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Posted to by ASF IRC Services <> on 2013/03/08 11:52:03 UTC

Summary of IRC meeting in #apachemarmotta, Fri Mar 8 09:52:02 2013

Members present: wastl, tkurz, jfrank, wikier

Meeting summary:

1. Preface

2. pending tasks for 3.0.0-incubating release

IRC log follows:

# 1. Preface #
09:52:10 [wikier]: hi again ASFBot :-)
09:52:17 [wastl]: :)
09:52:17 [wastl]: missed you
09:52:32 [wikier]: well, main topic: pending tasks for 3.0.0-incubating release
09:52:40 [wikier]: right?

# 2. pending tasks for 3.0.0-incubating release #
09:53:03 [wastl]: so I can do a brief report what I fixed yesterday
09:53:26 [wikier]: cp30 and ldap are no longer an issue
09:53:27 [wastl]: - I replaced the c3p0 connection pool (LGPL) with the Tomcat JDBC pool
09:53:40 [wikier]: cp30 is much more critical 
09:53:48 [wastl]: - I replaced the RDFa implementation we used with a new library
09:53:55 [wikier]: rdfa, rightr
09:54:11 [wastl]: - Thomas I think started working on a new JSON-LD implementation
09:54:32 [tkurz]: right
09:54:48 [wikier]: from scratch?
09:54:56 [wastl]: yes
09:55:02 [tkurz]: but at the moment I am working on something completely different ;)
09:55:17 [wastl]: actually this will be cleaner than the existing implementation
09:55:25 [wikier]: according looks that Tristan may release 0.1 soon
09:55:32 [tkurz]: yes. and I think the algo is quite simple
09:55:33 [wastl]: since now the JSON-LD spec has  evolved and provides a parsing and serialisation algorithm
09:55:47 [wikier]: ok
09:55:55 [wikier]: from my point of view, low priority
09:56:02 [tkurz]: yes tristan is working on it at the moment
09:56:03 [wastl]: wikier: there has not been any code update since 4 months in Tristans repository
09:56:04 [wikier]: I mean, reimplement it
09:56:25 [tkurz]: no, there where updates yesterday ;)
09:56:32 [wikier]: wastl: he replies he is busy with other stuff, right
09:56:42 [wastl]: ah yes, now there are updates
09:56:55 [wastl]: yesterday there were still only 4 month old updates
09:56:55 [wikier]: updates yesterday because issue #32 ;-)
09:57:10 [tkurz]: yes
09:57:10 [wastl]: there is another problem with that library though, it has a pretty weired integration for parsers
09:57:19 [wikier]: true
09:57:25 [wastl]: I couldn't really get any newer versions of the code to work with Sesame
09:58:02 [wikier]: I'd be happy to have something with a better design and so on, but as soon as we don't have something else at the backlog
09:58:13 [wastl]: another option would be (quick fix) to include the source code we are currently using from Tristan in sesame-tools-jsonld
09:58:13 [wikier]: and, I guess, we have a lot...
09:58:36 [wastl]: wikier: I think the backlog is otherwise not too long for the 3.0.0 release
09:58:36 [wikier]: wastl: that's the plan b in case we don't have release by next week
09:59:02 [wastl]: actually I would make it the plan a if we want to avoid additional effort, as I said, the API of Tristan has changed quite a lot
09:59:45 [tkurz]: wasn't there license issues with that code?
09:59:45 [wastl]: BSD
10:00:07 [wastl]: no issue
10:00:07 [wikier]: and not legal issues with the dependencies afaik
10:00:15 [tkurz]: ah. okay. then why not use the code?
10:00:17 [wastl]: the problem was it is a snapshot and not on Maven central
10:00:37 [wikier]: so plan b is include it in src/ext/java at sesame-tools-jsonld
10:00:37 [tkurz]: okay. I will check this
10:00:52 [wastl]: wikier: I'd say it is plan a
10:01:00 [wastl]: and plan b is reimplementing
10:01:00 [tkurz]: yes
10:01:15 [wastl]: waiting for the release is not a real solution because it means considerable changes
10:01:16 [wikier]: plan a is see if early next week he pushes a release to maven central ;)
10:01:30 [wastl]: wikier: not a solution
10:01:38 [wikier]: I know
10:01:46 [wastl]: because it means reimplementing sesame-tools-jsonld anyways to accomodate for all the API changes
10:02:09 [wastl]: and in this case I would prefer doing a clean implementation of JSON/LD
10:02:15 [wikier]: I agree on mid-long term
10:02:22 [wikier]: but for now....
10:02:23 [wikier]: anyway
10:02:37 [wastl]: for now copying the source code into sesame-tools-jsonld is the solution
10:02:38 [tkurz]: okay. then we shift the reimplementation to a later version?
10:02:52 [wastl]: Thomas: it depends on how much effort you think it is
10:02:52 [wikier]: I'll do it
10:03:00 [wastl]: wikier: I think you cannot do it
10:03:07 [wikier]: and for future start a new implementation
10:03:15 [wastl]: because I am the only person having the right version of the source code on my computer
10:03:22 [tkurz]: in any case more then copy the code ;)
10:03:45 [wikier]: wastl: we are not using a public snapshot?
10:03:52 [wastl]: there is no public snapshot
10:03:52 [wikier]: aja
10:04:15 [wastl]: is src/ext/java a standard location?
10:04:16 [wastl]: then I'll copy the code there
10:04:22 [wikier]: so import at sesame-tools-jsonld/src/ext/main the version compatible
10:05:00 [wikier]: not afaik
10:05:07 [wikier]: but I think there is no such standard
10:05:08 [wastl]: so how do we tell Maven to compile it then? :)
10:05:22 [wikier]: we have some artifacts
10:05:22 [wikier]: wait...
10:06:00 [wikier]: check how we did at sesame-tools-rio-rss
10:06:15 [wastl]: ok
10:06:30 [wikier]: there we used the build-helper-maven-plugin
10:07:45 [wastl]: yes, already trying to build :)
10:08:00 [wikier]: great
10:08:01 [wikier]: what else?
10:08:07 [wikier]: at jira we have:
10:10:15 [wastl]: ok, works, so I will commit my changes immediately
10:11:00 [wikier]: ok, so we can consider MARMOTTA-122 resolved for now
10:11:22 [wastl]: yes, but leave it open
10:11:30 [wastl]: we still want a clean implementation
10:11:56 [wikier]: ok
10:12:25 [jfrank]: resolve MARMOTTA-122 and create a new issue
10:12:32 [wastl]: the problem is
10:12:47 [wastl]: MARMOTTA-122 is the issue that says reimplement
10:12:55 [wastl]: ah ok
10:12:55 [wastl]: no
10:12:57 [wastl]: you are right
10:13:10 [wastl]: I will resolve the issue and create a new one
10:13:40 [jfrank]: resolving issues feels good ;-)
10:15:40 [wastl]: yes :)
10:16:03 [wastl]: so any more issues?
10:17:32 [jfrank]: MARMOTTA-116
10:17:55 [wastl]: I don't really understand the bug report, I must admit
10:18:03 [wastl]: looks for me to work as it should
10:18:05 [jfrank]: wikier?
10:19:12 [wikier]: sorry, supporting the interns
10:19:47 [wikier]: can you get html after put data?
10:19:47 [wastl]: they are master students
10:19:50 [wikier]: for me was not working
10:20:02 [wikier]: well, the trace I added to the issue report
10:20:10 [wastl]: yes, but you maybe have to say rel=meta
10:20:17 [wastl]: otherwise it might try with content
10:20:47 [wastl]: ok, I try to reproduce
10:21:48 [wikier]: rel=meta, right
10:22:41 [wastl]: btw, Jakob, was this the problem you were trying to solve with the empty <relativePath/> element?
10:22:41 [wastl]: [WARNING] 'parent.relativePath' of POM org.apache.marmotta:marmotta-parent:3.0.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT (/Users/sschaffe/Documents/projects/marmotta/parent/pom.xml) points at org.apache.marmotta:marmotta-reactor instead of org.apache:apache, please verify your project structure @ org.apache.marmotta:marmotta-parent:3.0.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT, /Users/sschaffe/Documents/projects/marmotta/parent/pom.xml, line 22, column 13 
10:23:17 [jfrank]: that rings a bell...
10:23:27 [wastl]: maybe there is a better solution than violating the XSD ?
10:23:41 [jfrank]: for me it worked...
10:23:55 [jfrank]: didn't check the xsd
10:25:14 [wastl]: wikier: the content negotiation works as it should for me
10:25:20 [wastl]: it returns the HTML
10:26:36 [wikier]: so resolve marrmotta-116
10:27:12 [wikier]: lwait
10:27:14 [wikier]: let me try again
10:27:27 [wastl]: regarding the warning: Jakobs solution is the one suggested at
10:35:07 [wikier]: ok, anything else?
10:35:35 [wikier]: according the status at jira, I thin we can try to have a release by the middle of next week
10:35:42 [wikier]: what do you think?
10:35:59 [wikier]: we may need to ask out mentors about some details
10:37:35 [wastl]: ok, otherwise I think there are no big issues left
10:37:50 [wastl]: so we do a short meeting on monday and then propose the release
10:39:13 [jfrank]: release next week looks fine for me...
10:40:02 [jfrank]: tkurz: what about MARMOTTA-93?
10:40:05 [jfrank]: MARMOTTA-93
10:42:10 [wikier]: ok, I'll ask in the mailing list to meet on Monday
10:42:42 [wastl]: but MARMOTTA-93 should be fixed
10:44:05 [tkurz]: yes, could be fixed, but the resource webservice needs a reimplementation, that I already started
10:44:27 [tkurz]: but I can fix MARMOTTA-93 for the release
10:45:07 [wastl]: this would be good
10:49:37 [wastl]: so we close the meeting?
10:49:42 [wastl]: someone tell ASFBot?
10:51:34 [wikier]: sure xD