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[06/40] incubator-trafficcontrol git commit: updated from master and added id sorting
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
index eb90b04..47348b9 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-	## id => 1
 	server_edge1 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
+			id               => 1,
 			host_name        => 'atlanta-edge-01',
 			domain_name      => '',
 			tcp_port         => 80,
@@ -45,29 +45,29 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 9,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 2,
+			type             => 1,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 1,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
 			cachegroup       => 3,
 			phys_location    => 1,
-	## id => 2
-	server_edge2 => {
+	server_mid1 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
-			host_name        => 'atlanta-edge-02',
+			id               => 2,
+			host_name        => 'atlanta-mid-01',
 			domain_name      => '',
 			tcp_port         => 80,
-			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-edge-02\',
+			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-mid-01\',
 			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
 			interface_name   => 'bond0',
-			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_address       => '',
 			ip_netmask       => '',
-			ip_gateway       => '',
-			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:d::2/64',
-			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:d::1',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:9::2/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:9::1',
 			interface_mtu    => 9000,
 			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
@@ -80,29 +80,29 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 9,
-			status           => 4,
+			type             => 2,
+			status           => 2,
 			profile          => 2,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
-			cachegroup       => 3,
+			cachegroup       => 1,
 			phys_location    => 1,
-	## id => 3
-	server_edge_reported => {
+	rascal_server => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
-			host_name        => 'atlanta-edge-03',
-			domain_name      => '',
-			tcp_port         => 80,
-			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-edge-03\',
+			id               => 4,
+			host_name        => 'rascal01',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 81,
+			xmpp_id          => 'rascal\',
 			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
 			interface_name   => 'bond0',
-			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_address       => '',
 			ip_netmask       => '',
-			ip_gateway       => '',
-			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:2::2/64',
-			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:8::1',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:b::2/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:b::1',
 			interface_mtu    => 9000,
 			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
@@ -115,29 +115,99 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 9,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 2,
+			type             => 14,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 6,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
-			cachegroup       => 3,
+			cachegroup       => 1,
 			phys_location    => 1,
-	## id => 4
-	server_mid1 => {
+	riak_server1 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
-			host_name        => 'atlanta-mid-01',
+			id               => 5,
+			host_name        => 'riak01',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 8088,
+			xmpp_id          => '',
+			xmpp_passwd      => '',
+			interface_name   => 'eth1',
+			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_netmask       => '',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '',
+			ip6_gateway      => '',
+			interface_mtu    => 1500,
+			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
+			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask  => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway  => '',
+			ilo_ip_address   => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask   => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway   => '',
+			ilo_username     => '',
+			ilo_password     => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			router_port_name => '',
+			type             => 31,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 5,
+			cdn_id           => 1,
+			cachegroup       => 1,
+			phys_location    => 1,
+		},
+	},
+	rascal_server2 => {
+		new   => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			id               => 6,
+			host_name        => 'rascal02',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 81,
+			xmpp_id          => 'rascal\',
+			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
+			interface_name   => 'bond0',
+			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_netmask       => '',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:c::2/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:c::1',
+			interface_mtu    => 9000,
+			rack             => 'RR 119.05',
+			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask  => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway  => '',
+			ilo_ip_address   => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask   => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway   => '',
+			ilo_username     => '',
+			ilo_password     => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			router_port_name => '',
+			type             => 14,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 7,
+			cdn_id           => 2,
+			cachegroup       => 1,
+			phys_location    => 1,
+		},
+	},
+	server_edge2 => {
+		new   => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			id               => 7,
+			host_name        => 'atlanta-edge-02',
 			domain_name      => '',
 			tcp_port         => 80,
-			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-mid-01\',
+			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-edge-02\',
 			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
 			interface_name   => 'bond0',
-			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_address       => '',
 			ip_netmask       => '',
-			ip_gateway       => '',
-			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:9::2/64',
-			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:9::1',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:d::2/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:d::1',
 			interface_mtu    => 9000,
 			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
@@ -150,18 +220,18 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 18,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 3,
+			type             => 1,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 1,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
-			cachegroup       => 1,
+			cachegroup       => 3,
 			phys_location    => 1,
-	## id => 5
 	server_mid2 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
+			id               => 8,
 			host_name        => 'atlanta-mid-02',
 			domain_name      => '',
 			tcp_port         => 80,
@@ -185,30 +255,30 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 18,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 3,
+			type             => 2,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 2,
 			cdn_id           => 2,
 			cachegroup       => 2,
 			phys_location    => 2,
-	## id => 6
-	server_router => {
+	riak_server2 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
-			host_name        => 'atlanta-router-01',
-			domain_name      => '',
-			tcp_port         => 80,
-			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-router-01\',
-			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
-			interface_name   => 'bond0',
-			ip_address       => '',
-			ip_netmask       => '',
-			ip_gateway       => '',
-			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:8::10/64',
-			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:8::1',
-			interface_mtu    => 9000,
+			id               => 9,
+			host_name        => 'riak02',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 8088,
+			xmpp_id          => '',
+			xmpp_passwd      => '',
+			interface_name   => 'eth1',
+			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_netmask       => '',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:f::2/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:f::1',
+			interface_mtu    => 1500,
 			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask  => '',
@@ -220,18 +290,18 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 5,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 2,
+			type             => 31,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 5,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
-			cachegroup       => 3,
-			phys_location    => 1,
+			cachegroup       => 1,
+			phys_location    => 2,
-	## id => 7
 	influxdb_server1 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
+			id               => 10,
 			host_name        => 'influxdb01',
 			domain_name      => '',
 			tcp_port         => 8086,
@@ -255,18 +325,18 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 16,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 4,
+			type             => 32,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 5,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
 			cachegroup       => 1,
 			phys_location    => 3,
-	## id => 8
 	influxdb_server2 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
+			id               => 11,
 			host_name        => 'influxdb02',
 			domain_name      => '',
 			tcp_port         => 8086,
@@ -290,29 +360,29 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 16,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 4,
+			type             => 32,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 5,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
 			cachegroup       => 1,
 			phys_location    => 3,
-	## id => 9
-	rascal_server => {
+	server_router => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
-			host_name        => 'rascal01',
-			domain_name      => '',
-			tcp_port         => 81,
-			xmpp_id          => 'rascal\',
+			id               => 12,
+			host_name        => 'atlanta-router-01',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 80,
+			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-router-01\',
 			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
 			interface_name   => 'bond0',
-			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_address       => '',
 			ip_netmask       => '',
-			ip_gateway       => '',
-			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:b::2/64',
-			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:b::1',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:8::10/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:8::1',
 			interface_mtu    => 9000,
 			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
@@ -325,31 +395,31 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 23,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 6,
+			type             => 4,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 1,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
-			cachegroup       => 1,
+			cachegroup       => 3,
 			phys_location    => 1,
-	## id => 10
-	rascal_server2 => {
+	server_edge_reported => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
-			host_name        => 'rascal02',
-			domain_name      => '',
-			tcp_port         => 81,
-			xmpp_id          => 'rascal\',
+			id               => 13,
+			host_name        => 'atlanta-edge-03',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 80,
+			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-edge-03\',
 			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
 			interface_name   => 'bond0',
-			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_address       => '',
 			ip_netmask       => '',
-			ip_gateway       => '',
-			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:c::2/64',
-			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:c::1',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:2::2/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:8::1',
 			interface_mtu    => 9000,
-			rack             => 'RR 119.05',
+			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask  => '',
 			mgmt_ip_gateway  => '',
@@ -360,30 +430,30 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 23,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 4,
-			cdn_id           => 2,
-			cachegroup       => 1,
+			type             => 1,
+			status           => 3,
+			profile          => 1,
+			cdn_id           => 1,
+			cachegroup       => 3,
 			phys_location    => 1,
-	## id => 11
-	riak_server1 => {
+	server_edge14 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
-			host_name        => 'riak01',
-			domain_name      => '',
-			tcp_port         => 8088,
-			xmpp_id          => '',
-			xmpp_passwd      => '',
-			interface_name   => 'eth1',
-			ip_address       => '',
-			ip_netmask       => '',
-			ip_gateway       => '',
-			ip6_address      => '',
-			ip6_gateway      => '',
-			interface_mtu    => 1500,
+			id               => 14,
+			host_name        => 'atlanta-edge-14',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 80,
+			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-edge-14\',
+			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
+			interface_name   => 'bond0',
+			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_netmask       => '',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:8::14/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:8::1',
+			interface_mtu    => 9000,
 			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask  => '',
@@ -395,30 +465,30 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 26,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 4,
+			type             => 1,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 1,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
-			cachegroup       => 1,
+			cachegroup       => 9,
 			phys_location    => 1,
-	## id => 12
-	riak_server2 => {
+	server_edge15 => {
 		new   => 'Server',
 		using => {
-			host_name        => 'riak02',
-			domain_name      => '',
-			tcp_port         => 8088,
-			xmpp_id          => '',
-			xmpp_passwd      => '',
-			interface_name   => 'eth1',
-			ip_address       => '',
-			ip_netmask       => '',
-			ip_gateway       => '',
-			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:f::2/64',
-			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:f::1',
-			interface_mtu    => 1500,
+			id               => 15,
+			host_name        => 'atlanta-edge-15',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 80,
+			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-edge-15\',
+			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
+			interface_name   => 'bond0',
+			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_netmask       => '',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:d::15/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:d::1',
+			interface_mtu    => 9000,
 			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
 			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
 			mgmt_ip_netmask  => '',
@@ -430,14 +500,49 @@ my %definition_for = (
 			ilo_password     => '',
 			router_host_name => '',
 			router_port_name => '',
-			type             => 26,
-			status           => 4,
-			profile          => 4,
+			type             => 1,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 1,
 			cdn_id           => 1,
-			cachegroup       => 1,
-			phys_location    => 2,
+			cachegroup       => 9,
+			phys_location    => 1,
-	}
+	},
+	server_mid16 => {
+		new   => 'Server',
+		using => {
+			id               => 16,
+			host_name        => 'atlanta-mid-16',
+			domain_name      => '',
+			tcp_port         => 80,
+			xmpp_id          => 'atlanta-mid-16\',
+			xmpp_passwd      => 'X',
+			interface_name   => 'bond0',
+			ip_address       => '',
+			ip_netmask       => '',
+			ip_gateway       => '',
+			ip6_address      => '2345:1234:12:d::16/64',
+			ip6_gateway      => '2345:1234:12:d::1',
+			interface_mtu    => 9000,
+			rack             => 'RR 119.02',
+			mgmt_ip_address  => '',
+			mgmt_ip_netmask  => '',
+			mgmt_ip_gateway  => '',
+			ilo_ip_address   => '',
+			ilo_ip_netmask   => '',
+			ilo_ip_gateway   => '',
+			ilo_username     => '',
+			ilo_password     => '',
+			router_host_name => '',
+			router_port_name => '',
+			type             => 1,
+			status           => 2,
+			profile          => 1,
+			cdn_id           => 1,
+			cachegroup       => 8,
+			phys_location    => 1,
+		},
+	},
 sub get_definition {
@@ -447,7 +552,7 @@ sub get_definition {
 sub all_fixture_names {
 	# sort by db xml_id to guarantee insertion order
-	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{host_name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{host_name} } keys %definition_for);
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{id} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{id} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
index 8a79440..ca2c352 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
@@ -18,57 +18,57 @@ extends 'DBIx::Class::EasyFixture';
 use namespace::autoclean;
 my %definition_for = (
-	## id => 1
-	status_admin_down => {
-		new   => 'Status',
-		using => {
-			name => 'ADMIN_DOWN',
-			description =>
-				'Temporary down. Edge: XMPP client will send status OFFLINE to CCR, otherwise similar to REPORTED. Mid: Server will not be included in parent.config files for its edge caches',
-		},
-	},
-	## id => 2
-	status_ccr_ignore => {
-		new   => 'Status',
-		using => {
-			name        => 'CCR_IGNORE',
-			description => 'Edge: 12M will not include caches in this state in CCR config files. Mid: N/A for now',
-		},
-	},
-	## id => 3
 	status_offline => {
 		new   => 'Status',
 		using => {
+			id   => 1,
 			name => 'OFFLINE',
 			description =>
 				'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, but CCR will never route traffic to it. Mid: Server will not be included in parent.config files for its edge caches',
-	## id => 4
 	status_online => {
 		new   => 'Status',
 		using => {
+			id   => 2,
 			name => 'ONLINE',
 			description =>
 				'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, and CCR will always route traffic to it. Mid: Server will be included in parent.config files for its edges',
-	## id => 5
-	status_pre_prod => {
+	status_reported => {
+		new   => 'Status',
+		using => {
+			id          => 3,
+			name        => 'REPORTED',
+			description => 'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, and CCR will adhere to the health protocol. Mid: N/A for now',
+		},
+	},
+	status_admin_down => {
 		new   => 'Status',
 		using => {
-			name        => 'PRE_PROD',
-			description => 'Pre Production. Not active in any configuration.',
+			id   => 4,
+			name => 'ADMIN_DOWN',
+			description =>
+				'Temporary down. Edge: XMPP client will send status OFFLINE to CCR, otherwise similar to REPORTED. Mid: Server will not be included in parent.config files for its edge caches',
-	## id => 6
-	status_reported => {
+	status_ccr_ignore => {
 		new   => 'Status',
 		using => {
-			name        => 'REPORTED',
-			description => 'Edge: Puts server in CCR config file in this state, and CCR will adhere to the health protocol. Mid: N/A for now',
+			id          => 5,
+			name        => 'CCR_IGNORE',
+			description => 'Edge: 12M will not include caches in this state in CCR config files. Mid: N/A for now',
+    status_pre_prod => {
+        new   => 'Status',
+        using => {
+            id          => 6,
+            name        => 'PRE_PROD',
+            description => 'Pre Production. Not active in any configuration.',
+        },
+    },
 sub get_definition {
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ sub get_definition {
 sub all_fixture_names {
 	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
-	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{id} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
diff --git a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
index 6a83897..ce46c13 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
+++ b/traffic_ops/app/lib/Fixtures/
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ sub get_definition {
 sub all_fixture_names {
 	# sort by db name to guarantee insertion order
-	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{name} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{name} } keys %definition_for);
+	return (sort { $definition_for{$a}{using}{id} cmp $definition_for{$b}{using}{id} } keys %definition_for);