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[09/34] cassandra git commit: Add Metrics/Monitoring docs

Add Metrics/Monitoring docs


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 0ae84853f84d915f5206f9d2abbeab1f66923ccb
Parents: 51b939c
Author: T Jake Luciani <>
Authored: Mon Jun 20 14:09:57 2016 -0400
Committer: Sylvain Lebresne <>
Committed: Tue Jun 21 14:12:59 2016 +0200

 doc/source/_static/extra.css |  12 +
 doc/source/operations.rst    | 595 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 605 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/extra.css b/doc/source/_static/extra.css
index ec6aa3f..ff9f1d1 100644
--- a/doc/source/_static/extra.css
+++ b/doc/source/_static/extra.css
@@ -17,3 +17,15 @@ a.reference.internal code.literal {
 a.reference.internal:visited code.literal {
     color: #9B59B6;
+/* override table width restrictions */
+.wy-table-responsive table td, .wy-table-responsive table th {
+    white-space: normal;
+.wy-table-responsive {
+    margin-bottom: 24px;
+    max-width: 100%;
+    overflow: visible;
diff --git a/doc/source/operations.rst b/doc/source/operations.rst
index d7fcafb..31ecc35 100644
--- a/doc/source/operations.rst
+++ b/doc/source/operations.rst
@@ -833,13 +833,604 @@ Backups
+Metrics in Cassandra are managed using the `Dropwizard Metrics <>`__ library. These metrics
+can be queried via JMX or pushed to external monitoring systems using a number of `built in
+<>`__ and `third party
+<>`__ reporter plugins.
+Metrics are collected for a single node. It's up to the operator to use an external monitoring system to aggregate them.
+Metric Types
+All metrics reported by cassandra fit into one of the following types.
+    An instantaneous measurement of a value.
+    A gauge for an ``AtomicLong`` instance. Typically this is consumed by monitoring the change since the last call to
+    see if there is a large increase compared to the norm.
+    Measures the statistical distribution of values in a stream of data.
+    In addition to minimum, maximum, mean, etc., it also measures median, 75th, 90th, 95th, 98th, 99th, and 99.9th
+    percentiles.
+    Measures both the rate that a particular piece of code is called and the histogram of its duration.
+    Special type that tracks latency (in microseconds) with a ``Timer`` plus a ``Counter`` that tracks the total latency
+    accrued since starting. The former is useful if you track the change in total latency since the last check. Each
+    metric name of this type will have 'Latency' and 'TotalLatency' appended to it.
+    A meter metric which measures mean throughput and one-, five-, and fifteen-minute exponentially-weighted moving
+    average throughputs.
+Table Metrics
+Each table in Cassandra has metrics responsible for tracking its state and performance.
+The metric names are all appended with the specific ``Keyspace`` and ``Table`` name.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Table.{{MetricName}}.{{Keyspace}}.{{Table}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Table keyspace={{Keyspace} scope={{Table}} name={{MetricName}}``
+.. NOTE::
+    There is a special table called '``all``' without a keyspace. This represents the aggregation of metrics across
+    **all** tables and keyspaces on the node.
+======================================= ============== ===========
+Name                                    Type           Description
+======================================= ============== ===========
+MemtableOnHeapSize                      Gauge<Long>    Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides **on**-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten.
+MemtableOffHeapSize                     Gauge<Long>    Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides **off**-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten.
+MemtableLiveDataSize                    Gauge<Long>    Total amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead.
+AllMemtablesOnHeapSize                  Gauge<Long>    Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides **on**-heap.
+AllMemtablesOffHeapSize                 Gauge<Long>    Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides **off**-heap.
+AllMemtablesLiveDataSize                Gauge<Long>    Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead.
+MemtableColumnsCount                    Gauge<Long>    Total number of columns present in the memtable.
+MemtableSwitchCount                     Counter        Number of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out.
+CompressionRatio                        Gauge<Double>  Current compression ratio for all SSTables.
+EstimatedPartitionSizeHistogram         Gauge<long[]>  Histogram of estimated partition size (in bytes).
+EstimatedPartitionCount                 Gauge<Long>    Approximate number of keys in table.
+EstimatedColumnCountHistogram           Gauge<long[]>  Histogram of estimated number of columns.
+SSTablesPerReadHistogram                Histogram      Histogram of the number of sstable data files accessed per read.
+ReadLatency                             Latency        Local read latency for this table.
+RangeLatency                            Latency        Local range scan latency for this table.
+WriteLatency                            Latency        Local write latency for this table.
+CoordinatorReadLatency                  Timer          Coordinator read latency for this table.
+CoordinatorScanLatency                  Timer          Coordinator range scan latency for this table.
+PendingFlushes                          Counter        Estimated number of flush tasks pending for this table.
+BytesFlushed                            Counter        Total number of bytes flushed since server [re]start.
+CompactionBytesWritten                  Counter        Total number of bytes written by compaction since server [re]start.
+PendingCompactions                      Gauge<Integer> Estimate of number of pending compactions for this table.
+LiveSSTableCount                        Gauge<Integer> Number of SSTables on disk for this table.
+LiveDiskSpaceUsed                       Counter        Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table (in bytes).
+TotalDiskSpaceUsed                      Counter        Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd.
+MinPartitionSize                        Gauge<Long>    Size of the smallest compacted partition (in bytes).
+MaxPartitionSize                        Gauge<Long>    Size of the largest compacted partition (in bytes).
+MeanPartitionSize                       Gauge<Long>    Size of the average compacted partition (in bytes).
+BloomFilterFalsePositives               Gauge<Long>    Number of false positives on table's bloom filter.
+BloomFilterFalseRatio                   Gauge<Double>  False positive ratio of table's bloom filter.
+BloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed                Gauge<Long>    Disk space used by bloom filter (in bytes).
+BloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed            Gauge<Long>    Off-heap memory used by bloom filter.
+IndexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed           Gauge<Long>    Off-heap memory used by index summary.
+CompressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed    Gauge<Long>    Off-heap memory used by compression meta data.
+KeyCacheHitRate                         Gauge<Double>  Key cache hit rate for this table.
+TombstoneScannedHistogram               Histogram      Histogram of tombstones scanned in queries on this table.
+LiveScannedHistogram                    Histogram      Histogram of live cells scanned in queries on this table.
+ColUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram             Histogram      Histogram of column update time delta on this table.
+ViewLockAcquireTime                     Timer          Time taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table.
+ViewReadTime                            Timer          Time taken during the local read of a materialized view update.
+TrueSnapshotsSize                       Gauge<Long>    Disk space used by snapshots of this table including all SSTable components.
+RowCacheHitOutOfRange                   Counter        Number of table row cache hits that do not satisfy the query filter, thus went to disk.
+RowCacheHit                             Counter        Number of table row cache hits.
+RowCacheMiss                            Counter        Number of table row cache misses.
+CasPrepare                              Latency        Latency of paxos prepare round.
+CasPropose                              Latency        Latency of paxos propose round.
+CasCommit                               Latency        Latency of paxos commit round.
+PercentRepaired                         Gauge<Double>  Percent of table data that is repaired on disk.
+SpeculativeRetries                      Counter        Number of times speculative retries were sent for this table.
+WaitingOnFreeMemtableSpace              Histogram      Histogram of time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap.
+DroppedMutations                        Counter        Number of dropped mutations on this table.
+======================================= ============== ===========
+Keyspace Metrics
+Each keyspace in Cassandra has metrics responsible for tracking its state and performance.
+These metrics are the same as the ``Table Metrics`` above, only they are aggregated at the Keyspace level.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.keyspace.{{MetricName}}.{{Keyspace}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Keyspace scope={{Keyspace}} name={{MetricName}}``
+ThreadPool Metrics
+Cassandra splits work of a particular type into its own thread pool.  This provides back-pressure and asynchrony for
+requests on a node.  It's important to monitor the state of these thread pools since they can tell you how saturated a
+node is.
+The metric names are all appended with the specific ``ThreadPool`` name.  The thread pools are also categorized under a
+specific type.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.ThreadPools.{{MetricName}}.{{Path}}.{{ThreadPoolName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools scope={{ThreadPoolName}} type={{Type}} name={{MetricName}}``
+===================== ============== ===========
+Name                  Type           Description
+===================== ============== ===========
+ActiveTasks           Gauge<Integer> Number of tasks being actively worked on by this pool.
+PendingTasks          Gauge<Integer> Number of queued tasks queued up on this pool.
+CompletedTasks        Counter        Number of tasks completed.
+TotalBlockedTasks     Counter        Number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation.
+CurrentlyBlockedTask  Counter        Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.
+MaxPoolSize           Gauge<Integer> The maximum number of threads in this pool.
+===================== ============== ===========
+The following thread pools can be monitored.
+============================ ============== ===========
+Name                         Type           Description
+============================ ============== ===========
+Native-Transport-Requests    transport      Handles client CQL requests
+CounterMutationStage         request        Responsible for counter writes
+ViewMutationStage            request        Responsible for materialized view writes
+MutationStage                request        Responsible for all other writes
+ReadRepairStage              request        ReadRepair happens on this thread pool
+ReadStage                    request        Local reads run on this thread pool
+RequestResponseStage         request        Coordinator requests to the cluster run on this thread pool
+AntiEntropyStage             internal       Builds merkle tree for repairs
+CacheCleanupExecutor         internal       Cache maintenance performed on this thread pool
+CompactionExecutor           internal       Compactions are run on these threads
+GossipStage                  internal       Handles gossip requests
+HintsDispatcher              internal       Performs hinted handoff
+InternalResponseStage        internal       Responsible for intra-cluster callbacks
+MemtableFlushWriter          internal       Writes memtables to disk
+MemtablePostFlush            internal       Cleans up commit log after memtable is written to disk
+MemtableReclaimMemory        internal       Memtable recycling
+MigrationStage               internal       Runs schema migrations
+MiscStage                    internal       Misceleneous tasks run here
+PendingRangeCalculator       internal       Calculates token range
+PerDiskMemtableFlushWriter_0 internal       Responsible for writing a spec (there is one of these per disk 0-N)
+Sampler                      internal       Responsible for re-sampling the index summaries of SStables
+SecondaryIndexManagement     internal       Performs updates to secondary indexes
+ValidationExecutor           internal       Performs validation compaction or scrubbing
+============================ ============== ===========
+.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0 .. nonbreaking space
+Client Request Metrics
+Client requests have their own set of metrics that encapsulate the work happening at coordinator level.
+Different types of client requests are broken down by ``RequestType``.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.ClientRequest.{{MetricName}}.{{RequestType}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ClientRequest scope={{RequestType}} name={{MetricName}}``
+:RequestType: CASRead
+:Description: Metrics related to transactional read requests.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Name                  Type           Description
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
+    Failures              Counter        Number of transaction failures encountered.
+    |nbsp|                Latency        Transaction read latency.
+    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions encountered.
+    UnfinishedCommit      Counter        Number of transactions that were committed on read.
+    ConditionNotMet       Counter        Number of transaction preconditions did not match current values.
+    ContentionHistogram   Histogram      How many contended reads were encountered
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+:RequestType: CASWrite
+:Description: Metrics related to transactional write requests.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Name                  Type           Description
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
+    Failures              Counter        Number of transaction failures encountered.
+    |nbsp|                Latency        Transaction write latency.
+    UnfinishedCommit      Counter        Number of transactions that were committed on write.
+    ConditionNotMet       Counter        Number of transaction preconditions did not match current values.
+    ContentionHistogram   Histogram      How many contended writes were encountered
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+:RequestType: Read
+:Description: Metrics related to standard read requests.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Name                  Type           Description
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
+    Failures              Counter        Number of read failures encountered.
+    |nbsp|                Latency        Read latency.
+    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions encountered.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+:RequestType: RangeSlice
+:Description: Metrics related to token range read requests.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Name                  Type           Description
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
+    Failures              Counter        Number of range query failures encountered.
+    |nbsp|                Latency        Range query latency.
+    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions encountered.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+:RequestType: Write
+:Description: Metrics related to regular write requests.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Name                  Type           Description
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
+    Failures              Counter        Number of write failures encountered.
+    |nbsp|                Latency        Write latency.
+    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions encountered.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+:RequestType: ViewWrite
+:Description: Metrics related to materialized view write wrtes.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+    Timeouts              Counter        Number of timeouts encountered.
+    Failures              Counter        Number of transaction failures encountered.
+    Unavailables          Counter        Number of unavailable exceptions encountered.
+    ViewReplicasAttempted Counter        Total number of attempted view replica writes.
+    ViewReplicasSuccess   Counter        Total number of succeded view replica writes.
+    ViewPendingMutations  Gauge<Long>    ViewReplicasAttempted - ViewReplicasSuccess.
+    ViewWriteLatency      Timer          Time between when mutation is applied to base table and when CL.ONE is achieved on view.
+    ===================== ============== =============================================================
+Cache Metrics
+Cassandra caches have metrics to track the effectivness of the caches. Though the ``Table Metrics`` might be more useful.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Cache.{{MetricName}}.{{CacheName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Cache scope={{CacheName}} name={{MetricName}}``
+========================== ============== ===========
+Name                       Type           Description
+========================== ============== ===========
+Capacity                   Gauge<Long>    Cache capacity in bytes.
+Entries                    Gauge<Integer> Total number of cache entries.
+FifteenMinuteCacheHitRate  Gauge<Double>  15m cache hit rate.
+FiveMinuteCacheHitRate     Gauge<Double>  5m cache hit rate.
+OneMinuteCacheHitRate      Gauge<Double>  1m cache hit rate.
+HitRate                    Gauge<Double>  All time cache hit rate.
+Hits                       Meter          Total number of cache hits.
+Misses                     Meter          Total number of cache misses.
+MissLatency                Timer          Latency of misses.
+Requests                   Gauge<Long>    Total number of cache requests.
+Size                       Gauge<Long>    Total size of occupied cache, in bytes.
+========================== ============== ===========
+The following caches are covered:
+============================ ===========
+Name                         Description
+============================ ===========
+CounterCache                 Keeps hot counters in memory for performance.
+ChunkCache                   In process uncompressed page cache.
+KeyCache                     Cache for partition to sstable offsets.
+RowCache                     Cache for rows kept in memory.
+============================ ===========
+.. NOTE::
+    Misses and MissLatency are only defined for the ChunkCache
+CQL Metrics
+Metrics specific to CQL prepared statement caching.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CQL.{{MetricName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=CQL name={{MetricName}}``
+========================== ============== ===========
+Name                       Type           Description
+========================== ============== ===========
+PreparedStatementsCount    Gauge<Integer> Number of cached prepared statements.
+PreparedStatementsEvicted  Counter        Number of prepared statements evicted from the prepared statement cache
+PreparedStatementsExecuted Counter        Number of prepared statements executed.
+RegularStatementsExecuted  Counter        Number of **non** prepared statements executed.
+PreparedStatementsRatio    Gauge<Double>  Percentage of statements that are prepared vs unprepared.
+========================== ============== ===========
+DroppedMessage Metrics
+Metrics specific to tracking dropped messages for different types of requests.
+Dropped writes are stored and retried by ``Hinted Handoff``
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.DroppedMessages.{{MetricName}}.{{Type}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=DroppedMetrics scope={{Type}} name={{MetricName}}``
+========================== ============== ===========
+Name                       Type           Description
+========================== ============== ===========
+CrossNodeDroppedLatency    Timer          The dropped latency across nodes.
+InternalDroppedLatency     Timer          The dropped latency within node.
+Dropped                    Meter          Number of dropped messages.
+========================== ============== ===========
+The different types of messages tracked are:
+============================ ===========
+Name                         Description
+============================ ===========
+BATCH_STORE                  Batchlog write
+BATCH_REMOVE                 Batchlog cleanup (after succesfully applied)
+COUNTER_MUTATION             Counter writes
+HINT                         Hint replay
+MUTATION                     Regular writes
+READ                         Regular reads
+READ_REPAIR                  Read repair
+PAGED_SLICE                  Paged read
+RANGE_SLICE                  Token range read
+REQUEST_RESPONSE             RPC Callbacks
+_TRACE                       Tracing writes
+============================ ===========
+Streaming Metrics
+Metrics reported during ``Streaming`` operations, such as repair, bootstrap, rebuild.
+These metrics are specific to a peer endpoint, with the source node being the node you are pulling the metrics from.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Streaming.{{MetricName}}.{{PeerIP}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Streaming scope={{PeerIP}} name={{MetricName}}``
+========================== ============== ===========
+Name                       Type           Description
+========================== ============== ===========
+IncomingBytes              Counter        Number of bytes streamed to this node from the peer.
+OutgoingBytes              Counter        Number of bytes streamed to the peer endpoint from this node.
+========================== ============== ===========
+Compaction Metrics
+Metrics specific to ``Compaction`` work.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Compaction.{{MetricName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Compaction name={{MetricName}}``
+========================== ======================================== ===============================================
+Name                       Type                                     Description
+========================== ======================================== ===============================================
+BytesCompacted             Counter                                  Total number of bytes compacted since server [re]start.
+PendingTasks               Gauge<Integer>                           Estimated number of compactions remaining to perform.
+CompletedTasks             Gauge<Long>                              Number of completed compactions since server [re]start.
+TotalCompactionsCompleted  Meter                                    Throughput of completed compactions since server [re]start.
+PendingTasksByTableName    Gauge<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>> Estimated number of compactions remaining to perform, grouped by keyspace and then table name. This info is also kept in ``Table Metrics``.
+========================== ======================================== ===============================================
+CommitLog Metrics
+Metrics specific to the ``CommitLog``
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CommitLog.{{MetricName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=CommitLog name={{MetricName}}``
+========================== ============== ===========
+Name                       Type           Description
+========================== ============== ===========
+CompletedTasks             Gauge<Long>    Total number of commit log messages written since [re]start.
+PendingTasks               Gauge<Long>    Number of commit log messages written but yet to be fsync'd.
+TotalCommitLogSize         Gauge<Long>    Current size, in bytes, used by all the commit log segments.
+WaitingOnSegmentAllocation Timer          Time spent waiting for a CommitLogSegment to be allocated - under normal conditions this should be zero.
+WaitingOnCommit            Timer          The time spent waiting on CL fsync; for Periodic this is only occurs when the sync is lagging its sync interval.
+========================== ============== ===========
+Storage Metrics
+Metrics specific to the storage engine.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Storage.{{MetricName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Storage name={{MetricName}}``
+========================== ============== ===========
+Name                       Type           Description
+========================== ============== ===========
+Exceptions                 Counter        Number of internal exceptions caught. Under normal exceptions this should be zero.
+Load                       Counter        Size, in bytes, of the on disk data size this node manages.
+TotalHints                 Counter        Number of hint messages written to this node since [re]start. Includes one entry for each host to be hinted per hint.
+TotalHintsInProgress       Counter        Number of hints attemping to be sent currently.
+========================== ============== ===========
+HintedHandoff Metrics
+Metrics specific to Hinted Handoff.  There are also some metrics related to hints tracked in ``Storage Metrics``
+These metrics include the peer endpoint **in the metric name**
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.HintedHandOffManager.{{MetricName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=HintedHandOffManager name={{MetricName}}``
+=========================== ============== ===========
+Name                        Type           Description
+=========================== ============== ===========
+Hints_created-{{PeerIP}}    Counter        Number of hints on disk for this peer.
+Hints_not_stored-{{PeerIP}} Counter        Number of hints not stored for this peer, due to being down past the configured hint window.
+=========================== ============== ===========
+SSTable Index Metrics
+Metrics specific to the SSTable index metadata.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Index.{{MetricName}}.RowIndexEntry``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Index scope=RowIndexEntry name={{MetricName}}``
+=========================== ============== ===========
+Name                        Type           Description
+=========================== ============== ===========
+IndexedEntrySize            Histogram      Histogram of the on-heap size, in bytes, of the index across all SSTables.
+IndexInfoCount              Histogram      Histogram of the number of on-heap index entries managed across all SSTables.
+IndexInfoGets               Histogram      Histogram of the number index seeks performed per SSTable.
+=========================== ============== ===========
+BufferPool Metrics
+Metrics specific to the internal recycled buffer pool Cassandra manages.  This pool is meant to keep allocations and GC
+lower by recycling on and off heap buffers.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.BufferPool.{{MetricName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=BufferPool name={{MetricName}}``
+=========================== ============== ===========
+Name                        Type           Description
+=========================== ============== ===========
+Size                        Gauge<Long>    Size, in bytes, of the managed buffer pool
+Misses                      Meter           The rate of misses in the pool. The higher this is the more allocations incurred.
+=========================== ============== ===========
+Client Metrics
+Metrics specifc to client managment.
+Reported name format:
+**Metric Name**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Client.{{MetricName}}``
+**JMX MBean**
+    ``org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Client name={{MetricName}}``
+=========================== ============== ===========
+Name                        Type           Description
+=========================== ============== ===========
+connectedNativeClients      Counter        Number of clients connected to this nodes native protocol server
+connectedThriftClients      Counter        Number of clients connected to this nodes thrift protocol server
+=========================== ============== ===========
-.. todo:: todo
+Any JMX based client can access metrics from cassandra.
+If you wish to access JMX metrics over http it's possible to download `Mx4jTool <>`__ and
+place ``mx4j-tools.jar`` into the classpath.  On startup you will see in the log::
+    HttpAdaptor version 3.0.2 started on port 8081
+To choose a different port (8081 is the default) or a different listen address ( is not the default) edit
+``conf/`` and uncomment::
+    #MX4J_ADDRESS="-Dmx4jaddress="
+    #MX4J_PORT="-Dmx4jport=8081"
 Metric Reporters
-.. todo:: todo
+As mentioned at the top of this section on monitoring the Cassandra metrics can be exported to a number of monitoring
+system a number of `built in <>`__ and `third party
+<>`__ reporter plugins.
+The configuration of these plugins is managed by the `metrics reporter config project
+<>`__. There is a sample configuration file located at
+Once configured, you simply start cassandra with the flag
+``-Dcassandra.metricsReporterConfigFile=metrics-reporter-config.yaml``. The specified .yaml file plus any 3rd party
+reporter jars must all be in Cassandra's classpath.