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Posted to by on 2013/10/08 16:03:57 UTC

[42/62] [abbrv] [partial] Merged Apache Flex 4.9.0 release branch
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/.actionScriptProperties b/frameworks/projects/rpc/.actionScriptProperties
index 62ed826..b8b31c4 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/rpc/.actionScriptProperties
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/.actionScriptProperties
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-##  limitations under the License.
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
 <actionScriptProperties mainApplicationPath="" projectUUID="f5cb22f2-53e5-4704-8ad8-ab89785cd476" version="6">
   <compiler additionalCompilerArguments=" -library-path= --namespace=library://,../manifest.xml -locale=" autoRSLOrdering="true" copyDependentFiles="false" fteInMXComponents="false" generateAccessible="true" htmlExpressInstall="true" htmlGenerate="false" htmlHistoryManagement="false" htmlPlayerVersionCheck="true" includeNetmonSwc="false" outputFolderPath="bin" sourceFolderPath="src" strict="true" targetPlayerVersion="0.0.0" useApolloConfig="false" useDebugRSLSwfs="true" verifyDigests="true" warn="true">
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/.flexLibProperties b/frameworks/projects/rpc/.flexLibProperties
index b48959a..5c75766 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/rpc/.flexLibProperties
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/.flexLibProperties
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-##  limitations under the License.
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
 <flexLibProperties includeAllClasses="false" version="3">
     <classEntry path="RPCClasses"/>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/build.xml b/frameworks/projects/rpc/build.xml
index 0ff2e99..b92afc1 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/rpc/build.xml
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/build.xml
@@ -20,246 +20,219 @@
 <project name="rpc" default="main" basedir=".">
-	<property name="FLEX_HOME" location="${basedir}/../../.."/>
+    <property name="FLEX_HOME" location="${basedir}/../../.."/>
     <property file="${FLEX_HOME}/"/>
     <property environment="env"/>
-	<property file="${FLEX_HOME}/"/>
-	<macrodef name="bundle">
-		<attribute name="locale"/>
-		<sequential>
-		<echo message="Compiling frameworks/locale/@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc"/>
-		<!-- Load the <compc> task. We can't do this at the <project> level -->
-		<!-- because targets that run before flexTasks.jar gets built would fail. -->
-		<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
-		<compc fork="true"
-			   output="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale/@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc"
-			   locale="@{locale}">
-            <target-player>${playerglobal.version}</target-player>
-			<jvmarg line="${compc.jvm.args}"/>
-			<include-resource-bundles bundle="collections"/>
-			<include-resource-bundles bundle="core"/>
-			<include-resource-bundles bundle="logging"/>
-			<include-resource-bundles bundle="messaging"/>
-			<include-resource-bundles bundle="rpc"/>
-			<include-resource-bundles bundle="styles"/>
-			<include-resource-bundles bundle="utils"/>
-			<include-namespaces/>
-			<include-classes/>
-			<source-path path-element="${basedir}/bundles/@{locale}"/>
-			<source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/projects/framework/bundles/@{locale}"/>
-			<include-libraries/>
-			<library-path/>
-			<external-library-path dir="${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}">
-                <include name="${playerglobal.version}/playerglobal.swc"/>
-            </external-library-path>
-			<external-library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs">
-                <include name="framework.swc"/>
-			</external-library-path>
-		</compc>
-		</sequential>
-	</macrodef>	
-	<macrodef name="fat-swc">
-		<attribute name="locale"/>
-		<sequential>
-			<echo message="creating 'fat-swc' in rpc_rb.swc for @{locale}"/>
-			<mkdir dir="${basedir}/bundles/@{locale}/docs" />
-			<zip destfile="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale/@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc" update="true">
-				<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/bundles/@{locale}/docs" prefix="docs">
-					<include name="*.*"/>
-				</zipfileset>
-				<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/bundles/en_US" prefix="docs">
-					<include name="packages.dita"/>
-				</zipfileset>
-			</zip>
-		</sequential>
-	</macrodef>	
-	<macrodef name="bundle-clean">
-		<attribute name="locale"/>
-		<sequential>
-			<delete failonerror="false">
-				<fileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale">
-					<include name="@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc"/>
-					<include name="@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc.incr"/>
-				</fileset>
-			</delete>
-		</sequential>
-	</macrodef>	
-	<macrodef name="bundler">
-		<attribute name="locale"/>
-		<element name="run.fat.swc" optional="yes"/>
-		<sequential>
-			<bundle-clean locale="@{locale}"/>
-			<bundle locale="@{locale}"/>
-			<run.fat.swc/>
-		</sequential>
-	</macrodef>
-	<target name="main" depends="clean,compile" description="Clean build of rpc.swc and en_US">
-		<bundle locale="${locale}"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="other.locales" depends="bundles" description="Build other locale SWCs"/>
-	<!-- This is a private target for building automation_flashflexkit_rb.swc for various locales. -->
-	<!-- The targets below set the 'locale' parameter and call it with <antcall>. -->
-	<target name="bundles">
-		<!-- these languages do not have localized docs-->
-		<bundler locale="en_AU"/><!-- Australian resources -->
-		<bundler locale="en_GB"/><!-- United Kingdom resources -->
-		<bundler locale="en_CA"/><!-- Canadian resources -->
-		<bundler locale="da_DK"/><!-- Danish resources -->
-		<bundler locale="de_DE"><!-- German resources -->
-			<run.fat.swc>
-				<fat-swc locale="de_DE"/>
-			</run.fat.swc>
-		</bundler>
-		<bundler locale="es_ES"/><!-- Spanish resources -->
-		<bundler locale="fi_FI"/><!--  Finnish resources-->
-		<bundler locale="fr_FR"><!-- French resources -->
-			<run.fat.swc>
-				<fat-swc locale="fr_FR"/>
-			</run.fat.swc>
-		</bundler>
-		<bundler locale="it_IT"/><!-- Italian resources -->
-		<bundler locale="ja_JP"><!-- Japanese resources -->
-			<run.fat.swc>
-				<fat-swc locale="ja_JP"/>
-			</run.fat.swc>
-		</bundler>
-		<bundler locale="ko_KR"/><!-- Korean resources -->
-		<bundler locale="nb_NO"/><!-- Norwegian Bokmal resources -->
-		<bundler locale="nl_NL"/><!-- Dutch resources -->
-		<bundler locale="pt_BR"/><!-- Brazilian Portuguese resources -->
-		<bundler locale="pt_PT"/><!-- Portugal Portuguese resources -->
-		<bundler locale="ru_RU"><!-- Russian resources -->
-			<run.fat.swc>
-				<fat-swc locale="ru_RU"/>
-			</run.fat.swc>
-		</bundler>
-		<bundler locale="sv_SE"/><!-- Swedish resources -->
-		<bundler locale="zh_CN"><!-- Simplified Chinese resources -->
-			<run.fat.swc>
-				<fat-swc locale="zh_CN"/>
-			</run.fat.swc>
-		</bundler>
-		<bundler locale="zh_TW"/><!-- Traditional Chinese resources -->
-		<bundler locale="el_GR"/><!-- Greek Language  resources -->
-	</target>
-	<target name="clean" depends="bundles-clean">
-		<delete failonerror="false">
-			<fileset file="${basedir}/"/>
-			<fileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs">
-				<include name="rpc.swc"/>
-				<include name="rpc.swc.incr"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</delete>
-	</target>
-	<target name="bundles-clean">
-		<delete failonerror="false">
-			<fileset dir="${basedir}" >
+    <property file="${FLEX_HOME}/"/>
+    <macrodef name="bundle">
+        <attribute name="locale"/>
+        <sequential>
+        <echo message="Compiling frameworks/locale/@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc"/>
+        <!-- Load the <compc> task. We can't do this at the <project> level -->
+        <!-- because targets that run before flexTasks.jar gets built would fail. -->
+        <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
+        <compc fork="true"
+               output="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale/@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc">
+            <jvmarg line="${compc.jvm.args}"/>
+            <load-config filename="bundle-config.xml" />
+            <arg value="+playerglobal.version=${playerglobal.version}" />
+            <arg value="+env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}" />
+            <arg value="+locale=@{locale}" />
+        </compc>
+        </sequential>
+    </macrodef> 
+    <macrodef name="fat-swc">
+        <attribute name="locale"/>
+        <sequential>
+            <echo message="creating 'fat-swc' in rpc_rb.swc for @{locale}"/>
+            <mkdir dir="${basedir}/bundles/@{locale}/docs" />
+            <zip destfile="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale/@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc" update="true">
+                <zipfileset dir="${basedir}/bundles/@{locale}/docs" prefix="docs">
+                    <include name="*.*"/>
+                </zipfileset>
+                <zipfileset dir="${basedir}/bundles/en_US" prefix="docs">
+                    <include name="packages.dita"/>
+                </zipfileset>
+            </zip>
+        </sequential>
+    </macrodef> 
+    <macrodef name="bundle-clean">
+        <attribute name="locale"/>
+        <sequential>
+            <delete failonerror="false">
+                <fileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale">
+                    <include name="@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc"/>
+                    <include name="@{locale}/rpc_rb.swc.incr"/>
+                </fileset>
+            </delete>
+        </sequential>
+    </macrodef> 
+    <macrodef name="bundler">
+        <attribute name="locale"/>
+        <element name="run.fat.swc" optional="yes"/>
+        <sequential>
+            <bundle-clean locale="@{locale}"/>
+            <bundle locale="@{locale}"/>
+            <run.fat.swc/>
+        </sequential>
+    </macrodef>
+    <target name="main" depends="clean,compile" description="Clean build of rpc.swc and en_US">
+        <bundle locale="${locale}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="other.locales" depends="bundles" description="Build other locale SWCs"/>
+    <!-- This is a private target for building automation_flashflexkit_rb.swc for various locales. -->
+    <!-- The targets below set the 'locale' parameter and call it with <antcall>. -->
+    <target name="bundles">
+        <!-- these languages do not have localized docs-->
+        <bundler locale="en_AU"/><!-- Australian resources -->
+        <bundler locale="en_GB"/><!-- United Kingdom resources -->
+        <bundler locale="en_CA"/><!-- Canadian resources -->
+        <bundler locale="da_DK"/><!-- Danish resources -->
+        <bundler locale="de_DE"><!-- German resources -->
+            <run.fat.swc>
+                <fat-swc locale="de_DE"/>
+            </run.fat.swc>
+        </bundler>
+        <bundler locale="de_CH"/><!-- Swiss German resources -->
+        <bundler locale="es_ES"/><!-- Spanish resources -->
+        <bundler locale="fi_FI"/><!--  Finnish resources-->
+        <bundler locale="fr_FR"><!-- French resources -->
+            <run.fat.swc>
+                <fat-swc locale="fr_FR"/>
+            </run.fat.swc>
+        </bundler>
+        <bundler locale="it_IT"/><!-- Italian resources -->
+        <bundler locale="ja_JP"><!-- Japanese resources -->
+            <run.fat.swc>
+                <fat-swc locale="ja_JP"/>
+            </run.fat.swc>
+        </bundler>
+        <bundler locale="ko_KR"/><!-- Korean resources -->
+        <bundler locale="nb_NO"/><!-- Norwegian Bokmal resources -->
+        <bundler locale="nl_NL"/><!-- Dutch resources -->
+        <bundler locale="pt_BR"/><!-- Brazilian Portuguese resources -->
+        <bundler locale="pt_PT"/><!-- Portugal Portuguese resources -->
+        <bundler locale="ru_RU"><!-- Russian resources -->
+            <run.fat.swc>
+                <fat-swc locale="ru_RU"/>
+            </run.fat.swc>
+        </bundler>
+        <bundler locale="sv_SE"/><!-- Swedish resources -->
+        <bundler locale="zh_CN"><!-- Simplified Chinese resources -->
+            <run.fat.swc>
+                <fat-swc locale="zh_CN"/>
+            </run.fat.swc>
+        </bundler>
+        <bundler locale="zh_TW"/><!-- Traditional Chinese resources -->
+        <bundler locale="el_GR"/><!-- Greek Language  resources -->
+    </target>
+    <target name="clean" depends="bundles-clean">
+        <delete failonerror="false">
+			<fileset dir="${basedir}">
 				<include name=""/>
+			    <include name="bundles/en_US/packages.dita"/>
-			<fileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale">
-				<include name="*/rpc_rb.swc"/>
-				<include name="*/rpc_rb.swc.incr"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</delete>
-	</target>
-	<target name="compile" description="Compiles rpc.swc">
-		<echo file="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/" append="false">build=${build.number}</echo>
-		<echo message="Compiling frameworks/libs/rpc.swc"/>
-		<!-- Load the <compc> task. We can't do this at the <project> level -->
-		<!-- because targets that run before flexTasks.jar gets built would fail. -->
-		<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
-		<!--
-			Link in the classes (and their dependencies) for the MXML tags
-			listed in this project's manifest.xml.
-			Also link the additional classes (and their dependencies)
-			listed in,
-			because these aren't referenced by the manifest classes.
-			Compile against framework.swc, but don't link it into rpc.swc.
-			Keep the standard metadata when compiling.
-			Link in accessibility support.
-			Include the appropriate CSS files and assets in the SWC.
-			Don't include any resources in the SWC.
-			Write a bundle list of referenced resource bundles
-			into the file in this directory.
-		-->
-		<compc fork="true"
-			   output="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/rpc.swc"
-               resource-bundle-list="${basedir}/">
-            <target-player>${playerglobal.version}</target-player>
-			<jvmarg line="${compc.jvm.args}"/>
-			<namespace uri="library://" manifest="${basedir}/manifest.xml"/>
-			<include-file name="" path="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/"/>
-			<include-namespaces uri="library://"/>
-			<include-classes>RPCClasses</include-classes>
-			<source-path path-element="${basedir}/src"/>
-			<library-path/>
-			<external-library-path dir="${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}">
-                <include name="${playerglobal.version}/playerglobal.swc"/>
-            </external-library-path>
-			<external-library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs">
-				<include name="framework.swc"/>
-                <include name="textLayout.swc"/>
-			</external-library-path>
-			<locale/>
-			<accessible>true</accessible>
-		</compc>
-		<delete file="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="doc" depends="clean-temp-docs" description="updates rpc.swc with asdoc xml">
-		<!-- Load the <asdoc> task. We can't do this at the <project> level -->
-		<!-- because targets that run before flexTasks.jar gets built would fail. -->
-		<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
-	    <condition property="asdoc.jvm.args" value="-Xmx384m">
-	        <os family="windows"/>
-	    </condition>
-	    <condition property="asdoc.jvm.args" value="-Xmx512m">
-	        <os family="mac"/>
-	    </condition>
-	    <condition property="asdoc.jvm.args" value="-Xmx512m">
-	        <os family="unix"/>
-	    </condition>
-		<!-- Call asdoc to generate dita xml files -->
-		<asdoc output="${FLEX_HOME}/tempDoc" lenient="true" failonerror="true" keep-xml="true" skip-xsl="true" fork="true">
-		    <compiler.source-path path-element="${basedir}/src"/>
-		    <doc-classes class="RPCClasses"/>
-		    <doc-namespaces uri=""/>
-		    <namespace uri="" manifest="${basedir}/manifest.xml"/>
-		    <jvmarg line="${asdoc.jvm.args}"/>
-		</asdoc>
-		<!-- updates rpc.swc with asdoc xml -->
-		<zip destfile="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale/en_US/rpc_rb.swc" update="true">
-		    <zipfileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}/tempDoc/tempdita" prefix="docs">
-			    <include name="*.*"/>
-				<exclude name="ASDoc_Config.xml"/>
-				<exclude name="overviews.xml"/>
-		    </zipfileset>
-		</zip>
-		<copy file="${FLEX_HOME}/tempDoc/tempdita/packages.dita" tofile="${basedir}/bundles/en_US/packages.dita"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="clean-temp-docs">
-		<delete dir="${FLEX_HOME}/tempDoc" failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true"/>
-		<delete file="${basedir}/bundles/en_US/packages.dita" failonerror="false"/>
-	</target>
+            <fileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs">
+                <include name="rpc.swc"/>
+                <include name="rpc.swc.incr"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </delete>
+    </target>
+    <target name="bundles-clean">
+        <delete failonerror="false">
+            <fileset dir="${basedir}" >
+                <include name=""/>
+            </fileset>
+            <fileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale">
+                <include name="*/rpc_rb.swc"/>
+                <include name="*/rpc_rb.swc.incr"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </delete>
+    </target>
+    <target name="compile" description="Compiles rpc.swc">
+        <echo file="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/" append="false">build=${build.number}</echo>
+        <echo message="Compiling frameworks/libs/rpc.swc"/>
+        <!-- Load the <compc> task. We can't do this at the <project> level -->
+        <!-- because targets that run before flexTasks.jar gets built would fail. -->
+        <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
+        <!--
+            Link in the classes (and their dependencies) for the MXML tags
+            listed in this project's manifest.xml.
+            Also link the additional classes (and their dependencies)
+            listed in,
+            because these aren't referenced by the manifest classes.
+            Compile against framework.swc, but don't link it into rpc.swc.
+            Keep the standard metadata when compiling.
+            Link in accessibility support.
+            Include the appropriate CSS files and assets in the SWC.
+            Don't include any resources in the SWC.
+            Write a bundle list of referenced resource bundles
+            into the file in this directory.
+        -->
+        <compc fork="true"
+               output="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/rpc.swc">
+            <jvmarg line="${compc.jvm.args}"/>
+            <load-config filename="compile-config.xml" />
+            <arg value="+playerglobal.version=${playerglobal.version}" />
+            <arg value="+env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}" />
+        </compc>
+        <delete file="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="doc" depends="clean-temp-docs" description="updates rpc.swc with asdoc xml">
+        <!-- Load the <asdoc> task. We can't do this at the <project> level -->
+        <!-- because targets that run before flexTasks.jar gets built would fail. -->
+        <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
+        <condition property="asdoc.jvm.args" value="-Xmx384m">
+            <os family="windows"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="asdoc.jvm.args" value="-Xmx512m">
+            <os family="mac"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="asdoc.jvm.args" value="-Xmx512m">
+            <os family="unix"/>
+        </condition>
+        <!-- Call asdoc to generate dita xml files -->
+        <asdoc output="${FLEX_HOME}/tempDoc" lenient="true" failonerror="true" keep-xml="true" skip-xsl="true" fork="true">
+            <compiler.source-path path-element="${basedir}/src"/>
+            <doc-classes class="RPCClasses"/>
+            <doc-namespaces uri=""/>
+            <namespace uri="" manifest="${basedir}/manifest.xml"/>
+            <jvmarg line="${asdoc.jvm.args}"/>
+        </asdoc>
+        <!-- updates rpc.swc with asdoc xml -->
+        <zip destfile="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale/en_US/rpc_rb.swc" update="true">
+            <zipfileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}/tempDoc/tempdita" prefix="docs">
+                <include name="*.*"/>
+                <exclude name="ASDoc_Config.xml"/>
+                <exclude name="overviews.xml"/>
+            </zipfileset>
+        </zip>
+        <copy file="${FLEX_HOME}/tempDoc/tempdita/packages.dita" tofile="${basedir}/bundles/en_US/packages.dita"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="clean-temp-docs">
+        <delete dir="${FLEX_HOME}/tempDoc" failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true"/>
+        <delete file="${basedir}/bundles/en_US/packages.dita" failonerror="false"/>
+    </target>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundle-config.xml b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundle-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da7f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundle-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+    <compiler>        
+        <external-library-path>
+            <path-element>${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}/${playerglobal.version}/playerglobal.swc</path-element>
+            <path-element>../../libs/framework.swc</path-element>
+        </external-library-path>
+        <include-libraries/>
+        <library-path/>
+        <locale>
+            <locale-element>${locale}</locale-element>
+        </locale>
+        <source-path>
+            <path-element>../framework/bundles/${locale}</path-element>
+            <path-element>bundles/${locale}</path-element>
+        </source-path>
+    </compiler>
+    <include-classes/>
+    <include-namespaces/>
+    <include-resource-bundles>
+        <bundle>collections</bundle>
+        <bundle>core</bundle>
+        <bundle>logging</bundle>
+        <bundle>messaging</bundle>
+        <bundle>rpc</bundle>
+        <bundle>styles</bundle>
+        <bundle>utils</bundle>
+    </include-resource-bundles>
+    <target-player>${playerglobal.version}</target-player>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/de_CH/ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/de_CH/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efce6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/de_CH/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+##  limitations under the License.
+# ServerConfig
+unknownDestination = Unbekanntes Ziel '{0}'.
+destinationWithInvalidMessageType = Ziel '{0}' kann Meldungen des Typs '{1}' nicht abwickeln.
+unknownDestinationForService = Unbekanntes Ziel '{1}' für Dienst mit ID '{0}'.
+noServiceForMessageType = Zur Verarbeitung von Meldungen des Typs '{0}' sind keine Dienste konfiguriert.
+unknownChannelWithId = Der Kanal '{0}' ist in der Konfiguration nicht vorhanden.
+unknownChannelClass = Die angegebene Kanalklasse '{0}' wurde nicht gefunden.
+noChannelForDestination = Ziel '{0}' ist nicht vorhanden oder es sind keine Kanäle für das Ziel definiert (und die Anwendung definiert keine Standardkanäle).
+# Channel
+noDestinationSpecified = Es muss ein Zielname angegeben werden.
+connectTimedOut = Zeitlimit für Verbindungsversuch wurde überschritten.
+noURLSpecified = Für den Kanal wurde keine URL angegeben.
+# ChannelSet
+cannotAddWhenConfigured = Einem ChannelSet mit konfiguriertem Ziel können keine Kanäle hinzugefügt werden.
+cannotRemoveWhenConfigured = Aus einem ChannelSet mit einem konfigurierten Ziel können keine Kanäle entfernt werden.
+noAvailableChannels = Es sind keine Kanäle verfügbar.
+sendFailed = Sendevorgang ist fehlgeschlagen.
+cannotConnectToDestination = Mit dem Ziel der Meldung konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden.
+cannotAddNullIdChannelWhenClustered = Ein Kanal mit ungültiger ID kann ChannelSet nicht hinzugefügt werden, wenn die in Clustern gebündelte Eigenschaft 'true' lautet.
+cannotSetClusteredWithdNullChannelIds = Die in Clustern gebündelte Eigenschaft von ChannelSet kann nicht zu 'true' geändert werden, wenn es Kanäle mit NULL-IDs enthält. 
+# AbstractConsumer
+resubscribeIntervalNegative = Für resubscribeInterval sind keine negativen Werte zulässig.
+consumerSubscribeError = Fehler bei Verbraucher-Abonnierung
+failedToSubscribe = Der Verbraucher konnte sein Ziel nicht abonnieren.
+# MessageAgent
+emptyDestinationName = {0}' ist kein gültiges Ziel.
+destinationNotSet = Zum Senden von Meldungen muss das MessageAgent-Ziel festgelegt werden.
+# AbstractProducer
+reconnectIntervalNegative = Für reconnectInterval sind keine negativen Werte zulässig.
+producerConnectError = Fehler bei Produzentenverbindung
+failedToConnect = Der Produzent konnte keine Verbindung zu seinem Ziel herstellen.
+producerSendError = Sendevorgang ist fehlgeschlagen.
+producerSendErrorDetails = Der Produzent ist nicht verbunden und die Meldung kann nicht gesendet werden.
+queuedMessagesNotAllowedDetails = Dem Produzenten wurde keine Meldungswarteschlange zugewiesen. Meldungen in Warteschlangen können daher nicht gesendet werden.
+# MessageStore
+messageQueueSendError = Sendevorgang ist fehlgeschlagen.
+wrongMessageQueueForProducerDetails = Die Meldung stammt nicht aus dem Meldungsspeicher für diesen Produzenten.
+lsoStorageNotAllowed = Der Meldungsspeicher kann nicht initialisiert werden, da die lokale Speicherung nicht zulässig ist. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die lokale Speicherung für Flash Player aktiviert und ausreichend Speicherplatz konfiguriert ist.
+messageQueueNotInitialized = Der Meldungsspeicher wurde nicht initialisiert.
+messageQueueFailedInitialize = Die Initialisierung des Meldungsspeichers ist fehlgeschlagen.
+couldNotAddMessageToQueue = Die Meldung konnte nicht im Meldungsspeicher abgelegt werden und der Produzent ist nicht angeschlossen. Weitere Informationen enthält der vom Meldungsspeicher gesendete FaultEvent.
+couldNotRemoveMessageFromQueue = Die Meldung konnte nicht vor dem Senden aus dem Meldungsspeicher entfernt werden.
+couldNotLoadCache = Der Zwischenspeicher konnte nicht in den Meldungsspeicher geladen werden.
+couldNotSaveCache = Der Zwischenspeicher konnte nicht gespeichert werden.
+couldNotClearCache = Der Zwischenspeicher konnte nicht geleert werden.
+couldNotLoadCacheIds = Die Liste der Zwischenspeicher-IDs konnte nicht geladen werden.
+# Session
+emptySessionClientId = Die clientId einer Sitzung muss eine Länge aufweisen, die nicht null ist.
+# AMFChannel
+pollingIntervalNonPositive = Der pollingInterval-Wert für den Kanal muss positiv sein.
+pollingRequestNotAllowed = Eine Abfrage wurde bei '{0}' angefordert, obwohl Abfragen nicht aktiviert sind.
+invalidURL = Ungültige URL
+# StreamingAMFChannel
+pollingNotSupportedAMF = StreamingAMFChannel unterstützt kein Polling.
+# DirectHTTPChannel
+noURIAllowed = Fehler bei DirectHTTPChannel. Es kann keine URI festgelegt werden.
+authenticationNotSupported = Authentifizierung wird bei DirectHTTPChannel nicht unterstützt (kein Proxy).
+httpRequestError = HTTP-Anforderungsfehler
+httpRequestError.details = Fehler: {0}
+securityError = Sicherheitsfehler beim Zugriff auf die URL
+securityError.details = Ziel: {0}
+# AMFXDecoder
+noAMFXBody = Ungültiges AMFX-Paket. Meldungstext wurde nicht gefunden.
+unsupportedAMFXVersion = Nicht unterstützte AMFX-Version: {0}
+noAMFXNode = Ungültiges AMFX-Paket. Der Inhalt muss mit einem <amfx>-Knoten beginnen.
+AMFXTraitsNotFirst = Ungültiges Objekt. Der erste Eintrag in einem Objekt muss ein einzelner Satz Eigenschaften sein.
+errorReadingIExternalizable = Beim Lesen von IExternalizable ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. {0}
+notImplementingIExternalizable = Klasse {0} muss flash.util.IExternalizable implementieren.
+unknownReference = Unbekannte Referenz {0}
+referenceMissingId = Eine Referenz muss eine ID haben.
+unknownStringReference = Unbekannte String-Referenz {0}
+unknownTraitReference = Unbekannte Eigenschaftsreferenz {0}
+# HttpRequestMessage
+invalidRequestMethod = Ungültige Methode angegeben.
+# MessageResponder
+requestTimedOut = Zeitlimit für die Anforderung wurde überschritten.
+requestTimedOut.details = Das Anforderungszeitlimit für die gesendete Meldung wurde erreicht, aber es ging keine Antwort vom Server ein.
+deliveryInDoubt = Kanal getrennt
+deliveryInDoubt.details = Der Kanal wurde vor dem Eingang einer Bestätigung getrennt.
+# HTTPChannel
+ackFailed = Es ist keine Meldungsbestätigung eingegangen.
+ackFailed.details = Die Meldung '{0}' wurde erwartet, aber '{1}' wurde empfangen.
+noAckMessage = Keine Bestätigungsmeldung erhalten.
+noAckMessage.details = Erwartet wurde mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage. Empfangen wurde {0}.
+# StreamingHTTPChannel
+pollingNotSupportedHTTP = StreamingHTTPChannel unterstützt kein Polling.
+# NetConnectionChannel
+noErrorForMessage = Keinen Fehler für die Meldung erhalten.
+noErrorForMessage.details = Die Meldung '{0}' wurde erwartet, aber '{1}' wurde empfangen.
+receivedNull = NULL empfangen.
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/de_CH/ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/de_CH/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb09421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/de_CH/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+##  limitations under the License.
+# AbstractOperation
+cannotResetOperationName = Der Name eines Vorgangs kann nicht zurückgesetzt werden.
+cannotResetService = Der Dienst eines Vorgangs kann nicht zurückgesetzt werden.
+# AbstractService
+operationsNotAllowedInService = Es können keine Vorgänge in einem RPC-Dienst zugewiesen werden ({0}).
+# HTTPService
+invalidResultFormat = Ungültiges resultFormat '{0}'. Gültige Formate sind [{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}].
+xmlEncodeReturnNull = xmlEncode hat NULL zurückgegeben.
+xmlEncodeReturnNoXMLNode = xmlEncode hat keine XMLNode zurückgegeben.
+urlNotSpecified = Sie müssen eine URL angeben. Dabei muss useProxy auf 'false' eingestellt sein.
+xmlDecodeReturnNull = xmlDecode hat NULL zurückgegeben.
+defaultDecoderFailed = Der Standarddecoder konnte das Ergebnis nicht dekodieren.
+# mxml.HTTPService
+unknownProtocol = Unbekanntes Protokoll '{0}'
+pendingCallExists = Es wurde versucht, einen neuen Aufruf zu senden, obwohl ein anderer Aufruf noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. Ändern Sie die Optionen für gleichzeitige Vorgänge oder vermeiden Sie mehrere Aufrufe.
+# mxml.RemoteObject
+noListenerForEvent = Es wurde ein Ereignis empfangen, für das kein Listener definiert war. Fügen Sie einen Ereignis-Listener hinzu. {0}
+# SOAPDecoder
+soapVersionMismatch = Anforderung implementiert Version {0}, Antwort implementiert Version {1}
+# SOAPEncoder
+missingInputParameter = Im Array der Eingabeargumente fehlte ein erforderlicher Parameter an Position {0}.
+missingInputParameterWithName = Der erforderliche Parameter '{0}' wurde in den Eingabeargumenten nicht gefunden.
+tooFewInputParameters = Zu wenige Parameter. Es wurden mindestens {0} erwartet, aber nur {1} gefunden.
+unexpectedInputParameter = Unerwarteter Parameter '{0}' in den Eingabeargumenten gefunden.
+# WSDLDocument
+wsdlDefinitionsNotFirst = Die Definitionen müssen das erste Element in einem WSDL-Dokument sein.
+# WSDLParser
+noBaseWSDLAddress = Der Import der relativen WSDL-Datei kann nicht ohne vollqualifizierte Basisadresse aufgelöst werden.
+noBaseWSDLAddress.details = Geben Sie den Speicherort des WSDL-Dokuments für den Webdienst an.
+noServiceElement = WSDL-Datei konnte nicht geladen werden.
+noServiceElement.details = Keine Elemente des Typs <wsdl:service> in der WSDL-Datei unter {0} gefunden.
+unrecognizedNamespace = Der WSDL-Parser hatte kein registriertes Dokument für den Namespace '{0}'.
+unrecognizedPortTypeName = Der WSDL-Parser konnte keinen portType '{0}' im Namespace '{1}' finden.
+overloadedOperation = Die WSDL-Datei enthält einen überladenen Vorgang ({0}). Diese Art der Nutzung wird gegenwärtig nicht unterstützt.
+unrecognizedMessageName = Der WSDL-Parser konnte keine Meldung '{0}' im Namespace '{1}' finden.
+badElement = Element {0}:{1} kann nicht aufgelöst werden.
+badType = Typ {0} kann nicht aufgelöst werden.
+unexpectedException = Ausnahmefehler zur Laufzeit {0}
+unableToLoadWSDL = WSDL-Datei kann nicht geladen werden. Falls Sie zurzeit online sind, überprüfen Sie den URI bzw. das Format der WSDL-Datei ({0}).
+faultyWSDLFormat = Fehlerhaftes WSDL-Format
+unrecognizedBindingName = Der WSDL-Parser konnte keine Bindung '{0}' im Namespace '{1}' finden.
+# mxml.WebService
+# SchemaContext
+unknownSchemaType = Unbekanntes Schematypsystem
+unknownSchemaVersion = Unbekannte Schemaversion
+badSchemaNode = Ungültiger Schemaknoten
+noBaseSchemaAddress = Der Import eines relativen Schemas kann nicht ohne vollqualifizierte Basisadresse aufgelöst werden.
+unexpectedSchemaException = Fehler beim Importieren des Schemas: {0}
+errorWhileLoadingFromParent = Fehler beim Laden des importierten Schemas aus dem übergeordneten Speicherort: {0}
+unknownSchemaElement = Unbekanntes Element: {0}
+cannotFindType = Typ nicht gefunden für: {0}
+# AbstractInvoker
+cannotConnectToDestination = Es konnte keine Verbindung mit '{0}' hergestellt werden.
+# remoting.mxml.Operation
+# soap.Operation
+invalidSoapResultFormat = Ungültiges resultFormat '{0}'. Gültige Formate sind 'object', 'xml' und 'e4x'.
+noListenerForHeader = Es gibt keinen Ereignis-Listener für Header {0}.
+# WebService
+mustSpecifyWSDLLocation = Sie müssen den Speicherort der WSDL-Datei angeben. Dabei muss useProxy auf 'false' eingestellt sein.
+destinationOrWSDLNotSpecified = Es muss ein Ziel bzw. eine WSDL-Datei angegeben werden.
+noSuchServiceInWSDL = Der angeforderte Dienst '{0}' wurde nicht in der WSDL-Datei gefunden.
+noServices = Die WSDL-Datei enthält keine gültigen Dienste.
+noSuchService = Der Dienst '{0}' wurde nicht gefunden.
+noPortsInWSDL = In der WSDL-Datei gibt es keine gültigen Ports für den {0}-Dienst.
+multiplePortsFound = Es wurde kein gültiger Port angegeben. Es kann kein Standard-Port ausgewählt werden, weil die WSDL-Datei mehrere Ports enthält.
+noServiceAndPort = Ein passender Port wurde nicht gefunden (Dienst = '{0}', Port = '{1}')
+# soap.mxml.Operation
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/pt_PT/ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/pt_PT/
index 5fa1de3..150ac97 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/pt_PT/
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/pt_PT/
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-##  Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
-##  All Rights Reserved.
+##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-##  NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
-##  in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.
+##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+##  limitations under the License.
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/pt_PT/ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/pt_PT/
index 29861ef..d1340e5 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/pt_PT/
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/bundles/pt_PT/
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-##  Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
-##  All Rights Reserved.
+##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-##  NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
-##  in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.
+##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+##  limitations under the License.
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/rpc/compile-config.xml b/frameworks/projects/rpc/compile-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f37dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frameworks/projects/rpc/compile-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+    <compiler>
+        <accessible>true</accessible>
+        <external-library-path>
+            <path-element>${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}/${playerglobal.version}/playerglobal.swc</path-element>
+            <path-element>../../libs/framework.swc</path-element>
+            <path-element>../../libs/textLayout.swc</path-element>
+        </external-library-path>
+        <locale/>
+        <library-path/>
+        <namespaces>
+            <namespace>
+                <uri>library://</uri>
+                <manifest>manifest.xml</manifest>
+            </namespace>
+        </namespaces>
+        <source-path>
+            <path-element>src</path-element>
+        </source-path>
+        <warn-no-constructor>false</warn-no-constructor>
+    </compiler>
+    <include-classes>
+        <class>RPCClasses</class>
+    </include-classes>
+    <include-file>
+        <name></name>
+        <path>../../</path>
+    </include-file>
+    <include-namespaces>
+        <uri>library://</uri>
+    </include-namespaces>  
+    <resource-bundle-list></resource-bundle-list>
+    <target-player>${playerglobal.version}</target-player>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/spark/.actionScriptProperties b/frameworks/projects/spark/.actionScriptProperties
index e8b4330..d9ee0a4 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/spark/.actionScriptProperties
+++ b/frameworks/projects/spark/.actionScriptProperties
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-##  limitations under the License.
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
 <actionScriptProperties analytics="false" mainApplicationPath="" projectUUID="fe6cd9e8-ac6c-419a-876e-64da4790b2b9" version="10">
   <compiler additionalCompilerArguments="-keep-as3-metadata=SkinPart -include-file=defaults.css,../defaults.css -namespace=library://,../manifest.xml -include-file=assets/ErrorIndicator.png,../assets/ErrorIndicator.png -include-file=assets/RequiredIndicator.png,../assets/RequiredIndicator.png -include-namespaces=library:// -library-path= -locale=" autoRSLOrdering="true" copyDependentFiles="false" fteInMXComponents="false" generateAccessible="true" htmlExpressInstall="true" htmlGenerate="false" htmlHistoryManagement="false" htmlPlayerVersionCheck="true" includeNetmonSwc="false" outputFolderPath="bin" removeUnusedRSL="true" sourceFolderPath="src" strict="true" targetPlayerVersion="0.0.0" useApolloConfig="false" useDebugRSLSwfs="true" verifyDigests="true" warn="true">
     <libraryPath defaultLinkType="0">
       <libraryPathEntry kind="3" linkType="2" path="${PROJECT_FRAMEWORKS}/libs/player/11.1/playerglobal.swc" useDefaultLinkType="false"/>
       <libraryPathEntry kind="3" linkType="2" path="${PROJECT_FRAMEWORKS}/libs/osmf.swc" useDefaultLinkType="false"/>
-      <libraryPathEntry kind="3" linkType="2" path="${PROJECT_FRAMEWORKS}/libs/textLayout.swc" useDefaultLinkType="false"/>
+      <libraryPathEntry kind="3" linkType="2" path="/textLayout/bin/textLayout.swc" useDefaultLinkType="false"/>
       <libraryPathEntry kind="3" linkType="2" path="/framework/bin/framework.swc" useDefaultLinkType="false"/>
       <libraryPathEntry kind="3" linkType="2" path="/mx/bin/mx.swc" useDefaultLinkType="false"/>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/spark/.flexLibProperties b/frameworks/projects/spark/.flexLibProperties
index 85984e3..91a5cf6 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/spark/.flexLibProperties
+++ b/frameworks/projects/spark/.flexLibProperties
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-##  limitations under the License.
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
 <flexLibProperties includeAllClasses="false" useMultiPlatformConfig="false" version="3">
     <classEntry path="SparkClasses"/>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/CurrencyFormatterExample1.mxml b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/CurrencyFormatterExample1.mxml
index b65ac22..eb5207a 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/CurrencyFormatterExample1.mxml
+++ b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/CurrencyFormatterExample1.mxml
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
         <s:CurrencyFormatter id="currencyFormatter"/>
             import flash.globalization.CurrencyParseResult;
             private function localeChange():void
                 // Sets the locale style on the document UI component.
@@ -38,34 +38,34 @@
                 setStyle('locale', inputLocaleIDName.text);
             private function inputCurrencyChange():void
                 const cpr:CurrencyParseResult
-                                = currencyFormatter.parse(inputCurrency.text);
+                = currencyFormatter.parse(inputCurrency.text);
                 parsedResult.text = "Currency String: [" + cpr.currencyString
                     + "], Amount: [" + cpr.value.toString() + "]";
-    <mx:Form>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:HBox>
+    <s:Form>
+        <s:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
+            <s:HGroup>
                 <s:TextInput id="inputLocaleIDName"/>
                 <s:Button click="localeChange()" label="Apply"/>
-            </mx:HBox>
-            <mx:Text text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Input Currency Amount">
+            </s:HGroup>
+            <s:Label text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Input Currency Amount">
             <s:TextInput id="inputCurrency" change="inputCurrencyChange()"/>
-            <mx:Text text="Example: {currencyFormatter.format(123456789.123)}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:Text text="{currencyFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Parsed Result">
-            <mx:Text id="parsedResult"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-    </mx:Form>
+            <s:Label text="Example: {currencyFormatter.format(123456789.123)}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
+            <s:Label text="{currencyFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Parsed Result">
+            <s:Label id="parsedResult"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+    </s:Form>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/CurrencyFormatterExample2.mxml b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/CurrencyFormatterExample2.mxml
index c7ac0bd..2259435 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/CurrencyFormatterExample2.mxml
+++ b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/CurrencyFormatterExample2.mxml
@@ -22,38 +22,38 @@
         <s:CurrencyFormatter id="currencyFormatter"/>
             private var currencyAmount:Number = 123456.789;
-    <mx:Form>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:HBox>
+    <s:Form>
+        <s:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
+            <s:HGroup>
                 <s:TextInput id="inputLocaleIDName"/>
                 <!-- Upon button click, sets the locale style on the document
-                    UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
+                UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
                 <s:Button click="setStyle('locale', inputLocaleIDName.text);"
-            </mx:HBox>
-            <mx:Text text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Use Currency Symbol">
+            </s:HGroup>
+            <s:Label text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Use Currency Symbol">
             <s:CheckBox id="useSymbol"
-                click="currencyFormatter.useCurrencySymbol = useSymbol.selected"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
+                        click="currencyFormatter.useCurrencySymbol = useSymbol.selected"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
             <s:Label text="{currencyFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Formatted Result">
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Formatted Result">
             <s:Label text="{currencyFormatter.format(currencyAmount)}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-    </mx:Form>
+        </s:FormItem>
+    </s:Form>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/DateTimeFormatterExample.mxml b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/DateTimeFormatterExample.mxml
index 58e7603..d1b8921 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/DateTimeFormatterExample.mxml
+++ b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/DateTimeFormatterExample.mxml
@@ -22,50 +22,50 @@
         <s:DateTimeFormatter id="dateTimeFormatter"/>
             import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
             private static const dateTimeStyleMenuItems:ArrayCollection
-                = new ArrayCollection(["long", "medium", "short", "none"]);
+            = new ArrayCollection(["long", "medium", "short", "none"]);
-    <mx:Form>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:HBox>
+    <s:Form>
+        <s:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
+            <s:HGroup>
                 <s:TextInput id="inputLocaleIDName"/>
                 <!-- Upon button click, sets the locale style on the document
-                    UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
+                UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
                 <s:Button click="setStyle('locale', inputLocaleIDName.text);"
-            </mx:HBox>
-            <mx:Text text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Date Style">
+            </s:HGroup>
+            <s:Label text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Date Style">
             <s:DropDownList id="dateStyle" requireSelection="true"
-                change="dateTimeFormatter.dateStyle = dateTimeStyleMenuItems[dateStyle.selectedIndex]"
-                dataProvider="{dateTimeStyleMenuItems}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Time Style">
+                            change="dateTimeFormatter.dateStyle = dateTimeStyleMenuItems[dateStyle.selectedIndex]"
+                            dataProvider="{dateTimeStyleMenuItems}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Time Style">
             <s:DropDownList id="timeStyle" requireSelection="true"
-                change="dateTimeFormatter.timeStyle = dateTimeStyleMenuItems[timeStyle.selectedIndex]"
-                dataProvider="{dateTimeStyleMenuItems}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Input Date">
-            <mx:TextInput id="inputDate" text="{new Date().toString()}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:Text text="{dateTimeFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Formatted Result">
-            <mx:Text id="uiFormattedDate"
-                text="{dateTimeFormatter.format(inputDate.text)}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-    </mx:Form>
+                            change="dateTimeFormatter.timeStyle = dateTimeStyleMenuItems[timeStyle.selectedIndex]"
+                            dataProvider="{dateTimeStyleMenuItems}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Input Date">
+            <s:TextInput id="inputDate" text="{new Date().toString()}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
+            <s:Label text="{dateTimeFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Formatted Result">
+            <s:Label id="uiFormattedDate"
+                     text="{dateTimeFormatter.format(inputDate.text)}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+    </s:Form>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/NumberFormatterExample1.mxml b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/NumberFormatterExample1.mxml
index 8f55ab6..4ea0969 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/NumberFormatterExample1.mxml
+++ b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/NumberFormatterExample1.mxml
@@ -22,42 +22,42 @@
         <s:NumberFormatter id="numberFormatter"/>
             private var number:Number = 123456789.123456789;
-    <mx:Form>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:HBox>
+    <s:Form>
+        <s:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
+            <s:HGroup>
                 <s:TextInput id="inputLocaleIDName"/>
                 <!-- Upon button click, sets the locale style on the document
-                    UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
+                UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
                 <s:Button click="setStyle('locale', inputLocaleIDName.text);"
-            </mx:HBox>
-            <mx:Text text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Use Grouping">
-            <mx:CheckBox id="useGrouping"
-                change="numberFormatter.useGrouping= useGrouping.selected"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Fractional Digits">
-            <mx:TextInput id="fractionalDigits"
-                change="numberFormatter.fractionalDigits = Number(fractionalDigits.text)"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:Text text="{numberFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Formatted Result">
-            <mx:Text text="{numberFormatter.format(number)}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-    </mx:Form>
+            </s:HGroup>
+            <s:Label text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Use Grouping">
+            <s:CheckBox id="useGrouping"
+                         change="numberFormatter.useGrouping = useGrouping.selected"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Fractional Digits">
+            <s:TextInput id="fractionalDigits"
+                          change="numberFormatter.fractionalDigits = Number(fractionalDigits.text)"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
+            <s:Label text="{numberFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Formatted Result">
+            <s:Label text="{numberFormatter.format(number)}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+    </s:Form>
diff --git a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/NumberFormatterExample2.mxml b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/NumberFormatterExample2.mxml
index 5ee3a20..8030709 100644
--- a/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/NumberFormatterExample2.mxml
+++ b/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/formatters/examples/NumberFormatterExample2.mxml
@@ -22,32 +22,32 @@
         <s:NumberFormatter id="numberFormatter"/>
-    <mx:Form>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:HBox>
+    <s:Form>
+        <s:FormItem label="Input Locale ID Name">
+            <s:HGroup>
                 <s:TextInput id="inputLocaleIDName"/>
                 <!-- Upon button click, sets the locale style on the document
-                    UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
+                UI component. The formatter will inherit this style. -->
                 <s:Button click="setStyle('locale', inputLocaleIDName.text);"
-            </mx:HBox>
-            <mx:Text text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Input Number">
+            </s:HGroup>
+            <s:Label text="Example: 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'ar-SA'"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Input Number">
             <s:TextInput id="inputNumber"/>
-            <mx:Text text="Example: {numberFormatter.format(123456789.123)}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
-            <mx:Text text="{numberFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
-        </mx:FormItem>
-        <mx:FormItem label="Parsed Result">
-            <mx:Text
+            <s:Label text="Example: {numberFormatter.format(123456789.123)}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Actual Locale ID Name">
+            <s:Label text="{numberFormatter.actualLocaleIDName}"/>
+        </s:FormItem>
+        <s:FormItem label="Parsed Result">
+            <s:Label
-        </mx:FormItem>
-    </mx:Form>
+        </s:FormItem>
+    </s:Form>