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Posted to by Sasa Vucenovic <> on 2008/03/05 05:22:45 UTC

Namespeace prefix issue

Hello, I am using Apache Axis C++ 1.6 on the server side and recently I tried using Apache CXF 2.0.4 as the client. I got into the problem with CXF not being able to parse out correctly my server's response, I tracked the issue to be due to the namespace prefix mechanism Axis uses. For an example my server returns following SOAP response (body shown here):
<ns1:loginOutputData xmlns:ns1=" <> ">
which CXF client doesn't parse out properly - it issues no exceptions, however the values are not correct, e.g. returnErrorCode is 0, and authToken is null. Once I sent back hard-coded response like below:
<ns1:loginOutputData xmlns:ns1=" <> ">
client was happy and it displayed correct values. Now, I am not that knowledgeable when it comes to XML and SOAP, but I would like to know if my server is doing the correct thing, or is there a way in the code to turn on namespace prefixing for each XML element in the response? It does seem a bit strange that ns1 prefix is not used on returnErrorCode and authToken but it is used on item within authToken. I browsed through auto-generated web service code (built using WSDL2WS tool) and noticed that simple element types are not serialized with prefixes. On the client side I use Java 1.6, which comes in SE with XML/SOAP packages that Apache CXF uses. Of course, all is nice and dandy when using Apache Axis Java client.
Thanks in advance,
