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svn commit: r962313 - in /incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features: ./ step_definitions/ support/ support/ec2/ support/ec2/fixtures/ support/gogrid/ support/gogrid/fixtures/ support/mock/

Author: lutter
Date: Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
New Revision: 962313

Reworked Cucumber features


Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/99_rake.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/99_rake.feature (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/99_rake.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Feature: Running rake tasks
+  Scenario: I want to build Deltacloud API gem
+    Given I have a clean /pkg directory
+    When I run a 'package' task
+    Then I should see a gem file inside pkg directory
+    And I should see a tgz file inside pkg directory

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/api.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/api.feature (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/api.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
-Feature: Working with API
-  In order to work with API
+Feature: Accessing API entry points
-  Scenario: I want to get list of entry points in XML
-    Given I want to get XML
-    When I request for entry points
-    Then I should see these entry points:
-    | realms     |
-    | instances  |
-    | images     |
-    | instance_states |
-    | hardware_profiles  |
-    | storage_snapshots  |
-    | storage_volumes    |
+  Scenario: API driver and version
+    Given URI /api exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'api'
+    And this element should have attribute 'driver' with value 'mock'
+    And this element should have attribute 'version' with value '1.0'
-  Scenario: I want to get list of entry points in HTML
-    Given I want to get HTML
-    When I request for entry points
-    Then I should get valid HTML response
-    And I should see these entry points in page:
+  Scenario: List of entry points
+    Given URI /api exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get list of valid entry points:
     | realms     |
     | instances  |
     | images     |
@@ -25,6 +20,22 @@ Feature: Working with API
     | hardware_profiles  |
     | storage_snapshots  |
     | storage_volumes    |
-    When I follow this entry points
-    Then I should get valid HTML response for each
-    And each entry points should have documentation
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
+  Scenario: Following entry points
+    Given URI /api exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get list of valid entry points
+    And each link should have 'rel' attribute with valid name
+    And each link should have 'href' attribute with valid URL
+    When client follow this attribute
+    Then client should get a valid response
+  Scenario: Instance features
+    Given URI /api exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get list of features inside 'instances':
+    | hardware_profiles |
+    | user_name |

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/hardware_profiles.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/hardware_profiles.feature (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/hardware_profiles.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,23 +1,29 @@
-Feature: Working with hardware profiles
-  In order to work with hardware profiles
-  Background:
-    Given I want to get XML
+Feature: Accessing hardware profiles
   Scenario: I want to get list of all hardware profiles
-    When I follow hardware profiles link in entry points
-    Then I should see <HARDWARE_PROFILE_COUNT> hardware profile inside hardware profiles
-    And each link in hardware profiles should point me to valid hardware profile
+    Given URI /api/hardware_profiles exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'hardware-profiles'
+    And this URI should be available in XML, HTML, JSON format
   Scenario: I want to show hardware profile details
-    When I request for '<HARDWARE_PROFILE_ID>' hardware profile
-    Then I should get this hardware profile
+    Given URI /api/hardware_profiles exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'hardware-profiles'
+    When client want to show 'm1-large' hardware-profile
+    And client should get this hardware-profile
     And it should have a href attribute
-    And hardware profile should include id parameter
     And it should have a fixed property 'cpu'
     And it should have a range property 'memory'
     And it should have a enum property 'storage'
+    And this URI should be available in XML, HTML, JSON format
-  Scenario: I want filter hardware profiles by architecture
-    When I want hardware profiles with '<HARDWARE_PROFILE_ARCH>' architecture
-    Then the returned hardware profiles should have architecture '<HARDWARE_PROFILE_ARCH>'
+  Scenario: Filtering images by architecture
+    Given URI /api/hardware_profiles exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI with parameters:
+    | architecture | i386 |
+    Then client should get some hardware-profiles
+    And each hardware-profile should have 'architecture' attribute set to 'i386'

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/images.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/images.feature (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/images.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,38 +1,59 @@
-Feature: Working with images
-  In order to work with images
+Feature: Listing and showing images
-  Background:
-    Given I want to get XML
-  Scenario: I want to get list of all images
-    When I follow images link in entry points
-    Then I in order to see list of images I need to be authorized
-    When I enter correct username and password
-    And I follow images link in entry points
-    Then I should see <IMAGE_COUNT> image inside images
-    And each link in images should point me to valid image
-  Scenario: I want to show image details
-    Given I am authorized to show image '<IMAGE_ID>'
-    When I request for '<IMAGE_ID>' image
-    Then I should get this image
-    And image should have valid href parameter
-    And image should include id parameter
-    And image should include name parameter
-    And image should include owner_id parameter
-    And image should include description parameter
-    And image should include architecture parameter
-  Scenario: I want filter images by owner_id
-    When I want images with '<IMAGE_OWNER>' owner_id
-    Then I should get only images with owner_id '<IMAGE_OWNER>'
-  Scenario: I want filter images by architecture
-    When I want images with '<IMAGE_ARCH>' architecture
-    Then I should get only images with architecture '<IMAGE_ARCH>'
-  Scenario: I want filter images by architecture
-    When I want images with '<IMAGE_ARCH>' architecture
-    And images with '<IMAGE_OWNER>' owner_id
-    Then I should get only images with architecture '<IMAGE_ARCH>'
-    And this images should also have owner_id '<IMAGE_OWNER>'
+  Scenario: Listing available images
+    Given URI /api/images exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'images'
+    And this element contains some images
+    And each image should have:
+    | id |
+    | name |
+    | description |
+    | architecture |
+    | owner_id |
+    And each image should have 'href' attribute with valid URL
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
+  Scenario: Following image href attribute
+    Given URI /api/images exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'images'
+    And this element contains some images
+    When client want to show first image
+    Then client should follow href attribute in image
+    And client should get valid response with requested image
+    And this image should have:
+    | id |
+    | name |
+    | description |
+    | architecture |
+    | owner_id |
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
+  Scenario: Filtering images by owner_id
+    Given URI /api/images exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI with parameters:
+    | owner_id | fedoraproject |
+    Then client should get some images
+    And each image should have 'owner_id' attribute set to 'fedoraproject'
+  Scenario: Filtering images by architecture
+    Given URI /api/images exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI with parameters:
+    | architecture | i386 |
+    Then client should get some images
+    And each image should have 'architecture' attribute set to 'i386'
+  Scenario: Filtering images by architecture and owner_id
+    Given URI /api/images exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI with parameters:
+    | architecture | i386 |
+    | owner_id | fedoraproject |
+    Then client should get some images
+    And each image should have 'architecture' attribute set to 'i386'
+    And each image should have 'owner_id' attribute set to 'fedoraproject'

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/instance_states.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/instance_states.feature (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/instance_states.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,7 +1,36 @@
-Feature: Get possible instance states
-  In order to get possible instance states
+Feature: Instance states and transitions
-  Scenario:
-    Given I want to get XML
-    When I follow instance states link in entry points
-    Then I should see list of instance states
+  Scenario: Getting list of states
+    Given URI /api/instance_states exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'states'
+    And this element contains some states
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
+  Scenario: State names
+    Given URI /api/instance_states exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'states'
+    And states element contains some states
+    And each state should have 'name' attribute
+    And first state should have 'name' attribute set to 'start'
+    And last state should have 'name' attribute set to 'finish'
+  Scenario: Transitions
+    Given URI /api/instance_states exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'states'
+    And states element contains some states
+    And some states should have transitions
+    And each transitions should have 'to' attribute
+  Scenario: State diagram
+    Given URI /api/instance_states exists
+    And authentification is not required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    And client wants PNG format
+    Then client should get PNG image

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/instances.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/instances.feature (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/instances.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,99 +1,164 @@
 Feature: Managing instances
-  In order to manage instances
-  Background:
-    Given I want to get XML
-  Scenario: I want to get list of all instances
-    Given I am authorized to list instances
-    When I follow instances link in entry points
-    Then I should see some instance inside instances
-    And each link in instances should point me to valid instance
-  Scenario: I want to create a new instance
-    Given I am authorized to create instance
-    When I request create new instance with:
-      | name     | <INSTANCE_1_NAME> |
-      | image_id | <INSTANCE_IMAGE_ID> |
-    Then I should request this instance
-    And this instance should be 'RUNNING' or 'PENDING'
-    And this instance should have name '<INSTANCE_1_NAME>'
-    And this instance should be image '<INSTANCE_IMAGE_ID>'
-  Scenario: I want to create a new instance using realm
-    Given I am authorized to create instance
-    When I request create new instance with:
-      | name     | <INSTANCE_2_NAME> |
-      | image_id | <INSTANCE_IMAGE_ID> |
-      | realm    | <INSTANCE_REALM> |
-    Then I should request this instance
-    And this instance should be 'RUNNING' or 'PENDING'
-    And this instance should have name '<INSTANCE_2_NAME>'
-    And this instance should be image '<INSTANCE_IMAGE_ID>'
-    And this instance should have realm  '<INSTANCE_REALM>'
-  Scenario: I want to show instance details
-    Given I am authorized to show instance '<INSTANCE_1_ID>'
-    When I request for '<INSTANCE_1_ID>' instance
-    Then I should get this instance
-    And instance should include id parameter
-    And instance should include name parameter
-    #And instance should include owner_id parameter
-    And instance should include state parameter
-    And this instance state should be 'RUNNING' or 'PENDING'
-    When instance state is RUNNING
-    Then instance should have one public address
-    And instance should have one private address
-    When instance state is RUNNING
-    Then instance should include link to 'reboot' action
-    And instance should include link to 'stop' action
-  Scenario: I want to get instance image
-    Given I am authorized to show instance '<INSTANCE_1_ID>'
-    Given I request for '<INSTANCE_1_ID>' instance
-    When I want to get details about instance image
-    Then I could follow image href attribute
-    And this attribute should point me to valid image
-  Scenario: I want to get instance hardware profile
-    Given I am authorized to show instance '<INSTANCE_1_ID>'
-    Given I request for '<INSTANCE_1_ID>' instance
-    When I want to get details about instance hardware profile
-    Then I could follow hardware profile href attribute
-    And this attribute should point me to valid hardware profile
-  Scenario: I want to get instance realm
-    Given I am authorized to show instance '<INSTANCE_1_ID>'
-    Given I request for '<INSTANCE_1_ID>' instance
-    When I want to get details about instance realm
-    Then I could follow realm href attribute
-    And this attribute should point me to valid realm
-  Scenario: I want to stop instance
-    Given I am authorized to show instance '<INSTANCE_1_ID>'
-    Given I request for '<INSTANCE_1_ID>' instance
-    When I want to stop this instance
-    And this instance state is 'RUNNING' or 'PENDING'
-    Then I could follow stop action in actions
-    And this instance state should be 'STOPPED' or 'STOPPING'
-  Scenario: I want to start instance
-    Given I am authorized to show instance '<INSTANCE_1_ID>'
-    Given I request for '<INSTANCE_1_ID>' instance
-    When I want to stop this instance
-    Then I could follow start action in actions
-    And this instance state should be 'RUNNING'
-  Scenario: I want to reboot instance
-    Given I am authorized to show instance '<INSTANCE_1_ID>'
-    Given I request for '<INSTANCE_1_ID>' instance
-    When I want to reboot this instance
-    Then I could follow reboot action in actions
-    And this instance state should be 'RUNNING'
-  Scenario: I want to destroy instance
-    Given I am authorized to show instance '<INSTANCE_1_ID>'
-    Given I request for '<INSTANCE_1_ID>' instance
-    When I want to stop this instance
-    Then I could follow stop action in actions
-    And this instance state should be 'STOPPED'
+  Scenario: Listing current instances
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    And each instance should have:
+    | id |
+    | name |
+    | owner_id |
+    | image |
+    | realm |
+    | state |
+    | hardware-profile |
+    | actions |
+    | public-addresses |
+    | private-addresses |
+    And each instance should have 'href' attribute with valid URL
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
+  Scenario: Filtering instances by state
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI with parameters:
+    | state | RUNNING |
+    Then client should get some instances
+    And each instance should have 'state' attribute set to 'RUNNING'
+  Scenario: Get details about first instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    When client want to show first instance
+    Then client follow href attribute in first instance
+    Then client should get this instance
+    And this instance should have:
+    | id |
+    | name |
+    | owner_id |
+    | image |
+    | realm |
+    | state |
+    | hardware-profile |
+    | actions |
+    | public-addresses |
+    | private-addresses |
+  Scenario: Following image href in instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    When client follow image href attribute in first instance
+    Then client should get valid image
+  Scenario: Following realm href in instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    When client follow realm href attribute in first instance
+    Then client should get valid realm
+  Scenario: Following hardware profile href in instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    When client follow hardware-profile href attribute in first instance
+    Then client should get valid hardware-profile
+  Scenario: Instance actions
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    And each instance should have actions
+    And each actions should have some links
+    And each link should have valid href attribute
+    And each link should have valid rel attribute
+  Scenario: Reboot instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    When client want to 'reboot' first instance
+    And client follow link in actions
+    Then client should get first instance
+    And this instance should be in 'RUNNING' state
+  Scenario: Stop instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    When client want to 'stop' first instance
+    And client follow link in actions
+    Then client should get first instance
+    And this instance should be in 'STOPPED' state
+  Scenario: Start instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'instances'
+    And this element contains some instances
+    When client want to 'start' first instance
+    And client follow link in actions
+    Then client should get first instance
+    And this instance should be in 'RUNNING' state
+  Scenario: Basic instance creation
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client want to create a new instance
+    Then client should choose first image
+    When client request for a new instance
+    Then new instance should be created
+    And this instance should have chosed image
+    And this instance should be in 'RUNNING' state
+    And this instance should have valid id
+    And this instance should have name
+  Scenario: Choosing hardware profile for instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client want to create a new instance
+    Then client should choose first image
+    And client choose last hardware profile
+    When client request for a new instance
+    Then new instance should be created
+    And this instance should have chosed image
+    And this instance should be in 'RUNNING' state
+    And this instance should have valid id
+    And this instance should have last hardware profile
+    And this instance should have name
+  Scenario: Create instance using HTML form
+    Given URI /api/instances/new exists in HTML format
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get HTML form
+  Scenario: Destroying created instance
+    Given URI /api/instances exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client want to 'stop' created instance
+    And client follow link in actions
+    Then client should get created instance
+    And this instance should be in 'STOPPED' state
+    When client want to 'destroy' created instance
+    And client follow link in actions
+    And this instance should be destroyed

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/realms.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/realms.feature (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/realms.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,25 +1,31 @@
-Feature: Working with realms
-  In order to work with realms
+Feature: Accessing realms
-  Background:
-    Given I want to get XML
+  Scenario: Getting list of available realms
+    Given URI /api/realms exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'realms'
+    And this element contains some realms
+    And each realm should have:
+    | id |
+    | name |
+    | state |
+    | limit |
+    And each realm should have 'href' attribute with valid URL
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
-  Scenario: I want to get list of all realms
-    When I follow realms link in entry points
-    Then I in order to see list of realms I need to be authorized
-    When I enter correct username and password
-    And I follow realms link in entry points
-    Then I should see <REALM_COUNT> realm inside realms
-    And each link in realms should point me to valid realm
-  Scenario: I want to show realm details
-    When I request for '<REALM_ID>' realm
-    Then I should get this realm
-    And realm should have valid href parameter
-    And realm should include id parameter
-    And realm should include name parameter
-    And realm should include state parameter
-  Scenario: I want filter realms by state
-    When I want realms with '<REALM_STATE>' state
-    Then I should get only realms with state '<REALM_STATE>'
+  Scenario: Following realm href attribute
+    Given URI /api/realms exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'realms'
+    And this element contains some realms
+    When client want to show first realm
+    Then client should follow href attribute in realm
+    And client should get valid response with requested realm
+    And this realm should have:
+    | id |
+    | name |
+    | state |
+    | limit |
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/api_steps.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/api_steps.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/api_steps.rb Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,45 +1,103 @@
-When /^I request for entry points$/ do
-  get "/api", { }
-  last_response.status.should == 200
+Given /^URI ([\w\/\-_]+) exists$/ do |uri|
+  get uri, {}
+  last_response.status.should_not == 404
+  last_response.status.should_not == 500
+  @uri = uri
-Then /^I should see these entry points:$/ do |table|
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath('/api/link').each do |entry_point|
-    table.raw.flatten.include?(entry_point[:rel]).should == true
+Given /^URI ([\w\/\-_]+) exists in (.+) format$/ do |uri, format|
+  @uri = "#{uri}.#{format.downcase}"
+  get @uri, {}
+  last_response.status.should_not == 404
+  last_response.status.should_not == 500
+Given /^authentification is not required for this URI$/ do
+  last_response.status.should_not == 401
+When /^client access this URI$/ do
+  get @uri, {}
+  last_response.status.should_not == 404
+Then /^client should get root element '(.+)'$/ do |element|
+  @last_element = output_xml.xpath('/'+element).first
+  @last_element.should_not be_nil
+ == element
+Then /^this element should have attribute '(.+)' with value '(.+)'$/ do |atr, val|
+  @last_element[atr.to_sym].should == val
+Then /^client should get list of valid entry points:$/ do |table|
+  @entry_points = table.raw.flatten.sort
+  links = []
+  output_xml.xpath('/api/link').each do |entry_point|
+    links << entry_point['rel']
+  @entry_points.should == links.sort
-Then /^I should get valid HTML response$/ do
-  Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body) == 'html'
+Then /^this URI should be available in (.+) format$/ do |formats|
+  @no_header = true
+  formats.split(',').each do |format|
+    get "#{@uri}.#{format.strip.downcase}", {}
+    last_response.status.should == 200
+  end
+  @no_header = false
+Then /^client should get list of valid entry points$/ do
+  links = []
+  output_xml.xpath('/api/link').each do |entry_point|
+    links << entry_point['rel']
+  end
+  @entry_points.should == links.sort
-Then /^I should see these entry points in page:$/ do |table|
-  @links = []
-  Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).css('div#content ul li a').each do |link|
-    @links << link[:href]
+Then /^each (\w+) should have '(.+)' attribute with valid (.+)$/ do |el, attr, t|
+  case el
+    when 'link':
+      path = '/api/link'
+    when 'image':
+      path = '/images/image'
-  table.raw.flatten.each do |link|
-    @links.include?("/api/#{link}").should == true
+  output_xml.xpath(path).each do |entry_point|
+    @entry_points.include?(entry_point[attr]).should == true if t=='name'
+    if t=='URL'
+      entry_point[:href].should_not be_nil
+    end
+  @last_attribute = attr
-When /^I follow this entry points$/ do
-  @responses = []
-  authorize CONFIG[:username], CONFIG[:password]
-  @links.each do |link|
-    get link, {}
-    @responses << last_response.status
+Then /^each ([\w\-]+) should have '(.+)' attribute set to '(.+)'$/ do |el, attr, v|
+  case el
+    when 'image':
+      path = "/image/images"
+  end
+  output_xml.xpath(path).each do |element|
+    element[attr].should == v
-Then /^I should get valid HTML response for each$/ do
-  @responses.uniq.should == [200]
+When /^client follow this attribute$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('/api/link').each do |entry_point|
+    get entry_point[@last_attribute], {}
+  end
-Then /^each entry points should have documentation$/ do
-  @links.each do |link|
-    next if link.eql?('/api/docs')
-    get link.to_s.gsub(/\/api\//, '/api/docs/'), {}
-    last_response.status.should == 200
+Then /^client should get a valid response$/ do
+  last_response.status.should_not == 500
+Then /^client should get list of features inside '(.+)':$/ do |element,table|
+  features = table.raw.flatten.sort
+  instance_features = []
+  output_xml.xpath('/api/link[@rel="'+element+'"]/feature').each do |feature|
+    instance_features << feature[:name]
+  features.should == instance_features.sort

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/hardware_profiles_steps.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/hardware_profiles_steps.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/hardware_profiles_steps.rb Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
 Then /^it should have a (\w+) attribute$/ do |name|
-  attr = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath('/hardware-profile').first[name]
+  attr = output_xml.xpath('/hardware-profile').first[name]
   attr.should_not be_nil
-  if (name == 'href')
-    attr.should == "{CONFIG[:hardware_profile_id]}"
-  end
 Then /^it should have a (\w+) property '(.+)'$/ do |kind, name|
-  props = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/hardware-profile/property[@name = '#{name}']")
+  props = output_xml.xpath("/hardware-profile/property[@name = '#{name}']")
   props.size.should == 1
   prop = props.first
   prop['kind'].should == kind
@@ -26,16 +23,3 @@ Then /^it should have a (\w+) property '
-Then /^the returned hardware profiles should have (.+) '(.+)'$/ do |parameter, value|
-  params = {}
-  value = replace_variables(value)
-  @tested_params.collect { |param| params[:"#{param[0]}"] = param[1] }
-  get '/api/hardware_profiles', params, {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
-  parameters = []
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/hardware-profiles/hardware-profile/property[@name = '#{parameter}']").each do |elt|
-      parameters << elt['value']
-  end
-  parameters.uniq.size.should == 1
-  parameters.uniq.first.should == value

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/images_steps.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/images_steps.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/images_steps.rb Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,5 +1,83 @@
-Then /^image should have valid href parameter$/ do
-  href=Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath('/image').first[:href]
-  href.should == "{CONFIG[:image_id]}"
+Given /^authentification is required for this URI$/ do
+  authorize CONFIG[:username], CONFIG[:password]
+  get @uri, {}
+  last_response.status.should == 200
+Then /^this element contains some (.+)$/ do |items|
+  item = items.singularize
+  output_xml.xpath("/#{}/#{item}").size.should > 0
+Then /^each ([\w\-]+) should have:$/ do |item, table|
+  properties = table.raw.flatten.sort
+  output_xml.xpath("/#{}/#{item}").each do |element|
+    childrens = (element > '*').collect { |c| }
+    childrens.sort.should == properties
+  end
+Then /^this ([\w\-]+) should have:$/ do |item, table|
+  properties = table.raw.flatten.sort
+  output_xml.xpath("/#{item}").each do |element|
+    childrens = (element > '*').collect { |c| }
+    childrens.sort.should == properties
+  end
+When /^client want to show first (.+)$/ do |element|
+  case element
+    when 'image':
+      path = '/images/image'
+    when 'instance':
+      path = '/instances/instance'
+    when 'realm':
+      path = '/realms/realm'
+    when 'hardware-profile'
+      path = '/hardware-profiles/hardware-profile'
+    when 'storage-volume':
+      path = '/storage-volumes/storage-volume'
+    when 'storage-snapshot':
+      path = '/storage-snapshots/storage-snapshot'
+  end
+  @element = output_xml.xpath(path).first
+  @element.should_not be_nil
+When /^client want to show '(.+)' (.+)$/ do |id, el|
+  @uri = "/api/#{'-', '_')}/#{id}"
+  get @uri, {}
+  @element = output_xml.xpath("/#{el}").first
+  @element.should_not be_nil
+Then /^client follow (\w+) attribute in first (.+)$/ do |attr, el|
+  url = output_xml.xpath("/#{el.pluralize}/#{el}").first[:href]
+  url.should_not be_nil
+  get url, {}
+Then /^client should get this (.+)$/ do |el|
+  last_response.status.should == 200
+Then /^client should follow href attribute in (\w+)$/ do |element|
+  get @element[:href], {}
+Then /^client should get valid response with requested (\w+)$/ do |element|
+  last_response.status.should == 200
+  output_xml.xpath('/'+element+'/id').first.text.should == @element.xpath('id').text
+When /^client access this URI with parameters:$/ do |table|
+  params = {}
+  table.raw.each { |i| params[i[0]]=i[1] }
+  get @uri, params
+Then /^client should get some ([\w\-]+)$/ do |elements|
+  last_response.status.should == 200
+  output_xml.xpath('/'+elements+'/'+elements.singularize).size.should > 0

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/instance_states_steps.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/instance_states_steps.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/instance_states_steps.rb Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
-Then /^I should see list of instance states$/ do
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body) == 'states'
+Then /^states element contains some states$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('/states/state').size.should > 0
+Then /^each state should have '(.+)' attribute$/ do |attr|
+  output_xml.xpath('/states/state').each do |state|
+    state[attr].should_not be_nil
+  end
+Then /^(\w+) state should have '(.+)' attribute set to '(\w+)'$/ do |pos, attr, value|
+  output_xml.xpath('/states/state').first[attr].should==value if pos=='first'
+  output_xml.xpath('/states/state').last[attr].should==value if pos=='last'
+Then /^some states should have transitions$/ do
+  @transitions = output_xml.xpath('/states/state/transition')
+  @transitions.size.should > 0
+Then /^each transitions should have 'to' attribute$/ do
+  @transitions.each do |t|
+    t[:to].should_not be_nil
+  end
+When /^client wants (\w+) format$/ do |format|
+  get "#{@uri}.#{format.downcase}", {}
+Then /^client should get PNG image$/ do
+  last_response.status.should == 200
+  last_response.headers['Content-Type'].should == 'image/png'

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/instances_steps.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/instances_steps.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/instances_steps.rb Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,124 +1,121 @@
-Then /^instance state should be (.+)$/ do |state|
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/state").first.text.should == state
+When /^client follow ([\w\-]+) href attribute in first instance$/ do |element|
+  get output_xml.xpath('/instances/instance[1]/'+element).first[:href], {}
-When /^instance state is (.+)$/ do |state|
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/state").first.text.should == state
+Then /^client should get valid ([\w\-]+)$/ do |element|
+  last_response.status.should == 200
+  output_xml.xpath("/#{element}").first.should_not be_nil
-Then /^instance should have one (public|private) address$/ do |type|
-  adr = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/#{type}-addresses/address").first
-  adr.text.to_s.should_not == nil
-  adr.text.to_s.should_not == ''
+Then /^each instance should have actions$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('/instances/instance').each do |instance|
+    instance.xpath('actions').first.should_not be_nil
+  end
-Then /^instance should include link to '(.+)' action$/ do |action|
-  links = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/actions/link")
-  actions = []
-  links.each do |link|
-    actions << link[:rel]
+Then /^each actions should have some links$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('/instances/instance').each do |instance|
+    instance.xpath('actions/link').first.should_not be_nil
-  actions.include?(action).should == true
-When /^I want to get details about instance (.+)$/ do |model|
+Then /^each link should have valid (\w+) attribute$/ do |attr|
+  output_xml.xpath('/instances/instance').each do |instance|
+    instance.xpath('actions/link').first[attr].should_not be_nil
+  end
-Then /^I could follow (image|realm|hardware profile) href attribute$/ do |model|
-!(' ', '-')
-  m = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/#{model}").first
-  model_url = URI.parse(m[:href]).path
-  get model_url, {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
+When /^client want to '(\w+)' first instance$/ do |action|
+  @action = action
+  @instance = output_xml.xpath('/instances/instance[1]').first
-Then /^this attribute should point me to valid (image|realm|hardware profile)$/ do |model|
-  model_tag =' ', '-')
-!(' ', '_')
-  attribute = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/#{model_tag}").first
-  attribute.should_not == nil
- == model_tag
+When /^client follow link in actions$/ do
+  unless @instance_url
+  l = output_xml.xpath("/instances/instance[1]/actions/link[@rel = '#{@action}']").first
+  else
+    l = @instance.xpath('actions/link[@rel="'+@action+'"]').first
+  end
+  l.should_not be_nil
+  unless @action=='destroy'
+    post l[:href], { :id => @instance.xpath('id').first.text }
+  else
+    delete l[:href], { :id => @instance.xpath('id').first.text }
+  end
+  last_response.status.should_not == 500
-When /^I want to (.+) this instance$/ do |action|
+Then /^client should get first instance$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('/instance/id').first.should_not be_nil
+  output_xml.xpath('/instance/id').first.text.should == @instance.xpath('id').first.text
-Given /^I am authorized to create instance$/ do
-  last_response.status.should_not == 401
+Then /^this instance should be in '(.+)' state$/ do |state|
+  output_xml.xpath('/instance/state').first.text.should == state
-Then /^I could follow (.+) action in actions$/ do |action|
-  link = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/actions/link[@rel='#{action}']").first
-  link.should_not == nil
-  post URI.parse(link[:href]).path, {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
+When /^client want to create a new instance$/ do
+Then /^client should choose first image$/ do
+  get '/api/images', {}
+  @image = output_xml.xpath('/images/image').first
+  @image.should_not be_nil
-Then /^this instance state should be '(\w+)'$/ do |state|
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/state").first.text.should == state
+When /^client request for a new instance$/ do
+  params = {
+    :image_id => @image.xpath('id').first.text
+  }
+  params[:hwp_id] = @hwp_id if @hwp_id
+  post "#{@uri}", params
+  last_response.status.should == 201
+  @instance_url = last_response.headers['Location']
-Then /^this instance state should be '(\w+)' or '(\w+)'$/ do |state, state_2|
-  instance_state = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/state").first
-  instance_state.should_not == nil
-  [state, state_2].include?(instance_state.text).should == true
+Then /^new instance should be created$/ do
+  get @instance_url, {}
+  last_response.status.should == 200
-When /^I request create new instance with:$/ do |table|
-  params = {}
- { |a,b| params[:"#{a}"] = replace_variables(b) }
-  post '/api/instances', params
-  @instance_id = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/id").first.text
-  @instance_id.should_not == nil
-  CONFIG[:instance_1_id] = @instance_id unless CONFIG[:instance_1_id]
+Then /^this instance should have chosed image$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('/instance/image').first[:href].should == @image[:href]
-Then /^I should request this instance$/ do
-  get URI.encode('/api/instances/'+@instance_id), {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance").first.should_not == nil
+Then /^this instance should have valid id$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('instance/id').first.should_not be_nil
-Then /^this instance should be '(RUNNING|PENDING|STOPPED)'$/ do |state|
-  get URI.encode('/api/instances/'+@instance_id), {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/state").first.text.should == state
+Then /^this instance should have name$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('instance/name').first.should_not be_nil
-Then /^this instance should be '(RUNNING|PENDING|STOPPED)' or '(RUNNING|PENDING|STOPPED)'$/ do |state, second_state|
-  get URI.encode('/api/instances/'+@instance_id), {}
+When /^client want to '(\w+)' created instance$/ do |action|
+  get @instance_url, {}
   last_response.status.should == 200
-  [state, second_state].include?(Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/state").first.text).should == true
+  @action = action
+  @instance = output_xml.xpath('/instance')
-Then /^this instance should have name '(.+)'$/ do |name|
-  get URI.encode('/api/instances/'+@instance_id), {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/name").first.text.should == replace_variables(name)
+Then /^client should get created instance$/ do
+  get @instance_url
-Then /^this instance should be image '(.+)'$/ do |image|
-  get URI.encode('/api/instances/'+@instance_id), {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
-  get URI.parse(Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/image").first[:href]).path, {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/image/id").first.text.should == replace_variables(image)
+When /^this instance should be destroyed$/ do
+  get @instance_url, {}
+  last_response.status.should == 404
-Then /^this instance should have realm  '(.+)'$/ do |realm|
-  get URI.encode('/api/instances/'+@instance_id), {}
-  last_response.status.should == 200
-  get URI.parse(Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/realm").first[:href]).path, {}
+Then /^client should get HTML form$/ do
   last_response.status.should == 200
-  Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/realm/id").first.text.should == replace_variables(realm)
+  (last_response.body.strip =~ /^<!DOCTYPE html/).should be_true
-When /^this instance state is '(\w+)'$/ do |given_state|
-  state = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/state").first.text
-  state.should == given_state
+When /^client choose last hardware profile$/ do
+  get '/api/hardware_profiles', {}
+  @hwp_id = output_xml.xpath('/hardware-profiles/hardware-profile/id').last.text
-When /^this instance state is '(\w+)' or '(\w+)'$/ do |given_state, given_state_2|
-  state = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body).xpath("/instance/state").first.text
-  [given_state, given_state_2].include?(state).should == true
+Then /^this instance should have last hardware profile$/ do
+  output_xml.xpath('instance/hardware-profile/id').first.text.should == @hwp_id

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/rake_steps.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/rake_steps.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/step_definitions/rake_steps.rb Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'rake'
+require 'find'
+Given /^I have a clean (.+) directory$/ do |dir|
+  FileUtils.rm_rf dir  
+When /^I run a '(\w+)' task$/ do |task|
+  @rake =
+ Rake.application = @rake
+ load "Rakefile"
+ @task = Rake::Task[task]
+ @task.invoke
+Then /^I should see a (\w+) file inside (\w+) directory$/ do |ext, dir|
+  Dir["#{dir}/deltacloud-*.#{ext}"].size.should == 1

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/storage_snapshots.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/storage_snapshots.feature (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/storage_snapshots.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-Feature: Working with storage snapshots
-  In order to work with storage snapshots
+Feature: Accessing storage snapshots
-  Background:
-    Given I want to get XML
+  Scenario: Listing available storage snapshots
+    Given URI /api/storage_snapshots exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'storage-snapshots'
+    And this element contains some storage-snapshots
+    And each storage-volume should have:
+    | id |
+    | created |
+    | storage-volume |
+    And each image should have 'href' attribute with valid URL
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
-  Scenario: I want to get list of all storage snapshots
-    Given I am authorized to list storage snapshots
-    When I follow storage snapshots link in entry points
-    Then I should see <STORAGE_SNAPSHOT_COUNT> storage snapshot inside storage snapshots
-    And each link in storage snapshots should point me to valid storage snapshot
-  Scenario: I want to show storage snapshot details
-    Given I am authorized to show storage snapshot '<STORAGE_SNAPSHOT_ID>'
-    When I request for '<STORAGE_SNAPSHOT_ID>' storage snapshot
-    Then I should get this storage snapshot
-    And storage snapshot should have valid href parameter
-    And storage snapshot should include id parameter
-    And storage snapshot should include created parameter
-    And storage snapshot should include state parameter
-    And storage snapshot should have storage-volume with valid href attribute
-    When I want to get details about storage volume
-    Then I could follow storage volume href attribute
-    And this attribute should point me to valid storage volume
-  Scenario: I want filter storage snapshots by state
-    Given I am authorized to list storage snapshots
-    When I want storage snapshots with '<STORAGE_SNAPSHOT_STATE>' state
-    Then I should get only realms with state '<STORAGE_SNAPSHOT_STATE>'
+  Scenario: Get details about first volume
+    Given URI /api/storage_snapshots exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'storage-snapshots'
+    And this element contains some storage-snapshots
+    When client want to show first storage-snapshot
+    Then client follow href attribute in first storage-snapshot
+    Then client should get this storage-snapshot
+    And this storage-snapshot should have:
+    | id |
+    | created |
+    | state |
+    | storage-volume |

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/storage_volumes.feature
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/storage_volumes.feature (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/storage_volumes.feature Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
-Feature: Working with storage volumes
-  In order to work with storage volumes
+Feature: Accessing storage volumes
-  Background:
-    Given I want to get XML
+  Scenario: Listing available storage volumes
+    Given URI /api/storage_volumes exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'storage-volumes'
+    And this element contains some storage-volumes
+    And each storage-volume should have:
+    | id |
+    | created |
+    | capacity |
+    | device |
+    | instance |
+    And each image should have 'href' attribute with valid URL
+    And this URI should be available in XML, JSON, HTML format
-  Scenario: I want to get list of all storage volumes
-    Given I am authorized to list storage volumes
-    When I follow storage volumes link in entry points
-    Then I should see <STORAGE_VOLUME_COUNT> storage volume inside storage volumes
-    And each link in storage volumes should point me to valid storage volume
-  Scenario: I want to show storage volume details
-    Given I am authorized to show storage volume '<STORAGE_VOLUME_ID>'
-    When I request for '<STORAGE_VOLUME_ID>' storage volume
-    Then I should get this storage volume
-    And storage volume should have valid href parameter
-    And storage volume should include id parameter
-    And storage volume should include created parameter
-    And storage volume should include state parameter
-    And storage volume should include capacity parameter
-    And storage volume should include device parameter
-  Scenario: I want to get storage volume instance
-    Given I am authorized to show storage volume '<STORAGE_VOLUME_ID>'
-    When I request for '<STORAGE_VOLUME_ID>' storage volume
-    Then I should get this storage volume
-  Scenario: I want filter storage volumes by state
-    Given I am authorized to list storage volumes
-    When I want storage volumes with '<STORAGE_VOLUME_STATE>' state
-    Then I should get only realms with state '<STORAGE_VOLUME_STATE>'
+  Scenario: Get details about first volume
+    Given URI /api/storage_volumes exists
+    And authentification is required for this URI
+    When client access this URI
+    Then client should get root element 'storage-volumes'
+    And this element contains some storage-volumes
+    When client want to show first storage-volume
+    Then client follow href attribute in first storage-volume
+    Then client should get this storage-volume
+    And this storage-volume should have:
+    | id |
+    | created |
+    | capacity |
+    | device |
+    | instance |
+    | state |

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/support/env.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/support/env.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/features/support/env.rb Thu Jul  8 23:45:36 2010
@@ -1,34 +1,39 @@
 require 'sinatra'
 require 'server'
 require 'rack/test'
+require 'nokogiri'
 SERVER_DIR = File::expand_path(File::join(File::dirname(__FILE__), "../.."))
 Sinatra::Application.set :environment, :test
 Sinatra::Application.set :root, SERVER_DIR
 ENV['API_DRIVER'] = "mock" unless ENV['API_DRIVER']
-CONFIG = YAML::load_file(File::join('features', 'support', ENV['API_DRIVER'], 'config.yaml'))
+  :username => 'mockuser',
+  :password => 'mockpassword'
 World do
   def app
     @app = do
       set :logging, true
       set :raise_errors, true
       run Sinatra::Application
- end
+  end
-  def replace_variables(str)
-    CONFIG.keys.collect { |k| str.gsub!(/\<#{k.to_s.upcase}\>/, "#{CONFIG[k]}") }
-    return str
+  def output_xml
+    Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)
   Before do
-    header 'Accept', 'application/xml'
+    unless @no_header
+      header 'Accept', 'application/xml'
+    end
   include Rack::Test::Methods