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Posted to by haozech via Apache TVM Discuss <> on 2021/12/30 02:16:47 UTC

[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] The doc about InferBound seems to be out-dated

In the **Limitations of PassUpDomain** section of [InferBound Pass](, I ran the code in Ex.6 in TVM ver0.8. And my result is not the same with the result given in the doc.
Doc's result :  
// attr [B] storage_scope = "global"
allocate B[float32 * 16]
produce C {
  for (ci.cj.fused.outer, 0, 4) {
    produce B {
      for (bi, 0, 4) {
        for (bj, 0, 4) {
          B[((bi*4) + bj)] = (A[((bi*4) + bj)] + 2.000000f)
    for (ci.cj.fused.inner, 0, 4) {
      C[((ci.cj.fused.outer*4) + ci.cj.fused.inner)] = (B[((ci.cj.fused.outer*4) + ci.cj.fused.inner)]*3.000000f)
my result using TVM 0.8: 
@main = primfn(A_1: handle, C_1: handle) -> ()
  attr = {"from_legacy_te_schedule": True, "global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True}
  buffers = {C: Buffer(C_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [4, 4], []),
             A: Buffer(A_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [4, 4], [])}
  buffer_map = {A_1: A, C_1: C} {
  allocate(B: Pointer(global float32), float32, [4]), storage_scope = global;
  for (ci.cj.fused.outer: int32, 0, 4) {
    for (bj: int32, 0, 4) {
      B[bj] = ((float32*)A_2[((ci.cj.fused.outer*4) + bj)] + 2f32)
    for (ci.cj.fused.inner: int32, 0, 4) {
      C_2[((ci.cj.fused.outer*4) + ci.cj.fused.inner)] = ((float32*)B[ci.cj.fused.inner]*3f32)

It seems like the limitation mentioned in the doc has no longer existed. So the doc need to be updated.

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