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Posted to by heng du <> on 2019/08/14 01:28:05 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] New PMC member for Apache RocketMQ

Hi Apache RocketMQ Community,

The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache RocketMQ has invited Qipeng
Li(apache id: wlliqipeng) to become PMC Member and we are pleased to
announce that he has accepted.

wlliqipeng[1][2][3], who spent much time in expanding the community. With
his great work, wlliqipeng is quickly familiar with Apache Way, doing a
pretty job in contributing to the community and became a committer.
He has organized a lot of activities to developers, such as meetup,
online technology sharing and so on. As a RocketMQ China community
sponsor, he helped developers build city communities in many cities in
China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc,
focus on code contribution and technology communication for RocketMQ
in this city. The city community has greatly promoted the spread of
RocketMQ in China while attracting a lot of communities
As a release manager, he helped the community released rocketmq 4.5.0. As
the same
timeļ¼ŒHe and ding Shannon the development of multi-language client,
helping cpp, golang, python and other clients to successfully graduate
from the community.

Congrats, guy :-)

Notice: Being a PMC member enables assistance with the management and to
guide the direction of the project.


Best Regards,
Apache RocketMQ Team