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Posted to by André Cruz <> on 2013/01/10 12:37:29 UTC

Collecting of tombstones columns during read query fills up heap


I have a schema to represent a filesystem for my users. In this schema one of the CF stores a directory listing this way:

CF DirList

         File1:NOVAL File2:NOVAL ...

So, one column represents a file in that directory and it has no value. The file metadata is stored elsewhere. When listing the contents of a directory I fetch the row contents in batches (using pycassa's column_count and column_start) and always limit the number of columns that I want returned, so as not to occupy too much memory on the Cassandra server. However, if a certain user has deleted a lot of files in that dir and so has a lot of tombstones, even fetching with a column_count of 2 can pose problems to the Cassandra server. Basically the heap fills up and if several queries happens simultaneously, the heap is exhausted and the node stops. Dumping the SSTables shows that there were a lot of tombstones between those 2 columns.

Is there anything, other than schema changes or throttling on the application side, than I can do to prevent problems like these? Basically I would like Cassandra to stop a query if the resultset already has X items whether they are tombstones or not, and return an error. Or maybe it can stop if the resultset already occupies more then Y bytes or the heap is almost full. Some safety valve to prevent a DoS.

I should point out that I am using 1.1.5, but I have not seen anything in the changelog that may reference this issue or more recent releases. Normally I run with a 8GB heap and have no problems, but problematic queries can fill up the heap even if I bump it up to 24GB. The machines have 32GB.

Of course, the problem goes away after gc_grace_seconds pass and I run a manual compact on that CF, the tombstones are removed and queries to that row are efficient again.

André Cruz

Re: Collecting of tombstones columns during read query fills up heap

Posted by aaron morton <>.
>> Just so I understand, the file contents are *not* stored in the column value ?
> No, on that particular CF the columns are SuperColumns with 5 sub columns (size, is_dir, hash, name, revision). Each super column is small, I didn't mention super columns before because they don't seem to be related to the problem at hand.
I strongly recommend you not use super columns. While they are still supported they are not accessible via CQL and perform poorly compared to standard CF's. 

Still confused, are the contents of a file stored in cassandra ? If you are storing the contents in separating them from the meta data will make the operations on the meta data much faster. 

> Millions. I have dumped the SSTables to JSON, but have yet to figure out a way to parse and obtain more information like an exact number since the files are so big.
That's too many. 
You'll need to look at some of the previous suggestion for schema or compaction strategy changes. 

> For example, using your suggestion, it would imply some sort of synchronisation whenever an operation decided that a new row should be written otherwise I could lose some updates. 
I think you can do it without synchronisation or ZK. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 11/01/2013, at 12:10 PM, André Cruz <> wrote:

> On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:01 PM, aaron morton <> wrote:
>>>  So, one column represents a file in that directory and it has no value.
>> Just so I understand, the file contents are *not* stored in the column value ?
> No, on that particular CF the columns are SuperColumns with 5 sub columns (size, is_dir, hash, name, revision). Each super column is small, I didn't mention super columns before because they don't seem to be related to the problem at hand.
>>> Basically the heap fills up and if several queries happens simultaneously, the heap is exhausted and the node stops.
>> Are you seeing the GCInspector log messages ? Are they ParNew or CMS compactions?
>> If you want to get more insight into what the JVM is doing enable the GC logging options in 
> I see a lot of messages regarding SliceQueryFilter:
> DEBUG [ReadStage:53] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,451 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(edbc633e-3f09-11e2-8f7d-e0db55018fa4 -delete at 1357508861622915- [hash:false:36@1354732265022159,is_dir:false:1@1354732265022159,mtime:false:4@1354732265022159,name:false:57@1354732265022159,revision:false:16@1354732265022159,])
> DEBUG [ReadStage:62] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,467 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(75869f16-3f0d-11e2-a935-e0db550199f4 -delete at 1357543298946499- [hash:false:36@1354733781339045,is_dir:false:1@1354733781339045,mtime:false:4@1354733781339045,name:false:56@1354733781339045,revision:false:16@1354733781339045,])
> DEBUG [ReadStage:64] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,449 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(6b3323de-3f0a-11e2-93b7-e0db55018fa4 -delete at 1357543981711099- [hash:false:36@1354732475524213,is_dir:false:1@1354732475524213,mtime:false:4@1354732475524213,name:false:56@1354732475524213,revision:false:16@1354732475524213,])
> DEBUG [ReadStage:51] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,448 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(2e2ccb66-3f0f-11e2-9f34-e0db5501ca40 -delete at 1357548656930340- [hash:false:36@1354734520625161,is_dir:false:1@1354734520625161,mtime:false:4@1354734520625161,name:false:54@1354734520625161,revision:false:16@1354734520625161,])
> DEBUG [ReadStage:62] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,468 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(758c5f3c-3f0d-11e2-a935-e0db550199f4 -delete at 1357543303722497- [hash:false:36@1354733781376479,is_dir:false:1@1354733781376479,mtime:false:4@1354733781376479,name:false:56@1354733781376479,revision:false:16@1354733781376479,])
> DEBUG [ReadStage:61] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,447 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(be15520e-3f08-11e2-843b-e0db550199f4 -delete at 1357508704355097- [hash:false:36@1354731755577230,is_dir:false:1@1354731755577230,mtime:false:4@1354731755577230,name:false:57@1354731755577230,revision:false:16@1354731755577230,])
> DEBUG [ReadStage:52] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,446 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(463b877e-3f0a-11e2-b990-e0db55018fa4 -delete at 1357543038078223- [hash:false:36@1354732413504338,is_dir:false:1@1354732413504338,mtime:false:4@1354732413504338,name:false:57@1354732413504338,revision:false:16@1354732413504338,])
> DEBUG [ReadStage:52] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,471 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(463ef5c6-3f0a-11e2-b990-e0db55018fa4 -delete at 1357543038078223- [hash:false:36@1354732413523782,is_dir:false:1@1354732413523782,mtime:false:4@1354732413523782,name:false:57@1354732413523782,revision:false:16@1354732413523782,])
> GC related messages:
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:17,554 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 426 ms for 2 collections, 6138212856 used; max is 8357150720
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,819 (line 122) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 324 ms for 1 collections, 6136066400 used; max is 8357150720
>  WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,820 (line 145) Heap is 0.7342294767181129 full.  You may need to reduce memtable and/or cache sizes.  Cassandra will now flush up to the two largest memtables to free up memory.  Adjust flush_largest_memtables_at threshold in cassandra.yaml if you don't want Cassandra to do this automatically
>  WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,821 (line 2855) Flushing CFS(Keyspace='Disco', ColumnFamily='FilesPerBlock') to relieve memory pressure
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,821 (line 659) Enqueuing flush of Memtable-FilesPerBlock@271892815(3190888/38297827 serialized/live bytes, 24184 ops)
>  INFO [FlushWriter:5] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,822 (line 264) Writing Memtable-FilesPerBlock@271892815(3190888/38297827 serialized/live bytes, 24184 ops)
>  INFO [FlushWriter:5] 2013-01-09 12:11:20,118 (line 305) Completed flushing /servers/storage/cassandra-data/Disco/FilesPerBlock/Disco-FilesPerBlock-he-3793-Data.db (3414379 bytes) for commitlog position ReplayPosition(segmentId=1357730243521, position=32441486)
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:38,413 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 536 ms for 2 collections, 7337859152 used; max is 8357150720
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:39,414 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 253 ms for 1 collections, 7746234936 used; max is 8357150720
> …
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:12:16,688 (line 122) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 1966 ms for 2 collections, 2690214576 used; max is 8357150720
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:12:25,035 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 404 ms for 2 collections, 3385333248 used; max is 8357150720
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:12:26,037 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 211 ms for 1 collections, 3606106264 used; max is 8357150720
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:13:12,024 (line 122) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 1043 ms for 2 collections, 4079166304 used; max is 8357150720
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:13:17,025 (line 658) 1 READ messages dropped in last 5000ms
> After just a few minutes:
>  WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:14:34,134 (line 145) Heap is 0.9913292333203247 full.  You may need to reduce memtable and/or cache sizes.  Cassandra will now flush up to the two largest memtables to free up memory.  Adjust flush_largest_memtables_at threshold in cassandra.yaml if you don't want Cassandra to do this automatically
>  WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:14:34,170 (line 2855) Flushing CFS(Keyspace='Disco', ColumnFamily='NamespaceRevision') to relieve memory pressure
>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:14:34,241 (line 659) Enqueuing flush of Memtable-NamespaceRevision@1129512169(3597280/17167436 serialized/live bytes, 11918 ops)
>  INFO [FlushWriter:6] 2013-01-09 12:14:34,243 (line 264) Writing Memtable-NamespaceRevision@1129512169(3597280/17167436 serialized/live bytes, 11918 ops)
>>> Dumping the SSTables shows that there were a lot of tombstones between those 2 columns.
>> How many is a lot ?
> Millions. I have dumped the SSTables to JSON, but have yet to figure out a way to parse and obtain more information like an exact number since the files are so big.
>>>  Normally I run with a 8GB heap and have no problems, but problematic queries can fill up the heap even if I bump it up to 24GB. The machines have 32GB.
>> For queries like this it's (usually) not the overall size of the JVM heap, Xmx.
>> It's the size of the NEW_HEAP (in which sets Xmn. And the other new heap settings, SurvivorRatio and MaxTenuringThreshold. What settings do you have for those ?
> Well, as a matter of fact I tried to increase the heap to 16GB, and then I dumped it and these were the statistics:
> Heap
>  par new generation   total 737280K, used 656554K [0x00000003fae00000, 0x000000042ce00000, 0x000000042ce00000)
>   eden space 655360K, 100% used [0x00000003fae00000, 0x0000000422e00000, 0x0000000422e00000)
>   from space 81920K,   1% used [0x0000000427e00000, 0x0000000427f2aa98, 0x000000042ce00000)
>   to   space 81920K,   0% used [0x0000000422e00000, 0x0000000422e00000, 0x0000000427e00000)
>  concurrent mark-sweep generation total 15958016K, used 15958015K [0x000000042ce00000, 0x00000007fae00000, 0x00000007fae00000)
>  concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 43068K, used 25708K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x00000007fd80f000, 0x0000000800000000)
> These are the relevant JVM settings:
> -XX:+UseThreadPriorities 
> -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 
> -Xms8049M 
> -Xmx8049M 
> -Xmn800M 
> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 
> -Xss196k 
> -XX:+UseParNewGC 
> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC 
> -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled 
> -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 
> -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 
> -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 
> -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly 
>>> Of course, the problem goes away after gc_grace_seconds pass and I run a manual compact on that CF, the tombstones are removed and queries to that row are efficient again.
>> If you have a CF that has a high number of overwrites or deletions using Levelled Compaction can help. It does use up some more IO that sized tiered but it's designed for these sorts of situations. See and
> I'm assuming you mean that tombstones are purged quicker after gc_grace_period using Levelled compaction, right? The problem remains before gc_grace_period occurs. I'll take a look at that again, the first time I've looked I was worried that too many files would be created per-CF. 10MB per stable seems too little, what real-world values are used for that setting for large (20GB+) CFs?
>> Schema wise, you could try have multiple "directory" rows for each user. At certain times you can create a new row, which then receives all the writes. But you read (and delete if necessary) from all rows. Then migrate the data from the old rows to the new one and remove the old row.
> I still have not delved into different schemas, this one seems simple enough that Cassandra should handle it. For example, using your suggestion, it would imply some sort of synchronisation whenever an operation decided that a new row should be written otherwise I could lose some updates. I guess I could use Zookeeper for that but it seems over-engineering.
> Thanks,
> André

Re: Collecting of tombstones columns during read query fills up heap

Posted by André Cruz <>.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:01 PM, aaron morton <> wrote:

>>  So, one column represents a file in that directory and it has no value.
> Just so I understand, the file contents are *not* stored in the column value ?

No, on that particular CF the columns are SuperColumns with 5 sub columns (size, is_dir, hash, name, revision). Each super column is small, I didn't mention super columns before because they don't seem to be related to the problem at hand.

>> Basically the heap fills up and if several queries happens simultaneously, the heap is exhausted and the node stops.
> Are you seeing the GCInspector log messages ? Are they ParNew or CMS compactions?
> If you want to get more insight into what the JVM is doing enable the GC logging options in 

I see a lot of messages regarding SliceQueryFilter:

DEBUG [ReadStage:53] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,451 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(edbc633e-3f09-11e2-8f7d-e0db55018fa4 -delete at 1357508861622915- [hash:false:36@1354732265022159,is_dir:false:1@1354732265022159,mtime:false:4@1354732265022159,name:false:57@1354732265022159,revision:false:16@1354732265022159,])
DEBUG [ReadStage:62] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,467 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(75869f16-3f0d-11e2-a935-e0db550199f4 -delete at 1357543298946499- [hash:false:36@1354733781339045,is_dir:false:1@1354733781339045,mtime:false:4@1354733781339045,name:false:56@1354733781339045,revision:false:16@1354733781339045,])
DEBUG [ReadStage:64] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,449 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(6b3323de-3f0a-11e2-93b7-e0db55018fa4 -delete at 1357543981711099- [hash:false:36@1354732475524213,is_dir:false:1@1354732475524213,mtime:false:4@1354732475524213,name:false:56@1354732475524213,revision:false:16@1354732475524213,])
DEBUG [ReadStage:51] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,448 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(2e2ccb66-3f0f-11e2-9f34-e0db5501ca40 -delete at 1357548656930340- [hash:false:36@1354734520625161,is_dir:false:1@1354734520625161,mtime:false:4@1354734520625161,name:false:54@1354734520625161,revision:false:16@1354734520625161,])
DEBUG [ReadStage:62] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,468 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(758c5f3c-3f0d-11e2-a935-e0db550199f4 -delete at 1357543303722497- [hash:false:36@1354733781376479,is_dir:false:1@1354733781376479,mtime:false:4@1354733781376479,name:false:56@1354733781376479,revision:false:16@1354733781376479,])
DEBUG [ReadStage:61] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,447 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(be15520e-3f08-11e2-843b-e0db550199f4 -delete at 1357508704355097- [hash:false:36@1354731755577230,is_dir:false:1@1354731755577230,mtime:false:4@1354731755577230,name:false:57@1354731755577230,revision:false:16@1354731755577230,])
DEBUG [ReadStage:52] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,446 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(463b877e-3f0a-11e2-b990-e0db55018fa4 -delete at 1357543038078223- [hash:false:36@1354732413504338,is_dir:false:1@1354732413504338,mtime:false:4@1354732413504338,name:false:57@1354732413504338,revision:false:16@1354732413504338,])
DEBUG [ReadStage:52] 2013-01-08 18:08:36,471 (line 124) collecting 1 of 102: SuperColumn(463ef5c6-3f0a-11e2-b990-e0db55018fa4 -delete at 1357543038078223- [hash:false:36@1354732413523782,is_dir:false:1@1354732413523782,mtime:false:4@1354732413523782,name:false:57@1354732413523782,revision:false:16@1354732413523782,])

GC related messages:

 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:17,554 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 426 ms for 2 collections, 6138212856 used; max is 8357150720
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,819 (line 122) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 324 ms for 1 collections, 6136066400 used; max is 8357150720
 WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,820 (line 145) Heap is 0.7342294767181129 full.  You may need to reduce memtable and/or cache sizes.  Cassandra will now flush up to the two largest memtables to free up memory.  Adjust flush_largest_memtables_at threshold in cassandra.yaml if you don't want Cassandra to do this automatically
 WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,821 (line 2855) Flushing CFS(Keyspace='Disco', ColumnFamily='FilesPerBlock') to relieve memory pressure
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,821 (line 659) Enqueuing flush of Memtable-FilesPerBlock@271892815(3190888/38297827 serialized/live bytes, 24184 ops)
 INFO [FlushWriter:5] 2013-01-09 12:11:19,822 (line 264) Writing Memtable-FilesPerBlock@271892815(3190888/38297827 serialized/live bytes, 24184 ops)
 INFO [FlushWriter:5] 2013-01-09 12:11:20,118 (line 305) Completed flushing /servers/storage/cassandra-data/Disco/FilesPerBlock/Disco-FilesPerBlock-he-3793-Data.db (3414379 bytes) for commitlog position ReplayPosition(segmentId=1357730243521, position=32441486)
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:38,413 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 536 ms for 2 collections, 7337859152 used; max is 8357150720
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:11:39,414 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 253 ms for 1 collections, 7746234936 used; max is 8357150720


 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:12:16,688 (line 122) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 1966 ms for 2 collections, 2690214576 used; max is 8357150720
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:12:25,035 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 404 ms for 2 collections, 3385333248 used; max is 8357150720
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:12:26,037 (line 122) GC for ParNew: 211 ms for 1 collections, 3606106264 used; max is 8357150720
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:13:12,024 (line 122) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 1043 ms for 2 collections, 4079166304 used; max is 8357150720
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:13:17,025 (line 658) 1 READ messages dropped in last 5000ms

After just a few minutes:

 WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:14:34,134 (line 145) Heap is 0.9913292333203247 full.  You may need to reduce memtable and/or cache sizes.  Cassandra will now flush up to the two largest memtables to free up memory.  Adjust flush_largest_memtables_at threshold in cassandra.yaml if you don't want Cassandra to do this automatically
 WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:14:34,170 (line 2855) Flushing CFS(Keyspace='Disco', ColumnFamily='NamespaceRevision') to relieve memory pressure
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2013-01-09 12:14:34,241 (line 659) Enqueuing flush of Memtable-NamespaceRevision@1129512169(3597280/17167436 serialized/live bytes, 11918 ops)
 INFO [FlushWriter:6] 2013-01-09 12:14:34,243 (line 264) Writing Memtable-NamespaceRevision@1129512169(3597280/17167436 serialized/live bytes, 11918 ops)

>> Dumping the SSTables shows that there were a lot of tombstones between those 2 columns.
> How many is a lot ?

Millions. I have dumped the SSTables to JSON, but have yet to figure out a way to parse and obtain more information like an exact number since the files are so big.

>>  Normally I run with a 8GB heap and have no problems, but problematic queries can fill up the heap even if I bump it up to 24GB. The machines have 32GB.
> For queries like this it's (usually) not the overall size of the JVM heap, Xmx.
> It's the size of the NEW_HEAP (in which sets Xmn. And the other new heap settings, SurvivorRatio and MaxTenuringThreshold. What settings do you have for those ?

Well, as a matter of fact I tried to increase the heap to 16GB, and then I dumped it and these were the statistics:

 par new generation   total 737280K, used 656554K [0x00000003fae00000, 0x000000042ce00000, 0x000000042ce00000)
  eden space 655360K, 100% used [0x00000003fae00000, 0x0000000422e00000, 0x0000000422e00000)
  from space 81920K,   1% used [0x0000000427e00000, 0x0000000427f2aa98, 0x000000042ce00000)
  to   space 81920K,   0% used [0x0000000422e00000, 0x0000000422e00000, 0x0000000427e00000)
 concurrent mark-sweep generation total 15958016K, used 15958015K [0x000000042ce00000, 0x00000007fae00000, 0x00000007fae00000)
 concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 43068K, used 25708K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x00000007fd80f000, 0x0000000800000000)

These are the relevant JVM settings:


>> Of course, the problem goes away after gc_grace_seconds pass and I run a manual compact on that CF, the tombstones are removed and queries to that row are efficient again.
> If you have a CF that has a high number of overwrites or deletions using Levelled Compaction can help. It does use up some more IO that sized tiered but it's designed for these sorts of situations. See and

I'm assuming you mean that tombstones are purged quicker after gc_grace_period using Levelled compaction, right? The problem remains before gc_grace_period occurs. I'll take a look at that again, the first time I've looked I was worried that too many files would be created per-CF. 10MB per stable seems too little, what real-world values are used for that setting for large (20GB+) CFs?

> Schema wise, you could try have multiple "directory" rows for each user. At certain times you can create a new row, which then receives all the writes. But you read (and delete if necessary) from all rows. Then migrate the data from the old rows to the new one and remove the old row.

I still have not delved into different schemas, this one seems simple enough that Cassandra should handle it. For example, using your suggestion, it would imply some sort of synchronisation whenever an operation decided that a new row should be written otherwise I could lose some updates. I guess I could use Zookeeper for that but it seems over-engineering.


Re: Collecting of tombstones columns during read query fills up heap

Posted by aaron morton <>.
>  So, one column represents a file in that directory and it has no value.
Just so I understand, the file contents are *not* stored in the column value ?

> Basically the heap fills up and if several queries happens simultaneously, the heap is exhausted and the node stops.
Are you seeing the GCInspector log messages ? Are they ParNew or CMS compactions?
If you want to get more insight into what the JVM is doing enable the GC logging options in 

> Dumping the SSTables shows that there were a lot of tombstones between those 2 columns.
How many is a lot ?

>  Normally I run with a 8GB heap and have no problems, but problematic queries can fill up the heap even if I bump it up to 24GB. The machines have 32GB.
For queries like this it's (usually) not the overall size of the JVM heap, Xmx.
It's the size of the NEW_HEAP (in which sets Xmn. And the other new heap settings, SurvivorRatio and MaxTenuringThreshold. What settings do you have for those ?

> Of course, the problem goes away after gc_grace_seconds pass and I run a manual compact on that CF, the tombstones are removed and queries to that row are efficient again.
If you have a CF that has a high number of overwrites or deletions using Levelled Compaction can help. It does use up some more IO that sized tiered but it's designed for these sorts of situations. See and

Schema wise, you could try have multiple "directory" rows for each user. At certain times you can create a new row, which then receives all the writes. But you read (and delete if necessary) from all rows. Then migrate the data from the old rows to the new one and remove the old row.


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 11/01/2013, at 12:37 AM, André Cruz <> wrote:

> Hello.
> I have a schema to represent a filesystem for my users. In this schema one of the CF stores a directory listing this way:
> CF DirList
>   Dir1:    
>         File1:NOVAL File2:NOVAL ...
> So, one column represents a file in that directory and it has no value. The file metadata is stored elsewhere. When listing the contents of a directory I fetch the row contents in batches (using pycassa's column_count and column_start) and always limit the number of columns that I want returned, so as not to occupy too much memory on the Cassandra server. However, if a certain user has deleted a lot of files in that dir and so has a lot of tombstones, even fetching with a column_count of 2 can pose problems to the Cassandra server. Basically the heap fills up and if several queries happens simultaneously, the heap is exhausted and the node stops. Dumping the SSTables shows that there were a lot of tombstones between those 2 columns.
> Is there anything, other than schema changes or throttling on the application side, than I can do to prevent problems like these? Basically I would like Cassandra to stop a query if the resultset already has X items whether they are tombstones or not, and return an error. Or maybe it can stop if the resultset already occupies more then Y bytes or the heap is almost full. Some safety valve to prevent a DoS.
> I should point out that I am using 1.1.5, but I have not seen anything in the changelog that may reference this issue or more recent releases. Normally I run with a 8GB heap and have no problems, but problematic queries can fill up the heap even if I bump it up to 24GB. The machines have 32GB.
> Of course, the problem goes away after gc_grace_seconds pass and I run a manual compact on that CF, the tombstones are removed and queries to that row are efficient again.
> Thanks,
> André Cruz