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Posted to by Erwin Streur <> on 2008/05/30 15:36:13 UTC

IndexOutOfBoundsException at

Hello Axis Development team,

I stumbled across a situation I think it is a defect, but it could also be 
that the way we are using Axis is not correct. The problem manifested 
itself as a IndexOutOfBoundsException (see attached stacktrace) which 
popped up "miraculously" after some time. After some investigation I came 
to the following findings.

We are using Axis 1.4. (for completeness Java 1.6.0_10-beta-b14 and Tomcat 
We used message style SOAP without defining namespaces in both the service 
description and the request
Sniplet server-config.wsdd:
        <service name="ActionHandler" provider="java:MSG" style="message"
                <parameter name="allowedMethods"
                        value="preCreationCheck preSendCheck" />
                <parameter name="className"

The ActionHandler contains the methods :
public SOAPBodyElement[] preCreationCheck(SOAPBodyElement[] payload) 
throws AxisFault
public SOAPBodyElement[] preSendCheck(SOAPBodyElement[] payload) throws 

The message that I used looks like this
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-encoding="UTF-8" xmlns:soap-env="">
<soap-env:Header>....some security data ...
.... some data...

Initially the request are processed correctly. But after the WSDL has been 
generated because of a ActionHandler?wsdl request , the SOAP requests fail 
with the reported stacktrace.

Because the stacktrace report the problem in 
JavaServiceDesc.getOperationsByQName, I debug this file and noticed the 
- Because of having no namespace in the request the code does not find a 
match based on the QName
- Before the WSDL generation it tries to resolve it using the localPart 
and suceeds (style=Message and namespaceMappings=null, thus 
            if (name2OperationsMap != null) {
                if ((isWrapped() ||
                     ((style == Style.MESSAGE) &&
                      (getDefaultNamespace() == null)))) {
                    // Try ignoring the namespace....?
==>                    overloads = (ArrayList) 
                } else {
                    // TODO the above code is weird: a JavaServiceDesc can 
 be document or rpc and
                    // still define a WSDL operation using a wrapper style 
                    // The following code handles this case.
                    Object ops = 
                    if (ops != null) {
                        overloads = new ArrayList((Collection) ops);
                        for (Iterator iter = overloads.iterator(); 
iter.hasNext();) {
                            OperationDesc operationDesc = (OperationDesc);
                            if (Style.WRAPPED != operationDesc.getStyle()) 
- After the WSDL generation it executes the ELSE part, because now it has 
entries in the namespaceMapping. Given the documentation I don't think 
this is correct.
- The ops is assigned a list with 1 entry with the correct operation, but 
it is removed from "overloads" list, because the 
- The reason why if doesn't crash if the service contains only 1 operation 
is because of the following piece of code. Question: If this is discarding 
previously gathered information why is this quick fallthrough not done 
           // Handle the case where a single Message-style operation wants
            // to accept anything.
            if ((style == Style.MESSAGE) && (messageServiceDefaultOp != 
                return new OperationDesc [] { messageServiceDefaultOp };
- If there are not candidates the code exits the method using the 
following piece of code. This is a problem, because of the iter.remove() 
it can be an empty list
            if (overloads == null)
                return null;
- Correctly the following statement reports the IndexOutOfBoundsException 
in case of the empty list

A minimal fix should be " if (overloads==null||overloads.size()==0)".

Since I'm not familiar with the requirements on the usage of namespace, I 
can not say whether removing the "(getDefaultNamespace()==null)" and 
making sure that the JavaServiceDesc object does not get changed as the 
result from the ?wsdl request are good code changes as well. For now I 
have it working in our project by putting namespace on the 
servicedefinition and the requests 

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Gr��en / Sinc�res salutations

Erwin Streur
External Administrative Employee Examination/Cassius Group | Dir.
European Patent Office
Patentlaan 3-9 | 2288 EE Rijswijk | The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)70 340 9928