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Posted to by "Kevin A. McGrail" <> on 2010/06/01 13:35:40 UTC

Windows Bugs?

Would anyone like to open bugs on these Windows issues so the patches 
and various issues can be brought into the standard distribution sooner 
rather than never?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Spamassassin Wiki] Update of "SpamdOnWindows" by DanielLemke
Date: 	Tue, 01 Jun 2010 10:36:37 -0000
From: 	Apache Wiki <>
Reply-To: 	SpamAssassin Dev <>
To: 	Apache Wiki <>

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Spamassassin Wiki" for change notification.

The "SpamdOnWindows" page has been changed by DanielLemke.
The comment on this change is: modified for 3.3.1.


- = Running SpamD on Windows - Overview =
+ These instructions may change slightly with each version, so it is wise to read up on what's required each time before proceeding. Note that the configuration is slightly different in each version.

+ provides more detailed step by step information. The below info is largely a digest of said info.
- This document describes how to get SpamD to run on Windows.
- '''ATTENTION''': This is a '''''extremely rough''''' solution and not intended to be used in a production environment. It works around the in windows unimplemented fork issues by incorporating the children processes' tasks into the main process. Thus no spin-off processes are needed. Various other issues are not tackled but these result only in warning messages.

- Kudos to Arik for providing this document. In NO WAY do I wish to minimize his achievement!
+ You'll also find a pre compiled version of SpamAssassin for Windows (inc. SpamD) that can simply be extracted and run here:

+ This installation procedure is for installing SpamAssassin in native Windows (not Cygwin) using ActivePerl (Tested on ActivePerl
- I must however caution folks that this is not really a huge improvement IMO from Klaus Mueller's previous attempt on SA 2.5x.
- In both cases you will get SpamD hobbling along, and you WILL see some speed improvement, particularly under modest load.
- But under heavier load, you will likely find any performance advantage disappearing and may experience timeouts. Also, this amount of
- patching is not fot the novice and will break all too easily with only minor code updates -- MichaelBell

+ 1.   Follow the steps 1-8 on InstallingOnWindows.

- = Update for SpamAssassin 3.2.5 =
+ 2.   Patch SpamAssassin with [[|this patch]].

+ 3. Follow steps 9-15 on  InstallingOnWindows.
- Brain2000 has updated this document to also work with SpamAssassin 3.2.5.  However, it has only been tested by running the two sample-spam/nonspam files thousands of times simultaneously.  After enough runs though, there is a memory leak in the check() routine that slowly builds up and eventually causes an error.  The memory leak seems to be traced down to parsing the headers:
- {{{
-       SpamAssassin::parse()      [more time needed to pinpoint further]
-       spamd::parse_body()        my $mail = $spamtest->parse(\@msglines, 0);
-       spamd::check()             my ($mail, $actual_length) = parse_body($client, $expected_length, $compress_zlib);
-       spamd::accept_a_con()      check($method, $version, $start, $remote_hostname, $remote_hostaddr);
- }}}

- = Installation =
+ 4. Open command prompt and  type: {{{spamd}}}

- The version used with this description is 3.2.5 and also 3.0.0-pre4.  Each step applies to both versions unless a specific version is denoted:
+ You should see some output like this:

+ {{{Jun  1 12:03:45.821 [1640] info: spamd: server started on port 783/tcp (running version 3.3.1)}}}

- 1. Follow the procedures in InstallingOnWindows or on
+ {{{Jun  1 12:03:45.821 [1640] info: spamd: server pid: 1640}}}

+ {{{Jun  1 12:03:45.987 [1640] info: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid -3260}}}

- 2. Copy ''spamd.raw'' from the SpamAssassin source directory to ''C:\Perl\bin''.
+ {{{Jun  1 12:03:46.160 [1640] info: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid -3828}}}

+ {{{Jun  1 12:03:46.161 [1640] info: prefork: child states: SI}}}

+ {{{Jun  1 12:03:46.161 [1640] info: prefork: child states: II}}}
- 3. From the already existing ''spamassassin.bat'' copy the first few lines that look like: {{{@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
- @echo off
- if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
- perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- goto endofperl
- :WinNT
- perl -x -S %0 %*
- if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
- if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
- if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
- goto endofperl
- @rem ';
- #!C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -T -w
- #line 15

+ To process a message you'll need spamc or your own implementation of the client protocol, see InstallingOnWindows and  BuildSpamcOnWindowsForFree for more info.
- # Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- #
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #</...@LICENSE>

+ by DanielLemke
- my $PREFIX          = 'C:\Perl\site';             # substituted at 'make' time
- my $DEF_RULES_DIR   = 'C:\Perl\site/share/spamassassin';      # substituted at 'make' time
- my $LOCAL_RULES_DIR = 'C:\Perl\site/etc/mail/spamassassin';    # substituted at 'make' time

- use lib 'C:\Perl\site\lib';                   # substituted at 'make' time
- }}}
- 4. and replace following lines in ''spamd.raw'' with it: {{{#!/usr/bin/perl -w -T
- # Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- #
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #</...@LICENSE>
- my $PREFIX          = '@@PREFIX@@';             # substituted at 'make' time
- my $DEF_RULES_DIR   = '@@DEF_RULES_DIR@@';      # substituted at 'make' time
- my $LOCAL_RULES_DIR = '@@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@';    # substituted at 'make' time
- use lib '@@INSTALLSITELIB@@';}}}
- 5a. (SpamAssassin version 3.0.0 only) Further down, comment out the following line by adding a # in front of it: {{{use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);}}}
- 5b. (SpamAssassin version 3.2.5 only) Further down, change the following line from 'mail' to 'null': {{{#   of a specific logfile
- my $log_facility = $opt{'syslog'} || 'mail';}}}
- Change to: {{{#   of a specific logfile
- my $log_facility = $opt{'syslog'} || 'null';}}}
- 6. Even further down comment out the two occurrences of the line: {{{spawn();}}}
- 7a. (SpamAssassin version 3.0.0 only) Find the beginning of following block: {{{while (1) {
-   sleep;    # wait for a signal (ie: child's death)
-   if ( defined $got_sighup ) {
-     if (defined($opt{'pidfile'})) {
-       unlink($opt{'pidfile'}) || warn "Can't unlink $opt{'pidfile'}: $!\n";
-     }
-     # leave Client fds active, and do not kill children; they can still
-     # service clients until they exit.  But restart the listener anyway.
-     # And close the logfile, so the new instance can reopen it.
-     close(STDLOG) if $log_facility eq 'file';
-     chdir($ORIG_CWD)
-       || die "spamd restart failed: chdir failed: ${ORIG_CWD}: $!\n";
-     exec( $ORIG_ARG0, @ORIG_ARGV );
-     # should not get past that...
-     die "spamd restart failed: exec failed: "
-       . join ( ' ', $ORIG_ARG0, @ORIG_ARGV )
-       . ": $!\n";
-   }
-   for ( my $i = keys %children ; $i<  $childlimit ; $i++ ) {
-     spawn();
-   }
- } }}}
- Add this code segment immediately in front of it: {{{while (1) {
-       # use a large eval scope to catch die()s and ensure they
-       # don't kill the server.
-       my $evalret = eval { accept_a_conn(); };
-       if (!defined ($evalret)) {
-         logmsg("error: $@ $!, continuing");
-         if ($client) { $client->close(); }  # avoid fd leaks
-       }
-       elsif ($evalret == -1) {
-         # serious error; used for accept() failure
-         die("fatal error; respawning server");
-       }
-       # if we changed UID during processing, change back!
-       if ( $>  != $<  and $>  != ( $<  - 2**32 ) ) {
-         $) = "$( $(";    # change eGID
-         $>  = $<;         # change eUID
-         if ( $>  != $<  and $>  != ( $<  - 2**32 ) ) {
-           logmsg("fatal: return setuid failed");
-           die;           # make it fatal to avoid security breaches
-         }
-       }
-       if ($copy_config_p) {
-         while(my($k,$v) = each %msa_backup) {
-           $spamtest->{$k} = $v;
-         }
-         # if we changed user, we would have also loaded up new configs
-         # (potentially), so let's restore back the saved version we
-         # had before.
-         #
-         $spamtest->copy_config(\%conf_backup, undef) ||
-           die "error returned from copy_config, no Storable module?\n";
-       }
-       undef $current_user;
- } }}}
- 7b. (SpamAssassin version 3.2.5 only)  Find the beginning of following block: {{{while (1) {
-   if (!$scaling) {
-     # wait for a signal (ie: child's death)
-     # bug 4190: use a time-limited sleep, and call child_handler() even
-     # if haven't received a SIGCHLD, due to inherent race condition
-     sleep 10;
-     child_handler();
-   } else {
-     $scaling->main_server_poll($opt{'server-scale-period'});
-   }
-   ( defined $got_sighup ) and do_sighup_restart();
-   for (my $i = keys %children; $i<  $childlimit; $i++) {
-     spawn();
-   }
- }
- }}}
- Add this code segment immediately in front of it: {{{my $i = 0;
- $backchannel->setup_backchannel_parent_pre_fork();
- $backchannel->setup_backchannel_parent_post_fork($$);
- $0 = 'spamd child';
- $children{$$} = 1;
- if ($scaling) {
-   $scaling->add_child($$);
- }
- $spamtest->call_plugins("spamd_child_init");
- $backchannel->setup_backchannel_child_post_fork();
- $backchannel->setup_backchannel_parent_pre_fork();
- while (1) {
-       my $evalret = eval { accept_a_conn(); };
-       if (!defined ($evalret)) {
-         warn("spamd: error: $@ $!, continuing");
-         if ($client) { $client->close(); }  # avoid fd leaks
-       }
-       elsif ($evalret == -1) {
-         # serious error; used for accept() failure
-         die("spamd: respawning server");
-       }
-       $spamtest->call_plugins("spamd_child_post_connection_close");
-       if ($copy_config_p) {
-         # use a timeout!  There are bugs in Storable on certain platforms
-         # that can cause spamd to hang -- see bug 3828 comment 154.
-         # we don't use Storable any more, but leave this in -- just
-         # in case.
-         # bug 4699: this is the alarm that often ends up with an empty $@
-         my $timer = Mail::SpamAssassin::Timeout->new({ secs =>  20 });
-         my $err = $timer->run(sub {
-           while(my($k,$v) = each %msa_backup) {
-             $spamtest->{$k} = $v;
-           }
-           # if we changed user, we would have also loaded up new configs
-           # (potentially), so let's restore back the saved version we
-           # had before.
-           $spamtest->copy_config(\%conf_backup, undef) ||
-             die "spamd: error returned from copy_config\n";
-         });
-         if ($timer->timed_out()) {
-           warn("spamd: copy_config timeout, respawning child process after ".($i+1)." messages");
-           exit;		# so that the master spamd can respawn
-         }
-       }
-       undef $current_user;
-       $i += 1;
- }
- }}}
- 8. (SpamAssassin version 3.0.0 only) Below find the line: {{{my ( $uid, $gid ) = ( getpwnam('nobody') )[ 2, 3 ];}}} and replace it with: {{{my ( $uid, $gid ) = 'nobody';}}}
- 9. (SpamAssassin version 3.0.0 only) Find the block: {{{  my ( $name, $pwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $etc ) =
-     getpwnam($userid);
- }}}
- Replace it with: {{{  my ( $name, $pwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $etc ) =
-     'nobody';
- }}}
- 10. (SpamAssassin version 3.2.5 only) Find the routine handle_setuid_to_user() and comment out the code in it leaving an empty function: {{{sub handle_setuid_to_user {
- #  if ($spamtest->{paranoid}) {
- #    die("spamd: in paranoid mode, still running as root: closing connection");
- #  }
- #  warn("spamd: still running as root: user not specified with -u, "
- #       . "not found, or set to root, falling back to nobody\n");
- #
- # my ( $name, $pwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $etc ) =
- #    'nobody';
- #
- #  $) = "$gid $gid";                   # eGID
- #  $>  = $uid;                          # eUID
- #  if (!defined($uid) || ($>  != $uid and $>  != ($uid - 2**32))) {
- #    die("spamd: setuid to nobody failed");
- #  }
- #
- #  $spamtest->signal_user_changed(
- #    {
- #      username =>  $name,
- #      user_dir =>  $dir
- #    }
- #  );
- }
- }}}
- 11. (SpamAssassin version 3.2.5 only) Find and comment out all the lines that quit if credentials are root: {{{#  if ($>  == 0) { die "spamd: still running as root! dying"; }
- }}}
- 12. (SpamAssassin version 3.2.5 only) Open c:\perl\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\ and change the routine trap_sigalrm_fully() as follows: {{{sub trap_sigalrm_fully {
-   my ($handler) = @_;
- #  if ($]<  5.008) {
-     # signals are always unsafe, just use %SIG
-     $SIG{ALRM} = $handler;
- #  } else {
- #    # may be using "safe" signals with %SIG; use POSIX to avoid it
- #    POSIX::sigaction POSIX::SIGALRM(), new POSIX::SigAction $handler;
- #  }
- }
- }}}
- 13. Go all the way to the end of the document and append these lines: {{{
- __END__
- :endofperl
- }}}
- 14. Save the file and rename it to ''spamd.bat''.
- = Running SpamD =
- Just open a command prompt and type: {{{spamd}}}
- = Sample output =
- Output after starting SpamD and checking one spam and one ham message.
- {{{failed to setlogsock(unix): Undefined subroutine&main::setlogsock called at C:\
- Perl\bin\spamd.bat line 378.
- reporting logs to stderr
- 2004-08-08 13:28:31 [6236] i: server started on port 783/tcp (running version 3.
- 0.0-pre4)
- 2004-08-08 13:28:53 [6236] i: connection from localhost [] at port 1481
- 2004-08-08 13:28:53 [6236] i: handle_user: unable to find user 'Arik Funke'!
- 2004-08-08 13:28:53 [6236] i: Still running as root: user not specified with -u,
-  not found, or set to root.  Fall back to nobody.
- 2004-08-08 13:28:53 [6236] i: checking message<20...@ariktab>
-  for Arik Funke:0.
- 2004-08-08 13:29:04 [6236] i: identified spam (11.3/5.0) for Arik Funke:0 in 10.
- 7 seconds, 1527 bytes.
- 2004-08-08 13:29:04 [6236] i: result: Y 11 - DRUGS_ANXIETY,DRUGS_ANXIETY_OBFU,DR
- OB_SURBL,URIBL_SBL,URIBL_WS_SURBL scantime=10.7,size=1527,mid=<20040808152848.00
- 0042d1@ariktab>,autolearn=no
- 2004-08-08 13:29:52 [6236] i: connection from localhost [] at port 1510
- 2004-08-08 13:29:52 [6236] i: handle_user: unable to find user 'Arik Funke'!
- 2004-08-08 13:29:52 [6236] i: Still running as root: user not specified with -u,
-  not found, or set to root.  Fall back to nobody.
- 2004-08-08 13:29:52 [6236] i: checking message<20040807050312.29938gmx1@mx029.g
->  aka<20...@ariktab>  for Arik Funke:0.
- 2004-08-08 13:29:56 [6236] i: clean message (2.9/5.0) for Arik Funke:0 in 4.5 se
- conds, 1929 bytes.
- 2004-08-08 13:29:56 [6236] i: result: .  2 - NO_REAL_NAME,RCVD_IN_NJABL_DUL,RCVD
- _IN_SORBS_DUL,SUBJ_HAS_UNIQ_ID scantime=4.5,size=1929,mid=<20040807050312.29938g
- by ArikFunke

Re: Windows Bugs?

Posted by Daniel Lemke <>.

Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> B) Sorry, to clarify: if Spamd compiles and works, the default should be 
> yes.
Made a build against the latest trunk, besides the Posix warning described
in 6377, it seems to start up as expected. I didn't test it under heavier
load yet, but for several hundred test mails it was working fine, so
compiling spamd as default should be ok. I'll update documentation and
publish the changes as soon as possible.
View this message in context:
Sent from the SpamAssassin - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: Windows Bugs?

Posted by "Kevin A. McGrail" <>.
On 6/1/2010 9:41 AM, Daniel Lemke wrote:
> Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
>> My opinion is that more people should use them just they were never
>> vetted for Windows.  I think if they compile and work, we need to make
>> it the default to get them compiled and start getting bugs worked out.
> Well, spamd is not the problem since issues are perl specific and can be
> solved with fixes to code while building spamc requires A LOT more work on a
> windows system. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to compile spamc, but a
> quick try with VS2010 and MinGW had no luck (both of them failing during
> make process) so providing a pre compiled executable would be much more user
> friendly, I think.
> Daniel
A) I view the project as developing source not binaries.  So 
pre-compiled exe's is a -1 for me.

B) Sorry, to clarify: if Spamd compiles and works, the default should be 

C) If Spamc compiles and works, the default should be yes.

D) If either don't compile, perhaps it's time to make sure we have bugs 
open on any issues regarding them including any known stability issues.


Re: Windows Bugs?

Posted by Daniel Lemke <>.

Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> My opinion is that more people should use them just they were never 
> vetted for Windows.  I think if they compile and work, we need to make 
> it the default to get them compiled and start getting bugs worked out.

Well, spamd is not the problem since issues are perl specific and can be
solved with fixes to code while building spamc requires A LOT more work on a
windows system. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to compile spamc, but a
quick try with VS2010 and MinGW had no luck (both of them failing during
make process) so providing a pre compiled executable would be much more user
friendly, I think.

View this message in context:
Sent from the SpamAssassin - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: Windows Bugs?

Posted by "Kevin A. McGrail" <>.
> I may misunderstood you but I think not building spamc and spamd should be
> default (as it is with the patch) for windows since most people do not
> require them. So adding a question for building spamd, with it's default set
> to "no" convenient I think, isn't it?

My opinion is that more people should use them just they were never 
vetted for Windows.  I think if they compile and work, we need to make 
it the default to get them compiled and start getting bugs worked out.

> Phew, where do I have to look for?
> I see some windows specific documentation in spamc\ that should be
> adjusted according to the patches, something else?
I think the Makefile.PL comments, PACKAGING and are good starts.


Re: Windows Bugs?

Posted by Daniel Lemke <>.

Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
>> The BUILD_SPAMD="yes" option provided with 3813 would be a nice to have,
>> since it doesn't effect unix users it may become part of 3.3.2 as well
>> (your
>> choice ;-)).
> This patch looks fine codewise but documentation/naming conventions need 
> to be changed IMO.
> For example, since you WANT the default to be BUILD_SPAMC, reverse the 
> logic and name this WINDOWS_NO_SPAMD.

I may misunderstood you but I think not building spamc and spamd should be
default (as it is with the patch) for windows since most people do not
require them. So adding a question for building spamd, with it's default set
to "no" convenient I think, isn't it?

Thanks for the hint regarding PACKAGING, didn't see there is a file having
the makefile parameters documented.

Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> Finally, I would change the comments and documentation
Phew, where do I have to look for?
I see some windows specific documentation in spamc\ that should be
adjusted according to the patches, something else?

View this message in context:
Sent from the SpamAssassin - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: Windows Bugs?

Posted by "Kevin A. McGrail" <>.
> The SubProcBackChannel (6333) issue is not a problem with spamassassin but
> since commenting out the affected lines of code worked pretty well for me, I
> dediced to make it part of the patch file (even though, it's not proposed to
> become part of the official code).

I'll reopen that bug to see if we can warn people about the issue at 
least though it's clearly not an SA bug.

> The BUILD_SPAMD="yes" option provided with 3813 would be a nice to have,
> since it doesn't effect unix users it may become part of 3.3.2 as well (your
> choice ;-)).

This patch looks fine codewise but documentation/naming conventions need 
to be changed IMO.

For example, since you WANT the default to be BUILD_SPAMC, reverse the 
logic and name this WINDOWS_NO_SPAMD.

And you need to update the file PACKAGING to document this change.

Finally, I would change the comments and documentation to reflect that 
this is WINDOWS only option to disable the build of SpamD, currently 
considered experimental.
> Last piece of changes affects the user_prefs handling which isn't working
> due getpwnam() not beeing implemented for windows. The provided fix is sort
> of an ugly hack so I've never published them but I'll gladly open a bug for
> it :)

Please open a bug.  Getting SA to work on Windows is an important goal IMO.


Re: Windows Bugs?

Posted by Daniel Lemke <>.

Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> Would anyone like to open bugs on these Windows issues so the patches 
> and various issues can be brought into the standard distribution sooner 
> rather than never?

Most of patch file is already addressed by bug 6375, 6376 and 6377. If they
are shipped with 3.3.2, changes to sa source code should be minor, to make
it run for windows.

The SubProcBackChannel (6333) issue is not a problem with spamassassin but
since commenting out the affected lines of code worked pretty well for me, I
dediced to make it part of the patch file (even though, it's not proposed to
become part of the official code).

The BUILD_SPAMD="yes" option provided with 3813 would be a nice to have,
since it doesn't effect unix users it may become part of 3.3.2 as well (your
choice ;-)).

Last piece of changes affects the user_prefs handling which isn't working
due getpwnam() not beeing implemented for windows. The provided fix is sort
of an ugly hack so I've never published them but I'll gladly open a bug for
it :)

View this message in context:
Sent from the SpamAssassin - Dev mailing list archive at