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Posted to by on 2013/10/29 16:40:18 UTC

[33/51] [partial] working replacement
diff --git a/src/fauxton/assets/js/libs/ace/mode/_test/tokens_objectivec.json b/src/fauxton/assets/js/libs/ace/mode/_test/tokens_objectivec.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6582d2
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@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73e3cfc
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@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+   "comment",
+  ["comment","(*"]
+   "comment",
+  ["comment"," * Example of early return implementation taken from"]
+   "comment",
+  ["comment"," *"]
+   "start",
+  ["comment"," *)"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," : "],
+  ["identifier","_"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","->"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","t"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","M"],
+  ["text","."],
+  ["identifier","Return"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","x"],
+  ["paren.rparen","))"],
+  ["text","; "],
+  ["paren.rparen","}"],
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+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","M"],
+  ["text","."],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","x"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","x"]
+   "start"
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["comment","(* Function that uses the 'early return' functionality provided by `with_return` *)"]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword","let"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+   "start",
+  ["text","  "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
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+  ["text","."],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","list"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text",":"],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text",":"],
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..22c1f0c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+   "punctuation.definition.comment.pascal",
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","(*"],
+  ["","****************************************************************************"]
+   "punctuation.definition.comment.pascal",
+  [""," * A simple bubble sort program.  Reads integers, one per line, and prints   *"]
+   "punctuation.definition.comment.pascal",
+  [""," * them out in sorted order.  Blows up if there are more than 49.            *"]
+   "start",
+  [""," ****************************************************************************"],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword.control.pascal","PROGRAM"],
+  ["text"," Sort(input"],
+  ["keyword.operator",","],
+  ["text"," output)"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
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+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","(*"],
+  [""," Max array size. "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        MaxElts "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["constant.numeric.pascal","50"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword.control.pascal","TYPE"],
+  ["text"," "]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","(*"],
+  [""," Type of the element array. "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        IntArrType "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," ["],
+  ["constant.numeric.pascal","1"],
+  ["text","..MaxElts] "],
+  ["keyword.control.pascal","OF"],
+  ["text"," Integer"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword.control.pascal","VAR"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","(*"],
+  [""," Indexes, exchange temp, array size. "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        i"],
+  ["keyword.operator",","],
+  ["text"," j"],
+  ["keyword.operator",","],
+  ["text"," tmp"],
+  ["keyword.operator",","],
+  ["text"," size: integer"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","(*"],
+  [""," Array of ints "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        arr: IntArrType"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","(*"],
+  [""," Read in the integers. "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["variable.pascal","PROCEDURE"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text","("],
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+  ["text"," size: Integer"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.control.pascal","VAR"],
+  ["text"," a: IntArrType)"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"],
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+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+   "start",
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+  ["text"," eof "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+   "start",
+  ["text","                readln(a[size])"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","                "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.control.pascal","NOT"],
+  ["text"," eof "],
+  ["keyword.control.pascal","THEN"],
+  ["text"," "]
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," size "],
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+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
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+  [""," Read "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        ReadArr(size"],
+  ["keyword.operator",","],
+  ["text"," arr)"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","(*"],
+  [""," Sort using bubble sort. "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
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+  ["text"," i "],
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+  ["text"," size "],
+  ["keyword.operator","-"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," DOWNTO "],
+  ["constant.numeric.pascal","1"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "]
+   "start",
+  ["text","                "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text","] "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+   "start",
+  ["text","                    tmp "],
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+  ["text"," arr[j]"],
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+   "start",
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+  ["keyword.operator",":="],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text","]"],
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+   "start",
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+  ["keyword.operator","+"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text","] "],
+  ["keyword.operator",":="],
+  ["text"," tmp"],
+  ["keyword.operator",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","                "],
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+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","(*"],
+  [""," Print. "],
+  ["punctuation.definition.comment.pascal","*)"]
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+   "start",
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+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
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+  ["text","."]
+   "start",
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+   "start",
+  ["comment","#!/usr/bin/perl"]
+   "block_comment",
+  ["comment.doc","=begin"]
+   "block_comment",
+  ["comment.doc"," perl example code for Ace"]
+   "start",
+  ["comment.doc","=cut"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," @"],
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+  ["text",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# Put 2 as the first prime so we won't have an empty array"]
+   "start",
+  ["identifier","$primes"],
+  ["lparen","["],
+  ["identifier","$num_primes"],
+  ["rparen","]"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text",";"]
+   "start",
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+  ["text",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["identifier","MAIN_LOOP"],
+  ["text",":"]
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","my"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$number_to_check"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["constant.numeric","3"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator",".."],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["constant.numeric","200"],
+  ["rparen",")"]
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+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["constant.numeric","0"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator",".."],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","$num_primes"],
+  ["constant.numeric","-1"],
+  ["rparen","))"]
+   "start",
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+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["lparen","["],
+  ["identifier","$p"],
+  ["rparen","]"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","=="],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["constant.numeric","0"],
+  ["rparen",")"]
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+   "start",
+  ["text","            "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
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+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["rparen","}"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["comment","# If we reached this point it means $number_to_check is not"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["comment","# divisable by any prime number that came before it."]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["identifier","$primes"],
+  ["lparen","["],
+  ["identifier","$num_primes"],
+  ["rparen","]"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
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+  ["text",";"]
+   "start",
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+   "start"
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","my"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$p"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["constant.numeric","0"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator",".."],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","$num_primes"],
+  ["constant.numeric","-1"],
+  ["rparen","))"]
+   "start",
+  ["lparen","{"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["lparen","["],
+  ["identifier","$p"],
+  ["rparen","]"],
+  ["keyword.operator",","],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","\", \""],
+  ["text",";"]
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+   "start",
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+   "start"
+   "start",
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+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "doc-start",
+  ["comment.doc","/**"]
+   "doc-start",
+  ["comment.doc","* Samples from PostgreSQL src/tutorial/basics.source"]
+   "start",
+  ["comment.doc","*/"]
+   "statement",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text","\t\t"],
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+  ["paren.lparen","("],
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+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text",","]
+   "statement",
+  ["text","\t"],
+  ["identifier","temp_lo"],
+  ["text","\t\t"],
+  ["keyword","int"],
+  ["text",",\t\t"],
+  ["comment","-- low temperature"]
+   "statement",
+  ["text","\t"],
+  ["identifier","temp_hi"],
+  ["text","\t\t"],
+  ["keyword","int"],
+  ["text",",\t\t"],
+  ["comment","-- high temperature"]
+   "statement",
+  ["text","\t"],
+  ["identifier","prcp"],
+  ["text","\t\t"],
+  ["keyword","real"],
+  ["text",",\t\t"],
+  ["comment","-- precipitation"]
+   "statement",
+  ["text","\t"],
+  ["variable.language","\"date\""],
+  ["text","\t\t"],
+  ["keyword","date"]
+   "start",
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","TABLE"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text","\t\t"],
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+  ["paren.lparen","("],
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+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text",","]
+   "statement",
+  ["text","\t"],
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+  ["text","\t"],
+  ["keyword","point"]
+   "start",
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
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+   "start"
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+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["string","'San Francisco'"],
+  ["text",", "],
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+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","50"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","0.25"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["string","'1994-11-27'"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
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+   "start"
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+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","VALUES"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["string","'San Francisco'"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["string","'(-194.0, 53.0)'"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "statement",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","INSERT"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","INTO"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","weather"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","city"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","temp_lo"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","temp_hi"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","prcp"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["variable.language","\"date\""],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","VALUES"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["string","'San Francisco'"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","43"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","57"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","0.0"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["string","'1994-11-29'"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "statement",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","INSERT"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","INTO"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","weather"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["keyword","date"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","city"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","temp_hi"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","temp_lo"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","VALUES"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["string","'1994-11-29'"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["string","'Hayward'"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","54"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","37"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","SELECT"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","city"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","temp_hi"],
+  ["keyword.operator","+"],
+  ["identifier","temp_lo"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["keyword.operator","/"],
+  ["constant.numeric","2"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","AS"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","temp_avg"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["variable.language","\"date\""],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","FROM"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","weather"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "statement",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","SELECT"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","city"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","temp_lo"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","temp_hi"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","prcp"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["variable.language","\"date\""],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["keyword","location"]
+   "statement",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","FROM"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","cities"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","WHERE"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","city"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","name"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start"
+   "start"
+   "doc-start",
+  ["comment.doc","/**"]
+   "doc-start",
+  ["comment.doc","* Dollar quotes starting at the end of the line are colored as SQL unless"]
+   "doc-start",
+  ["comment.doc","* a special language tag is used. Pearl and Python are currently implemented"]
+   "doc-start",
+  ["comment.doc","* but lots of others are possible."]
+   "start",
+  ["comment.doc","*/"]
+   "statement",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","create"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","or"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","replace"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","function"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","blob_content_chunked"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("]
+   "statement",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","in"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","p_data"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","bytea"],
+  ["text",", "]
+   "statement",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","in"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","p_chunk"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","integer"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["keyword","returns"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","setof"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","bytea"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","as"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","$$"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["comment","-- Still SQL comments"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["keyword","declare"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["text","\t"],
+  ["identifier","v_size"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","integer"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","octet_length"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","p_data"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["keyword","begin"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["text","\t"],
+  ["keyword","for"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","i"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","in"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["constant.numeric","1"],
+  ["text",".."],
+  ["identifier","v_size"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","by"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","p_chunk"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","loop"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["text","\t\t"],
+  ["identifier","return"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","next"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","substring"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","p_data"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","from"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","i"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","for"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","p_chunk"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["text","\t"],
+  ["keyword","end"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","loop"],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "dollarSql",
+  ["keyword","end"],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","language"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","plpgsql"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["comment","-- pl/perl"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","CREATE"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","FUNCTION"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","perl_max"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["keyword","integer"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["keyword","integer"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","RETURNS"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","integer"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","AS"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","$perl$"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["comment","# perl comment..."]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","my"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","$x"],
+  ["keyword.operator",","],
+  ["identifier","$y"],
+  ["rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," @"],
+  ["identifier","_"],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","if"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["keyword.operator","!"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","defined"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$x"],
+  ["rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","{"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["keyword","if"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["keyword.operator","!"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","defined"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$y"],
+  ["rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","{"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","return"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","undef"],
+  ["text","; "],
+  ["rparen","}"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["support.function","return"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$y"],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["rparen","}"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","if"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["keyword.operator","!"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","defined"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$y"],
+  ["rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","{"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","return"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$x"],
+  ["text","; "],
+  ["rparen","}"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","if"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","$x"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator",">"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$y"],
+  ["rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["lparen","{"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","return"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$x"],
+  ["text","; "],
+  ["rparen","}"]
+   "perl-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["support.function","return"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","$y"],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["string","$perl$"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","LANGUAGE"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","plperl"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["comment","-- pl/python"]
+   "python-start",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","CREATE"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","FUNCTION"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","usesavedplan"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","RETURNS"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","trigger"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","AS"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","$python$"]
+   "python-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["comment","# python comment..."]
+   "python-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","if"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","SD"],
+  ["text","."],
+  ["identifier","has_key"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["string","\"plan\""],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text",":"]
+   "python-start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["identifier","plan"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","SD"],
+  ["paren.lparen","["],
+  ["string","\"plan\""],
+  ["paren.rparen","]"]
+   "python-start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","else"],
+  ["text",":"]
+   "python-start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["identifier","plan"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","plpy"],
+  ["text","."],
+  ["identifier","prepare"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["string","\"SELECT 1\""],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"]
+   "python-start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["identifier","SD"],
+  ["paren.lparen","["],
+  ["string","\"plan\""],
+  ["paren.rparen","]"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","plan"]
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","LANGUAGE"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","plpythonu"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["comment","-- psql commands"]
+   "start",
+  ["support.buildin","\\df cash*"]
+   "start"
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["comment","-- Some string samples."]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","select"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","'don''t do it now;'"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","||"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","'maybe later'"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","select"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","E"],
+  ["string","'dont\\'t do it'"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","select"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","length"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["string","'some other''s stuff'"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","||"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","$$cat in hat's stuff $$"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "dollarStatementString",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","select"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","$$ strings"]
+   "dollarStatementString",
+  ["string","over multiple "]
+   "dollarStatementString",
+  ["string","lines - use dollar quotes"]
+   "start",
+  ["string","$$"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["keyword.statementBegin","END"],
+  ["statementEnd",";"]
+   "start"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
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+   "php-start"
+   "php-start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["paren.lparen","("],
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+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+   "php-start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+   "php-start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["constant.language.escape","\\n\\n"],
+  ["string","Please enter a whole number ... \""],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "php-start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["support.function","fgets"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
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+  ["paren.rparen","))"],
+  ["text",";"]
+   "php-start"
+   "php-start",
+  ["comment","// ===== PROCESS - Determing the factorial of the input number ====="]
+   "php-start",
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+   "start",
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+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["lparen","("],
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+  ["rparen",")"],
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+   "start",
+  ["text","  "],
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+   "start"
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["rparen",")"],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","2"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","3"],
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+  ["text"," .\\"],
+  ["identifier","readme"],
+  ["text","."],
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e42b65b
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+  ["punctuation.end.list.prolog","]"],
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+  ["meta.statement.parameters.prolog"," "],
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+  ["meta.statement.parameters.prolog"," "],
+  ["variable.other.prolog","Rest"],
+  ["punctuation.end.statement.parameters.prolog",")"]
+   "start",
+  ["meta.expression.prolog","    )"],
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+  ["meta.fact.prolog"," "],
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+  ["punctuation.end.statement.parameters.prolog",")"],
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+   ""
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+  ["punctuation.separator.statement.prolog",","],
+  ["variable.other.prolog","D"],
+  ["punctuation.end.statement.parameters.prolog",")"],
+  ["punctuation.separator.statement.prolog",","],
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+  ["meta.statement.parameters.prolog"," "],
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+  ["punctuation.end.statement.parameters.prolog",")"],
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+  ["punctuation.separator.statement.prolog",","],
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+  ["variable.other.prolog","N"],
+  ["punctuation.end.statement.parameters.prolog",")"],
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# You are reading the \".properties\" entry."]
+   "start",
+  ["comment","! The exclamation mark can also mark text as comments."]
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# The key and element characters #, !, =, and : are written with a preceding backslash to ensure that they are properly loaded."]
+   "start",
+  ["variable","website "],
+  ["keyword","="],
+  ["string"," http"],
+  ["constant.language.escape","\\"],
+  ["string","://"]
+   "start",
+  ["variable","language "],
+  ["keyword","="],
+  ["string"," English"]
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# The backslash below tells the application to continue reading"]
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# the value onto the next line."]
+   "value",
+  ["variable","message "],
+  ["keyword","="],
+  ["string"," Welcome to \\"]
+   "start",
+  ["string","          Wikipedia!"]
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# Add spaces to the key"]
+   "start",
+  ["variable","key"],
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+  ["variable"," with"],
+  ["constant.language.escape","\\"],
+  ["variable"," spaces "],
+  ["keyword","="],
+  ["string"," This is the value that could be looked up with the key \"key with spaces\"."]
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# Unicode"]
+   "start",
+  ["variable","tab "],
+  ["keyword",":"],
+  ["string"," "],
+  ["constant.language.escape","\\u0009"]
+   "start",
+  ["variable","empty-key"],
+  ["keyword","="]
+   "start",
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+  ["keyword","="],
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+   "start"
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+   "start",
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+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["keyword","import"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","string"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["identifier","sys"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# If no arguments were given, print a helpful message"]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword","if"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","len"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","sys"],
+  ["text","."],
+  ["identifier","argv"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["keyword.operator","=="],
+  ["constant.numeric","1"],
+  ["text",":"]
+   "qstring3",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","print"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["string","'''Usage:"]
+   "start",
+  ["string","celsius temp1 temp2 ...'''"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["identifier","sys"],
+  ["text","."],
+  ["identifier","exit"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["constant.numeric","0"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"]
+   "start"
+   "start",
+  ["comment","# Loop over the arguments"]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword","for"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","i"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword","in"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","sys"],
+  ["text","."],
+  ["identifier","argv"],
+  ["paren.lparen","["],
+  ["constant.numeric","1"],
+  ["text",":"],
+  ["paren.rparen","]"],
+  ["text",":"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","try"],
+  ["text",":"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["identifier","fahrenheit"],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["support.function","float"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","string"],
+  ["text","."],
+  ["identifier","atoi"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","i"],
+  ["paren.rparen","))"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
+  ["keyword","except"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","string"],
+  ["text","."],
+  ["identifier","atoi_error"],
+  ["text",":"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
+  ["keyword","print"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["support.function","repr"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","i"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["string","\"not a numeric value\""]
+   "start",
+  ["text","    "],
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+  ["text",":"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","        "],
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+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","fahrenheit"],
+  ["keyword.operator","-"],
+  ["constant.numeric","32"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
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+  ["keyword.operator","/"],
+  ["constant.numeric","9.0"]
+   "start",
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["constant.language.escape","\\260"],
+  ["string","F = %i"],
+  ["constant.language.escape","\\260"],
+  ["string","C'"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","%"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["support.function","int"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","fahrenheit"],
+  ["paren.rparen",")"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["support.function","int"],
+  ["paren.lparen","("],
+  ["identifier","celsius"],
+  ["keyword.operator","+"],
+  ["constant.numeric",".5"],
+  ["paren.rparen","))"]
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+   "start",
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+  ["keyword.operator","="],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["keyword.operator","~"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","x"],
+  ["paren.keyword.operator",")"]
+   "start",
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+   "start",
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+   "start",
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+  ["keyword.operator",":"]
+   "start",
+  ["text","            "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","Std"],
+  ["text",". "],
+  ["identifier","Error"],
+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["keyword.operator",">|"],
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+  ["keyword.operator","|"],
+  ["paren.keyword.operator",")"]
+   "start",
+  ["paren.keyword.operator","("],
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+  ["keyword.operator","---"]
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+  ["text"," ‘"],
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+  ["text"," "],
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+  ["text"," "],
+  ["constant.numeric","1"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","and"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["constant.numeric","4"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","DF"],
+  ["text",",  "],
+  ["identifier","p"],
+  ["keyword.operator","-"],
+  ["identifier","value"],
+  ["keyword.operator",":"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["constant.numeric","0.000662"]
+   "start",
+  ["text"," "]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword.operator",">"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","par"],
+  ["paren.keyword.operator","("],
+  ["identifier","mfrow"],
+  ["keyword.operator","="],
+  ["identifier","c"],
+  ["paren.keyword.operator","("],
+  ["constant.numeric","2"],
+  ["text",", "],
+  ["constant.numeric","2"],
+  ["paren.keyword.operator","))"],
+  ["text","     "],
+  ["comment","# Request 2x2 plot layout"]
+   "start",
+  ["keyword.operator",">"],
+  ["text"," "],
+  ["identifier","plot"],
+  ["paren.keyword.operator","("],
+  ["identifier","lm_1"],
+  ["paren.keyword.operator",")"],
+  ["text","             "],
+  ["comment","# Diagnostic plot of regression model"]
\ No newline at end of file