  Then the following holds:
+      </p><p>
+        The queue's initial flow control state is "OFF".
+      </p><p>
+        While the total number of enqueued messages is less than or equal to
+        900, the queue's flow control state remains "OFF".
+      </p><p>
+        When the total number of enqueued messages is greater than 900, the
+        queue's flow control state transitions to "ON".
+      </p><p>
+        When the queue's flow control state is "ON", it remains "ON" until the
+        total number of enqueued messages is less than 500.  At that point, the queue's
+        flow control state transitions to "OFF".
+      </p><p>
+        A similar example using total enqueued content bytes as the threshold
+        units are permitted.
+      </p></div><p>
+      Thresholds may be set using both total message counts and total byte
+      counts.  In this case, the following rules apply:
+    </p><p>
+      1) Flow control is "ON" when either stop threshold value is crossed.
+    </p><p>
+      2) Flow control remains "ON" until both resume thresholds are satisfied.
+    </p><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="producerflowcontro-MultiThresholdExample"></a> 
+	Example
+      </h4></div></div></div><p>
+      Let's consider a queue with a maximum size limit of 10K bytes, and 5000
+      messages.  A user may assign a Flow Stop Threshold based on a total
+      message count of 4000 messages.  They may also assigne a Flow Stop
+      Threshold of 8K bytes.  The queue's flow control state transitions to
+      "ON" if either threshold is crossed: (total-msgs greater-than 4000 OR total-bytes
+      greater-than 8K).
+    </p><p>
+      Assume the user has assigned Flow Resume threshold's of 3000 messages and
+      6K bytes.  Then the queue's flow control will remain active until both
+      thresholds are satified: (total-msg less-than 3000 AND total-bytes less-than 6K).
+    </p></div><p>
+      The Broker enforces flow control by delaying the completion of the
+      Message.Transfer command that causes a message to be delivered to a queue
+      with active flow control.  The completion of the Message.Transfer command
+      is held off until flow control state transitions to "OFF" for all queues
+      that are a destination for that command.
+    </p><p>
+      A message producing client is permitted to have a finite number of
+      commands pending completion.  When the total number of these outstanding
+      commands reaches the limit, the client must not issue further commands
+      until one or more of the outstanding commands have completed.  This
+      window of outstanding commands is considered the sender's "capacity".
+      This allows any given producer to have a "capacity's" worth of messages
+      blocked due to flow control before the sender must stop sending further
+      messages.
+      </p><p>
+        This capacity window must be considered when determining a suitable
+        flow stop threshold for a given queue, as a producer may send its
+        capacity worth of messages _after_ a queue has reached the flow stop
+        threshold.  Therefore, a flow stop threshould should be set such that
+        the queue can accomodate more messages without overflowing.
+      </p><p>
+        For example, assume two clients, C1 and C2, are producing messages to
+        one particular destination queue.  Assume client C1 has a configured
+        capacity of 50 messages, and client C2's capacity is 15 messages.  In
+        this example, assume C1 and C2 are the only clients queuing messages to
+        a given queue.  If this queue has a Flow Stop Threshold of 100
+        messages, then, worst-case, the queue may receive up to 165 messages
+        before clients C1 and C2 are blocked from sending further messages.
+        This is due to the fact that the queue will enable flow control on
+        receipt of its 101'st message - preventing the completion of the
+        Message.Transfer command that carried the 101'st message.  However, C1
+        and C2 are allowed to have a total of 65 (50 for C1 and 15 for C2)
+        messages pending completion of Message.Transfer before they will stop
+        producing messages.  Thus, up to 65 messages may be enqueued beyond the
+        flow stop threshold before the producers will be blocked.
+      </p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="producerflowcontrol-UserInterface"></a>1.9.2. 
+        User Interface
+      </h3></div></div></div><p>
+        By default, the C++ broker assigns a queue's flow stop and flow resume
+        thresholds when the queue is created.  The C++ broker also allows the
+        user to manually specify the flow control thresholds on a per queue
+        basis.
+      </p><p>
+        However, queues that have been configured with a Limit Policy of type
+        RING or RING-STRICT do NOT have queue flow thresholds enabled by
+        default.  The nature of a RING queue defines its behavior when its
+        capacity is reach: replace the oldest message.
+      </p><p>
+        The flow control state of a queue can be determined by the "flowState"
+        boolean in the queue's QMF management object.  The queue's management
+        object also contains a counter that increments each time flow control
+        becomes active for the queue.
+      </p><p>
+        The broker applies a threshold ratio to compute a queue's default flow
+        control configuration.  These thresholds are expressed as a percentage
+        of a queue's maximum capacity.  There is one value for determining the
+        stop threshold, and another for determining the resume threshold.  The
+        user may configure these percentages using the following broker
+        configuration options:
+      </p><pre class="programlisting">
+        --default-flow-stop-threshold ("Queue capacity level at which flow control is activated.")
+        --default-flow-resume-threshold ("Queue capacity level at which flow control is de-activated.")
+      </pre><p>
+        For example:
+      </p><pre class="programlisting">
+        qpidd --default-flow-stop-threshold=90 --default-flow-resume-threshold=75
+      </pre><p>
+        Sets the default flow stop threshold to 90% of a queue's maximum
+        capacity and the flow resume threshold to 75% of the maximum capacity.
+        If a queue is created with a default-queue-limit of 10000 bytes, then
+        the default flow stop threshold would be 90% of 10000 = 9000 bytes and
+        the flow resume threshold would be 75% of 10000 = 7500.  The same
+        computation is performed should a queue be created with a maximum size
+        expressed as a message count instead of a byte count.
+      </p><p>
+        If not overridden by the user, the value of the
+        default-flow-stop-threshold is 80% and the value of the
+        default-flow-resume-threshold is 70%.
+      </p><p>
+        The user may disable default queue flow control broker-wide by
+        specifying the value 0 for both of these configuration options.  Note
+        that flow control may still be applied manually on a per-queue basis in
+        this case.
+      </p><p>
+        The user may manually set the flow thresholds when creating a queue.
+        The following options may be provided when adding a queue using the
+        <span class="command"><strong>qpid-config</strong></span> command line tool:
+      </p><pre class="programlisting">
+        --flow-stop-size=<em class="replaceable"><code>N</code></em>  Sets the queue's flow stop threshold to <em class="replaceable"><code>N</code></em> total bytes.
+        --flow-resume-size=<em class="replaceable"><code>N</code></em>  Sets the queue's flow resume threshold to <em class="replaceable"><code>N</code></em> total bytes.
+        --flow-stop-count=<em class="replaceable"><code>N</code></em> Sets the queue's flow stop threshold to <em class="replaceable"><code>N</code></em> total messages.
+        --flow-resume-count=<em class="replaceable"><code>N</code></em> Sets the queue's flow resume threshold to <em class="replaceable"><code>N</code></em> total messages.
+      </pre><p>
+        Flow thresholds may also be specified in the
+        <span class="command"><strong>queue.declare</strong></span> method, via the
+        <span class="command"><strong>arguments</strong></span> parameter map.  The following keys can be
+        provided in the arguments map for setting flow thresholds:
+      </p><div class="table"><a name="id2505114"></a><p class="title"><b>Table 1.10. Queue Declare Method Flow Control Arguments</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Queue Declare Method Flow Control Arguments" border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>qpid.flow_stop_size</td><td>integer - queue's flow stop threshold value in bytes</td></tr><tr><td>qpid.flow_resume_size</td><td>integer - queue's flow resume threshold value in bytes</td></tr><tr><td>qpid.flow_stop_count</td><td>integer - queue's flow stop threshold value as a message count</td></tr><tr><td>qpid.flow_resume_count</td><td>integer - queue's flow resume threshold value as a message count</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"><p>
+        The user may disable flow control on a per queue basis by setting
+        the flow-stop-size and flow-stop-count to zero for the queue.
+      </p><p>
+        The current state of flow control for a given queue can be
+        determined by the "flowStopped" statistic.  This statistic is
+        available in the queue's QMF management object. The value of
+        flowStopped is True when the queue's capacity has exceeded the
+        flow stop threshold.  The value of flowStopped is False when the
+        queue is no longer blocking due to flow control.
+      </p><p>
+        A queue will also track the number of times flow control has been
+        activated.  The "flowStoppedCount" statistic is incremented each time
+        the queue's capacity exceeds a flow stop threshold.  This statistic can
+        be used to monitor the activity of flow control for any given queue
+        over time.
+      </p><div class="table"><a name="id2526768"></a><p class="title"><b>Table 1.11. Flow Control Statistics available in Queue's QMF Class</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Flow Control Statistics available in Queue's QMF Class" border="1"><colgroup><col><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th>Statistic Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>flowStopped</td><td>Boolean</td><td>If true, producers are blocked by flow control.</td></tr><tr><td>flowStoppedCount</td><td>count32</td><td>Number of times flow control was activated for this queue</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="chap-Messaging_User_Guide-Active_Active_Cluster.html">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="ch01.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a 
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