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[42/50] [abbrv] geode git commit: GEODE-3324 Document finer-grained security permissions

GEODE-3324 Document finer-grained security permissions

    This closes #667


Branch: refs/heads/feature/GEODE-3299
Commit: 6f4bf30e86ad03e230e74bb2416301d44216bc7c
Parents: ab0543b
Author: Karen Miller <>
Authored: Fri Jul 28 15:59:55 2017 -0700
Committer: Karen Miller <>
Committed: Mon Jul 31 17:07:14 2017 -0700

 .../      | 125 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
diff --git a/geode-docs/managing/security/ b/geode-docs/managing/security/
index 9fb55d3..8f91825 100644
--- a/geode-docs/managing/security/
+++ b/geode-docs/managing/security/
@@ -93,16 +93,14 @@ a Client-Server interaction.
 | Region.registerInterest(regex)     | DATA:READ:RegionName                |
 | Region.unregisterInterest(key)     | DATA:READ:RegionName:Key            |
 | Region.unregisterInterest(regex)   | DATA:READ:RegionName                |
-| execute function                   | DATA:WRITE                          |
+| execute function                   | determined by the function API      |
 | clear region                       | DATA:WRITE:RegionName               |
 | Region.putAll                      | DATA:WRITE:RegionName               |
 | Region.clear                       | DATA:WRITE:RegionName               |
 | Region.removeAll                   | DATA:WRITE:RegionName               |
 | Region.destroy(key)                | DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key           |
 | Region.invalidate(key)             | DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key           |
-| invalidate key (DIFFERENT?)        | DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key           |
 | Region.destroy(key)                | DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key           |
-| destroy key    (DIFFERENT?)        | DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key           |
 | Region.put(key)                    | DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key           |
 | Region.replace                     | DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key           |
@@ -111,43 +109,39 @@ This table classifies the permissions assigned for `gfsh` operations.
 | `gfsh` Command                         | Assigned `ResourcePermission`
-| alter disk-store                       | DATA:MANAGE                      |
+| alter disk-store                       | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK              |
 | alter region                           | DATA:MANAGE:RegionName           |
 | alter runtime                          | CLUSTER:MANAGE                   |
-| backup disk-store                      | DATA:READ                        |
+| backup disk-store                      | DATA:READ and CLUSTER:WRITE:DISK |
 | change loglevel                        | CLUSTER:WRITE                    |
-| clear defined indexes                  | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| close durable-client                   | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| close durable-cq                       | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| compact disk-store                     | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| compact offline-disk-store             | DATA:MANAGE                      |
+| clear defined indexes                  | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY             |
+| close durable-client                   | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY             |
+| close durable-cq                       | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY             |
+| compact disk-store                     | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK              |
 | configure pdx                          | CLUSTER:MANAGE                   |
-| create async-event-queue               | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| create defined indexes                 | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| create disk-store                      | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| create gateway-receiver                | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| create gateway-sender                  | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| create index                           | DATA:MANAGE:RegionName           |
-| create lucene index                    | DATA:MANAGE:RegionName           |
-| create region                          | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| define index                           | DATA:MANAGE:RegionName           |
-| deploy                                 | DATA:MANAGE, DATA:WRITE, CLUSTER:MANAGE, and CLUSTER:WRITE |
+| create async-event-queue               | CLUSTER:MANAGE:JAR, plus CLUSTER:WRITE:DISK if the associated region is persistent |
+| create defined indexes                 | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY            |
+| create disk-store                      | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK             |
+| create gateway-receiver                | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY          |
+| create gateway-sender                  | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY          |
+| create index                           | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY            |
+| create lucene index                    | CLUSTER:MANAGE:LUCENE            |
+| create region                          | DATA:MANAGE, plus CLUSTER:WRITE:DISK if the associated region is persistent |
+| define index                           | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY             |
+| deploy                                 | CLUSTER:MANAGE:JAR               |
 | describe client                        | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | describe config                        | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | describe disk-store                    | CLUSTER:READ                     |
-| describe lucene index                  | CLUSTER:READ                     |
+| describe lucene index                  | CLUSTER:READ:LUCENE              |
 | describe member                        | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | describe offline-disk-store            | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | describe region                        | CLUSTER:READ                     |
-| destroy disk-store                     | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| destroy function                       | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| destroy index                          | DATA:MANAGE or DATA:MANAGE:RegionName |
-| destroy lucene index                   | DATA:MANAGE:RegionName           |
+| destroy disk-store                     | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK              |
+| destroy function                       | CLUSTER:MANAGE:JAR               |
+| destroy index                          | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY             |
+| destroy lucene index                   | CLUSTER:MANAGE:LUCENE            |
 | destroy region                         | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| disconnect                             | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| echo                                   | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| encrypt password                       | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| execute function                       | DATA:WRITE                       |
+| execute function                       | determined by the function API   |
 | export cluster-configuration           | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | export config                          | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | export data                            | CLUSTER:READ                     |
@@ -165,46 +159,45 @@ This table classifies the permissions assigned for `gfsh` operations.
 | list durable-cqs                       | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | list functions                         | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | list gateways                          | CLUSTER:READ                     |
-| list indexes                           | CLUSTER:READ                     |
-| list lucene indexes                    | CLUSTER:READ                     |
+| list indexes                           | CLUSTER:READ:QUERY               |
+| list lucene indexes                    | CLUSTER:READ:LUCENE              |
 | list members                           | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | list regions                           | CLUSTER:READ                     |
-| load-balance gateway-sender            | DATA:MANAGE                      |
+| load-balance gateway-sender            | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY           |
 | locate entry                           | DATA:READ:RegionName:Key         |
 | netstat                                | CLUSTER:READ                     |
-| pause gateway-sender                   | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| pdx rename                             | DATA:MANAGE                      |
+| pause gateway-sender                   | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY           |
 | put --key=key1 --region=region1        | DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key        |
-| query                                  | DATA:READ                        |
+| query                                  | DATA:READ                        
 | rebalance                              | DATA:MANAGE                      |
 | remove                                 | DATA:WRITE:RegionName or DATA:WRITE:RegionName:Key |
-| resume gateway-sender                  | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| revoke mising-disk-store               | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| search lucene                          | DATA:WRITE                       |
+| resume gateway-sender                  | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY           |
+| revoke mising-disk-store               | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK              |
+| search lucene                          | DATA:READ:RegionName             |
 | show dead-locks                        | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | show log                               | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | show metrics                           | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | show missing-disk-stores               | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | show subscription-queue-size           | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | shutdown                               | CLUSTER:MANAGE                   |
-| start gateway-receiver                 | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| start gateway-sender                   | DATA:MANAGE                      |
+| start gateway-receiver                 | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY           |
+| start gateway-sender                   | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY           |
 | start server                           | CLUSTER:MANAGE                   |
 | status cluster-config-service          | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | status gateway-receiver                | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | status gateway-sender                  | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | status locator                         | CLUSTER:READ                     |
 | status server                          | CLUSTER:READ                     |
-| stop gateway-receiver                  | DATA:MANAGE                      |
-| stop gateway-receiver                  | DATA:MANAGE                      |
+| stop gateway-receiver                  | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY           |
+| stop gateway-receiver                  | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY           |
 | stop locator                           | CLUSTER:MANAGE                   |
 | stop server                            | CLUSTER:MANAGE                   |
-| undeploy                               | DATA:MANAGE                      |
+| undeploy                               | CLUSTER:MANAGE:JAR               |
 The `gfsh connect` does not have a permission,
 as it is the operation that invokes authentication. 
 These `gfsh` commands do not have permission defined,
-as they do not interact with the distributed system.
+as they do not interact with the distributed system:
 -  `gfsh describe connection`, which describes the `gfsh` end of the connection
 -  `gfsh debug`, which toggles the mode within `gfsh`
@@ -234,32 +227,32 @@ This table classifies the permissions assigned for JMX operations.
 | DistributedSystemMXBean.changerAlertLevel      | CLUSTER:WRITE             |
 | ManagerMXBean.setPulseURL                      | CLUSTER:WRITE             |
 | ManagerMXBean.setStatusMessage                 | CLUSTER:WRITE             |
-| CacheServerMXBean.closeAllContinuousQuery      | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| CacheServerMXBean.closeContinuousQuery         | DATA:MANAGE               |
+| CacheServerMXBean.closeAllContinuousQuery      | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY      |
+| CacheServerMXBean.closeContinuousQuery         | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY      |
 | CacheServerMXBean.executeContinuousQuery       | DATA:READ                 |
-| DiskStoreMXBean.flush                          | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| DiskStoreMXBean.forceCompaction                | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| DiskStoreMXBean.forceRoll                      | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| DiskStoreMXBean.setDiskUsageCriticalPercentage | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| DiskStoreMXBean.setDiskUsageWarningPercentage  | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| DistributedSystemMXBean.revokeMissingDiskStores| DATA:MANAGE               |
-| DistributedSystemMXBean.setQueryCollectionsDepth| DATA:MANAGE              |
-| DistributedSystemMXBean.setQueryResultSetLimit | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| DistributedSystemMXBean.backupAllMembers       | DATA:READ                 |
+| DiskStoreMXBean.flush                          | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK       |
+| DiskStoreMXBean.forceCompaction                | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK       |
+| DiskStoreMXBean.forceRoll                      | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK       |
+| DiskStoreMXBean.setDiskUsageCriticalPercentage | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK       |
+| DiskStoreMXBean.setDiskUsageWarningPercentage  | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK       |
+| DistributedSystemMXBean.revokeMissingDiskStores| CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK       |
+| DistributedSystemMXBean.setQueryCollectionsDepth| CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY     |
+| DistributedSystemMXBean.setQueryResultSetLimit | CLUSTER:MANAGE:QUERY      |
+| DistributedSystemMXBean.backupAllMembers       | DATA:READ and CLUSTER:WRITE:DISK |
 | DistributedSystemMXBean.queryData              | DATA:READ                 |
 | DistributedSystemMXBean.queryDataForCompressedResult | DATA:READ           |
-| GatewayReceiverMXBean.pause                    | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewayReceiverMXBean.rebalance                | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewayReceiverMXBean.resume                   | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewayReceiverMXBean.start                    | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewayReceiverMXBean.stop                     | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewaySenderMXBean.pause                      | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewaySenderMXBean.rebalance                  | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewaySenderMXBean.resume                     | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewaySenderMXBean.start                      | DATA:MANAGE               |
-| GatewaySenderMXBean.stop                       | DATA:MANAGE               |
+| GatewayReceiverMXBean.pause                    | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewayReceiverMXBean.rebalance                | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewayReceiverMXBean.resume                   | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewayReceiverMXBean.start                    | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewayReceiverMXBean.stop                     | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewaySenderMXBean.pause                      | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewaySenderMXBean.rebalance                  | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewaySenderMXBean.resume                     | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewaySenderMXBean.start                      | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
+| GatewaySenderMXBean.stop                       | CLUSTER:MANAGE:GATEWAY    |
 | LockServiceMXBean.becomeLockGrantor            | CLUSTER:MANAGE            |
-| MemberMXBean.compactAllDiskStores              | DATA:MANAGE               |
+| MemberMXBean.compactAllDiskStores              | CLUSTER:MANAGE:DISK       |
 ## Implement Authorization