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Posted to by jonso via TVM Discuss <> on 2020/04/02 19:55:03 UTC

[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Is converting a model to FP16 with target = "cuda" supported? If so, is there an example pass I could look at to convert my model?

cc @vinx13 @Hzfengsy  


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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by jonso via TVM Discuss <>.

Got it. Is there any plan to do this in the future?

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by jonso via TVM Discuss <>.

Thanks a lot. I've been playing around with this on a BERT model, but I'm hitting some issues when calling `` with opt level 3. The target is `cuda`. The error message looks like this:

unresolved intrinsic sqrt with return type float16x4

It comes from ``. Does this mean that `sqrt` isn't supported with float16?

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by Josh Fromm via TVM Discuss <>.

unfortunately i havent really tested the impact on accuracy. I've been using this pass primarily for perf measurements. I think it should be fairly easy to modify to improve the conversion logic though.

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by jonso via TVM Discuss <>.

Awesome, thanks a lot @jwfromm! Do you have any experience in how this impacts accuracy? For example, I know that CUDA's `__float2half` function has a decent amount of logic.

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by Josh Fromm via TVM Discuss <>.

@jonso here's a little relay pass I've been using to downcast a model from FP32 to FP16. I don't think the target really matters as you would apply this pass before compiling to cuda.

from tvm.relay import transform as _transform
from import IRModule
from tvm.relay import cast

def downcast_fp16(func):
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    """Downcast to fp16 mutator
    graph: Function
        The original graph.
    The graph after dowmcasting to half-precision floating-point.
    # get_valid_counts and non_max_suppression does not support fp16 so we create a filter list for them
    filter_list = ['vision.get_valid_counts', 'vision.non_max_suppression']
    class DowncastMutator(ExprMutator):
        """Downcast to fp16 mutator"""
        def visit_call(self, call):
            dtype = 'float32' if in filter_list else 'float16'
            new_fn = self.visit(call.op)
            # Collec the original dtypes
            type_list = []
            if in filter_list:
                # For nms
                for arg in call.args:
                    if isinstance(arg, TupleGetItem) and isinstance(arg.tuple_value, Call):
                        tuple_types = arg.tuple_value.checked_type.fields
                if == 'vision.get_valid_counts':
                    tuple_types = call.checked_type.fields
                    for cur_type in tuple_types:

            args = [self.visit(arg) for arg in call.args]
            new_args = list()
            arg_idx = 0
            for arg in args:
                if isinstance(arg, (Var, Constant)):
                    new_args.append(cast(arg, dtype=dtype))
                    if in filter_list:
                        if isinstance(arg, TupleGetItem) and type_list[arg_idx] == 'int32':
                            new_args.append(cast(arg, dtype=dtype))
                arg_idx += 1
            if in filter_list and != 'vision.get_valid_counts':
                return cast(Call(new_fn, new_args, call.attrs), dtype='float16')
            return Call(new_fn, new_args, call.attrs)

    class UpcastMutator(ExprMutator):
        """upcast output back to fp32 mutator"""
        def visit_call(self, call):
            return cast(call, dtype='float32')

    def infer_type(expr):
        """A method to infer the type of an intermediate node in the relay graph"""
        mod = IRModule.from_expr(expr)
        mod = _transform.InferType()(mod)
        entry = mod["main"]
        return entry if isinstance(expr, Function) else entry.body

    func = infer_type(func)
    downcast_pass = DowncastMutator()
    func = downcast_pass.visit(func)
    upcast_pass = UpcastMutator()
    func = upcast_pass.visit(func)
    func = infer_type(func)
    return func

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by Josh Fromm via TVM Discuss <>.

Assuming you're looking for the low level code, you can find the cuda cast generator in `tvm/src/target/source/ codegen_cuda` in the `VisitExpr(const CastNode* op, std::ostream& os)` function. However, you probably want to do the casting ahead of time in relay rather than on device. If you use a pass like the one I posted above, you convert the operations int he graph before they're compiled.

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by Wuwei Lin via TVM Discuss <>.

also cc @anijain2305 @xyzhou

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by Siyuan Feng via TVM Discuss <>.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid there isn't. We usually use native fp16 models directly.

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] CUDA FP16 example

Posted by jonso via TVM Discuss <>.

I am trying to find the actual implementation of `Cast` for each device, but am having trouble finding it. @jwfromm do you know where it is?

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