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Posted to by Sara Khanchi <> on 2010/07/20 12:22:14 UTC

how to make spamassassin work with ipfw?

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to make SpamAssassin work with ipfw on freebsd 8.0. I've just got confused with spamd/spamc pair and spamassassin! Are these two the same with just different modes of running?
I want to forward mails to SpamAssassin using ipfw fw rules and then deny spams or change their header to show it is a spam and then send ham mails and marked spams to their original recipients. 
Can I do all these works with spamassassin? or spamassassin is just the tool to tag the spam and should be associated with other tools to deliver the mail or reject it?!

Any comment would be appreciated.


Re: how to make spamassassin work with ipfw?

Posted by Emin Akbulut <>.
Spamassassin is just a tool to check a message's 'spam score'.
Then you decide the message is spam or not, ie. if the score
is greater than value x the message is considered as spam.

spamassassin.exe is standalone version of SA. Usage:
spamassassin < input.eml  > output.eml

Now you got the message with spam score: output.eml

If your mail server is busy then you may also try client/server
version of SA: spamc.exe & spamd.exe.  spamD (D for Daemon)
always runs and waits for new connections by spamC (C for client)

spamc < input.eml  > output.eml

Same, huh? But message process time is way faster.

Now you have to examine output.eml; here you need a 3rd party
application that decides if output.eml is spam or clean. You may
mark the message as spam, delete it or quarantine it. SA is not
a spam gateway alone. Your mail server must support this
mechanism too, personnally I don't know too much about ipfw,
but it's a firewall solution at all. You cannot forward messages
to SA, you can only ask for spam score then get the message

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 1:22 PM, Sara Khanchi <>wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I'm trying to make SpamAssassin work with ipfw on freebsd 8.0. I've just
> got confused with spamd/spamc pair and spamassassin! Are these two the same
> with just different modes of running?
> I want to forward mails to SpamAssassin using ipfw fw rules and then deny
> spams or change their header to show it is a spam and then send ham mails
> and marked spams to their original recipients.
> Can I do all these works with spamassassin? or spamassassin is just the
> tool to tag the spam and should be associated with other tools to deliver
> the mail or reject it?!
> Any comment would be appreciated.

Re: how to make spamassassin work with ipfw?

Posted by Karsten Bräckelmann <>.
On Tue, 2010-07-20 at 03:22 -0700, Sara Khanchi wrote:
> I've just got confused with spamd/spamc pair and spamassassin! Are
> these two the same with just different modes of running?

Basically, yes. The client / server solution (spamc and spamd) should be
used instead of the plain spamassassin script, because it processes
messages much faster -- no Perl process start-up and rule compilation
penalty for each message.

> I want to forward mails to SpamAssassin using ipfw fw rules and then
> deny spams or change their header to show it is a spam and then send
> ham mails and marked spams to their original recipients. 

This is not possible. IPFW is a firewall. It doesn't talk SMTP, so it
cannot accept or forward *mail*. IPFW doesn't even operate on the OSI
layer required...

> Can I do all these works with spamassassin? or spamassassin is just the
> tool to tag the spam and should be associated with other tools to
> deliver the mail or reject it?!

Neither SA nor IPFW can reject messages. Your MTA can.

SA is a mail filter, that can score messages, identify spam and add
headers with the result. You will need an MTA for anything else, that
glues in SA as a filter.

I recommend you start here, in particular about how to use and integrate
SA with your MTA.

char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0.@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

Re: how to make spamassassin work with ipfw?

Posted by Daniel O'Connor <>.
On 20/07/2010, at 19:52, Sara Khanchi wrote:
> I'm trying to make SpamAssassin work with ipfw on freebsd 8.0. I've just got confused with spamd/spamc pair and spamassassin! Are these two the same with just different modes of running?
> I want to forward mails to SpamAssassin using ipfw fw rules and then deny spams or change their header to show it is a spam and then send ham mails and marked spams to their original recipients. 
> Can I do all these works with spamassassin? or spamassassin is just the tool to tag the spam and should be associated with other tools to deliver the mail or reject it?!

You might be confusing /usr/ports/mail/spamd with SA.

SA doesn't run via ipfw, however you can hook it up using MIMEDefang or similar.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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