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svn commit: r412163 - /webservices/muse/branches/1.0/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/index.xml

Author: scamp
Date: Tue Jun  6 09:22:30 2006
New Revision: 412163

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Modified: webservices/muse/branches/1.0/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/index.xml
--- webservices/muse/branches/1.0/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/index.xml (original)
+++ webservices/muse/branches/1.0/src/site/content/xdocs/wsrf/dev_guide/index.xml Tue Jun  6 09:22:30 2006
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "">
-	<header>
-		<title>WSRF Developer Guide</title>
-	</header>
-	<body>
-		<section>
-			<title>About this Guide</title>
-			<p>The Developer Guide provides instructions for using many of the features that are included in Apache WSRF. If you are new to this project, you should start 
-			with the <a href="site:overview">Getting Started</a> and the <a href="site:tut">Tutorial</a> before reading this guide. They provide a good starting point for 
-			learning how to use Apache WSRF.</p>
-			<p>The Developer guide often refers to different parts of the <a href="site:wsrf">Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) specifications</a> that are defined by 
-			the OASIS standards body. You should become familiar with these specifications and refer to them as needed.</p>
-			<p>The Developer Guide guide often refers to Apache Axis, Apache Tomcat, Apache Ant, and Apache XMLBeans. Instructions for these packages are included 
-			as required and are not meant to replace the formal documentation for these projects. Consult them as necessary.</p>
-			<p>Lastly, Apache WSRF is consumed by the <a href="site:p_overview">Pubscribe</a> and <a href="site:m_overview">Muse</a> projects. Many of the concepts that are 
-			covered in this guide are also applicable to Pubscribe and Muse. While it is not required, it is a good idea to start with Apache WSRF before 
-			moving on to these other projects.</p>
-		</section>
-		<section>
-			<title>WSRF Overview</title>
-			<p>Apache WSRF is an implementation of the <a href="site:wsrf">WSRF</a> family of specifications that are defined by the OASIS standards body. Ultimately, the family 
-			of specifications define a method of exposing resources using Web services. This is typically done for management purposes. The resource can 
-			be anything from a device to application components or even current management components such as JMX MBeans.The specifications 
-			include:</p>
-			<ul>
-				<li>WS Resource - Defines a WS-Resource and describes how one Web service can be used to represent multiple resource instances.</li>
-				<li>WS-ResourceProperties (WSRF-RP) - Defines how to define and interact with stateful properties of a WS-Resource.</li>
-				<li>WS-ResourceLifetime (WSRF-RL) - Defines a way in which the lifetime of a WS-Resource can be monitored and how the WS-Resource can be destroyed. </li>
-				<li>WS-ServiceGroup (WSRF-SG) - Defines how WS-Resources can be aggregated or grouped together for a domain specific 
-				purpose. 
-				<note>The WS-ServiceGroup specification is currently not implemented in Apache WSRF.</note>
-				</li>
-				<li>WS-BaseFaults (WSRF-BF) - Defines a standard format for SOAP faults thrown by WSRF services.</li>
-			</ul>
-		</section>
-		<section>
-			<title>Resource Invocation Framework</title>
-			<p> The resource invocation framework is the foundation upon which Apache WSRF is implemented. The framework includes a set of core interfaces, as well as 
-			runtime pieces. The framework is discussed in detail below. 
-			</p>
-			<section>
-				<title>Core Interfaces</title>
-				<p>The resource invocation framework revolves around several core interfaces:</p>
-				<ul>
-					<li>WsrfService - represents a WSRF service (i.e. a service that represents the external interface for a set of WS-Resource instances of a particular type)</li>
-					<li>Resource - represents a WS-Resource as defined by the WS-Resource specification.</li>
-					<li>ResourceHome - provides a way to instantiate and lookup Resource instances; there is one ResourceHome object per type of Resource</li>
-					<li>ResourceContext - provides request context information to the WSRF service</li>
-				</ul>
-			</section>
-			<section>
-				<title>Runtime Behavior</title>
-				<p>At runtime, the entry point to the framework is the ResourceHandler. The ResourceHandler is implemented as a JAX-RPC 1.1 handler to allow it to run inside of 
-				any JAX-RPC-based SOAP engine. Since it acts as a request dispatcher, it belongs either as the pivot point of the handler chain or as the last handler in the chain. 
-				For each incoming SOAP request, the ResourceHandler performs the following steps:
-				</p>
-				<ol>
-					<li>deserializes the contents of the request message body to an XMLBeans XmlObject and then validates this XmlObject according to its schema type as it was 
-					defined in the service's WSDL;</li>
-					<li>creates a ResourceContext and populates it with vital information associated with the request such as the service name, the service URL, and the 
-					JAX-RPC SOAPMessageContext;</li>
-					<li>based on the name of the service to which the request was sent, instantiates the appropriate type of service object, passing it the ResourceContext;</li>
-					<li>based on either the request body element or the wsa:Action header (this is configurable on a per-operation basis), maps the request to a particular 
-					method of the service object, invoking that method with the request XmlObject as a parameter;</li>
-					<li>serializes the XmlObject returned by the method and adds it to the body of the response message.</li>
-				</ol>
-				<p>Schema validation of incoming requests is a powerful feature. When validation fails, a fault is returned to the client that contains a detailed description of 
-				exactly what is wrong with the XML. Request validation is not only powerful, but it is also efficient, since it is performed via XMLBeans, which uses an in-memory 
-				binary schema store. Nevertheless, if the utmost performance is required, request validation can be disabled.
-				</p>
-				<p>As described above, when the ResourceHandler creates a service instance, it passes it a ResourceContext object. From the context, methods in the service 
-				an obtain the specific resource instance that was targeted by the current request; this is accomplished by simply calling the getResource method on the context. 
-				Under the hood, the context uses the service name as a key to lookup the resource home object from JNDI. It then extracts a resource key Object from the header 
-				portion of the SOAP request and uses this key to lookup a resource instance from the home. If there is no resource registered in the home with the specified key, a 
-				ResourceUnknownException is thrown, which ultimately is propagated back to the client as a ResourceUnknownFault WSRF base fault.
-				</p>
-			</section>
-		</section>
-		<section>
-			<title>Design-Time</title>
-			<p>A set of tools and integrations are provided that facilitate developing WSRF-compliant Web services. They are provided to help developers focus on 
-			defining their WS Resource without having to deal with low-level implementation details.</p>
-			<note>These tools and integrations are not required to create WSRF-compliant Web services, but are instead provided to save you time.</note>
-			<p>The tools and integrations include:</p>
-			<ul>
-				<li>A WSRF WSDL template for writing WSRF-compliant WSDLs</li>
-				<li>A Wsdl2Java tool for generating Java Classes from a WSDL</li>
-				<li>An integration with Apache XMLBeans for generating custom types defined in the WSDL</li>
-				<li>an integration with Apache Axis for automatically deploying WS Resources</li>
-			</ul>
-		</section>
-	</body>
+        <header>
+                <title>WSRF Developer Guide</title>
+        </header>
+        <body>
+                <section>
+                        <title>About this Guide</title>
+                        <p>The Developer Guide provides instructions for using many of the features that are included in Apache WSRF. If you are new to this project, you should start 
+                        with the <a href="site:overview">Getting Started</a> and the <a href="site:tut">Tutorial</a> before reading this guide. They provide a good starting point for 
+                        learning how to use Apache WSRF.</p>
+                        <p>The Developer guide often refers to different parts of the <a href="site:wsrf">Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) specifications</a> that are defined by 
+                        the OASIS standards body. You should become familiar with these specifications and refer to them as needed.</p>
+                        <p>The Developer Guide guide often refers to Apache Axis, Apache Tomcat, Apache Ant, and Apache XMLBeans. Instructions for these packages are included 
+                        as required and are not meant to replace the formal documentation for these projects. Consult them as necessary.</p>
+                        <p>Lastly, Apache WSRF is consumed by the <a href="site:overview">Pubscribe</a> and <a href="site:overview">Muse</a> projects. Many of the concepts that are 
+                        covered in this guide are also applicable to Pubscribe and Muse. While it is not required, it is a good idea to start with Apache WSRF before 
+                        moving on to these other projects.</p>
+                </section>
+                <section>
+                        <title>WSRF Overview</title>
+                        <p>Apache WSRF is an implementation of the <a href="site:wsrf">WSRF</a> family of specifications that are defined by the OASIS standards body. Ultimately, the family 
+                        of specifications define a method of exposing resources using Web services. This is typically done for management purposes. The resource can 
+                        be anything from a device to application components or even current management components such as JMX MBeans.The specifications 
+                        include:</p>
+                        <ul>
+                                <li>WS Resource - Defines a WS-Resource and describes how one Web service can be used to represent multiple resource instances.</li>
+                                <li>WS-ResourceProperties (WSRF-RP) - Defines how to define and interact with stateful properties of a WS-Resource.</li>
+                                <li>WS-ResourceLifetime (WSRF-RL) - Defines a way in which the lifetime of a WS-Resource can be monitored and how the WS-Resource can be destroyed. </li>
+                                <li>WS-ServiceGroup (WSRF-SG) - Defines how WS-Resources can be aggregated or grouped together for a domain specific 
+                                purpose. 
+                                <note>The WS-ServiceGroup specification is currently not implemented in Apache WSRF.</note>
+                                </li>
+                                <li>WS-BaseFaults (WSRF-BF) - Defines a standard format for SOAP faults thrown by WSRF services.</li>
+                        </ul>
+                </section>
+                <section>
+                        <title>Resource Invocation Framework</title>
+                        <p> The resource invocation framework is the foundation upon which Apache WSRF is implemented. The framework includes a set of core interfaces, as well as 
+                        runtime pieces. The framework is discussed in detail below. 
+                        </p>
+                        <section>
+                                <title>Core Interfaces</title>
+                                <p>The resource invocation framework revolves around several core interfaces:</p>
+                                <ul>
+                                        <li>WsrfService - represents a WSRF service (i.e. a service that represents the external interface for a set of WS-Resource instances of a particular type)</li>
+                                        <li>Resource - represents a WS-Resource as defined by the WS-Resource specification.</li>
+                                        <li>ResourceHome - provides a way to instantiate and lookup Resource instances; there is one ResourceHome object per type of Resource</li>
+                                        <li>ResourceContext - provides request context information to the WSRF service</li>
+                                </ul>
+                        </section>
+                        <section>
+                                <title>Runtime Behavior</title>
+                                <p>At runtime, the entry point to the framework is the ResourceHandler. The ResourceHandler is implemented as a JAX-RPC 1.1 handler to allow it to run inside of 
+                                any JAX-RPC-based SOAP engine. Since it acts as a request dispatcher, it belongs either as the pivot point of the handler chain or as the last handler in the chain. 
+                                For each incoming SOAP request, the ResourceHandler performs the following steps:
+                                </p>
+                                <ol>
+                                        <li>deserializes the contents of the request message body to an XMLBeans XmlObject and then validates this XmlObject according to its schema type as it was 
+                                        defined in the service's WSDL;</li>
+                                        <li>creates a ResourceContext and populates it with vital information associated with the request such as the service name, the service URL, and the 
+                                        JAX-RPC SOAPMessageContext;</li>
+                                        <li>based on the name of the service to which the request was sent, instantiates the appropriate type of service object, passing it the ResourceContext;</li>
+                                        <li>based on either the request body element or the wsa:Action header (this is configurable on a per-operation basis), maps the request to a particular 
+                                        method of the service object, invoking that method with the request XmlObject as a parameter;</li>
+                                        <li>serializes the XmlObject returned by the method and adds it to the body of the response message.</li>
+                                </ol>
+                                <p>Schema validation of incoming requests is a powerful feature. When validation fails, a fault is returned to the client that contains a detailed description of 
+                                exactly what is wrong with the XML. Request validation is not only powerful, but it is also efficient, since it is performed via XMLBeans, which uses an in-memory 
+                                binary schema store. Nevertheless, if the utmost performance is required, request validation can be disabled.
+                                </p>
+                                <p>As described above, when the ResourceHandler creates a service instance, it passes it a ResourceContext object. From the context, methods in the service 
+                                an obtain the specific resource instance that was targeted by the current request; this is accomplished by simply calling the getResource method on the context. 
+                                Under the hood, the context uses the service name as a key to lookup the resource home object from JNDI. It then extracts a resource key Object from the header 
+                                portion of the SOAP request and uses this key to lookup a resource instance from the home. If there is no resource registered in the home with the specified key, a 
+                                ResourceUnknownException is thrown, which ultimately is propagated back to the client as a ResourceUnknownFault WSRF base fault.
+                                </p>
+                        </section>
+                </section>
+                <section>
+                        <title>Design-Time</title>
+                        <p>A set of tools and integrations are provided that facilitate developing WSRF-compliant Web services. They are provided to help developers focus on 
+                        defining their WS Resource without having to deal with low-level implementation details.</p>
+                        <note>These tools and integrations are not required to create WSRF-compliant Web services, but are instead provided to save you time.</note>
+                        <p>The tools and integrations include:</p>
+                        <ul>
+                                <li>A WSRF WSDL template for writing WSRF-compliant WSDLs</li>
+                                <li>A Wsdl2Java tool for generating Java Classes from a WSDL</li>
+                                <li>An integration with Apache XMLBeans for generating custom types defined in the WSDL</li>
+                                <li>an integration with Apache Axis for automatically deploying WS Resources</li>
+                        </ul>
+                </section>
+        </body>

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